PCB Help

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PCB Layout Help

© 2021 Nowarm Software

PCB Layout Help

© 2021 Nowarm Software

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
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While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and
the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused
directly or indirectly by this document.

Printed: May 2021 in (whereever you are located)

Contents 3

Table of Contents
Foreword 0

Part I Package Overview 10

1 Introducing
DipTrace 10
2 Formats
................................................................................................................................... 12
3 DipTrace
on the Web 13

Part II PCB Layout 16

1 User interface
................................................................................................................................... 16
Main w indow .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Toolbars .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Place Com ponent..........................................................................................................................................................
panel 21
Design Manager .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Status Bar .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Main m enu .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
File ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
View ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Objects ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Placement ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Route ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
High Speed......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Verification......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Library ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Tools ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Help ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Object subm enus.......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Component......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Pad ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Via ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Mounting Hole
......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Fiducial ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Net ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
pair 38
Shape ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Text ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Picture ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Table ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Copper pour ......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Dimensions......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Modes of operation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Hotkeys .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
2 Working
with files 47
Create a circuit
board 47
Open PCB .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Save PCB .......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Update PCB from
schem atic 48

4 PCB Layout Help

Im port .......................................................................................................................................................... 49
DipTrace ASCII ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
DXF ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Gerber ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
N/C Drill (Excellon)
......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Altium ASCII ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Eagle PCB ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
P-CAD ASCII ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
P-CAD PDIF ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
PADS ASCII .........................................................................................................................................................
2005 54
OrCAD Min.........................................................................................................................................................
Interchange 54
SES 54
Netlist ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
3DS, STEP,.........................................................................................................................................................
KiCAD ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Export .......................................................................................................................................................... 56
DipTrace ASCII ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
DXF ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Gerber RS-274X ......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Drill symbols RS-274X ......................................................................................................................................... 59
Gerber X2......................................................................................................................................................... 60
N/C Drill (Excellon)
......................................................................................................................................................... 61
ODB++ ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
IPC-D-356A......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Mach 2/3 Drill ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
OrCAD TAP .........................................................................................................................................................
Drill 65
Bill of Materials
......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Pick and Place ......................................................................................................................................................... 69
P-CAD ASCII ......................................................................................................................................................... 71
PADS ASCII .........................................................................................................................................................
2005 71
OrCAD Min.........................................................................................................................................................
Interchange 71
DSN 72
3D PCB model ......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Eagle XML......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Order PCB......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Layout inform..........................................................................................................................................................
ation 73
Panelizing .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
3 Working
with libraries 77
Review .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Library groups
.......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Library setup.......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Search patterns
.......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Search at SnapEDA
.......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Save com ponent
as a library 81
4 View ...................................................................................................................................
functions 81
Toolbars .......................................................................................................................................................... 81
.......................................................................................................................................................... 82
.......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Ratlines .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Net highlight and
color 83
Com ponent m..........................................................................................................................................................
arkings 84
Assem bly Layer
.......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Jum per w ires.......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Contents 5

Pad num bers.......................................................................................................................................................... 85

Grid .......................................................................................................................................................... 86
Origin .......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Titles .......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Mirror design.......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Measurem ent..........................................................................................................................................................
units 87
Line w idth .......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Graphics m ode
.......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Precision .......................................................................................................................................................... 89
Colors .......................................................................................................................................................... 89
5 Objects
................................................................................................................................... 90
Com ponent .......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Place component
......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Replace Component
......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Create pattern
......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Properties ......................................................................................................................................................... 94
RefDes renumbering
......................................................................................................................................................... 97
Standard Pad .........................................................................................................................................................
properties 98
Pad thermal.........................................................................................................................................................
settings 100
Pad teardrops
......................................................................................................................................................... 101
Pad mask.........................................................................................................................................................
and paste 102
Net .......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Net classes......................................................................................................................................................... 104
Create net ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
Routing traces
......................................................................................................................................................... 106
Editing traces
......................................................................................................................................................... 111
Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 113
Teardrops......................................................................................................................................................... 114
Length matching
......................................................................................................................................................... 115
Signal delay
......................................................................................................................................................... 117
Trace vias ......................................................................................................................................................... 118
Via .......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Via styles......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Placing vias
......................................................................................................................................................... 120
Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 120
Convert trace
via to static 121
Thermal settings
......................................................................................................................................................... 121
Teardrops......................................................................................................................................................... 122
Mask and.........................................................................................................................................................
paste settings 123
Differential pair
.......................................................................................................................................................... 124
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 124
Create differential
pair 125
Route differential
pair 126
Neck differential
pair 128
Edit differential
pair 128
Phase tuning
......................................................................................................................................................... 129
Signal delay
......................................................................................................................................................... 130
Remove differential
pair 131
Define paired
pads 132
Diff pair properties
......................................................................................................................................................... 133
Pair Manager 134

6 PCB Layout Help

Shape .......................................................................................................................................................... 135

Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 135
Create ......................................................................................................................................................... 136
Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 137
Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 137
Line ......................................................................................................................................... 137
Arc ......................................................................................................................................... 138
Rectangle/ Filled.........................................................................................................................................
Rectangle 139
Obround/ Filled .........................................................................................................................................
Obround 140
Polyline/ Polygon ......................................................................................................................................... 141
Text .......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 142
Create ......................................................................................................................................................... 142
Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 142
Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 143
Picture .......................................................................................................................................................... 145
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 145
Create ......................................................................................................................................................... 145
Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 146
Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 147
Table .......................................................................................................................................................... 148
Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 148
Create ......................................................................................................................................................... 148
Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 149
Properties......................................................................................................................................................... 150
Saving to.........................................................................................................................................................
the file 150
Copper pour.......................................................................................................................................................... 151
Board .......................................................................................................................................................... 153
Board cutout.......................................................................................................................................................... 154
Group .......................................................................................................................................................... 154
Pad (single) .......................................................................................................................................................... 154
Mounting hole .......................................................................................................................................................... 155
Fiducial .......................................................................................................................................................... 155
Dim ensions .......................................................................................................................................................... 156
Search layout ..........................................................................................................................................................
objects 157
6 Editing
objects 157
Selecting objects
.......................................................................................................................................................... 157
General functions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 158
Undo/Redo function
.......................................................................................................................................................... 159
Undo/Redo Zoom
.......................................................................................................................................................... 159
objects 159
Aligning objects
.......................................................................................................................................................... 160
Lock/Unlock ..........................................................................................................................................................
objects 160
7 Placement
................................................................................................................................... 161
Arrangem ent.......................................................................................................................................................... 161
Placem ent by
List 161
ent 162
Placem ent setup
.......................................................................................................................................................... 162
8 Routing
................................................................................................................................... 163
Routing steps.......................................................................................................................................................... 163
Adding ratlines
.......................................................................................................................................................... 163
Connection Manager
.......................................................................................................................................................... 164
Route setup.......................................................................................................................................................... 165
Contents 7

Trace tem plates

.......................................................................................................................................................... 166
Routing traces
.......................................................................................................................................................... 167
Editing traces
.......................................................................................................................................................... 171
Routing differential
pairs 173
Editing differential
pairs 174
Measuring trace
length 176
Length m atching
.......................................................................................................................................................... 176
Fanout .......................................................................................................................................................... 179
Autorouting .......................................................................................................................................................... 180
Grid Router
......................................................................................................................................................... 181
Review ......................................................................................................................................... 181
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 181
Shape Router
......................................................................................................................................................... 183
Review ......................................................................................................................................... 183
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 184
integration 185
Hierarchy blocks
.......................................................................................................................................................... 186
9 Verification
................................................................................................................................... 187
Check design..........................................................................................................................................................
rules 187
Check net connectivity
.......................................................................................................................................................... 189
Com pare to ..........................................................................................................................................................
schem atic 190
10 Working
with layers 190
Review .......................................................................................................................................................... 190
Layer properties
.......................................................................................................................................................... 193
Display m odes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 194
Layer stackup
.......................................................................................................................................................... 194
11 Printing,
Sheet Setup 197
Printing .......................................................................................................................................................... 197
Preview .......................................................................................................................................................... 197
Titles and sheet
setup 199
Title Block Editor
.......................................................................................................................................................... 200
12 3D preview
& export 201
3D PCB preview
.......................................................................................................................................................... 201
3D export .......................................................................................................................................................... 203
Attach a 3D m
odel 203
3D m odel search
.......................................................................................................................................................... 206

Index 0


10 PCB Layout Help

1 Package Overview

1.1 Introducing DipTrace

DipTrace PCB Design Environment includes four program modules:

1. PCB Layout – PCB design with easy-to-use manual routing tools, high-speed and differential pair
nets, shape-based autorouter, advanced verification procedures, 3D Preview with STEP export and
manufacturing output.

2. Schematic – create multi-sheet and multi-level hierarchical schematic and convert it to PCB.

3. Pattern Editor – create package footprints (patterns) and attach 3D models.

4. Component Editor – draw schematic symbols and attach patterns, thus creating new components.

DipTrace provides the following features:

Easy-to-learn user interface

No need for extensive learning, intuitive, unified and easy-to-use. Select and place components on the
schematic and connect them together visually and logically (wires and buses). Software modules are
integrated parts of a single working environment. Cross-module library management, Convert schematic
to PCB, Update PCB from schematic and back annotate. Various highlight options, customizable
hotkeys, as well as a step-by-step tutorial, allow the user to get started.

Smart manual and powerful automatic routing

DipTrace software includes two automatic routers: Grid Router (for simple projects with jumper wires)
and Shape Router – a modern shape-based automatic router with a wide range of settings and features.
DipTrace Shape Router is one of the best on the market today.

Intelligent manual routing tools allow the designer to create and edit tracks by 90-, 45-, 30-, 15-degree
angles or without limitations, different routing modes and track segments, smart highlight and panning
options, length matching tools. Through, blind or buried vias support. Unlimited board size. Real-time
DRC reports errors before actually making them.

Multi-sheet and multi-level hierarchical circuit

The Schematic module has multi-sheet and multi-level hierarchical structure. These features allow for
easy and convenient design. Each sheet of the schematic can be converted to hierarchy block. Blocks
can be inserted into the main sheet and into each other. PCB Layout allows the user to group
components to blocks directly on the circuit board and automatically apply placement and routing from
one block to another.

High-speed signals and Differential pairs

Length-matching rules and convenient meanders for high-speed nets and buses. Create and edit
differential pairs for low-noise high-speed connections. Double or single-track routing, phase tune, and
advanced routing constraints.
Package Overview 11

Smart project structure

Create and adjust layers, Net classes, Via styles, Class-to-Class Rules, different templates, and design
rules. This allows for smart management not only inside one project but also for different projects.

Advanced verification procedures

Schematic and PCB design modules have various verification procedures that help to control project
accuracy on different design stages: ERC in the Schematic shows possible errors in pin connections
and allows the designer to correct errors step-by-step. DRC verification in the PCB Layout module
checks clearances between the design objects, differential pair parameters and minimum sizes of tracks
and drills. Real-time DRC verifies each user's action in real time and shows errors while routing the
traces, moving or editing objects. Errors are displayed graphically and can be fixed easily. Net
Connectivity Check verifies if all nets of the PCB are electrically connected. This feature uses traces,
copper pour areas, and shapes to control connectivity and reports broken and merged nets with area
details. Comparing to Schematic verifies if routed circuit board is identical to the source schematic.

Import/Export features

Exchange schematics, layouts, and libraries (DXF, Altium, Eagle, P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD, KiCAD).
DipTrace supports netlists of Accel, Allegro, Mentor, PADS, P-CAD, Protel and Tango formats. Import/
Export STEP/IGES, VRML and 3DS files.

Manufacturing output

DipTrace provides comprehensive control over the stack of PCB layers and allows for ODB++, Gerber
RS-274X/Gerber X2, and Excellon N/C Drill export. These file formats are the most popular among PCB
manufacturers all over the world. Manufacturing export supports TrueType fonts, Unicode symbols, and
raster images. IPC-D-356A electrical test netlist and DXF exports are available. DXF file can serve as an
intermediate format to get the G-Code for CNC drilling machines (milling method).

Real-time 3D PCB preview with STEP/IGES and VRML 2.0 export

In the 3D preview module, you can rotate the circuit board in three axes, zoom in and out in real time
and adjust color settings. DipTrace supports *.wrl, *.step, *.iges and *.3ds files as component models.
More than 7,500 3D models are available for free. STEP and VRML export allows for quick and reliable
exchange with mechanical CAD programs.

Simulation (SPICE)

Schematic Capture and Component Editor allows the user to specify SPICE settings or attach SPICE
models to components. When a circuit is done, you can export the *.cir netlist of the schematic to LT
Spice or another simulation software.

Cross-module library management

DipTrace has two separate software modules to manage component libraries: Component Editor and
Pattern Editor. All libraries are sorted by standard, custom and auto-generated library groups for
comfortable design. The software instantly updates any changes in the library structure made in any of
12 PCB Layout Help

the software modules.

Standard component libraries

DipTrace package includes component and pattern libraries with 170,000+ components from different

1.2 Formats

DipTrace package has four specific file formats:

1. PCB Design (*.dip) – can be created with PCB Layout module. It contains information about patterns
(footprints), nets, traces, board, layers, shapes, texts, etc.

2. Schematic (*.dch) – can be created with Schematic module and opened in the PCB Layout. It
contains information about components, wires, buses, shapes and schematic sheets. PCB Layout
opens a schematic file as component footprints (patterns) and logic connections between the pads.

3. Pattern library (*.lib) – can be created with Pattern Editor and opened with PCB Layout to place
patterns, with Component Editor and Schematic – to attach patterns to components and with Pattern
Editor – to create and edit patterns.

4. Component library (*.eli) – can be created with Component Editor. These files can be opened in the
Schematic and PCB Layout to place components on the design/principal circuit.

Supported file formats:

1. DipTrace ASCII – universal DipTrace text data format.

2. Netlist – import/export of different netlist formats.
3. Autorouter DSN and Autorouter SES – Electra/Specctra data exchange formats for external
4. Gerber RS–274X/Gerber X2 – export/import in the PCB Layout.
5. N/C Drill – export and import in the PCB Layout module.
6. ODB++ – export from the PCB Layout.
7. IPC-D-356A – export from the PCB Layout.
8. Mach 2/3 Drill G-code – export from the PCB Layout.
9. DXF – export from the PCB Layout and Schematic/import to PCB Layout and Pattern Editor.
10. Pick and Place – export from the PCB Layout.
11. P-CAD ASCII – export/import in the PCB Layout and Schematic, import in Component and Pattern
12. P-CAD PDIF – import in the PCB Layout and Schematic.
13. PADS ASCII – export/import in the PCB Layout, import in Schematic, Component and Patterns
14. Altium ASCII – import in all DipTrace modules.
15. OrCAD MIN Interchange – export/import in the PCB Layout.
16. OrCAD EDIF Schematic – import in the Schematic.
17. OrCad TAP Drill – export from the PCB Layout.
18. KiCAD - import in Schematic, PCB Layout, Component and Pattern Editors.
19. EAGLE XML – import/ export files in Schematic, PCB Layout, Component and Pattern Editors.
20. EAGLE Script – import in Component Editor and Pattern Editors (via ULP and script files, available
in the "DipTrace\Utils" folder).
Package Overview 13

21. BSDL – import in the Component Editor.

22. IGES – import 3D models in the PCB Layout and Pattern Editor.
23. STEP – export/import in the PCB Layout, import in Pattern Editor (3D models).
24. VRML 2.0 – export/import in the PCB Layout, import in the Pattern Editor (3D models).
25. 3DS – import 3D models in the PCB Layout and Pattern Editor.

1.3 DipTrace on the Web

DipTrace official website: https://diptrace.com/

Order DipTrace: https://diptrace.com/buy/online-store/

Tutorial: https://www.diptrace.com/books/tutorial.pdf

Technical Support email: support@diptrace.com

Sales email: sales@diptrace.com

Forum: http://www.diptrace.com/forum

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DipTrace/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsShjGMkGNkPBSTEVjZMn3Q


16 PCB Layout Help

2 PCB Layout

2.1 User interface

2.1.1 Main window

DipTrace PCB Layout main window includes the design area, main menu, toolbars, the Component
Placement panel, Design Manager with layers/objects/properties panel, and the status bar at the bottom
(hint area and cursor coordinates).

You can place and edit different objects (components, ratlines, traces, copper pours, shapes, tables,
etc.) on the design area.

The main menu provides access to all common program features. Main menu: File, Edit, View, Objects,
Placement, Route, High Speed, Verification, Library, Tools, Help.

Other interface elements:

Standard Toolbar – tools to work with files, cut/copy/paste objects, print, preview and configure titles,
launch 3D Preview, change scale and grid size.

Elements Toolbar – tools to switch to the default mode, the ruler tool, change origin, apply search
filters, select component placement side of the board, create ratlines, pads, vias, mounting holes,
copper pours, board outline, dimensions, and tables.

Route Toolbar – tools to create and edit traces, run and set up the autorouters, check design rules,
select current signal layer.

Drawing Toolbar – tools to draw shapes and polygons, place texts and images.
PCB Layout 17

Placement Toolbar – arrange components and auto-placement tools.

High Speed Toolbar – define and edit differential pairs, add meanders, and phase tune tool.

Place Component (Library Manager) – work with libraries and components. Library groups, library
tools, search filters, pattern preview. Search and place components on the design area.

Layers/Objects/Properties panel – (active tab depends on selected object/tool/mode).

Layers tab – work with layers (show/hide, add/delete/edit, change stack position and color) and change
layer display mode;
Objects tab – show/hide different objects on the design area and block certain objects from being
Properties tab – edit properties of selected tool/object.

Design Manager – navigates the user around the layout. Left-click in the list of components or nets to
highlights object on the design area, double click to pan to selected component/net.

Status Bar shows (left to right) the current hint, mode, view, snap to grid status and cursor coordinates.

2.1.2 Toolbars

DipTrace PCB Layout has six toolbars, the Place Component panel, and Design Manager:

Standard toolbar

New – create a new layout. If current project has unsaved changes, DipTrace will offer to save it. PCB
Layout can open one project at a time. If you would like to open several layouts, for example, to copy
objects between them, just run several instances of DipTrace PCB Layout.

Open – open existing layout (*.dip) or schematic (*.dch) file.

Save – save current layout. If current project has unsaved changes, DipTrace will offer to save it. The
program saves changes into the previously selected file. This tool is active only if there is unsaved

Print – print the current layout. We recommend printing from the Preview panel. Sheet settings and
titles are set in the Titles and Sheet Setup dialog box.

Preview – print preview dialog box.

Titles and Sheet Setup – open Titles and Sheet Setup dialog box to select sheet size and orientation,
border margins, titles, zones, open the Title Block Editor, etc.

3D Preview – preview the circuit board in three dimensions (3D component models for patterns should
be downloaded and connected to the patterns). Configure the folders with 3D models using the "Tools \
3D Preview \ Patterns and Models Search..." main menu item.
18 PCB Layout Help

Panelizing – open Panelizing dialog box to configure panelization of the current layout with V-scoring or
Tab Routing options.

Cut – move selected object/s to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected object/s.

Paste – paste object/s from the clipboard.

Undo – one editing step backward.

Redo – one editing step forward. This tool is active only after using the Undo tool. If you edit a layout
after using the Undo tool, the Redo tool becomes inactive.

Zoom Window – set current scale and pan layout to defined area.

Zoom Extents – set current scale and pan layout to show all objects.

Undo Zoom – return to the previous scale and panning.

Scale – define the layout scale (from 25% to 800% or type in a new value). Changing the scale is
possible with the mouse wheel, Plus sign (+) and Minus sign (-) hotkeys or from the main menu.

Grid Size – select current grid size from the drop-down list or type in a new value.

Route toolbar

Route Manual – draw traces manually.

Edit Traces – edit existing traces with respect to 90- and 45-degree angles. It is activated automatically
when you try to edit traces in the Default mode.

Free Edit Traces – edit existing traces by moving nodes and lines anywhere, no restrictions.

Route Setup – set the trace width and clearance of Default net class, default via style dimensions and
copper to board clearance. Set up manual routing settings in the corresponding tab.

Run Autorouter – launch autorouter.

Autorouter Setup – set up current autorouter.

Check Design – verify a current design, verification reports various types of errors (crossed traces, small
clearances, size, and differential pair routing violations, etc.). Errors are shown with red or magenta
circles and red arrows directly on the design area and in the error list. The list of errors appears in the
upper-right, you can navigate the layout and fix errors step-by-step. It also shows where to setup design

Design Rules – set up the design rules. Launch and set up the real-time DRC in this dialog box (the
PCB Layout 19

same rules as for regular DRC apply).

Current Signal/Plane Layer – drop-down list to select current signal/plane layer.

Elements toolbar

Default Mode – enable the default mode (activated with Esc key or right-click on the blank spot on the
design area).

Measure (Ruler) – measure spacings and sizes while designing a PCB. Click on the start point and
move the mouse cursor to the end point. The length is shown in the lower-left corner of the screen, in the
hint area.

Define Origin – define the design origin visually with the mouse pointer.

Place Component – component placement dialog box.

Component Placement Side (drop-down menu) – select a side of the circuit board where to place

Find Component – search filters dialog box.

Place Ratline – create a logical connection (ratline) between two pads by left clicking them.

Place Pad – place a separate pad on the design area.

Place Static Via – place static via. Select current via style on the Properties tab.

Place Mounting Hole – place a mounting hole on the design area. Default hole dimensions are set in
the Properties tab on the Design Manager when Place Mounting Hole tool is active.

Pads and Mounting Holes can be parts of patterns as well as separate objects.

Place Fiducial – place a fiducial on the design area.

Place Copper Pour – draw the copper pour polygon on the current signal/plane layer.

Place Board Outline – place the board outline polygon.

Place Dimension – place horizontal, vertical, free, radial dimensions and pointers from the pop-up

Place Table – place table on the layout. Table are usually in assembly or silk layers.

Placement Toolbar
20 PCB Layout Help

Arrange Components – place all components next to the board outline (inside or outside it). It's not a
component placement. This feature is used after converting from Schematic to arrange chaotic location
of components, just to make layout easy to navigate.

Run Auto-placement – place all unlocked components with optimization by connection length.
DipTrace tries to find the best places for each component in order to make routing as easy as possible.

Auto-Place Selected – auto-place selected components only.

Placement Setup – the placement setup dialog box. Change auto-placement accuracy, spacings and
other parameters.

Drawing Toolbar

Place Shape – Line, Arc, Rectangle, Filled Rectangle, Ellipse, Filled Ellipse, Polyline, Filled Polygon.

Place Text – place text directly on the design area.

Place Image – place an image from the file directly on the design area.

Layer drop-down list – select the circuit board layer where you want to draw shapes. Notice that you
can change the layer for the objects that are already on the board with the right-click submenu.

High Speed Toolbar

Define Differential Pair – create a differential pair (define positive and negative nets of the pair, change
color, net class, and review a pair properties).

Edit Single Track of a Pair – move/edit only a single track of a differential pair with respect to 45- and
90-degree angles. The second track does not move, like if it was edited with the regular trace edit tool.

Free edit single track of a Pair – move/edit only a single track of a differential pair without any
constraints. The second track does not move like if it was edited with regular free edit tool.

Add Meander apply meanders to copper traces on the design area for length matching.

Phase Tune – calculate phase shift between the tracks of a differential pair and apply custom and auto-
sized meanders to compensate it.
PCB Layout 21

2.1.3 Place Component panel

Component placement panel allows the designer to find and place components on
the design area. This panel consists of two lists, several buttons and a preview
field below. To adjust the width of the Place Component panel, hover the mouse
pointer over its edge, then drag and drop it. To resize the panel using preset
parameters, right-click on it and select preferred option (Small, Medium, Large) or
customize the width.

Library list

Select library from the list and all components from the library will be available in
the component list right below.

<Current Library Group> – shows current library

group and allows the designer to change it. Default library groups: Components,
Patterns, User Components, User Patterns, and Project Libraries (auto-generated
Design Cache library).

Library Setup – add/delete libraries to/from the library groups, add/delete library

– all necessary library management instruments:

Copy Library to another group, Open Library in Component Editor, Add Library to
Group, Add project libraries from another project, Save Design Cache as library,
Clear Design Cache, Remove certain components from the Design Cache, and
Clear Design Cache. Available options depend on selected library group.

– shows the state (ON/OFF) and allows the user to

setup library filters. Search results can be simultaneously filtered by component
name, RefDes, Value, Pattern, Manufacturer, etc. The components are added to
search results in real-time as searching is going on. You can stop the Filter at
any moment. Searching by the entered parameters can be redirected to the
SnapEDA libraries.

Component list

All components of the selected library. Select component from the list and place
directly on the design area. Preview box shows the pattern of selected

Hide the Place Component panel by pressing the small arrow near the at the

More information in the Library Setup section.

22 PCB Layout Help

– check component price and availability of the selected component

from a featured supplier or all suppliers from Octopart catalog.

2.1.4 Design Manager

This panel is on the right side of the screen. To display/hide the Design Manager, select "View \
Toolbars \ Design Manager" from the main menu or press Ctrl+2 hotkeys by default.

There are three tabs in the upper part of the Design Manager.

Layers tab – change and manage board layers (add/move/delete/hide layers, change settings and layer
display mode). Blue check marks – show/hide the layer, color rectangle – change the layer color.
Double-click on the layer name to make this layer active.

Objects tab – show/hide different objects on the design area and block certain objects from being

Properties tab – editable properties of selected tool/object.

Right below is the Design Manager, it allows the designer to navigate through the layout. Press

button to see the list of components, and press button to see the list of nets. Select component or
net in the list, and all pins of selected object will appear in the list right below. Left-click in that list to
highlight an object, or double-click it in the list to pan the design area to selected object. You can right-
click on any component, net or pint in the list to open its submenu.
PCB Layout 23

To adjust the width of the Design Manager panel, hover the mouse pointer over its edge, then drag and
drop it.

2.1.5 Status Bar

Status bar is located in the bottommost part of the PCB Layout window.

It shows the following information:

Hint - depending on the selected option, displays standard or detailed pop-up hint (containing pad/via/
hole dimensions, trace length) for the objects on the design area.
Mode - shows the current mode (Default, Route Manual, Edit Traces, etc.).
View - the current view (Normal, Mirror).
Grid Snap - the current Snap to Grid (link PCB Layout > View functions > Grid) status.
X, Y - coordinates of the current position of the cursor or selected element.

2.1.6 Main menu File

New – create a new layout. If current project has unsaved changes, DipTrace will offer to save it. PCB
Layout can open one project at a time. If you would like to open several layouts, for example, to copy
objects between them, just run several instances of DipTrace PCB Layout.

Open – open existing layout (*.dip) or schematic (*.dch) file.

Open Recent – open 5 last layout projects.

24 PCB Layout Help

Save – save current layout. If the project has never been saved, specify the file name in the pop-up
dialog box, otherwise the project is automatically saved into the file. This tool is active only if a current
layout has unsaved changes.

Save as – save layout into selected file.

Save Selected As – save selected objects into the file.

Import – import layout or its part from DipTrace ASCII, DXF, Gerber, N/C Drill, Altium, Eagle XML, P-
CAD ASCII, P-CAD PDIF, PADS ASCII, OrCAD Min Interchange, Autorouter SES as well as netlists
from Accel, Allegro, Mentor, OrCAD, PADS, PCAD, KiCAD, Protel 2.0 and Tango formats.

Export – export layout to DipTrace ASCII, DXF, Gerber, Gerber X2, N/C Drill, ODB++, IPC-D-356A, Bill
of Materials, Pick and Place, Mach 2/3 Drill, OrCAD TAP Drill, P-CAD ASCII, PADS PCB ASCII, OrCAD
Min Interchange, Eagle XML and Autorouter DSN formats.

Order PCB – order PCB manufacturing with Bay Area Circuits (California), delivery to your address
(USA only).

Titles and Sheet Setup – Titles and Sheet Setup dialog box to set sheet size and orientation, border
margins, titles, zones, and open the Title Block Editor.

Preview – preview and customize printing options (size, scale, colors, etc.) before printing.

Print – print current design. We recommend to print from the Print Preview panel. Sheet settings and
titles are set in the Titles and Sheet Setup dialog box.

Layout Information – general information about the circuit board: current and a maximum number of
pins, patterns, nets, vias, jumpers, holes, layers, routed nets, a length of traces, board width, height,
total board area, and related schematic.

Renew Layout from Schematic – update layout from the source schematic file, new patterns and nets
are added without damage to the layout.

Recover Board – recover the latest project. Use this feature when the program was incorrectly closed
or the project was not saved for some reason. Recovery file is saved automatically every 10 steps.

Recovery Options – configure the recovery options: turn ON/OFF recovery and change number of steps
to record.

Exit – close the PCB Layout. If current project has unsaved changes, DipTrace offers to save it. Edit

Undo – one editing step backward.

Redo – one editing step forward. It is active only after Undo. If you edit the layout after using the Undo
tool, the Redo becomes inactive.

Undo/ Redo Zoom – select if to consider Zoom a separate editing step or not.
PCB Layout 25

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects.

Paste – paste objects from the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Select All – select all objects on the design area.

Edit Selection – select objects by type, layer, etc. automatically.

Find Object – find specified component or net on the layout. Search layout by full or partial RefDes,
Value or Name.

Copy Matrix – create the matrix based on selected object/s. Specify the number of rows, columns and
row/column spacings.

Keep RefDes while Pasting – keep all reference designators when pasting another layout. Select this
option if panelizing different layouts on a single board.

Rotate – rotate selected objects 90 degrees counter-clockwise. If objects form a group, they have a
common center of rotation. Otherwise, each has its own center of rotation.

Rotate Group – rotate selected objects around one common center point.

Flip Group – flip selected objects vertically and horizontally.

Align Objects – align selected objects horizontally or vertically and distribute them equally.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. This tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if at least one group is selected.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of selected object/s.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Lock Components – lock moving and editing of all components on the top or bottom side of the board.

Properties – the properties of selected objects. View

Toolbars – show/hide the toolbars.

Display Hint – select whether to show a standard or detailed pop-up hint (containing pad/via/hole
dimensions, trace length) for the objects on the design area. The hint is always displayed in the bottom-
left corner of the screen.

Place Component Preview – show component's footprint before placing it on the design area.
26 PCB Layout Help

Objects – show/hide layout objects by types. All objects (except pattern dimensions) are visible by

Ratlines – optimize, show/hide ratlines (connections).

Component Markings – configure default component markings, font, location, etc.

Move Component Texts (F10) – use this tool to move reference and other designators to desired

Component Fiducials – show/hide fiducials of the components containing them in the current project.

Add to Assembly – specify objects automatically included in Assembly layer (pads, component
silkscreen, board outline, component borders).

Jumper Wires – change the layer for the jumper wires (silkscreen, assembly, signal, or don't show
them at all).

Pad Numbers – show/hide pad numbers and change their font.

Layer Display – change the layer display mode and the contrast level between active and inactive

Mirror – mirror current board horizontally.

Flip Text Automatically – flip all texts on the bottom side of the board on the design area. This option
does not flip texts when exporting the PCB for manufacturing.

Display Titles – show/hide the titles. Sheet settings and titles are set in the Titles and Sheet Setup
dialog box.

Display Sheet – show/hide sheet contours. Sheet size is set in the Titles and Sheet Setup dialog

Scale – change the layout scale (from 25% to 800%, or type in a new value), use the mouse wheel or
Plus sign (+) and Minus sign (-) keys.

Line Width – set default line width for silk layer, component and board outline, courtyard and other
layers, tables and titles.

Colors – change PCB Layout color template and printing colors.

Graphics Mode – change the graphics mode for the design area.

Units – change measurement units (mm, mil or inches).

Precision – adjust precision rate for project values and the grid.

Display Origin – show/hide the design origin.

Define Origin – determine and origin with the mouse pointer or by coordinates.

Grid – show/hide grid.

PCB Layout 27

Snap to Grid – enable/ disable snap to grid option, when the grid is on.

Grid Size – select the grid size (standard or custom).

Y Grid Size – separate grid step for the Y axis.

Customize Grid – edit standard and custom grid sizes. Objects

Place Component – the Place Component dialog box.

Find Component – the search filters dialog box.

Search Parts at SnapEDA – search SnapEDA libraries directly from within DipTrace.

Place Ratline – create a logical connection (ratline) between two pads by left clicking them (new net
will be created).

Place Pad – place pad tool. Specify default pad type and dimensions at the Properties tab on the
Design Manager.

Place Static Via – place static via, via style is set at the Properties tab.

Place Mounting Hole – place a mounting hole on the design area. Setup default hole parameters in
the Properties tab of Layers/ Objects/ Properties panel.

Place Fiducial – place a fiducial on the design area. Set up X and Y coordinates as well as its default
parameters (copper and keepout diameters) in the Properties tab of Layers/ Objects/ Properties panel.

Place Copper Pour – place copper pour on current signal layer.

Update All Copper Pours – update all copper pours on all layers of the board.

Clear All Copper Pours – unpour all copper pours on all layers of the board.

Place Board Outline – place the board outline.

Board Points – define points of the board outline polygon (precise editing).

Delete Board – delete the board polygon.

Place Dimension – place horizontal, vertical, free, or radial dimensions and pointers which can be
exported to Gerber format.

Place Table – place table on the design area. The table can be in Assembly or Silk layers.

Place Shape – place a shape object (line, arc, rectangle, filled rectangle, ellipse, filled ellipse, polyline,
filled polygon) to selected or current layer.

Place Text – place a text object.

28 PCB Layout Help

Place Picture – place an image.

Drawing properties – change line width for new shapes and font properties for text objects. Shapes,
pictures and text objects belong to a single type of objects.

Measure (Ruler) – measure distances on the layout. Left-click in the starting point and move the mouse
pointer to the end point keeping left button pressed. The length appears in the lower-left corner of the
screen as a hint. Object's key points highlight automatically. Placement

Arrange Components – arrange all components next to the board outline (inside or outside). It's not
component placement. This feature is used to arrange chaotic layout right after converting schematic to

Placement by List – place components manually from the list sorted by RefDes. Placed components
(located inside the board outline) disappear from the list automatically.

Run Auto-placement – auto-place all unlocked components and optimize the layout according to the
length of connection lines between the pads. Works inside or outside the board outline (check Place
Components Outside the Board Outline checkbox in the Placement Setup dialog box).

Auto-place Selected – auto-place only selected components.

Placement Setup – the Placement Setup dialog box. Change placement accuracy, X/Y spacings,
and placement options. Route

Run Autorouter – launch current autorouter.

Current Autorouter – select current autorouter and some autorouting settings.

Autorouter Setup – autorouter setup dialog box.

Electra/Specctra Interface – export layout to *.dsn format and import traces and layout from the *.ses
file produced by external autorouter.

Manual Routing – manual routing tools:

Add Trace – route trace manually.

Edit Traces – edit existing traces with respect to 90 and 45 degrees angles. This mode is
activates automatically when you try to edit trace in the Default mode. Select this tool if a trace lies
under the component.

Free Edit Traces - edit existing traces by moving nodes and lines without restrictions.

Add Meander – edit existing traces by dragging and dropping, creating serpentine to increase
PCB Layout 29

trace length for length matching.

Layer Setup – the Layer Setup dialog box: add/insert/delete layers, change their properties and
rearrange them, layer stack manager. The Layers tab on the right side of the screen provides the same

Route Setup – specify default routing parameters: trace width and clearance of default net class, default
via style dimensions, and additional manual routing settings.

Via Styles – add/edit/delete via styles. Via styles host all via parameters.

Net Classes – add/edit/delete net classes. Trace width and clearance, detailed object to object
clearances by layer, trace length limits, allowed via styles, autorouting parameters and differential pair

Hierarchy – arrange components to hierarchy blocks directly on the board and apply placement and
routing from one block to another. Works if source schematic had hierarchical structure.

Teardrops – set parameters of the teardrops for thought-hole and SMD pads, vias and net T- junctions
applied to the selected or all existing objects of the layout.

Load Rules – load rules (all settings, layers, via styles, net classes, DRC constraints) from previously
saved rule file (*.rul) or another layout (*.dip).

Save Rules – save rules (all current settings, layers, via styles, net classes, DRC constraints) into the
rule file (*.rul).

Unroute Selected – unroute selected nets.

Unroute All – unroute all nets of the layout.

Connection Manager – the Connection Manager dialog box.

Trace Templates – manage (add/edit/delete/activate) trace templates.

Lock Net Structure – lock entire net structure to prevent accidental changes. High Speed

Define Differential Pair – create a differential pair (specify nets, color, and net class parameters for the

Differential Pair Manager – create new differential pairs, sort them by net classes, edit parameters of
all existing differential pairs in a single dialog box.

Define Paired Pads – specify pad pairs for each net of a differential pair. This is helpful on very rare
occasions if DipTrace terminates the differential pair on the wrong pads.

Differential Pair Tools – edit differential pair routing tools.

Edit Single Trace – edit single trace of a differential pair with respect to 45- and 90-degree
30 PCB Layout Help

Free Editing of Single Trace – edit single trace of a differential pair without any constraints.

Phase Tune – calculate phase shift between the tracks of a differential pair and apply custom
and auto-sized meanders to compensate it.

Length Matching – set length/tolerance rules, and match the length of selected traces on the circuit

Add Meander – place meanders on the design area. Verification

Check Design Rules – (DRC). This feature verifies current design according to the design rules/
constraints and reports errors (trace crossings, small clearances, small/big sizes, etc.). The list of errors
appears in the upper-right and allows the user to navigate through the layout and fix errors step-by-step.

Design Rules – specify the design rules and constraints. Turn ON and set up the Real-time DRC in this
dialog box.

Hide Errors – hide design errors.

Check Net Connectivity – verify electrical connectivity of all nets of the project. Verification reports all
isolated areas and pins. Traces, shapes, and copper pours are counted as connectors. Error description
shows broken nets (nets with more than one area (pin/pins disconnected from the rest)).

Compare to Schematic – compare current layout to the source-schematic from the specified *.dch file.
The list of differences is displayed in the upper-right corner. New patterns and nets added to the design
directly in the PCB Layout are reported as errors (if schematic and layout are not in sync). Library

Library Setup – the Library Setup dialog box allows the user to: add/delete component library groups,
add new libraries from the separate files, and delete libraries from the groups.

Copy <Library> to another group – copy selected library (selected in the list on the Component
placement panel) to another library group.

Open <Library> in Component Editor – open the current library (selected in the list on the
Component placement panel) in the Component Editor.

Open <Library> in Pattern Editor – open the current library (selected in the list on the Component
placement panel) in the Pattern Editor.

Add Library to <Library group> – add selected library to current library group.

Move <Library> to Another group – move selected library to another library group.

Remove <Library> from <Library group> – remove selected library from current library group.

Add project libraries from another project – add all libraries from another DipTrace project file.
PCB Layout 31

Save Design Cache as library – save auto-generated Design Cache library as a regular library.

Clear Design Cache – remove all components from the Design Cache library (does not change the
project itself).

Remove <Component> from the Design Cache – remove selected components from the Design
Cache library. Tools

RefDes Renumbering – arrange reference designators from the top-left of the circuit board to the
bottom-right by rows or by columns.

3D Preview – preview the circuit board in real-time 3D and export the board model to STEP and VRML
formats. 3D Models for components should be downloaded from the DipTrace website or from other
online resources. Set the folder with 3D models in the "Tools \ 3D Preview \ Patterns and Models
Search..." dialog box.

Panelizing – create several copies of the PCB on a single panel, based on defined column/row count
and spacings between the boards on the pane with V-scoring or Tab Routing options.

Component Suppliers – launch Suppliers and Prices from Octopart dialog to check prices and
availability of parts on your board from different suppliers.

Hotkey Settings – set up and change hotkeys for various dialog boxes and tools in DipTrace.

Schematics – launch DipTrace Schematic module.

Pattern Editor – launch DipTrace Pattern Editor.

Component Editor – launch DipTrace Component Editor. Help

PCB Layout Help – PCB Layout help file.

DipTrace Tutorial – DipTrace PDF step-by-step tutorial, learn how to work in DipTrace on simple

Getting Started – the Getting Started dialog box with useful software links.

Register – register your DipTrace (enter the Username and Registration key of the purchased DipTrace

Request Support – DipTrace Customer Support portal.

PCB Design Service – request affordable PCB design service from our experienced electronic
32 PCB Layout Help

DipTrace Home Page - DipTrace on the web.

About – information about current DipTrace edition and version.

2.1.7 Object submenus Component

To open this submenu, right-click on a component on the design area or in the list of components on the
Design Manager panel.

<Component RefDes> – change component reference designator. Current RefDes is a caption.

Optimize RefDes – remove empty places in the RefDes numbering array, if some components were

RefDes Renumbering – arrange reference designators from the top-left to the bottom-right of the design
by rows or by columns.

Links – open internet links from additional fields of selected component in default Internet browser.

Do Not Panelize – remove the pattern from the panelization.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Unlock Layer – unlock component side/layer (visible only if the layer is locked in the "Edit \ Lock
Components \ ..." main menu item).

Change Side – change component side (applies to all selected components).

Connect Traces – connect component pads to trace ends placed at the same grid points.

Disconnect Traces – disconnect component pads from the traces.

Route Traces – route nets connected to pads of selected component.

Unroute Traces – unroute traces connected to the pads of the selected component.

Rotate – rotate selected object 90 degrees counter-clockwise. If objects form a group, they have a
common center of rotation. Otherwise, each has its own center of rotation.

Rotate by Angle – rotation angle for selected object.

Free Rotate – visually rotate selected object to any angle with the mouse.

Hide Pad Rings in Layer – hide pad copper rings for selected components in the current signal layer.
Autorouter will not connect traces to such pads on the layer where pads are hidden.

Show Pad Rings in Layer – show pad rings for selected components in current signal layer.
PCB Layout 33

Fanout – set automatic via placement for the pads of SMD component.

Pad Signal Delay – define any additional distance that a signal propagates within a component. This
value is considered for phase tuning and length matching.

Component Fiducials – select whether to apply fiducial display mode set for the entire project -
Common State (defined via View/ Component Fiducials) or show/hide fiducial/s of the selected

Replace Component – replace the current component.

Update from Library – update pattern from the library to apply changes made in the Pattern Editor.

Save To Library – select library group and save selected pattern into a library (*.lib file).

Price and Availability – check component price and availability from a featured supplier or all the
suppliers from Octopart catalog.

Group into Component – group selected objects into a single pattern.

Ungroup Component – ungroup selected pattern to pads and shapes.

Pattern Origin – show/hide the origin of selected component.

Grid Alignment – select whether to align components By Pads or By Origin.

Snap to Grid – snap selected objects to the grid, when the grid is on, but Snap to Grid option is
disabled for the overall project.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects to a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if at least one group is selected.

3D Model – change attached 3D Model of the pattern.

Standard Pad Properties – change pad properties of the current component.

Properties – change the component properties. Pad

To open this submenu right-click on a pad on the design area or in the list of pins on the Design
Manager panel.

Pad Number – change the pad number.

34 PCB Layout Help

Net Name – change the net name (if pad belongs to any net).

Diff Pair Name – change differential pair name (if pad belongs to a differential pair)

Trace Color – change the color of the pad's trace.

Diff Pair Color – change color of the differential pair.

Add to Net – add the current pad to any net from the list or visually.

Delete from Net – delete current pad from the net.

Route Net/Diff Pair – route pad's net or two nets of a differential pair.

Unroute Net/Diff Pair – unroute net of this pad or two nets of a differential pair.

Hide Net Ratlines – show/hide ratlines (connections) of the pad's net.

Delete Net – delete the pad's net.

Remove Differential Pair – remove differential pair declaration from the nets (the nets and traces

Pad Layers – hide pad in certain layers and create blind or buried pads.

Hide Pad Ring in Layer – show/hide the pad ring in current signal layer (the hole remains in the layer).

Thermal Settings – select custom thermal settings for pads.

Teardrop – set parameters of teardrops for individual thought-hole and SMD pads or pads of the
selected component/-s.

Mask/Paste Settings – define custom paste and mask settings for the pad.

Fanout – automatic via placement for current pad or connected net.

Signal Delay – define any additional distance that a signal propagates within a component. This value
is considered for the phase tuning and length matching.

Show Trace Length – display the length of the trace directly on the design area.

Add to Length Matching – launch Length Matching tool and add connected net to the length
comparison list.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Net/Diff Pair Properties – change net properties or differential pair properties.

Define Paired Pads – define paired pads for differential pairs (on rare occasions when DipTrace
PCB Layout 35

terminates the differential pair on the wrong pads).

Pad Properties – change the pad properties. Via

Right-click on a via to open this submenu.

Via RefDes – change via's reference designator.

Net Name – change the via's net name (if via belongs to some net).

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Add to Net – add current via to any net from the list or visually with the mouse.

Delete from Net – delete current via from the net.

Hide Net Ratlines – show/hide the ratlines (connections) of current via's net.

Connection Manager – the Connection Manager dialog box.

Connect Traces – connect via to the ends of traces located in the same point of the grid.

Disconnect Traces – disconnect via from the traces.

Convert to Trace Via – convert static via to dynamic (trace) via, which is technically part of the trace.

Convert Via to Static – convert trace (dynamic) via to static.

Hide Via Ring in Layer – show/hide via ring in the current signal layer.

Thermal Settings – define custom thermal settings for the via.

Teardrop – set parameters of teardrops for individual via or vias and pads of the selected objects.

Mask / Paste Settings – individual paste and mask settings for the via.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects to a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This option is active if at least one group is selected.

Net Properties – change the net properties of the via's net.

Via Properties – change the via properties.

36 PCB Layout Help Mounting Hole

Right-click on any mounting hole to open this submenu.

<Mounting Hole RefDes> – change mounting hole reference designator. Current RefDes is a caption.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Align Objects – align selected object horizontally or vertically and distribute them equally.

Replace Component – replace the current mounting hole.

Save To Library – select library group and save selected pattern into a library (*.lib file).

Group into Component – group selected objects into a single pattern.

Snap to grid – snap selected objects to the grid, when the grid is on, but Snap to Grid option is
disabled for the overall project.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects to a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if at least one group is selected.

3D Model – change attached 3D Model of the pattern.

Properties – change hole position and diameters of the hole and keepout. Fiducial

Right-click on any fiducial to open this submenu.

<Fiducial RefDes> – change fiducial reference designator. Current RefDes is a caption.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Change Side – change fiducial side (applies to all selected components).

Align Objects – align selected object horizontally or vertically and distribute them equally.

Replace Component – replace the current fiducial.

PCB Layout 37

Save To Library – select library group and save selected pattern into a library (*.lib file).

Group into Component – group selected objects into a single pattern.

Mask/ Paste Settings – define custom paste and mask settings for the pad.

Snap to grid – snap selected objects to the grid, when the grid is on, but Snap to Grid option is
disabled for the overall project.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects to a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if at least one group is selected.

3D Model – change attached 3D Model of the pattern.

Properties – change fiducial name, position and diameters of copper and keepout. Net

To open this submenu, right-click on a net on the design area or in the list of nets on the Design
Manager panel.

<Net Name> – change the net name.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Arc – remove or create an arc from trace segments.

Add Node – add node to the trace. Use the N hotkey by default.

Delete Node – delete current node from the trace.

Segment Width – select width of the trace segment. It can be custom or set by Net Class or by a

Trace Width – select width of the trace (use net class, template or a custom value).

Net Width – select width of the net (use net class,template or a custom value).

Teardrops – set parameters of teardrops for thought-hole and SMD pads, vias and T- junctions,
belonging to the net or to all selected objects.

Segment Layer – move the current trace segment to another signal layer.
38 PCB Layout Help

Trace Layer – move the current trace to another signal layer or make it a top or bottom jumper wire.

Net Layer – move current net to another signal layer.

Trace Color – define custom color for the traces and pads.

Show Trace Length – show the length of selected trace.

Length Matching – launch Length Matching tool and add selected nets to the length comparison list or
compare just the length of selected nets.

Meander Gap – set custom or net-class gap between trace meanders.

Hide Net/Pair Ratlines – show/hide net/diff pair connections (ratlines).

Unroute Segment – unroute the trace segment.

Unroute Trace – unroute the trace.

Unroute Net – unroute selected net.

Delete Net – delete the selected net/-s.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete (Del) – delete trace; net is maintained.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. Tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. Tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.

Via Properties – via properties for current trace segment.

Net/Diff Pair Properties – net properties dialog box or differential pair properties dialog box. Differential pair

Right-click on any differential pair trace to open this submenu.

<Diff Pair Name> – change the differential pair name.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Add Node – add a node to the trace. Use the N hotkey.

Delete Node – delete the current node from the trace.

Neck Segment – neck current segment of the differential pair according to the Necking parameters set
PCB Layout 39

by the Net Class.

Remove all Necks from Pair – remove all necking from selected differential pair.

Segment Layer – move current trace segment to another signal layer.

Trace Layer – move current trace to another signal layer.

Diff Pair Layer – move differential pair traces to another signal layer.

Diff Pair Color – define a custom color for differential pair traces and pads.

Show Trace Length – show the length of differential pair traces.

Length Matching – launch Length Matching tool and add nets of the differential pair to the length
comparison list.

Meander Gap – set custom or net-class gap between trace meanders.

Hide Pair Ratlines – show/hide diff pair connections (ratlines).

Highlight Net – with this option enabled the selected net will be displayed as dotted line/ polyline/

Unroute Segment – unroute differential pair segment.

Unroute Trace – unroute differential pair traces.

Unroute Diff Pair – unroute selected diff pair.

Remove Diff Pair – remove differential pair declaration from the nets (the tracks remain).

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. The tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.

Via Properties – via properties for current trace segment.

Define Paired Pads – define paired pads for a differential pair (on rare occasions if DipTrace terminates
the differential pair on the wrong pads).

Diff Pair Properties – differential pair properties dialog box. Shape

Right-click on any shape to open this submenu.

40 PCB Layout Help

Convert to Board Outline – convert shape polygon to the board outline (available only if the shape is
placed in Board Cutout layer).

Group into Component – group selected objects into a single component.

Do Not Panelize – disable panelization of selected shape (original shape remains).

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Insert Point – insert point to the polyline or polygon.

Delete Point – delete a point from the polyline or polygon.

Rotate – rotate selected objects 90 degrees counter-clockwise. If objects form a group, they have a
common center of rotation. Otherwise, each has its own center of rotation.

Define Angle – defines rotation angle for selected object.

Free Rotate – rotate selected object/s visually with the mouse.

Cut – move selected object/s to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected object/s.

Delete – delete selected object/s.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. The tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.

Properties – change the shape properties. Text

Right-click on a text object to open this submenu.

Edit Text – change the text. Object size is changed automatically.

Font Type – choose font type for the text object (Vector, TrueType). Unicode characters are supported
in TrueType mode only.

Font – change font settings (size, text width, line width).

Do Not Panelize – disable panelization of selected shape (original shape remains).

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Rotate – rotate selected objects 90 degrees counter-clockwise. If objects form a group, they have a
PCB Layout 41

common center of rotation. Otherwise, each has its own center of rotation (anchor point). You can use R
or Space hotkeys for the same purpose.

Rotate by Angle – select a preset angle of rotation or customize it.

Free Rotate – this option allows rotating selected text object by any angle visually, with the software
displaying angle value in real time.

Snap to grid – snap selected text objects to grid, when the grid is on, but Snap to Grid option is
disabled for the overall project.

Cut – move selected object/s to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected object/s.

Delete – delete selected object/s.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. The tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.

Properties – change text properties. Picture

Right-click on a picture to open this submenu.

Do Not Panelize – disable panelization of selected picture.

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Rotate – rotate selected objects 90 degrees counter-clockwise. If objects form a group, they have a
common center of rotation. Otherwise, each has its own center of rotation (anchor point). You can use R
or Space hotkeys for the same purpose.

Rotate by Angle – select a preset angle of rotation or customize it.

Free Rotate – this option allows rotating selected object by any angle visually, with the software
displaying angle value in real time.

Snap to grid – snap selected objects to grid, when the grid is on, but Snap to Grid option is disabled
for the overall project.

Cut – move selected object/s to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected object/s.

Delete – delete selected object/s.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.
42 PCB Layout Help

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. The tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.

Properties – change the text properties. Table

Right-click on any table on the design area to open this submenu.

Name – change table name.

Current Cell – change properties of the current table cell (text, alignment, font).

Do Not Panelize – disable panelization of selected table (original table remains).

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Column Width – change column width.

Row Height – change row height.

Insert Column – insert a new column into the table.

Insert Row – insert a new row into the table.

Add Column – add a new column to the table.

Add Row – add a new row to the table.

Delete Column – delete the current column from the table.

Delete Row – delete the current row from the table.

Save to File – save table content into a separate Excel CSV or text file.

Rotate – rotate selected object/s 90 degrees counter-clockwise. If objects form a group, they have a
common center of rotation. Otherwise, each has its own center of rotation.

Snap to grid – snap selected objects to grid, when the grid is on, but Snap to Grid option is disabled
for the overall project.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. This tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.
PCB Layout 43

Properties – change table properties. Copper pour

Right-click on the copper pour border to open this submenu.

Update – update copper pour.

State – change copper pour state (poured, unpoured).

Change Layer – move selected copper pour to another PCB layer.

Do Not Panelize – disable panelization of selected copper pour (original pour remains).

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects, if they were previously locked.

Insert Point – insert point to the copper pour outline. New point's location is the location of the mouse
pointer on the outline.

Delete Point – delete the point from the copper pour outline.

Rotate – rotate the object 90 degrees counter-clockwise. You can use R or Space hotkeys for the same

Rotate by Angle – select a preset angle of rotation or customize it.

Free Rotate – this option allows rotating selected object with the mouse by any angle visually, with the
software displaying angle value in real time.

Cut – move selected objects to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected objects to the clipboard.

Delete – delete selected objects.

Group – unite all selected objects into a group. The tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if one or more groups are selected.

Properties – change the copper pour's properties. Dimensions

Right-click on the dimension to open this submenu.

Connect – connect dimension to the object's key points.

Disconnect – disconnect the dimension from the object's key points.

44 PCB Layout Help

Lock Selected – lock moving and editing of all selected objects.

Unlock Selected – unlock moving and editing of all selected objects if they were previously locked.

Cut – move selected object/s to the clipboard.

Copy – copy selected object/s.

Delete – delete selected object/s.

Group – unite objects to the group. This tool is active only if several objects are selected.

Ungroup – ungroup selected objects. This tool is active only if at least one group is selected.

Font Type – change font type to Vector or TrueType.

Font – change font settings (size, scale, line width, etc.).

Properties – change the dimension properties.

2.1.8 Modes of operation

Modes of operation in the DipTrace PCB Layout:

Basic modes

Default – is a default operational mode. It is activated on the start-up. To enable this mode from any

other mode, you need to right-click on an empty space of the design area or press on the
Elements toolbar. This mode allows the designer to select and move objects and edit existing traces
(respectively to 90- and 45-degree angles), change a size of the shapes, texts, and images, and edit the
board outline by automatically switching to necessary operational mode after clicking on the object.

Place Pattern – select component on the Component Placement panel and place it on the design area

or click button to open the Place Component dialog box and select component there.

Place Ratline – go to "Objects \ Place Ratline" from the main menu or press button on the
Elements toolbar to enable this mode. Left-click on the first pad of the net, then click the second and so
on. A new net will appear automatically as a thin blue connection line.

Place Pad, Static Via, Mounting Hole or Fiducial – select "Objects \ Place Pad," "Objects \ Place
Static Via", "Objects \ Place Mounting Hole" or or "Objects \ Place Fiducial" from the main menu or
press the corresponding buttons on the Elements toolbar to enable these modes.

Place Board Outline – select "Objects \ Place Board Outline" from the main menu or press
button on the Route toolbar. Define the board polygon points with left clicks on the design area, then
right-click, and select Enter from the submenu or hit Enter key.
PCB Layout 45

Place Copper Pour – select "Objects \ Place Copper Pour" from the main menu or press button
on the Elements toolbar. Place copper pour on current signal layer by specifying the copper polygon
points. Right-click, and select Enter from the submenu or hit Enter key when done – the Copper Pour
Properties dialog box pops up.

Place Shape – select the shape, text or picture placement tool from the main menu ("Objects \ Place
Shape, "Objects \ Place Text" or "Objects \ Place Picture") or on the Drawing toolbar.

Place Table – select "Objects \ Place Table" from the main menu or press button on the
Elements toolbar to enable this mode.

Routing modes

Route Manual – select "Route \ Manual Routing \ Add Trace" from the main menu, press button
on the Route toolbar or Tilde k ey (~) to enable this mode. Left-click on the pad or a trace segment, and
then specify the key points of the trace all the way to the terminal pad. Change the current segment,
width and other parameters on the Routing panel (left-hand side of the screen).

Edit Traces – select "Route \ Manual Routing \ Edit Traces" from the main menu or press button
on the Route toolbar. This mode allows the user to move trace segments with respect to 90- and 45-
degree angles. When applied to a differential pair, this mode allows for moving two tracks simultaneously
respecting the gap between the traces.

Free Edit Traces – select "Route \ Manual Routing \ Free Edit Traces" from the main menu or press

button on the Route toolbar to enable this mode. It allows the designer to move trace segments
and nodes without any limitations. When applied to a differential pair, this mode allows for moving two
tracks simultaneously respecting the gap between the traces.

Edit single trace of a pair ( button on the High Speed toolbar) and Free editing of a single

trace ( button on the High Speed toolbar) modes are used for editing a single track of a differential
pair. They act as Edit Traces and Free Edit Traces modes if applied to a trace that is not in a
differential pair.

Add Meander – select "High Speed \ Add Meander" from the main menu or press on the High
Speed toolbar. This mode allows for adding meanders to any traces on the design area. Phase Tune
mode is essentially the same as Add Meander mode but applied only to differential pairs.

Other modes

Move Component Markings – select "View \ Move Component Texts" from the main menu or press
the F10 key to enable this mode. It allows the designer to move component markings separately of their
components anywhere on the board. Press R or Space hotkeys to rotate the markings while moving

Free Rotate – rotate selected objects visually with the mouse pointer. Right-click on the object, and
select Free Rotate from the submenu.
46 PCB Layout Help

Place Dimension – select "Objects \ Place Dimension \ <Dimension type>" from the main menu or

press button on the Elements toolbar. The object key points are highlighted, and you can attach
dimension to any of these points, attached dimensions are automatically moved and recounted when
you move/edit the objects.
Measure – measure selected spacing while designing the PCB. To activate this mode you need to

press button on the Elements toolbar, and left-click on the start point of the spacing, and move the
cursor to the end point. The length of the spacing appears in the lower-left corner of the screen.
Define Origin – move the design origin. To activate this mode, select "View \ Define Origin \ By Mouse

Pointer" from the main menu or press button on the Elements toolbar. Then left-click on the design
area to define a new origin's point.

2.1.9 Hotkeys

DipTrace features customizable hotkeys in all software modules. To open the HotKey Settings dialog
box, proceed to "Tools \ HotKey Settings" from the main menu in any of the DipTrace modules:
Schematic, PCB Layout, Component and Pattern Editors. The designer can view or assign custom
keyboard shortcuts for various tools, actions, and dialog boxes by left clicking in the corresponding field
and pressing a keyboard combination.
PCB Layout 47

If a combination is already in use, a warning message appears. Notice that certain shortcuts are
reserved by the program and are not customizable. Press OK to apply changes. To restore default
configuration, press Set Default Hotkey Configuration button on the panel.

Hotkeys reserved by the system:

Ctrl – hold down to invert selection;
Shift – hold down to add objects to selection;
Shift + – orthogonal moving of selected objects;
mouse – select corresponding PCB layer;
1–0 – complete action;
numbers – cancel action;
Enter – move object left, pan left while routing/building;
Esc – move object right, pan right while routing/building;
Left arrow – move object up, pan up while routing/building;
Right arrow – move object down, pan down while routing/building;
Up arrow – enable disable auto-panning;
Down arrow – ON / OFF automatic check for new PCB Creator versions;
Shift + S – reserved by the system;
Shift+I – reserved by the system.
Shift+P – with a trace segment selected use Tab key to toggle between the selection of a segment,
trace and net. The function can be applied to various traces/ nets simultaneously.
Alt+any k ey

2.2 Working with files

2.2.1 Create a circuit board

Launching the program (no command prompt) creates a new board automatically. To create a new PCB
in the PCB Layout, select "File \ New" from the main menu or press the corresponding button on the
Standard toolbar. If currently opened PCB has unsaved changes, DipTrace will offer to save it.

For a new board, you can use rules (settings, layers, via styles, net classes, DRC rules etc.) of any
previously designed layout (*.dip or *.rul file). Rules can also be loaded with "Route \ Load Rules" main
menu item after placement. Just make sure you import the rules before routing the nets.

2.2.2 Open PCB

Select "File \ Open" from the main menu or press the corresponding button on the Standard toolbar, and
choose layout or schematic file (*.dip or *.dch).

When you open a schematic file, the layout of components may seem chaotic, use Arrange
Components tool.

Go to "File \ Open Recent" from the main menu to open one of the five recent files.
48 PCB Layout Help

2.2.3 Save PCB

Select "File \ Save" or "File \ Save as" from the main menu to save current project.

To save a project, select "File \ Save" from the main menu or press the corresponding button on the
Standard toolbar. If the layout has never been saved, the Save As dialog box will pop up. The user
should select a location and define the file name, all further changes will be rewritten automatically into
selected file.

You can use the Save As tool to backup project into a separate file.

If you need to save only a part of your layout, select that part and choose "File \ Save Selected As" from
the main menu.

2.2.4 Update PCB from schematic

If you made changes in the schematic, you need to update the PCB to keep schematic and layout
synchronized. In DipTrace PCB Layout select "File \ Renew Layout from Schematic" from the main
menu, and select either to renew By Components or By RefDes, then specify the schematic file.

Updating algorithm finds related components in the PCB Layout and Schematic then adds missing
components and updates the netlist. Components locked in Schematic are ignored by the algorithm.

There are two basic ways of renewing a design from a schematic:

1. By Components – DipTrace compares unique hidden identifiers of the components, which are
assigned in the Schematic. These IDs are static and hidden from the user. Component reference
designators can differ on the layout and schematic.

Notice that By Components method does not work if the principal circuit was designed in other CAD

2. By RefDes – DipTrace finds related components in the PCB layout and the Schematic by their
reference designators (RefDes). This method works even if a PCB and schematic were designed
separately in different CAD software. The reference designators should be the same in schematic and on
the board.
Notice that after the first update By RefDes, PCB hidden IDs will be assigned and further updates can
be made By Components, allowing to change the reference designators.

New components are placed to the right, next to the board outline. Existing layout and routing remain if
no changes were made.

By Related Schematic – technically it is not a different update mode, it updates layout By

Components from the related schematic. The only advantage is that you don't need to select the source
schematic file each time you update the layout. You can go to "File \ Layout Information" to view and
assign related schematic file.

Note that you can lock components added or edited directly in PCB before renewing from Schematic.
DipTrace will ask you to confirm their update based on Schematic. Press NO, if want to k eep them
PCB Layout 49

2.2.5 Import DipTrace ASCII

DipTrace allows you to save/open data in the textual DipTrace ASCII format. This format has been
developed to allow for data transferring from/to other EDA packages and for forward compatibility
between the DipTrace versions.

To import DipTrace ASCII-formatted library file, select "Library \ Import \ DipTrace ASCII" then select file,
and click OK. DXF

DipTrace allows the designer to import entire board layout or any part from DXF files.

To import DXF file, select "File \ Import \ DXF" from the main menu, and select a DXF file.

If "Import Mode: New" is selected, the software will create a new project. If "Import Mode: Add" is
set, then the software will add objects to existing layout. You need to assign each DXF layer with an
actual PCB layer. To specify DXF-to-PCB layer connections, select DXF layer, and then select proper
PCB Layer from the Convert to drop-down list. To show/hide different layers of the DXF file, click on the
50 PCB Layout Help

blue check marks in the Layers list.

Notice that DipTrace currently does not support splines in DXF files. If you have DXF import related
issues, most probably these were caused by DXF splines. Convert splines to regular polygons before
importing the DXF file in DipTrace.

Recognize pads from the DXF

DipTrace can automatically recognize objects from the DXF drawings. For example, if pad shapes are in
one DXF layer and all drills (including the mounting holes) in another DXF layer, specify "Convert to:
Pads" for the first layer, and "Convert to: All Holes" for the second layer. You will get through pads
(holes inside the pad shapes), surface pads (shapes without holes), and mounting holes (holes without

If pads, traces, and other objects are on a single DXF layer, you can automatically recognize pads, just
check Pads in Signal Layers box, then click button to specify possible shapes and sizes of
the pads.

Fill closed areas

Many DXF files require the filling of closed areas (formed by lines, arcs, polylines, rectangles, etc.).
Check Fill closed areas box, and DipTrace will recognize closed areas and convert them to filled
polygons. If you have several embedded areas (for example, characters inside pads or holes inside
closed areas), check Embedded Polygons box. In this case, an outer, 3rd, 5th, etc. embedding will be
filled, 2nd, 4th... etc. will become an empty area in the previously filled polygon.

DXF blocks can be converted to groups or components. If there are no blocks in the DXF file, you can
group pads and shapes into a component after importing them using Group into Component item from
the pad or shape submenu on the design area. Gerber

DipTrace can import files in Gerber RS-274X or Gerber X2 format. Create all respective PCB layers to
hold the Gerbers, then select "File \ Import \ Gerber" from the main menu and specify one or several
Gerber files that you want to import (DipTrace also supports multi-layer Gerbers). The following dialog
box will appear:
PCB Layout 51

The key principles of the Gerber import interface are similar to the DXF import. To the right of the Gerber
preview, there is instruments panel. If "Import Mode: New" is selected, the software will create a new
project. If "Import Mode: Add" is set, then DipTrace will add the imported layout to existing one. You
can import all or several layers (files) by checking/unchecking them in the Layers list.

Assign correct PCB layer to each Gerber file/layer that you want to import. Just select it from the
Convert to drop-down list. If there are pads in the signal layer, check Pads in signal layer box. Use
button to set possible shapes that will be considered as pads, however, default settings usually
work well.

Gerber Import can be combined with N/C Drill Import, check Add Holes from N/C Drill, and specify the
N/C drill file. The holes will also appear in the preview. Drills over pads will create through pads, and free
drills will be converted to mounting holes.

Notice that only through N/C Drill holes are supported in Gerber Import dialog box. If you need to import
blind or buried holes, please use the N/C Drill Import dialog box.

Click Import to proceed, or Cancel to reject import.

Notice that some CAD programs use negative Gerber layers. We recommend converting them to
normal/positive type before importing them into DipTrace. The corresponding tools are widely available
on the internet.
52 PCB Layout Help N/C Drill (Excellon)

To import an N/C Drill file, select "File \ Import \ N/C Drill" from the main menu, and select the file to
import. The following dialog box will pop up:

There are buttons to modify the import settings right next to the preview area. If "Import Mode: New" is
set, a new project will appear. If "Import Mode: Add" is set, then the software will add the drills to
existing layout.

Select correct PCB layers for each type of the holes. If all layers are selected, you will import through
Use Ctrl key to specify only the layers of the blind or buried holes to import them. For example, if you
have blind holes from Top layer to SIG2 layer, you need to select Top, SIG1, and SIG2 layers.
If you select only one layer, you will get through-hole pads available only in selected layer and hidden in
all other layers.

Notice that only through mounting holes (non-plated holes) are allowed.

Click Import button to complete the import or Cancel to reject it.

PCB Layout 53 Altium ASCII

DipTrace imports PCBs from the Altium ASCII (*.pcbdoc) format.

Notice that PCB should be in the ASCII format, not binary (save PCB as an ASCII file in the Altium

In the DipTrace PCB Layout select "File \ Import \ Altium ASCII" from the main menu and open Altium
ASCII PCB file. All components of an imported project are available in the auto-generated Design Cache
library in the Project Libraries library group on the Place Component panel. You can save Design
Cache as a regular pattern library directly on the Place Component panel or import component and
pattern libraries from Altium in DipTrace Component Editor and DipTrace Pattern Editor. Eagle PCB

DipTrace imports PCBs from the EAGLE format (*.brd).

Select "File \ Import \ EAGLE Board" from the main menu in the DipTrace PCB Layout, and select
EAGLE PCB file (*.brd).

All components of an imported project are available in the auto-generated Design Cache library in the
Project Libraries library group on the Place Component panel. You can save Design Cache as a
regular library directly on the Place Component panel or import component and pattern libraries from
EAGLE in DipTrace Component Editor and DipTrace Pattern Editor. P-CAD ASCII

DipTrace imports PCB layouts from the P-CAD ASCII (*.pcb) format.
Select "File \ Import \ P-CAD ASCII" from the main menu, then open a P-CAD PCB file.

Notice that the layout should be in the ASCII format, not in the P-CAD binary (both have the same
extension in P-CAD). P-CAD PDIF

PCB Layout allows the designer to import PCB files from the P-CAD PCB PDIF format.
Select "File \ Import \ P-CAD PDIF" from the main menu, then open PDIF file (*.pdf).

Notice that Adobe Acrobat PDF and PDIF are different formats with the same extension.
54 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box specify the objects to import, for example, if you don't need routed traces and
shapes, but would like to import components and the netlist to route the board in DipTrace, check
Components and Netlist boxes only. Click OK to convert PDIF file to DipTrace PCB Layout. PADS ASCII 2005

DipTrace imports layouts from the PADS ASCII 2005 (*.asc) format.
Select "File \ Import\ PADS PCB ASCII 2005" from the main menu, then open PADS PCB file.

Notice that PADS layout should be in the ASCII (.asc) format, not in the binary.

Some minor differences are possible between original PADS layout and the imported one (silkscreen,
non-signal layers, copper pours may be unpoured). Please check all these imperfections in DipTrace
before ordering the PCB manufacturing. OrCAD Min Interchange

DipTrace imports PCB layouts from the OrCAD Min Interchange format (*.min).

Select "File \ Import \ OrCAD Min Interchange" from the main menu, then open a *.min PCB file.

Notice that layout should be in the ASCII (*.min) format, not in the native binary OrCAD file.

Some minor differences are still possible between original OrCAD files and imported layouts (silkscreen
texts, non-signal layers, unpoured copper pours). Please check all these in DipTrace before
manufacturing. Autorouter SES

DipTrace allows for external automatic routing with Electra and Specctra autorouters. Export DipTrace
project to *.dsn format, route it with Electra or Specctra, and import results in the *.ses format back to
DipTrace PCB Layout.

Select "File \ Import \ Autorouter SES", and select the file created by Electra or Specctra autorouters.

It is important to keep a source *.dip file open while autorouting and importing the *.ses file. Import
PCB Layout 55

process can take several seconds, depending on the project's complexity. Do not make any changes
after you have exported DSN file and have not imported an SES file yet. Netlist

PCB Layout allows the user to import netlists from the following formats: Accel, Allegro, Mentor, OrCAD,
PADS, P-CAD, Protel, Tango. Select "File \ Import \ Netlist \ <netlist format>" and select the netlist file.
The following dialog box will pop up:

The first step is adding the pattern libraries, use Add/Delete buttons with Shift or Ctrl keys to select
several libraries. Then press Assign all Patterns by names, and DipTrace will find and attach all
patterns with the corresponding names to the components.

Check all patterns manually, use the File Components list, and preview fields right below for
inspection. The Pattern Name column shows a component pattern from the netlist, and the Pattern
column shows a respective pattern in the DipTrace library (if there is some).

Sometimes the program can not find corresponding patterns, because of the different names. In this
case, the user assigns patterns manually. Select component in the list, then select pattern from the
library, and press Attach to Component button, which allows the designer to attach patterns to
56 PCB Layout Help

components according to their RefDes, name or pattern name.

The Star symbol (*) after the name of any pattern in the list means that this pattern has been connected

Click the Import button when all components have correct patterns. 3DS, STEP, VRML, IGES

Each component of a circuit board requires a 3D model in order to properly work in DipTrace PCB
Layout 3D Preview & Export module ("Tools \ 3D Preview \ 3D Visualization" from the main menu).
DipTrace allows the designer to import externally designed 3D component models from STEP, VRML,
3DS, and IGES formats.

Go to "Tools \ 3D Preview \ Pattern and Model Search..." in order to set up the pattern search options
and define folders with 3D models for automatic model search.

Right-click on a pattern on the design area, and select 3D Model from the submenu in order to assign or
edit the attachment of a 3D model. However, we recommend assigning 3D models in the Pattern Editor. KiCAD

DipTrace imports PCBs from KiCAD format (*.kicad_pcb).

Select "File \ Import \ KiCAD board" from the main menu in the DipTrace PCB Layout, and select KiCAD
PCB file (*.kicad_pcb).

All components of an imported project are available in the auto-generated Design Cache library in the
Project Libraries library group on the Place Component panel. You can save Design Cache as a regular
library directly on the Place Component panel or import component and pattern libraries from KiCAD in
DipTrace Component Editor and DipTrace Pattern Editor.

2.2.6 Export DipTrace ASCII

DipTrace allows the user to export data to the textual DipTrace ASCII format. This format was developed
for forward compatibility.

To export layout file to DipTrace ASCII format, select "File \ Export \ DipTrace ASCII" in the DipTrace
PCB Layout, define filename, and click OK. DXF

To export a circuit board to AutoCAD DXF format, select "File \ Export \ DXF" from the main menu.
PCB Layout 57

In the pop-up dialog box, you can select PCB layers and define objects which will be included in the DXF
file. All PCB layers will become logical layers of the DXF file. Objects are saved as sets of entities.

There are two ways to export vector text: as AutoCAD text object or as polylines (Convert Vector Text
to Lines checkbox). In the second case, the text will be exactly the same as in DipTrace, but you will
not be able to edit it in AutoCAD.

Milling the PCBs

For PCB production with milling method, export Edge layer/s to the DXF (Edge_Top and/or
Edge_Bottom layers). These layers have automatically generated edges for traces. Then generate G-
code from the DXF edge polylines in special software, for example, Ace Converter, FlatCAM or other. Gerber RS-274X

To export a circuit board to Gerber RS-274X format, select "File \ Export \ Gerber" from the main menu.
58 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box, select layer and define Objects that will be included or excluded in this layer
by checking corresponding items. To preview each layer, select it, and click Preview.

Notice that settings are saved on the per-layer basis and should be defined only once (they will be
restored even after restarting the program).

Export All button allows the designer to export all layers into a zip archive or separately as well as to
add an NC Drill file to the archive.

In the Gerber Export dialog box, the user can change default solder mask swell and paste mask shrink

If you need to change names or extensions of Gerber files, press the Files button. In the pop-up dialog
box, you can also include or exclude certain layers from being exported and set file arrangement options
that are applied when you press the Export All button.

To mirror a Gerber layer, check the Mirror box. Flip Text option is disabled if "View \ Flip Text
PCB Layout 59

automatically" main menu item is checked. Offset is the shift of zero points from the bottom-left corner
of the circuit board. You can use current design origin while exporting Gerber by checking the Use
Design Origin checkbox. Set Recognition Accuracy for TrueType fonts, text in tables and raster
pictures. Component Markings are automatically placed in the silk layers, text and pictures can be
placed on any layer depending on their properties. Tables can be placed on silk or assembly layers.

PCB houses require drill files in the N/C Excellon format and Gerber files for manufacturing
circuit boards. Find out more about N/C Drill export. Drill symbols RS-274X

While most manufacturers require N/C Drill Excellon files, some quick -turn suppliers accept Drill
Symbols in the Gerber format or use these files as additional means of quality assurance.

To export drill symbols, check Drill Symbols box in the Export Gerber RS-274X dialog box, make
sure that all copper layers are selected in order to export through holes (should be selected by default),
then select whether to export Plated, Non-Plated or All Holes, and press the Set Symbols button.

Select hole in the table, then select a symbol from the list, and use Assign or Unassign buttons. You
can also change line width and symbol size if you need. Automatically assigned symbols work just fine
in most cases, press Auto to assign symbols automatically. Press Close, and then press Export in
the Export Gerber RS-274X dialog box to save selected holes as drill symbols.

Check Add Comments checkbox in the Export Gerber RS-274X dialog box to add drill symbols table
to the right side of the hole layout.
60 PCB Layout Help

If there are blind/buried holes on the circuit board, select a layer pair (top and bottom layer of the hole
type), and repeat the procedure. Gerber X2

To export a layout to Gerber X2 format, select "File \ Export \ Gerber X2" from the main menu.

Since Gerber X2 is compatible with Gerber RS-274X the dialog boxes are very identical with the only
difference being the export of holes. Gerber X2 saves comprehensive drill layout in a Gerber-formatted file
(not just Drill Symbols, like with Gerber RS-274X). Holes are automatically sorted by types and exported
in the corresponding Gerber files. Gerber X2 also stores information about board stackup and layer
functions, this significantly reduces the hassle when ordering PCB manufacturing.

In the pop-up dialog box, select a layer, and define Objects that will be included or excluded in this layer
by checking the corresponding items. To preview each layer, select it, and click Preview.
PCB Layout 61

Notice that settings are saved on the per-layer basis and should be defined only once (they will be
restored even after restarting the program).

Export All button allows the designer to export all layers into a zip archive or separately as well as to
add an NC Drill file to the archive.

In the Gerber Export dialog box, the user can change default solder mask swell and paste mask shrink

If you need to change names or extensions of Gerber files, press Files button. In the pop-up dialog box,
you can also include or exclude certain layers from being exported and set file arrangement options that
are applied when you press the Export All button.

To mirror Gerber layer, check the Mirror box. Flip Text option is disabled if "View \ Flip Text
automatically" main menu item is checked. Offset is the shift of zero points from the bottom-left corner
of the board. You can use current design origin while exporting Gerber by checking the Use Design
Origin box. Set Recognition Accuracy for TrueType fonts, text in tables and raster pictures.
Component Markings are automatically placed in the silk layers, text and pictures can be placed on any
layer depending on their properties. Tables can be placed in silk or assembly layers.

Notice that despite comprehensive hole description in the Gerber X2 format, most PCB houses
typically require drill files in the Excellon N/C Drill format. N/C Drill (Excellon)

Most manufacturers require Excellon N/C Drill files to drill holes in a circuit board. To export a PCB to N/
C Drill format, select "File \ Export \ N/C Drill" from the main menu.
62 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box, select Objects which will be exported. After selecting objects, fill out the list of
Tools being used. You can assign tools manually by typing in the tool number in the Number: T field or
press Auto to assign tools automatically.

If you want to change default names or extensions of NC Drill files, press Files button.

Press Export All and DipTrace will determine all types of holes automatically and export all necessary
files for each type of holes at a time. The user doesn't need to remember parameters of different via
styles. Names of exported files consist of names of the top and bottom layer of the current hole type,
the names are generated automatically (for example, "Through.drl" or "Top-Inner1.drl", etc.).

Offset is a shift of the zero point from the bottom-left corner of the board. You can use current design
origin while exporting the N/C Drill by checking the Use Design Origin box.

Notice that the offset value for N/C Drill files and Gerber files should be the same. Otherwise, this
can cause errors on the manufacturing stage.

To mirror the layout, check the Mirror box. To preview the N/C Drill file, select layers, and press the
PCB Layout 63

Preview button. Uncheck Plated and Non-Plated items to save plated and non-plated holes
separately. Change the measurement units from inches to metric by checking the corresponding item.

If you want to save only the certain type of the holes, select all layers in order to export the through
holes, for blind/buried holes select only the layer pair (top and bottom layer of the hole type). Use Ctrl or
Shift keys to select several layers. Then press Export to save the file. ODB++

ODB++ is a comprehensive CAD-CAM data exchange format which carries information about conductor
layer artwork, drill data, layer materials and stack, test netlist, bill of materials, placement, fabrication
data, dimensions, and more. Select "File \ Export \ ODB++" from the main menu in the PCB Layout.

In the pop-up dialog box, the user can check or uncheck certain PCB layers for exporting, change
default solder mask swell and paste mask parameters with respective fields and checkboxes, edit offset
values and define the export mode. Default settings usually work for most cases. If As Compressed file
item is checked, DipTrace will zip all ODB++ files into a single file for sending out to board manufacturer.

Press Export and specify the folder where to save the output file/s. You can preview ODB++ files with
Mentor Graphics ODB++ Viewer. IPC-D-356A

DipTrace exports special-type coordinate netlist in the IPC-D-356A format, which PCB manufacturers
use for bare board electric testing. Go to "File \ Export \ IPC-D-356A" from the main menu. In the pop-up
dialog box, you can mirror the layout and change the offset values if you need. Offset is the shift of zero
points from the bottom-left corner of the board. You can use current design origin by checking the Use
Design Origin checkbox.
64 PCB Layout Help Mach 2/3 Drill

DipTrace exports a special G-code for drilling directly with Mach 2/3 software. Select "File \ Export \
Mach 2/3 Drill" from the main menu.

In the pop-up dialog box select the Objects which will be exported. After selecting the objects, fill out
the list of Tools being used. You can manually assign tools by typing in the tool number in the Number:
T field or press Auto to assign tools automatically.

Press Export All and DipTrace will determine all types of the holes automatically and export all
necessary files for each type of the holes at a time. The user doesn't need to remember parameters of
different via styles. Names of exported files consist of names of the top and bottom layer of the current
PCB Layout 65

hole type, the names are generated automatically (for example, "Through" or "Top-Inner1", etc.).

Offset is the shift of zero points from the bottom-left corner of the board. You can use current design
origin while exporting the drill file by checking the Use Design Origin checkbox.

To mirror the layout, check the Mirror box. To preview the Mach drill file, select layers, and press the
Preview button. Uncheck Plated and Non-Plated items to save plated and non-plated holes
separately. Change the measurement units from inches to metric by checking the corresponding item.

Special parameters:

S – spindle speed, F – milling speed, Depth – milling depth.

If you want to save only the certain type of the holes, select all layers in order to export the through
holes, for blind/buried holes select only the layer pair (top and bottom layer of the hole type). Use Ctrl or
Shift keys to select several layers. Then press the Export button to save the file. OrCAD TAP Drill

Export DipTrace layout to OrCAD TAP drill file. Go to "File \ Export \ OrCAD TAP Drill" from the main

In the pop-up dialog box, select the Objects which will be exported. After selecting the objects, fill out
the list of Tools being used. You can assign tools manually by typing in the tool number in the Number:
66 PCB Layout Help

T field or press Auto to assign tools automatically.

Press Export All and DipTrace will determine all types of the holes automatically and export all
necessary files for each type of the holes at a time. The user doesn't need to remember parameters of
different via styles. Names of exported files consist of names of the top and bottom layer of the current
hole type, these names are generated automatically (for example, "Through" or "Top-Inner1", etc.).

Offset is the shift of zero points from the bottom-left corner of the board. You can use current design
origin while exporting the drill file by checking the Use Design Origin checkbox.

To mirror the layout, check the Mirror box. To preview the Mach drill file, select layers, and press the
Preview button. Uncheck Plated and Non-Plated items to save plated and non-plated holes
separately. S – spindle speed, F – milling speed. Bill of Materials

To create a bill of materials for the printed circuit board, select "File/ Export/ Bill of Materials" from the
main menu. The following dialog box will pop up:

Select Assembly Variant from the drop-down or press button to create and configure Assembly
Variants. Default variant represents the original layout and is not editable.

To create a new Assembly Variant press Add button, enter Assembly Variant Name in the pop-up and
click OK. Select any cell in the Variant column to make it active. Remove blue check marks to exclude
the respective components from the assembly. Use quick-selection buttons at the bottom of the window:
All - to select all components, SMD - to select surface mount components only, Through-Hole - to select
all through-hole components. Press Delete button to remove currently active Assembly variant. Once
configuration of Assembly Variants is completed, press OK to save them.
PCB Layout 67

The rows of the BOM table can be grouped by components, parts, component name, name and value.
Select appropriate option from the "Group Rows by" drop-down list.

To show column headers, check Add Header item.

Check Add Row Number to add the first column with row numbers ("1", "2", "3", etc.)

Check Add Total Quantity to add the last row with total quantity of components, parts, pins (depending
on the row).

If you are going to place a BOM table directly in the project, use Table section of the dialog to set font
parameters and row height.

The columns of the BOM table can be defined as well.

To add a column, select component property from the Show drop-down list, set the column width,
68 PCB Layout Help

alignment, and press Add button.

To change parameters of the existing column, select it from the Columns list, and change the
corresponding fields.

To insert new column, select position in the Columns list, and press Insert button.

To delete column, select it from the Columns list, and press Delete button.

There are four ways to create a BOM:

1. Place a Table on the design area. To do that, press Place Table button, and left-click on the design
area, where you want the top left corner of the table to be located. An interactive table with all the
components will be placed in the Top Assembly Layer.The components selected in the table are
highlighted on the board. You can move the BOM table, like a regular table object. The table is updated
automatically, so can keep editing your layout after placing the table - all subsequent changes will be
included into the report.

Note that you can edit the table manually, however, auto-update mode will be disabled: left-click on any
cell, a warning message will appear, click Yes - a Cell properties dialog will appear, allowing you to
change cell parameters and its content.

2. Interactive BOM within PCB Layout - a pop-up table corresponding to the column and row settings will
appear. The components selected in the table are highlighted on the board. Press Localize for DipTrace
to center the component/-s from the selected row on the design area.

3. Export to File. The BOM files are available in 2 formats: Excel CSV and files with *.bom extension.
When exporting to file, DipTrace will ask you to set a Column Divider and decide whether to use
Quotation Marks for values or not. Please notice that you can add custom rows and columns to the
BOM file in any spreadsheet editor.

4. Export HTML - this option provides for easy BOM sharing and revision outside DipTrace environment.
Save HTML file and then open it in your browser.
PCB Layout 69

Use buttons in the top-right corner to configure BOM generation parameters, table and layout display

U (Ungroup) - show each component of the circuit board in the BOM separately.
NL (Netlist) - generate a list of all the nets of the circuit.
N (Component Name) - group components in the BOM table by component name.
NV (Component Name and Value) - group components in the BOM table by component name and value.
NP (Component Name and Pattern) - group components in the BOM table by component name and
NVP (Component Name, Value and Pattern) - group components in the BOM table by component name,
value and pattern.

BOM - show BOM table only.

LR - display BOM on the left and layout on the right.
TB - display BOM in the upper and layout in the lower part of the window.

T - show BOM and layout of the top side of the board only.
TB - show BOM and layout of both, top and bottom sides.
B - show BOM and layout of the bottom side of the board only. Pick and Place

DipTrace allows the user to create Pick and Place Reports for printed circuit boards. To open Pick and
Place Report dialog box, select "File \ Export \ Pick and Place" from the main menu in the DipTrace
PCB Layout.
70 PCB Layout Help

Using Pick and Place Report dialog box, you can create report files in Excel CSV and text formats or
place an interactive table directly on the design area. The table is updated automatically, so can keep
editing your layout after placing the table - all subsequent changes will be included into the report.

Select Assembly Variant from the drop-down or press button to create and configure Assembly
Variants. Default variant represents the original layout and is not editable. Note that once configured,
Assembly Variants can be accessed in both Pick and Place and BOM dialogs.

In Component Side drop-down, select, components from which side of the board you want to be

Set Offset values for X and Y, if required. Or check Use design origin to set it as reference for
components positioning.

Tick Add Header to generate a table with column headers. Press Set Font to change font parameters.
Enter the required Row Height.

Decimal separator and units, different from those used in the project, can be set for Pick&Place report

You can define columns of the report.

To add column, select component property from the Show drop-down list, set the column width,
alignment, and press Add button.
To change parameters of an existing column, select it from the Columns list, and change the
corresponding fields.

Show drop-down list contains the standard properties of the component (RefDes, Value, Name, etc.),
data about component side, origin/ center/ first pad coordinates, package height and component rotation
angle as well as parameters from the additional fields, if any (Unique Name, Part Number, etc.):

RefDes – component reference designator,

Value – component value,
PCB Layout 71

Name – component name,

Pattern – component's pattern,
Package Height – the height of the component
Center X – X coordinate of the component center position relative to the component outline,
Center Y – Y coordinate of the component center position relative to the component outline,
Origin X – X coordinate of the component origin position,
Origin Y – Y coordinate of the component origin position,
First Pad X – X coordinate of the first pad terminal position
First Pad Y – Y coordinate of the first pad terminal position,
Side – component placement side (Top, Bottom),
Rotate – component rotation angle.

To change parameters of the existing column, select it in the Columns list, and change the
corresponding fields.
To insert a new column, select position in the Columns list, and press Insert button.
To delete a column, select it in the Columns list, and press Delete button.

To place Pick and Place Report on the design area, press Place Table button, and left-click on the
design area, where you want the top left corner of the table to be located. An interactive table with all the
components will be placed in the Top Assembly Layer (the layer can be changed via Table Properties
dialog to Bottom Assembly, Top or Bottom Silkscreen). The components from the row selected in the
table are highlighted on the board. You can move the table, like a regular table object. The table is
updated automatically, so can keep editing your layout after placing the table - all subsequent changes
will be included into the report.

Note that you can edit the table manually, however, auto-update mode will be disabled: left-click on any
cell, a warning message will appear, click Yes - a Cell properties dialog will appear, allowing you to
change cell parameters and its content manually.

When exporting to file, DipTrace will ask you to set a Column Divider and decide whether to use
Quotation Marks for values or not. P-CAD ASCII

DipTrace allows the designer to export PCB layouts to P-CAD ASCII (*.pcb) format.
To export existing layout to P-CAD, select "File \ Export \ P-CAD ASCII" from the main menu, define
filename, and save a file. PADS ASCII 2005

DipTrace allows the user to export PCB layouts to PADS ASCII 2005 (*.asc) format.
To export existing layout to PADS select "File \ Export \ PADS PCB ASCII 2005" from the main menu,
define filename, and save a file. OrCAD Min Interchange

DipTrace allows the user to export PCB layout to OrCAD MIN Interchange (*.min) format.
To export existing layout to OrCAD, select "File \ Export \ OrCAD Min Interchange" from the main menu,
define filename, and save a file.
72 PCB Layout Help Autorouter DSN

DipTrace allows for external automatic routing with highly efficient Electra and Specctra autorouters.
Export a PCB to *.dsn format, route it with Electra or Specctra, and import results in *.ses format back
to DipTrace.

Select "File \ Export \ Autorouter DSN" from the main menu and set filename in order to export design
for routing.

It is important to keep the source *.dip file open while autorouting and importing the*.ses file. Import
process can take couple seconds, depending on the project's complexity.

Do not make any changes to the design after you have exported DSN file and have not imported SES
file yet. 3D PCB model

DipTrace 3D Preview module allows the designer to export 3D model of the board to STEP (*.step) and
VRML 2.0 formats (*.wrl) supported by most mechanical CAD software.

Open DipTrace 3D Preview & Export module (go to "Tools \ 3D Preview \ 3D Visualization" from the main
menu), and press Export STEP button. Specify which objects to export with corresponding check
boxes, and select model export mode in the pop-up dialog box. Then press OK, and specify filename
and folder. Exporting Pad Holes can dramatically slow the process. We recommend exporting project
as a solid body.

Notice that STEP models of circuit boards do not include copper traces on the board.

Press Export VRML button, select which objects to export with corresponding check boxes (Board,
Package Models, Pad Holes, Copper Layers, Silk Layers), change measurement units if you need, then
PCB Layout 73

press OK, and specify filename and folder. Notice that if you export complex boards with a lot of holes,
export process can be slow.

Circuit boards in the VRML format include all the copper traces, hence VRML format is better for
demonstration. Eagle XML

DipTrace allows a designer to export PCB layouts to Eagle XML (*.brd) format.
To export existing layout to Eagle, select "File \ Export \ Eagle board" from the main menu, define
filename, and save the file. Order PCB

DipTrace offers a special option for those who does not want to deal with Gerber files and PCB Houses.

You can order PCB manufacturing directly in the DipTrace software. No need to export Gerber files, just
go to "File \ Order PCB" from the main menu. Follow the instructions (type in your address, the number
of prototypes, the speed of production), and your project will be manufactured at our partner facility in
California and delivered to your door (for contiguous US only).

2.2.7 Layout information

With Layout Information dialog box you can check the number of components, pins, nets, etc. and
display holes by size, select "File \ Layout Information" from the main menu.

To display holes by size press button. Press Show on Board to highlight holes by size directly
on the design area. You can place an automatically updating table on the design area and save it to
CSV or text file (right-click on the table and select Save to File...).
74 PCB Layout Help

2.2.8 Panelizing
DipTrace allows for panelizing of one or several different circuit boards on a single panel.

To replicate the current board on a panel, select "Tools \ Panelizing" from the main menu or press
button on the Standard toolbar. The following dialog box will pop-up.

Select V-scoring or Tab Routing panelization type.


Set the number of Columns and/ or Rows, in the Panel Size section.

Enter Board to Board and Board to Edge Rail spacing value, taking into account manufacturer's
requirements for the V-groove size.

Check Add Edge Rails checkbox to add rails of defined size on the sides of the panel.

V-scoring is recommended for boards with regular shape, however, it can be combined with routing and
used for irregular boards. If it's the case, set Tab Radius for Non-Rectangular Board. Make sure that 2xR
value does not exceed Board to Board spacing.

Panel Dimensions - shows the calculated size of the panel based on the user-defined panelization

Tab Routing

Set the number of Columns and/ or Rows, in the Panel Size section.

Enter Board to Board and Board to Edge Rail spacing value, taking into account manufacturer's
requirements for the selected panelizing type.
Note that if Tab routing option is used, this value correlates with the Tab Corner Radius.
PCB Layout 75

Check Add Edge Rails checkbox to add rails of defined size on the sides of the panel.

Keep Material at Empty Areas option allows maintaining dielectric in some areas of the panel,
creating a more rigid panel.

To add Tabs between edge rails select the required option from the drop-down (Horizontal, Vertical).

Define Tabs and Mouse Bites parameters based on your manufacturer's requirements.
To create Tabs without mousebites, set 0 as Hole Diameter.
Use negative Inset value to displace mousebites towards tabs.

Tab Count for a Single Board - the number of Tabs on the horizontal and vertical sides of the board is
calculated based on the Board Size and previously defined Tab Step. The calculated number is shown
as a tip on the right. However, you can set Tab Step to 0 and customize the number of tabs by entering
the required values in the Horizontal and Vertical cells.

Panel Dimensions - shows the calculated size of the panel based on the user-defined panelization
76 PCB Layout Help

Patterns, shapes, copper pours, and tables can be excluded from panelizing. Right-click on selected
object/s on the design area, and check Do Not Panelize in the submenu. Item is visible only if
Panelizing feature is active.

How to panelize different projects on a single board

– Open the first PCB, right-click on its board outline, and select Convert to Shape from the submenu.
PCB Layout 77

Then press Ctrl+A hotkeys to select all objects and Ctrl+C or "Edit \ Copy" from the main menu to copy

– Open the second PCB in another DipTrace PCB Layout instance, check "Edit \ Keep RefDes while
Pasting" from the main menu to keep all reference designators of the project you are about to paste,
right-click on the design area where you want to insert another project, and select Paste from the

2.3 Working with libraries

2.3.1 Review

In DipTrace a typical electronic component consists of a schematic symbol, PCB footprint (pattern) and
possibly a 3D model. All these entities represent a component on various design stages. The PCB
Layout module works with component patterns, which represent real footprints of electronic components
on the printed circuit board.

Refer to Component Editor Help and Pattern Editor Help for more details about designing components,
footprints, and libraries.

Place Component panel is on the left side of the screen. It has all necessary tools for placing
components as well as managing libraries and library groups in all DipTrace modules.

Libraries are organized to library groups for convenience.

There are five library groups available by default:

1) Components (all standard libraries, user can not edit this library group);
2) Patterns (all standard pattern libraries separately from the schematic symbols, the user can not edit
this library group);
3) User Components (designer adds/deletes component libraries to/from this group);
4) User Patterns (designer adds/deletes pattern libraries to/from this group);
5) Project Libraries (auto-generated library with all components from a current circuit).

Library Setup dialog box allows the user to add libraries from the separate files into DipTrace system,
create new and edit existing library groups. Changes in the library structure made in the PCB Layout
immediately affect the libraries in the Schematic and other software modules. PCB Layout works with
both component and pattern libraries.

It is possible to search components in all libraries by applying search filters. Select "Objects \ Find

Component" from the main menu or press button on the Place Component
panel to set up and apply the filters.

2.3.2 Library groups

Library groups are very easy means of organizing libraries. There are five default library groups:
Components, Patterns, User Components, User Patterns and Project Libraries (auto-generated
library group for storing all components of active layout in the Design Cache library).
78 PCB Layout Help

Press to change active library group or open the Library Setup dialog box
to create and edit library groups and connect separate libraries from the files.

Press to change move/copy/delete pattern libraries between the library


2.3.3 Library setup

Place Component panel allows the user to find and place components and patterns. Select the library
group, then select library from the list, and select component from the list right below to place it on the
design area.

Library Setup

Go to "Library \ Library Setup" from the main menu or press and select
Library Setup from the submenu. In the pop-up dialog box, the user can create library groups and add/
delete libraries to/from the groups. The Library Setup panel is the same as in Schematic and allows
the user to edit not only component library groups but pattern library groups as well.

Press Add to create new library group, type in its name into the field below, and select the group type,
depending on what libraries you are going to store in the group:
Components Only type allows for adding only component libraries (files with *.eli extension) to the
Patterns Only type allows for adding only pattern libraries (files with *.lib extension);
Components and Patterns type allows for adding both library files into current library group.

Select library group from the list, and press Add Library or Add Folder buttons to add libraries from the
PCB Layout 79

files to the library group.

The user can not edit the standard library groups: Components and Patterns.

2.3.4 Search patterns

Search filters help to find components by various parameters. Select "Objects \ Find Component" from

the main menu or press button on the Place Component panel. Select a
search area (where to search for components), type in the name, and press Apply Filter. Press + or -
buttons to add/delete new filters, which allow for finding components by RefDes, Value, Manufacturer,
Pattern, Datasheet or Additional Fields.

Press Search at SnapEDA button to open SnapEDA dialog and look up the components based on the
entered parameters in SNapEDA libraries directly from within DipTrace.

2.3.5 Search at SnapEDA

To look for the required components in SnapEDA libraries, go to "Objects \ Search Parts at SnapEDA".

In the pop-up, register or log-in, if necessary, enter data in the Search field and press button.
80 PCB Layout Help

Select a component from the search results, its symbol and pattern will appear in the preview field, if

Press Place Component button to place the pattern directly on the design area.

Save to Library button allows adding the component to the existing user library or to a newly-created

Download 3D Model button gets active, if a 3D model is available for the selected component. Press it
to download the .step file to your computer. The model will be automatically attached to the respective

Press Check Price and Availability button and choose the option that suits you best. If <Featured
Supplier> is selected - you will be directed to its official website.

With Check All Suppliers option selected, you’ll be able to check prices and availability of the selected
component from different suppliers listed in Octopart catalog.

Note that Digi-Key is a featured supplier by default, you can change it as well as your preferred currency
by pressing the Featured Supplier and Currency button at the bottom of the Suppliers and Prices from
Octopart dialog.
PCB Layout 81

2.3.6 Save component as a library

DipTrace PCB Layout module allows the designer to save selected patterns of a current circuit board as
a new pattern library or add them to existing one. Select patterns on the design area, right-click one of
them, and choose Save To Library from the submenu.
Design Cache (auto-generated library with all patterns of the design) can be saved as well – select

Design Cache library, press , then select Save Design Cache as Library
from the submenu.

2.4 View functions

2.4.1 Toolbars

PCB Layout has eight main toolbars:

82 PCB Layout Help

To show/hide the toolbars and panels, select "View \ Toolbars" from the main menu and then check
corresponding items (the majority of toolbars have hotkeys for displaying/hiding them). Design area size
changes automatically when you change the toolbar layout. Toolbars configuration is saved when you
close DipTrace.

2.4.2 Scaling/Panning

There are several ways to change the scale of the design area:

1. The mouse wheel – you can decrease or increase scale within very wide limits.

2. The drop-down list on the Standard toolbar (from 25% to 800%).

3. "View \ Scale" from the main menu. It is possible to select from 25% to 800%, zoom in, zoom out or
specify custom scale.

4. Plus sign (+) and minus sign (-) default hotkeys to zoom IN/OUT.

5. "Zoom window" or "Zoom Extents" tools on the Standard toolbar for mouse-defined zone zoom.

The current scale is always displayed in the drop-down list on the Standard toolbar.

Panning the design area is possible with the right mouse button (hold down and move) or by arrow keys
when you create wire, shape or another object.

2.4.3 Layers/Objects/Properties

Show/Hide design layers in the Layers tab on the right side of the screen (Design Manager panel).
Here you can change layer color and name.
Objects tab allows the user to show/hide objects by type or disable object highlighting selection (drop-
down list).
When an object or tool is selected, its main parameters are displayed in the Properties tab.
PCB Layout 83

You can also show/hide different objects in the "View \ Objects" main menu item.

2.4.4 Ratlines

Sometimes the designer needs to hide ratlines for selected nets, optimize ratlines structure or show/
hide ratlines only for current net or component. All these opportunities are available in the "View \
Ratlines" main menu item.

Optimization feature minimizes the length of all ratlines (blue lines), select "View \ Ratlines \ Optimize"
or just press F12 hotkeys to optimize ratlines.

To show/hide ratlines for the net, right-click on the pad or any trace that belongs to this net, and select
Hide Net Connections from the submenu. You can show ratlines for all nets any time, just select "View
\ Ratlines \ Display All" from the main menu.

The best option is to hide ratlines of all other nets, except the one being routed manually. Check "View \
Ratlines \ Routed Net Only" item in the main menu. This option is duplicated in Route Setup dialog box
(the Settings tab).

When you move a component, its ratlines are shown. All other ratlines of the design are hidden by
default. Select "View \ Ratlines \ Moved Component Only" option in the main menu to customize this

2.4.5 Net highlight and color

In DipTrace PCB Layout, the color of traces on the design area by default depends on the layer color,
but the software allows for setting custom colors. Right-click on a copper trace on the design area,
select Trace Color from the submenu, and select Custom. In the pop-up dialog box, you can set any
color to the trace, and press OK. All traces, pads, copper pours, and shapes that belong to this net will
change their color.

You can permanently highlight any of the traces with a dotted contour line regardless of its color.
Right-click on the trace, and select Highlight Net from the submenu.
84 PCB Layout Help

2.4.6 Component markings

To set up default component marking options, select "View \ Component Markings" from the main menu
in the DipTrace PCB Layout. In the pop-up dialog it is possible to adjust settings to show RefDes, Value,
Name, Pattern, Manufacturer, Datasheet or any additional field of components. Align markings by the
center, top, bottom, left, right, top-right corner of the pattern or automatically (DipTrace will calculate the
best position). You can define the settings for the Silk Screen and Assembly Layer individually.

Uncheck Rotate Markings with Component if you want text fields to maintain their position when the
component is rotated.

Here you can also change type (Vector or True Type). We strongly recommend using the Vector font for
English characters and TrueType font type for Unicode symbols. Press Font Settings button to open
Font dialog, where you can set the font size, select the Line Width (Thin, Normal, Bold or Custom), and
also define the Text Width:
PCB Layout 85

Those settings apply to all components on the design area, except those with custom marking settings.

To set up custom component marking settings, right-click on the component, and select Properties
from the submenu, then select the Markings tab in the pop-up dialog box and make the necessary

To move component marking, select "View \ Move Component Texts" from the main menu or press F10
default hotkey. Select marking and change its position by dragging with the mouse. To rotate marking
by 90 degrees in this mode, press R or Space (when the Move Component Texts tool is active).

2.4.7 Assembly Layer

You can automatically add pattern drawings, pads, pattern silk, borders, texts (RefDes, Value, etc.) and
board outline to the Assembly layer. Select "View \ Add to Assembly" from the main menu to add new
objects to the Assembly layers.

You can also add custom non-signal layers on any side of the board.

2.4.8 Jumper wires

DipTrace allows the user to route boards with jumper wires (use the right-click submenu or J (by default)
hotkey while in the routing mode). DipTrace creates vias free from mask in the start and end points of
the jumper wire trace segment.
You can show jumpers in silk, assembly, signal layer or do not show them at all, just go to "View \
Jumper Wires" from the main menu to set up the visibility.

2.4.9 Pad numbers

In DipTrace PCB Layout you can display pad numbers for components (footprints) and change their font.
To display pad numbers, select " View \ Pad Numbers \ Show" from the main menu.
86 PCB Layout Help

To change font size for pad numbers, go to "View \ Pad Numbers \ Font". Auto-sizing is a default
parameter, it scales the font size depending on the pad size.

2.4.10 Grid
DipTrace allows the user to create and edit objects freely or strictly according to the grid on the design
area. If the grid is visible and Snap to Grid option is enabled, patterns and other objects are aligned on
the grid with different key points: first pad, traces, shapes.

To show/hide the grid, select "View \ Grid" from the main menu or press F11 hotkey (by default).

Select "View \ Snap to Grid" from the main menu, or press Alt+F11 hotkey (by default) to activate/
deactivate snap to grid, when the grid is on.

If Snap to Grid option is disabled, layout objects are no longer snapped to the grid, but you can leave the
grid visible.

When Snap to Grid option is disabled for the entire project, you can choose to snap to grid individual
elements of your pattern (pad, shape, text, image, etc.) by selecting Snap to Grid item from the right-
click submenu of those elements, when the grid is on.

To open grid size submenu, select "View \ Grid Size" from the main menu. Here you can select the grid
size from the list of available sizes or specify custom grid size. Use drop-down list on the Standard
toolbar or just press Ctrl + Plus sign, Ctrl + Minus sign (by default) to quickly change the grid size.

To change the list of available grid sizes, select "View \ Customize Grid" from the main menu.

To configure the precision and set the minimum grid size value, select Precision.. item in the View
submenu and define the respective parameters in the pop-up dialogue-box.
PCB Layout 87

2.4.11 Origin

Design origin is a customizable point on the design area. The user can change its position at any
moment while creating or editing the layout.

To show/hide the origin, select "View \ Display Origin" from the main menu or press F1 hotkey (by

Change the origin's position with the mouse pointer or by coordinates (incrementally from the existing
origin). To define origin with the mouse, select "View \ Define Origin \ By Mouse Pointer" from the main

menu or press button on the Elements toolbar, then define a new origin with a left-click on the
design area. To change origin by coordinates, select "View \ Define Origin \ By Coordinates" from the
main menu.

To return origin to default position (center of the sheet) select "View \ Define Origin \ Default Position."

2.4.12 Titles

To show/hide titles, select "View \ Display Titles" from the main menu.

Specify sheet size and orientation, border margins, zones and title blocks in the Sheet and Titles

Setup dialog box (select "View \ Sheet and Titles Setup" from the main menu or press button on
the Standard toolbar). To create custom title block, press the Title Block Editor button in the Sheet
and Titles Setup dialog box.

To change text, font and alignment of the title block field, move the mouse cursor to the corresponding
field, and left-click it.

To show/hide the sheet border on the design area, select "View \ Display Sheet" from the main menu.

It is possible to change titles and sheet display mode from the Sheet and Titles Setup dialog box.

2.4.13 Mirror design

To mirror layout horizontally, select "View \ Mirror" from the main menu. This does not affect the layout
when exporting the layout for manufacturing.

For printing purposes, mirror the layout in the Print Preview dialog box.

2.4.14 Measurement units

Possible measurement units: mm, mils, and inches.

To change current units, select "View \ Units" from the main menu or use Shift+U keyboard

To adjust the precision level by units, open the Precision dialogue-box via View\ Precision menu and
88 PCB Layout Help

specify the number of decimal places for all the values used in the current project.

Please note that high precision rates are used only at designing stage. When the project is saved into a
file, precision up to 0.001 mil is applied.

2.4.15 Line width

DipTrace allows the user to change line width of the pattern silkscreen, component outline, courtyard,
tables, titles and board outline as well as to set this value for all other layers.

To open line width dialog box, select "View/ Line Width" from the main menu.

The width of the lines of individual shapes can be customized in Shape Properties dialogue accessed
by selecting Properties from shape right-click submenu.

2.4.16 Graphics mode

Schematics and PCB Layout modules support Direct3D and OpenGL graphics modes to increase the
drawing speed comparing to Windows GDI mode. You can select the graphics mode from the "View \
Graphics Mode" main menu item.

1. Direct3D is the fastest mode for typical Windows PC and we recommend to use this mode for most
workstations. However, this mode depends on hardware, drivers, and their versions, therefore some
issues are possible, especially with new/buggy or outdated OS/drivers.

2. OpenGL usually works a bit slower than Direct3D but is less dependent on hardware/drivers. OpenGL
is the best choice for high-end engineering stations with professional OpenGL graphic adapters. You can
try both modes with very complex projects and choose the best for you.
PCB Layout 89

3. Windows GDI is an alternative mode for those who is not satisfied with Direct3D and OpenGL.
Windows GDI is much slower but doesn't depend on drivers/hardware/OS. Good for small and medium-
sized projects.

2.4.17 Precision

DipTrace allows adjusting the precision rate for project values and the grid.

Select View/ Precision… to open the following dialogue-box:

Configure the precision level by defining the number of decimal places (up to ten) for all the values used
in the project by units.

You can also set the minimum grid size and grid precision for the current units. Those values are
converted, when measurement units are changed.

Please note that high precision rates are used only at designing stage. When the project is saved into a
file, precision up to 0.001 mil is applied.

2.4.18 Colors

Edit color template of the design area and all its elements. Select "View \ Colors" from the main menu.
90 PCB Layout Help

Three color templates are available: White Background, Black Background, and User Defined. You can
select a template from the Template box. The white background is used by default, but for most users,
black background seems to be more eye-friendly.

To define the color of specific elements, click on the color rectangle next to the object name, and select
a new color in the pop-up dialog box. The custom color scheme is automatically saved as "User
Defined" template.

In order to change the print colors, select the corresponding tab in the Colors dialog box. White
background template is used by default.

Notice that colors you use in the PCB Layout module are applied to Pattern Editor, same for Schematic
and Component Editor which share one color scheme as well.

2.5 Objects
2.5.1 Component Review

A regular component consists of schematic symbol and pattern with attached 3D model. The pattern is
the component footprint on the printed circuit board.

A component pattern contains pads, shapes, mounting holes and fiducials. Pattern Editor is the tool to
create and edit patterns.

There are 9 different types of patterns:

PCB Layout 91

1. Empty – does not depend on pattern parameters. Pads do not form any shape.

2. Circle – contains pads which form a circle. It depends on the number of pads and pad-to-pad

3. Lines – contains certain number of pad lines. It depends on four parameters: number of lines, number
of pads, pad-to-pad spacing, and line-to-line spacing.

4. Square – contains four pad lines which form a square. It depends on three parameters: number of
pads, pad-to-pad spacing, and line-to-line spacing.

5. Matrix – contains pads which form the matrix. It depends on the number of columns, number of rows,
column spacing and row spacing.

6. Rectangle – four pad lines form a rectangle. It depends on 5 parameters: horizontal pads, vertical
pads, pad spacing, width, and height.

7. Zig-Zag – pads form a zig-zag. It depends on 3 parameters: number of pads, pad-to-pad spacing, and
line-to-line spacing.

8. Pad – pattern with only one pad. It can be created in the Pattern Editor and PCB Layout using the
Place Pad tool.

9. Mounting Hole – contains only one mounting hole. It can be created in the Pattern Editor and PCB
Layout using the Place Mounting Hole tool.

10. Fiducial – contains only one fiducial. It can be created in the Pattern Editor and PCB Layout using
the Place Fiducial tool. Place component

Patterns can be placed quickly from the Component Placement panel or using the Place Component

dialog box ("Objects/ Place Component" from the main menu or with button on the Elements
92 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box select the library group, then select library, and place component manually or
by coordinates.

You can easily access the Library Setup and search filters. Pattern preview is also available.

Press Price and Availability button to consult price and availability of the selected component from a
featured supplier or all the suppliers from Octopart catalog.

Use R or Space bar to rotate component before placement. You can drag and drop the component to
change its location; guidelines will appear while moving it to help you align it with other components.
PCB Layout 93 Replace Component

Patterns can be easily replaced using the Replace Component dialog box. To open it, right-click on
the component/s you want to substitute and select Replace Component from the submenu. In the pop-
up dialog box, select the library group, then the library, and the component. You can use automatic
search filters to narrow down your search results as well as redirect the search to SnapEDA libraries.

Press Price and Availability button to consult price and availability of the selected component from a
featured supplier or all the suppliers from Octopart catalog.

The substitution can be applied to the Current Component, Similar Name Components or Selected

Note that when replacing a component with another one, DipTrace will maintain the existing connections
and routing. Create pattern

The special feature of DipTrace PCB Layout allows the users to create patterns directly in the PCB
Layout module without using the Pattern Editor.

Place pads and shapes, select them, right-click on one of selected objects, and choose Group into
Component from the submenu. All selected objects will be grouped into a single component pattern.
94 PCB Layout Help

Ungroup pattern

To convert any component to the set of pads and shapes, right-click on the component, and select
Ungroup Component from the submenu. Ungroup feature breaks Schematic-to-PCB links of
components and component RefDes, therefore we do not recommend to use this feature if you have
created PCB from Schematic and plan to update it in future. Properties

Right-click on the component pattern, and select Properties from the submenu to open the
Component Properties dialog box in the PCB Layout.

Here you can adjust component position by setting its X and Y coordinates and rotation angle.

Component can be updated from the selected library. Press button to browse for the required library
file. Press Update Component button to apply changes.

This dialog box allows for changing the RefDes, Name, Value, Pattern name, manufacturer, datasheet,
and additional fields of the component on the Parameters tab, variable parameters in the Variables tab
(visible only for components with variable parameters, change pads and dimensions based on the pattern

Press Configure Additional Fields button to add more descriptive fields.

PCB Layout 95

Type-in the Name of the new additional field, select its type (Text or Link) and set Default Value. Press
Add button. Use arrows to change the position of the selected field in the list. To delete a custom field,
select it and press Delete button.

New fields can be added to the Current Component, Selected Components, Similar Name Components,
components with Similar Set of Fields or All Components of the layout.

In the Markings tab you can choose to show/hide certain marking/-s (RefDes, Value, Name, etc.) or
apply Common (default) display settings (defined in the "View \ Component Markings" main menu item)
to a given component. Markings display parameters for the selected component can be defined
individually for the Silk Screen and Assembly layers.
96 PCB Layout Help

To define marking alignment settings, select the necessary option from the drop-down in Align column.
The markings can be adjusted by the top, bottom, left, right, the center or corner of the component. You
can also apply Common or Auto settings. In the first case, the software will use default parameters set
for the entire project (View/ Component Markings). If Auto mode is selected, DipTrace will automatically
select the best location for the markings. There is one more Aligning option - Position. Use it for precise
Markings placement. Once selected, an active line appears in Position column. Press button to
select the location of Markings anchor point, set its coordinates and rotation angle.
PCB Layout 97

Font size of the displayed Markings can also be customized in this tab - tick Custom Font Size and
select required size from the drop-down.

Placement tab allows the user to define a custom clearance for the selected component. This clearance
will be used for component arrangement and auto-placement features.

Press Price and Availability button to consult price and availability of the selected component from a
featured supplier or all the suppliers from Octopart catalog. RefDes renumbering

Renumber the reference designators from the top-left to the bottom-right for the convenience of exploring
the layout. Select "Tools \ RefDes Renumbering" from the main menu or right-click on the component,
and select RefDes Renumbering from the submenu.

Apply renumbering to all reference designators of the layout or only to current RefDes (option is available
98 PCB Layout Help

only if renumbering launched from the component submenu).

Renumbering is possible by rows or by columns:

Component position in the renumbering table can be determined by the top-left corner or by the pattern
origin point. Standard Pad properties

Set pad properties for entire component or separately for each pad.

To change component pad properties, right-click on the component, and select Standard Pad

In the pop-up dialog box set the pad type (through-hole or surface), pad shape (ellipse, obround,
rectangle, polygon or D-shape), pad width and height, hole shape (round or obround) and hole diameter
or dimensions. For through-hole pads you can also define X/Y offset of the pad shape from the hole
PCB Layout 99

center.To apply changes to all the pads of the selected component, check Apply to All Pads item,
otherwise, changes will be applied to default pads only (pads where Use Pattern's Standard Pad
Properties box is checked in the Properties dialog of individual pads).

To open the Pad Properties dialog box for the selected pad, right-click on the pad, and choose Pad
Properties. In the pop-up dialog box uncheck Use Pattern's Standard Pad Properties item, and
additional fields will appear.

Set the number and note for the pad and keep other settings. Changing custom pad settings is possible
only if Use Pattern's Standard Pad Properties item is unchecked. Changes can be applied to the
current pad, all similar pads of the design, or similar pads of selected pattern.

If you select polygonal pad shape, you can set points of the polygon, just press the Points button.
100 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box set the polygon type: regular or by points.

To define a regular polygon, specify the number of sides and rotation align.

There are the following functions to edit polygon points:

– add a new point, enter coordinates to X and Y fields, and press Add button;
– delete points, select the points, and press Delete button;
– change point coordinates, select point, and specify new coordinates;
– insert a new point, select correct position, and press Insert button.

Edit points visually – drag & drop in the preview field.

Notice that you can hide pad shape in any signal/plane layer. Right-click on the pad, and select Hide
Pad Ring in Layer. Blind/buried pads are possible. Right-click on the pad to display its submenu, and
select Pad Layers from the submenu. Pad thermal settings

Pads can have custom thermal settings (different from the copper pour properties). Right-click on the
pad, and choose Thermal Settings from the submenu.
PCB Layout 101

In the pop-up dialog box, by default, the Use Copper Pour Settings box is checked. This means that
common copper pour settings apply to this pad.

Check Use Custom Settings, and define custom thermal settings for the Whole Pad or By Layers.

Other fields:
Connect means that you can remove or add a thermal connection for the pad regardless of the net in
copper pour settings.
Thermal is a thermal connection type applied.
Width is a spoke width used for non-direct connection types.

Apply settings only to the current pad, to all similar pads, or to selected component.

Note that if a pad or component is rotated, pad to copper pour thermals are also rotated to the same
angle. Pad teardrops

Teardrop parameters for trace to pad/via/ trace junctions of the selected objects or all existing junctions
of the circuit board are defined in the Add/ Change Teardrops dialog launched by selecting Teardrops
item from the Route menu. However, those parameters can be set for individual pads as well.

Right-click on a pad and select Teardrops item from the submenu. Tick the necessary pad type
checkbox - Through-Hole Pads and Vias or SMD Pads (or both) - and define the teardrop Length and
width in the Connection area as a percentage of the pad (for through-hole) or trace (for SMD) size.
102 PCB Layout Help

Note that connection width is limited by the pad width.

Apply the settings to the Current Pad only, or to the Selected Objects - in this case teardrop junctions
with the defined parameters will be created for all pads of the selected component/-s.
Note that teardrop settings of individual pads have priority over those defined for the net. Pad mask and paste

Default solder mask and paste settings for all pads on the circuit board are defined in the Gerber export
dialog box. However, pads can have custom properties in the solder mask and paste layers. Right-click
on the pad, and select Mask / Paste Settings to change custom pad solder mask/paste properties.
PCB Layout 103

Select the state of the top/bottom solder mask/paste of the pad, using respective drop-down lists in the
State section of the dialog box.

Common state – apply default solder mask and solder paste parameters to the pad;
Open – pad not covered with solder mask regardless of the default parameters;
Tented – pad covered with solder mask regardless of the default parameters;
By Paste Mask – solder mask will match Paste Mask;
Solder – apply solder paste to the pad regardless of the default parameters;
No Solder – do not apply solder paste to the pad regardless of the default parameters.
Segments – a useful option for big pads, which allows splitting paste into segments instead of filling the
entire pad area. With this option selected you can define fill percent, min. segment side, min.segment
gap and nominal edge gap for the paste mask segments.

If you need custom solder mask swell and paste mask shrink settings for the pad/s, check the
respective check boxes, and enter custom values (negative numbers are supported).

Changes can be applied to the current pad, to all similar pads, or pads of the selected components.

2.5.2 Net Review

Net is a logic connection between two or more component pads. Thin blue ratlines show unrouted nets;
traces show the routed ones. Ratlines are always blue, while the trace color depends on the layer color
(it is specified in the signal layers dialog box).Nets can also have the custom color (set in the right-click
104 PCB Layout Help

You can create ratlines directly in the PCB Layout or open schematic file (*.dch) with the net structure
built in the DipTrace Schematic. Create traces manually or let the autorouter do it.

The software does not allow for nets outside net classes. Net class parameters (trace width, clearance,
min/max length, etc.) apply to net automatically. Proceed to the Net Classes dialog box to change net
class parameters. Editing the Default net class is also possible in the Route Setup dialog box.

Net consists of one or several traces. A trace is a part of the net between two pads. A segment is a part
of the trace between two nodes.

Trace segments can have different width and can be placed on different signal layers. When two
adjacent segments of one trace are placed on different layers, vias appear automatically to ensure
reliable electric connection. Net classes

Typical circuit boards usually have several net classes with different properties. All nets in DipTrace
belong to net classes. Net class determines the following properties of the net: type (regular net or
differential pair), basic trace width, basic and detailed clearance (object-to-object), length matching
rules, possible via styles, auto-routing settings (priority, max. number of vias in one net, max. incorrect
way, routing layers, and phase/length/neck settings for differential pairs). To add/edit net classes and
move nets from one net class to another, select "Route \ Net Classes" from the main menu. The
following dialog box appears:
PCB Layout 105

Here you can add/delete net classes and edit their properties. You can not delete a net class if at least
one net still belongs to it. Nets should be moved to another net class prior to deleting. Use lists on the
right side of the dialog box to move nets (the upper list displays the nets that belong to the class and the
lower list shows all other nets or nets sorted by net classes).

Check Length Matching by Class if you want to match the lengths of all nets in the class and
automatically create a DRC rule to verify traces.

All nets are automatically assigned to the Default net class. You can not delete this class, but you can
edit its properties.

You can configure the trace width and clearances on the per-layer basis (uncheck All Layers box and
configure settings for each layer individually).

The Class-to-Class button allows the designer to configure class-to-class clearances.

Notice that DRC verifies the circuit board against these values because class-to-class clearances have
higher priority than regular net class clearances.
106 PCB Layout Help Create net

There are several ways to add ratlines (create new nets) in the PCB Layout:

1. To connect two pads with the mouse, select "Objects \ Place Ratline" from the main menu or

press button on the Objects toolbar. Then left-click on the first pad, and move the mouse to the
second pad. Left-click the second pad, and connection line appears (new net is created). Right-click if
you want to cancel the connection while creating it and switch to the Default mode. Connect as many
pads as needed.

2. To connect pad to existing net, right-click on the pad, and choose "Add to Net \ Select from List"
from the submenu. Then select net, and click OK. Ratline appears heading from the current pad to the
nearest pad of the specified net.

Connect several pads/vias at a time

Select pads or vias, then right-click on one of them, select Add To Net, then select Selected Pads (or
Selected Vias) from the submenu. For example, you can use this feature to connect vias to plane
layer. Edit Selection feature allows the user to manage selection of pads/vias before connecting.

3. Connection Manager, select "Route \ Connection Manager" from the main menu. Here you can add
or delete pads to project nets as well as add new nets to the design.

Locking the net structure prevents adding/removing ratlines with all methods listed above. In this case,
the ratline will disappear only if you route it. To lock net structure, go to "Route \ Lock Net Structure"
from the main menu. Routing traces

DipTrace features manual and automatic routing modes.

PCB Layout 107

To create a trace manually, select Route/ Manual Routing/ Add Trace from

the main menu, press button on the Route toolbar or use Tilde sign (~)
hotkey. The mouse pointer will turn into a cross-hair and Routing panel will
appear on the left side of the screen.

To begin trace routing, anchor a starting point by left-clicking on a pad, via,

trace or an empty spot, draw a trace and connect it to the end point by left-
clicking on a conducting circuit element (pad, via, trace). To finish a trace on
an empty spot, just press Enter or right-click, and select Enter from the
submenu. To cancel the trace, use Esc key or right-click, and select Cancel
from the submenu. To return to default mode, right-click on a blank spot,
press button or Esc hotkey.

Routing parameters can be managed on the Routing panel.

Basic interactive features ensure error-free routing.

Show Errors. If this box is checked, all routing errors will be highlighted with
red circles in real time, when a trace is being routed. By contrast, Real-time
DRC, when enabled, shows errors immediately after the trace routing process
is finished.

Follow rules. With this option activated, the software will not allow any
violations of design rules when routing existing nets.

Route Mode. Select the required option or use M hotkey to choose between
Orthogonal, 90/45 Lines, 90/Arcs, customized or All Segments routing mode.

All Segments mode allows the user to choose from all available types of trace
segments. Other modes imply using segments of a certain type only. Use S
hotkey to toggle between the segment types.

My Routing Mode enables creating a customized set of segments for quick

access during the routing process. Press button to open the list of
available options and select the required ones. Press OK.
108 PCB Layout Help

Current Segment. This item serves to change the current trace segment using S hotkey or by
selecting the necessary option from the list that appears when left-clicking on the current segment
image. The set of available segment types depends on the selected Routing Mode. DipTrace allows
drawing orthogonal polylines (90 Horz > Vert, 90 Vert > Horz), polylines with determined vertex angle (90
deg. line > 45 deg. line; 45 deg. line > 90 deg. line) as well as rounded lines (90 deg. line > arc; arc > 90
deg. line) and 3-point arcs. If free line or curve option is selected, the angles of a polyline or the shape of
a curve can be defined by the user.

Fix Single Line. This option is applicable to polylines and rounded lines. With this item selected
(checkbox on Routing panel or D hotkey), a left click will fix only the first angle-forming segment, placed
before the vertex point, leaving the second one in placement mode.

Net Class. Use a drop-down list or C hotkey to choose a net class for a new net created during routing
Please note that changing a net class on this panel does not change the class of an existing net. To
change the net class of an existing net, open the Net Classes (link to 6.4) dialog-box and change it prior
to routing.

Segment Width. The width of the current trace segment is displayed here. Select By class to use the
value defined by the Net Class properties or customize this parameter for the current and following
segments by typing in the required value. Use W hotkey for a quick access to the list of options for
defining the width of the current segment: Net Class, Template, Custom.

Segment Layer. Use the drop-down list on the Routing panel, L hotkey or a layer number from 1
through 9 to change the current routing layer. Additionally, you can use T and B hotkeys to switch to
Top and Bottom layer respectively. Trace vias appear automatically.

Via Style. Use a drop-down list or V hotkey to select a via style that will be applied to the vias that
appear, if you change the layer when routing a trace. Auto means that DipTrace selects an optimal via
style, depending on the situation.
PCB Layout 109

Via preview. Mark the checkbox or use F hotkey to enable/disable this option. When activated, a via
that will be placed when changing the trace layer is shown at the tip of the line while routing.

Angle Step. This item is activated when curve or free line is selected as Current Segment. Use drop-
down menu or A hotkey to change the angle step to free, 15, 30 or 45 degrees.

Highlight Net. Here you can chose to highlight pads of all nets or only the pads of the current net while
drawing a trace. Select the preferred mode or use H hotkey to toggle between the options. Current Net
mode is highly recommendable, when Follow rules option is disabled, because it also ensures error-free
PCB design by highlighting only those pads and traces that belong to the current net when you hover
over them with the mouse pointer in the Manual Routing mode; other traces and pads are basically
ignored, making connection to them impossible.

Undo button, same as U or Back space hotkey, allows undoing the last trace segment.

All the routing parameters are duplicated in and can be adjusted from the right-click submenu when
routing a trace.

You can use Num Keypad for manual routing of 90/45 segments. First, activate Numpad with NumLock
key. Switch on Manual Route mode and left-click in the starting point to begin routing a trace. Use Num
keys for routing in the following directions:
110 PCB Layout Help

You can finish routing a trace with Numpad by pressing Enter key. It is possible to switch to routing with
the mouse and back to Num keys at any moment.

Routing with Numpad is done only with 45/90 segments, irrespective of the current Routing Mode and
Segment type.

Route Setup

Proceed to "Route \ Route Setup", and select the Settings tab to change more manual routing settings.

If you want to display all ratlines of the layout while routing the net, uncheck Hide "Other" Ratlines
PCB Layout 111

while Routing Net in this dialog box or uncheck "View \ Ratlines \ Routed Net Only" option from the
main menu.

Remove Loops – remove bow tie effect when you complete a trace.

Connect to inactive layer – highlight traces in all layers when you hover over them in the Manual
Routing mode. This feature is often used with Highlight only current net option because in this case,
the software highlights pads and traces of the net being routed regardless of the PCB layer. You do not
need to change the layer, via will appear automatically.

Neck-down Traces for Small Pads – when routing the trace which is wider than the pad, DipTrace
automatically narrows the trace segment to fit the pad size.

Parameters from the Minimum Segment section are used while editing traces to remove small segments
and make straight lines or angles. Default values usually work just fine. Editing traces

Editing traces – moving, adding nodes, changing trace width and layer.

There are two modes of moving traces:

1) Edit existing trace respecting 90- and 45-degree angles. This mode is activated automatically when
you try to edit some trace in the Default mode. To enable edit mode manually, go to "Route \ Manual

Routing \ Edit Traces" from the main menu or press button on the Route toolbar. This mode allows
the user to move trace segments with 90- and 45-degree angles and to smooth 90-degree "sharp" angles
with two angles and a segment, like on the picture below:

2) Free edit trace. To enable this mode, select "Route \ Manual Routing \ Free Edit Traces" from the

main menu or press button on the Route toolbar. This mode allows for moving trace segments and
nodes in any direction anywhere on the design area.
112 PCB Layout Help

To add a node to a trace segment, hover over it with the mouse, and press N hotkey or right-click, and
select Add Node from the submenu. New nodes remain on the trace for several steps until they are
automatically removed if unused.

To perform any action with a trace segment, you need to select it first. DipTrace allows the user to
select several trace segments at a time with the left mouse clicks (hold Ctrl key and add/remove
segments to/from the selection, or use the box selection and Shift key).

All selected segments are displayed by the dotted lines; the Properties tab shows their properties (
Ctrl+2 to show/hide the Design Manager).

Four segm ents selected

Press W hotkey or enter a new value into the Segment Width field on the Properties tab. You can
also change the trace width. Select the width from the trace templates or set a new value. To change
segment layer, select layer from Segment Layer drop-down list on the Properties tab.
PCB Layout 113

Properties tab includes major net properties: change net class, color, route mode, same as in the right-
click submenu.

Tab hotkey can be used for smooth trace/ net selection for further editing: select a segment of the trace
you want to edit and hit Tab key to toggle between the selection of a segment, trace and net. The
function can be applied to various traces/ nets simultaneously.

To delete a segment, right-click it, and select Delete from the submenu.

To unroute segment, trace or net, right-click it, and select Unroute <item> from the submenu. Properties

To open the Net Properties dialog box, right-click on the net trace or pad, and select Properties from
the submenu.

This dialog box allows the designer to change the name, Auto-route mode (see below), and class of the

The following Auto-route Modes are available:

Ratlines – existing traces are not changed, and new traces are created, based on a current net
structure (this mode is set by default);
114 PCB Layout Help

Correct Traces – existing traces can be corrected and new ones are placed, based on the net

Full Reroute – unroute all existing traces. New traces are placed, based on the net connections;

Don't Route – do not route this net.

Below the net class selection box, you can preview and edit the net class properties.

Changing Width of Existing Traces section of the Net Properties dialog box allows the user to
change the width of selected segments, default segments of the net (if the width is the same as the
class properties), selected traces or nets. Teardrops

Teardrop parameters for trace to pad/via/ trace junctions of the selected objects or all existing junctions
of the circuit board are defined in the Add/ Change Teardrops dialog launched by selecting Teardrops
item from the Route menu. However, those parameters can be set for individual nets as well.

Right-click on a net and select Teardrops item from the submenu. Check one or several items (Through-
Hole Pads and Vias, SMD Pads, T-junctions), for which you want teardrop junctions to be created within
the selected net/-s. Define the teardrop parameters as a function of the pad size/ trace width.
PCB Layout 115

The settings can be applied to the Current Net only or to the Selected Objects.

Note that teardrop settings of individual vias/ pads have priority over those defined for the net. Length matching

DipTrace PCB Layout allows the designer to compare lengths of selected nets automatically and correct
the routing using an auto-updated length comparison list. Traces can be compared against each other
with a custom tolerance or against a Fixed Length value.

We recommend creating a separate net class and checking the Length Matching by Class box in the
Net Classes dialog box if matching tracks of a bus.

Otherwise, you can select "High Speed \ Length Matching" from the main menu or right-click on the
track, and select Length Matching, then Open Length Matching from the submenu to set up the
constraints, add nets, and create a DRC rule for verification.

Press Add Net/Pads to select a net and set the starting and ending pads. You can compare lengths of
several traces against each other with a Tolerance value (just leave the Fixed Length field empty), or
compare them against a target value (enter the Fixed Length parameter). In the latter case, a
Tolerance value is automatically divided by two in order to show the ± tolerance above and below the
Fixed Length.

Press Create New Rule to save current length-match settings as a DRC rule.Otherwise, the DRC will
116 PCB Layout Help

not verify lengths of the traces.

Notice that you can left-click on several traces with a Ctrl k ey, and select "Length Matching \ Compare
Selected Nets Only" from the submenu to launch the Length Matching tool for selected nets only.

Use the drop-down list in the Rule section to switch between different length-matching rules of the
current circuit board. Press the button in the Rule section to rename or delete rules.

Press a corresponding button to replace net or swap its starting and ending pads. Press to
delete net from the list.

DipTrace considers layer stack and pad signal delay when calculating trace lengths. Press the
corresponding button at the top of the dialog box to toggle these options.


Meander is the most efficient way to make traces longer and length-match them. Press on the
High Speed toolbar or select "High Speed \ Add Meander" from the main menu, then left-click on the
trace, and drag and drop to create a meander. Meanders are created one at a time. The software helps
to create meanders of the same size.

To edit meanders, press button, and drag and drop meander's vertices. To push one or several
meanders along the trace, left-click on the trace segment opposite the preferred direction, and drag and
drop several meanders.

Notice that you can also use the Add Meander mode ( button) to edit meanders.
PCB Layout 117

By default, the gap between the meanders is defined by the net class clearance. To set custom
meander gap, right-click on the trace, and select Meander Gap from the submenu. In the pop-up dialog
box, check Value box, enter new gap, and press OK. Signal delay

Bond wires are the wires inside electronic component's package, which connect pads to the die. These
wires introduce a signal delay, which should be accounted for in high-speed designs. Manufacturers
report this in-device pad signal delay in the datasheets in picosecond time or as a length.

Pad signal delay value is considered for phase tuning and length matching, it is added to the total length
of tracks. We recommend setting up signal delays for a component in the DipTrace Component Editor,
but you can also set it in the Schematic and directly in the PCB Layout (delay value is valid only for this
schematic and PCB, it does not affect the component in the library).

To set a pad signal delay in the PCB Layout, right-click on the component and select Pad Signal
Delay from the submenu or right-click on the pad, and select Signal Delay.
118 PCB Layout Help

Select pad from the list (if not selected already), and enter a signal delay right below. Select if you want
to apply this parameter only to the selected component or to all components with the same name on the
circuit board. Press OK to apply changes.

Use Shift + U hotk eys to change the measurement units on the go.

You can also assign pad signal delays in DipTrace Schematic and Component Editor (recommended). Trace vias

DipTrace has two logical types of vias: Trace Via and Static Via. Trace via is part of a trace, while a
static via has more parameters and behaves like a pad.

Regular or Trace Via automatically appears between two trace segments located on different layers.
Vias (regardless of their logic type) always belong to a via style, which determines its physical type
(through-hole or blind/buried), dimensions and layers (for blind/buried vias).

To change trace via, right-click it, and select Via Properties from the submenu.
PCB Layout 119

In the pop-up dialog box change the via style, type, dimensions and layer pair for blind/buried vias, then
select the way to apply these changes: current via, selected segments, selected traces or nets.

Notice that DipTrace can offer you to create a new via style if there is no via style with such parameters.

Trace vias can be easily converted to static vias: right-click on the via, and select Convert Via to Static
from the submenu.

2.5.3 Via Review

DipTrace has two logical types of vias: Trace Vias and Static Vias.

Trace Vias are technically parts of traces. They automatically appear and disappear when you move
trace segment between the PCB layers. When you move traces, trace vias also move.

Static Vias are very similar to pads. You can place static vias without creating traces to connect SMD
pads to plane layers or connect two copper polygons on different layers.

All vias in DipTrace, regardless of their logic type, belong to certain via styles. Via style determines via
type, dimensions, and layers (for Blind/Buried). Via styles

The layout may have several via styles with different properties. All vias regardless of their logic type
(trace via or static via) belong to particular via style (Default). Via style determines the following
properties: via type (through-hole or blind/buried), layers (for blind/buried vias), outer diameter (copper
ring) and hole diameter. To add/edit the via style, select "Route \ Via Styles" from the main menu. The
120 PCB Layout Help

following dialog box will pop up:

Here you can add/delete via styles and edit their properties. If you try to delete a via style of selected
vias, choose a new via style for the vias in the pop-up dialog box.

The first via style is always Default and through-hole, you can not remove it or change its type, but you
can change via diameters.

Notice that you can also edit Default via style in the Route Setup dialog box. Placing vias

Trace via automatically appears when you move trace segment between the circuit board layers.

To place a static via, go to "Objects \ Place Static Via" from the main menu or press button on the
Elements toolbar. You can change default static via properties on the Design Manager panel when
Place Static Via tool is active.

In manual routing mode DipTrace allows previewing vias selected for the trace being routed before
placing them. To enable this option, use F hotkey or check Via Preview box on the Routing panel. A
via contour with defined parameters will appear at the tip of the placed segment. Properties

Via style defines all physical via properties: type, layers, and dimensions. To change via style for
existing via or edit settings separately, right-click on the via, and select Via Properties from the
PCB Layout 121

In this dialog box you can change via style and dimensions, then select where to apply changes (Apply
To drop-down list). If no similar via style exists, DipTrace suggests to create a new via style. Convert trace via to static

To convert trace via to static, right-click it, and select Convert Via to Static from the submenu. Apply it
to current via, selected segments, selected traces or all vias.

To convert a static via to trace via, right-click it, and select Convert to Trace Via. Apply to current via,
selected vias or all vias. Unconnected vias or vias with one trace can not be converted. If all connected
traces are on the same layer, the vias automatically disappear. Thermal settings

Static vias can have custom thermal settings (different from the copper pour properties). Right-click on
the static via, and select Thermal Settings from the submenu.
122 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box, the Use Copper Pour Settings box is checked by default. This means that
common copper pour settings apply to this static via.

Check Use Custom Settings, and define custom thermal settings for the Whole Via or By Layers.

Other fields:
Connect means that you can remove or add a thermal connection for the via regardless of the net in the
copper pour settings.
Thermal is a thermal connection type applied.
Width is a spoke width used for non-direct connection types.

Apply settings current via only, to all vias of the same style, or to selected vias. Teardrops

Teardrop parameters for trace to pad/via/ trace junctions of the selected objects or all existing junctions
of the circuit board are defined in the Add/ Change Teardrops dialog launched by selecting Teardrops
item from the Route menu. However, those parameters can be set for individual vias as well.

Right-click on a via and select Teardrops item from the submenu. Tick Through-Hole Pads and Vias
checkbox and define the teardrop Length and width in the Connection area as a percentage of the pad
PCB Layout 123

The settings can be applied to the Current Via only or to the Selected Objects.

Note that teardrop settings of individual vias have priority over those defined for the net. Mask and paste settings

Default solder mask and paste settings for all pads and vias on the circuit board are defined in the
Gerber export dialog box. However, static vias (like pads) can have custom properties in the solder mask
and paste layers. Right-click on the static via, and select Mask / Paste Settings to change custom
solder mask/paste properties.
124 PCB Layout Help

Select the state of the top/bottom solder mask/paste of the via, using respective drop-down lists in the
State section of the dialog box.

Common state – apply default solder mask and solder paste parameters to the via;
Open – via not covered with solder mask regardless of the default parameters;
Tented – via covered with solder mask regardless of the default parameters;
By Paste Mask – solder mask will match Paste Mask;
Solder – apply solder paste to the via regardless of the default parameters;
No Solder – do not apply solder paste to the via regardless of the default parameters;
Segments – allows splitting paste into segments. With this option selected you can define fill percent,
min. segment side, min.segment gap and nominal edge gap for the paste mask segments.

If you need custom solder mask swell and paste mask shrink settings for the via/s, check the respective
check boxes, and enter custom values (negative numbers are supported).

Changes can be applied to the current via, to all vias of the same style, or to the selected vias.

2.5.4 Differential pair Review

DipTrace provides tools to create and edit differential pairs on the schematic and directly in the PCB
Layout module. Assign differential pair declaration to any nets that exist on the design area.

Net classes manage all differential pair properties and routing constraints. Create a special net class of
Differential Pair type before defining a differential pair. Differential pairs are not allowed to have
parameters outside differential pair net classes. Differential pair parameters are verified as DRC
PCB Layout 125


Routing differential pair is fairly simple (simultaneous two-track mode or single-track routing mode).

External autorouting via DSN/SES interface. Create differential pair

To create a differential pair, proceed to the Net Classes dialog box ("Route \ Net Classes" from the main
menu), and create a new net class.

Press Add button, and select Differential Pair Type. Class properties allow the user to change trace
width, primary gap between the traces, clearances to other objects, differential pair length, and dynamic
phase settings.

Necking parameters allow the user to route a differential pair in narrow places. Press Neck Parameters
to define neck track width, gap, and maximum length of the neck-down segment. DRC takes Net Class
126 PCB Layout Help

parameters (including Neck Settings) as design constraints.

Press OK to close the Net Classes dialog box.

Now go to "High Speed \ Define Differential Pair" from the main menu.

In the pop-up dialog box, change pair name, color, and define positive and negative nets of the pair with
the corresponding drop-downs or by pinpointing nets directly on the design area with or buttons.

Notice that a previous net name is disregarded for a new one, typically it consists of a diff pair name +
positive or negative net identifiers.

Press Edit Net Classes button to open the Net Classes dialog box.

Differential pair pads are marked with special symbol directly on the design area. Custom
differential pair color also applies to pads of the pair. Route differential pair

DipTrace allows the user to route two tracks simultaneously or one by one.

Double-track routing

Routing a differential pair is very similar to routing regular nets. Press button on the Route toolbar,
PCB Layout 127

or use Tilde sign (~) hotkey, then left-click on any of the differential pair pads, and start drawing the
traces. Two tracks of the pair with specified gap appear on the design area simultaneously.

Left-click on the key point of the track to create a node, use Routing panel on the left for any on-the-go
customizations. Please refer to Routing Traces topic for manual routing basics, which are also
applicable to differential pairs.

Single-track routing

Sometimes you need to separately route each track of the pair in order to succeed. When in the
differential pair manual routing mode, right-click, and select Route Single Trace from the submenu,
then continue drawing a track to its pad.

In order to change the track being routed, select Change Control Trace from the right-click submenu.

If you want to return to pair routing, select Route Pair from the right-click submenu. When one of the
pair tracks is routed, DipTrace automatically switches to the unrouted net.
128 PCB Layout Help Neck differential pair

Go to Net Classes dialog box ("Route \ Net Classes" from the main menu), select the differential pair net
class, and press Neck Parameters button.

Enter the trace width and gap between the traces. Max Neck Length parameter allows the user to
define the maximum length of a necked trace segment. If a necked segment is longer than this value,
the DRC drops an error.

When routing differential pair on the design area, right-click, and select Neck-down Segment from the
submenu, or use W hotkey.

To return to normal width, select Return to Regular Width from the right-click submenu. Edit differential pair

Editing differential pair traces – moving tracks, adding nodes, changing the width and layer of the tracks.

Editing of routed differential pairs is quite similar to editing single tracks (if you are new to the software,
read that topic first), the only difference is that with differential pairs you can edit two tracks
PCB Layout 129

simultaneously or each track separately from the other.

Editing as a pair

Go to "Route \ Manual Routing \ Edit Traces" from the main menu or press button on the Route
toolbar. This is a regular track edit mode that allows the user to move two tracks of a differential pair
simultaneously with respect to 90- and 45-degree angles. The differential pair, in this case, behaves just

like a single trace. Select tool to simultaneously edit two tracks of the pair without any

To add a node to the traces, move the mouse pointer over the trace segment, and press N hotkey or
right-click, and select Add Node from the submenu. New nodes remain on the traces for several steps
until they will be automatically removed if unused.

In order to change the differential pair name, color, unroute any part of the pair, change layer of the
segment, trace, or entire differential pair, just right-click on the trace, and select the corresponding item
from the drop-down list.

Basic differential pair properties are available on the Properties tab of the Design Manager when a
differential pair is selected.

Single-trace editing mode

For single track editing, go to "High Speed \ Differential Pair Tools", then select Edit Single Trace for
editing a single trace with respect to 90- and 45-degree angles, or select Free editing of Single Trace.

You can also use the and buttons to launch the respective single-trace editing modes. Phase tuning

Net Class settings control a maximum uncoupled length of a differential pair, length tolerance for the two
tracks of a pair, dynamic phase tolerance and the maximum length of a segment with dynamic phase
tolerance violation. DRC verifies the circuit board according to these parameters. If the DRC reports a
phase shift (dynamic phase tolerance violation), select the Phase Tune tool to find the problem and
ensure that the timing of the differential pair signals is correct.

The height of vias (derived from the Layer stack) and pad signal delay (the length of inner-component
bonding wires) are considered by the Phase Tuning tool.
130 PCB Layout Help

Press button on the High Speed toolbar, or select "High Speed \ Differential Pair Tools \ Phase
Tune" from the main menu. The following dialog box pops up:

With Phase Tune tool active you can hover over the differential pair trace and check if there is a phase
delay or hurry on a particular trace segment counting from both ends of the trace in forward and
backward directions. The software also points you to the segment where meanders needed in order to fix
a phase shift.

DipTrace considers a signal delay on the pads and via height determined by the layer stack when
calculating trace length and signal phase.

Left-click on the segment, and drag and drop to create a meander. Meanders are created one at a time.
The software helps to create meanders of the same size. Meanders reduce the phase timing difference
between the two tracks of a differential pair. You can control a current phase shift value in the Phase
Tune for Differential Pairs dialog box.

Find out more about adding and editing meanders in the Length Matching topic. Signal delay

Bond wires are the wires inside electronic component's package, which connect pads to the die. These
wires introduce a signal delay, which should be accounted for in high-speed designs. Manufacturers
report this in-device pad signal delay in the datasheets in picosecond time or as a length.

Pad signal delay value is considered for phase tuning and length matching, it is added to the total length
of tracks. We recommend setting up signal delays for a component in the DipTrace Component Editor,
but you can also set it in the Schematic and directly in the PCB Layout (delay value is valid only for this
PCB Layout 131

schematic and PCB, it does not affect the component in the library).

To set a pad signal delay in the PCB Layout, right-click on the component and select Pad Signal
Delay from the submenu or right-click on the pad, and select Signal Delay.

Select pad from the list (if not selected already), and enter a signal delay right below. Select if you want
to apply this parameter only to the selected component or to all components with the same name on the
circuit board. Press OK to apply changes.

Use Shift + U hotk eys to change the measurement units on the go.

You can also assign pad signal delays in DipTrace Schematic and Component Editor (recommended). Remove differential pair

To remove a differential pair declaration from the nets:

1. Use the Differential Pair Manager ("High Speed \ Differential Pair Manager" from the main menu). In
the pop-up dialog box select a differential pair, and press Delete button.

2. Right-click on the track or any pad of the differential pair, and select Remove Diff Pair from the
132 PCB Layout Help

Removing the differential pair declaration does not remove the nets or unroute tracks. DipTrace will
return original net names.

Notice that if you select a differential pair trace, and press the Del hotk ey, or right-click , and select
Delete from the submenu, you completely delete a differential pair nets from the design. Define paired pads

On rare occasions, DipTrace might not be able to finish routing the differential pair. The software displays
the warning message that offers to use Define Paired Pads feature. The most typical error-prone
situation is when each net of the differential pair terminates on two closely-located pads.

In the situation on the picture above, DipTrace offers to terminate traces on the wrong pads. To fix the
issue, you need to let the software know the correct pair of terminal pads. Go to "High Speed \ Define
Paired Pads" from the main menu.
PCB Layout 133

Using the Differential Pair drop-down list, select the differential pair that you have problems with. If
Automatic Search is checked, press Update and new pad pairs should appear in the Paired Pads list
right below.

If no success with Automatic Search, then check Manually item, and select the pair of the pads from
the lists showing the unpaired pads (Positive Net and Negative Net). Then press the left arrow
button to pair the pads. Diff pair properties

Right-click on a differential pair or pads that belong to a differential pair net, and select Diff Pair
Properties from the submenu.
134 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box, you can change the differential pair name, the color of the traces, put the
differential pair declaration on other nets or assign a new net class. Required parameters of the net class
and current parameters of the routed differential pair are right below. Violations are highlighted in red.

Press Edit Net Classes to open the standard Net Classes dialog box for adding/deleting/editing net

There are several ways to edit differential pair properties:

1. Go to "Route \ Net Classes" from the main menu, and select respective differential pair net class to
edit its parameters;
2. Right-click on any differential pair on the design area, and select Differential Pair Properties from
the submenu.
3. Use the Differential Pair Manager ("High Speed \ Differential Pair Manager" from the main menu). Differential Pair Manager

Differential Pair Manager is the most convenient way to create/edit/delete differential pairs. Go to
"High Speed \ Differential Pair Manager" from the main menu. The following dialog box pops up:
PCB Layout 135

Sort differential pairs by net classes, then select a differential pair from the list to review and change all
parameters. Press Edit Net Classes to open the standard Net Classes dialog box for adding/deleting/
editing net classes. In order to add or delete a differential pair, use Add or Delete buttons. Press OK to
apply changes.

2.5.5 Shape Review

Shapes allow the designer to create any custom drawing on different circuit board layers, use one or
several shapes to define a board outline, cut custom holes in the board (board cutouts) and limit routing/
placement in some areas (Route Keepout and Place Keepout).

The following shape types are available: Line, Arc, Rectangle, Filled Rectangle, Obround, Filled
Obround, Polyline and Polygon.

Place shapes on silk, assembly, component outline, courtyard, mask, paste, board outline, copper
(Signal and Plane), Route Keepout, Placement Keepout layers.
136 PCB Layout Help Create

To create a shape, press on the Drawing toolbar, select a corresponding shape object, and draw it
on the design area.

To place a Line, press button on the Drawing Toolbar and select . Left-click to anchor the
starting point and the end point. When drawing the line, it’s dimensions will be displayed by DipTrace.

To place an Arc, press button on the Drawing Toolbar and select . There are three modes for
Arc placement in DipTrace. Left-click to anchor the starting point, then right-click to select the mode:

Start - Center - Angle - with this mode selected an arc with a certain angle is built based on a circle
with defined radius. Anchor the starting point, the center point of a circle will appear; the radius of the
circle is equal to the distance between the starting point and the center point. Move the center point
away from the starting point to get a circle with desired parameters. Next left-click and adjust the
angle of the arc. Left-click to anchor the end point of the arc.
Start - End - Radius - in this mode an arc of desired radius is built between the Start and End
points. Place the Start and End Points and move the mouse pointer to adjust the radius of the arc.
Left-click when done.
Start - End - Middle Point - in this mode an arc is built based on three points. Place Start and End
point, the third point will appear on the line between them. Move the point to get an arc with desired

Choose Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise from the right-click submenu to set the concavity direction of
the curve.
Select Cancel from the right-click submenu to cancel the arc placement.
When drawing an arc, it’s key parameters (radius, deg.) will be displayed by DipTrace.

To place a Rectangle/ Filled Rectangle, press and select or respectively on the

Drawing Toolbar. Left-click to anchor the starting point, draw the shape and left-click in the end point.
When drawing the shape, it’s dimensions will be displayed by DipTrace.

To place a Obround/ Filled Obround shape, press and select or button respectively on
the Drawing Toolbar. Left-click to anchor the starting point, draw the shape and left-click in the end point.
When drawing the shape, it’s dimensions will be displayed by DipTrace.

To place a Polyline/ Polygon, press and select or button respectively on the Drawing
Toolbar. Left-click to anchor the starting point, draw the shape, left-click to anchor points, right-click in
the end point and select Enter form the submenu. When drawing the shape, it’s dimensions will be
displayed by DipTrace.

To change default line width and font for newly placed shape objects, select Objects/ Drawing
Properties/ Line Width from the main menu. To set default line width by layers, go to View/ Line Width.

When you create a shape on the design area, it appears in the corresponding layer, selected from the
PCB Layout 137

drop-down list on the Drawing toolbar. However, you can change a layer once a shape is on the design
area (in the Shape Properties dialog box). Edit

To change shape size, select a shape, and move its key points with the left mouse button. When editing
a shape, it’s dimensions will be displayed by DipTrace in real time.

For precise editing of the shape, use the Shape Properties dialog box. Properties Line

Right-click on a line, and select Properties from the submenu to open Shape Properties dialog box:

Here you can change the shape Type. If Signal or Route Keepout type is selected from the list, a Layer
drop-down appears to specify the layer as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it, if you want the
shape to be placed on all signal layers. Use Net drop-down to connect shape to a certain net (assigning
138 PCB Layout Help

shape to net allows for avoiding the DRC errors).

You can choose to use default line width for the selected Layer; or customize it for the given shape.

Start and End Points can be adjusted by changing X and Y coordinates or by using button to set
them by Mouse Pointer.

Finally, you can edit Line Dimensions, just type-in new values for Horizontal (dX) and Vertical (dY)
tangent. Arc

Right-click on an Arc, and select Properties from the submenu to open Shape Properties dialog box:
PCB Layout 139

Here you can change the shape Type. If Signal or Route Keepout type is selected from the list, a Layer
drop-down appears to specify the layer as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it, if you want the
shape to be placed on all signal layers. Use Net drop-down to connect shape to a certain net (assigning
shape to net allows for avoiding the DRC errors).

You can choose to use default line width for the selected Layer; or customize it for the given shape.

Select an Arc Edit mode: Center+Start/End Angle+Radius or Start/ End Point+Radius or angle. Type-in
all the required values. Note that points can be defined by X and Y coordinates or set by Mouse Pointer

upon pressing .

Finally, you can change arc Radius and Angle. Rectangle/ Filled Rectangle

Right-click on a Rectangle/ Filled Rectangle, and select Properties from the submenu to open Shape
Properties dialog box:

Here you can change the shape Type. If Signal or Route Keepout type is selected from the list, a Layer
drop-down appears to specify the layer as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it, if you want the
140 PCB Layout Help

shape to be placed on all signal layers. Use Net drop-down to connect shape to a certain net (assigning
shape to net allows for avoiding the DRC errors).

You can choose to use default line width for the selected Layer; or customize it for the given shape.

Next, you can change the position of an anchor point and type-in its coordinates.

Finally, you can edit shape dimensions. Obround/ Filled Obround

Right-click on an Obround/ Filled Obround shape, and select Properties from the submenu to open
Shape Properties dialog box:

Here you can change the shape Type. If Signal or Route Keepout type is selected from the list, a Layer
drop-down appears to specify the layer as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it, if you want the
shape to be placed on all signal layers. Use Net drop-down to connect shape to a certain net (assigning
shape to net allows for avoiding the DRC errors).

You can choose to use default line width for the selected Layer; or customize it for the given shape.
PCB Layout 141

Next, you can change the position of an anchor point and type-in its coordinates.

Finally, you can edit shape dimensions. Polyline/ Polygon

Right-click on a Polyline/ Polygon shape, and select Properties from the submenu to open Shape
Properties dialog box:

Here you can change the shape Type. If Signal or Route Keepout type is selected from the list, a Layer
drop-down appears to specify the layer as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it, if you want the
shape to be placed on all signal layers. Use Net drop-down to connect shape to a certain net (assigning
shape to net allows for avoiding the DRC errors).

You can choose to use default line width for the selected Layer; or customize it for the given shape.

Next, you can change the position of an anchor point and type-in its coordinates.

Finally, you can edit shape dimensions by clicking on Polyline Points/ Polygon Points button.

2.5.6 Text
Enter topic text here.
142 PCB Layout Help Review

DipTrace supports placing a multi line text.

Text object can be placed on assembly, silk, outline, courtyard, mask, paste, board outline, copper
(Signal and Plane), Route Keepout, Placement Keepout layers. It can be connected to a net, if placed
on a sygnal/ plane layer. Create

To create a text go to Objects/ Place Text or press button on the Drawing toolbar.

Left-click on the design area and type the text.

Use Enter key to move to the next line.

Right-click on a free spot of the design area to return to default mode. You can drag and drop the text to
change its location; guidelines will appear while moving the text to help you align it with other text

To define text font type, size and other parameters before placement, select Objects/ Drawing
Properties from the main menu. However, it is possible to change these properties for objects already
placed on the design area.

Note that tilde (~) before and after text is reserved by the software for placing a line over the pin name,
which implies inversion; if you want a tilde symbol to appear as it is, you should place it twice:

~text~/~~text Edit

To edit, double click on the text object or right-click on it and select Edit Text. The following dialog will
PCB Layout 143

Here you can change the text, line spacing and alignment. Press Show All Text Properties button to
access Text Properties dialog that allows for adjusting more text object parameters.

Text Rotation

Several Text rotation options are available, they can be accessed from the text right-click submenu:

Rotate – rotation at 90-degree step counter-clockwise. You can use R or Space hotkeys for the
same purpose.
Rotate by Angle – select a preset angle of rotation or customize it.
Free Rotate – this option allows rotating text by any angle in real time.

You can also set text rotation angle in Text Properties dialogue.

Hover over the test object and drag it to another location.

To delete a text, right-click it, and select Delete from the submenu.

Text parameters can be changed in the Picture Properties dialogue. Properties

To open Text Properties dialog, right-click on the text object and select Properties from the submenu.
144 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialogue you can set line spacing, text alignment and font, define its type and the layer it
belongs to. If Signal or Route Keepout type is selected from the list, a Layer drop-down becomes active,
where you can specify the signal/plane layer, as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it if you want
the text to be placed on all signal layers. You can use invert text option to etch text in copper pour, or
make it as void in silk screen. Use Net drop-down to connect text to a certain net (this option is
available only if Signal Type has been selected). Choose an angle from the Text Angle drop-down or
just type-in the required value to rotate the text.

The location of the Anchor Point of the text box is set by ticking the respective circle. Anchor Point is
displayed as a cross. You can also set the coordinates of the Anchor point.

Press Font Settings button to open Font dialog (it can also be accessed by selecting Font in the text
right-click submenu):
PCB Layout 145

Here you can set the font size, select the Line Width from Thin, Normal, Bold or Customize it, and also
define the Text Width.

2.5.7 Picture Review

In DipTrace images can be placed on any layer, available for shape placement.

A vectorized picture can be connected to a net, if placed on a sygnal/ plane layer, and merged with
copper pour.

Raster image can be placed only as a reference template associated with Assembly layer; it is not
included into manufacturing documentation. Create

To place a picture go to Objects/ Place Picture or press button on Drawing toolbar.

Define the border box for the image on the design area – a file selection dialog box pops up
automatically. Select the required image file and click Open.

In the pop-up Picture Vectorizing window you can choose Background Color (select white to have the
image shown on your layout or black, if you want to invert it and make it as void in silk screen or copper
pour) and adjust the Tolerance. Click OK.
146 PCB Layout Help

If you are opening a raster image and do not want to vectorize it, press Keep Raster Image button. Note
that raster images will be placed as a template that will not be included into manufacturing

The program supports BMP and JPEG formats of raster images.

The image is placed in the layer selected from the drop-down on the Drawing panel.

Right-click in the on a free spot of the design area to return to default mode. Edit

To change the image size, left-click on one of its key points and drag, length and width will change

Several Picture rotation options are available, they can be accessed from the picture right-click

Rotate – rotation at 90-degree step counter-clockwise. You can use R or Space hotkeys for the same
Rotate by Angle – select a preset angle of rotation or customize it.
Free Rotate – this option allows rotating image by any angle in real time.

You can also set picture rotation angle in Picture Properties dialogue.

Hover over the picture object and drag it to another location.

PCB Layout 147

To delete a picture, right-click it, and select Delete from the submenu.

Image parameters can be changed in the Picture Properties dialogue. Properties

To open Picture Properties dialog, right-click on the picture and select Properties from the submenu.

In the pop-up dialogue you can define its type and the layer it belongs to. If Signal or Route Keepout
type is selected from the list, a Layer drop-down becomes active, where you can specify the signal/
plane layer, as well as All Signal Layers checkbox – tick it if you want the picture to be placed on all
signal layers. Check Merge with Copper Pour option to etch the image in the copper pour. Use Net
drop-down to connect picture object to a certain net (this option is available only if Signal Type has been

You can also select an Anchor Point location and set the angle of rotation from the drop-down or type-
in a custom value.

Define the Width and Height of the picture. Use Constrain Proportion checkbox to enable/ disable
maintaining the image proportions. With Constrain Proportion option disabled the image key points on
148 PCB Layout Help

the right allow changing the width and the bottom-left point - adjust the height of the picture.

DipTrace supports BMP and JPEG formats of vector images.

All pictures are saved as vector images in the PCB project file.

2.5.8 Table Review

A table has a certain number of columns and rows. Table field can contain any text aligned to the left,
center or right side of the field.
To change the column width or row height, use the Table Properties dialog box or select the
corresponding item from the table right-click submenu.

To change text and alignment, click on the corresponding table cell, then type in the text and change
alignment in the pop-up dialog box.

Place tables in assembly or silk layers. Table layer is defined when the table is placed. To change layer
of an existing table, right-click on the table, select Properties, and select new layer in the Table
Properties dialog box. Create

Select "Objects \ Place Table" from the main menu or press button on the Elements toolbar, then
left-click on the design area to place a table.
PCB Layout 149

In the pop-up dialog box, specify the table name, layer (Top Assembly, Top Silk, Bottom Silk, or Bottom
Assembly, etc.), set the number of columns and rows, column width and row height, alignment, font,
and press the Place button.

To define the text inside the table cell, left-click on the corresponding table cell, and enter the text,
change the font and alignment for the cell in the pop-up dialog box.

Change general table properties in the Table Properties dialog box. Edit

To define text, font, and alignment of the table cell, as well as column width and row height, click on the
table cell, and change properties in the pop-up dialog box.

You can also change the column width and row height if you right-click on the corresponding table cell,
and select Column Width or Row Height, and enter new values in the pop-up dialog boxes. To change
the size of all columns and rows of the table, use the Table Properties dialog box.

To add columns and rows to the table hover over the table border, right-click it, and select the
corresponding items from the submenu.
150 PCB Layout Help

To insert columns or rows to the table hover over the table field, right-click it, and select the relevant item
from the submenu. Empty columns or rows appear before the current cell.

To delete columns or rows from the table, right-click on the corresponding cell, and select Delete
Column or Delete Row from the submenu. Properties

To change table properties, right-click it, and select Properties. The following dialog box pops up:

Here you can change table name, layer (Top Assembly, Top Silk, Bottom Silk or Bottom Assembly,
etc.), column width, row height, alignment and font by default.

Apply changes to:

– all table cells;
– cells with default settings;
– new cells only (not applied to existing cells). Saving to the file

A table can be saved to Excel CSV file or into the formatted text file.
PCB Layout 151

To save the table into the file, right-click it, and select Save to File from the submenu.
Open the CSV files in any spreadsheet editors like MS Excel or OpenOffice, etc.

2.5.9 Copper pour

To place a copper pour, select "Objects \ Place Copper Pour" from the main menu or press on the
Elements toolbar, then click on the design area to define the key points of the copper pour polygon, and
right-click, and select Enter from the submenu, or press Enter hotkey.

In the pop-up dialog box, you can specify the following parameters:



Fill Type – type of the copper pour fill (Solid, Horizontal Lines, Vertical Lines, Cross 45, or Cross 90)

Clearance – minimum gap between signal/plane layer objects and the copper pour.

Use Net Clearance – if checked, the software takes the clearance value from the Net Class parameters
of the current net.

Notice that this option does not affect the clearances of neighboring objects (other traces and copper

Line Width – size of the lines forming the copper pour. It is one of the basic copper pour parameters.

Line Spacing – line-to-line spacing in the copper fill (for non-solid fill types).
152 PCB Layout Help

Island Removal – define the minimum area of the copper pour island (the software will remove all
smaller islands), remove all internal islands, remove all unconnected islands.

Pour Priority – this option helps to organize several copper pours on a PCB layer. Lower value in the
field means higher priority level.

For example, "Pour Priority: 0" defines the most important polygon, copper pours with "Pour Priority: 1"
change depending on the borders of the polygon with higher priority, and so on.

Current State – current state of the copper pour. There are two states: poured and unpoured, select
poured state or update unpoured copper pours before printing or ordering the circuit board because
unpoured copper polygons are not considered as copper areas.


Connect to Net – connect selected net to the copper pour.

Hide Net Ratlines – different options for displaying the ratlines of the copper pour net:

Automatic – the software hides the ratlines for connected segments and displays the ratlines for
unconnected segments;
Do not Hide – ratlines are always visible;
All Ratlines – all ratlines are always invisible, regardless of their status (connected or not).

Thermals – select a thermal connection between the pads and the poured area.

Notice that pads and vias can have custom thermal settings.

Spoke Width – width of connection lines for non-direct thermals.

Direct Connection for Vias – directly connect all vias to the copper pour (without thermals).

Notice that this option does not override custom thermal settings of the vias.

Separate Thermals for SMD – separate thermal settings for SMD pads.


Points – define copper pour polygon points by specifying their coordinates.

Depending on Board – if checked, the copper pour polygon covers an entire board. In this case
clearance to the board outline can be specified right below.

Snap to Board Outline – if checked, the copper pour changes in real-time when you edit the board

To change parameters of the copper pour, right-click on the copper pour border, and select
Properties from the submenu. To set the Poured state, right-click on the copper pour border, and
PCB Layout 153

select Update or "State \ Poured" from the submenu.

Go to Objects menu and select Update All Copper Pours to update all copper pours of the board in
one click, select Clear All Copper Pours to unpour all copper pours on all layers.

To define separate thermal settings for the pad/static via, right-click it, and select Thermal Settings
from the submenu.
See Pad thermal settings topic for more details.

2.5.10 Board

Printed circuit board in DipTrace is defined by the board polygon and board cutouts.

There are several ways to place a board outline:

1. Select "Objects \ Place Board Outline" or press button on the Objects toolbar, then anchor
the key points of the board polygon on the design area.

2. Select "Objects \ Board Points" and specify the key points of the Board Outline or define required
parameters to automatically create a Rectangular, Circular or RoundRect Board.

3. Use any set of shapes in Board Cutout layer to define the Board Outline right-click on a shape
and select Convert to Board Outline. Note that Start and End points of shapes have to coincide to
form a continuous line.

Edit the board polygon with the mouse or edit specific points in the Board Points dialog box.


You can add arcs to the board outline. When placing the board, right-click, and check Arc item to build
an arc. There are several modes of arc drawing. To choose the required option, right click and select Arc
Mode (Start - End - Middle Point; Start - Center - Angle; Start - End - Radius) from the submenu. Arc
placement mode is automatically turned OFF when the arc is ready. To convert any point of the outline
into an arc, right-click on the top point of an arc, and select Arc from the submenu.

Edit board outline

To move any point of the board outline, drag and drop it on the design area. To insert point, right-click on
the board outline segment, and select Insert Point from the submenu. To delete a point, right-click it,
and select Delete Point.

To edit the coordinates of the point, select "Objects \ Board Points" from the main menu. In the pop-up
dialog box, you can add, insert, edit or delete points of the board outline polygon.

Converting the board outline into a regular shape will add some editing tools. Right-click on the board
outline, and select Convert to Shape from the submenu. When ready, right-click on the shape, and
select Convert to Board Outline.

DipTrace allows the user to design complex shapes in 2D CAD programs and import the board outline
from the DXF drawing.
154 PCB Layout Help

Board polygon is an area where autorouter creates traces. If there is no board polygon in the layout, an
autorouter creates a rectangular outline automatically.

2.5.11 Board cutout

Board polygon and board cutouts define the printed circuit board borders.

Board cutouts are regular shape objects with special settings. To create a board cutout, select the
Board Cutout layer from the drop-down list on the Drawing toolbar, then select a shape tool, and draw a
shape on the design area.

Notice that you can convert any shape to board cutout in the Shape Properties dialog box.

Do not mix up Board Outline with Board Cutout, these shapes are visually similar, but serve
completely different tasks.

2.5.12 Group

A group is an abstract object that unites several design objects and defines similar editing properties for
them: fixed position relatively to each other, rotation with respect to the center of the group, entire group
is selected when you select any object of the group. You can see the borders and center point of the
group on the design area.

To create a group, select objects, and go to "Edit \ Group" from the main menu. To ungroup objects,
select any object of the group, and go to "Edit \ Ungroup" from the main menu. It is also possible to
group and ungroup objects from the object right-click submenu.

2.5.13 Pad (single)

A separate pad in DipTrace (which placed directly in the PCB Layout) behaves like a pattern with a

single pad. Select "Objects \ Place Pad" from the main menu or press button on the Elements
toolbar, then left-click on the design area to place a pad.

Change default pad shape and size on the Place Pad panel (Properties tab) on the Design Manager
(visible only when Place Pad tool is active).

Notice that you can hide a pad in any signal/plane layer. Right-click on the pad, and select Hide Pad
Ring in Layer. Blind/buried pads are possible. Right-click on the pad to display its submenu, and
PCB Layout 155

select Pad Layers from the submenu.

To specify custom mask and paste settings, right-click on the pad, and select Mask / Paste Settings.

If you need to setup default pad properties for entire pattern, right-click on the pattern, and select Pad
Properties from the pattern submenu.
If you need to customize certain pad of the pattern, right-click it, and select Pad Properties from the
pad submenu.

2.5.14 Mounting hole

A mounting hole is a pattern with a single mounting hole. The mounting hole has only two parameters:
the diameter of the hole and diameter of the keepout area around it (Outer Diameter).

To place a mounting hole, select "Objects \ Place Mounting Hole" from the main menu or press
button on the Elements toolbar. Change default mounting hole parameters in the Properties tab on the
Design Manager (visible only when Place Mounting Hole tool is active).

To change the parameters of the mounting hole on the design area, right-click it, and select Properties
from the submenu.

2.5.15 Fiducial
A fiducial is a pattern that consists of a single fiducial. Fiducial has only two parameters: the diameter of
the exposed copper and diameter of the keepout area around it.

To place a fiducial, select "Objects/ Place Fiducial " from the main menu or press button on the
Elements toolbar. Change default fiducial parameters in the Properties tab on the Design Manager
(visible only when Place Fiducial tool is active).

To change the parameters of the fiducial on the design area, right-click it, and select Properties from the
submenu. In the pop-up dialog you can adjust fiducial position by setting X and Y coordinates and edit
diameter of copper and keepout area.
156 PCB Layout Help

You can choose to Show or Hide fiducials of the components containing them in the current project by
selecting the respective option for Component Fiducials item in View menu.

2.5.16 Dimensions

You can place four types of dimensions (horizontal, vertical, free, radius) and the pointer (it displays the
point coordinates or custom text).

Dimension or pointer is attached to the object's key point. It automatically recalculates when you edit
the object.

To place a dimension, select "Objects \ Place Dimension \ <Dimension Type>" from the main menu or

press on the Elements toolbar, and select a type of dimension, then click on the first point (key
points are highlighted) on the design area, and click on the second point (if necessary), then choose the
dimension's position.

Right-click on a dimension, and select Properties from the submenu to disconnect or connect
dimension from/to the key points, change/display units, and access other settings.
PCB Layout 157

2.5.17 Search layout objects

To search layout, select "Edit \ Find Object" from the main menu or press Ctrl+F hotkeys.

In the pop-up dialog box, select the type of the object (Component or Net) and search parameter
(RefDes, Value or Name), then type in the parameter or its part, and press Enter or the Find Now

Double-click on the object in the Result list to localize it on the design area, or press Localize button.

You do not have to close this dialog box to continue working with the layout. It can be minimized by
pressing the arrow in its upper left corner.

2.6 Editing objects

2.6.1 Selecting objects

Select objects before editing or removing them. DipTrace has several ways to select objects or to edit
existing selection:

1. Clicking. Use the left mouse button to select an object and the right mouse button to open the
object's submenu.

Notice that you can select different overlaying objects by click ing several times on the same spot.

2. Box selection. In the Default mode hold down the left mouse button on an empty place, and move
the mouse to draw a selection box. All objects inside this box will become selected when you release
the mouse button.
158 PCB Layout Help

To invert object selection, press Ctrl key, and select objects. To add objects to selection, use the Shift
If you try to select one object from a group, the entire group becomes selected.
To select all objects, go to "Edit \ Select All" from the main menu or Ctrl+A hotkeys.

3. Edit Selection. This dialog box allows the user to select objects by type/layer. There are several
selection modes: new selection, add to selection, remove from selection, keep selected. Go to "Edit \
Edit Selection" from the main menu.

In the pop-up dialog box select objects and one of the modes:
1. New Selection – deselect all objects selected on the design area and create a new selection based
on your choice;
2. Add to Selection – add specified objects to existing selection;
3. Remove from Selection – remove specified object/s from existing selection;
4. Keep Selected – deselect all selected objects, which do not correspond to specified parameters. This
mode allows the user to select objects by type and area. Use box selection and Ctrl button to define an
area, then use Keep Selected mode which will deselect all unspecified objects.

2.6.2 General functions

There are the following general editing functions: Delete, Cut, Copy and Paste.
Select objects first before applying these functions, then select the corresponding action from Edit main
menu item or use the hotkeys: Cut (Ctrl+X), Copy (Ctrl+C), Paste (Ctrl+V) and Delete (Del). You can
copy objects between two DipTrace instances.

To create a matrix, based on selected objects, select "Edit \ Copy Matrix" from the main menu, define
the number of columns and rows, column and row spacings, and press OK.
PCB Layout 159

2.6.3 Undo/Redo function

To cancel the last editing step and return to the previous design, select "Edit \ Undo" from the main

menu or press button on the Standard toolbar.

It is possible to recover canceled steps. Choose "Edit \ Redo" from the main menu or press on the
Standard toolbar. If you edit layout after using Undo tool, the Redo tool becomes inactive.

You can select whether to consider Zoom a separate editing step or not, using Undo/ Redo Zoom item of
Edit menu.

2.6.4 Undo/Redo Zoom

You can select whether to consider Zoom a separate editing step or not, by choosing from the following

Change if action not visible. If the editing step being canceled does not belong to the currently visible
area of the design field, the first Undo command will return the view to the previous scale to make the
location visible again; the second Undo command will cancel the action. If the location is visible on the
design area, the first Undo command will cancel the action.

Change Always. The change of the scale is always considered as a separate editing step. Undo
command returns the view to the previous scale.

Do Not Change. Undo command cancels the last editing without changing the scale.

2.6.5 Move/Rotate objects

To change the position of design object/s, select them, and drag to a new position. You can also use
the Arrow k eys. Hold Shift for orthogonal moving.
Connected trace segments change while moving the component.

To rotate objects counter-clockwise, select them, and press R hotkey (by default) or select "Edit \
Rotate" from the main menu.

PCB Layout allows the user to rotate selected object/s to any angle. Right-click on the component,
shape or copper pour, and select Define Angle or Free Rotate from the submenu.
Define angle item allows the designer to select 30, 45 degrees or specify a custom angle. Free Rotate is
used to rotate objects visually with the mouse. Left-click when done.

To rotate the selected objects with a single center point, select "Edit \ Rotate Group" from the main

To flip the selected objects, go to "Edit \ Flip Group" in the main menu. DipTrace will mirror vertically or
horizontally both the location and angle of the selected objects.
160 PCB Layout Help

2.6.6 Aligning objects

Select objects on the design area, then go to "Edit \ Align Objects" from the main menu, or right-click on
one of the objects and select Align Objects from the submenu.

Select the alignment direction, then select how to align objects in the row or column (left, center or right)
and set distribution settings by objects' boundaries or equally with a custom spacing.

You need to select at least two objects to have the Align tool available because the alignment is relative.

2.6.7 Lock/Unlock objects

PCB Layout has two ways to lock objects:

1. Lock Selected. To lock selected objects (prevent moving, editing, etc.) select objects, right-click on
one of them, and choose Lock Selected from the submenu, "Edit \ Lock Selected" from the main menu
or Ctrl+L hotkeys. To unlock selected objects, choose "Edit \ Unlock Selected" from the main menu or
Unlock Selected item from the object submenu. Locked objects highlight with lower contrast.

2. Locking components by side. This feature allows the designer to lock components on the Top or
Bottom side of the board. Select "Edit \ Lock Components \ <Board Side>" from the main menu to lock
or unlock components on the corresponding PCB side.
PCB Layout 161

2.7 Placement
2.7.1 Arrangement

Once schematic is converted to PCB, a layout usually seems chaotic. The Arrange Components
feature positions all components into the box inside or outside the board outline depending on the

Placing components outside the board outline is useful before placing components by the list.

Change default clearances between the components in the Placement Setup dialog box, custom
component clearance – in the Component Properties dialog box.
To launch the arrangement, select "Placement \ Arrange Components" from the main menu or press

button on the Placement toolbar.

Notice that Auto-Placement and Arranging Components are different features.

2.7.2 Placement by List

Select "Placement \ Placement by List" from the main menu:

Select component from the list in the pop-up dialog box, and left-click to place it inside the board outline.
Placed components disappear from the list.
162 PCB Layout Help

Notice that only nets connected to selected component are shown.

2.7.3 Auto-placement

Auto-placement feature optimizes component layout by connections' lengths.

We recommend using a combination of automatic and manual placement (Placement by List) for
complex designs. Place all primary components (chips, connectors, etc.) manually, and lock them
("right-click \ Lock Selected"), then auto-place resistors, capacitors, small chips, etc. This saves your
time and optimizes the total trace length and number of vias required.

See Placement by List to discover more.

To define auto-placement parameters, use the Placement Setup dialog box ("Placement \ Placement
Setup" from the main menu) and Component Properties for components with a custom clearances.

Select "Placement \ Run Auto-placement" or press button on the Placement toolbar.

It is possible to auto-place selected components only (for example, some logical block, etc.) – go to

"Placement \ Auto-place Selected" from the main menu or press button on the Placement toolbar.
Regular placement parameters apply.

2.7.4 Placement setup

Placement Setup dialog box allows the designer to define settings for arrangement and auto-placement

features. Select "Placement \ Placement Setup" from the main menu or press button on the
Placement toolbar:
PCB Layout 163

Placement Grid is used for auto-placement and arrangement. This value does not mean accuracy
because placement algorithm uses combined grid and shape methods to make accurate spacings.

The X, Y, and Board spacing mean horizontal/vertical spacing between different components and the
minimal distance from components to the board outline.

Use Pattern Spacings means using custom pattern clearances. See the Placement tab in the
Component Properties dialog box.

Place Components Outside the Board Outline can be used to place components right next to the
board outline before placing them by the list.

Increase Placement Quality is the optimization for each placement step. This increases the quality,
but dramatically reduces the speed (use with caution).

2.8 Routing
2.8.1 Routing steps

We describe a typical working sequence in DipTrace PCB Layout:

1. When you open a schematic file in the PCB Layout, the program suggests to use schematic rules or
load rules from a previous layout project (layers, DRC parameters, net classes, and via styles). If you
have selected to load rules, you can skip layers/via styles/net classes/DRC configuring steps.

2. Draw the board outline or import it from mechanical CAD and arrange components (outside the board
outline, see Placement Setup)

3. Place components on the board (see Placement by list). Auto-placement for non-critical components.

4. Configure layers ("Route \ Layer Setup" from the main menu).

5. Configure via styles ("Route \ Via Styles" from the main menu).

6. Configure net classes ("Route \ Net Classes" from the main menu).

7. Route the board: automatically or in the manual mode.

If you design a simple board with two layers, single trace width and single via style is probably enough.
In this case skip steps 4 through 6. Use the Route Setup dialog box to quickly configure the basic

2.8.2 Adding ratlines

There are several ways to add ratlines (create new nets) in DipTrace PCB Layout:

1. To connect two pads with the mouse, select "Objects \ Place Ratline" from the main menu or

press button on Objects toolbar. Then left-click on the first pad, and move the mouse to the
second pad, left-click it. DipTrace creates a new net (connection line appears). Right-click if you want to
164 PCB Layout Help

cancel connection while creating it and switch to Default mode. Connect as many pads as you need.

2. To connect a pad to existing net, right click on the pad, select Add to Net, then choose Select
from List, select net, and click OK. Ratline connects the current pad with the nearest pad of selected
net. You can also connect all selected pads or vias at a time. Edit Selection feature allows the user to
manage the selection of pads/vias before connecting them.

3. Connection Manager, select "Route \ Connection Manager" from the main menu. Here you can add
or delete pads to all nets as well as add new nets to the design.

Locking the net structure prevents adding/removing ratlines with all methods listed above. In this case,
the ratline disappears only if you route it. To lock the net structure, go to "Route \ Lock Net Structure"
from the main menu.

2.8.3 Connection Manager

Go to "Route \ Connection Manager" from the main menu.

In this dialog box, you can select a net and add or delete pads to/from this net.
Rename net by pressing the button, or delete it with the button. To add a new net, press .

To delete pad, select it in the table, and press Delete button.

PCB Layout 165

To add pad, select component and pad of this pattern, and press Add button.

2.8.4 Route setup

To change basic routing parameters, select "Route \ Route Setup" from the main menu or press
on the Route toolbar.

In this dialog box you can change the following parameters, sorted by two tabs:

Traces and Vias

Trace width and clearance for default net class (enough for the majority of simple layouts). If you
need more net classes/rules for your layout, click All Classes button to configure new net classes.

Outer diameter and hole diameter for default via style (always default through-hole vias). If you need
more via styles or blind/buried vias, click the Via Styles button.

Copper to Board Outline clearance for the autorouter.


Minimum segments are used while editing traces to remove very small segments and make straight
lines or angles. Try different values and edit some tracks on the design area to select the best value for
you. However, very few people need this kind of customization, since default values work for almost any
166 PCB Layout Help


Use NumLock Keyboard for Routing – enable manual routing of 90/45 segments using Num Keypad.

Hide ''Other'' Ratlines while routing net. If you want to display all ratlines of the layout while routing a
certain net, uncheck this parameter or select "View \ Ratlines \ Routed Net Only" from the main menu.

Remove Loops – remove bow tie effect when you complete the trace.

Connect to inactive layer – highlight traces in all layers when you hover over them in the Manual
Routing mode. This feature is often used with Highlight only current net option because in this case,
the software highlights pads and traces of the net being routed regardless of the PCB layer. You do not
need to change the layer – a via appears automatically.

Route with Static Vias – activate this option if you want static vias to be placed instead of trace vias
during routing.

Neck-down Traces for Small Pads – when routing the trace which is wider than the pad, DipTrace
automatically narrows the trace segment to fit the pad size.

Remove Ratline while Deleting Trace – remove a ratline together with a trace being deleted.

2.8.5 Trace templates

To set up trace templates (width and clearance) select "Route \ Trace Templates" from the main menu.

In the pop-up dialog box add, delete, and change trace templates.
Trace templates appear in the net submenu when you select to change the segment/trace/net width.
Trace templates are also available in the Net Properties and Route Setup dialog boxes.
PCB Layout 167

2.8.6 Routing traces

DipTrace features manual and automatic routing modes.

To create a trace manually, select Route/ Manual Routing/ Add Trace from

the main menu, press button on the Route toolbar or use Tilde sign (~)
hotkey. The mouse pointer will turn into a cross-hair and Routing panel will
appear on the left side of the screen.

To begin trace routing, anchor a starting point by left-clicking on a pad, via,

trace or an empty spot, draw a trace and connect it to the end point by left-
clicking on a conducting circuit element (pad, via, trace). To finish a trace on
an empty spot, just press Enter or right-click, and select Enter from the
submenu. To cancel the trace, use Esc key or right-click, and select Cancel
from the submenu. To return to default mode, right-click on a blank spot,
press button or Esc hotkey.

Routing parameters can be managed on the Routing panel.

Basic interactive features ensure error-free routing.

Show Errors. If this box is checked, all routing errors will be highlighted with
red circles in real time, when a trace is being routed. By contrast, Real-time
DRC, when enabled, shows errors immediately after the trace routing process
is finished.

Follow rules (F hotkey). With this option activated, the software will not allow
any violations of design rules when routing existing nets.

Route Mode. Select the required option or use M hotkey to choose between
Orthogonal, 90/45 Lines, 90/Arcs, customized or All Segments routing mode.

All Segments mode allows the user to choose from all available types of trace
segments. Other modes imply using segments of a certain type only. Use S
hotkey to toggle between the segment types.

My Routing Mode enables creating a customized set of segments for quick

access during the routing process. Press button to open the list of
available options and select the required ones. Press OK.
168 PCB Layout Help

Current Segment. This item serves to change the current trace segment using S hotkey or by
selecting the necessary option from the list that appears when left-clicking on the current segment
image. The set of available segment types depends on the selected Routing Mode. DipTrace allows
drawing orthogonal polylines (90 Horz > Vert, 90 Vert > Horz), polylines with determined vertex angle (90
deg. line > 45 deg. line; 45 deg. line > 90 deg. line) as well as rounded lines (90 deg. line > arc; arc > 90
deg. line) and 3-point arcs. If free line or curve option is selected, the angles of a polyline or the shape of
a curve can be defined by the user.

Fix Single Line. This option is applicable to polylines and rounded lines. With this item selected
(checkbox on Routing panel or D hotkey), a left click will fix only the first angle-forming segment, placed
before the vertex point, leaving the second one in placement mode.

Net Class. Use a drop-down list or C hotkey to choose a net class for a new net created during routing
Please note that changing a net class on this panel does not change the class of an existing net. To
change the net class of an existing net, open the Net Classes (link to 6.4) dialog-box and change it prior
to routing.

Segment Width. The width of the current trace segment is displayed here. Select By class to use the
value defined by the Net Class properties or customize this parameter for the current and following
segments by typing in the required value. Use W hotkey for a quick access to the list of options for
defining the width of the current segment: Net Class, Template, Custom.

Segment Layer. Use the drop-down list on the Routing panel, L hotkey or a layer number from 1
through 9 to change the current routing layer. Additionally, you can use T and B hotkeys to switch to
Top and Bottom layer respectively. Trace vias appear automatically.

Via Style. Use a drop-down list or V hotkey to select a via style that will be applied to the vias that
appear, if you change the layer when routing a trace. Auto means that DipTrace selects an optimal via
style, depending on the situation.
PCB Layout 169

Via preview. Mark the checkbox or use E hotkey to enable/disable this option. When activated, a via
that will be placed when changing the trace layer is shown at the tip of the line while routing.

Angle Step. This item is activated when curve or free line is selected as Current Segment. Use drop-
down menu or A hotkey to change the angle step to free, 15, 30 or 45 degrees.

Highlight Net. Here you can chose to highlight pads of all nets or only the pads of the current net while
drawing a trace. Select the preferred mode or use H hotkey to toggle between the options. Current Net
mode is highly recommendable, when Follow rules option is disabled, because it also ensures error-free
PCB design by highlighting only those pads and traces that belong to the current net when you hover
over them with the mouse pointer in the Manual Routing mode; other traces and pads are basically
ignored, making connection to them impossible.

Undo button, same as U or Back space hotkey, allows undoing the last trace segment.

All the routing parameters are duplicated in and can be adjusted from the right-click submenu when
routing a trace.

You can use Num Keypad for manual routing of 90/45 segments. First, activate Numpad with NumLock
key. Make sure that Use NumLock Keyboard for Routing option is enabled in the Settings tab of Route
Setup dialog (Route/ Route Setup). Switch on Manual Route mode and left-click in the starting point to
begin routing a trace. Use Num keys for routing in the following directions:
170 PCB Layout Help

You can finish routing a trace with Numpad by pressing Enter key. It is possible to switch to routing with
the mouse and back to Num keys at any moment.

Routing with Numpad is done only with 45/90 segments, irrespective of the current Routing Mode and
Segment type.

Route Setup

Proceed to "Route \ Route Setup", and select the Settings tab to change more manual routing settings.
PCB Layout 171

Use NumLock Keyboard for Routing – enable manual routing of 90/45 segments using Num Keypad.

If you want to display all ratlines of the layout while routing the net, uncheck Hide "Other" Ratlines
while Routing Net in this dialog box or uncheck "View \ Ratlines \ Routed Net Only" option from the
main menu.

Remove Loops – remove bow tie effect when you complete a trace.

Connect to inactive layer – highlight traces in all layers when you hover over them in the Manual
Routing mode. This feature is often used with Highlight only current net option because in this case,
the software highlights pads and traces of the net being routed regardless of the PCB layer. You do not
need to change the layer, via will appear automatically.

Route with Static Vias – activate this option, if you want static vias to be placed instead of trace vias
during routing.

Neck-down Traces for Small Pads – when routing the trace which is wider than the pad, DipTrace
automatically narrows the trace segment to fit the pad size.

Parameters from the Minimum Segment section are used while editing traces to remove small segments
and make straight lines or angles. Default values usually work just fine.

2.8.7 Editing traces

Editing traces – moving, adding nodes, changing trace width and layer.

There are two modes of moving traces:

1) Edit existing trace respecting 90- and 45-degree angles. This mode is activated automatically when
you try to edit some trace in the Default mode. To enable edit mode manually, go to "Route \ Manual

Routing \ Edit Traces" from the main menu or press button on the Route toolbar. This mode allows
the user to move trace segments with 90- and 45-degree angles and to smooth 90-degree "sharp" angles
with two angles and a segment, like on the picture below:

2) Free edit trace. To enable this mode, select "Route \ Manual Routing \ Free Edit Traces" from the

main menu or press button on the Route toolbar. This mode allows for moving trace segments and
nodes in any direction anywhere on the design area.
172 PCB Layout Help

To add a node to a trace segment, hover over it with the mouse, and press N hotkey or right-click, and
select Add Node from the submenu. New nodes remain on the trace for several steps until they are
automatically removed if unused.

To perform any action with a trace segment, you need to select it first. DipTrace allows the user to
select several trace segments at a time with the left mouse clicks (hold Ctrl key and add/remove
segments to/from the selection, or use the box selection and Shift key).

All selected segments are displayed by the dotted lines; the Properties tab shows their properties (
Ctrl+2 to show/hide the Design Manager).

Four segm ents selected

Press W hotkey or enter a new value into the Segment Width field on the Properties tab. You can
also change the trace width. Select the width from the trace templates or set a new value. To change
segment layer, select layer from Segment Layer drop-down list on the Properties tab.
PCB Layout 173

Properties tab includes major net properties: change net class, color, route mode, same as in the right-
click submenu.

To delete a segment, right-click it, and select Delete from the submenu.

To unroute segment, trace or net, right-click it, and select Unroute <item> from the submenu.

2.8.8 Routing differential pairs

DipTrace allows the user to route two tracks simultaneously or one by one.

Double-track routing

Routing a differential pair is very similar to routing regular nets. Press button on the Route toolbar,
or use Tilde sign (~) hotkey, then left-click on any of the differential pair pads, and start drawing the
traces. Two tracks of the pair with specified gap appear on the design area simultaneously.

Left-click on the key point of the track to create a node, use Routing panel on the left for any on-the-go
customizations. Please refer to Routing Traces topic for manual routing basics, which are also
applicable to differential pairs.

Single-track routing

Sometimes you need to separately route each track of a pair to succeed. When in the differential pair
manual routing mode, right-click, and select Route Single Trace from the submenu, then continue
drawing a track to its pad.
174 PCB Layout Help

In order to change the track being routed, select Change Control Trace from the right-click submenu.

If you want to return to pair routing, select Route Pair from the right-click submenu. When one of the
pair tracks is routed, DipTrace automatically switches to the unrouted net.

Currently, automatic differential pair routing is not possible in the DipTrace, but differential pairs can be
routed using external software SPECCTRA/ELECTRA via DipTrace DSN/SES interface.

2.8.9 Editing differential pairs

Editing differential pair traces – moving tracks, adding nodes, changing the width and layer of the tracks.

Editing of routed differential pairs is quite similar to editing single tracks (if you are new to the software,
read that topic first) the only difference is that with differential pairs you can edit two tracks
simultaneously or each track separately from the other.

Editing as a pair

Go to "Route \ Manual Routing \ Edit Traces" from the main menu, or press button on the Route
toolbar. This is a regular track edit mode that allows the user to move two tracks of a differential pair
simultaneously respecting 90- and 45-degree angles. The differential pair, in this case, behaves just like

a single trace. Select tool to simultaneously edit two tracks of the pair without any constraints.

To add a node to the traces, move the mouse pointer over the trace segment, and press N hotkey or
right-click, and select Add Node from the submenu. New nodes remain on the traces for several steps
until they will be automatically removed if unused.

In order to change the differential pair name, color, unroute any part of the pair, change layer of the
segment, trace, or entire differential pair, just right-click on the trace, and select the corresponding item
from the drop-down list.

Basic differential pair properties are available on the Properties tab of the Design Manager when a
differential pair is selected.
PCB Layout 175

Single-trace editing mode

For a single track editing, go to "High Speed \ Differential Pair Tools", then select Edit Single Trace for
editing a single trace respecting 90-and 45-degree angles or select Free editing of Single Trace.

You can also use the and buttons to launch the respective single-trace editing modes.

Neck differential pair

Go to Net Classes dialog box ("Route \ Net Classes" from the main menu), select the differential pair net
class, and press Neck Parameters button. Enter the trace width and gap between the traces. Max
Neck Length parameter allows the user to define the maximum length of the necked trace segment. If it
is longer than this value, the DRC drops an error.

When routing differential pair on the design area, right-click, and select Neck-down Segment from the
submenu, or use W hotkey.

To return to normal width, select Return to Regular Width from the right-click submenu.

Phase Tuning

Net Class settings control a maximum uncoupled length of a differential pair, length tolerance for the two
tracks of a pair, dynamic phase tolerance and the maximum length of a segment with dynamic phase
tolerance violation. DRC verifies the circuit board according to these parameters. If the DRC reports a
phase shift (dynamic phase tolerance violation), select the Phase Tune tool to find the problem and
176 PCB Layout Help

ensure that the timing on the differential pair signals is correct.

Press button on the High Speed toolbar, or select "High Speed \ Differential Pair Tools \ Phase
Tune" from the main menu. With the Phase Tune for Differential Pairs tool, you can hover over the
differential pair trace, and check if there is a phase delay or hurry on a particular trace segment counting
from both ends of the trace in forward and backward directions.

Left-click on the segment, and drag and drop to create a meander. Meanders are created one at a time.
This reduces the phase timing difference between the two tracks of a differential pair. You can control a
current phase shift value in the Phase Tune for Differential Pairs dialog box.

DipTrace considers a signal delay on the pads and via height determined by the layer stack when
calculating trace length and signal phase.

2.8.10 Measuring trace length

There are three ways to measure traces:

1. Using the trace hint. When you hover over some trace, a hint pops up. For it to include the
information about the trace length, enable Add Object Details item in the View/ Display Hint submenu.
The trace length is shown in the following format: "Length (start point - end point) = XX.XXX".

2. Selecting the traces. Select the traces that you want to measure, right-click on one of them, and
choose Show Trace Length from the submenu. The length value appears for each trace (near the
pads). The value changes in real-time when you edit traces, this allows for precise length control on the

3. Length-Matching Tool. A special tool for comparing trace lengths and matching them by using
meanders (extensively used when routing high-speed buses). Find out more in the next topic.

Notice that pad signal delay and via height, defined by the layer stack , are added to the total length of
traces being measured.

2.8.11 Length matching

DipTrace PCB Layout allows the designer to compare lengths of selected nets automatically and correct
the routing using an auto-updated length comparison list. Traces can be compared against each other
with a custom tolerance or against a Fixed Length value.
PCB Layout 177

We recommend creating a separate net class and checking the Length Matching by Class box in the
Net Classes dialog box if matching tracks of a bus.

Otherwise, you can select "High Speed \ Length Matching" from the main menu or right-click on the
track, and select Length Matching, then Open Length Matching from the submenu to set up the
constraints, add nets, and create a DRC rule for verification.

Press Add Net/Pads to select a net and set the starting and ending pads. You can compare lengths of
several traces against each other with a Tolerance value (just leave the Fixed Length field empty), or
compare them against a target value (enter the Fixed Length parameter). In the latter case, a
Tolerance value is automatically divided by two in order to show the ± tolerance above and below the
Fixed Length.

Press Create New Rule to save current length-match settings as a DRC rule.Otherwise, the DRC will
not verify lengths of the traces.

Notice that you can left-click on several traces with a Ctrl k ey, and select "Length Matching \ Compare
Selected Nets Only" from the submenu to launch the Length Matching tool for selected nets only.

Use the drop-down list in the Rule section to switch between different length-matching rules of the
current circuit board. Press the button in the Rule section to rename or delete rules.

Press a corresponding button to replace net or swap its starting and ending pads. Press to
delete net from the list.

DipTrace considers layer stack and pad signal delay when calculating trace lengths. Press the
corresponding button at the top of the dialog box to toggle these options.
178 PCB Layout Help


Meander is the most efficient way to make traces longer and length-match them. Press on the
High Speed toolbar or select "High Speed \ Add Meander" from the main menu, then left-click on the
trace, and drag and drop to create a meander. Meanders are created one at a time. The software helps
to create meanders of the same size.

To edit meanders, press button, and drag and drop meander's vertices. To push one or several
meanders along the trace, left-click on the trace segment opposite the preferred direction, and drag and
drop several meanders.

Notice that you can also use the Add Meander mode ( button) to edit meanders.

By default, the gap between the meanders is defined by the net class clearance. To set custom
meander gap, right-click on the trace, and select Meander Gap from the submenu. In the pop-up dialog
box, check Value box, enter new gap, and press OK.
PCB Layout 179

2.8.12 Fanout

The Fanout feature allows the designer to automatically create vias for SMD patterns (SOIC/QUAD, and
BGA footprints), nets, and pads. Fanout is a very convenient tool when you need to connect SMD pads
with internal PCB layers automatically.

Fanout pattern

To fanout a pattern, right-click it, and select Fanout from the submenu.

In the pop-up dialog box you can change the following parameters:

Pattern Type – select the pattern type: SOIC/QUAD, BGA - All Pads, and BGA - By Rows.

For example, the BGA - All Pads type allows the user to create vias of the same style for all pads of the
pattern, BGA - By Rows enables separate via styles for each row of the BGA pattern, it also allows for
rows without vias.

Placement – place vias outside, inside pattern or zig-zag. This option is active only for SOIC/QUAD

Pads – place vias for all pads or only for left/right/top/bottom line of the pads. This option is active only
180 PCB Layout Help

for SOIC/QUAD patterns.

Use Connected Pads Only – check this option if you need to create fanouts only for the pads
connected to some nets.

Apply to – apply fanout for selected pattern, net or pad. You can not change this option because we
clicked on the component pattern.

Fanout net or pad

To fanout a net, right-click on any pad of the net, select Fanout from the submenu, make sure that Net
is selected in the Apply to field, and click OK. Fanouts appears for all pads of the net.

To fanout only selected pad, right-click on the pad, select Fanout from the submenu, select Pad in the
Apply to field, and click OK.

2.8.13 Autorouting

DipTrace PCB Layout has two integrated autorouters:

1. High-speed shape-based autorouter suitable multi-layer SMD circuits.

2. Entry-level grid-based autorouter for simple hobby circuit boards with jumper wires.

Go to "Route \ Current Autorouter" from the main menu to select a current autorouter. Shape Router is
selected by default.

Select "Route \ Run Autorouter" from the main menu, or press button on Route toolbar, or Ctrl+F9
hotkeys to launch selected autorouter.

To change settings of current autorouter, select "Route \ Autorouter Setup" from the main menu or

press on the Route toolbar.

The errors may occur during automatic routing (depends on current routing settings), this is why the
DRC (Design Rules Check) automatically verifies the circuit board right after autorouting. Go to "Route \
Current Autorouter \ Run DRC after Autorouting" from the main menu to turn this option ON/OFF.

To increase the routing speed, go to "Route \ Current Autorouter \ Redraw Traces while Autorouting"
from the main menu, and uncheck this option.

Each net has an Auto-route Mode parameter in the Net Properties:

Ratlines – existing traces do not change while autorouter creates new traces based on current net
structure (this mode is set by default);
Correct Traces – autorouter may correct existing traces and routes the circuit board based on current
net connections;
Full autorouter unroutes all existing traces and routes the circuit board based on current net
Don't Route do not route the net.
PCB Layout 181

You can also route nets only of selected components, right-click on the component, and select Route
Traces from the submenu.

Autorouting progress bar appears in the top-right corner of the design area. Grid Router Review

Grid Router is a grid-based autorouter with "rip-up-and-retry" technology. It's is suitable for simple
projects. The speed of autorouting depends on the number of layers.

There are three basic autorouter steps: trace placement with "rip-up and retry" technology, trace
optimization, and trace correction.

Autorouter has four modes: Quick (set by default), Normal, Good, and Best. To change the autorouter

mode, select "Route \ Autorouter Setup" from the main menu or press button on the Route toolbar.
Make sure that the Grid Router is selected as an active autorouter ("Route \ Current Autorouter \ Grid
Router" from the main menu).

Advanced users can set up the Grid Router parameters manually. Parameters

To change Grid Router parameters, select "Route \ Autorouter Setup" or press button on the
Route toolbar. Make sure that Grid Router is selected ("Route \ Current Autorouter \ Grid Router" from
the main menu).
182 PCB Layout Help

We recommend to set up the autorouter by selecting one of the modes (Auto Setup: Quick, Normal,
Good, and Best).

Advanced setup for in-depth customization.


Create Traces

1. Angles – traces with 90-and 45-degree angles (default) or only 90-degree angles.

2. Number of Layers – set the number of signal layers available for the autorouter. Uncheck Use All
Layers item, then set the number of PCB layers to 1, and the Grid Router draws all traces on the
Bottom layer of the circuit board.

3. Use All Layers – check to allow the autorouter to draw traces on all PCB layers, uncheck to set the
Number of Layers.

4. Route without Vias – the autorouter tries to route the circuit board without vias. We recommend
PCB Layout 183

using the Normal Auto Setup mode and raise the Number of Layers if autorouting fails.

5. Use Priority Layer Directions – use priority directions for traces on different signal layers. This
feature allows the user to avoid parallel signals. Press to set up the priority trace directions for each

6. Allow Jumper Wires – allow the autorouter to use jumper wires. We recommend using Normal
Auto Setup mode for routing with jumper wires.

Notice that all jumper wire options are active only when routing the circuit board on a single layer (Use
All Layers item is uncheck ed, and the Number of Layers set to 1).

7. Forbid jumpers under Patterns – check this item to forbid the Grid Router to draw traces under
component footprints.

8. Jumper Wire Direction – select vertical or horizontal jumper wires.

9. Matrix Shift and Choice – enables the Grid Router to shift the routing grid to find the best variant.

10. Number of Options – the number of attempts for one grid shift variant.

11. Number of Optimizations – the number of trace optimizations.

12. Via Value – value of the via which is used to calculate the trace length, only for experienced users.

13. First Route Limit, Second Route Limit – the part of "rip-up-and-retry" technology to find traces.
These limits set the maximum ratio of the trace length and "start-to-end-point" spacing. Only for
experienced users.

14. Maximum Number of Modifications – the part of "rip-up-and-retry" technology to define the
maximum number of trace reroutings.


15. Correct Angles – delete sharp angles.

16. Correct Traces – set the correction step, number of steps per attempt and number of correction
cycles. Shape Router Review

DipTrace has an integrated world-class high-speed shape-based autorouter capable of processing

complex multi-layer SMT layouts as well as simple hobby-level circuit boards. The Shape Router
algorithm is based on adaptive shape-based technology. The autorouter can create fanouts for nets and
components, neck-down the traces and more.

You can define the routing strategy with Autorouter Setup or with a special DO-file (Electra/Specctra
DO-file syntax).
184 PCB Layout Help

Autorouter parameters are optimized for different kinds of boards, but you can change them if you need.

Notice that the Shape Router does not support jumper wires. Parameters

To change the Shape Router parameters, select "Route \ Autorouter Setup" or press button on the
Route toolbar.

Notice that Shape Router should be selected ("Route \ Current Autorouter" from the main menu)
because two the Shape Router and Grid Router have different setup dialog boxes.

Select the Routing Mode: Settings or DO-file.

When in the Settings routing mode, you can define the following autorouter parameters using the tabs:


Bus Router create parallel traces between the pads connected via busses.

SMD Fanout create fanouts for SMD pads before starting the autorouting, the value sets the number
of passes.

Init Route initial routing when the autorouter allows for design rule violations, the value sets the
number of passes.

Clean clean the design violations, created with Init Route feature, the value sets the number of
PCB Layout 185

Final Route final routing, the value sets the number of passes.

Clean – clean any design rule violations that the Final Route feature may induce, the value sets the
number of passes.

Filter remove all design rule violations and excess vias, optimize the traces. New violations are not
allowed in this step. The Filter's value sets the number of passes.

Miter Corners to 45 miter corners to 45 degrees, otherwise traces will have 90-degree corners.


Grid Via via placing grid.

Grid Wire the trace placing grid.

Via Cost set the cost of each via for the autorouter when drawing traces. The drop-down list has the
following options: Standard – default via cost, Forbidden route without vias, High fewer vias, Low
more vias, Free free to place any number of vias.

Pad Wire Necking allow the autorouter to neck down the traces when connecting wide traces to
narrow pads.

Filled Copper Pours as Route Keepouts filled copper pours are counted as route keepouts.

Use Priority Layer Directions define priority directions for the traces on different PCB layers. Forbid
autorouter to draw traces on certain layers (single-sided circuit boards).

Direction – the direction of traces on selected layer.


Priority priority directions of the fanouts.

Max Fanout Length maximum trace length from pad to fanout via.

Share Through-Hole Pads use nearby through-hole pads of the same net instead of creating new
fanout vias.

Share Vias use nearby vias of the same net instead of creating new fanout vias.

Max Share Length maximum trace length when sharing nearby through-hole pads or vias.

Vias at SMD Pads place vias inside SMD pads.

Fit Inside – center vias inside SMD pads.

2.8.14 Electra/Specctra integration

DipTrace allows the user to route DipTrace circuit boards with external Electra and Specctra
186 PCB Layout Help

You need to export layout into *.dsn format, then route the circuit board in Electra or Specctra
autorouter, and import completed layout back into DipTrace.

To export a *.dsn file, select "Route \ Electra/Specctra Interface \ Export Autorouter DSN" or "File \
Export \ Autorouter DSN" from the main menu.

To import the routed project from *.ses file, select "Route \ Electra/Specctra Integration \ Import
Autorouter SES" or "File \ Import \ Autorouter SES" from the main menu.

Do not mak e any changes to the design on the stage before importing the *.ses file from external

2.8.15 Hierarchy blocks

DipTrace PCB Layout is capable of arranging components by hierarchy blocks directly on the board and
copy placement and routing between hierarchical blocks. Go to "Route \ Hierarchy" from the main menu.
If the source schematic does not have hierarchy blocks, this dialog box will be blank.

Sort components by hierarchical blocks

Select schematic sheet from the Hierarchical Sheets list, then select hierarchy block from the Non
Routed Sheet Blocks list (you can select several blocks at a time with Ctrl key), then press the Select
Blocks button to arrange components by selected blocks on the design area.

Copy placement and routing between blocks

Route traces inside the hierarchical block and change the layout of components, then open the
PCB Layout 187

Hierarchy dialog box, select routed and non-routed blocks, and press Copy Placement and Routing
button to copy placement and routing between the hierarchical blocks.

Traces connecting the components inside the hierarchical block to components outside the block are
not copied.

2.9 Verification
2.9.1 Check design rules

DRC works in regular (offline) and real-time modes. Real-time DRC checks all user actions on-the-
go, according to the set of design rules, while the DRC in regular mode is launched by the user.

Select "Verification \ Check Design Rules" from the main menu or press button on the Route
toolbar to launch the DRC. Errors are marked with red circles (clearance errors) or magenta circles (size
errors) directly on the design area. The list of errors allows the designer to navigate through the layout. It
also contains the description of each error with the current value, target constraints, and information
about where to change them.

To hide the errors, go to "Verification \ Hide Errors" from the main menu.

Notice that some design constraints (including the differential pair length/phase rules and length-
matching rules) are set in the Net Classes and Length Matching dialog boxes.

Select "Verification \ Design Rules" from the main menu or press button on the Route toolbar to
open the Design Rules dialog box.
188 PCB Layout Help

Here you can select a rule template. Press button to add/edit templates.

Show a list of errors or "No Errors" message checkbox allows for displaying the errors list or just the
marks on the design area. Notice that DRC automatically checks the design right after autorouting.

Check Sizes checkbox is disabled by default. Therefore, you should enable it to verify the object sizes.

Enable or disable the Real-time DRC with the corresponding check box.


It is possible to set up common clearance rules for all layers or for each PCB layer individually (uncheck
All Layers checkbox, select layer, and specify required parameters). To set up detailed clearance, use
the object-to-object grid table.

Check Same Net Clearances checkbox, and enter respective values, if you need to verify clearances
between the objects of the same net.


Set the minimum trace width, minimum and maximum drill sizes for plated and non-plated holes, and
minimum/maximum ring sizes. Notice that each layer can have different parameters (uncheck All
Layers checkbox, select layer, and specify the parameters).
PCB Layout 189

Real-time DRC

If Real-time DRC is active, the user can specify the actions that are checked in the real-time mode:
Manual Routing, Creating/Editing Objects, and Moving Objects. Notice that checked item in the
Real-time DRC tab means that you see the error circles before completing the corresponding action,
and unchecked item is to report errors right after completing the action (assuming the Enable Real-
time DRC checkbox is checked).


1. Check Class-To-Class Rules check class-to-class rules between the net classes.
2. Check Length Matching consider length-matching rules (if any exist).
3. Check Copper Pours verify copper pour clearances (may reduce the speed).
4. Check Route Keepouts check if any route keepout shapes cross the copper areas or traces.
5. Check Courtyard – check for any overlays in the courtyard area.
6. Check Jumper Wires check if any jumper wires overlay the copper objects.
7. Check Same Pattern Pads check clearances between the pads of the same pattern.
8. Check Same Net Pads check clearances between the pads of the same net.
9. Check Silk over Pads check if silk shapes or text objects touch or overlay any pads; clearance
value can be set here.

2.9.2 Check net connectivity

Net connectivity verification checks if all nets on the circuit board are properly connected (with traces,
shapes or copper pours). We strongly recommend using this feature for boards with Power or Ground
copper pours on signal or plane layers. The verification reports all isolated pads or copper pour areas.

Select "Verification \ Check Net Connectivity" from the main menu, then check the objects which you
want to consider as connectors, and click OK.
190 PCB Layout Help

On the picture above you can see a simple example of a typical error, which breaks the copper pour net
into several unconnected areas (Net 6 has 2 areas). If you have troubles finding the problem on the
design area, check which pads of which components are disconnected, and use the Design Manager to
find them on the design area.

We recommend using the net connectivity verification for all your projects.

2.9.3 Compare to schematic

To ensure that the net structure is correct, you can compare a completed circuit board to original

Select "Verification \ Compare to Schematic" from the main menu, and open your schematic file (*.dch
extension). If there are any errors, DipTrace reports them in the list. Otherwise, the "No Errors" message

Notice that new patterns and nets added directly in the PCB Layout (VCC, GND, etc.) cause no errors.

2.10 Working with layers

2.10.1 Review

All signal and non-signal PCB layers are available in the Layers tab on the right side of the screen (
Design Manager panel).
PCB Layout 191

By default all layers are sorted from the top side of the board to the bottom. However, you can arrange
them in the order you prefer and choose priority layers to be displayed in the list, with all other layers
hidden. Press button to open Layer Priority and Order dialog.
192 PCB Layout Help

Tick the layers you want to be displayed in priority list; use and buttons to change their
order in the list.

Press Show Priority Layers Only button to display only pre-established priority layers.

Press Show All Layers button to display all layers.

To select a layer, double-click it in the list. Copper layers have quick-access hotkeys in the brackets.

To show/hide layer on the design area, click on the corresponding blue check mark in the list. To
change layer color, left-click on the color rectangle. Notice that the color of the traces, copper pours and
SMD pads depend on the layer color.
PCB Layout 193

To add a new signal/plane/non-signal layer, press button, in the pop-up dialog box, define the layer
properties, and press OK. To insert layer, right-click in the table row where you would like to insert a
new layer, and select Insert Layer from the submenu.

Press to open the Layer Setup dialog box which allows the user to add, delete, and edit signal,
plane, and custom non-signal layers as well as manage physical properties of conducting and insulating
layers of the layer stack.

Use the drop-down to change the layer display mode. Press to adjust levels for
the Contrast layer display mode.

2.10.2 Layer properties

Select "Route \ Layers Setup" from the main menu or press button on the Layers tab to change
layer properties and manage the layer stack. The following dialog box pops up:

PCB layers can be divided into two physical types: Signal-conducting (copper layers) and Non-Signal
layers (silk, paste, mask, etc.).
Signal layers are then divided into two logic types: Signal layers (for drawing traces) and Plane layers
(for copper pours).

194 PCB Layout Help


Move signal layers up and down, add, insert, and delete them, change layer name, color, and type
(Signal or Plane). You can connect Plane layers to nets (usually PWR and GND) and specify plated
hole parameters right below. To learn how to place copper pours and define thermals for plane layers,
see the Copper Pour topic.


Move custom non-signal layers up and down, add, insert and delete them, select the layer side (None
means that layer is not connected to any side of the board), change layer color and its name.

Notice that default non-signal layers are separated from the custom non-signal layers. The user can not
edit or delete default non-signal layers.

Layer stack

Press the Layer Stack button to get a full control over the stack of conducting and insulating PCB
layers, their thickness, material, dielectric constant and total thickness of the circuit board. Document
the stack of layers with a Layer Stackup Table.

2.10.3 Display modes

To change a layer display mode, select "View \ Layer Display" from the main menu or use the
drop-down list on the Layers tab on the Design Manager.

DipTrace has the following modes to display the circuit board layers:

1. Current Only only active layer is visible. Double-click on the layer in the Layers tab to select an
active layer.

2. All Layers all signal layers are visible. We recommend setting different colors for the layers.

3. Contrast only active layer is at full contrast, other PCB layers are visible with reduced contrast. Go
to "View \ Layer Display \ Contrast Level" or press button on the Layers tab to adjust the contrast

4. Contrast Edit a special mode, which is the same as Contrast layer display mode, but you can edit
objects on all layers without switching to them.This mode is available only from the main menu.

Notice that "Top Silk " and "Top Assembly" layers are active when the top or inner signal layer is
selected, "Bottom Silk " and "Bottom Assembly" layers are active when the bottom signal layer is

2.10.4 Layer stackup

DipTrace allows for comprehensive control over the stack of conducting and insulating PCB layers in the
PCB Layout 195

Layer Stack dialog box. Select "Route \ Layer Setup" from the main menu or press button on the
Layers tab, then press Layer Stack in the Layer Setup dialog box.

Here you can add/delete layers and move them up and down the stack. DipTrace automatically applies
the most appropriate stack template depending on the number of signal/plane layers of the circuit board.
You can select another template in the Template drop-down list or edit templates with the respective

Press Insert Before or Insert After to add a new layer and select its material, thickness (if allowed) and
dielectric constant. To edit a layer, select it in the list, and change properties in the fields right below. To
delete a layer, select it, and press Delete.

To document the layer stack, press Place Table.

196 PCB Layout Help

In the pop-up dialog box, select a non-signal layer for placing the layer stack table (Assembly, Silk or
custom non-signal layers), change units and font, select decimal separator and check dimensions.
Press Place, then left-click on the design area to place a layer stack table. The table is updated
automatically, so can keep editing your layout after placing the table all subsequent changes will be
included into the report. Note that you can edit the table manually, however, auto-update mode will be
disabled: left-click on any cell, a warning message will appear, click Yes a Cell Properties dialog will
appear, allowing you to change cell parameters and its content.

Layer thickness, which influences the via height, is taken into account by phase tune and trace length
measuring tools.

Edit materials

DipTrace has a standard set of layer materials good for most users (copper conductors of various weight,
FR-4, polyimide, prepregs, etc.) All materials are divided into three basic types: Conductor, Plane, and
Dielectric. To edit standard materials or add new ones, press Edit Materials, and enter properties in the
corresponding fields. Check Variable Thickness box to allow for changing the layer thickness directly
in the Layer Stack dialog box.
PCB Layout 197

Use the corresponding buttons to add or delete materials to the list of available.

2.11 Printing, Sheet Setup

2.11.1 Printing

We recommend to use the Preview dialog box to print a layout, but you can also use the "File \ Print"

main menu item or press the button on the Standard toolbar to print the design directly from the
main window.

Printing is similar to what you see on the design area. You can display the page borders and titles on
the design area.

To change title properties, use the Titles and Sheet Setup dialog box. Use available title templates or
create a new title block using the Title Block Editor.

2.11.2 Preview

To open the print Preview dialog box, select "File \ Preview" from the main menu or press button
on the Standard toolbar.
198 PCB Layout Help

Move sheet in the preview area with the mouse.

You can see only active signal layer by default. To change the layer display mode or show another layer,
use the Current and Show drop-downs in the Layers section of the Preview dialog box.

To show/hide the objects for printing, press the Objects button and check/uncheck necessary items in
the pop-up drop-down menu.

The sheet is automatically scaled to fit the preview panel. To change the preview scale from 10% to
600%, use the Scale drop-down box. Use the Print Scale drop-down list to change the scale of the
board relatively to the sheet. Use the Move Board tool ( button) to move the circuit board on the

If Scale Tables box is checked, DipTrace scales all tables when you scale the board.

To print mirrored design, check the Mirror checkbox. Flip Text check box mirrors all text objects. It is
active only if "View \ Flip Text Automatically" main menu item is unchecked.

Press button to set up the printing colors.

If you want to save the preview as a Bitmap or Jpeg image file, press the Save button.
PCB Layout 199

Press Calibrate to define horizontal and vertical correction factors to eliminate printing distortions
induced by some printers.

2.11.3 Titles and sheet setup

To set up the sheet size, border margins, zones, titles, etc., select "File \ Titles and Sheet Setup" from

the main menu or press button on the Standard toolbar.

There are two tabs in the pop-up dialog box:

Border and Size

Define the sheet size, border margins, print settings, and zones. Zones are marked with numbers on top
and bottom and with characters on the left and right sides of the border. ANSI and ISO zone marking
standards are available. If Display Zone Border item is checked, the outer zone border appears on the
design area. In this case, you can set the width of X and Y zone areas. Check Display Titles and
Display Sheet checkboxes.

Title Blocks

Place up to four title blocks inside the sheet border (at all corners of the sheet) and two title blocks
outside the border (in top-left and bottom-left corners). The last title block selected is shown in the title
200 PCB Layout Help

block preview field.

You can save the titles and sheet size as a sheet template, which can be used later to set all
parameters at a time by selecting the corresponding template.

Use the Title Block Editor to create or edit title blocks, press Title Block Editor button in the Border
and Size tab.

Sheet size and orientation depend on the printer settings. To manually change the parameters, press
the Sheet Size button.

2.11.4 Title Block Editor

To open the Title Block Editor, select "File \ Title and Sheet Setup" from the main menu or press
button on the Standard toolbar, then press the Title Block Editor button in the pop-up dialog box.

To create a new title block, press Add or press Duplicate to get a copy of selected title block, then
select the block from the list of all title blocks, and press Create Title Block button. In the pop-up
dialog box enter the width and height of the title block, set the number of columns/rows, and press OK.
DipTrace creates a new block with columns and rows of equal size, depending on the total width/height
of the block. Width and height of each column/row can be changed in the block editing area, just drag
and drop the size field borders (cells on the top and left) or click them and enter exact size values.
PCB Layout 201

To create a text field, select one or several cells in the Block editing area, and press Create Text
Field button. In the pop-up dialog box enter the text, select font, font parameters, alignment, and press
OK or leave it blank to add text later on the sheet.

Field borders highlight in red, they are invisible on the sheet. To draw or erase field border lines on the
invisible cell borders, select required cell/s, and press Add/Delete Line buttons.

Notice that cells without a field are shown with gray color, regular fields (blank text fields) – with white
color, fields with predefined text – with aqua color, selected cells – with dark blue color.

2.12 3D preview & export

2.12.1 3D PCB preview

Download and install the standard library of 3D models, which we offer for free on our website.

DipTrace PCB Layout has integrated 3D real-time preview module with MCAD export. 3D preview allows
the user to see a printed circuit board in three dimensions with all electronic components installed,
rotate board model in any direction and zoom in/out in real time.

Select "Tools \ 3D Preview \ 3D Visualization" from the main menu or press button on the
Standard toolbar. Typically, a 3D model is connected to the component pattern in the Pattern Editor, if a
current project has components without 3D models attached, the following dialog box pops up.

DipTrace searches for 3D models automatically when you launch the 3D preview in the PCB Layout. Red
items in the list of components mean that 3D models were either found automatically or attached
manually, black items – components with pre-attached 3D models, if the 3D Model File field is blank –
component does not have a 3D model, and DipTrace could not find a suitable one. Press button
202 PCB Layout Help

in the corresponding row of the list to connect or remap a 3D model to the component.

To save all found 3D models, check Save all new models to project checkbox or double-click in the
Save to Project field in the table. Otherwise, all newly found models stay connected only for existing
3D preview session.

Go to the Pattern and Model Search Options dialog box to configure the search parameters.

If you do not want to see this dialog box when launching the 3D preview, uncheck Show this window
before 3D preview if necessary checkbox.

Press OK to launch the 3D Preview.

Use the left mouse button to rotate the circuit board model around X or Y axes, press the mouse wheel
(middle button) to rotate around the Z axis, hold the right mouse button to pan, and scroll the mouse
wheel to Zoom In/Out.

Change the colors of the board, silkscreen, solder mask, and copper areas. Untick Display
Components if you want to preview your PCB only.

Board thickness can be defined:

By Layer Stackup (press button to open Layer Stackup dialog and view or edit the values)
By a custom value

Press Redraw button to apply changes.

PCB Layout 203

Press Reset View to return all coordinates to 0.

The solder mask layer is transparent, and sometimes it is hard to get a proper color of the board. We
recommend defining similar colors for solder mask layers and the board.

2.12.2 3D export

DipTrace 3D Preview module allows the user to export 3D model of the board to STEP (*.step) and
VRML 2.0 (*.wrl) formats. These are supported by most mechanical CAD software.

When in the 3D Preview & Export module ("Tools \ 3D Preview \ 3D Visualization" from the main
menu), press Export STEP button, in the pop-up dialog box specify the export objects and select the
model export mode.

Notice that exporting holes dramatically slows the export process. We recommend exporting a project as
a solid body in the STEP format.

STEP model does not include the copper traces.

Press Export VRML button, select which objects to export (Board, Package Models, Pad Holes,
Copper Layers, Silk Layers), set the units and file location.

VRML model includes the copper traces (unlik e STEP). VRML is good for demonstration purposes.

2.12.3 Attach a 3D model

Please make sure that you have installed the standard library of 3D models, which we offer for
free on our website.
204 PCB Layout Help

To attach a 3D model, right-click on the component on the design area, and select 3D Model from the
submenu. The following dialog box pops up:

Use the left mouse button to rotate a 3D model around X- or Y-axes, press the mouse wheel (middle
button) to rotate around the Z axis, hold the right mouse button to pan, and scroll the mouse wheel to
zoom in/out. You can also change the color of the background, pads or silk layer.

If a component does not have a 3D model attached, you will see only the component's footprint.

There three ways to add a 3D model to a component package.

1. Load 3D Model file. Press All Models >> button to open the list of all available 3D models in the
active library. Select model from the list, and preview it immediately (3D models in the list are
organized by pattern libraries).

Notice that models in the VRML and STEP formats are in different categories in the list (both have
"models3d" name).
PCB Layout 205

If the All Models list is empty, you need to install the standard library of 3D Models from our website or
check the search folders in the Pattern and Model Search Options dialog box.

To attach a 3D model from the separate file, press the button to specify the path to the file on your
computer. DipTrace supports 3DS, VRML, STEP, and IGES files.

2. IPC-7351 Model Generator. This option is available only if Pattern Generator was used to make a

3. Create a 3D model by Component Outline. To use this option, a component has to have an
outline. To place it, open the component in Pattern Editor, go to Objects/ Precise Shape Placement
and place a shape within the component's silk screen boundaries in the Top Outline Layer. Specify
the model height and DipTrace will generate a 3D shape to mimic a device. This option can also be
206 PCB Layout Help

used if there is no 3D model for a footprint designed in the Pattern Generator. It suits best for SMD

Mapping a 3D model

DipTrace automatically places a 3D model to fit the pattern's drawing, but sometimes you may need to
adjust a 3D model location or its scale. Just enter appropriate values into the corresponding fields of the
3D Model Properties section (shift, angle, and scale by each axis). Changes apply instantly.

2.12.4 3D model search

DipTrace loads 3D models from the specified folders and attaches them to the components without 3D
models by comparing the component pattern with available 3D models. To configure the search process
and define the folders where the software should search for 3D models, go to "Tools \ 3D Preview \
Pattern and Model Search" from the main menu. The following dialog box pops up:

The Pattern Search section allows the user to choose how to compare patterns with 3D models. These
settings apply to all components without attached models when you launch the 3D preview.

3D Model Folders – let the software know where to search for 3D models. You can add/delete folders
to the list. By default, all 3D models are in the "models3d" folder inside the "DipTrace" directory.

Press the Search 3D Models button to launch the search and verify new settings.

Notice that standard 3D libraries are not included in the DipTrace installation pack age. You need to
download them from the DipTrace website.

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