Work at Heights Rescue - Rev 1 JT
Work at Heights Rescue - Rev 1 JT
Work at Heights Rescue - Rev 1 JT
When a worker falls and is suspended in harness, it’s important to rescue him/her as soon as
possible because of the following reasons:
• The worker may have suffered injuries during the fall accident and may need
• When workers are suspended in their safety harnesses for a long period of time,
they may suffer from blood pooling in the lower extremities. This situation leads to
Suspension trauma.
• The victim-worker may panic if there is no one who can help him/her during
• The event that leads to the fall may create additional risks and injuries that
need to be addressed.
• All site personnel must proceed to the specific evacuation area. The
group must appoint one person to be in charge of the situation to give out
instructions regarding the emergency procedures.
• Identify and coordinate the ERT team of and for the emergency situation.
• The ERT Team is equipped with the knowledge to handle the emergency
situation. Each member of the team is highly trained to use the equipment.
1.1 Rescue equipment to be used;
Rescue 8 (50KN) – 1 pc
Scene Safety - make sure the scene is safe, the area fully isolated, and essential personnel
only allowed on the incident area.
the victims
o Perform the necessary rescue operation
o The ERT Team must use their knowledge to use the
appropriateequipment for the emergency at hand.
a. Airway
b. Breathing
c. Circulation
• High-angle Rescue Operation
Alfredo S. Maninang
Ariel Lungay
Arnol Beltran
Provides advice and support in the application of this rescue procedure and monitors other roles effectiveness.
Ensure duties are carried out in accordance with this rescue procedure.
To provide all relevant information including where appropriate design details, specifications, and calculations to INCIDENT
COMMANDER and to work in accordance with this rescue procedure.
To work in accordance with this Rescue procedure and any other information/rules provided herein.
1. Ensure a trained and competent in a fall hazard or a potential rescue application is available during the
work at height activity and coordinate with EDC if there is a competent fall arrest rescuer on call or stand-by
in case needed.
3. Sounds the emergency alarm-three long consecutive whistle (this can be done also by the attending on-
site First Aider.
4. All workers in the immediate vicinity of the incident stop working. The site supervisor quickly evaluates the
situation and identifies any further hazards that could arise.
5. Or his designee acquires help if workers are close by. If no one is close enough, the site supervisor calls for
7. (Or a worker assigned to the task) isolates the accident zone and its perimeter to limit further exposure.
8. (Or a worker assigned to the task} moves all non-affected personnel to a safe zone or directs them to
remain where they are.
9. Sends a designated worker to the site gate to meet the response team (emergency support form Client as
needed) and ensure that they have a safe access path to the incident scene.
10. Assembles the emergency rescue team at the incident site as quickly as possible to determine the best
rescue procedure for the situation.
This procedure form part of the written Work at Height Rescue Plan and are based on the assessment of
hazards in the named area of work. These procedures must be corrected to include any specific
procedures for summoning rescue and emergency services for the worksite.
1. The on-site Supervisor or his/her designee shall ensure that the attached work at height rescue plan
has been completed and that all the rescue equipment identified in the plan is available to effect a
rescue at the named location/area of work.
2. The on-site Supervisor or his/her designee shall ensure that an adequate number of appropriately
trained persons (as documented in the attached rescue plan) are available for immediate
implementation of these on-site rescue procedures that apply to the named work area.
3. The on-site Supervisor or his/her designee shall review all emergency procedures, including
procedures relating to emergencies outside the named work area with all appropriate personnel.
4. The on-site Supervisor or his/her designee shall confirm that the rescue equipment is located at the
agreed staging area.
5. The Safety Standby shall establish communication with all workers, using the means described in the
attached rescue plan.
1. The Safety Standby who is stationed near the area of work as described in the attached rescue plan
remains in frequent communication with all workers working at height.
2. The Safety Standby must be notified immediately if a work at height worker recognizes:
• an unexpected hazard
• an unsafe act
• a condition prohibited by the permit
3. Work at Height Workers must descend and evacuate the area as quickly as possible, when:
• an order to evacuate is given by the Safety Standby or Person in Charge
• an unacceptable condition arises
• an evacuation alarm is activated
1. The Safety Standby shall not execute a rescue until they have activated a rescue response
from the designated rescue team, using the means of communication described in the
attached rescue plan.
2. Using applicable rescue techniques to move the person, the person requiring rescuing will
be retrieved and moved out of the area to a safe location by the recue team.
3. If the fallen worker is not conscious or cannot reliably help with the rescue, at least two
rescuers may be needed.
4. Once the fallen worker has been brought to a safe location, administer first aid and treat the
person for suspension trauma and any other injury.
;' 'I
All non-affected workers should remain in the designated safe gathering zone until the site
supervisor notifies them to do otherwise.
• In this approved rescue plan, it is vital that the lowering system can be controlled to prevent
the worker's body from being laid flat as it reaches the ground.
• Anyone released from immobile suspension should be kept in a sitting position for at least 30
• Regarding the position of the fallen worker: during rescue, a position with the lower limbs
slightly elevated may be preferable.
• After rescue, if conscious, position the fallen worker to sit in the ‘W’ position (legs pulled
towards chest) if possible. - Do NOT allow them to lie flat.
• If fallen worker has been lowered down unconscious, seek first the advice of qualified
medical personnel in providing a recovery position (horizontally).
• If suspension trauma is a possibility, alert medical assistance immediately.
• Let EMT know it is a fallen worker and that the worker should not be layed flat.
They should be transported in the sitting position to the nearest hospital unless in cardiac arrest.
Note: Suspension trauma can only affect someone who is immobile – specifically not using their leg muscles
to any great extent. It does not normally affect people who wear a harness who are:
List the names of personnel who are involved in the work at height:
1. 3.
2.________________________ 4.__________________________
1. 3.
2. 4.
Note: It is not acceptable to rely on local emergency service provider to be the emergency response as
rescue time is critical.
In the event of an emergency/fall from height the WAH Safety Standby should immediately alert:
NOTE: If required, a designated person should go to the site entrance direct the emergency services, and provide the
following information:
What obstructions are in the way of reaching the suspended worker, if in case?
Has the method of lowering casualty been decided? Yes □ No □
( as appropriate} ( as appropriate)
□ Assign someone to direct traffic Set up barriers
Diagram of Work Area: Include direction of approach for rescue team/emergency response and any staging areas.