Draw Me Close 3

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Draw Me Close

Words and Music by

Kelly Carpenter

B E /B F/B

Draw me close to You. Nev - er let me go.

4 B F2/A E /G

I lay it all down a - gain

7 Gm2 Gm9/F E maj7 E 6 B

to hear You say that I'm Your friend. You are my de - sire.

10 E /B F/B B

No one else will do,

13 F2/A E /G Gm2 Gm9/F

'cause noth -ing else could take Your place To feel the warmth of Your

16 E maj7 E 6 B /F E /F F

em - brace. Help me find the way. Bring me back to You.

CCLI Song # 1459484

© 1994 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License # 2060293
Draw Me Close - 2

19 B E /F F B F/B E 2/B

You're all I want.

23 B F/A E 2/G F7sus F7 B F/B

You're all I've ev - er need - ed. You're all I want.

E 2/B F11sus F B

Help me know You are near.

2. 3. ENDING
B E 2/F F Gm2 Gm/F F11sus F B

Help me know You are here.

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