Sanitation and Safety - Quality Assurance

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Chapter 12

Sanitation and Safety

Quality Assurance

Prof.Engeline dela Cruz-Ilumin, RND,MBA

Learning Outcomes

 Identify the basic sanitation and

food safety procedures
Discuss the operating system
of quality control in the food
service industry
The primary goal of a food service sanitation program is to
protect the customer from food-borne illness. The most effective
strategies are (1) to protect food from contamination, and (2) to
reduce the effect of contamination that does occur. Quality food is
a safe food. It should be free of microorganisms, chemicals and

foreign substance. To have safe food, the resources, processes

and environment of the food service should integrate sanitation.
Health and Safety in Small Business: Restaurants
A. Definition of terms
1. Clean means free from visible soil.
2. Sanitary means free of diseases-causing micro-organisms
and other harmful contaminants.

B. Facts About Contamination

1. Pathogenic microorganisms capable of contaminating
food are practically everywhere – in soil; dirt and air; on
rodents and insects; unsanitary equipment and utensils
2. Pathogenic microorganisms are in approximately 50
percent of the people who handle food. They harbor food-
contaminating microorganisms in their intestinal tract,
nose, throat, and mouth, as well as on their hands.

3. Most raw food, no matter how reliable the source, is

contaminated to a certain extent before it arrives at the
foodservice establishment.
C. Conditions for the growth of micro organisms
1. Micro-organisms requires a moist, warm,
nutritious environment to prosper.
2. Their growth can be slowed or stopped by
refrigeration and they can be destroyed by
sufficient heat.
3. At temperatures between 45 degrees and 140
degrees Fahrenheit, micro-organisms flourish
and multiply to enormous numbers in a very

short time.
Common Food Contaminants
Bacteria such as staphylococci,
streptococci, salmonella, clostridium
botulinum,and others.

The smallest and simplest form of life

containing no nucleus or cell wall.
Because they lack certain essentials for
their reproduction, they must depend on
a host. Viruses do not increase in number
while they are in food. The food merely
serves to transport the viruses, which
may then lodge themselves in the human
host and reproduce abundantly. A variety

of viral diseases can be transferred

through food including the hepatitis virus.
Fish and shellfish from tainted water are
often found to be the culprit in a
Common Food Contaminants
Molds are fungi. The furry-looking stuff
growing on bread and cheese and the
blue or green powdery covering on
citrus fruits are molds. Certain molds
produce toxins (aflatoxin) that have
been shown to cause cancer. Virtually,
all foods are susceptible to molds.
Although the cells and spores of molds can be killed by heating to 140
degrees Fahrenheight for ten minutes, the toxins are heat stable.
Freezing prevents the growth of olds but will not kill those already
present in food.

Yeasts are also fungi that can be killed by

heating 136oF for 15 minutes. Although

yeasts are not as harmful as those

previously mentioned organisms since
yeasts do spoil food, they still need to be
Common Food Contaminants
Parasites such as trichinella spiralis, a
worm, can contaminate food. The larvae
from this worm cause a disease called
Trichinosis. Heating the food at high
temperatures or freezing it before
preparation will usually kill the larvae.

Heavy metals and chemicals like

lead and mercury and toxic
substances in certain food
additives, fertilizers and pesticides
can find their way into food and
cause food poisoning.
Common Causes of Outbreaks
of Foodborne Illnesses

5. Raw, contaminated ingredients

1. Failure to properly incorporated into foods that
refrigerate food. receive no further cooking
2. Failure to thoroughly heat 6. Foods allowed to remain at
temperature that kill vegetative
or cook food. bacteria
3. Infected employees who 7. Failure to reheat cooked foods to
practice poor personal temperature that kill vegetative
hygiene 8. Cross-contamination of cooked
4. Foods prepared a day or foods with raw items either by
workers who mishandled foods or
more before they are through improperly cleaned

Personal Hygiene
1. A primary cause of 3. The discharges from
Personal Hygiene is food-borne disease is the human body are chief
a way of life – a carelessness and sources of food
poor hygiene on the contamination with
habit. Good unwanted bacteria
part of the food
grooming practices handlers. that cause diseases.
are a must in a food 2. The health of food 4. One of the most
handlers is very important rule in the
service not only for
important. They foodservice is: WASH
sanitation reasons should have regular HANDS FREQUENTLY.
but also for public physical
relations. examinations and a
current health

certificate should be
Personal Hygiene

Hands should be washed 5. Clean washable uniforms
with warm water and soap in should be worn when
the following activities: preparing and servicing

a. before beginning work; food.

b. serving food;

c. handling clean dishes and 6. When sick, foodservice
utensils workers should be advised not

d. performing any job where to report for work. Cuts, burns
the hands touch the food; and sores on foodservice

e. after each visit to the workers should be protected

f. after handling money,
so there is no possibility of
tickets and after infecting the food or utensils.
smoking; 7. Smoking should not be
g. after coughing, sneezing, allowed in areas where food is

and touching face or hair prepared or served.

Sanitation of the
Physical Plant
Sanitation has to be a built in consideration in the planning of a
food service facility.

1. Floors, Walls, Ceilings

2. Garbage and Rubbish
3. Sewage Disposal
4. Plumbing
5. Toilet Facilites
Equipment and Utensils Sanitation
Equipment and utensils are known to have been contaminated with pathogens which come
from the human reservoir, from rodents and insects, from sewage originating from faulty
pipes and drains, from non-potable water and from contaminated food and from
contaminated food.
 Cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and utensils the effort spent in sanitizing is a wasted
unless a thorough job of cleaning by which all soil is removed precedes the sanitizing
procedure. An effective cleaning job should remove soil from equipment.

Basic Steps in cleaning: 

a. Scrapping
b. Washing in hot water
c. Rinsing in hot water
d. Sanitizing when required

e. Air Drying
f. Immersion for at least one half minute clean hot water.
g. Use of sanitizing solutions
h. Steam
Storage of Clean Equipment and Utensils
All cleaned implements must be kept clean and prevented from being
re-contaminated. Silverware and small utensils should be stored away
from the dust. Pots and pans should be inverted on airy racks off the
floor and be potected from dust.
Hazard Analysis
Critical Control
point (HACCP)
 HACCP is a food safety
system that focuses on the
flow of food from receiving
of food and materials to
service of food to the
customers. The system can

be divided into the

following processes.
1. Assessing Hazards is the initial step in the HACCP.
Recipes and menu items are analyzed and potentially
hazardous food (food that is implicated most often in
foodborne illnesses) are identified. Customers are
also reviewed for some special needs. Some groups
such as senior citizens and children have special
needs and are more susceptible to foodborne
illnesses. The size of the facility, equipment ad

employee skills are then evaluated to know if the

operation can handle the preparation of menu items.
2. Identify critical control points. These points at the
flow of food where one can prevent, reduce, or
eliminate contamination and bacterial growth in
3. Standards and criteria are then set for handling food
at each stage in the flow of food.
4. Monitor critical control points
5. Corrective action is taken if criteria are not met. The

corrective procedures that need to be implemented

should be specific.
6. Record Keeping is a requirement. It has to be simple
and accessible

7. Finally, the HACCP system is verified to know if it is

working for the operation, i.e. that appropriate critical
control points are effectively monitored and that
appropriate action is taken when criteria are not

being met.

Figure 1.1 Food Safety Plan Sample

Role of Government in Food
A. Laws and Regulations Governing Food Safety
RA 3720 Food, Drugs and Devices and
Cosmetics Act, as amended;
and Administrative Orders and
other issuance of BFAD
PD No. 856 Code on Sanitation of the
PD No. 704 Fisheries Decree of 1975
PD No. 7 Orderly Marketing of Livestock
and Animal Products; NMIC
Administrative Order No.6
“Rules and Regulations
Governing Meat Inspection in
the Philippines”
PD NO. 1593 Centralizing the importation of
ruminants for breeding,
slaughter and beef; Animal
Industry No. 9 “Registration
and licensing of individuals,

partnerships, corporations
involved in the business of
handling livestock, poultry,
eggs, milk and meat”
Role of Government in Food
A. Laws and Regulations Governing Food Safety

PD No. 1144 Creating the Fertilizer and

Pesticide Authority; Rules
and Regulations of FPA
A.O. No. 88A Regulatory Guidelines
Concerning Additives

A.O. No. 88B Rules and Regulations

Governing the Labeling of
Prepackaged Food
Products Distributed in the
Role of Government in Food
Role of Government in Food

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