Sanitation and Safety - Quality Assurance
Sanitation and Safety - Quality Assurance
Sanitation and Safety - Quality Assurance
short time.
Common Food Contaminants
Bacteria such as staphylococci,
streptococci, salmonella, clostridium
botulinum,and others.
Personal Hygiene
1. A primary cause of 3. The discharges from
Personal Hygiene is food-borne disease is the human body are chief
a way of life – a carelessness and sources of food
poor hygiene on the contamination with
habit. Good unwanted bacteria
part of the food
grooming practices handlers. that cause diseases.
are a must in a food 2. The health of food 4. One of the most
handlers is very important rule in the
service not only for
important. They foodservice is: WASH
sanitation reasons should have regular HANDS FREQUENTLY.
but also for public physical
relations. examinations and a
current health
certificate should be
Personal Hygiene
Hands should be washed 5. Clean washable uniforms
with warm water and soap in should be worn when
the following activities: preparing and servicing
a. before beginning work; food.
b. serving food;
c. handling clean dishes and 6. When sick, foodservice
utensils workers should be advised not
d. performing any job where to report for work. Cuts, burns
the hands touch the food; and sores on foodservice
e. after each visit to the workers should be protected
f. after handling money,
so there is no possibility of
tickets and after infecting the food or utensils.
smoking; 7. Smoking should not be
g. after coughing, sneezing, allowed in areas where food is
e. Air Drying
f. Immersion for at least one half minute clean hot water.
g. Use of sanitizing solutions
h. Steam
Storage of Clean Equipment and Utensils
All cleaned implements must be kept clean and prevented from being
re-contaminated. Silverware and small utensils should be stored away
from the dust. Pots and pans should be inverted on airy racks off the
floor and be potected from dust.
Hazard Analysis
Critical Control
point (HACCP)
HACCP is a food safety
system that focuses on the
flow of food from receiving
of food and materials to
service of food to the
customers. The system can
being met.
partnerships, corporations
involved in the business of
handling livestock, poultry,
eggs, milk and meat”
Role of Government in Food
A. Laws and Regulations Governing Food Safety