Checklist Final Inspection

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Introduction to Final Inspection Checklist

I Objective
- To guarantee the quality and integrity of the components to be released
- This activity is applied for all releases to customer (especially mandatory for the ones planned in work
order (WO))

II How to use
Step 1. Quickly study the work flow of final inspection (FI) activities of a QA


Plan for FI

Customize FI checklist
(Develop acceptance criteria
& specific items)

Check FI



Log defects into DMS Evaluate actual results

FI results


12e-CL/PM/HDCV/FSOFT v3/3 Internal use 1/5


Step 2. Use the 'General' and 'Specific' sheet to do FI

Step 3. Follow the check-items with reference to the Guideline column, then mark 'OK', 'NOK', or 'N/A'
in Assessment column
- 'OK' means that the item content is in the project work, mandatory requested for checking,
and is satisfied
- 'NOK' means that the item content is in the project work, mandatory requested for
checking, and is NOT satisfied
- 'NA' means that the item content is out of the project work, therefore it does not need

Step 4. Fill the comments you find in the 'Note' column if any

Step 5. Make your suggestion based on the comments in Note column and the summary
- PASS if the items with mandatory priority are marked 'OK'
- NOT PASS if at least one of the items with mandatory priority is marked 'NOK'
- OTHER if 02 suggestions above can not be applied. However, the more detailed notes
should be written down

Notes 1. For the items with optional priority, if they are marked 'NOK', the follow-up actions and
deadline should be written down
2. For the release of documents only, if the content update is not more than 20% (based on
updated/ total pages), FI can be skipped

3. For unplanned releases, PM must contact QA at least one day before FI time to get the
4. In case the release does not pass the final inspection
-  QA suggests “STOP the release or NOT” to PM.
-  If PM does not agree with this result, QA will get the consultancy and decision from QA
- QA Leader is responsible for reviewing the result and giving the final decision “STOP the
release or NOT”.
-  PM can deliver only if there is evidence that customer or QA Leader agrees for this case.
- A penalty point is given for each release without the permission

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Final Inspection Checklist - If Document release, select
items with DOC and DOC/ SC - Select a value in the
- If Source code package combo box
Project Code: release, select items with SC - Refer to Introduction
Inspector(s): and DOC/SC sheet\ Step 3 for more
- If Full release, select ALL guides
Work Product(s):
Inspection Date:
Inspection Effort (person-hour):

Check Item Category Assessment Note

Are acceptance criteria defined clearly for the release? DOC/ SC NOK

Are the evidences, proving team has conducted quality control for the
deliverables, available?

The filled-up review checklists for documents DOC OK

The filled-up review checklist and test report for source code? SC NOK

Are the deliverables-related defects found by review, test of team,

customer & other stakeholders recorded adequately?
Are deliverables copied to Deliverables folder?

Do the items listed in the Release note correspond with the actual

Does all files' name follow the naming convention? DOC/ SC OK

Do the documents follow Document control procedure? DOC

Are they translated into another language (Japanese, French…)? DOC

If yes, are they reviewed by communicator leader or appointed
Configuration Management

mandatory reviewer?
Does Release note specify Number and details of the sources
released and/ or List of accompanying documents?
Have all defects/ issues been closed in the release scope? DOC/ SC
If no, are they listed in Release note
with their clear description, action and deadline ?

Have installation instructions been provided (if applicable )? SC

Have unnecessary files/folders been deleted from release package if

using tool to manage source??
"*.SCC; *.VSPSCC; *.VSSSCC" if using VSS SC
"_svn" if using SubVersion SC
Others SC

Has project team conducted review activity properly? DOC


Are requirement analysis reviewed and approved by stakeholders

under RADIO??
Is Design reviewed and approved by stakeholders under RADIO? DOC
Is Code reviewed and approved by stakeholders under RADIO? SC
Are Test documents (Test plan, TCs, …) reviewed and approved by
stakeholders under RADIO?

Has project team conducted unit/ integration/ system test properly? SC


Is Installation testing performed? SC

Does QA conduct testing the package based on the release scope &
acceptance criteria?
If yes, is there no defect? SC

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Check Item Category Assessment Note

Is the package delivery encrypted in case requested by customer? DOC/ SC


Has the latest version of anti-virus been used for virus control? DOC/ SC

Has an anti-virus program been run? DOC/ SC

Have pending activities such as concessions and work - ahead from
previous final inspections been fixed in this release?
<Add more rows if needed>

* Summary
Number of 'OK' items 5
Number of 'NOK' items 2
Number of 'N/A' items 1

* Suggestion

[ ] - Pass
[ ] - Not pass
[ ] - Other

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Final Inspection Checklist
Project Code:
Work Product(s):
Inspection Date:
Inspection Effort (person-hour):

Check Item Assessment Note

<Criteria 1 for deliverable 1>
<Criteria 2 for deliverable 2>

<Name of document 1>

<Name of document 2>

<Function 1/ Form 1>

Request 1 OK
Request 2 OK
Request 3 OK
<Function 2/ Form 2>
Request 1 NOK
Request 2
Request 3
<Function 1/ Form 1>
Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

Common defect/ issue 1

Common defect/ issue 2
<Or you can add 1 sheet and add a reference link here>

Summary Percentage
Number of 'OK' items 3 75%
Number of 'NOK' items 1 25%
Number of 'N/A' items 0 0%

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