Sets LP

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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

Learning Area: Grade Level: 7 Quarter: Duration:

Date: October 24,2022 Mathematics First Time: 1 hour
Illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null set,
Learning Competencies cardinality of sets, union and intersection of sets and the different Code : M7NS-Ic-1
of two sets

Key Concepts/ Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
Understandings to be


Knowledge Name the different kinds of sets.

Skills Constructing the different kinds of sets.

Attitude Appreciate the uses of the different kinds of sets in real life.

Values Actively participate in class discussion.

Content Understanding the Key Concepts of Sets.

Mathematics Quarter 1-Module 1 (week 1)

Learning Resources
PowerPoint Presentation


Recall the meaning of sets, cardinality and elements.

Introductory Activity

The teacher will be showing pictures on the screen. These are the different colors of circle.
The students will be given 1 minute to observe the pictures on screen,

Analysis Ask the students these questions:

 Look at the pictures. What are their similarities and differences?
 Based on your observations what do you think is our lesson for today?
Abstraction Group Activity. The class will be divided into 3. They will randomly be given a rolled paper and
draw what is asked. The words are time ,5 candies and empty box. The class will put their
works after 5 minutes.

First group (BOX). Ask the students if the box has an object inside. The students will answer.
Introduce to students that this is the example of an empty set or null set. It does not have an

Second group (Candies). Ask the students how many candies do they see on the drawing. The
students will answer. Introduce to students that this is the example of a finite set. Finite set
does have a countable elements.

Last group (TIME). Ask the students if time has an ending or not. The students will answer.
Introduce to them that this is an example of an infinite set. Infinite set has also an infinite
number of set.

Types of set:

 Empty Set - The set with no elements.

Example: A = { } or A = Ø

 Finite Set - The set with definite number of elements.

Example: C = {1,3,5,7}

 Infinite set - The set with infinite number of elements.

Example: D = {1, 3, 5, …}

Wheel of names. The students will be identified by numbers. When the wheel of names
stopped, whatever number shown, will be called and answer the question.

Using the sets shown on the screen, identify what types of set it is.

Tell whether it is empty set, finite set and infinite set.

1. B = {2, 4, 6, ..., 10}

2. A={}
3. G = {5, 10, 15, 20, ...}
4. D = {5, 10, 15, ..., 65}
Assessment 5. E = {3, 6, 9, 12, ...}
6. The set of airplanes in the sky right now
7. The set of letters in the English alphabet
8. The set of natural numbers.
9. The set of colors of the rainbow.
10. The set of all points on a line.

Cut out pictures or images in brochure or newspaper and make a collage for the different
types of sets in real life. Put these on your assignment notebook. One example each only.

Concluding Activity Showing videos to students about sets and types of sets.

Since the topic is quite short, all activities will be done in the classroom. The next topic will
continue the following day after the submission/checking of assignments.



Position/Designation: TEACHER 1 Division: CEBU CITY

Contact Number: 09567194206 Email Address :

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