Brochure 2021
Brochure 2021
Brochure 2021
07 Overview 學院概況
Facts & Figures 數據資料
Faculty Progress 學院發展
Faculty Structure 學院架構
Faculty Members 學院團隊
21 Infrastructure 學院基建
80 Appendix 附錄
List of projects that began in 2020 and 2021
Research Publications 科研出版物
Dean’s Message
Dean’s Message 院長的話
In the past two years, with removal, new potent therapeutic targets for breast cancers,
the impact of the COVID-19 nanomedicine that induces immunity to combat cancers,
pandemic, humans and the societies which are all praiseworthy indeed.
have encountered tremendous
difficulties and challenges. Yet, The accumulative number of papers published by the
all my colleagues in the Faculty FHS scholars till April 2022 is more than 1,600, with over
of Health Sciences (FHS) have 27,000 citations and more than 200 accumulative papers
made significant progresses in with impact factors higher than 10. Some of the papers
teaching and scientific research have been published in internationally renowned journals,
with conviction and fortitude to Nature, The Lancet, Nature Genetics, Advanced Science,
enhance the development and Science Advances, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Nature
innovation of research to a great extent. Communications for instance. During the outbreak of the
pandemic, FHS has spared no effort in fighting epidemic. Our
To keep pace with the development of society, FHS continuously scholars have published four articles on mental health care
optimises the academic programmes and the conditions of teaching related to the outbreak, eight papers about the achievements
and learning. In 2021, FHS made an immense academic reform, and experience of Macao’s public health sector in the fight
and established three new departments, namely the Department of against the epidemic, which are pivotal for the global anti-
Biomedical Sciences, the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and epidemic call. In addition, FHS has strengthened its efforts in
the Department of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Administration. knowledge transfer and industrialisation of research results
Two new programmes, the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical to improve the efficiency of technological transfer and boost
Science and Technology and the Master of Science in Global Public socioeconomic benefits.
Health, are now newly offered by the Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences and the Department of Public Health and Medicinal FHS is now entering its 10th year. Looking ahead, we
Administration. FHS also strives to establish more academic will forge ahead in pursuit of excellence in life sciences
collaborations and joint programmes with leading universities of the and medicine, particularly the cancer research and
Mainland China and overseas to provide students with more training development, overcome challenges and aspire to make
opportunities in health and medical fields, ultimately nurturing talents more glittering successes in scientific research for the
in the field of grand health for Macao and the other cities of the benefit of Macao society and the well-being of mankind.
Greater Bay Area.
Finally, on behalf of FHS, I would like to express my heartfelt
FHS’s research teams have made breakthroughs in original basic appreciation to the Macao SAR Government, the Macao
research, particularly in cancer research and precision oncology, Science and Technology Development Fund, the University
contributing to the extensive concerns and recognitions from of Macau (UM) and various sectors of the community for
the academic and industries, and also the value and significance their staunch support and guidance over the past decade that
attached by the Central Government. In December 2020, the laid a solid foundation for the development of FHS.
University of Macau has officially received the approval from
the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China to
establish a national-level research centre, Frontiers Science Center
for Precision Oncology, which is the first scientific research centre
in Macao and nearby areas, focusing on the frontier scientific
research of common cancers. Affiliating with FHS and joined
with many scientists of Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences,
Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering and the
Faculty of Science and Technology, Frontiers Science Center
has built seven precision oncology platforms and achieved many
research breakthroughs in the first year, such as the development Chuxia DENG
of innovative phosphorescence probes for precise tumour Dean and Chair Professor
Dean’s Message 院長的話
放眼科學前沿 開創輝煌未來
Vision and
Vision & Missions 願景及使命
Combining the strong supports from UM, the Government of Macao and the general public
of Macao, FHS is committed to moving forward with advances that ameliorate knowledge in
health sciences and ultimately benefit the well being of mankind and the society.
Overview 學院概況
years since publications
establishment 1,600 + 出版物
1 st
Frontiers Science Center in HK-
Macao area approved by Ministry
of Education- Frontiers Science
accumulative publications with
impact factor ≥10
UM THE World University Rankings
2022 by subject: life sciences
rank of Essential Science Indicators
(ESI) in the research fields of “Clinical
Medicine”, “Pharmacology & Toxicology”,
“Psychiatry/ Psychology”, “Biology &
Biochemistry”, “Materials Science” and
(as of 30 April 2022 截至2022年4月30日) 基本科學指指標(ESI)前1%
Overview 學院概況
4 8
joint laboratories partnered research units and core
with top academic and facilities with world-class
research institutions infrastructur
與一流學術及科研機構建立的 配備了尖端先進的設備的科研
聯立實驗室 中心及核心實驗中心
3 departments
學系 6 academic programmes
academic staff from
prestigious universities
150+ 150+
undergraduate students researchers
本科生 研究人員
300+ 100+
postgraduate students research projects
the faculty-student ratio of
undergraduate programme
研究生 科研項目 本科課程的師生比例
Overview 學院概況
Faculty Progress
Development Timeline
Overview 學院概況
Overview 學院概況
Recently, UM has generated high volume of high-quality research outputs in various research subjects, particularly the area
in health sciences have made numerous breakthroughs. The global rankings of the health sciences-related subjects rise on an
annual basis, and several subjects are classified as world-leading.
UM THE World University Rankings by Subject (Life Sciences) from 2019 to 2022
Overview 學院概況
The success and impact of FHS are also shown by the fact that health sciences-related subjects of UM, including clinical
medicine, pharmacology & toxicology, biology & biochemistry, chemistry and psychiatry/psychology have entered top 1%
rank of the Essential Science Indicators so called the ESI.
Overview 學院概況
Research Publications
FHS has an excellent record of published research, both in discipline-specific journals and more high-profile publications
such as Nature, The Lancet, Nature Communications, Advanced Science, etc. The acuumulative number of papers
published by FHS scholars increased from 43 in 2014 to over 1,600 in April 2022, with over 27,000 citations and over 200
accumulative publications with impact factor ≥10.
發表了大量的學術文章,數目由2014年的 43 篇增至2022年4月累計超過 1,600 篇,論文獲引用超過 27,000
次,而影響因子高於10的累計出版物已超過 200 篇。
Number of Publication
Number of Publication
Year 年 份
% of Publication of IF over 10
% of Publication of IF over 10
Year 年 份
Overview 學院概況
Citations of Publication
Citations of Publication
Year 年 份
Overview 學院概況
Research Grants
FHS researchers strive to carry out research studies on key health issues of both Chinese and global societies. From 2014
to 2021, FHS initiated over 200 projects which were approved by UM, the Science and Technology Development Fund,
Macao SAR (FDCT), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Science and Technology of
China (MOST), the Guangdong Science and Technology Department (GDST), etc.
Patents 專利
Overview 學院概況
Faculty Structure
Overview 學院概況
Faculty Members
FHS has an excellent team of academic members, and some academic members were graduated from various prestigious
institutes worldwide, such as Harvard University, University of Oxford, Tsinghua University, etc. They guide and inspire
the students in the lifelong quest of knowledge with strong passion.
Overview 學院概況
3 Chair Professors
1 Distinguished Professor
9 Professors
16 Associate Professors
9 Assistant Professors
4 Senior Instructors
1 UM Macao Fellow
1 Research Assistant
Overview 學院概況
New Faces
Dr. Heng SUN obtained his PhD in 2014 from the University of Chinese Academy
of Science – Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences. Then he worked as a visiting
researcher at National Institute of Health, USA and later joined FHS as a postdoctoral
fellow. He was promoted to Research Assistant Professor in 2021. He has published more
than 20 peer reviewed papers in the cancer research field. He currently focuses on the
inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity in breast cancers and mechanisms of breast cancer
initiation, development, metastasis and anti-cancer drug resistance.
Infrastructure 學院基建
4 Core facilities
核心實驗中心 4 Research centres
30+ Laboratories
實驗室 4 Joint laboratories
As a research-oriented academic unit, FHS has established more than 30 research laboratories, four
research centres and four core facilities. They are all equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and all
nicely incorporate into an outstanding infrastructure for high-quality research outputs. Upon the approval
of Ministry of Education, UM established the first Frontiers Science Center in Hong Kong and Macao in
2021, namely “Frontiers Science Center for Precision Oncology”, which carries out cutting-edge scientific
research of common cancers in Macao. In addition to precision oncology, FHS particularly focuses on
cancer research, stem cell biology, aging-associated diseases, and data science.
Infrastructure 學院基建
In a short period, i.e. after one year of operation, FSCPO has made many
research breakthroughs, and published over 60 research articles in high-impact
journals, in which 24 articles were published in journals with impact factors of
10. FSCPO has attracted much attention and recognition from academia and
medical industry.
Infrastructure 學院基建
Research Centres
To strengthen the research capacity, FHS has established four research centres. The long-term objectives
of the research centres are to provide strong support to teaching and training, and to foster collaborations
within FHS, intra-institutional with other faculties and externally with other research units. Moreover, the
research centres aim to advance research for improving human health and life quality.
Infrastructure 學院基建
Core Facilities
FHS has established four core facilities: Animal Research Core, Bioimaging and Stem Cell Core, Genomics,
Bioinformatics and Single Cell Analysis Core, and Proteomics, Metabolomics and Drug Development Core,
which are a pillar of FHS’s research infrastructure and play a vital role in enhancing synergy and fostering
multidisciplinary research approach. Every core facility focuses on different areas of contemporary research
methodology in biomedical sciences, and provides specialized services to users in FHS and other units in UM
through the operation of the state-of-the-art equipment and the acquisition of professional experiences in the
core. The core facilities highly support the innovative research in FHS and UM.
Infrastructure 學院基建
Stem Cell
Animal Facility 幹細胞
Microscopy & Bioimaging
Transgenic & Knockout 顯微鏡學和生物成像
轉基因和基因敲除 Histopathology
Flow Cytometry
Genomics & Bioinformatics
基因組學及生物信息學 Metabolomics
Single Cell Analysis
單細胞分析 Drug Development
Infrastructure 學院基建
Joint Laboratories
FHS has established four joint laboratories with leading academic or research institutions for developing close strategic
partnerships and carrying out joint research. The objectives of the joint laboratories are to integrate multiple-omics
techniques for cancer prevention, prediction and its driving mechanisms, and to find means for cancer treatments. The
joint laboratories also strive for promoting the industrialization and commercialization of major cancer research results,
and improving the efficiency of transformation of results and economic and social benefits.
Joint Cancer Laboratory of University of Macau - Institute of Cancer Joint Innovation Laboratory of University of Macau -
and Basic Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou KingMed Diagnostics Group Co., Ltd.
澳門大學-中國科學院腫瘤與基礎醫學研究所聯合癌症實驗室 澳門大學-金域醫學聯合創新實驗室
Joint Cancer Laboratory of University of Macau - Joint Cancer Stem Cell Laboratory of University of Macau -
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Tongji University
澳門大學-香港中文大學聯合腫瘤實驗室 澳門大學-同濟大學聯合腫瘤幹細胞實驗室
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Members of FHS have won many national innovation gold awards, Macao
Scientific and Technological R&D Award for Postgraduates, and the Business
Awards of Macau for innovation, and also successfully obtained numerous
patents. FHS continues to collaborate with hospitals, higher education institutes
and enterprises in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for
enhancing the technological transfer and benefiting the well-being of mankind.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Research Eminence
Prof. Deng and his team have also discovered the connection
between the ubiquitinated proteasome system and drug resistance.
They found that the inhibition of proteasome activity can block
broad drug resistance in multiple types of cancer. The findings could
help address drug resistance in cancer patients, and the study was
published in Advanced Science.
Together with Dr. Kai MIAO, Prof. Deng has discovered that
that NOTCH1 activation can rescue BRCA1 deficiency and
promote triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) formation.
Drugs targeting NOTCH1-regulated pathways can effectively
inhibit the growth of TNBC. The study was published in
Nature Communications.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. Deng’s team made a breakthrough in the field of cancer precision medicine through its
collaboration with Conde S Januário Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical
University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Sun Yat-sen University
Cancer Center, and Zhuhai People’s Hospital. The research team used patient-derived
organoids (PDOs), in vitro drug screening, and other techniques to provide individualised
treatment suggestions for breast cancer patients, especially those with advanced breast
cancer. The study was published in Advanced Science.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. San Ming WANG and his research team completed a three-year
study on cancer prevention in the Chinese population. This study
determined the frequency of mutation-carrying and the number of
carriers of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutations in the Chinese population
and laid a solid foundation for cancer prevention through large-scale
populational genetic testing. The research work was published in
Medical Genetics, a sister journal of British Medical Journal.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. Zhen YUAN and his research team have developed a photodynamic diagnostic agent
with multi-modal molecular imaging contrast function and near-infrared light excitation,
which can help improve the precision of photodynamic treatment of deep tumours, thereby
improving treatment efficacy. The study was published in Biomaterials.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. Yuan and his team have also developed an efficient strategy to prepare ultra-
small organic polymer probes for second near-infrared (NIR-II) photoacoustic
imaging-guided cancer diagnostic tests and phototherapy. The study paves the
way for clinical applications of organic semiconductor nanoprobes and a novel
avenue for the development of organic semiconducting nanoagent for future
cancer translation studies. The research study was published in Advanced
Functional Materials.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. Dai’s research group has also designed and synthesised Besides, the team led by Prof. Dai has successfully developed a
a novel nanomedicine, which can evoke potent anti-tumour Metal-Phenolic Network (MPN)-based nanomedicine, which
immunoresponse, inhibit tumour growth, and stimulate long- combines cancer sonodynamic therapy (SDT) and metabolic
lasting immunological memory. The study is a new breakthrough therapy. This nanomedicine can reverse immunosuppressive tumor
in melanoma immunotherapy and proposes a promising anti- microenvironment (TME) and evoke highly efficacious cancer
tumour strategy. The research findings were published in Nature immunosurveillance, leading to the inhibition of tumor growth and
Communications. metastasis. This study was published in the ACS Nano.
成功研發新型納米藥物,能高效抑制黑色素瘤的轉移及 另外,代教授帶領的研究團隊製成基於多酚與金屬離子
促進抗腫瘤免疫反應。該納米藥物能顯著地抑制腫瘤生 相結合的納米藥物,其在血液環境中結構穩定,循環
長並激活長久的特異免疫記憶,為下一代癌症免疫療法 時間長,可有效積累於腫瘤組織,實現了通過調節腫瘤
帶來新希望。相關研究成果已獲《自然-通訊》刊登。 微環境來提高聲動力療效,能有效抑制腫瘤的生長及轉
Prof. Edwin Chong Wing CHEUNG and his research team have collaborated with
Prof. Chunhui HOU and Prof. Yonglong CHEN in the Southern University of Science
and Technology and Prof. Li LI in Huazhong Agricultural University, and reported
significant discoveries on the establishment of three-dimensional (3D) genome
structures during Xenopus tropicalis embryonic development. The research result helps
better understand the various defects and diseases caused by genetic abnormalities,
such as the occurrence of cancer. The study was published in Nature Genetics.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Neuropsychiatry 神經精神醫學
Four articles on mental health care by Prof. Yutao XIANG and his research team suggested that
the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has presented great challenges for China in terms
of mental health services. They suggest that timely and sufficient psychological interventions
should be provided for different sub-populations in need. Compared to the traditional face-to-
face psychological intervention, online mental health interventions, including hotline services,
are more appropriate, more flexible, and safer during the COVID-19 epidemic. The related
articles were published in Lancet and Lancet Psychiatry.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. Chris Koon Ho WONG and his research team have made a
breakthrough in understanding the dormancy mechanism of fungal spores
which are the main infectious agent of fungal pathogens that can cause
deadly infections in humans. This discovery holds promise for protecting
immunocompromised people, such as COVID-19 patients, from deadly
infections caused by fungal pathogens. The study has received considerable
attention in the field of biology and has been featured on the cover of Nature
Microbiology. The study is also featured in Faculty Opinions, ScienceNet,
BioArt, and a Nature Microbiology ‘News and Views’ article written by the
world-renowned fungal biologist Jean-Paul Latgé at The Institut Pasteur.
期刊亦邀請了巴斯德研究所世界著名真菌生物學家Jean-Paul Latgé
(ScienceNet)及Faculty Opinions也對該研究進行了報導和討論。
Members of FHS have received research funds from UM, the Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao SAR (FDCT), the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Guangdong Science and
Technology Department (GDST) in the past years. The funding solidifies our research strengths, helps FHS further enhance the research
leadership and continue to excel in research and create impact with innovation research to benefit mankind.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Technological Transfer
Currently, expensive, laborious, and time-
consuming models of cancer drug discovery
greatly limit the viability of personalized
medicine for cancer treatment. Therefore, it is
extremely urgent to establish a new preclinical
drug screening model to solve these problems of
personalized medicine. Prof. Chuxia DENG and
his research team have used the time course-based
monitoring system of the bioluminescent sensor
C3, which can monitor cell apoptosis, to conduct 目前,昂貴、費力和費時的癌症藥物發現
high-throughput drug screening at the cellular 模型極大地限制了個體化藥物用於癌症治
level for identifying high-efficiency drugs for 療的可行性。因此,建立新的臨床前篩藥
specific cancer types, and then to use the mouse 模型來解決個性化醫學的這些問題顯得極
3D-TSC-like and human 3D-TSC platforms for 為迫切。鄧初夏教授及其研究團隊使用能
the drug sensitivity tests. It was found that the 夠 監 測 細 胞 凋 亡 的 生 物 螢 光 傳 感 器 C3的
results of the drug sensitivity tests of using the 時程監測系統,進行了基於細胞水平的高
3D-organoids can be available within seven days. 通量藥物篩選進而鎖定了針對特定癌症
In addition, the histological data and RNA-seq 3D-TSC平台測試藥物敏感性,發現可在試
analysis demonstrated that the 3D-TSCs can 驗七天內出來三維腫瘤片藥敏實驗結果。
accurately retain the immune components of their
original tumours, thus enabling immunotherapy 此外,組織學和RNA序列分析表明3D-TSC
with specific immune checkpoints successfully 能夠準確保留其原始腫瘤的免疫成分,從而
targeting PD-1 and PD-L1 antibodies. More 能夠成功實現針對PD-1和PD-L1抗體的免疫
surprisingly, using the 3D-TSC platform, label- 檢查點免疫治療效果。更為驚喜的是利用
free multiphoton fluorescence imaging showed 3D-TSC平台,無標記的多光子螢光成像顯
that the drug-treated 3D-TSC exhibited lipofuscin 示藥物處理過的3D-TSC表現出脂褐素自發
autofluorescence which can be used for a time- 螢光特徵,可用於對藥物反應和功效進行時
course monitoring of drug response and efficacy. 程監測。3D-TSC是一種創新的臨床前篩藥
3D-TSC is an innovative preclinical drug screening 方法,該方法結合了化學生物學技術、轉基
method that combines the advantages of chemical 因螢光報告技術和代謝性螢光色素的光譜成
biology techniques, transgenic fluorescent reporter 像的優勢,可加速開發精準癌症治療方案。
techniques, and spectral imaging of metabolic
fluorochromes to accelerate the formulation of 該研究在鄧初夏教授的指導下,由其博士
precision cancer therapies. 生邢富強完成三維腫瘤片藥敏試驗、劉子
This work was supervised by Prof. Deng, and his 方科技大學王冠宇教授合作參與。相關研
PhD student, Fuqiang XING, completed the drug 究獲澳門特別行政區政府資助,以及鏡湖
sensitivity test using the 3D-TSC. Prof. Tzu-Ming 醫院的支持。
LIU provided technical support for the label-free
optical imaging, and Prof. Guanyu WANG of
Southern University of Science and Technology
participated collaboratively in the study. The work
was funded by the Macao SAR Government and
40 supported by Kiang Wu Hospital.
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Cutting-edge Research 前沿研究
Prof. Zheng is applying for a Chinese invention patent, and will apply for a US patent and an
Australian patent. Based on the new efficacy of the water extract of Artemisia annua, it can be
developed into a functional health food for its preventive effect, and developed into a clinical first-
line drug for its therapeutic effect. Meanwhile, based on its water-soluble physical and chemical
properties, the products can be formulated as tablets, granules, and oral liquids.
風具有重要的意義。這些研究成果已在《Free Radical Biology and Medicine》及《Redox
Quality Education 品質教學
Quality Education 品質教學
Academic Programmes
Quality Education 品質教學
The Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences programme offers students with the opportunity to explore
the essence of human beings, learn about biological and chemical systems of human body and apply this
interdisciplinary knowledge to medical issues that are related to health and diseases. Graduates are well
equipped with a strong foundation for a career in health professions, and many graduates choose to pursue
further studies in professional schools or continue their post graduate studies.
In the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 academic years, this programme admitted 36 and 60 students respectively. The
total number of active students as at the end of 2021 is 138 students. In addition, two cohorts of students with a total
of 43 students have graduated in these two years. Amongst, 60% of the graduates have chosen to pursue a further
study such as a PhD study or medical study after their undergraduate study, while approximately a quarter of the
graduates entered the labour market within six months after their graduation.
Bioinformatics is one of the fast-developing fields in the 21st century in view of the need for in-depth study
areas of health sciences. It applies research and analytical tools that integrate the knowledge of computer
science, information technology and statistics to understand biological data and solve problems. The objective
of the programme is to nurture professionals in bioinformatics, who are the important building block to develop
Macao as a smart city. The graduates of the programme are fully capable to pursue a career in the medical
sector, as well as biomedical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.
This programme was first launched in the 2019/2020 academic year. In the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 academic
years, this programme admitted 21 and 18 students respectively. As at the end of 2021, the three cohorts
constitute a total of 45 active students.
Quality Education 品質教學
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology forms the foundational scientific basis of the physical, chemical, biological
and the biomedical aspects of drug properties and actions combining a broad range of scientific disciplines that are
critical to the discovery and development of new drugs and therapies. Through this undergraduate programme,
students can gain a well-rounded understanding of drug discovery and development, and can master the relevant
laws and regulations. The graduates are well equipped with generic, subject-specific and transferable knowledge and
skills suited to a career in the pharmaceutical industry, drug laboratory-based scientific disciplines. Pursuing further
post-graduate studies or professional studies such as pharmacy are also popular options for graduates.
Quality Education 品質教學
With the advances in technology, there is an increasing trend in applying large-scale, high-output approaches and techniques in biology
and medical research to generate large data. Hence, a huge amount of data is constantly generated and stored in databases. There is a
solid need to process the information and extract knowledge quickly from this rapidly growing collection of data, which defines the
discipline of Data Science. Precision Medicine is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that considers individual
variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. Students enrolled in this programme first comprehend the knowledge
in the professional areas such as computer science, statistics, and information technology, and subsequently learn and study how a large
pool of data can be practically and effectively applied in Precision Medicine. The graduates of this programme are well equipped with
a strong foundation for a career in an interdisciplinary work in biomedical and big data analytics in the medical, pharmaceutical, and
biotechnology sectors.
This programme was first launched in the 2019/2020 academic year, and 5 students from this cohort graduated in the 2021 summer.
In the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 academic years, this programme admitted 11 and 28 students respectively. As at the end of 2021, this
programme has 40 active students.
Quality Education 品質教學
Biomedical scientists bridge the gap between the basic sciences and medicine, conduct research in order to comprehend human
disease and find ways to improve human health. Students interested in conducting independent research and gaining laboratory
experience might benefit from the PhD programme offered by FHS. Students in the programme are supervised individually by
an academic staff at a professoriate rank to carry out a research project in a wide array of contempanory aspects in health and
biomedical sciences for a research dissertation. Our PhD programme is designed to educate learners who aspire to pursue careers
as research scientists, scholars, or academic careers in health and biomedical science.
In the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 academic years, this programme admitted 62 and 75 students respectively. The total number
of active students as at the end of 2021 is 237 students. In addition, 73 students have graduated in these two academic years.
Most of the graduates were successively recruited as post-doctoral researchers, assistant professors and associate professors by
top universities including Yale University, University of Maryland, Baylor College of Medicine, Southern Medical University,
Chongqing University, etc., providing the vital driving force for health and biomedical related areas.
Quality Education 品質教學
(The new programme will be offered in 2022/2023 academic year and will
come into operation upon publication in Macao SAR Gazette. The completion
of this joint programme does not fulfill the professional qualification for a
dietician in Macao, and the requirement for this profession is governed by
Regulamento Administrativo n.º 23/2021.)
業的註冊資格,該專業資格要求詳見第 23/2021 號行政法規。)
Quality Education 品質教學
The Independent Research Programme serves to provide The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition is
an opportunity for undergraduate students to participate an international team competition made up of predominantly undergraduate
in research projects and gain research experience on students interested in the field of synthetic biology. It provides an opportunity
top of their undergraduate studies. In this way, students for undergraduate students to apply their biomedical knowledge into
can experience the research work earlier and enhance application developments, build up their research abilities and broaden
their enthusiasm and confidence with the professors’ their horizons. FHS has joined the iGEM competition since 2019. The
supervision. teams under the supervision of FHS have won gold and silver medals for
獨立研究計劃讓學生在本科學習之外,有機會參 three consecutive years.
與研究項目,獲取研究經驗。在教授的指導下, 國際基因工程機器(iGEM)比賽是一項國際團隊競賽,主要由
學生可以更早地體驗研究工作,增強他們的積極 對合成生物學領域感興趣的本科生組成,為本科生提供一個利用
性和信心。 生物醫學知識於應用開發、培養研究能力和開闊視野的機會。健
康科學學院自 2019年開始組織學生參加 iGEM 比賽。在過往三
Quality Education 品質教學
Graduate Prospects
UG Graduates Goverment
24.1% 8.1%
University & Education Healthcare Industry
Organization 醫療衛生行業
大學與教育機構 3.5%
44.8% 研發機構
Further Studies
University & Education
Further Studies
Quality Education 品質教學
Shaolin ZHANG: My doctoral research training at UM has enabled me to blaze a new trail through
brambles on my academic path
Shaolin ZHANG (third from left) is the first PhD graduate from FHS of UM
張少林 (左三)是澳門大學健康科學學院的第一位博士畢業生 現時在重慶大學藥學院任職副教授的張少林
Chose UM to pursue his dream 善,他亦要在重重困難中致力把研究工作做
Shaolin ZHANG is the first PhD graduate from FHS of UM. He determined 好,從而學懂在壓力中積極面對並尋求解決辦
to specialise in pharmaceutical research when he was pursuing 法,不坐著抱怨。他慶幸當初能有機會成為
his master’s degree at Southwestern University. To experience the 學院初起步的一份子,與學院一同努力參與建
academic atmosphere of different regions and expand his international 設實驗室,經歷設備從零到完善組建,昔日的
horizon, he targeted universities in Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao 學習經驗使他今天能勇於面對工作上不同的挑
for his doctoral studies. On one occasion, he met Prof. Kin Yip TAM 戰,積極地把壓力轉化為動力。
of FHS, whose research interest is drug development, and got a grip
on the teaching mode and the characteristics of the curriculum of FHS.
Then, he gained full confidence in the teaching and research of FHS.
Finally, he decided to pursue his doctoral studies at UM, and joined
Prof. Tam’s research team
Quality Education 品質教學
Zhijun HE: Undergraduate Courses in FHS Have Paved a Solid Foundation for My Further
Exploration in Research
Quality Education 品質教學
Zhijun HE delivers a speech in an international conference 生的實驗設計及操作技巧,還可以培養他們獨立的思考
The most powerful stepping stone: Solid Courses
After obtaining his bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences at
UM, Zhijun continued his master’s programme, specializing in
oncology at Tsinghua University. He aims to develop effective
medicine for brain tumours that brings a better treatment for
cancer patients. Zhijun says, “The undergraduate courses in
FHS have paved a solid foundation for my further exploration
and developed my interests in research. FHS provides many
courses to cultivate students’ skills in conducting experiments,
including cell culture, PCR and western blot, which can be
applied well theoretically and practically. What I have learned
in my undergraduate studies laid a solid foundation for my
postgraduate studies.” In addition, Zhijun pointed out that
all FHS research teams welcome undergraduate students to
take part in the research work on top of their undergraduate
studies. These precious research experiences can develop
students’ experimental design and operational skills, sharpen
their independent and critical thinking skills, which strengthen
students’ research abilities.
Research is my amusement
Zhijun was so grateful for Prof. Kwok who has provided him
many research opportunities, encouraged him to enjoy the
process of conducting experiments, and nurtured his ongoing
Zhijun HE (first from left) wins the gold medal in iGEM
love for scientific research. These all are his lifelong benefits. 何智鈞 (左一)在「國際遺傳工程機器大賽」獲得金獎殊榮
“What I gained from my undergraduate studies has built
transferable skills for my research competency,” says Zhijun.
“The ease of experimental design and operations allows me to
focus more on the content of studies.” Zhijun encouraged the
current students to participate in research after class, which can
help them develop a lasting love for research in such a process
of devoting efforts and cultivating interests.
Awards &
Awards & Recognitions 獎項及殊榮
The FHS academic staff, research teams and students have received plentiful honors and distinctions over the years.
The following list is not exhaustive.
International Genetically Engineered Machine
Fu Hengyi
UM Macau
Best Environment Project Nominee
Giant Jamboree
November 13 – 22, 2020
& Global
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Science Talks
The academic members of FHS have prepared a whole array of science talks with inspiring topics
for local secondary students. The aim of these science talks is to strengthen the understanding in
health sciences and foster the interest in scientific research of the students, all of which encourage
the students to actively take part in scientific research for broadening their horizons. Students from
23 local high schools were showcased with amazing scientific innovations, ideas and findings in the
science talks for bringing them new perspectives of biomedical sciences.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
生物醫藥學夏令營 暑期實驗室實習計劃
To enhance the scientific literacy of high school student, Under the Summer Laboratory Work Experience
FHS organizes the Biomedical Sciences Summer Programme lauched in 2018, the local high school
Camp every year. In addition to attending lectures students ignited a passion for health sciences by engaging
and conducting experiments of health sciences in the in the research projects led by different research teams
laboratory, around 300 participants from over 40 high of FHS. Over 100 students not only experienced the joy
schools also had the opportunity to stay at residential of research but also enriched their summer vacations
colleges to experience a university life. through the participation in the interesting hands-on
為培養中學生了解學院的課程特色及體驗大學生生 experiments in different laboratories.
活,健康科學學院每年都會在暑假期間舉辦「生物醫 健康科學學院為進一步推動本澳中學生對生物醫藥研究
藥學夏令營」,來自本地超過40所中學的約300名學生 的興趣,由2018年開始,在暑假期間舉辦「暑期實驗
除了參加一系列健康科學的專題講座及進行研究實驗 室實習計劃」。超過參與計劃的100名學生獲安排至不
外,他們更入住了大學的住宿式書院,從課堂到舍堂 同的研究實驗室實習,並在教授及研究團隊隊員的指
真切體驗大學生活。 導下,親自操作實驗室內先進的儀器設施,完成相關
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Open day
UM organizes open day every year, and FHS prepares a series of diversified and a rich variety of interactive
activities, including game booths related to biomedical sciences, workshop, lab tour, and the admission sharing,
etc. Meanwhile, the participants learn the latest development, academic programmes, research achievements and the
teaching facilities of FHS.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Launched in 2014, the Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences is an annual hybrid event that involves both in-person and
virtual elements, aiming to provide a platform for the sharing of knowledge and research findings in biomedical sciences,
and to promote research collaboration, innovation, and development in the field. Due to the epidemic, the symposium was
suspended in 2020. The Nobel Laureates and other world-renowned scholars in biomedical sciences were invited to share
their research findings and views on cutting-edge technologies in precision medicine.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
To enhance the researchers and students of UM and the public’s understanding on the latest development of cutting-edge
technology in public health, biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, and also to strengthen the public’s knowledge on
different health, FHS organises public seminar series. During 2020 and 2021, 19 renowned scholars and experts from China
or overseas and FHS were invited to share their professional knowledge in different aspects of health sciences and illustrate
their fruits of research.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Seminar Series of Ministry of Education Frontiers Science Center for Precision Oncology, UM
Since the establishment of Ministry of Education Frontiers Science Center for Precision Oncology, UM in 2021, over 20
distinguished speakers have been invited to conduct speeches related to precision medicine research with a wide range of
topics on cancer occurrence and development, tumor microenvironment and immune regulation, cancer metastasis and drug
resistance mechanisms, and high-efficiency drug development and individualized cancer treatment, etc.
FHS has received more than 20 delegations from Hong Kong, mainland
China and overseas in 2020 and 2021. During their visits, FHS had in-depth
discussions with the delegations on establishing joint study programmes,
academic exchange activities, cooperative research projects, etc. Close
friendship and collaboration were developed, and some institutes even
worked out the official cooperation with FHS afterwards.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
The summer camps aim to provide learning and exchange opportunities for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students from Mainland top universities. The summer camps not only enriched their
knowledge but also served as a platform for strengthening the collaboration among the outstanding
students of the mainland universities and enhancing interaction between mainland and UM students, in
which they had an insight into the academic development and research achievements of UM.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
The list of units with which FHS has strategic alliances in 2020 and 2021
BC Cancer, Provincial Health Services Authority
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (Guangzhou Overseas Chinese University) China
暨南大學附屬第一醫院(廣州華僑醫院) 中國
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Adjunct Members
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
FHS has put intensive efforts to enhance exposure at media and social media platforms. In the past two years, news
about the research achievements and activities of FHS have been widely in local media.
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Promotional Videos
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Research Publications
FHS has an excellent record of published research, both in discipline-specific journals and more high-profile publications
such as Nature, The Lancet, Nature Communications, Advanced Science, etc. The acuumulative number of papers
published by FHS scholars increased from 43 in 2014 to over 1,600 in April 2022, with over 27,000 citations and over
200 accumulative publications with impact factor ≥10.
表了大量的學術文章,數目由2014年的 43 篇增至2022年4月累計超過1,600篇,論文獲引用超過 27,000次,而
影響因子高於10的累計出版物已超過 200 篇。
Led by Prof. Chuxia DENG as Editor-in-chief, along with the editor board that consists of Prof. Renhe XU as Executive
Editor and a team of internationally renowned scholars, International Journal of Biological Sciences has attracted a high
number of publications with good quality in biological sciences and life sciences-related topics in recently. The quality
of the accepted and published articles is improving over the year that drives an upshift of the impact factor from 4.067 in
2018 to 6.58 in 2020. In 2020 and 2021, the journal published two special issues to report the latest research development
of the COVID-19 pandemics.
COVER FEATURE: Crystal structure of the MyRF ICA domain with its upstream β- COVER FEATURE: Batsaikhan Buyandelger, Eli E Bar, Kuo-Sheng Hung, et al. Histone
helical stalk reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying its trimerization and self-cleavage. deacetylase inhibitor MPT0B291 suppresses Glioma Growth in vitro and in vivo partially
COVER FEATURE: Ye Yi, Philip N.P. Lagniton, Sen Ye, Enqin Li and Ren-He Xu.
Pei Wu, Xiangkai Zhen, Bowen Li, Qian Yu, Xiaochen Huang, Ning Shi through acetylation of p53
COVID-19: what has been learned and to be learned about the novel coronavirus disease
COVER FEATURE: PiRNA-63049 inhibits bone formation through Wnt/β-catenin COVER FEATURE: Hang Fai Kwok. Review of Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials - A puzzle
signaling pathway. Gaoyang Chen, Shang Wang, Canling Long, Zhenmin Wang, Xin Chen, Wanze Tang, with missing pieces
Xiaoqin He, Zhiteng Bao, Baoyu Tan, William W Lu, Zhizhong Li, Dazhi Yang, Guozhi Xiao, Songlin Peng
Ivyspring Ivyspring
International Publisher International Publisher
Public Engagement & Global Linkage 大眾聯繫及全球網絡
Book Publications
The two books which were edited by Prof. Henry Hang Fai KWOK cover current
advanced research related to natural-based biomolecules as a potential medicinal
therapy in different aspects. They include recent studies on bioactive molecules
derived from frog skins, fungus, plants, and venoms (e.g. peptide/toxin/immunotoxin/
secondary metabolite) for targeted cancer therapy, immunotherapy, etc. to address
the future challenges in these fields. Furthermore, an open discussion on using novel
disease-specific natural-based protein/peptide/toxin along with FDA approved drugs
as combinatorial treatment is also included in the contents. A group of excellent
researchers/scientists from ten different countries/regions involved as authors,
including the world-renowned scholar and founder of the Laboratory of Molecular
Biology in the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) – Prof. Ira PASTAN from the
National Institutes of Health (NIH).
異性的天然蛋白質/肽/毒素與 FDA 批准的藥物作為組合治療。一群來自九個不
和美國國家癌症研究所(NCI)分子生物學實驗室的創始人 — 美國國立衛生研
究院 (NIH)的Ira Pastan教授。
The fifth edition of Medical Genetics of which Prof. Chuxia DENG is one of the
chief editors covers Precision Medicine and Preventive Medicine. This version
supplements the progress and the frontier knowledge in medical science-related
modern life science research based on the characteristics of disease prevention
and health-related biomedicine.
Appendix 附錄
Appendix 附錄
Elucidate the mechanisms through which metastatic breast cancer cells and macrophages interact and co-evolve to further
enhance cancer metastasis and tumor growth
Functional Characterization of the AR Transcriptional Network in Prostate Cancer
Deciphering the mRNP code in epithelial morphogenesis
Diagnose Diabetes Mellitus Conditions at its Early Stage with Metabolic Fluorochromic Imaging and Spectroscopy
Understanding the molecular mechanism of Caspofungin Paradoxical Effect in the human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus
Novel pharmacological effects of Remdesivir on the autophagy-lysosome system in the host cells and the implication in
its anti-viral activity
Molecular mechanism of Vibrio parahaemolyticus RhsP toxin release and RhsPI immunity protein as a protection
against gastroenteritis
Development of anti-B7-H3 CART and bispecific antibodies against non-small cell lung cancer
Precision medicine research for refractory breast cancer based on circulating tumor cells derived organoids
Preclinical study of Category 5 New Chinese Medicine Akebia Fruit (Yu Zhi Zi) Extract on the treatment of depression
Dual-modal photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging-guided cancer phototherapy with bacteria as the multifunctional
theranostics agent
Functions of post-translational modifications of key epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory factors in malignant
tumor development
BRCA mutation Standard Database in Chinese population: construction, characterization, and clinical application
The mechanism of chromosome 11q13 amplification in resistance to anti-PD-1 therapy of esophageal squamous cell cancer
Discovery of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs targeting Sigma-1 receptor and study of the underlying mechanisms
Translational research on overcoming breast cancer drug resistance by inhibiting proteasome activity and enhancing
protein damage
Role and mechanism of animal venom peptide family BmKDfsin3/4 members against HBV/HCV and the related-
hepatocellular carcinoma mediated by p38 MAPK signal pathway
Study of FGFR2 and ATP11B as driving factors in BRCA1-associated breast tumorigenesis and metastasis, and their
inhibitory strategies
Directed evolution and function characterization of synthetic immune molecules with high throughput screening
Reversal of multidrug resistance and industrialization of breast cancer based on P-glycoprotein-targeted Ganoderma
lucidum active substance
Overcoming broad drug resistance in cancer treatment through enhancing sensitivity of chemotherapy
Near-infrared activated photoacoustic probe for real-time monitoring of tumor infiltrating lymphocyte changes in tumor evolution
Novel conjugated polymer theranostic nanoplatform with both near-infrared II imaging and gas therapy functions
Appendix 附錄
Research Publications
Representative Publications 代表性科研出版物
Appendix 附錄
Yuan, G., Flores, N. M., Hausmann, S., Lofgren, S. M., Kharchenko, V., Angulo-Ibanez, M., Sengupta, D., Lu, X., Czaban, I.,
Azhibek, D., Vicent, S., Fischle, W., Jaremko, M., Fang, B., Wistuba, I. I., Chua, K. F., Roth, J. A., Minna, J. D., Shao, N. Y.,
Jaremko, L., Mazur, P. K., and Gozani, O. (2021) Elevated NSD3 Histone Methylation Activity Drives Squamous Cell Lung Cancer.
Nature 590 (7846), 504-508
Yan, J., Wang, G. H., Xie, L. S., Tian, H., Li, J., Li, B., Sang, W., Li, W. X., Zhang, Z., and Dai, Y. L. (2021) Engineering Radiosensitizer-
Based Metal-Phenolic Networks Potentiate STING Pathway Activation for Advanced Radiotherapy. Adv Mater, e2105783
Shao, F. Y., Lyu, X. Y., Miao, K., Xie, L. S., Wang, H. T., Xiao, H., Li, J., Chen, Q., Ding, R. B., Chen, P., Xing, F. Q., Zhang, X.,
Luo, G. H., Zhu, W., Cheng, G., Lon, N. W., Martin, S. E., Wang, G. Y., Chen, G. K., Dai, Y. L., and Deng, C. X. (2020) Enhanced
Protein Damage Clearance Induces Broad Drug Resistance in Multitype of Cancers Revealed by an Evolution Drug-Resistant
Model and Genome-Wide siRNA Screening. Adv Sci 7 (23), 2001914
Enkhbat, M., Liu, Y. C., Kim, J., Xu, Y. S., Yin, Z. Y., Liu, T. M., Deng, C. X., Zou, C., Xie, X., Li, X. W., and Wang, P. Y. (2021)
Expansion of Rare Cancer Cells into Tumoroids for Therapeutic Regimen and Cancer Therapy. Adv. Ther. 4 (7)
Zhou, J., Li, X. Y., Liu, Y. J., Feng, J., Wu, Y., Shen, H. M., and Lu, G. D. (2021) Full-Coverage Regulations of Autophagy by ROS:
From Induction to Maturation. Autophagy, 1-16
Wang, L., Li, J. J., and Di, L. J. (2021) Glycogen Synthesis and Beyond, a Comprehensive Review of GSK3 as a Key Regulator of
Metabolic Pathways and a Therapeutic Target for Treating Metabolic Diseases. Med Res Rev
Yang, K. K., Yue, L. D., Yu, G. C., Rao, L., Tian, R., Wei, J. W., Yang, Z. Q., Sun, C., Zhang, X. J., Xu, M. Z., Yuan, Z., Chen, X.
Y., and Wang, R. B. (2021) A Hypoxia Responsive Nanoassembly for Tumor Specific Oxygenation and Enhanced Sonodynamic
Therapy. Biomaterials 275, 120822
Guo, X. L., Yang, N. D., Ji, W. H., Zhang, H., Dong, X., Zhou, Z. Q., Li, L., Shen, H. M., Yao, S. Q., and Huang, W. (2021) Mito-
Bomb: Targeting Mitochondria for Cancer Therapy. Adv Mater 33 (43), e2007778
Xu, J., Wang, L. M., Zhang, L. H., Zheng, F., Wang, F., Leng, J. H., Wang, K., Heroux, P., Shen, H. M., Wu, Y. H., and Xia, D. J.
(2020) Mono-2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate Drives Progression of PINK1-Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy via Increasing Mitochondrial ROS
to Exacerbate Cytotoxicity. Redox Biol 38, 101776
Mughal, M. J., and Kwok, H. F. (2021) Multidimensional Role of Bacteria in Cancer: Mechanisms Insight, Diagnostic, Preventive
and Therapeutic Potential. Semin Cancer Biol
Ma, R., and Kwok, H. F. (2020) New Opportunities and Challenges of Venom-Based and Bacteria-Derived Molecules for Anticancer
Targeted Therapy. Semin Cancer Biol
Liu, K. F., Tan, S. G., Jin, W. J., Guan, J. W., Wang, Q. L., Sun, H., Qi, J. X., Yan, J. H., Chai, Y., Wang, Z. F., Deng, C. X., and Gao,
G. F. (2020) N-Glycosylation of PD-1 Promotes Binding of Camrelizumab. Embo Rep 21 (12), e51444
Miao, K., Lei, J. H. P., Valecha, M. V., Zhang, A. P., Xu, J., Wang, L. J., Lyu, X. Y., Chen, S., Miao, Z. Q., Zhang, X., Su, S. M.,
Shao, F. Y., Rajendran, B. K., Bao, J. L., Zeng, J. M., Sun, H., Chen, P., Tan, K. L., Chen, Q., Wong, K. H., Xu, X. L., and Deng,
C. X. (2020) NOTCH1 Activation Compensates BRCA1 Deficiency and Promotes Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Formation. Nat
Commun 11 (1), 3256
Chen, P., Zhang, X., Ding, R. B., Yang, L. L., Lyu, Xue Ying, Zeng, J. M., Lei, Josh Hai Peng, Wang, L. J. B., Jiong, Shao, N., Shu,
D. T., Wu, B., Wu, Jing Bo, Yang, Z. H., Wang, H. Y., Wang, B. Q., Xiong, K., Lu, Y., Fu, Shao Zhi, Choi, T. K., Lon, N. W., Zhang,
A. P., Tang, D. Y., Quan, Y. Y., Meng, Y., Miao, K., Sun, H., Zhao, M., Bao, J. L., Zhang, L., Xu, X. L., Shi, Y. X., Lin, Y., and
Deng, C. X. (2021) Patient-Derived Organoids Can Guide Personalized-Therapies for Patients with Advanced Breast Cancer. Adv
Sci (Weinh) 8 (22), e2101176
Farhan, M., Silva, M., Li, S., Yan, F. X., Fang, J. K., Peng, T. M., Hu, J., Tsao, M. S., Little, P., and Zheng, W. H. (2020)
The Role of FOXOs and Autophagy in Cancer and Metastasis-Implications in Therapeutic Development. Med Res Rev 40
(6), 2089-2113
Tang, Y. C., Wang, L. M., Yi, T., Xu, J., Wang, J. G., Qin, J. J., Chen, Q. L., Yip, K. M., Pan, Y. H., Hong, P., Lu, Y. Y., Shen,
H. M., and Chen, H. B. (2021) Synergistic Effects of Autophagy/Mitophagy Inhibitors and Magnolol Promote Apoptosis
and Antitumor Efficacy. Acta Pharm Sin B 11 (12), 3966-3982
Lyu, J. F., Yang, E. J., Zhang, B. Y., Wu, C. J., Pardeshi, L., Shi, C. X., Mou, P. K., Liu, Y. F., Tan, K. L., and Shim, J. S.
(2020) Synthetic Lethality of RB1 and Aurora A is Driven by Stathmin-Mediated Disruption of Microtubule Dynamics.
Nat Commun 11 (1), 5105
Zhang, X., Wang, C. F., Feng, G., Jiang, J. X., Hu, J. W., du Rietz, A., Brommesson, C., Zhang, X. J., Ma, Y. G., Roberg,
K., Zhang, F. L., Shen, H. M., Uvdal, K., and Hu, Z. J. (2021) Tailorable Membrane-Penetrating Nanoplatform for Highly
Efficient Organelle-Specific Localization. Small 17 (31), e2101440
Appendix 附錄
Liu, J., Yang, S., Cao, B. H., Zhou, G. Y., Zhang, F. J., Wang, Y., Wang, R. X., Zhu, L. P., Meng, Y., Hu, C., Liang, H., Lin,
X., Zhu, K. S., Chen, G. K., Luo, K. Q., Di, L. J., and Zhao, Q. (2021) Targeting B7-H3 via Chimeric Antigen Receptor
T Cells and Bispecific Killer Cell Engagers Augments Antitumor Response of Cytotoxic Lymphocytes. J Hematol Oncol
14 (1), 21
Li, L. C., Bao, J. L., Wang, H. T., Lei, J. H. P., Peng, C., Zeng, J. M., Hao, W. H., Zhang, X., Xu, X. L., Yu, C. D., Deng, C.
X., and Chen, Q. (2021) Upregulation of Amplified in Breast Cancer 1 Contributes to Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Progression and Vulnerability to Blockage of Hedgehog Activation. Theranostics 11 (4), 1672-1689
Appendix 附錄
Wang, G. H., Song, L., Hou, X., Kala, S., Wong, K. F., Tang, L. Y., Dai, Y. L., and Sun, L. (2020) Surface-Modified GVs as
Nanosized Contrast Agents for Molecular Ultrasound Imaging of Tumor. Biomaterials 236, 119803
Xu, M. Z., Xue, B., Wang, Y., Wang, D., Gao, D. Y., Yang, S., Zhao, Q., Zhou, C. T., Ruan, S. C., and Yuan, Z. (2021) Temperature-
Feedback Nanoplatform for NIR-II Penta-Modal Imaging-Guided Synergistic Photothermal Therapy and CAR-NK Immunotherapy
of Lung Cancer. Small 17 (43), e2101397
Men, X. J., Wang, F., Chen, H. B., Liu, Y. B., Men, X. X., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Z., Gao, D. Y., Wu, C. F., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Ultrasmall
Semiconducting Polymer Dots with Rapid Clearance for Second near-Infrared Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Cancer
Therapy. Adv Funct Mater 30 (24), 1909673
Appendix 附錄
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Zhou, F. C., Yang, Y., Wang, Y. Y., Rao, W. W., Zhang, S. F., Zeng, L. N., Zheng, W., Ng, C. H., Ungvari, G. S., Zhang, L.,
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Yang, Y., Wang, C. X., Xiang, Y. T., Lu, J., and Penzel, T. (2020) Editorial: Mental Disorders Associated with Neurological
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Appendix 附錄
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Appendix 附錄