N20VI, N20VLI (1111 Spare Parts List)

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Spare Parts List

N20VI - N20VLI
from series 10/09

1111 804 90 01 10.09

Index N20VI - N20VLI





Register 03 : CHASSIS UNIT

270 console assy.


504 gear slewing
506 tiller assy.
303 BOGGIE N20Vi


148 circuit diagram
843 harness

Register 07 : HYDRAULIC UNIT

174 parts interchangeable N20Vi
175 parts interchangeable N20VLi
288 parts list
426 control valve N20VLi

Register 08 : LIFT MAST

317 carriage fork assy. N20VLi

26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01

N20VI - N20VLI Index
460 cylinder tilt assy. Ø35


147 support

133 drawing installation

print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

Key to part numbers N20VI - N20VLI

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
000 14 06/843 /02 04/323 /01 000 914 70 07 03/270 /02 000 923 03 38 08/220 /01 000 944 17 62 07/288 /02
000 901 30 24 07/174 /01 000 907 11 26 08/460 /01 000 914 70 09 08/226 /01 000 923 03 41 08/221 /01 000 944 17 63 07/288 /02
07/175 /01 000 907 33 11 03/270 /02 08/226 /01 000 924 21 12 01/123 /01 000 944 18 18 07/288 /02
000 901 54 07 03/271 /01 000 908 23 14 06/148 /01 000 914 70 13 03/270 /01 000 924 95 12 08/220 /01 000 944 24 08 08/220 /01
000 901 54 08 03/270 /02 000 912 05 08 08/221 /02 03/270 /01 08/221 /01 000 944 24 09 08/226 /01
03/270 /02 000 912 10 21 04/323 /01 04/506 /01 08/317 /01 000 944 30 20 07/288 /02
04/506 /01 000 912 11 21 08/226 /01 09/148 /01 000 924 95 13 08/220 /01 000 944 33 45 07/288 /01
000 903 31 12 02/140 /02 000 912 15 16 08/221 /02 000 914 70 21 08/220 /01 08/221 /01 000 944 50 03 07/288 /01
000 903 40 16 07/288 /01 000 912 18 06 08/221 /02 08/226 /01 08/317 /01 000 944 51 06 07/426 /01
000 903 40 17 07/288 /02 000 912 20 30 04/303 /01 000 914 75 30 02/140 /01 000 924 95 14 08/220 /01 000 944 51 07 07/426 /01
000 904 02 01 03/271 /01 04/305 /01 000 915 90 39 07/288 /02 08/221 /01 000 951 21 62 07/426 /01
07/174 /01 000 912 20 32 04/245 /01 000 916 16 06 08/220 /02 08/317 /01 000 951 24 06 04/207 /01
07/175 /01 000 914 18 23 08/220 /02 000 917 96 01 07/288 /01 000 925 20 10 01/123 /01 000 951 24 60 07/288 /01
08/221 /02 000 914 20 02 04/244 /01 000 918 72 82 08/226 /01 000 928 02 03 02/140 /01 000 951 51 26 07/288 /02
09/148 /01 04/245 /01 000 921 07 09 03/270 /01 000 931 40 22 06/148 /01 000 952 40 20 02/140 /02
000 904 02 02 06/148 /01 04/303 /01 000 923 02 03 04/244 /01 000 931 40 37 04/506 /01 000 952 40 66 07/288 /02
000 904 02 03 03/270 /02 04/305 /01 000 923 02 04 04/303 /01 000 931 45 09 06/843 /02 000 952 40 75 07/288 /02
03/271 /02 000 914 56 04 02/140 /01 04/305 /01 06/843 /02 000 952 70 21 07/175 /01
07/174 /01 000 914 60 15 04/303 /01 000 923 02 39 04/245 /01 000 938 05 97 10/133 /01 000 955 16 06 09/147 /01
07/175 /01 04/305 /01 04/305 /01 000 938 06 61 10/133 /01 000 955 26 22 06/148 /01
09/147 /01 000 914 60 17 08/221 /01 000 923 02 41 04/245 /01 000 938 09 48 10/133 /01 000 955 50 70 07/288 /01
000 904 02 04 09/146 /01 000 914 65 12 02/140 /01 04/305 /01 000 938 22 49 10/133 /01 000 961 01 12 08/460 /01
000 904 02 06 06/148 /02 000 914 70 03 03/270 /01 000 923 02 44 04/244 /01 000 944 11 07 07/288 /01 08/461 /01
000 905 38 10 03/270 /02 03/270 /01 000 923 02 56 04/303 /01 000 944 12 54 07/288 /01 000 962 33 40 08/461 /01
03/271 /02 03/270 /01 000 923 02 57 04/303 /01 000 944 12 55 07/288 /02 000 962 92 18 07/426 /01
000 907 09 04 04/323 /01 08/315 /01 000 923 02 62 08/221 /01 000 944 12 81 07/288 /01 000 962 92 19 07/426 /01
000 907 09 11 02/147 /01 09/146 /01 000 923 03 24 08/226 /01 000 944 17 60 07/288 /01 000 963 00 62 07/288 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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N20VI - N20VLI Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
000 963 01 69 07/288 /01 000 990 35 24 04/305 /01 003 912 20 31 04/244 /01 003 946 07 11 03/441 /01 003 980 87 08 04/504 /01
000 963 02 43 07/288 /01 002 978 05 11 01/123 /01 003 912 34 12 03/271 /01 003 946 07 13 03/441 /01 003 981 08 52 07/288 /01
000 963 02 95 07/288 /02 04/207 /01 003 912 40 03 03/271 /01 003 960 80 09 08/460 /01 003 983 02 00 07/288 /01
000 963 10 47 07/288 /01 06/843 /01 003 912 89 01 02/140 /01 003 960 80 11 08/461 /01 003 983 02 01 07/288 /02
000 963 11 13 02/140 /01 06/843 /01 003 914 08 02 04/506 /02 003 964 45 01 07/174 /01 003 990 23 08 04/301 /01
000 963 20 47 07/288 /01 06/843 /01 003 916 22 00 08/220 /01 07/175 /01 003 990 23 11 04/301 /01
000 963 21 62 07/288 /01 06/843 /02 003 916 96 08 04/504 /01 003 970 35 26 06/148 /01 003 990 23 12 04/301 /01
000 963 21 86 07/288 /01 06/843 /02 003 919 06 92 02/147 /01 003 970 37 08 04/506 /02 003 990 23 18 04/301 /01
000 963 21 97 07/288 /02 06/843 /03 02/147 /01 003 970 90 03 06/148 /01 003 990 23 39 04/301 /01
000 963 23 20 09/147 /01 06/843 /03 003 922 51 01 03/270 /02 003 970 90 04 06/148 /01 003 990 23 43 04/301 /01
000 963 25 51 01/123 /01 06/843 /03 04/506 /01 003 970 90 05 06/148 /02 003 990 35 12 04/244 /01
000 964 01 17 04/323 /01 06/843 /03 003 922 60 04 09/147 /01 003 972 30 00 04/504 /01 003 990 35 19 04/323 /01
000 964 05 05 03/271 /01 06/843 /03 003 922 60 05 03/270 /02 003 973 04 03 06/148 /02 003 990 36 06 04/303 /01
000 964 16 08 03/271 /02 06/843 /03 003 922 75 08 04/506 /02 003 973 16 13 04/506 /01 003 990 36 15 08/221 /01
000 965 26 00 03/271 /02 003 901 90 01 04/323 /01 003 931 01 04 09/146 /01 003 973 26 03 03/270 /02 003 990 38 02 04/303 /01
07/174 /01 003 904 50 00 01/123 /01 003 931 40 02 03/270 /02 003 973 29 03 04/506 /02 04/305 /01
07/175 /01 003 905 08 00 06/148 /01 003 938 11 02 10/133 /01 003 973 29 15 03/270 /02 003 990 52 53 04/303 /01
000 965 26 35 08/315 /01 003 907 11 02 08/461 /01 003 938 18 29 10/133 /01 03/441 /01 003 990 52 54 04/244 /01
000 965 57 11 08/221 /02 003 907 13 01 02/147 /01 003 938 18 78 10/133 /01 003 973 29 34 04/506 /02 003 993 36 03 04/303 /01
000 973 29 55 08/315 /01 003 907 51 00 03/270 /01 003 938 19 11 10/133 /01 003 973 90 09 03/270 /01 1110 363 12 04 08/315 /01
000 973 61 51 08/221 /02 003 912 01 32 08/221 /02 10/133 /01 03/270 /01 1110 381 03 02 04/506 /02
000 976 09 26 07/288 /01 003 912 02 30 03/271 /02 003 938 19 19 10/133 /01 003 975 51 00 03/270 /01 1110 381 03 03 03/270 /02
000 976 14 19 06/148 /01 003 912 02 36 04/305 /01 003 938 19 20 10/133 /01 003 976 11 42 01/123 /01 1110 381 05 00 06/148 /02
000 982 16 01 07/288 /01 003 912 02 37 04/245 /01 10/133 /01 003 977 95 05 06/148 /02 06/843 /01
000 983 08 71 07/288 /01 003 912 02 42 04/305 /01 003 938 20 17 10/133 /01 003 980 17 04 04/504 /01 1110 400 03 00 03/270 /01
000 983 70 09 07/288 /01 003 912 02 43 04/245 /01 003 938 20 18 10/133 /01 003 980 17 08 04/504 /01 1110 400 03 02 03/270 /01
000 983 95 06 07/288 /01 003 912 10 32 04/506 /01 003 938 20 19 10/133 /01 003 980 87 04 04/504 /01 1110 400 03 03 03/270 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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Key to part numbers N20VI - N20VLI

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
1110 400 03 04 03/270 /01 1111 431 30 00 08/315 /01 1111 851 26 00 08/221 /01 131 420 35 06 03/271 /01 08/221 /02
1110 400 40 00 07/174 /01 1111 432 32 00 03/270 /01 1111 851 26 02 08/221 /01 131 420 35 07 03/271 /01 131 851 17 02 04/245 /01
07/175 /01 08/315 /01 1190 432 32 01 03/270 /01 131 422 18 29 03/271 /02 04/305 /01
1110 422 18 00 03/271 /02 1111 440 14 00 07/174 /01 131 253 00 00 02/140 /02 131 422 18 32 03/271 /02 131 851 17 03 04/244 /01
1110 422 18 01 03/271 /02 1111 440 14 01 07/174 /01 131 253 01 00 02/140 /01 131 423 18 26 03/271 /01 04/303 /01
1110 422 18 02 03/271 /02 1111 440 14 02 07/174 /01 131 253 08 00 02/140 /01 131 423 18 27 03/271 /01 132 360 22 00 03/270 /02
1110 422 18 03 03/271 /02 07/175 /01 131 260 05 02 02/140 /01 131 430 08 05 03/270 /01 132 360 60 09 06/148 /01
1110 430 63 00 09/146 /01 1111 440 14 03 07/174 /01 131 357 32 00 02/147 /01 131 430 08 07 03/271 /01 132 363 12 03 03/270 /02
1110 430 82 00 09/148 /01 07/175 /01 131 357 39 00 01/123 /01 131 430 08 08 03/271 /01 132 363 12 09 06/148 /02
1110 432 32 00 03/270 /01 07/175 /01 131 357 44 00 01/123 /01 131 432 09 00 03/271 /01 132 363 25 00 03/270 /02
1110 432 32 03 08/315 /01 1111 440 14 04 07/175 /01 131 357 45 00 04/504 /01 131 432 29 00 03/270 /01 132 401 13 00 08/317 /01
1110 438 02 00 03/441 /01 1111 440 14 05 07/175 /01 131 360 60 14 06/148 /01 131 432 41 04 03/271 /01 132 430 82 01 09/147 /01
04/506 /02 1111 440 14 06 07/175 /01 131 360 60 16 06/148 /01 131 432 41 05 03/271 /01 132 430 82 02 09/147 /01
1110 440 14 01 07/175 /01 1111 440 14 07 07/175 /01 131 360 60 17 06/148 /02 131 440 15 05 07/174 /01 132 432 32 03 03/270 /01
1110 440 14 02 08/220 /01 1111 450 55 02 04/323 /01 131 360 60 21 06/148 /01 131 440 17 05 08/221 /02 132 433 01 00 09/147 /01
1110 440 14 04 07/175 /01 1111 850 01 04 08/221 /01 131 360 60 27 06/148 /01 131 451 19 05 04/323 /01 132 433 19 02 03/270 /02
1110 440 14 07 07/175 /01 1111 850 01 08 08/221 /01 131 363 12 00 03/271 /02 131 500 90 00 04/505 /01 132 433 42 01 09/147 /01
1110 446 25 01 08/315 /01 1111 850 01 09 08/221 /01 131 363 12 25 06/148 /01 131 504 09 00 04/207 /01 133 343 18 00 07/175 /01
1110 850 40 01 08/315 /01 1111 850 01 10 08/221 /01 131 363 17 02 06/148 /01 131 504 70 06 04/207 /01 133 381 05 02 06/148 /02
1110 851 11 13 03/441 /01 1111 850 01 11 08/221 /01 131 363 22 00 03/271 /01 131 504 90 00 04/207 /01 133 401 30 00 07/174 /01
08/315 /01 1111 850 05 02 08/221 /01 131 363 38 00 06/148 /01 131 850 11 01 04/303 /01 07/175 /01
1111 340 66 00 07/426 /01 1111 850 05 03 08/221 /01 131 381 03 03 06/148 /02 131 850 11 03 04/305 /01 141 504 74 02 04/207 /01
1111 381 03 00 08/315 /01 1111 850 14 00 08/221 /01 131 381 03 10 06/148 /02 131 850 11 06 04/244 /01 141 850 11 03 04/245 /01
1111 381 03 06 08/315 /01 1111 850 14 01 08/221 /01 131 401 05 05 04/323 /01 131 850 11 07 04/245 /01 142 332 20 00 02/140 /01
1111 400 03 03 03/270 /01 1111 850 14 02 08/221 /01 131 401 09 18 02/147 /01 131 850 11 11 04/303 /01 142 332 20 01 02/140 /01
1111 400 03 04 03/270 /01 1111 850 14 03 08/221 /01 131 420 29 05 03/271 /01 08/221 /02 142 904 60 01 02/140 /01
1111 400 12 00 09/149 /01 1111 850 14 04 08/221 /01 131 420 29 06 03/271 /01 131 850 11 14 04/305 /01 142 962 50 01 02/140 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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N20VI - N20VLI Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
144 250 45 01 02/140 /01 180 446 55 08 08/220 /01 360 456 03 10 04/323 /01 7 9125 03 454 06/843 /02 06/843 /01
144 251 12 01 02/140 /01 180 490 25 55 08/461 /01 360 456 05 10 04/323 /01 7 9125 03 466 03/271 /01 06/843 /01
144 251 13 00 02/140 /01 180 490 25 58 08/460 /01 360 456 09 01 04/323 /01 7 9125 03 753 06/843 /01 06/843 /01
144 251 13 01 02/140 /01 2000707 07/426 /01 372 850 01 30 08/317 /01 06/843 /01 06/843 /01
144 253 08 00 02/140 /01 309 004 11 00 04/506 /01 372 850 11 12 04/244 /01 06/843 /01 06/843 /01
144 363 17 00 06/148 /02 309 004 39 01 04/506 /01 08/221 /02 7 9125 03 770 06/843 /01 06/843 /02
149 433 42 03 09/147 /01 309 360 47 00 03/270 /02 372 850 11 13 04/245 /01 7 9125 03 811 06/843 /01 06/843 /03
149 504 09 00 04/207 /01 309 360 70 15 04/506 /01 08/221 /02 7 9125 03 812 06/843 /01 06/843 /03
160 446 43 10 08/220 /01 309 527 03 00 04/506 /01 372 851 05 00 08/317 /01 7 9125 03 817 06/843 /01 06/843 /03
08/317 /01 309 527 03 05 04/506 /01 379 851 05 00 08/317 /01 7 9125 03 826 06/843 /02 06/843 /03
180 440 15 01 08/226 /01 309 540 09 00 04/505 /01 390 360 85 33 06/148 /01 7 9125 03 835 06/843 /01 06/843 /03
180 440 41 56 08/226 /02 309 540 40 06 04/506 /01 390 360 88 63 06/148 /01 7 9125 03 860 06/843 /01 06/843 /03
180 440 42 05 08/220 /02 309 540 57 29 04/506 /01 7 7777 00 023 03/441 /01 7 9125 08 120 06/843 /02 7 9149 99 024 06/843 /01
180 440 49 49 08/220 /01 309 540 57 31 04/506 /01 780 6866 06/843 /02 7 9125 12 005 06/843 /02 06/843 /02
180 440 67 00 08/220 /01 309 543 03 01 03/270 /02 7 9125 01 410 06/843 /02 06/843 /02 06/843 /02
180 440 67 01 08/226 /01 309 543 03 02 03/270 /02 7 9125 03 121 01/123 /01 06/843 /02 06/843 /02
180 440 77 09 08/226 /01 309 543 03 03 03/270 /02 04/207 /01 7 9125 15 525 06/843 /03 7 9149 99 027 06/843 /02
180 445 00 76 08/460 /01 309 543 03 08 03/270 /02 06/843 /03 7 9125 15 526 06/843 /03 7 9149 99 901 06/843 /02
180 445 00 77 08/461 /01 03/441 /01 06/843 /03 7 9125 33 113 06/843 /02 06/843 /02
180 446 06 16 08/460 /01 309 547 10 06 03/270 /02 7 9125 03 145 06/843 /02 7 9149 50 986 06/148 /02 06/843 /02
180 446 06 18 08/461 /01 309 547 18 05 04/506 /02 06/843 /03 7 9149 99 015 06/843 /01 7 9150 09 991 06/843 /02
180 446 09 03 08/460 /01 309 547 18 06 04/506 /01 06/843 /03 7 9149 99 016 06/843 /01 7 9153 99 114 03/441 /01
180 446 12 03 08/220 /01 309 547 19 12 04/506 /01 7 9125 03 146 04/504 /01 06/843 /01 06/148 /02
180 446 28 03 08/226 /01 309 547 20 06 04/506 /01 06/843 /02 7 9149 99 017 06/843 /01 7 9154 32 110 03/441 /01
180 446 43 06 08/220 /01 360 450 55 06 04/323 /01 7 9125 03 306 06/843 /02 7 9149 99 019 04/207 /01 08/315 /01
180 446 46 00 08/220 /01 360 450 55 11 04/323 /01 7 9125 03 409 06/843 /01 04/504 /01 7 9154 91 618 03/441 /01
180 446 55 05 08/226 /01 360 450 55 15 04/323 /01 7 9125 03 453 06/843 /02 06/843 /01 06/148 /02

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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Key to part numbers N20VI - N20VLI

Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
7 9154 92 617 03/441 /01 07/174 /01 9 045 316 298 08/226 /01 09/146 /01 9 289 003 505 08/220 /01
06/148 /02 08/226 /01 9 045 341 206 04/506 /01 9 090 347 245 03/270 /01 08/221 /01
7 9156 92 067 06/148 /02 9 008 311 236 07/175 /01 9 045 341 241 02/147 /01 03/270 /01 08/317 /01
7 9156 92 512 06/148 /01 9 008 311 241 08/317 /01 9 048 316 065 04/506 /02 9 113 604 378 06/148 /01 9 289 003 550 02/140 /01
7 9160 40 027 06/148 /01 9 008 311 293 04/245 /01 9 048 341 178 02/140 /02 9 133 339 091 09/147 /01 9 289 003 552 02/140 /01
7 9160 40 070 06/148 /01 04/305 /01 9 048 346 312 04/244 /01 9 133 339 174 09/146 /01 9 289 003 553 02/140 /01
7 9162 53 715 06/148 /02 9 008 311 408 08/226 /01 9 048 346 316 04/303 /01 9 134 341 125 04/323 /01 9 289 003 554 02/140 /01
7 9163 91 008 03/271 /01 9 008 311 411 02/140 /02 9 054 839 068 03/271 /01 9 135 339 298 08/226 /01 9 289 003 555 02/140 /01
08/220 /02 9 008 610 135 01/123 /01 9 062 311 129 03/271 /02 9 135 339 302 08/221 /01 9 289 003 674 02/140 /01
7 9163 95 030 07/426 /01 9 018 347 177 08/220 /01 09/147 /01 9 136 056 131 02/140 /02 9 289 003 785 02/140 /02
7 9164 00 105 04/506 /01 9 029 311 180 04/323 /01 9 062 316 037 03/271 /01 9 186 347 533 04/506 /01 9 289 003 786 02/140 /02
7 9164 99 011 06/148 /01 9 041 201 037 03/441 /01 9 062 316 071 08/220 /02 08/315 /01 9 289 003 787 02/140 /02
7 9174 15 591 01/123 /01 9 045 311 180 06/148 /01 08/221 /02 9 186 353 253 03/270 /02 9 289 003 788 02/140 /02
7 9180 91 007 07/288 /01 08/226 /01 9 062 336 295 08/220 /01 04/506 /01 9 289 003 789 02/140 /02
7 9189 15 312 06/148 /02 9 045 311 186 02/140 /02 08/221 /01 9 186 353 304 04/506 /01 9 291 003 022 04/245 /01
7 9190 86 804 06/148 /02 9 045 311 307 02/147 /01 08/317 /01 9 208 056 130 03/271 /01 04/305 /01
06/843 /01 04/323 /01 09/149 /01 9 208 281 140 03/271 /02 08/220 /01
7 9190 95 042 06/148 /02 04/323 /01 9 087 610 126 01/123 /01 08/221 /01 9 291 003 025 08/226 /01
06/843 /01 9 045 316 074 04/504 /01 9 090 318 195 09/148 /01 9 210 281 040 03/441 /01 9 291 003 028 08/226 /01
9 007 311 197 02/140 /02 9 045 316 076 04/506 /01 9 090 318 306 03/271 /02 9 210 281 140 08/220 /01 9 292 003 010 04/506 /01
9 007 316 318 04/323 /01 9 045 316 126 08/220 /01 9 090 347 132 03/270 /02 08/226 /01 04/506 /02
9 008 311 091 08/460 /01 9 045 316 132 02/147 /01 03/270 /02 9 210 281 150 08/226 /01 9 292 003 014 09/147 /01
08/461 /01 9 045 316 142 09/147 /01 03/270 /02 9 220 317 140 04/323 /01 9 292 003 018 07/174 /01
9 008 311 125 08/226 /01 9 045 316 175 08/220 /01 9 090 347 178 03/270 /01 9 223 056 060 04/506 /01 08/220 /01
9 008 311 140 03/271 /02 9 045 316 233 03/271 /01 9 090 347 183 03/270 /01 9 270 341 156 04/301 /01 9 294 003 018 03/270 /02
9 008 311 180 03/271 /01 03/271 /01 9 090 347 234 03/270 /01 9 289 003 013 04/504 /01 9 294 003 020 02/147 /01
04/506 /01 9 045 316 241 02/147 /01 9 090 347 239 08/315 /01 9 289 003 218 08/220 /02 02/147 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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N20VI - N20VLI Key to part numbers
Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page Part-No. Page
9 308 003 018 07/175 /01 9 455 622 386 04/323 /01 9 721 002 112 08/220 /01
9 323 620 008 03/441 /01 9 456 622 491 01/123 /01 08/226 /01
9 323 620 018 03/271 /01 9 456 622 534 01/123 /01 raccord M16-12L 07/426 /01
06/148 /01 9 456 622 657 04/323 /01
9 323 620 020 08/317 /01 9 464 620 140 07/288 /01
9 323 620 022 03/271 /02 9 470 435 384 01/123 /01
9 334 620 018 02/140 /02 9 495 093 085 08/220 /01
9 371 451 368 02/140 /02 9 495 093 920 08/220 /01
9 380 620 173 03/271 /01 9 495 094 057 08/226 /01
9 380 627 207 04/245 /01 9 495 094 930 08/226 /01
04/305 /01 9 503 083 569 01/123 /01
9 380 627 306 04/323 /01 9 503 092 730 04/323 /01
9 380 627 317 04/244 /01 9 503 095 678 01/123 /01
04/245 /01 9 509 000 615 02/140 /01
08/221 /02 9 509 000 850 02/140 /01
9 380 627 322 04/303 /01 9 509 000 875 02/140 /01
04/305 /01 9 575 931 453 09/147 /01
08/221 /01 9 607 021 060 04/245 /01
08/221 /02 04/245 /01
9 395 003 081 08/220 /01 04/305 /01
08/226 /01 04/305 /01
9 455 622 172 08/220 /02 04/323 /01
9 455 622 215 01/123 /01 9 636 801 143 02/140 /02
08/221 /01 9 714 010 842 07/175 /01
08/221 /02 9 715 000 710 07/174 /01
9 455 622 279 01/123 /01 07/175 /01
9 455 622 332 01/123 /01 9 721 002 110 07/288 /01

Refer to respective page of Spare Parts List for every part wanted * = innovation

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N20VI - N20VLI
01/123 00 - 01 DRIVE MOTOR

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01/123 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks
003 976 11 42 traction motor 1 POS.1->19
1 9 456 622 491 retaining ring DIN 472 DIN 472-47x1,75 1
2 9 503 095 678 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 1
3 9 503 083 569 ball bearing DIN 625 1
4 9 455 622 332 retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 471-30x1,5 2
5 000 924 21 12 bearing housing 1
6 9 456 622 534 retaining ring DIN 472 1
7 131 357 39 00 terminal board 1
8 131 357 44 00 plate insulating 1
9 7 9125 03 121 plug housing 2 way 1
10 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
11 7 9174 15 591 sensor 1
12 9 087 610 126 screw DIN 7500-1 CE-M6x12-St-A2C 1
13 9 470 435 384 parallel key DIN 6885 A8x7x20 1
14 9 008 610 135 hexagon head screw DIN 7500-1 1
15 000 963 25 51 O-Ring 56x3-NBR90 1
16 9 455 622 215 retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 471-20x1,2 1
17 9 455 622 279 retaining ring DIN 471 Din 471-25x1,2 1
18 003 904 50 00 castellated nut 1
19 000 925 20 10 protective cap 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 01/123 /01
N20VI - N20VLI


02/147 00 - 01 DRIVE UNIT
02/140 00 - 02 REDUCER 02

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02/147 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - elect. magnet brake 1 see sep. list
2 - TRACTION MOTOR 1 see sep. list
3 - gear slewing 1 see sep. list
4 131 401 09 18 support 1
5 - REDUCER 1 see sep. list
6 9 045 311 307 screw cap hd ISO 4762 M12X55-8.8 4
7 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4
8 9 045 341 241 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x30-10.9 8
9 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 8
10 9 045 316 132 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x20-8.8-A2C 8
11 003 907 13 01 spring washer 8
12 9 294 003 020 washer ISO 7092 10-200HV-A2C 3
13 9 045 316 241 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x30-8.8-A2C 3
14 003 919 06 92 steel bar 2 CUSHION DRIVE WHEEL / NO MARKING
15a 131 357 32 00 washer 4
16 003 919 06 92 steel bar 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 02/147 /01



02/140 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 260 05 02 drive wheel assy. 1 POS.1->32
1 144 251 12 01 housing 1
2 144 251 13 00 cover 1
3 144 253 08 00 hub 1
4 144 250 45 01 gear assy. 1
5 144 251 13 01 cover 1
6 131 253 01 00 pinion gear 1
7 142 904 60 01 nut 1
8 003 912 89 01 wheel bolt 5
9 142 332 20 00 spacer bush 1 60/7,5
10 142 962 50 01 protective cap 1
11 142 332 20 01 spacer bush 1 33,7/34,5
12 000 914 75 30 washer 1 55/12
13 131 253 08 00 hub 1
14 9 509 000 615 shaft inner bearing DIN 720 2
15 9 509 000 850 taper roller bearing DIN 720 30210 1
16 9 509 000 875 roller bearing DIN 720 32012X 1
17 000 928 02 03 radial seal ring DIN 3760 1 75X95X5 B1
18 000 963 11 13 o-ring 140x3-P90 1 140X3
19 9 289 003 550 shim DIN 988 1 37X47X0,1
19 9 289 003 555 washer 1 37X47X0,15
19 9 289 003 554 shim DIN 988 1 37X47X0,25
19 9 289 003 552 shim DIN 988 1 37X47X0,3
19 9 289 003 553 shim DIN 988 1 37X47X0,5
20 000 914 65 12 shim 1 50X62X0,1
20 000 914 56 04 shim DIN 988 50x62x0,15 1 50X62X0,15
20 9 289 003 674 shim DIN 988 1 50X62X0,25

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 02/140 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

21 9 289 003 785 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,1
21 9 289 003 786 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,15
02 21 9 289 003 788 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,25
21 9 289 003 787 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,3
21 9 289 003 789 shim DIN 988 1 60X75X0,5
22 9 048 341 178 socket-head screw DIN 7984-M8x16,10.9 8
23 9 045 311 186 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x30-8.8 19
24 9 007 311 197 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M8x60-8.8-A2C 1
25 9 008 311 411 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x45-8.8-A2C 1
26 9 334 620 018 spring washer DIN 7980 DIN 7980-8 8
27 9 371 451 368 cylindrical pin DIN 7 1
28 9 136 056 131 threaded pin 1
29 000 952 40 20 plug screw ISO 6149-4 IH-M14x1,5-FKM80-A3C 1
30 000 903 31 12 plug screw M14x1,5-Magnet 1
31 9 636 801 143 seal ring DIN 7603 A14x18-Cu 2 A14X18X1,5
32 131 253 00 00 gear 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
02/140 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009
N20VI - N20VLI

Register 03 : CHASSIS UNIT

03/270 00 - 02 console assy.
03/441 00 - 01 DRIVER STAND


26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01

console assy.



03/270 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

console assy.

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1110 400 03 00 chassis assy. 1 V01 SL 3PzS
1 1110 400 03 02 chassis assy. 1 V01 SL 4 PzS
1 1110 400 03 03 chassis assy. 1 V02 SL 4 PzS
1 1110 400 03 04 chassis assy. 1 VLL SL 4PzS
1 1111 400 03 03 chassis assy. 1 Vi SL 3PzS
1 1111 400 03 04 chassis assy. 1 Vi SL 4 PzS 03
2 131 432 29 00 front plate 1
3 9 090 347 245 pan head screw M10x45-10.9-A2R 2
4 000 914 70 03 washer 2
5 132 432 32 03 cowling 1
6 9 090 347 245 pan head screw M10x45-10.9-A2R 2
7 000 914 70 03 washer 2
8 1190 432 32 01 cowling 1
9 9 090 347 183 button head screw ISO 7380 2
10 000 914 70 13 washer 2
11 131 430 08 05 battery cover assy. 1
12 1110 432 32 00 cowling 1
13 9 090 347 234 pan head screw ISO 7380 M10x16-10.9-A2R 2
14 000 914 70 03 washer 2
15 1111 432 32 00 cowling 1
16 9 090 347 178 button head screw ISO 7380 2
17 000 914 70 13 washer 2
18 003 973 90 09 protective cap 2
19 003 973 90 09 protective cap 2
20 003 975 51 00 parts list PL 4
21 000 921 07 09 spring 4
22 003 907 51 00 security eye 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 03/270 /01
console assy.

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

23 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 4
24 132 433 19 02 support 2
25 000 914 70 07 washer 4
26 000 904 02 03 nut M6 4
27 132 363 12 03 support 2
03 28 000 901 54 08 screw self tapping 2
29 132 363 25 00 plate 4
30 000 901 54 08 screw self tapping 4
31 003 931 40 02 clamp 4
32 1110 381 03 03 wiring harness 1
33 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 4
34 132 360 22 00 beam support assy. 2
35 000 905 38 10 nut M6 4
36 9 090 347 132 button head screw ISO 7380 M6x20-10.9-A2R 4
37 003 973 26 03 toggle switch 1
38 003 973 29 15 switch
39 309 543 03 02 swivel piece
40 309 543 03 01 swivel piece
41 309 543 03 08 swivel piece
42 309 547 10 06 retainer plate
43 003 922 51 01 leaf spring
44 309 543 03 03 swivel piece
45 9 186 353 253 screw
46 003 922 60 05 torsion spring
47 9 294 003 018 washer ISO 7092 8,4-ST50-A2C
48 000 907 33 11 lock washer
49 309 360 47 00 potentiometer assy.

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/270 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009



03/271 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 131 430 08 07 battery cover assy. 2 PZS 1 POS. 1->7 3PZS
1 131 430 08 08 battery cover assy. 3 PZS 1 POS. 1->7 4PZS
2 131 432 09 00 bracket 1
3 131 432 41 04 support 1
4 131 432 41 05 support 1
5 003 912 40 03 bolt 2 03
6 000 901 54 07 self tapping screw 7
7 9 380 620 173 spring dowel sleeve ISO 8752 3x20-ST 2
8 000 964 05 05 edge protection 2
9 131 420 35 06 beam support assy. 1 3PZS
9 131 420 35 07 beam support assy. 1 4 PZS
10 131 420 29 05 lever assy. 1 3 PZS
10 131 420 29 06 lever assy. 1 4 PZS
11 9 045 316 233 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x16-8.8-A2C 2
12 003 912 34 12 threaded bolt 1
13 9 208 056 130 hexagon nut ISO 4035 DIN 439-BM10-04A2C 1
14 9 045 316 233 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M10x16-8.8-A2C 2
15 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 1
16 9 054 839 068 countersunk screw DIN 963 AM4X15-MS-VCR 1
17 7 9125 03 466 housing tab 1
18 9 062 316 037 screw countersunk ISO 10642 M3X12-7991-8.8A2C 2
19 131 363 22 00 clamping piece 1
20 131 423 18 26 retainer plate 1 3PZS
20 131 423 18 27 retainer plate 1 4PZS
21 9 008 311 180 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
22 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 DIN 137-B8-A2C 2
23 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 03/271 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

24 000 965 26 00 block DIN 95363 B30x20-M8x16-NR70St 2
25 131 422 18 29 support 8
26 000 964 16 08 pipe 4
27 003 912 02 30 bolt 4
28 1110 422 18 00 support 1 3PZS
03 28 1110 422 18 02 support 1 4 PZS
29 1110 422 18 01 support 1 3 PZS
29 1110 422 18 03 support 1 4 PZS
30 9 090 318 306 pan head screw M12x50-8.8-A2R 4
31 9 208 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4035 M12-05-A2C 4
32 9 323 620 022 spring washer DIN 137 DIN 137-B12-A2C 4
33 131 363 12 00 support 1
34 000 905 38 10 nut M6 2
35 9 062 311 129 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M6x16-8.8-A2C 2
36 - battery plug assy. 1 see sep. list
37 9 008 311 140 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x40-8.8-A2C 2
38 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2
39 131 422 18 32 support 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
03/271 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009



03/441 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1110 438 02 00 dashboard 1
2 003 946 07 11 indicator unit 1
2 003 946 07 13 display unit 1 biometric
3 7 7777 00 023 plug 1 biometric
with digicode
3 7 9154 92 617 key switch 1
4 309 543 03 08 swivel piece 1
5 003 973 29 15 switch 1
6 7 9153 99 114 supplies 1
7 7 9154 91 618 emergency stop switch 1
8 7 9154 32 110 foot switch 1
9 1110 851 11 13 ***** 1
10 9 041 201 037 socket-head screw ISO 1207 DIN 84-AM3x12-4.8A2C 2
11 9 323 620 008 washer spring DIN 137 137-B3-A2C 2
12 9 210 281 040 hexagon nut ISO 4032 M3-934-8A2C 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 03/441 /01
N20VI - N20VLI


04/504 00 - 01 gear slewing
04/506 00 - 02 tiller assy.
04/301 00 - 01 DRIVE WHEEL
04/303 00 - 01 BOGGIE N20Vi
04/305 00 - 01 BOGGIE WITH LUB FITTING N20Vi
04/244 00 - 01 BOGGIE INITIAL LIFT N20VLi
04/323 00 - 01 STABILIZER


26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01

gear slewing



04/504 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

gear slewing

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

003 980 17 04 pump unit assy. 1 |=>W41111Z00070
POS. 1->3
003 980 87 04 pump unit 1 |=>W41111Z00070
POS. 1->3
003 980 17 08 steering unit assy. 1 W41111Z00071=>|
POS. 1->3
003 980 87 08 steering unit ES 1 W41111Z00071=>|
POS. 1->3
1 - steering motor 1 not available individually
2 003 972 30 00 potentiometer 1
3 131 357 45 00 connecting bridge 1 04
4 9 289 003 013 shim DIN 988 DIN 988-4X8X0,5 2
5 9 045 316 074 socket head screw ISO 4762 M4x25-8.8-A2C 2
6 7 9125 03 146 housing 2 way 1 |=>W41111Z00070
7 003 916 96 08 bush 2 |=>W41111Z00070
8 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 2 |=>W41111Z00070

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/504 /01



04/207 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 504 70 06 electromagnetic brake 1 POS.1-8
1 7 9125 03 121 plug housing 2 way 1
2 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2
3 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1
4 000 951 24 06 fitting 1
5 131 504 90 00 spare part kit set of screws 1
6 149 504 09 00 friction disc 1
7 131 504 09 00 flange 1
8 141 504 74 02 hub 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/207 /01



04/505 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

309 540 09 00 steering gearbox assy. pivot 1
1 131 500 90 00 spare parts-sets 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/505 /01
tiller assy.



04/506 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

tiller assy.

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

309 540 57 29 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1=>28
309 540 57 31 tiller assy. 1 POS. 1=>31 COLD STORE
1 309 547 19 12 housing 1
2 - MOUVMENT ROTARY BRAKE 1 see sep. list
3 000 901 54 08 screw self tapping 2
4 309 547 18 06 cover 1
5 309 004 39 01 steering assy. 2
6 9 045 341 206 screw ISO 4762 M8x110-10.9 2
7 000 914 70 13 washer 2
8 003 973 16 13 signal button 1
9 9 008 311 180 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x20-8.8-A2C 1
10 9 186 347 533 cutting screw 4
11 9 292 003 010 washer ISO 7089 A4,3-ST50-A2C 3
12 9 045 316 076 capscrew ISO 4762 M4x30-8.8-A2C 3
13 9 223 056 060 square nut DIN 562 4
14 309 540 40 06 console assy. 1
15 309 547 20 06 guard plate 1
16 309 527 03 05 lever 1
17 9 186 353 253 screw 6
18 309 360 70 15 printed circuit board assy. 1
19 309 004 11 00 repair kit drive shaft 1
20 7 9164 00 105 potentiometer 1
21 9 186 353 304 screw 3
22 309 527 03 00 lever 1
23 003 922 51 01 leaf spring 1
24 000 931 40 37 clamp 1
26 003 912 10 32 bolt 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/506 /01
tiller assy.

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 003 914 08 02 washer 1
28 003 922 75 08 torsion spring 1
29 9 048 316 065 socket-head screw DIN 7984 M4x10-8.8-A2C 1 COLD STORE
30 9 292 003 010 washer ISO 7089 A4,3-ST50-A2C 1 COLD STORE
31 003 970 37 08 resistance assy 1 COLD STORE
32 003 973 29 03 switch 1 V08-01
32 003 973 29 34 switch 1 V08-02-N20V
33 1110 438 02 00 dashboard 1

04 34 309 547 18 05 cover 1

35 1110 381 03 02 wiring harness 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
04/506 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009



04/301 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 003 990 23 08 solid wheel rubber 254x102 1 CUSHION
1 003 990 23 11 solid wheel polyurethane 254x102 1 POLYURETHANE
1 003 990 23 12 solid wheel ca nm 254x102 1 CUSHION NO MARKING
1 003 990 23 18 solid wheel assy. 1 POLYURETHANE SLIPPERY GROUND
1 003 990 23 39 solid wheel assy. 1 003 990 23 43 Climat tropical
1 003 990 23 43 solid wheel assy. 254x102 1 Climat tropical
2 9 270 341 156 wheel nut DIN 74361 DIN 74361-A14-10A2C 5


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/301 /01



04/303 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 850 11 11 load castor assy. 2 POS. 1->12
1 003 993 36 03 roller LD 0039933603 4
1 003 990 52 53 roller 4 003 990 36 06 Climat tropical
1 003 990 36 06 roller assy. 85x85x12 4 Climat tropical
2 131 850 11 01 load castor assy. 2 POS. 2->4
3 000 923 02 56 bearing bush 8
4 000 923 02 57 bearing bush 4
5 000 914 20 02 disc washer 20x36x1,5 4
6 131 851 17 03 bearing flange rocker arm 4
7 9 048 346 316 socket-head screw DIN 7984 M12x100-7984-10.9DAC 4
8 000 912 20 30 bolt 2
9 9 380 627 322 spring pin ISO 8752 2
10 003 990 38 02 wheel & tyre assy. roller 2 POS. 10-11
11 000 923 02 04 du bush DIN 1494 4
12 000 914 60 15 washer 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/303 /01



04/305 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

131 850 11 14 load castor assy. bogie 2 POS.1->17
1 000 912 20 30 bolt 2
2 003 990 38 02 wheel & tyre assy. roller 2 POS.2-3
3 000 923 02 04 du bush DIN 1494 4
4 000 990 35 24 roller assy. 4
5 131 850 11 03 load castor assy. 2 REP.5->7
6 000 923 02 39 bush DIN 1494 DIN 1494-20x23x25 4
7 000 923 02 41 bush bearing dx DIN 1494 25X28X15-1494 4
8 000 914 20 02 disc washer 20x36x1,5 4
9 9 607 021 060 lubrication nipple DIN 71412 AM6 4
10 003 912 02 36 bolt 4 003 912 02 42
10 003 912 02 42 bolt 4
11 9 380 627 322 spring pin ISO 8752 2
12 9 607 021 060 lubrication nipple DIN 71412 AM6 4
13 9 008 311 293 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x20-8.8-A2C 4
14 9 291 003 022 washer ISO 7090 B12-HV200-A2C 4
15 9 380 627 207 spring-type straight pin ISO 8752 4
16 131 851 17 02 bearing flange 4
17 000 914 60 15 washer 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/305 /01



04/244 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

372 850 11 12 load castor assy. 2 POS. 1->9
1 003 990 35 12 roller assy. 4
1 003 990 52 54 roller 4 Climat tropical
2 131 850 11 06 load castor assy. 2 POS. 2->4
3 000 923 02 03 bush DIN 1494 DIN 1494-20x23x25 8
4 000 923 02 44 bush DIN 1494 4
5 000 914 20 02 disc washer 20x36x1,5 4
6 131 851 17 03 bearing flange rocker arm 4
7 9 048 346 312 socket head screw DIN 7984 4
8 003 912 20 31 bolt 2
9 9 380 627 317 pin spring slotted ISO 8752 6X28-1481-DAC 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/244 /01



04/245 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

372 850 11 13 load castor assy. 2 POS. 1->14
1 000 912 20 32 bolt 2
2 141 850 11 03 load castor assy. 4
3 131 850 11 07 load castor assy. 2 POS.3->5
4 000 923 02 39 bush DIN 1494 DIN 1494-20x23x25 4
5 000 923 02 41 bush bearing dx DIN 1494 25X28X15-1494 4
6 9 607 021 060 lubrication nipple DIN 71412 AM6 4
7 003 912 02 37 bolt 4 003 912 02 43
7 003 912 02 43 bolt 4
8 9 380 627 317 pin spring slotted ISO 8752 6X28-1481-DAC 2
9 9 607 021 060 lubrication nipple DIN 71412 AM6 4
10 9 008 311 293 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M12x20-8.8-A2C 4
11 9 291 003 022 washer ISO 7090 B12-HV200-A2C 4
12 9 380 627 207 spring-type straight pin ISO 8752 4
13 131 851 17 02 bearing flange 4
14 000 914 20 02 disc washer 20x36x1,5 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/245 /01



04/323 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1111 450 55 02 ***** 2 POS. 1->14
360 450 55 15 load castor assy. 2 POS.1->15 - COLD STORE
1 360 456 03 10 fork 2
2 000 964 01 17 ***** 4
3 360 450 55 06 support wheel assy. 2
3 360 450 55 11 bearing (neck) 1 COLD STORE
4 003 990 35 19 roller assy. stabiliser 2
5 360 456 05 10 protection LD 3604560510 2
6 000 912 10 21 pin 2
7 360 456 09 01 bolt 4
8 9 380 627 306 spring pin ISO 8752 2
9 9 029 311 180 hexagon head screw WN 14120 M8x20-8.8-A2C-Ripp 4
10 003 901 90 01 screw 1 COLD STORE
10 9 007 316 318 hexagon head bolt ISO 4014 M12x110-8.8-A2C 1
11 9 220 317 140 hexagon nut ISO 7040 M12-8-A2C 2
12 9 456 622 657 retaining ring DIN 472 80x2,5 2
13 9 503 092 730 grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6307-2RS 2
14 9 455 622 386 retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 471-35x1,5 2
15 9 607 021 060 lubrication nipple DIN 71412 AM6 2 COLD STORE
16 131 401 05 05 plate 2
17 131 451 19 05 bearing block 2
18 9 045 311 307 screw cap hd ISO 4762 M12X55-8.8 4
19 000 907 09 04 lock washer 13x19,5x2,5 4
20 9 045 311 307 screw cap hd ISO 4762 M12X55-8.8 4
21 000 907 09 11 lock washer 13x25,4x3,4 4
22 9 134 341 125 setscrew DIN 914 M6x10-45H 6

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 04/323 /01
N20VI - N20VLI


06/148 00 - 02 circuit diagram
06/843 00 - 03 harness


26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01

circuit diagram



06/148 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

circuit diagram

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

- 9 113 604 378 sheet metal screw ISO 7049 7981-4,8X16A2C 3
1 132 360 60 09 support assy. 1
2 131 360 60 21 support assy. 1
3 131 363 12 25 support 1
4 7 9156 92 512 contactor 1
5 003 970 35 26 contactor assy. 1
6 131 363 17 02 protective cover 1
7 7 9164 99 011 potentiometer 1
8 7 9160 40 027 type fuse-link 250A-ROSA 1 250A
9 7 9160 40 070 type fuse-link 80A-32VDC 1 80A
10 000 976 14 19 fan 24V-G1-80 1
11 003 905 08 00 captive nut M10/3,3-4,7 1
12 390 360 88 63 steering control assy. LES-40/11 SC01 1
13 000 904 02 02 nut M5 4
14 - impulse control system ex.assy. 1
14 390 360 85 33 impulse control system assy. LAC-03/32 1 06
15 131 363 38 00 washer 3
16 9 045 311 180 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 3
17 9 323 620 018 spring washer DIN 137 DIN 137-B8-A2C 3
18 131 360 60 14 support assy. 1
19 131 360 60 16 support assy. 1 131 360 60 27
19 131 360 60 27 support assy. 1
20 000 955 26 22 cable clip 2
21 000 931 40 22 clamp 1
22 000 908 23 14 rivet pop 4X5.7-AL 2
23 003 970 90 03 cable assy. 1
24 003 970 90 04 cable assy. 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 06/148 /01
circuit diagram

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

25 003 970 90 05 cable assy. 1
26 003 977 95 05 electric cable 1
27 7 9153 99 114 supplies 1
28 144 363 17 00 protective cover 1
29 7 9154 91 618 emergency stop switch 1
30 131 381 03 10 harness 1
31 133 381 05 02 main harness 1
32 7 9154 92 617 key switch 1
33 003 973 04 03 latchkey 1
34 1110 381 05 00 main harness 1
35 132 363 12 09 support 1
36 7 9189 15 312 signal transmitter 1
37 7 9149 50 986 cable tie 1
38 7 9190 95 042 fuse holder 1
39 7 9190 86 804 fuse element DIN 72581 ds7,5-C7,5-32V 1

06 40 131 360 60 17 support assy. 1

41 7 9156 92 067 contactor 1
42 131 381 03 03 harness 1
43 7 9162 53 715 relay 1
44 000 904 02 06 nut M4 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/148 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009



06/843 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1110 381 05 00 main harness 1 REP. 1->71
1 7 9125 03 409 housing tab 1 1X1
2 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 70 1X1
3 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 1X1
4 7 9125 03 770 contact microtim-0,5 1 1X1
5 7 9149 99 017 seal 0,35-1,0 1 1X1
6 7 9149 99 024 plug 1 1X1
7 7 9125 03 835 housing 4 way 1 1X2
8 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 4 1X2
9 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 1X2
10 7 9125 03 860 housing tab 29 way 1 3X1
11 7 9149 99 015 protective cover 29 3X1
12 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 1 3X1
13 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 3X1
14 7 9125 03 817 housing tab 2 way 1 3X6
15 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 3X6 06
16 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 3X6
17 7 9190 95 042 fuse holder 1 1F3
18 7 9190 86 804 fuse element DIN 72581 ds7,5-C7,5-32V 1 1F3
19 7 9125 03 811 tab housing 2-way 1 7X6
20 7 9149 99 016 seal 2 pol 1 7X6
21 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 7X6
22 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 7X6
23 7 9125 03 812 housing tab 2 way 1 1X25
24 7 9149 99 016 seal 2 pol 1 1X25
25 7 9125 03 753 tab 0,5-1,0 1 1X25
26 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 1X25

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 06/843 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 7 9125 08 120 connector plug 1 3X3
28 7 9150 09 991 plug 1 3X3
29 7 9125 01 410 bush 1 3X3
30 7 9125 03 453 housing tab 1 X19
31 7 9125 12 005 tab 1 X19
32 7 9149 99 901 seal 1 X19
33 7 9149 99 024 plug 1 X19
34 000 14 ***** 1 X19
35 7 9125 03 454 housing tab 1 1X17
36 7 9125 12 005 tab 1 1X17
37 7 9149 99 024 plug 1 1X17
38 7 9149 99 901 seal 1 1X17
39 000 931 45 09 ***** 1 1X17
40 7 9125 33 113 housing 10 pol. 1 1X28
41 7 9125 12 005 tab 1 1X28

06 42 7 9149 99 901 seal 1 1X28

43 7 9149 99 024 plug 1 1X28
44 000 931 45 09 ***** 1 1X28
45 7 9125 03 826 housing tab 42 way 1 1X7
46 7 9149 99 027 seal 42 way 1 1X7
47 7 9125 03 306 interlocking 1 1X7
48 7 9125 03 146 housing 2 way 1 2X30
49 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X30
50 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 2X30
51 780 6866 ***** 1 jf0
52 7 9125 03 145 housing 3P 1 7X7
53 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 3 7X7

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
06/843 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

54 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 7X7
55 7 9125 15 525 housing 1 2X22
56 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X22
57 7 9125 03 145 housing 3P 1 2X9
58 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X9
59 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 2X9
60 7 9125 03 145 housing 3P 1 2X23
61 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X23
62 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 2X23
63 7 9125 15 526 housing 1 2X24
64 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 2X24
65 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 2X24
66 7 9125 03 121 plug housing 2 way 1 X2
67 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 X2
68 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 X2
69 7 9125 03 121 plug housing 2 way 2 9X11 06
70 002 978 05 11 contact JPT-0,5-1 2 9X11
71 7 9149 99 019 seal 0,35-1 1 9X11

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 06/843 /03
N20VI - N20VLI

Register 07 : HYDRAULIC UNIT

07/174 00 - 01 parts interchangeable N20Vi
07/175 00 - 02 parts interchangeable N20VLi
07/288 00 - 02 parts list
07/426 00 - 01 control valve N20VLi


26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01

parts interchangeable N20Vi



07/174 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

parts interchangeable N20Vi

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - pipeline 1 see platform mast
2 1111 440 14 00 pipe assy. 1
3 131 440 15 05 pipe assy. 1
4 1111 440 14 01 pipe assy. 1
5 1111 440 14 03 pipe assy. 1
6 1111 440 14 02 pipe assy. 1
7 9 715 000 710 adaptor 3910 10L-ST 1
8 000 901 30 24 screw ISO 7380 M8X35-10.9 3
9 133 401 30 00 guide piece 3
10 003 964 45 01 various formed parts 3
11 1110 400 40 00 support assy. 1
12 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2
13 000 965 26 00 block DIN 95363 B30x20-M8x16-NR70St 2
14 9 292 003 018 washer ISO 7089 A8,4-ST50-A2C 2
15 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
16 9 008 311 180 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
17 - pump aggregat 1 see sep. list
18 - cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 2 see sep. list
19 - lift cylinder 2 see hoist assembly

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 07/174 /01
parts interchangeable N20VLi



07/175 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

parts interchangeable N20VLi

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - pipe assy. 1 see platform mast
2 1111 440 14 04 pipe assy. 1
3 1110 440 14 01 pipe assy. 1
4 - control valve 1 see sep. list
5 9 714 010 842 joint screw DIN 3943 1
6 1111 440 14 07 pipe assy. 1
7 1111 440 14 03 pipe assy. 1
8 1111 440 14 02 pipe assy. 1
9 9 715 000 710 adaptor 3910 10L-ST 2
10 1110 440 14 04 pipe assy. 1
11 - pump aggregat 1 see sep. list
12 000 952 70 21 sealing plug ISO 8434-1 PL-10L/S-V80-CFS 1
13 1110 440 14 07 pipe assy. 1
14 1111 440 14 06 pipe assy. 1
15 1111 440 14 03 pipe assy. 1
16 1111 440 14 05 pipe assy. 1
17 000 901 30 24 screw ISO 7380 M8X35-10.9 3
18 133 401 30 00 guide piece 3
19 003 964 45 01 various formed parts 3
20 1110 400 40 00 support assy. 1
21 000 904 02 03 nut M6 2
22 000 965 26 00 block DIN 95363 B30x20-M8x16-NR70St 2
23 9 308 003 018 washer ISO 7093-1 8-200HV-A2C 2
24 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
25 9 008 311 236 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M10x20-8.8-A2C 2
26 133 343 18 00 holding plate 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 07/175 /01
parts interchangeable N20VLi

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

see sep. list
28 - cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 2 see sep. list
29 - lift cylinder 2 see hoist assembly


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
07/175 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009
parts list



07/288 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

parts list

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

- 003 981 08 52 pump unit 1 POS. 1=>39
1 000 976 09 26 pump motor 1
2 7 9180 91 007 carbon brush 1
3 000 944 12 81 valve 1
4 000 944 12 54 valve 1 2Y3
5 000 944 11 07 pressure control valve 1 2Y11
6 000 951 24 60 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG1/2A-type E-CFS-V80 1
7 9 721 002 110 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L10xG1/4A-type E-A3C-V80 2
8 000 944 50 03 pressure transformer 1
9 000 983 08 71 filter 1
10 000 903 40 16 screw plug 1
11 000 944 33 45 pressure relief valve 1
12 000 982 16 01 coupling 1
13 000 963 10 47 O-ring ISO 3601-1 1
14 000 955 50 70 clip 1
15 000 983 70 09 suction filter 1
16 000 917 96 01 pipe 1
17 000 983 95 06 oil tank 1
18 9 464 620 140 snap ring DIN 7993 A14 1
19 000 963 01 69 O-ring 1
20 000 963 20 47 o-ring 17X2-V80 3
21 000 963 21 62 o-ring 19,4x2,1-V80 2
22 000 963 02 43 O-ring ISO 3601-1 21,89x2,62-V80 4
23 000 963 00 62 O-ring 4
24 000 963 21 86 O-ring 1
25 003 983 02 00 screen filter 1
26 000 944 17 60 non-return valve 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 07/288 /01
parts list

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

27 000 944 12 55 valve 1 2Y12
28 000 944 18 18 solenoid valve 1 2Y2
29 000 944 30 20 flow control valve 1
30 000 952 40 66 screw plug 1
31 003 983 02 01 screen filter 1
32 000 944 17 63 non-return valve 1
33 000 944 17 62 non-return valve 1
34 000 952 40 75 screw plug 1
35 000 903 40 17 screw plug 1
36 000 963 02 95 O-ring 1
37 000 915 90 39 ring 1
38 000 951 51 26 plug 1
39 000 963 21 97 O-ring 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
07/288 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009
control valve N20VLi



07/426 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

control valve N20VLi

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

- 1111 340 66 00 directional control valve assy. 1 POS.1->8
1 raccord M16-12L ***** 1
2 7 9163 95 030 1
3 2000707 ***** 2
4 000 951 21 62 1
5 000 944 51 07 1
6 000 962 92 18 1
7 000 944 51 06 1
8 000 962 92 19 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 07/426 /01
N20VI - N20VLI

Register 08 : LIFT MAST

08/315 00 - 01 LIFT PLATFORM
08/220 00 - 02 PLATFORM MAST
08/226 00 - 02 HOIST MAST N20VLi
08/317 00 - 01 carriage fork assy. N20VLi
08/221 00 - 02 HOIST ASSEMBLY
08/460 00 - 01 cylinder tilt assy. Ø35
08/461 00 - 01 MIDDLE CYLINDER Ø50 N20VLi


26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01




08/315 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1110 850 40 01 working platform assy. 1
2 - load chassis 1 of hooding
3 - PLATFORM MAST 1 see sep. list
4 1111 381 03 06 wiring harness 1
5 000 973 29 55 switch 2
6 1110 363 12 04 support 1
7 1110 446 25 01 support 1
8 9 186 347 533 cutting screw 4
9 1111 432 32 00 cowling 1
10 9 090 347 239 button head screw ISO 7380 2
11 000 914 70 03 washer 2
12 1110 432 32 03 cowling 1
13 000 965 26 35 spring element 4
14 1111 431 30 00 floormat 1
15 7 9154 32 110 foot switch 1
16 1111 381 03 00 wiring harness 1 see handlebars
17 1110 851 11 13 ***** 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/315 /01



08/220 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 180 440 49 49 lift mast inner assy. 1
2 160 446 43 10 pin 2
3 180 446 43 06 bearing 2
4 000 924 95 12 roller 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
4 000 924 95 13 roller 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
4 000 924 95 14 roller follower 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
5 9 289 003 505 SHIM 32x55 4
6 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
7 180 440 67 00 roller assy. 2
8 000 923 03 38 bearing bush DIN 1494 2
9 003 916 22 00 bush 2
10 180 446 46 00 cover sheet 2
11 9 045 316 126 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x12-8.8-A2C 4
12 000 914 70 21 washer 4
13 180 446 55 08 chain anchor 2
14 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 DIN 934-M12-8A2C 4
15 9 291 003 022 washer ISO 7090 B12-HV200-A2C 2
16 9 395 003 081 cotter pin ISO 1234 DIN 94-6X16-ST-A2C 8
17 9 495 093 920 leaf chain WN 17514 4
18 9 495 093 085 2
19 000 944 24 08 throttle valve 1
20 1110 440 14 02 pipe assy. 1
21 9 018 347 177 hexagon head bolt DIN 6921 M8x16-10.9-A2C-Ripp 1 08
22 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG3/8A-type E-CFS-V80 1
23 180 446 12 03 piston cover 2
24 9 292 003 018 washer ISO 7089 A8,4-ST50-A2C 4
25 9 045 316 175 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x12-8.8-A2C 4

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/220 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

26 000 914 18 23 washer 4
27 9 289 003 218 shim DIN 988 DIN 988-16x24x1,5 2
28 9 455 622 172 retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 471-16x1,5 2
29 180 440 42 05 lift mast outer assy. 1
30 - cylinder tilt assy. Ø35 2 see sep. list
31 000 916 16 06 bush 2
32 7 9163 91 008 magnet 22,5x12 2
33 9 062 316 071 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x20-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/220 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009



08/226 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 - FORK CARRIAGE 1 see sep. list
2 180 440 77 09 support assy. 1
3 000 912 11 21 bolt 1
4 180 440 67 01 roller assy. 1 POS.4-5
5 000 923 03 24 bearing bush DIN 1494 1
6 000 918 72 82 retainer plate 1
7 000 914 70 21 washer 1
8 9 008 311 125 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M6x10-8.8-A2C 1
9 9 495 094 057 leaf chain DIN 8152 1
10 9 495 094 930 leaf chain WN 17514 2
11 9 395 003 081 cotter pin ISO 1234 DIN 94-6X16-ST-A2C 4
12 180 446 55 05 chain support 1
13 9 291 003 025 washer ISO 7090 B15-HV140-A2C 1
14 9 210 281 150 nut ISO 4032 DIN 934-M14-8A2C 2
15 180 446 28 03 clamping piece 1
16 000 914 70 09 washer 2
17 9 008 311 180 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M8x20-8.8-A2C 2
18 9 291 003 028 washer ISO 7090 16-200HV-A2C 2
19 9 008 311 408 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M16x35-8.8-A2C 2
20 000 944 24 09 throttle valve 1
21 9 721 002 112 pipe union ISO 8434-1 SDS-L12xG3/8A-type E-CFS-V80 1
22 180 440 15 01 pipe assy. 1
23 000 914 70 09 washer 1 08
24 9 045 311 180 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M8x20-8.8-A2C 1
25 9 135 339 298 screw ISO 4028 M12x30-8.8-A2C 2
26 9 045 316 298 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M12x30-8.8-A2C 1
27 9 210 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4032 DIN 934-M12-8A2C 1

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/226 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

28 180 440 41 56 lift mast outer assy. 1
29 - lift cylinder 1 see sep. list


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/226 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009
carriage fork assy. N20VLi



08/317 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

carriage fork assy. N20VLi

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 372 850 01 30 fork carriage assy. 1
2 160 446 43 10 pin 4
3 379 851 05 00 support 2 MAST S
4 000 924 95 12 roller 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
4 000 924 95 13 roller 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
4 000 924 95 14 roller follower 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
5 9 289 003 505 SHIM 32x55 4
6 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
7 372 851 05 00 support 1 MAST D
8 132 401 13 00 retainer plate 1
9 9 323 620 020 spring washer'DIN 137-B10-A2C DIN 137 2
10 9 008 311 241 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M10x30-8.8-A2C 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/317 /01



08/221 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1111 850 01 09 fork carriage assy. 1 52X235
1 1111 850 01 10 fork carriage assy. 1 56X115
1 1111 850 01 11 fork carriage assy. 1 52X145
1 1111 850 01 04 fork carriage assy. 1 52X215
1 1111 850 01 08 fork carriage assy. 1 52X115
2 000 924 95 12 roller 4 Ø = 75,20 MM
2 000 924 95 13 roller 4 Ø = 75,70 MM
2 000 924 95 14 roller follower 76,2 mm 4 Ø = 76,20 MM
3 9 289 003 505 SHIM 32x55 4
4 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4
5 1111 850 05 02 lift shaft assy. 1 POS. 6-7 L=52
5 1111 850 05 03 lift shaft assy. 1 POS. 6-7 L=56
6 000 923 02 62 bearing bush 2
7 000 923 03 41 bearing bush 2
9 9 455 622 215 retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 471-20x1,2 2
10 1111 851 26 00 bolt 1
11 003 990 36 15 roller assy. 1
12 9 135 339 302 threaded pin DIN 915 M12x40-22H 2
13 9 208 281 140 hexagon nut ISO 4035 M12-05-A2C 2
14 000 914 60 17 washer 2
15 1111 851 26 02 bolt 2
16 1111 850 14 01 push rod assy. 2 LG=1050
16 1111 850 14 02 push rod assy. 2 LG=1550 08
16 1111 850 14 03 push rod assy. 2 LG=1750
16 1111 850 14 04 push rod assy. 2 LG=900
16 1111 850 14 00 push rod assy. 2 LG=950
17 9 380 627 322 spring pin ISO 8752 2

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/221 /01

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

18 000 912 05 08 bolt 2
19 000 965 57 11 gas spring 2
20 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2
21 003 912 01 32 socket pin 2
22 9 380 627 317 pin spring slotted ISO 8752 6X28-1481-DAC 2
23 131 440 17 05 lift cylinder assy. 2
24 000 912 15 16 pin 2
25 9 455 622 215 retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 471-20x1,2 2
26 000 912 18 06 bolt 2
27 9 380 627 322 spring pin ISO 8752 2
28 131 850 11 11 load castor assy. 1 see sep. list
28a 131 850 11 14 load castor assy. bogie 1 see sep. list
29 372 850 11 12 load castor assy. 1 see sep. list
29a 372 850 11 13 load castor assy. 1 see sep. list
30 000 973 61 51 magnet 1
31 9 062 316 071 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M4x20-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
08/221 /02 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009
cylinder tilt assy. Ø35



08/460 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009

cylinder tilt assy. Ø35

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 490 25 58 lift cylinder assy. 2 1070 MM POS.1->7
1 180 445 00 76 piston rod 2 1070 MM
2 003 960 80 09 set of seals 2
3 180 446 09 03 guide 2
4 000 907 11 26 snap ring 2
5 180 446 06 16 bush 2
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 2
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/460 /01



08/461 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

180 490 25 55 lift cylinder assy. 1 POS.1->7 1524 MM
1 180 445 00 77 piston rod 1 1524 MM
2 003 960 80 11 set of seals 1
3 000 962 33 40 guide ring-test 1
4 003 907 11 02 snap ring 1
5 180 446 06 18 bush 1
6 000 961 01 12 sealing ring 1
7 9 008 311 091 hexagon head screw ISO 4017 M5x6-8.8-A2C 1


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 08/461 /01
N20VI - N20VLI


09/149 00 - 01 LOAD BACKREST N20Vi
09/147 00 - 01 support
09/148 00 - 01 SUPPORT BOX


26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01




09/149 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1111 400 12 00 axle bracket assy. 1
2 9 062 336 295 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M12x25-8.8+MIK 4


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 09/149 /01



09/146 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1110 430 63 00 operating panel assy. 1
2 9 090 347 239 button head screw ISO 7380 4
3 000 914 70 03 washer 4
4 000 904 02 04 nut special M10 4
5 003 931 01 04 handle 2
6 9 133 339 174 threaded pin DIN 913 DIN 913-M8X10-22H 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 09/146 /01



09/147 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 132 430 82 01 support assy. 1
2 000 963 23 20 O-ring 1
3 149 433 42 03 bush 1
4 9 575 931 453 handle crosstype DIN 6335 L40x25-PA 1
5 132 433 42 01 bush 1
6 9 133 339 091 threaded pin DIN 913 DIN 913-M5x6-22H 1
7 132 433 01 00 plate 1
8 003 922 60 04 torsion spring 1
9 132 430 82 02 support assy. 1
10 000 904 02 03 nut M6 3
11 000 955 16 06 clamp block DIN 3015 L-KP-2-R-18-PA 2
12 9 045 316 142 socket-head screw ISO 4762 M6x45-8.8-A2C 1
13 9 292 003 014 washer ISO 7089 A6,4-ST50-A2C 1
14 9 062 311 129 countersunk screw ISO 10642 M6x16-8.8-A2C 3


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 09/147 /01



09/148 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009


Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 1110 430 82 00 support assy. 1
2 9 090 318 195 screw button head ISO 7380 M8X50-7380-8.8A2R 2
3 000 914 70 13 washer 2
4 000 904 02 01 nut M8 2


1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 09/148 /01
N20VI - N20VLI

10/133 00 - 01 drawing installation

26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01

drawing installation

10/133 /00 print no.1111 804 90 01 26.10.2009
drawing installation

Pos. Part-No. I Designation Qantity replaced by Remarks

1 000 938 05 97 label text Fenwick-200-neu-9002 1
1 000 938 06 61 label text Linde-200-new-9002 1
2 000 938 22 49 label model n20 2
3 003 938 20 17 label text LINDE 1
4 003 938 20 18 label text 1
5 003 938 20 19 label text Linde UK 1
6 003 938 19 11 label 2
7 003 938 19 20 label 1
8 003 938 19 11 label 4
9 000 938 09 48 label 2
10 003 938 18 78 label 1
11 003 938 11 02 label 1 N20VLI
12 003 938 19 20 label 1 N20VLI
13 003 938 18 29 label 1 N20VLI
14 003 938 19 19 label 1 N20VLI

1 = Packaged quantities 2 = Restricted availability 3 = Parts being phased out 4 = not available individually 5 = see separate list 10
26.10.2009 print no.1111 804 90 01 10/133 /01

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