Lea 2 BS Crim 2ND Year 1212

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Alvin Mangayao O.

2nd Year BS -Criminology

1.It is therefore the objective of this book to lay down the foundation as to how and why

police system in different jurisdiction differs from each other and with these differences

how can there be a global policing possible.

A. Comparative Models in Policing C.Comparative Models in Policing

B.Policing D.Jurisdiction

2.Is dependent of the government and justice system of every given jurisdiction.

A. Policing

B.Policing System

C.Justice System

D.Comparative Policing

3.That is independent from its government since the objective of policing is to

implement outside of the statues passed by the government otherwise there will be an

opposing force on both ends.

A Law Enforcement System B. Policing System

C.Comparative Models in Policing D. Policing

4.Differs from federal type in its organization and many other features which are given


A.Unitary State B.Unitary Government

C.The System of Government D.Law Enforcement System

5.Is a state governed as one single power in which the central government is ultimately

supreme and any administrative division (subnational unit) exercise only powers that

their central government choose to delegate.

A.Unitary States C.Justice System

B.Policing D.Jurisdiction

6.Is an example of a unitary state ?

A. Russia B. Alaska C. Germany D. United Kingdom

7.this course introduces to the learners’ different fundamental concepts in the the

policing system it is worthy to note that policing system varies depending on the

following influencing factors.

A.The system of government the justice system and the organizational set up

B Jurisdiction, Policing, Justice system,

C.Regulating System, Justice System, Government System ,

D.Both A and B

8.It is worth necessary to study the rationale of the different government system as a

foundation to understand how a country is managed and regulated.

A.Policing B. Justice system C. law enforcement system D. None of the above

9.Is known as the justice system being carried out by its implementing arm.

A.Regulating system B.Unitary government C.Policing D. Government System

10.Countries and Municipalities have only the authority granted to them by the state

governments under their state constitution or by legislative acts.

A. Regulating system

B. Dillon’s Rule
C. Unitary State

D. Jurisdiction


This issue is the revision of the first book titled comparative police system" as the new

CMO 05 S,2018 changed the title to Comparative models in policing". however, the

concept should not change because how can the views of the policing system be

understood if the study is limited to the system of organization and ranking.

Therefore, it is said to be intended to lay the foundations of how and why police systems

in different jurisdictions differ from each other and with these differences and how global

policing is possible. and it is also a Literal police system that this justice system requires

in the execution of statues. With these insights and let's explore the study areas below.

and to students and teachers, please do not limit your learning because of the content

of this book; that it can only serve as a road map of a wider study. and the government

system varies from one country to another due to the influence of each country’ culture,

customs, and religion.

I. Introduction
 This issue is the revision of the first book entitled comparative police
system" since the new CMO 05 S,2018 modifies the titled into
comparative models in policing". Nevertheless, the concepts should not
change because how can one understand the perspectives of policing
system when the learning is limited only on the organizational and ranking

1.  The system of   government

2. The justice’s system and
3. The organizational set-up.
    Policing influencing factors:
 It is worth necessary to study the rationale of the government systems as
a foundation to understand how a country is managed and regulated
    The government systems
 Government system varies from one country to another due to the
influences of cultures, practices, and religion. The umbrella influencing
ideologies are.
A. Democratic system
B. Socialist Sytem and
C. Commununist system
     General government set-up may either unitary or federal 
            In federal and unitary system 
 Scholars increasingly maintain that it makes less difference weather a
system federql or unitary, despite legal differences.
     Unitary form of government
 A unitary government may be defined as on in which the powers are
concentrated in the hands of a central government.
     Silent features of unitary government
 In the federal form of government there is a constitutional division of
powers between the central and unit governments.
     Unitary state
              A unitary state is a state governed as a single entity in which the central
government is the supreme authority. The central government may create

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