Vocabulario Ingles SIMULACIÓN

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marketplace : the place of commercial activities
goods : wares ( mercancías )
tangible .: can be touched or seen
shelf life : time before deterioration ( vida util)
output: production
to purchase : to buy
Firm empresa
refuse collection: recogida de basuras

inputs outputs

land :tierra finished goods : productos terminados

machinery : maquinaria
Raw materials:materia prima services( servicios)
labour :mano de obra
Trousers : (goods)
Refuse collection (service)
teaching ( service)
tablet (goods)

Companies and money 2

budgets :presupuestos :
actual numbers : números reales
over budget : por encima del presupuesto
under Budget : bajo presupuesto.
reduced :reducido
control :control
out of control :fuera del control
sales manager : gerente de ventas

Profit :- beneficio
small profit : pequeño beneficio
big profit : gran ganancia
make a loss : pérdidas
break even : cubrir gastos
profit before tax : beneficio antes de impuestos
profit after tax: beneficio después de impuestos
sales forecast: previsiones de ventas
go up : subir ( se refiere al beneficio )
go down : bajar ( se refiere bajar el beneficio )
sales figures : cifras
worldwide :

Companies and money 1

salary : employees pay

equipment the machines
raw material , metal wood, plastic..
component pays suppliers
finance interest on loans
advertising what it spends on advertisements
high or low

work and numbers

how many: cuanto
approximately: aproximadamente
branches: sucursales
exact figure : cifra exacta
head office : oficina central
hours a week :horas a la semana
in average: en promedio
most of : La mayoría de :
warehouse : almacen

types of work

full-time jobs: jornada completa

part-time job: media jornada
permanent job : trabajo permanente
temporary work : trabajo temporal
contract :contrato
retire : retirarse
resign : dimitir
redundant :
dismiss : despedir
pension : pensión ( jubilacion)
overtime: tiempo extraordinario

With suppliers: Con proveedores:

there was no more work at the factory so my company made me redundant

i don't like my jobs so i am going to resign
took money from the company so they had to dismiss
in most countries you can't retire until you're 65

computer programmer: programador

production worker: trabajador de producción
industrial photographer : fotógrafo industrial
construction worker : Obrero
company receptionist : recepcionista de la empresa
personal assistant : asistente personal


Described : defined
to a great extent : widely (ampliamente)
the study of society and the way people live :social science
a place that provides protection :shelter
set in opposition : contracted
devices : desired
the external surrounding where human beings animals and plants live :environment
without end :infinite
shelter: refugio
Disease: enfermedad
gadgets: apatato
Towords: hacia, dirigido

Land: Tierra
labour : mano de obra
rely upon: depende de
trucks: camiones


- primary production : mining extracting coals, ores forest , farming, fishing(

pescaderia ) ,husbandry ( area animal )
- secondary production : transformation ( textil, clothing)
- tertiary production :personal service , such as medical services.
commercial services such as transport, financial and insurance services.
social services such as social welfare, education and the police .

. Achieve.
Put up.
Think about something.
Be able to.
Use, advantage
Cost (formal word)
Break down.
. Comprehensible
. Client
Company, enterprise.
. Client.
Fill in (for example a questionnaire)
. A long term loan.
Ask for information.
Find out.

Part 2
Accountant - (contable) a person that works with the money and accounts of a

Actor /Actress (actor, actriz)- a person that acts in a play or a movie.

Air traffic controller (Conrolador de transito aereo) – a person that facilitates the
safe and orderly movement of aircraft
between airports by receiving and processing data from radar and devices that
monitor local
weather conditions by maintaining radio contact with pilots.
Architect, arquitecto a person that designs building and houses.
Artist, artista – a person who practices or is proficient in one of the arts (sculptures,
music, etc.).
Astronomer , astronomo a person who studies the stars and the universe.
Attorney, abogado – a person legally appointed or empowered to act for another
(e.g. a lawyer).
Author, autor - They write books or novels.
Baker, panadero - They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.
Banker, banquero – a person employed by a bank.
Bartender, cantinero – a person who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar.
Barber, barbero, peluquero – a person whose occupation it is to cut and dress the
hair of customers, especially
men, and to shave or trim the beard.

Bricklayer, albañil- a person that helps to build houses using bricks.

Builder, constructor – a person who constructs buildings under contract
Bus driver - a person that drives buses.
Businessperson, empresario – a person regularly employed in business
Butcher, carnecero - a person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in
their shop.
Carpenter, carpentero - a person that makes things from wood including houses
and furniture.
Cashier, cajero – an employee who totals purchases and collects payment from
customers, or who
dispenses money in a bank

Chef/Cook, chef, cocinero - a person that prepares food for others, often in a
restaurant or café.
Cleaner, limpiador - a person that cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an
Coach, entrenador– a person who trains an athlete or a team
Dentista, dentista - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
Designer, desiñador- a person who has the job of designing things.
Dietician, dietista – a person who is an expert in nutrition or dietetics
Doctor, médico - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of
health problem.
Dustman/Refuse collector, colector de basura- a person that collects
trash/rubbish from bins in the street.
Economist – Economista a specialist in economics, the science that deals with the
production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material
welfare of humankind.

Editor, editor – a person having responsibility for the editorial part of a publishing
firm or of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.

Electrician, electricista - a person that works with electric circuits.

Engineer - a person who develops solutions to technical problems. They sometimes
design, build, or maintain engines, machines, structures or public works.

Factory worker, trabajador de fabrica - a person that works in a factory.

Farmer, agricultor - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.
Filmmaker cineasta– also called moviemaker, a producer or director of motion
Fireman/Fire fighter, bombero- a person that puts out fires.
Fisherman pescador - a person that catches fish.
Flight attendant, asistente de viaje – an airline employee who attends to
passanger’s comfort on a flight.
Florist, florista - a person that works with flowers.
Gardener, jardinero - a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of
the plants in the garden.

Hairdresser, peluquería - they cut your hair or give it a new style.

Jeweler, joyero – a person who designs, makes, sells, or repairs jewellery, watches,
Journalist, periodista - a person that makes new reports in writing or through
Judge, juez - a qualified person that decides cases in a law court.
Lawyer, abogado - a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice.
Lecturer, professor - a person that gives lectures, usually in a university.
Librarian, bibleoticario - a person that works in a library.
Lifeguard, salvavidas, socorrista - a person that saves lives where people swim
(at a beach or swimming pool).
Mechanic, mecánico - a person that repairs machines, especially car motors.
Model, modelo - a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modeling
clothes and accessories.
Musician, músico – a person who makes music a profession.
Newsreader, presentador de noticias - a person that reads the news, normally on
Nurse, enfermera - a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured.
Nutritionist, nutrionista – a person who is trained or expert in the science of
Optician, optico - a person that checks your eyes and try and correct any problems
with your sight.
Painter, pintor - a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings.
Pharmacist, farmacéutico - a qualified person that works with and dispenses
Photographer, fotografo - a person that takes photos.
Physician, médico – a person who is legally qualified to practice medicine.
Pilot, piloto - a person who flies a plane.
Plumber, plumbero - a person that repairs your water systems or pipes.
Policeman/Policewoman, (policía) - a member of the police force. They (try and)
prevent crime.
Politician, político – a person who is active in party politics.
Postman, cartero - a person that delivers mail to your house.
Programmer , programmador – a person who writes computer programmes, or
Psychologist, psicólogo – a specialist in psychology, the science of the mind or
mental states and processes.

Real estate agent (agente de bienes raíces9- a person that makes money from
selling land for development.
Receptionist, (recepcionista) - a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a
Saleswoman/Salesman/Salesperson( vendedor/a) – one who sells goods,
services, etc.
Scientist(siencífoco) - a person that works in the science industry. They do many
Secretary(secretario/a) - a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps
records etc.
Shop assistant(asistente de tienda, dependiente/a) - a person that works in a
shop or store selling products.
Singer(cantante) – a person who sings, especially a trained or professional vocalist.
Surgeon(cirujano) – a physician who specializes in surgery.
Soldier(soldado) - a person who works for the army.
Tailor(sastre) - a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing
exclusive items of

Taxi driver(taxista) - a person who drives a taxi.

Teacher(professor) - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at
Therapist( terapeuta – a person trained in the use of physical methods, as
exercises, heat treatments,
etc., in treating or rehabilitating the sick or wounded or helping patients overcome

Translator(traductor) - a person that translates from one language to another.

Traffic warden - a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the
Travel agent(agente de viaje) - a person that organises and sells holidays and
flights for others.
Undertaker(funerario) – a person whose profession is the preparation of the dead
for burial or cremation and the management of funerals.

Veterinarian / Veterinary doctor (Vet) (veterinario) - a qualified person that looks

after sick animals.
Waiter/Waitress, ( camarero/a, mesero) - a person that works in a food outlet,
looking after customers and serving
Window cleaner(limpiador de ventasa) - a person that cleans windows, normally
the windows of big buildings.
Writer(escritor) – a person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc. as an
occupation or

2 tre
trader : autónomos
Green economy :
Fair trade :
Decent price for goods :
Consumer awareness :
Sustainable trade :

furnishing : mobiliário
bring : traer
business affairs : resultados financieros
unlimited liability : responsabilidad limitada
difficult to raise finance : difícil conseguir financiación
bureaucratuc : ( procedures )
sleeping partners : socios capitalistas
arise : surgir
drawn up : redactar
deed of partnership : contrato asociación o escritura de constitución
aim : propuestos
shareholders : accionistas o propietarios
board of directors : junta de accionistas
cannot be quoted : cotizar
joint stock company : sociedad limitada
regardless : tener en cuenta algo
tax relief : reducción de impuesto o ventajas fiscales
willing : no estar dispuesto
owned : dueño , propietario
honest : siendo sincero
franchising : franquicias
profit are lower : beneficio total
franchisee : an individual who purchases the right to use a company trademark and
business model
franchisor : organization which allows the use of its brand o product for a free
franchise agreement : written legal document that defines the relationship and obligations
franchise fee : the money paid for the right to use the franchisors name, trademark
mandy : satisfacer
before designing : tendencia
tempted to recruit : tentación
everyone : conocimiento
our guns : nuestras normas
unsuitable : inapropiado
sailing trip: viaje de navegación
brokerage : correduria
yacht : yates
reaching far : buscar clientes
initial fee : tasas para montar una franquicia
supply and demand : oferta y demanda
remain : permanecer
fewer : menos
drawback : desventaja o reintegro
harmful : dañino
step : paso
grow : crecer
huge : enorme , gran
means : querer decir o significa…
heavily : consideradamente

thus : así
revenue : ingresos
rarely : de otra manera
healthcare : asistencia pública
largely free : en gran parte ..
rescued : rescatar ç
insiders : persona que tiene conocimiento sobre algo ..
demonstrate : demostrar
shares : opciones
worth up : valorar algo que tiene valor
a flotation : esfuerzo sobre algo
the government is attracted to : movimiento de la bolsa

sell-off : ventas
wages: salario mensual

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