Vocabulario Ingles SIMULACIÓN
Vocabulario Ingles SIMULACIÓN
Vocabulario Ingles SIMULACIÓN
marketplace : the place of commercial activities
goods : wares ( mercancías )
tangible .: can be touched or seen
shelf life : time before deterioration ( vida util)
output: production
to purchase : to buy
Firm empresa
refuse collection: recogida de basuras
inputs outputs
Profit :- beneficio
small profit : pequeño beneficio
big profit : gran ganancia
make a loss : pérdidas
break even : cubrir gastos
profit before tax : beneficio antes de impuestos
profit after tax: beneficio después de impuestos
sales forecast: previsiones de ventas
go up : subir ( se refiere al beneficio )
go down : bajar ( se refiere bajar el beneficio )
sales figures : cifras
worldwide :
types of work
Described : defined
to a great extent : widely (ampliamente)
the study of society and the way people live :social science
a place that provides protection :shelter
set in opposition : contracted
devices : desired
the external surrounding where human beings animals and plants live :environment
without end :infinite
shelter: refugio
Disease: enfermedad
gadgets: apatato
Towords: hacia, dirigido
Land: Tierra
labour : mano de obra
rely upon: depende de
trucks: camiones
. Achieve.
Put up.
Think about something.
Be able to.
Use, advantage
Cost (formal word)
Break down.
. Comprehensible
. Client
Company, enterprise.
. Client.
Fill in (for example a questionnaire)
. A long term loan.
Ask for information.
Find out.
Part 2
Accountant - (contable) a person that works with the money and accounts of a
Chef/Cook, chef, cocinero - a person that prepares food for others, often in a
restaurant or café.
Cleaner, limpiador - a person that cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an
Coach, entrenador– a person who trains an athlete or a team
Dentista, dentista - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
Designer, desiñador- a person who has the job of designing things.
Dietician, dietista – a person who is an expert in nutrition or dietetics
Doctor, médico - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of
health problem.
Dustman/Refuse collector, colector de basura- a person that collects
trash/rubbish from bins in the street.
Economist – Economista a specialist in economics, the science that deals with the
production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material
welfare of humankind.
Editor, editor – a person having responsibility for the editorial part of a publishing
firm or of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.
Real estate agent (agente de bienes raíces9- a person that makes money from
selling land for development.
Receptionist, (recepcionista) - a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a
Saleswoman/Salesman/Salesperson( vendedor/a) – one who sells goods,
services, etc.
Scientist(siencífoco) - a person that works in the science industry. They do many
Secretary(secretario/a) - a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps
records etc.
Shop assistant(asistente de tienda, dependiente/a) - a person that works in a
shop or store selling products.
Singer(cantante) – a person who sings, especially a trained or professional vocalist.
Surgeon(cirujano) – a physician who specializes in surgery.
Soldier(soldado) - a person who works for the army.
Tailor(sastre) - a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing
exclusive items of
2 tre
trader : autónomos
Green economy :
Fair trade :
Decent price for goods :
Consumer awareness :
Sustainable trade :
furnishing : mobiliário
bring : traer
business affairs : resultados financieros
unlimited liability : responsabilidad limitada
difficult to raise finance : difícil conseguir financiación
bureaucratuc : ( procedures )
sleeping partners : socios capitalistas
arise : surgir
drawn up : redactar
deed of partnership : contrato asociación o escritura de constitución
aim : propuestos
shareholders : accionistas o propietarios
board of directors : junta de accionistas
cannot be quoted : cotizar
joint stock company : sociedad limitada
regardless : tener en cuenta algo
tax relief : reducción de impuesto o ventajas fiscales
willing : no estar dispuesto
owned : dueño , propietario
honest : siendo sincero
franchising : franquicias
profit are lower : beneficio total
franchisee : an individual who purchases the right to use a company trademark and
business model
franchisor : organization which allows the use of its brand o product for a free
franchise agreement : written legal document that defines the relationship and obligations
franchise fee : the money paid for the right to use the franchisors name, trademark
mandy : satisfacer
before designing : tendencia
tempted to recruit : tentación
everyone : conocimiento
our guns : nuestras normas
unsuitable : inapropiado
sailing trip: viaje de navegación
brokerage : correduria
yacht : yates
reaching far : buscar clientes
initial fee : tasas para montar una franquicia
supply and demand : oferta y demanda
remain : permanecer
fewer : menos
drawback : desventaja o reintegro
harmful : dañino
step : paso
grow : crecer
huge : enorme , gran
means : querer decir o significa…
heavily : consideradamente
thus : así
revenue : ingresos
rarely : de otra manera
healthcare : asistencia pública
largely free : en gran parte ..
rescued : rescatar ç
insiders : persona que tiene conocimiento sobre algo ..
demonstrate : demostrar
shares : opciones
worth up : valorar algo que tiene valor
a flotation : esfuerzo sobre algo
the government is attracted to : movimiento de la bolsa
sell-off : ventas
wages: salario mensual