Week 6 Math Plans
Week 6 Math Plans
Week 6 Math Plans
M- MA.3.AR.2.2 SWBAT: Identify, create, and Topic 9 Journal Review 9.1 and 9.2 anchor charts
Review MA.3.AR.3.3 extend number patterns. Quiz Students take Topic 9 Journal Quiz
9.1 and MA.3.AR.3.1
9.2 SWBAT: Identify whether an
equation involving
multiplication and/or division is
true or false.
Cooperative Learning
b/4=7 (28)
pg.424 (#11)
Exit Ticket
pg.424 (#13)
W- 9.5 MA.3.AR.1.2 SWBAT: solve two step real Call students to the carpet bringing their
Solve Two world problems that include math journals. Remind students of
Step Real multiplication and/or division. expectations while they’re at the carpet: math
World journals and pencils are sitting down next to
Problems: us, not in our hands.
on and Model (20 mins)
division. Present the Anchor Chart to students. Read
the problem and explain the visuals of the
apples in each bag. Model a think-aloud
process of steps to take to solve: 1st read the
problem carefully, 2nd stop and think about
what you are being asked to solve, 3rd
underline facts that you need to help solve
the problem, 4th draw a picture or bar diagram
to help you solve, 5th write a number sentence
for the problem, 6th solve and show your
Model multiplication and division strategies
used to solve. Use a think aloud process
during this.