Week 6 Math Plans

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Math 1:05-2:05 (Intern starts teaching math block Wednesday)

Standards Objective(s) Assessment Brief Step by Step

M- MA.3.AR.2.2 SWBAT: Identify, create, and Topic 9 Journal Review 9.1 and 9.2 anchor charts
Review MA.3.AR.3.3 extend number patterns. Quiz Students take Topic 9 Journal Quiz
9.1 and MA.3.AR.3.1
9.2 SWBAT: Identify whether an
equation involving
multiplication and/or division is
true or false.

T- 9.3 MA.3.AR.2.3 SWBAT: Determine the Exit Ticket Model:

Solve unknown 4=20/x 9xf=27 (3)
Multiplicati pg.424 (#13) 32=q x 8 (4)
on and 8=40/m (5)
Division d/3=6 (18)
Equations Model pg.424 (#10)

Cooperative Learning
b/4=7 (28)
pg.424 (#11)

Exit Ticket
pg.424 (#13)

W- 9.5 MA.3.AR.1.2 SWBAT: solve two step real Call students to the carpet bringing their
Solve Two world problems that include math journals. Remind students of
Step Real multiplication and/or division. expectations while they’re at the carpet: math
World journals and pencils are sitting down next to
Problems: us, not in our hands.
on and Model (20 mins)
division. Present the Anchor Chart to students. Read
the problem and explain the visuals of the
apples in each bag. Model a think-aloud
process of steps to take to solve: 1st read the
problem carefully, 2nd stop and think about
what you are being asked to solve, 3rd
underline facts that you need to help solve
the problem, 4th draw a picture or bar diagram
to help you solve, 5th write a number sentence
for the problem, 6th solve and show your
Model multiplication and division strategies
used to solve. Use a think aloud process
during this.

Do an additional model and use a think aloud

process while solving. Show steps on anchor
Eric saves $4 each week. After 6 weeks, he
spends all the money he saved on 3 items.
Each item cost the same amount. How much
does each item cost?

Cooperative Learning (15 mins)

(This will be written on the anchor chart)

There are 8 students in 2 school vans with
the same number of students in each van.
The admission fee for each student is $5.
What is the total admission fee for all the
students in one van?
Set a timer for 3-5 mins for students to solve.
After timer goes off, use class dojo
randomizer to call on students to share the
multiplication equation they wrote.
Exit Ticket off the Floor (10 mins)

Johnathan saves $4 each week. After 9

weeks, he spends all the money he saved on
3 items. Each item cost the same amount.
How much does each item cost?

If correct student return to their desk and

work on the problems in their book on pg.
432. If incorrect, student stays on the carpet
and works on more practice problems.

Th- 9.4 MA.3.AR.1.2 SWBAT: solve two step real Model:

Solve Two world problems that include Solve and share (pg. 425)
Step Real addition and/or subtraction.
World Cooperative Learning
Problems: Pg. 427 (#3)
Addition Pg. 427 (#4)
subtractio Exit Ticket
n Practice book pg. 143

Chidi has 875 building pieces in all. He gives

his castle set to a friend. Chidi then buys a
new set of helicopter building pieces. How
many building pieces does he have now?

Castle set- 257 pieces

Helicopter set- 229 pieces

F- 9.6 MA.3.AR.1.2 SWBAT: solve two step real Model:

Solve Two world problems that include all Solve and Share (pg. 433)
Step Real operations.
World Cooperative Learning
Problems: Pg. 435 (#3)
All Pg. 435 (#4)
Exit Ticket
Pg. 435 (#5)

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