The Perse School 11 Plus Maths Specimen Paper 3
The Perse School 11 Plus Maths Specimen Paper 3
The Perse School 11 Plus Maths Specimen Paper 3
Specimen Paper 3
Instructions to candidates
(b) - 87 = 265
Answer: ________________p
Answer: _________________
5. I am five years older than my brother. Our ages add up to 23. How old am I?
Answer: _____________
(ii) Bob says “3 has a less than even change of coming up”.
Answer: _______________kg
8. Bob has one rectangular tile and one triangular tile like those shown below. [Diagrams not drawn
to scale]
Answer: _______________cm
9. Look at the following list of numbers
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Answer: _____________
11. Calculate each of the following
(a) 8547 + 929
Answer: _____________
Answer: _____________
(c) 3.6 x 9
Answer: _____________
12. An ant is travelling along the straight line AC as shown below. The distance from A to B is four times
as far as the distance from B to C. The distance from A to C is 80cm. [diagram not drawn to scale]
Answer: _________________cm
(b) Write down the distance from A to B in millimetres
Answer: _________________mm
14. Mr Smith, a maths teacher, takes 8 minutes to mark each pupil’s homework. He has a class of 31.
How many minutes will he save if 7 of the class are absent?
Answer: _________mins
15. Yesterday, the reading on Mr Smith’s electricity meter was 098157. He was shocked to realise that
all six of these digits are different. How many more units of electricity will he use before the next
time all the digits are different?
Answer: _____________
16. What is the size of the angle marked χ in the diagram below? [diagram not drawn to scale]
110˚ 100˚
Answer: χ = _______________
17. Bob is making a sequence of numbers. The first number is three. The last number is 31. Bob gets his
sequence by adding the same number each time.
18. On Christmas day the temperature in Lisbon was –5˚C. On New Year’s day the temperature was 3
degrees lower. What was the temperature on New Year’s day?
Answer: ______________˚C
19. Bob is thinking of a number. Alan asks him some questions.
Is it more than 40? Yes
Is it a multiple of 3? Yes
Is it a multiple of 5? Yes
Is it more than 60? No
Answer: _____________
Answer: _________________
(b) If there are 31 pupils in Mr Smith’s class, how many do not own any of the above animals?
Answer: _________________
(c) What fraction of the children with pets, own a dog?
Answer: _________________
Answer: _________________
Answer: _________________
23. Calculate 8.72 x 0.1
Answer: _____________
24. When each diagram below is complete the number in the middle of each group of 3 adjoining cells
is the average of its two neighbours. Fill in the missing numbers.
5 9
25. Mr Smith is planning to catch the 10:47am plane flight from Heathrow to Edinburgh and has been
told to check in at the airport one and a half hours before the flight. It will take him one hour and
twenty minutes to get from his home in Cambridge to Heathrow. The flight takes 55mins from
Heathrow to Edinburgh.
Answer: _____________
(b) What is the latest time he should leave Cambridge to catch his flight?
Answer: _____________
26. 28 x 97 = 2716
Use this result to write down the answers to each of the following:
(a) 28 x 970
Answer: (a) __________
(b) 2.8 x 0.97
Answer: (b) __________
27. In the diagram below, routes may only be made between dots by travelling along lines.
You may only travel in directions or or