MS 12 Masonry Works
MS 12 Masonry Works
MS 12 Masonry Works
.Method Statement
MS (No. 12)
Masonry Works
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Technology & Management Institute
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Technology & Management Institute
List of Content
1 Scope
2 Reference Documents
2.1 Contractual documents
2.2 Other documents
3 Means
3.1 Personnel
3.2 Equipment
4 Materials
5 Work phases
5.1 Surface preparation
5.2 Walls building
5.2.1 Setting Out
5.2.2 Steel starter bars
5.2.3 Construction
5.3 Reinforced concrete
5.4 Expanded metal mesh
5.5 Soundproof partition
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Technology & Management Institute
1- Scope
This procedure is valid for masonry works.
Operations of masonry will be performed by ARAB CONTRACTOR under JV
2- Reference Documents
415ACB88 1000B
3- Means
3.1 Personnel
For one shift of 10 hours a day:
1 Engineer
1 Forman
Mason as needed
Workers as needed
3.2 Equipment
Bee mix
Bucket and crane
Hand tools (trowels,.. ) as needed
2 m steel rule
20 cm steel rule
4- Materials
Mortar 1:4 made of previously approved cement, sand and water of ARABCO
Batching plant (kattamia ,Monib )
Hollow concrete blocks, size 40*20*20 cm, under MSF 401ACB 88 C0145 A
Solid concrete blocks, size 25x12x6 cm, approved under MSF401 ACB
Anchor lugs approved under MSF 401ACB 88 C048 A
Expanded metal mesh approved under MSF 401 ACB 88 C047 A
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Technology & Management Institute
5- Work phases
5.1 Surface preparation
Surface to receive masonry work are cleaned of all dust, loose particles and
other foreign matters.
5.2.3 Construction
Walls are carried up regularly, broken blocks not be used, except where
required for bonding. The courses are properly leveled. The perpendicular
joints are properly lined and quoins, jambs and other angles plumbed as the
work proceeds.
Joints are thoroughly flushed up solid through the full thickness of the wall at
each course as the work proceeds. Walls to be plastered shall have the
horizontal joints cut back to a depth of 5 mm to form a key.
Wire is tightened between the adjacent concrete elements to allow good joints
alignment. It is also helpful for joints thickness regularity. This thickness,
which shall vary from 1 cm to 1.5 cm between each course, is checked
regularly .
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Technology & Management Institute
6- Control and inspection
6.1 Surface preparation
Before the beginning of works , surface is checked to insure that it is clean and
with no foreign materials.
6.2 Blocks
Some blocks are randomly taken to check their dimension
6.3 Mortar
Dry mortar is made and controlled by the batching plant .
Inspections are performed to check the quantity of water added and if mortar is
not used after setting beginning.
6.4 Construction
Location and position of expanded metal mesh, reinforced mesh and anchor
lugs are checked.
Solid blocks location is checked to insure conformity to the drawings.
Horizontal and vertical reinforced concrete ties are checked.
Horizontal joints alignment is checked according to DTU 20.1 : A maximum
vertical difference of 1 cm over a 10 m length is allowed .
Walls verticality and planimetry are checked according to DTU 20.1
Verticality : - 1.5 cm ( horizontal) over a height of 2.5 m
Planimetry : - when laid on the wall, the 2 m rule should not show a difference
of level of more than 1 cm between the two extremities.
for the 20 cm rule, the maximum allowable level difference is 7 mm.
Wall alignment is checked.
6.5 Openings
Opening location and dimensions mentioned in the drawings are checked.
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