The Examiner. Vol-66. No-34. 20 - 26 Aug 22

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Vol. 66 No.

34 AUGUST 20- 26, 2022 Rs 20

Icons of
2 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022
EDITOR : Fr Anthony Charanghat
Fr Anthony Charanghat
for the Owners, The Examiner Trust,
A CATHOLIC NEWSWEEKLY - Est 1850 • 173 years of publication • MUMBAI •
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THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 3

Sun Aug 21 Organizing Committee Meeting, FABC 50 General Conference, Bangkok

Mon Aug 22 Formal Inauguration of FABC 50 General Conference, Bangkok

Tue-Wed Aug 23-24 Preparatory Meeting for FABC 50 General Conference, Bangkok

Sat Aug 27 Participates in the Consistory for creation of New Cardinals, Rome


Sun-Fri Aug 21-26 Attends Core Group Meeting to plan FABC 50 Conference, Bangkok

4 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

T his year on August 21, as the Church celebrates Justice Sunday in the Archdiocese of Bombay,
the focus will be on the call to all Christians to take care of the sick and Elderly. This is
because all Christians, by virtue of their baptism, have a share in the Priestly, Kingly and
Prophetic ministry in the Church and society at large. The most challenging among them is the
Prophetic Ministry which is to proclaim and struggle to implement God’s values of social justice
to the poor, the sick, the oppressed and the downtrodden. A wider understanding of the theme
for Social Justice would be to reflect on the concept of Prophetic ministry.
The prophetic ministry to which we are called applies to all issues of social injustice in the
world – whether it is taking care of the elders, the sick and marginalized, or migrants or house
workers or any other unorganised group or even the organised sector. We are called to be like
the prophet Amos or other major or minor prophets of social justice in the Old Testament. Amos
was a model shepherd from Judah, who was a migrant field worker called by God to exercise
his prophetic ministry in the Northern kingdom of Israel where corruption was rampant.
In Amos, we have an iconic Prophet of Yahweh in the O.T. It was not an easy task for him to
speak against this class of people — merchants and traders who would cheat the illiterate and the
poor using wrong weights while doing business. Amos did not succumb to the pressure of the
powerful, but rather spoke against those exploiting the poor and the marginalised. The situation
today is no different than it was during Amos’ time. A major part of the world is undergoing
turmoil. The ominous cloud of a war of attrition hangs heavily over Russia and Ukraine that
could prove disastrous to the world. We now have China against Taiwan, being observed by all
with bated breath.
But among the O.T. prophets, we also have examples of some false prophets who would flatter
the king supporting their self-serving administration of the kingdom, because the kings were
incorrigible and would brook no protest. Though they were supposed to be the voice of God to
the people, they failed and succumbed to the will of the king. Those faithful to the Word of God
were incarcerated and put to death. In modern times, things have become still more difficult, and
by emulating the false prophets, we could only worsen the situation.
It appears that we are not far from the day when the rich and powerful will join together
exploiting every country and may establish a parallel government under the guise of free trade
economy in different countries of the world. The poor and the marginalised can be mesmerized
to believe that all which is happening is precisely for the good of the countries and the world at
large. Under the guise of religion, tensions are created; mistrust, hate mails propagated to diffuse
opposition and divert attention from social atrocities so that the rich can continue to amass money
at the cost of the poor.
In this rat race for money, power and wealth, the poor will be crushed. We may not have a
prophet like Amos to confront such situations, because it appears that those who speak for truth
can be considered as traitors and incur death. In addition to exploitation, poverty and wars,
there will be natural calamities: volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis which will
worsen the situation.
We need a prophet like Amos to confront unjust situations, because those who speak for truth
in a country can easily be considered traitors and put to death.
We need to look for heroes like Mahatma Gandhi who went on the Dandi March to protest
the heavy taxes laid down by the British Government in 1930. Fr Stan Swamy, Mother Teresa
and Baba Amte and many others are examples of those who lost their lives fighting for a just
cause. Freedom was gained by the sacrifices of many martyrs. Let us be ready to die only once
as martyrs. “Cowards die many times before their death," said Shakespeare. Let us create prophets
in this world who will not only take care of the elderly, but empower every child to stand for
(Guest editorial) Fr Bernard Lancy Pinto is the Chairperson, Justice & Peace Commission,
Archdiocese of Bombay.

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 5

BISHOP ALLWYN D’SILVA pu ng food on the table, the young no longer have the
pa ence to deal with the old. It is only too easy to snap at
our elders and feel s fled by their needs and nagging. A er
a hard day of work or chores, no one wants to come back to
a house where the elder has forgo en to take medica on,
close the tap, le the gas on, or return only to provide
arduous sanitary care. On a quest to find meaning in a
seemingly “unproduc ve” stage of life, the old have difficulty
in le ng go and adap ng to a society and culture that is
markedly different from their younger days. The elderly
find it hard to come to terms with the fact that the younger
genera on are adults in their own right, are perfectly capable
On Justice Sunday 2022, reach out to the of making their own choices, and do not appreciate guidance
hands that raised us anymore. Senior ci zens are trapped between caring for their
even older parents and ptoeing around their earning adult
offspring. Children, enthralled by technology, convenience

s we age and grow old, we might expect the winter and urbanisa on, take no no ce of the elderly, unless they
of our lives to be filled with tranquillity. At this want to be indulged with treats or gi s.
stage, we are free from our myriad responsibili es
and demands such as earning a livelihood or raising
families. It is only natural to look forward to a period of
serenity, joy and sa sfac on, as we bear witness to the fruits
of our toil and life-long labour, and finally find the me for
ourselves and have the resources to pursue our interests or
hobbies, or whatever wishes we le unfulfilled in our youth.
The reality of old age is starkly different. Nothing prepares
us for the frailty, decay, disability and dependency that
comes with ageing. Regrets of a wasted life may consume
us. We could find ourselves discarded by the world which
values the modernity, performance and vitality of the young
whose frene c lifestyles we can no longer keep up with. Skills
we have spent a life me cul va ng are rapidly rendered
obsolete. We may find our savings woefully inadequate to
support ourselves.
Sooner or later, nearly every one of us will experience
ageing. Worldwide, life expectancy is increasing. The United
Na ons reports that the number of people aged 65 and
above is growing faster than any other age group. In 2018,
for the first me in world history, those aged 65 years or over
outnumbered children under five years of age, and will more
than double by 2050. Popula on ageing will be one of the
key social transforma ons of this century. Its implica ons
are already evident in family structures, healthcare,
pensions, finance, social protec on systems, labour, housing,
transporta on and other sectors. How are we responding
to this inevitable transforma on? What are we doing with Times have changed, and we have become more selfish,
“drooping hands” and “weak knees”? more materialis c and more manipula ve. How have we
come to cast away intergenera onal bonding and view each
Values and A tudes other through the lens of u lity? When did it become okay
One of the greatest challenges we face in caring for the for us to bulldoze our adult children’s need for privacy?
elderly is overcoming our mutual nega ve a tudes and When did it become acceptable to beguile our parents
percep ons. Caught up in work stress and the pressure of into being free babysi ers, only to dump them in an old
age home at the slightest infirmity? When did our homes
– safe havens of peace, love, support, kindness and joy
Bishop Allwyn D’Silva is Member Bishop – Office for Justice,
– degenerate into ghastly hells of abuse, mistrust, anger,
Peace and Development of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference suspicion and neglect? How can we only keep each other
of India (CBCI).

6 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

around because of money or property? ourselves of a good death? When we have reached the end
A return to Gospel values is the only path through which of our lives, is it not be er to be surrounded by our loved
we can counter the values of the world. ones? Rather than keeping our elderly on ven lators, could
Let us examine our conscience to overcome the challenge we not extend to them our love, warmth and physical touch,
of the decline in our humanity. Let us regain our love and as we care for them at home or in a hospice? Studies have
empathy for each other. The Lord commands children to shown that hearing and touch are among the last senses to
honour their parents, and in turn, parents are instructed go. Can we not ease our passing from this world with the
not to drive their children to resentment (cf. Ephesians 6:2- caress of our family on our weary selves? Is it impossible for
4). Let us find strength in prayer and cul vate pa ence for us to let go with words of love instead of anguished cries that
each other. Let our frustra ons from stress or debility melt somehow reach even a comatose person?
away with kisses and hugs. Let us make it a point to have Let us prepare ourselves for accep ng death, for no ma er
non-judgmental conversa ons and enjoy meals together how long our lives may have been, our me on this Earth
without cri cising the food. May we find joy in service, is ephemeral. Let us make peace with our Maker, and let
cherish one another, recognise our interdependence and be go of our bi erness, anger, envy, regret, guilt and sorrow,
grateful to one another. for redemp on and glory awaits us. Let us do what we
can for the aged who are dying. Let us be prudent and not
emo onal, making hard decisions with due diligence and
For the younger among us, it is hard ample cau on – about resuscita on, organ dona on, funeral
arrangements, assets, registered wills and so on – well before
to cope with a respected guiding cogni ve impairment sets in or manipula on gets to us. How
figure being robbed of vigour. We may can we assist the elderly in these tough decisions without
le ng ourselves fall into greed or taking advantage of their
continue to expect them to watch out for decline? Let us ensure our elderly frequently receive and
take comfort in the Sacraments as their lives draw to a close.
us, as they did when they were stronger. Let us learn to accept loss and process grief, so that we can
be pillars of love and strength for the old person whose life
is drawing to a close. Let us also make sure that caregiving
Infirmity and End of Life Care is shared, no one person is stuck with it, and that there is a
With old age comes the natural decline of our bodies. There network of support for all caregivers.
can be no end to the health problems that afflict us, and
expenses mount. Bones, joints, ssues, organs and muscles Loneliness and the Responsibili es of our Parishes
degenerate, skin wrinkles and sags; we lose our mobility, and Communi es
memory, sleep, strength and vigour. With the inevitable passing of me comes loneliness. Some
Ge ng around our own room comes with the risk of of our elderly slogged through their youth to give their
debilita ng falls and fractures. It becomes hard to see or children a good educa on and send them abroad. Now alone
hear, or control bowel and bladder movements. Pain may at home, it is difficult to master the technology of video
become a constant companion. Some mes we neglect our calls. Besides, the digital world is a poor and hopelessly
health, some mes we embark on a series of cosme c and inadequate subs tute for the actual touch of our loved ones.
elec ve procedures to keep ageing at bay. For the younger Even for the aged who live with their families, it is easy to fall
among us, it is hard to cope with a respected guiding figure into the despair and loneliness of old age. We do not know
being robbed of vigour. We may con nue to expect them to what to do with ourselves and our me. And though it is
watch out for us, as they did when they were stronger. necessary to prepare for death, loneliness must not compel
While death is the only certainty of our lives, it looms ever us to spend this part of our lives hoping for it to come
larger for the elderly. In our mes, we have medicalised the quickly. No; in old age, we have a new voca on.
end of life. If we can afford to, we park our loved ones in Let us make intergenera onal events happen. Let us set
hospital Intensive Care Units, where a cocktail of machinery up ini a ves so that the young visit the old, assist them in
and drugs keep death at bay. Too many of us will die in a their chores, help cook or deliver meals, or provide them
sterile, cold room accompanied only by the sound of the a pick-up and drop at least to church. During the COVID-19
heart rate monitor. Some of us will long for euthanasia, pandemic, many of our parish youth stepped up to assist
the burden of disease and decline unbearable. Medical the elderly in registering on the vaccina on portal and
professionals may become desensi sed, viewing the pa ent taking them to get their shots. Let us con nue with such
as just another case, not a person who lived, loved and lost. accompaniment and care. May those who are younger be
We ought to ques on if this degree of medical interven on respec ul. While our educa on and work experience may
is necessary, par cularly when we have aged so much that have us be er equipped for the world of today, the wisdom
our life can be prolonged only by mere days or months. In and advice that stems from the life experience of the elderly
our zealous upholding of the right to life, are we robbing
(Contd on Pg 9)

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 7

FR CEDRIC PRAKASH SJ concerns around an ageing popula on,
and stressed the urgent need for
the country to plan for a changing
popula on structure. Some of the
startling official sta s cs include:
• India’s elderly popula on (aged
60 and above) is projected to touch
194 million in 2031 from 138 million
in 2021, a 41 per cent increase over
a decade.
s a free na on, India has the United Na ons said, “By 2020, • There will be 93 million males

A just completed her pla num

jubilee! There is much
to celebrate, and much
more to be thankful for! Plenty of
events have heralded this historical
the number of people aged 60 years
and older will outnumber children
younger than 5 years.” Further, “Over
the next three decades, the number of
older persons worldwide is projected
and 101 million females in 2031; up
from 67 million males and 71 million
females in 2021.
• NSO’s Na onal Sample Survey (NSS)
data from 2017-2018 notes 70 per cent
moment. An event we jus fiably to more than double, reaching more of the elderly in India were dependent
need to be proud of: thanks to the than 1.5 billion persons in 2050, on others for their daily living
sacrifices and struggles of our freedom and 80% of them will be living in • The situa on was worse for
fighters, who ensured that we got low- and middle-income countries.” females; only 10 per cent and 11 per
our independence and also to the In 1991, the UN General Assembly cent of females were economically
visionary and commi ed leadership, adopted the United Na ons Principles independent in rural and urban areas
who safeguarded the essen als of our for Older Persons, enumera ng 18 respec vely, compared to the 48 per
Cons tu on and promoted them. Over en tlements for older persons – cent and 57 per cent of males in rural
the years, we have certainly made rapid rela ng to independence, par cipa on, and urban areas
strides and developed as a na on in Not sa sfied with its own efforts
several spheres. to address what is happening to the
Despite the many posi ve dimensions elderly in the world, in 2011, the UN
since Independence, we are painfully General Assembly decided to observe
aware of the other reality which has every June 15 as The World Elder Abuse
gripped our na on. It is that agenda Awareness Day (WEAAD). According
of divisiveness and discrimina on; of to WHO es mates, one in six people
exploita on and exclusion; of injus ces over 60 years of age suffers from
heaped on the poor and the vulnerable, abuse. That means nearly 141 million
the minori es and the marginalised, people globally. This number may be
on women and children. Above all, the much higher as neglect, abuse and
targe ng of those who take a stand violence of older people are among the
for truth and for jus ce, who defend most hidden and under-represented
pluralism, inclusion and those who viola ons of human rights. The reality
are commi ed to the defence of the in India, on this score, is obviously
Cons tu on. It is however, interes ng, much more serious.
to note that one group (across the care, self-fulfilment and dignity. The This year 2022 marks twenty years
spectrum) whose rights have been next year, in 1992, the Interna onal since the adop on of the Madrid
blatantly ignored and who have Conference on Ageing met to follow Interna onal Plan of Ac on on
become vic ms of an insensi ve (and up on the Plan of Ac on, adop ng a Ageing (MIPAA), a comprehensive
unjust) system are the elderly! India at Proclama on on Ageing. Following the ac on plan for governments and
seventy-five, they say, has come of age; Conference's recommenda on, the UN civil society, amongst other groups,
unfortunately, the same is not true for General Assembly declared 1999 the for building a society for all ages.
most of our senior ci zens - the elderly Interna onal Year of Older Persons, and MIPAA is the first global agreement
of our na on! October 1 as the Interna onal Day of which recognises older people as
The en re world is ageing! In a Older Persons. contributors to the development of
Popula on Revision data of 2019, India is not far from the UN global their socie es, and which commits
predic ons on ageing. About a year governments to including ageing in
ago, the Na onal Sta s cal Office all social and economic development
Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human
(NSO) released its ‘Elderly in India policies, including poverty reduc on
rights, justice, reconciliation and peace 2020’ report. The report flagged programmes. It also called for

8 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

governments to include older people absolute nuisance. It is very convenient Wednesday audience on March 2, 2022,
in policies and programmes to reach for well-to-do children, who enjoy “Old age certainly imposes a slower pace;
the Millennium Development Goal of a comfortable life abroad, to dump but they are not merely mes of iner a.
halving the propor on of people living their elders in a ‘Home for the Aged’ Indeed, the measure of these rhythms
in extreme poverty by 2015. *‘Neglect, back home. They a empt to absolve opens up, for all, spaces of meaning
Abuse and Violence’ provides two themselves from all responsibility and of life unknown to the obsession with
objec ves rela ng to the elimina on guilt saying, “The good Sisters there speed. Losing contact with the slower
of all forms of neglect, abuse and look a er them very well; we call every rhythms of old age closes up these spaces
violence of older persons, as well as the week, and of course, we pay for their to everyone. It is from this perspec ve
crea on of support services to address monthly expenses!” What the elderly that I wished to establish the feast of
elder abuse. Both objec ves include desire and need most is the comfor ng grandparents on the last Sunday of July.
ac ons to review policies, enact laws presence of their very own: their flesh The alliance between the two extreme
and create awareness, informa on, and blood - just to be there. genera ons of life—children and the
training and research ini a ves. Sadly, elderly—also helps the other two—young
in the absence of an interna onal (and people and adults—to bond with each
na onal) standard on the rights of older On Justice Sunday this other, so as to make everyone’s existence
persons, serious gaps between policy richer in humanity.”
and prac ce and a general awareness
year, with the theme On Jus ce Sunday this year, with
on the rights of the elderly s ll remain! ‘Upholding the Rights the theme ‘Upholding the Rights and
‘Times are changing!’ A cliché that Dignity of the Elderly’, we are all called
is repeated from one genera on to and Dignity of the to revisit and celebrate the warmth
another. Today, it is true that families in and love, the sacrifices and generosity,
India have become smaller; careerism Elderly’, we are all called the selflessness and the sensi vity:
and consumerism have overwhelmed that ‘revolu on of tenderness’, which
the average person. The rapid strides to revisit and celebrate one would have experienced from
in technology have made us less one’s own grandparents and the other
human and more individualis c! The the warmth and love, the elderly in families and communi es.
quality me that families enjoyed in Further, one also needs to accept
the past – caring and sharing, praying
sacrifices and generosity, and appreciate that the elderly too,
and playing, bonding and nurturing – the selflessness and have their rights, which include the
seems to have become a rarity today. right for independence, par cipa on,
Those mes of the tradi onal ‘joint the sensitivity. care, self-fulfilment and dignity. The
family’ – where the very presence of younger ones need to work towards
elders was deemed sacred – have all the realisa on of these at all mes. The
but disappeared! “We have no me,” Pope Francis has made the concern for elderly must be cared for! Their rights
scream one and all; there is much less the elderly a hallmark of his papacy. Since and dignity must be ensured! These are
me for grandparents and the elderly. 2021, he has ini ated a special ‘World non-nego able! Are we prepared to
The respect given to the elderly in the Day of Grandparents and the Elderly’ in make this a reality? „
past is today a rarity. O en, the elders the Church. Referring to this significant
are just tolerated, if not regarded as an day, Pope Francis said during his


is irreplaceable. May our priests and pension schemes, provide legal aid, but a blessing. Growing old is the gi of
animators make themselves available subsidised health care and assisted a long life! May the Holy Spirit bless all
for administering the Sacraments. living facili es for those in need. our efforts, and the Holy Family guide us
Let us find ways and means to train as we journey with the elderly. May we
caregivers to be compassionate, secure Conclusion grow in wisdom as we ourselves age! „
be er social protec on and enable the As we mark this Jus ce Sunday’s theme
elderly to con nue to work and earn if on Challenges Faced in Providing Care
they so choose, without affec ng the for the Elderly, may we, as Pope Francis
contrac ng job market of the young. said, persevere in hope, as we come to
May we con nue to advocate for be er see that ageing is not a condemna on,

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 9

FR LAWRENCE A. D’SOUZA symbolism to make it more transparent, by returning to the
praxis of the early Church and dropping elements which,
later in the medieval era, had come to overshadow the
essen als, and by a correct distribu on of roles in the service
of the liturgy. The result was a far greater involvement of the
people, even to the very heart of the liturgy.
With the Liturgical Renewal ushered in by the Second
Va can Council, Catholics rejoiced over the fact that the
ceremonies no longer had to be carried out in a dead
language or culture, but truly in the vocabulary and gestures
of a par cular place and thereby become the public,
par cipated act of the en re believing community… the
liturgy seemed to be on the way of becoming “meaningful
and relevant”. And yet, as with every worthy reform, there is
a shadow side, so too, even though the ac ve involvement of
the people in the liturgy had been certainly an unparalleled
gi from the Council to the People of God, it led to over-
emphasising of “meaningfulness and relevance” to the
extent of suppressing the element of Mystery altogether.
In the West, many naively “pop” liturgies were introduced
- not only vernacular, but common, colloquial and “slangy”
expressions were used in prayers and announcements.
Hymns were set to popular tunes and secular songs.

he Second Va can Council reminded us (cf. All authentic liturgy is shot through

T Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 5), ci ng the scriptures,

the Fathers, and the Liturgy — the pillars of
authen c Tradi on — it was from the side of Christ
as He slept the sleep of death upon the Cross that there
came forth “the wondrous sacrament of the whole Church.”
with an everlasting dialectic; it is
the tension between mystery and
meaningfulness, the elusive and the
(St Augus ne, Ennara ones in Psalmos, Ps. 132) The parallel
between the first Adam and the new Adam is striking; as relevant, the half-concealed and the
from the side of the first Adam, a er having cast him into
a deep sleep, God draws forth Eve, so also from the side of half-revealed.
the new Adam, sleeping the sleep of death on the cross,
there is born the new Eve – the Church. The astonishment Ceremonial was reduced to a bare minimum (li le or no
for us lies in the words that we can imagine the new Adam special vestments, no processions, elimina on of sacred
made his own in gazing at the Church: “Here at last is bone gestures, replacing sacred objects such as chalices and
of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” (Gen 2:23) For our having patens with glasses and plates). The liturgy became the
believed in His Word and descended into the waters of property of those who celebrate, a terrain given over to their
Bap sm, we have become bone of His bone and flesh of His ‘crea vity’. Hence, those who serve the liturgy – both priests
flesh. Without this incorpora on, there is no possibility of and laity – tended to become its ‘owners.’ In a word, the real
living the fullness of the worship of God. subject of the liturgy is no longer Christ who, through the
From its very beginnings, the aim of the liturgical Spirit, worships the Father and sanc fies the people, but a
movement, which originated in Belgium in 1909, was to sort of liturgical ‘coup’ in which every sense of the mystery
close the gap between the official liturgy of the priest and is eliminated, the language trivialized and cult turned into a
that of the people. The term ‘ac ve par cipa on’ (actuoso purely human ac vity. Fortunately, this trend is not universal;
par cipa o) was born out of this movement, and has since nevertheless, any a empt to evaluate liturgical praxis in our
become part of our common usage. It became a key term me would be wrong to ignore it.
at Va can II in the liturgical Cons tu on, Sacrosanctum However, all authen c liturgy is shot through with an
Concilium. This was fostered by promo ng the circula ng of everlas ng dialec c; it is the tension between mystery and
people’s Missals at the start, and then by the introducing of meaningfulness, the elusive and the relevant, the half-
the vernacular in the liturgy, as well as simplifying liturgical concealed and the half-revealed. It is not an easy balance,
but it must be aimed at nevertheless!
Fr Lawrence A. D’Souza is Assistant Parish Priest at Gloria
Church, Byculla.

10 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

THE LITURGY IS BEYOND US longer a celebra on of the first harvest, but of the giving of
The Ac ng Subject of the Liturgy is the Risen Christ; He is the Law on Mount Sinai. And Pentecost - the celebra on of
the first and only High Priest, the only one who is competent the Descent of the Holy Spirit - wri ng the New Law of Christ
to bring worship to God and to sanc fy the people. This on our hearts, thus establishing His New Covenant!
is not only an abstract theological truth; it must become
evident and visible in the liturgy. The core of the liturgy, is THE LITURGY AND THE SENSES
therefore, already given in the Lord’s acts of ins tu on. This Liturgy is closely related to the body and the senses. As a
however, does not mean that the individual and celebra ng ma er of fact, there is only one fundamental symbolism: that
community are neither capable nor permi ed to make a of the human body as an expression of the human soul, and
crea ve contribu on. The community is crea ve, but not an thus the primary loca on of all symbols. All other symbolic
“instance of crea on”. Otherwise, the liturgy would no longer gestures can be situated in the extension of the human body.
be the epiphany of the Chris an mysteries through the The eye is the most ac ve of the senses. In the liturgy
service of the Church, the con nua on of His Incarna on, nowadays, however, it tends to be somewhat undervalued.
Passion, Death and Resurrec on, via Sacred Symbols, Myths There is a lot to hear, but li le to see. At a me when the
and Rites. Hence, we are not creators, but servants and verbal dimension was not understood, the visual dimension
guardians of the mysteries. was pushed to the fore. Certain secondary liturgical
gestures, such as the eleva on of the bread and wine at the
THE RELATEDNESS TO THE COSMOS consecra on, are a consequence of this fact. Even Eucharis c
One important fact about the liturgy is its relatedness to worship outside of Mass has its roots here. It is always best
the cosmos. Many of its symbols are borrowed from cosmic to let the great symbols func on. How, for example, can
reali es such as fire, light, water, food, bodily gestures. Times bap sm symbolise ‘recep on into the Church’ if it takes
and seasons, the posi on of sun and moon, night and day, place in an almost empty church building? How can it be
summer and winter are also related to the liturgy. In the understood as a water bath, if it turns out to be li le more
liturgical event, all the major human archetypes have their than a sprinkling with water? How can we speak of ‘hearing
place, with cosmic reali es given their chance to appear in the message’ if everyone is si ng with their heads bent
their full reality as created things. The liturgy must work with reading the texts in their missale es at the moment when
‘real’ things – real fire, real linen, real light of the Paschal they should be listening? The three great focal points of the
Candle. Thus, liturgy becomes the true repository of the celebra on – the Presiden al Chair, the Ambo and the Altar –
authen city of the objects around us. To serve God, we use also have a strong visual significance.
only the best things as He created them. Expediency and The Assembly has the most important place in the
comfort need to make way here for authen city. Chris an Liturgy, and rightly so. Liturgy is a celebra on of
the faith, and the ‘faith comes from the congrega on’. And
so, if the Chris an mysteries being celebrated are all rooted
in historical facts and are thus memorial celebra ons,
then it is equally true that this should be spoken about.
History is impossible without the element of ‘narra ve’. Of
great importance is that the different text genres should
be respected: a reading is not a prayer, a hymn is not a
Psalm, a song is not a moni o, nor is a homily a set of
announcements. Each of these genres requires its own
audi ve treatment. Furthermore, it is clear that neither
rhetoric nor theatricality nor pathos have a part in the
liturgy. Reading is not ac ng; it is allowing oneself to be
the humble instrument of a word that comes from beyond.
Even the place from which the Scriptures are read has some
significance. The Word is proclaimed, not read, from the
ambo, surrounded by symbols sugges ve of respect (light,
Another fact is that all our Jewish and Chris an symbols incense, altar servers, Celebrant).
are no longer purely cosmic or natural. They have all been The sense of touch finds its most profound expression in
determined and condi oned by the history of God with His the laying on of hands and in anoin ng. These are among the
people. For instance, although all our Jewish-Chris an feasts most physical gestures of the liturgy, and they can have an
have an agrarian origin, they have all been condi oned enormous impact on the human person.
by the salvific events. The Passover is no longer purely The sense of smell, whereby the use of incense raises
agricultural; it is also the celebra on of the exodus from the mind and the senses to divine presence and make us
Egypt. And the New Passover of Christ - the celebra on of experience God’s holiness.
passing from Death to Life, Resurrec on! ‘Shebuoth’ is no
(Contd on Pg 13)

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 11

ne of the most beau ful

and universal tles of the
Blessed Virgin Mary is her
tle as Queen, honoured by
the August 22 feast of the Queenship
of Mary, the octave day of the feast of
her Assump on. What does this mean,
and what is the Church tradi on on this
doctrine of the Catholic Faith?
realisa on of the the third part of the stars of heaven,
What happened when Mary eschatological state and cast them to the earth; and the
entered Heaven? of the Church.” dragon stood before the woman who
The Queenship of Mary is very closely Here we see that was ready to be delivered; that, when
associated with the dogma of at the end of she should be delivered, he might
her Assump on into heaven. Mary's earthly devour her son. And she brought forth
Catholic Tradi on holds that once life, she was a man child, who was to rule all na ons
Mary, the Mother of God, was exalted even with an iron rod; and her son was taken
assumed into heaven at the end above the up to God, and to his throne.”
of her earthy life, she was then angels in The woman in this passage is Mary,
crowned as Queen of both heaven, having and the child is her Son, Jesus Christ.
Heaven and Earth to reign a unique privilege No ce that in this passage, Mary
alongside her Son, the King. and place as the is wearing a crown of twelve stars,
This is why the two events Mother of Jesus Christ, which is representa ve of the twelve
in Mary's life are side who is both fully God tribes of Israel (her ancestry; in Israel's
by side in the Glorious and fully man. history, it was the mother of the king
Mysteries of the Holy Mary's glory in who reigned as queen) and the twelve
Rosary. heaven is a picture or Apostles (the founda on of the Church,
Pope John Paul foreshadowing for all who regarded her as Mother).
II, in his apostolic Chris ans of the similar This biblical evidence, combined
le er Rosarium heavenly glory meant for those with other biblical evidence of Mary's
Virginis Mariae who share in her Son's passion, special place in God's plan of salva on
writes of this death and resurrec on. She (Mary as the Ark of the Covenant,
Glorious received first, and in the Mary as the new Eve, Mary as the
Mystery of her most perfect way, Mother of the Church) is founda onal
Corona on: that which is des ned to the understanding of her corona on
“Christ was for all of us. as Queen of Heaven and Earth in
raised in glory Church Tradi on.
to the right Biblical Basis of
hand of the Mary's Royalty Her Queenship in Church Tradi on
Father, while The doctrine of the Mary is the Mother of the Church,
Mary herself Queenship of Mary because she was the Mother of Jesus
would be raised to that same is based in part on a Christ, who is God. This profound
glory in the Assump on, enjoying vision given to St John the Apostle (the familial rela onship is not somehow
beforehand, by a unique privilege, the disciple given the care of Mary a er dissolved or lessened in significance
des ny reserved for all the just at the Our Lord's death) that he writes about a er Mary's death, but instead is
resurrec on of the dead. Crowned in the Book of Revela on 12:1-5 – exalted. Just as Christ is exalted in
in glory – as she appears in the last “And a great sign appeared in heaven: heaven as King of Kings and Lord of
Glorious Mystery – Mary shines forth A woman clothed with the sun, and Lords, Mary is similarly exalted in
as Queen of the Angels and Saints, the moon under her feet, and on her heaven as Queen Mother.
the an cipa on and the supreme head a crown of twelve stars. And being In this life, Mary shared in the Passion
with child, she cried travailing in birth, of Christ, and in heaven, she shares
and was in pain to be delivered. And in the Glory of Christ. This privilege of
Gretchen Filz is a Lay Dominican.
there was seen another sign in heaven; reigning with Christ is not meant for
After receiving her M.A. in Christian
and behold a great red dragon, having Mary alone, but she is our example
Apologetics, she converted to the Catholic
seven heads, and ten horns; and on his in that all of us are intended to reign
Faith in 2011. She lives and works in the head seven diadems. And his tail drew with Jesus in heaven, too. Mary has the
Diocese of Charlotte.

12 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

special exalted place as Mother of Jesus Council reaffirm this doctrine. Lumen
and Mother of the Church, who helps
This privilege of reigning Gen um (Dogma c Cons tu on on the
the faithful journey to her Son. with Christ is not meant Church), promulgated by Pope Paul VI
There is a long tradi on among the in 1964, states:
Church Fathers on the Queenship of for Mary alone, but she is “Let the en re body of the faithful
Mary. St Ephrem (4th century) referred pour forth persevering prayer to the
to Mary as “Lady” and “Queen.” The our example in that all of Mother of God and Mother of men.
Marian Hymns we know and love, Let them implore that she who aided
such as “Hail, Holy Queen” and “Hail, us are intended to reign the beginnings of the Church by her
Queen of Heaven” were composed in prayers may now, exalted as she is in
the 11th to 13th centuries, and extol with Jesus in heaven, heaven above all the saints and angels,
her Queenship, as well as the prayers intercede with her Son in the fellowship
of the Dominican rosary and the
too. Mary has the special of all the saints. May she do so un l
Franciscan crown. exalted place as Mother all the peoples of the human family,
whether they are honoured with the
Lessons from the Popes of Jesus and Mother of name of Chris an or whether they
As noted earlier, the Queenship of Mary s ll do not know their Saviour, are
is closely related to the dogma of the the Church, who helps happily gathered together in peace
Assump on. It was immediately a er and harmony into the one People of
her Assump on into Heaven that the the faithful journey to God, for the glory of the Most Holy and
crowning took place. The Assump on Undivided Trinity.”
was declared dogma by Pope Pius XII in her Son. So we see that the doctrine of
1950. Not surprisingly, four years later Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
in 1954, Pope Pius XII gave Mary the was believed by the faithful all along
tle ‘Queen of Heaven’ in his encyclical through Him, with Him, and in Church Tradi on, with its roots in
Ad Caeli Reginam (On Proclaiming the subordinate to Him, Mary is Queen by Sacred Scripture, its lauding in the
Queenship of Mary) and ins tuted her grace, by divine rela onship, by right of Church Fathers and in the songs and
feast day under this tle to take place conquest, and by singular choice [of the praises of the Middle Ages, and its
each year on August 22. Father]. And her kingdom is as vast as promulga on by modern Popes and
In this document, he stated: that of her Son and God, since nothing Church councils. „
“Jesus is King throughout all eternity is excluded from her dominion." Source: The Catholic Company
by nature and by right of conquest: The documents of the Second Va can

REDISCOVERING THE BEAUTY ... (Contd from Pg. 11)

CONCLUSION: LITURGY & LIFE human me… It is some mes said effec ve, we are required every day
There has been a great deal of that the liturgy gives shape to life, that to rediscover the beauty of the truth
discussion in recent years concerning it symbolises life. This is not en rely of the Chris an celebra on. I refer
the exo c character of the liturgy and incorrect. Liturgy not only symbolises once again to the theological sense,
its distance from the everyday life of human life, but also makes present as no. 7 of Sacrosanctum Concilium so
Chris ans. According to Pope Leo the firstly, the mysteries of salva on – the beau fully describes it: the Liturgy is
Great, “Just as the Chris an mysteries words and deeds of Christ, but also our the priesthood of Christ, revealed to
have crossed over into the Liturgy, it deeds in so far as they are reflected, us and given in His Paschal Mystery,
is equally true that liturgy must cross purified and redeemed in Christ. Life rendered present and ac ve by means
over into the moral and spiritual life of and Liturgy are thus in a dialec c of signs addressed to the senses (water,
Chris ans!” ‘Imitamini quod tracta s’ – rela onship, in a way that liturgy finds oil, bread, wine, gestures, words), so
“Do in prac ce what you do in liturgy” its field of applica on in daily life. It that the Spirit, plunging us into the
– resounds the ancient text from the flows over it and nourishes it. Hence, Paschal Mystery, might transform every
liturgy of Ordina on. the life of a Chris an is built on two dimension of our life, conforming us
Aside from the liturgy’s profound and things: Cultus and Caritas. more and more to Christ.” „
significant content as an indispensable To sum up, in the words of His
source of grace and power for life, Holiness, Pope Francis in his recent
we must also bear in mind that the Apostolic Le er, “Desiderio Desideravi”
Sunday Eucharist interrupts monotony, No. 21 says, “But we must be careful:
and differen ates and ar culates for the an dote of the Liturgy to be

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 13

Young Football Champs
Making India proud
in the US of A!
Meet Nikita Pereira and Angelina Mascarenhas from Thane who
have made India proud at the Special Olympics which were held
at Detroit, USA from July 31 to August 6, 2022. Both passionate
footballers, they were selected as Unified Partners along with
three others and six athletes (special children) from across the
country to represent India in this football tournament. opening game against Sangli by 11-0. The team made it to the
quarter-finals where they were knocked out.
Team India won the Bronze medal, under Division 3. They
outplayed Sri Lanka 12-1. Nikita Pereira has always been a good The Special Olympics Unified Cup 2022, presented by Toyota,
athlete in school and won gold on many occasions. She forayed took place in Detroit, Michigan, USA, bringing together athletes
into the world of football playing with friends in her housing from all walks of life to compete in the world’s most popular
society complex. She developed a keen interest and showed sport - football (soccer) - and to learn more about inclusion,
passion for the game. In June 2021, she joined ‘Learn To Play compe on, and how to unify the world through sport.
Football Academy’ in Thane. Nikita belongs to Our Lady of From July 31 to August 6, 2022, Detroit hosted as many as
Mercy Church, Pokhran, Thane and currently studies in Class XII twenty-two Special Olympics Unified teams comprising of more
at Holy Cross Convent High School and Jr College K’Villa, Thane. than 300 footballers with and without intellectual disabili es
Angelina Mascarenhas comes from a sports background; both (Unified Partners), represen ng 22 countries.
her maternal grandparents were athletes. Angelina was deeply The tournament started off with the group stages consis ng
interested in football from a very young age. She started playing of four teams each in three groups. SO Bharat (India) was placed
soccer with Football World Club from 2015, and progressed well. in Group C with SO Mexico, SO UAE and SO Burkina. They played
She had to discon nue for a few years due to lack of girls of her against SO UAE and won 2-1.
age pursuing soccer, but that did not reduce her determina on. SO Bharat (India) was in the third posi on in the group stages,
In the mean me, she played basketball for her school team placing them in the third division where they faced SO Namibia.
Holy Cross Convent High School, Thane ll she passed out SO Bharat concluded the tournament with a victory against SO
in 2021. She joined ‘Learn To Play Serendib (Sri Lanka) and decided to celebrate it with SO Serendib
(Sri Lanka). Inclusion won and they all
stood for it. Four Athletes (Special
Child) and two Unified Partners scored
12 goals for team India that brought
cheer and unstoppable smiles on
the faces of the champions. A Bronze
for Special Olympics Bharat (India)
in Division 3 closed the compe on
that brought an end to several months
of prac ce, anxiety and excitement.
Winning and losing will con nue to be
part of the sports journey, but at the
Unified Cup 2022 Detroit, Soccer ruled,
but Friendships triumphed!
Special Olympics is founded by the
Football Academy’, Thane in June 2021, and pursued her dream Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Founda on, and is the world's largest
to play for both the Academy and Fr Agnel's Jr College, Vashi. sports organisa on for children and adults with intellectual
She con nues to play for her college team. Angelina belongs disabili es, providing year-round training and compe ons to
to St John the Bap st Church, Thane and studies in Class XII at 5.7 million athletes and Unified Sports partners in 172 countries.
Fr Agnel Mul purpose School & Jr College, Vashi.
In May this year, they were both selected to play in Nashik BR CLINTON RAYAR
under Thane District Level for WIFA U-17. The team won the

14 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

Pope Francis Quote - Unquote
@Pon fex
When we are young, it's the illusion
of perfec on that we fall in love
The populations of Somalia and various zones of the neighbouring
with. But as we age, it's the human-
countries, who already live in very precarious conditions, now find
ness that we fall in love with – the
themselves in mortal danger due to drought. I hope that international
poignant stories of overcoming, the
solidarity can respond effectively to this emergency. #PrayTogether
depthful vulnerability of aging, the
8:30 p.m. - Aug 14, 2022 struggles that grew us in karmic
stature, the way a soul shaped itself
to accommodate its circumstanc-
es. With less energy to hold up our
armour, we are revealed, and in the
revealing, we call out to each other's
hearts. Where wounds turned us
off before, they are now revealed
as proof that God exists. Where we
once saw imperfect scars, we now
see evidence of a life fully lived.

Jeff Brown, Hear cula ons

alliance with well qualified RC bachelor, com

MATRIMONIALS height above 5’10” settled/working
in USA. Interested bachelors kindly
LOOKING for well educated
professionally qualified Roman Catholic
email recent photographs ad details to boy aged 32 to 36 who is willing to accept
GROOMS WANTED transferable job of spinster daughter
RETIRED parents invite proposals born in Dec 1990 having fair complexion
PARENTS of Goan RC spinster 1998 for their daughter, Roman Catholic, age holding MDS qualification and employed
born, height 5’3” homely working in 36, height 5’6’’, faithful and loving nature, in Defence as officer. Interested please
pharmacy seek alliance from well settled seeking a God-fearing and understanding contact or WhatsApp on 7406033111.
bachelor 26 to 30yrs. reply with full details life-partner to share a joyful life together.
and photograph to dsouzamaria794@ Born in Mumbai and settled in Canada, BRIDES WANTED or call 9757362224. Masters in HRM, non-vegetarian, non-
RC spinster 29. 153cms. Mumbai born, smoker, fluent in English, Konkani, and RC, bachelor 29 years, 5’5”, working
Commerce graduate, employed. Scheduled Hindi. Well-respected Human Resources on a reputed cruise liner, seeks alliance
to locate Germany 2023, further education. professional, presently working at an MNC from Goan/East Indian, working spinsters,
Suitable marriage alliances invited. Please in Ontario, Canada. Has two elder brothers, slim, pleasant personality. Contact:
contact with brief, to enable discussions. one married and settled in the U.S. and one 7977009461 email: risingstar1942@
Email: engaged and soon to be settled in Mumbai.
ALLIANCE invited for our spinster Please send profile, photographs, and any RC bachelor, 38years, M.Engg. (US),
daughter, aged 30. She is a Doctor questions to prayerfulsearch@gmail. working in Qatar as an Engineer, looking
with a Masters degree in Healthcare com and we will reply with further details for a RC partner- good qualifications,
administration from St. Louis University, soon after. willing to relocate to Middle East/ Canada.
Missouri, USA. She is currently on a H1B ROMAN Catholic (Goan) parents Please reply with photograph & details to
Visa working as a Quality Administrator seek suitable alliance for their daughter,
in the Healthcare sector in St. Louis, aged 29 yrs. 5’2”, slim, fair, humble, has MUMBAI based 37 RC bachelor, 6
Missouri. Soliciting alliance from well done her MBBS and looking for a well ft tall, athletic built, B-Tech working as
qualified bachelors 30 to 33 years of qualified and well settled Roman Catholic a Project Manager seeking alliance from
age from any Christian denomination groom, preferably a doctor who has a spinsters Call on 9969182799 email:-
preferably in the US or Canada. Please humble, God-fearing and caring nature.
contact Gerard on WhatsApp number - Please contact with latest photograph at
+91 9860131097. CAVEAT
RC Mangalorean, Church marriage MATCH for fair 30/5’2’’ East Roman
annulled, 38 years, 5’3”, postgraduate in Catholic girl convent educated BDS,MDS The Examiner does not vouch for any claims
Endodontist based in vile Parle, Mumbai made by the Adver sers of products and
HR, looking for well qualified RC groom services. It shall not be held liable for any
from God fearing, respectful family. If working in private clinics invites consequences, in the event such claims are
interested, Please send full details with compatible match from well qualified not honoured by the Adver sers. Cau on
photograph to, and settled catholic boy from good liberal to verify par cularly the bonafides of credit
Mobile number 9920243640. family background and similar community and financial ins tu ons is exhorted as there
RC girl, 36 yrs, height 5’4”, MBA from mumbai suburbs. WhatsApp to have been cases of duping.
working in reputed company USA seeks 9004896106 email; ihproducts18@gmail.

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 15

oneself. Here is the root of all communica on. Here is the
reason why connec on alone is not enough."
NOTES COMMENTS The risks of social network communi es
In his remarks, Paolo Ruffini then focused on social networks.
As Pope Francis wrote in his message for the 53rd Day of
Social Communica ons, these networks are not automa cally
Ruffini: Connection alone is synonymous with community: "too o en, their iden ty is based
on opposi on to the other, the person outside the group."
not enough to communicate "Too o en," he said, "we define ourselves star ng with
AMEDEO LOMONACO, VATICAN NEWS what divides us rather than what unites us. This gives rise
There are certain things technology can never replace, to suspicion and the ven ng of every kind of prejudice.
including "freedom, encounter, the surprise of the And what ought to be a window on the world becomes a
unexpected, conversion, the outburst of ingenuity, showcase for exhibi ng personal narcissism."
gratuitous love." A new humanism
Paolo Ruffini, the Prefect of the Va can’s Dicastery The challenge of good journalism, which is also the
for Communica on, emphasised this when speaking at challenge of SIGNIS, he stated, is to "find new ways for
the World Congress of the Catholic network SIGNIS, an new communica on", to engage genres and languages by
interna onal associa on for Catholic professionals in the "focusing on dialogue rather than on marke ng of ideas,
field of communica on. This year, the annual event focused on intelligence as a moral category rather than on fana cal
on the theme ‘Peace in the Digital World’. It took place in the moralism of the crowd."
South Korean capital of Seoul and concluded on August 19. Appealing to all Catholic communicators, Catholic
Hyperconnected, but also alone! journalists, and all men and women of goodwill, engaged "in
The Prefect of the Dicastery for Communica on recalled the difficult and great field of communica on, the Va can
that technology, the fruit of human ingenuity, now enables Prefect said: "We can be protagonists of a new humanism,
reali es "that were unthinkable just a few decades ago", embodied in ac ve and par cipatory communi es. We can
such as teleconferencing, telemedicine, e-commerce. weave a new idea of ci zenship."
But the paradox of our me, he pointed out, is that "we SIGNIS World Congress
are hyperconnected and also alone. The problem is precisely This year's SIGNIS World Congress is especially oriented
here: when there is no longer communica on, but only toward in-person mee ngs and virtual conferences on the
connec on." It is then that "we need to ques on ourselves, to use of media, including social media.
make a personal and collec ve examina on of conscience." "The use of digital media, especially social media," reads
"The only way to respond to the challenge of Pope Francis’ message sent to SIGNIS ahead of this Congress,
technology," he said, "is not to think of it as an idol. But "has raised a number of serious ethical issues that call for
also not to demonise it. Not to believe that it has the task wise and discerning judgment on the part of communicators
of redeeming humanity, but also, not to think that its and all those concerned with the authen city and quality of
perdition depends on it." human rela onships. Some mes and in some places, media
Happiness cannot be bought sites have become places of toxicity, hate speech and fake
news. In mee ng this challenge, SIGNIS can play an important
Paolo Ruffini recalled Pope Francis’ visit to South Korea in
role through media educa on, networking Catholic media
2014 and his response to a girl during a mee ng with young
and countering lies and misinforma on."
people at the Solmoe Shrine. He had stressed that "happiness
cannot be purchased." "Whenever you buy happiness," the
Pon ff had added, "you soon realise that it has vanished...
The happiness you buy does not last. Only the happiness of Children in India face
love is the kind that lasts."
"Consumerism," Paolo Ruffini went on to say, "confuses cyberbullying: Survey
short-term sa sfac on for more profound and las ng
happiness. We know that we are not just consumers, let
alone objects to be consumed. We know very well that only A whopping 85 per cent of children in India have reported
a rela onship–a connec on based on love–can make us less being cyberbullied, as well as having cyberbullied someone,
lonely, can last, and make us happy." according to a report released by computer security so ware
company McAfee. The India-centric findings are part of the
"And love," noted the Prefect of the Dicastery for
company’s global report tled ‘Cyberbullying in Plain Sight,’
Communica on, "is based on this supreme fragility, which is
a 10-country survey. It was conducted between June 15 and
the need for love; to love and to be loved; to give and to give

16 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

July 5, covering 11,687 parents and their children.
McAfee also claimed that the survey uncovered a startling
fact – that many children take part in cyberbullying o en NOTES COMMENTS
without realising their behaviour for what it is, while parents
struggle to keep up.
"Cyberbullying in India reaches alarming highs, as more than us, as the Indian government s ll does not acknowledge us
1 in 3 kids face cyber racism, sexual harassment, and threats as indigenous people," he said.
of physical harm as early as the age of 10 – making India the
The three-day event which ended on Aug. 9 was joined by
number 1 na on for reported cyberbullying in the world,"
more than 5,000 people, including poli cal and tribal leaders,
McAfee Chief Product Officer Gagan Singh said in the report.
ac vists, academicians and experts from across the country.
It further said that children in India witness and experience
Fr Ekka said India has several laws and Cons tu onal
the maximum cyberbullying on almost every social media and
provisions, such as the Fi h Schedule for Central India and
messaging pla orm. "85 per cent of Indian children reported
the Sixth List for certain areas of the Northeast that recognise
being cyberbullied as well as having cyberbullied someone
the rights of indigenous peoples to land and self-government,
else at rates well over twice the interna onal average," the
but their implementa on is far from sa sfactory.
report said.
He said they have sought recogni on of their iden ty, way
Further, 45 per cent of these children said they hide their
of life and right to tradi onal lands, territories and natural
cyberbullying experiences from parents, perhaps due to the
resources for years, yet throughout history, their rights have
rela ve absence of conversa on.
always been violated.
The Methodology
The theme for this year was ‘The Role of Indigenous Women
In a release, McAfee explained the methodology it adopted in the Preserva on and Transmission of Tradi onal Knowledge’.
for the survey, which was conducted in associa on with
"Women’s role in sustaining their culture and heritage has
market research company MSI-ACI. The parents of children
to be maintained amid the challenges faced by tribal women
in the age group 10-18 were invited through e-mail to fill an
in India. There is a need to protect the Cons tu onal and
online ques onnaire.
legal rights of tribal women," said Sr Lalita Roshni Lakra, a
The parents were first asked if their children were available lawyer and human rights ac vist.
to complete a survey. If yes, the parent was asked to complete
Meanwhile, Ivy Hansdak, Associate Professor at Jamia
a few ques ons themselves before turning over the survey to
Millia Islamia University, during her address to the gathering
their child.
underlined the discrimina on tribals and other marginalised
The 10 countries where the survey was conducted are: sec ons face in academia.
United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia,
"The tribal worldview is to maintain the harmonious
India, Canada, Japan, Brazil and Mexico.
rela onship between humans, Nature and their belief with
dignity for mutual enrichment. Today in the process of
development, mutual enrichment is being overlooked and
Christians marks World's destroyed. It needs to be restored to build a humane, just
and equal society," said Fr Stany Tirkey, former secretary of
Indigenous Peoples Day the Indian Catholic bishops' Commission for Tribal Affairs.
Madan Prasad Gond, a tribal leader from Chha sgarh
state, said the modern poli cal system has marginalised the
Every year on Aug. 9, tribals across India observe Interna onal important contribu ons of tribals in na on-building.
Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples to highlight their
However, John Barla, junior Union minister for Minority
socio-economic condi on, their plight and challenges in their
Affairs in his address on Aug. 9 said that since India elected a
daily lives. This year, tribals in several states clad in tradi onal
tribal woman as its new President, there is high hope tribal
a re danced, sang and par cipated in debates to observe
development will speed up.
the day, as well as raise their voices against discrimina on.
Tribals, who cons tute 8.6 per cent of the popula on, are
"The purpose of the celebration is to promote tribal
found everywhere in India, with significant communi es
culture, dance, art, song, wisdom and knowledge bringing
in Jharkhand, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim,
all the tribal communities on one platform and to promote
Meghalaya, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur and Mizoram.
unity in diversity," Fr Vincent Ekka, head of the department
of tribal studies at the Jesuit-run Indian Social Institute, This year is the 28th Interna onal Day of the World’s
told UCA News. Indigenous Peoples since its crea on in 1994. The date was
chosen because it marks the first mee ng of the UN Working
"This is also an occasion when we tribals across the na on
Group on Indigenous Popula ons in 1982.
join together to raise our voices against the injus ce done to

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 17

as per each priest's liking. To the surprise of our Home
Chefs, some Fathers walked into the kitchen for a quick
NEWS · LOCAL chat, and took away some cooking ps.
The 10 a.m. Solemn Mass was presided over by His
Eminence, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, and concelebrated by
SUMMONS BY EDICT: MARRIAGE CASE the priests of the Archbishop's House and the Cathedral.
Priyadarshini Pillay ............. Pe oner In his homily, Cardinal Gracias offered us so many values to
Mahendra V. Pillai ............. Respondent take home from the life of St John Marie Vianney. A er the
Eucharis c celebra on, we had a felicita on for each of our
Since the present whereabouts of Mahendra V. Pillai,
priests - a short personalised Thank You note, bringing out
Respondent, in the above men oned marriage case are not
some of the remarkable virtues of each priest which have
known, he is, hereby, summoned by this Edict to appear
struck a chord in the hearts of the parishioners. And as at
in person before the undersigned Judge in the Office of
all celebra ons, we had the cu ng of the cake while the
the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Bombay,
Cathedral echoed with fes ve singing.
Archbishop's House, Mumbai 400 001, on Tuesday, August
30, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. to give evidence in the above case The celebra ons con nued with hors d'oeuvres before
presently being heard before the Metropolitan Tribunal lunch, and then the much awaited Vianney day special feast
of the Archdiocese of Bombay. Anyone knowing of the lunch. An evening tea with an assortment of snacks and a
whereabouts of Mahendra V. Pillai, to the measure possible, light dinner ended the day's celebra ons.
should duly apprise him of this summons.
"Thank you for the warmth and love and the feeling of
Similarly, anyone knowing the present address of Mahendra belonging to one big family," Bishop Dominic Savio echoed
V. Pillai is kindly requested to inform this Office of the same. the sentiments of the Parish Team and the Archbishop's
Mahendra V. Pillai is last known to have been residing at House Fathers.
39/2/6, Manik Baugh, Anand Nagar, Opp. Sinhagad Road,
Pune 411 051. Vinita Roche

Fr Lester Vaz Pramila Menezes

FABC 50: Journeying together
Ecclesias cal Judge Notary
Tribunal Office, Archbishop's House August 20, 2022
as peoples of Asia
Tel: 022 22021093 Fifty years have passed since the beginning of the
Federa on of the Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC). On
the occasion of its Golden Jubilee Anniversary, the FABC
APC Meeting plans to gather the Church in Asia in a General Conference
to commemorate, celebrate and chart the directions for
The next APC (Archdiocesan Pastoral Mee ng) will be held on the coming years. The underlying premise of the FABC 50
Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. at Salva on Seva General Conference – with the theme "…and they went
Kendra Hall (second floor), Dadar. The agenda is being sent a different way" (Ma hew 2:12) – would be to reflect on
to all members. Members are requested to kindly be on me. some key ques ons:
(i) How can the Church in Asia con nue to become the good
news in the light of the emerging reali es?
Vianney Day Celebrations (ii) How could the FABC more effec vely serve and support
at the Cathedral the Bishops and their Conferences in Asia?
Vianney Sunday was celebrated at the Cathedral of the Holy (iii) How can a renewed apprecia on of the blessings and
richness of Asia contribute to the Church?
Name with a lot of love and gra tude on Sunday, August 7.
The Parish Council as well as each SCC Community was part (iv) How can the Church in this part of the world contribute
of the prepara on and execu on of all that was planned as to a be er Asia?
a surprise for our clergy during the course of the day. (v) How can the Church in Asia contribute to the
Universal Church?
The celebration began the previous evening with a
late night set-up. Our team of décor experts elegantly Pope Francis, during his visit to Thailand in November
decorated the Refectory with fine table linen, fragrant 2019, encouraged the FABC to undertake this General
floral arrangements, and personalised gifts for each of Conference for the renewal and revitalisa on of the Church
our dear priests. Sunday morning breakfast at the Parish in Asia: "I realise that you are making plans for the General
home was bustling with excitement. We had our F&B team Assembly of the Federa on of Asian Bishops' Conferences,
me culously serve the breakfast prepared with much love which will mark the fi ieth anniversary of its founda on.

18 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

This is a fi ng occasion to revisit those 'shrines' where the
missionary roots that left their mark on these lands are
preserved, to be guided by the Holy Spirit in the footsteps of
our first love, and to welcome with courage, with parrhesia,
a future that you yourselves must help develop and create.
In this way, both the Church and society in Asia will benefit
from a renewed and shared evangelical outreach…" With FORTHCOMING EVENTS
this in mind, while being faithful to the Church's missionary
Growing with the Word of God
call, we now embark on this journey as the Church in
The next session of the "Growing with the Word of God" (GWG)
Asia together with all the peoples of Asia, as we seek to initiative will be on the topic ‘Growing in Faith - Jesus, the Son
reinvigorate the evangelical spirit through new pathways for of God’ by Fr Gerard Rodricks SJ on August 27, 2022 from 3:00
the glory of God. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The session will be held at Daughters of St
Paul, Bandra. The GWG Initiative is a theme - based series of 12
The Inaugura on of FABC 50 will take place on August 22, monthly spiritual growth training sessions - uniquely designed
2022 at the Shrine of Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung by the Daughters of St Paul, Bandra.
in Bangkok, Thailand. Their Eminences, Charles Cardinal Bo
(President of FABC), Oswald Cardinal Gracias (Convenor of JESUS ENCOUNTER Healing Retreat: From Friday,
FABC 50) and Kriengsak Cardinal Kovitvanit (Archbishop of September 9 (7:30 a.m.) to Sunday, September 11 (5:00 p.m.),
at Vinayalaya Retreat House, Andheri (E), behind Holy Family
Bangkok) will address a live online event that begins at 1:30 Church, Chakala. Open to All. Conducted by the Catholic
p.m. (IST). You can watch the Inaugural Func on on their Charismatic Renewal, Mumbai. Registrations open at the CCR
website It will also be streamed on the Office, Dadar (W) – 2430 3626/2421 0881. Register early.
Archdiocese of Bombay YouTube channel.
JESUS ENCOUNTER Youth Retreat: From Friday, September
The FABC 50 General Conference, in which 225 Bishops, 16 (7:00 a.m.) to Sunday, September 18 (4:30 p.m.) at Vinayalaya
Priests, Religious and lay persons will participate, will Retreat House, Andheri (E), behind Holy Family Church,
be held in Bangkok from October 12-30, 2022. The Chakala. Open to All. Age limit from 15 to 30 years. Conducted
by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Mumbai. To register,
Church in Asia is requested to pray for the success of the contact Boris – 88793 39640/ Michelle – 86574 50081.
Conference which will give guidelines for the Church for
the next ten years. Prayer cards are available at the Catholic
Communica on Centre Office, Eucharis c Congress Building. and exclusion due to state policies and delayed justice.
Parishes are requested to say this prayer at all Masses on The language of the indigenous is not Marathi, but Prakri
Sundays ll October 30, 2022. bhasa. The indigenous speak a dialect that has not included
Bishop Allwyn D'Silva Sanskrit or other colonial words. Many call this 'East
Adjunct Secretary of the FABC 50 Organising Commi ee Indian bhasa', the marginalized call this 'Mai bhasa'. Their
ancestors relegated all their language and culture to Mai
Maa /Mother Nature/Prakri .

BIPA celebrates World Bishop Allwyn D'Silva was present at the Bombay's
Indigenous People's Associa on celebra on on August 10.
Indigenous People's Day Many issues were discussed such as church support with
Pope Francis has said that the "Indigenous Peoples, with regard to documentation and ease of access, livelihood
their variety of languages, cultures, tradi ons, knowledge op ons of the indigenous, community centres to be created
and ancestral methods, should become for all a wake-up for capacity building. There was tradi onal song and dance.
call, which highlights the fact that man is not the owner of Cri cal ques ons about the issues faced by the indigenous
Nature, but the one who manages it." were addressed by Bp Allwyn D'Silva. Fr Calistus, Parish
Priest of Salva on Church, Dadar extended great support to
These peoples, the Pope noted, "are a living cry of hope. us for the event.
They know what it is to listen to the earth, to see the earth, to
touch the earth. They remind us that we human beings have The gathering was hosted by Bombay's Indigenous
a shared responsibility to care for our 'common home'. And People's Association founder and President, Prof. Luke
if certain decisions taken so far have ruined it, it is never too Gabriel Mendes, and well-wishers/supporters. BIPA aligns
late to learn lessons and acquire a new way of life." itself with the marginalised, the oppressed and des tute.
We also provide solutions though capacity development
Bombay's Indigenous People's Association (BIPA) is a for livelihood options. We conduct training programmes
registered Charitable Trust and Society formed specifically and awareness programmes for Sustainability, tradi onal
to address the needs of the Indigenous peoples (Portuguese livelihood, sustainable farming and fishing prac ces, animal
named East Indians) of the seven islands of Mobaim. Many husbandry, natural healthcare promotion, education
of the indigenous communi es of these islands face poverty assistance, welfare assistance and counselling.

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 19

rela onship. With our own twists to the tradi onal wedding
Franciscan Servants of Mary march, we had the Family March for everyone. A few
(FSM) begin their apostolate spot prizes were given. The day ended with Br Armstrong
opening the buffet by saying the 'Grace before Meals' and
in the Archdiocese of Bombay everyone enjoying the delicious food. We also thank Br
Considering the socio-pastoral needs of the people and Jewlyn for his direc on and guidance.
to empower the poor, especially women, youth and the
Vilonia, Assump on Youth Group
children in Dharavi, the Franciscan Fathers (OFM), especially
Rev. Fr Basil Lobo OFM, the former Parish Priest of Our Lady
of Good Counsel Church and Shrine of St Anthony, Sion,
requested the Franciscan Servants of Mary (FSM) of the Family is a place
Bangalore Province to render their socio-pastoral service
in the parish. Rev. Sr Miriam, the Provincial Superior of
of Life and Love
Parents' Day is the perfect me to express our gra tude and
Bangalore Province and her Counsellors gladly accepted
apprecia on towards parents for blessing us with the gi of
the request by placing their trust in God's providence and
life. While a single day may not be enough to celebrate our
with the brotherly support of the Friars Minor, to be at the
parents, St Theresa of the Child Jesus Church, Airoli made
service of the people with a preferen al op on to empower
all the parents and grandparents feel delighted on July 31,
the women, domes c workers, the marginalised and the
2022 by celebra ng a day to commemorate the Feast of St
deprived of society.
Anne and St Joachim. Celebra ons began at the community
Having observed all the legal procedures concerning the level from July 24 onwards, especially for grandparents and
establishment of religious presence in the Archdiocese of grandchildren coming together in various fun and meaningful
Bombay, and with the approval and the blessings of Cardinal interac ons. Grandparents shared their real-life experiences
Oswald Gracias, the Archbishop of Bombay, the FSM sisters so that the children could take away life lessons, and the
began their crea ve presence in the Archdiocese on May children wished them with handmade cards, gi s, hugs and
30, 2022. The special day was solemnized by Rt. Rev. Barthol kisses showing how truly loved they are.
Barre o, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay, who presided over The Grand Finale was held at the parish level on July
the Eucharistic celebration at 11 a.m., blessed the new 31. Fr Gilbert De Lima (Professor - Goregaon Seminary
Fraternity of 'Clare Nilaya', consisting of Sisters Shanthi & President of International Deacons Association) was
D'Souza, Geetha D'Souza and Angel Mary as the Pioneers. the main celebrant at the Eucharist. Our Parish Priest, Fr
The Parish Community of Sion is ever grateful to God for Joe D'Mello and Deacon Everest Mascarenhas were also
another Franciscan presence in the Parish of OLGC. May present. Fr Gilbert preached a thought-provoking sermon
God bless the sisters and their mission in the parish. with real-life stories highligh ng the love parents exude for
children and provided examples and prac ces to strengthen
May Fernandes rela onships within the family. The sermon concluded with
a beau ful and subtle yet meaningful line which will remain
in our hearts - "Family is a place where life begins and love
Making our Parents never ceases, where sharing starts and caring never ends."
feel special The Mass was followed by a cultural programme organised
jointly by the Parish Youth and Catechists. Sunday School
'God loves you' is a phrase we often read on keychains, students along with the youth of the parish and the Senior
bands, etc. If you think about ways God proves that Citizens presented back-to-back performances; from the
phrase to be true, the first thing that comes to my mind ny tots dancing joyfully to the rhythm of beau ful songs
is the gift of parents that He has bestowed on each one represen ng parent-child rela onships, students performing
of us. We were born into this unfamiliar world, and freely dramatics making everyone realise the commitment and
received a set of two people who vowed to take care sacrifice of parents and the senior ci zens highligh ng the
of us for a lifetime - be it our biological parents, foster power of prayers through a skit, the cultural event highlighted
parents, elders running orphanages, friends who take the it all. Fun games and spot prizes were held. The final
place of parents for some. performance was a power-packed dance performance by the
To express our immense feeling of gratitude to them, youth that got the en re crowd on their feet and ensured the
the Assump on Youth put up an event filled with lots of event ended on an enthusias cally high note.
laughter and entertainment for Parents Day. The event Fr Joe delivered the Vote of Thanks. The students who
began with the Sunday Catechism children singing a had passed their Std X and XII examina ons were presented
welcome song for the parents that put a wide smile on with a small token of apprecia on.
their faces, followed by a dance. The Youth Group musical Ronita Pinto
highlighted the rough and happy parts of the parent-child

20 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 21
NEWS · NATIONAL Archbishop Machado calls for
respect for religious freedom
On August 7, after a local official named Uthman was
NEW DELHI arrested for allegedly attacking a Christian preacher and
Charis India organises first two associates, Hindu extremists protested in front of the
police station accusing police of supporting the religious
National March for Life conversion ac vi es of the three Chris ans.
The first na onal March for Life heard a former Supreme Archbishop Felix Machado of Vasai spoke out following
Court judge urging bishops and Catholic religious this incident in Tamil Nadu involving these Christians and
congregations to lead the way to preserve life from members of Munnani Hindu, a Hindu na onalist organisa on.
conception to death. Justice Kurian Joseph, a former
Supreme Court judge, suggested that the bishop of a "The mul religious and mul cultural character of India
diocese officiate at the bap sm of every third child born in and the spirituality of the country must be upheld to defend
a Catholic family. life, promote peace between peoples, and care for Crea on,
our common home," said the archbishop, who is also CBCI
He was addressing the par cipants of the August 10 march, Secretary General. "The freedom that our freedom fighters
organised for the first me in the Indian capital to mark the fought for should be the order of the day for everyone,
51st anniversary of India legalising abor on. Jus ce Joseph especially to protect the weakest," he added.
also called upon bishops and religious superiors to provide
free educa on to every third child in Catholic ins tu ons. According to the preliminary investigation, Uthman
attacked Spendi Labersan and two of his friends who
Around 150 representa ves from eight Catholic dioceses had come to the city to visit a relative in Golden Nagar,
and four major pro-life organisa ons from various parts of near Nanjundapuram. Members of Munnani Hindu claim
the country joined the march at Jantar Mantar. Charis India, that Uthman simply interrogated Labersan while he was
the official body of the Catholic Charisma c Renewal Service preaching in a public place in favour of religious conversion.
in the country, organised the march in collabora on with In his complaint, Labersan says he was stopped, threatened,
Delhi Catholic Charisma c Service of Communion. and eventually a acked.
Auxiliary Bishop Deepak Valerian Tauro of Delhi, while "It is a ma er for the courts. If someone does not agree
welcoming the marchers, said Catholics have an obliga on with the beliefs or ac ons of another, he is free to resort to
towards humanity just like they care for family, society, legal remedies," Archbishop Machado told AsiaNews. "The
state, and the country. To protect life is the moral duty of police made the arrests doing its duty and following lawful
the Catholics, he asserted, and added, "So let us become procedures. We have to let the law take its course. Religious
aware of our sacred obligation and duty to uphold the freedom is enshrined in the Preamble to the Cons tu on. To
dignity of human life, no ma er how small it is." prac se and propagate a faith is a right, and if this has been
Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate Sr Paulina violated, the law can be applied and the courts can decide."
Melite, Charis India secretary, told the gathering that Nevertheless, "There are restric ons on propaga on; it is
"life is sacred from the very moment of conception as it not a free field. We need to respect the freedoms of others,
possesses an unviable reliability." Quoting Saint Mother but no one can stop us from upholding the spirit of the
Teresa, she said human right is not a privilege to be Preamble." More importantly, "Our religious tradi ons are
accorded by the government, but something humans diverse, but our differences are not the cause of conflicts
carry because of their humanity. Under the original Act and disputes, nor prejudices."
1971, abor on is legal up to 20 weeks gesta on, but this ...............................................................................ASIA NEWS
was increased to 24 weeks by an Act of Parliament in 2021.
According to a recent study, India murders 15.6 million
preborn babies every year through abor on.
Indian Jesuit scientist receives
After the march in Jantar Mantar, the participants
gathered in the campus of Sacred Heart Cathedral where
Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award
a Eucharis c procession was organised with Jericho March During the 76th Independence Day celebra ons on August
Prayer, a prayer walk by a group or congrega on to pray for 15 at the ramparts of Fort St George in Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
or against something and ask God to intercede, protect, or an eminent Jesuit scientist received the Dr A.P.J. Abdul
change something. Kalam Award from Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin. Dr
........................................................................MATTERS INDIA Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu, Director of the Xavier Research

22 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

Founda on of St Xavier's College in Palayamko ai, Tirunelveli
district, Tamil Nadu was awarded the Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Award for his outstanding contribu ons to scien fic research.
Since 2015, the award has been given out annually. It
contains Rs 500,000, a cer ficate, and a gold medal.
Fr Ignacimuthu, a Jesuit, served as Vice Chancellor of into pieces or burnt alive. Nearly 100 Chris ans embraced
the University of Madras in Chennai (2002-2003) and martyrdom, while thousands fled to jungles during weeks
Bharathiar University in Coimbatore (2000-2002). Before of unabated violence that left more than 300 churches
these positions, he was Principal at Jesuit-run Loyola and 6,000 houses plundered, as well as rendering 56,000
College, Chennai (1997-2000), Assistant Director at the homeless in Kandhamal.
Entomology Research Institute, Loyola College, Chennai With hardly any conviction for serious crimes like
(1993-1996), Principal at St Xavier's College, Palayamko ai murders, jus ce remains a mirage in Kandhamal, even a er
(1992-1993), Vice-Principal and Lecturer, Reader, St Joseph's 14 years. The Supreme Court in its 2016 verdict noted that,
College, Trichy (1980-1992), and Director at the Entomology of the 827 criminal cases registered, 315 cases were not
Research Ins tute, Loyola College, Chennai. pursued, while of 362 cases in which a verdict was given,
He was named one of the top 1% of biologists in "only 78" resulted in a convic on.
the world in 2020, after scientists in the United States Kandhamal's Travesty of Justice is summed up
evaluated his research publications. Three professors at on the website and online signature campaign www.
Stanford University in the United States investigated the, anchored by Akkara. "Only the
contribu ons to biology of over 100,000 scien sts from all acqui al of these innocent Chris ans will pave for finding
over the world. out the Truth behind Kandhamal bloodshed. Every Chris an
He has published over 800 scien fic journal ar cles and should pray for this," said Akkara, who has prepared prayers
authored 80 books. 'Jacthrips ignacimuthui' is an insect in English, Hindi, Odia, Malayalam and Tamil.
named after him. 'Ignaciomycin' is a naturally occurring ........................................................................MATTERS INDIA
molecule named after him. He was instrumental in the
development of Xavier herbal hand sanitiser to protect
against pathogens such as COVID-19. HIMACHAL PRADESH
The 73-year-old Jesuit scien st has received as many as 31 Christians challenge bill
na onal and interna onal awards and prizes for his scien fic
contribu on. He has guided over 100 Ph.D. candidates.
against 'mass conversion'
.................................................................................RVA NEWS A group of Christians in Himachal Pradesh have filed a
pe on in the state High Court challenging a bill forbidding
"mass conversions." The state ruled by the BJP passed
ODISHA the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion (Amendment)
Bill, 2022, on Aug. 13. The state already has an anti-
14-day prayer to mark conversion law in place, but with the latest Bill, it has
Kandhamal anniversary sought to ban mass conversion, described as two or more
people converting at the same time, while also raising
An ongoing prayer campaign for Truth and Justice for the punishment for a change of religion through force or
Kandhamal has been formulated into a 14-day special allurement to a maximum of 10 years from seven years.
prayer ahead of the 14 th anniversary of the Kandhamal
bloodshed and persecution. "Nobody can stop us from "A group of Chris an leaders in state capital Shimla filed the
praying," said journalist-author Anto Akkara, who has been pe on and the High Court has listed it for hearing on Aug. 17.
anchoring a campaign seeking Truth and Justice for the We are hopeful of ge ng jus ce," Reverend Sohan Lal, the
hapless vic ms of the orchestrated violence in the remote Presbyter of Christ Church in Shimla, told UCA News on Aug
Kandhamal jungles of Odisha. 14. Pastor Lal said the law was not required as one existed in
the state since 2006 and another one was passed in 2019. The
Christian targets in the idyllic jungle district went up government's conten on that the old laws were insufficient to
in flames following the murder of 81-year-old Swami check conversion ac vi es was not true, he added.
Lakshmanananda Saraswa , who was mysteriously shot dead
in his ashram in Kandhamal on Janmashtami night - August "The state is going to hold provincial elec ons by the end
23, 2008. Claiming the murder to be a "Chris an conspiracy," of this year, so the ruling BJP is trying to show people that it
Hindu na onalists ordered Chris ans to recant their faith is serious about curtailing so-called conversion in the state,"
and undergo "reconversion" to be allowed to con nue to he added.
live in the region, and some who refused were chopped ................................................................................UCA NEWS

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 23

the Pope's o -expressed solidarity with all the Ukrainian
people. President Zelensky broke the news himself in a
NEWS · WORLD tweet. The two men spoke of the horrors being suffered by
the Ukrainian people since Russia invaded on February 24,
and the President expressed his gra tude to the Pope for
his prayers.
"Our people need the support of world spiritual leaders
Pope: Mary teaches primacy who should convey to the world the truth about acts of
of humility over power, success horror committed by the aggressor in Ukraine," wrote
the President.
Mary's humble life and example are a testament to the
triumph of service and love over power and success, said Shortly thereafter, in a separate tweet, the Ukrainian
Pope Francis. Before reciting the Angelus prayer on the Ambassador to the Holy See, Andrii Yurash, reiterated the
feast of the Assump on Aug. 15, the Pope told an es mated news of the telephone conversa on, adding that "Ukrainian
10,000 pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square that the song state and society will be happy to greet the Holy Father",
of praise u ered by Mary while visi ng her cousin Elizabeth expressing hopes for a visit by Pope Francis to Kiev.
"announces a radical change, an overturning of values." .........................................................................VATICAN NEWS
Mary "prophesies that it will not be power, success and
money that will prevail, but service, humility and love.
Looking at her, in glory, we understand that the true power HONG KONG
is service, and that to reign means to love. And that this is
the road to heaven," he said.
Five-day trial set for
However, her praise of God who "brought down the
Cardinal Zen, four defendants
powerful from their thrones and li ed up the lowly" may At a pre-trial hearing in Hong Kong, a judge set a five-
make some wonder if she was "exaggerating, describing day trial for Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun and four other
a world that does not exist. Indeed, what she says does defendants who face charges of failing to properly register a
not seem to correspond to reality; while she speaks, the now-defunct fund to help an -government protesters.
powerful have not been brought down: the fearsome
According to an Aug. 9 report by the Hong Kong Free
Herod, for example, is s ll firmly on his throne. And the
Press news agency, Magistrate Ada Yim announced that the
poor and hungry remain so, while the rich continue to
trial will take place Sept. 19-23 a er asking prosecutors and
prosper," he said.
the defendants' lawyers if five days would be sufficient for
Mary's canticle, he explained, does "not intend to the court to hear the case. Both sides agreed.
chronicle the time, but to tell us something much more
The 90-year-old cardinal was detained on May 11 under
important: that God, through her, has inaugurated a
China's na onal security law. However, he and the four
historical turning point; He has definitively established a
others were charged with failing to properly register the
new order of things. She, small and humble, has been raised
612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, set up to offer financial
up and — we celebrate this today — brought to the glory
assistance to those involved in an -government protests
of heaven, while the powerful of the world are des ned to
in 2019. It was disbanded last year after coming under
remain empty-handed," the Pope said.
scru ny by authori es.
Mary "is the first creature who, with her whole self, body and
The national security law made participating in
soul, victoriously crosses the finish line of heaven. She shows
or supporting the pro-democracy movement crimes of
us that heaven is within reach, if we, too, do not give in to sin, if
subversion and collusion with foreign organisations and
we praise God in humility and serve others generously."
allowed for those remanded to be extradited to mainland
............................................................................................CNS China. Punishment ranges between a minimum of three years
and a maximum of life imprisonment. All five defendants
pleaded not guilty.
A long- me cri c of the Chinese government, Cardinal
President thanks Pope Francis Zen drew Beijing's ire for his continued critique of the
for prayers in phone call Vatican's controversial 2018 deal with China regarding
the appointment of bishops. Originally signed in 2018
A telephone conversation between Pope Francis and and renewed in 2020, the agreement reportedly allows
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took place on the Pope to approve or veto bishops nominated by
Friday, August 12, nearly six months after the start of the Chinese Communist Party. So far, only six bishops
the war in Ukraine. Their conversation came as part of

24 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

have been appointed, ordained and installed under the
agreement; the last was announced in September 2021.
Cardinal Zen has said he was concerned the deal would
"kill" the unofficial or underground Church in China, whose
leaders refuse to register with the state-run Chinese
Catholic Patrio c Associa on. Sabah state, clinched a gold medal during the 2022 World
............................................................................................CNS Pencak Silat Championship held on July 26-31 at Melaka of
Malaysia. Silat is a collec ve term for a class of indigenous
mar al arts in Southeast Asia. Following her victory, she
PAKISTAN faced ques ons about her choice of wearing tudung during
compe on, though she is a Chris an and belongs to the
Minorities Day: Forced ethnic Murut community.
conversions a 'scourge' In a Facebook post on Aug. 7, Manuil said that she
"Let's start with the ques on of forced conversions, a scourge wears tudung as a form of her respect for Malay culture
in the life of Pakistan's religious minori es." Peter Jacob, a and heritage. "Many are wondering why I wear hijab even
Catholic layman, offered that consideration as the South though I'm a Christian," she wrote. "Martial art is the
Asian na on marked Na onal Minori es Day on August 11. heritage of the Malays. As a non-Malay person, I really
respect, admire and love silat. Although it is not mandatory
Speaking to Fides news agency, Mr Jacob said the issue of
to wear hijab, I prefer to wear it during compe on."
forced conversions con nues to affect the most vulnerable
and poor members of religious minorities in Pakistan. "Hijab is not only mandatory to cover up for Malay women,
"This painful mentality goes hand in hand with extremely but for me to look more polite, neat and civilised during the
worrying factors such as viola ons of fundamental human compe on. Absolutely NO coercion from either side."
rights, discrimina on, poverty and the absence of the rule ................................................................................UCA NEWS
of law," he said. "The government's inac on on this issue
encourages perpetrators to use their faith to cover up
crimes against minority women." EGYPT
Mr Jacob heads the Centre for Social Justice, and Fire at Cairo Coptic church
previously served as Executive Secretary of the Catholic
Commission on Justice and Peace. The Centre for Social kills 41, including 15 children
Justice reports that 78 young women from religious A fire ripped through a packed Coptic Orthodox church
minori es were abducted and forcibly converted to Islam during morning services in Egypt's capital on Sunday, August
in 2021. These included 39 Hindu, 38 Chris an, and 1 Sikh 14, quickly filling it with thick black smoke and killing 41
woman. This figure represented an 80 per cent increase in worshippers, including at least 15 children. Several trapped
forced conversions compared to 2020. Mr Jacob pointed congregants jumped from upper floors of the Martyr Abu
out that these cases are only those which were officially Sefein church to try to escape the intense flames, said
reported, and warned that many others go unreported. witnesses. "Suffoca on, suffoca on, all of them dead," said
In a message for Pakistan's Minorities Day, Prime a distraught witness. Sixteen people were injured, including
Minister Shehbaz Sharif assured the "unflinching resolve" four policemen involved in the rescue effort.
of his government to protect the rights of minorities The cause of the blaze at the church in the working-class
"without considera on of fear or favour." He also says his neighbourhood of Imbaba was not immediately known. An
government has reserved a 5 per cent quota of jobs for initial investigation pointed to an electrical short-circuit,
minori es in government services. according to a police statement. Footage from the scene
.........................................................................VATICAN NEWS circulated online showed burnt furniture, including wooden
tables and chairs. The church bishop, Abdul Masih Bakhit,
was also among the dead.
MALAYSIA It was one of the worst fire tragedies in Egypt in recent
Champion Christian athlete years. The church is located in a narrow street in one of the
most densely populated neighbourhoods in Cairo. President
defends wearing hijab Abdel Fa ah el-Sissi spoke by phone with Cop c Chris an
A gold-medalist Christian athlete in Malaysia has won Pope Tawadros II to offer his condolences, the President's
praise from netizens for defending her decision to wear office said. Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, Al-Azhar's Grand Imam,
tudung, a tradi onal hijab-like headscarf of Malay Muslim also offered condolences to the head of the Cop c Church.
women. Merrywa Manuil, 21, a Chris an from Keningau in ...............................................................................CRUX NOW

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 25

Malaise of Freebies
LETTERS THE EDITOR Sir, Much has been written, spoken and debated on the
issue of freebies offered by political parties. And now, the
matter has reached the Supreme Court as well. So what is
all this about? One would note that freebies are offered
Let us Pause to Rest at election time, offering everything from free clothing to
and Reflect laptops to free electricity to free cash, etc. As citizens, we
need to ask ourselves, do we need freebies in order to cast
Sir, The Examiner of August 6-12, in the innocent looking our vote? Is that an incentive for casting our valuable vote?
but mely and thought-provoking ar cle en tled "Musings It is, however, mostly the uneducated, illiterate masses
for the weekend" spoke, among other things, about the which sometimes includes the 'educated illiterate', who
REST that human beings need. While reading this, my fall prey to such incentives.
imagina on brought before my eyes several instances from
the celebra on of the Holy Mass. Take the proclama on of Poli cians need to ask themselves, do they need to offer
the Gospel by the priest or the deacon. We would do well if freebies only in order to win elec ons, to gain power? Is it
we pause - another word for REST - for a few seconds a er only about giving freebies and a aining power? What about
the Gospel is read, because a silent reflec on on the Word ‘Good Governance’? What about ethics and morality? What
of God is food and nourishment that keeps us steady on the about the Trust of the people? What about the fundamental
straight and narrow path. But no, even before the priest rights of ci zens? What about peace and harmony? The list
has concluded the last sentence of the Gospel, there is a could go on. No thought seems to be given to the impact on
movement in the choir, shuffling of the hymnal pages which the economy. The reality is, there is no free lunch. If you're
disturbs the whole congrega on. ge ng something free, somebody else is paying for it. It's me
to put a complete full stop to freebies. According to a news
The same happens when the homily is preached. The report, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta says these populist
conclusion of the homily evaporates into thin air with the promises have an adverse effect on voters. This is how we head
sudden announcement of the offertory hymn. A small pause for economic disasters. That seems to say it all! We need to
between the end of the homily and the offertory hymn would eradicate this evil of freebies!
have afforded the homily a needed passage to reach our
hearts. Similarly, how much would we gain if we paused for Melville X. D'Souza, Malad West
a minute or two a er we have received the greatest gi that
Va can II calls the source and summit of Chris an life, the
Eucharist. But once again, no! Even while the sacred host is
Prison Ministry Sunday
being received, we are too eager to sing the next word of the Sir, Prison Ministry is one of the finest ini a ves the Church
hymn, and then be in a mighty hurry for the priest to begin the has begun for some years now. There are many commi ed
Concluding Prayer. This deprives us from relishing the sweet volunteers, both religious and lay people, who give of their
presence of Jesus within us. selfless service to this ministry and reach out to the so called
“outcasts” of our society.
From these liturgical pauses, my mind travelled with equal
concern to the pauses we need to have in our family life. The A majority of these prisoners are basically undertrials. Many
first thing I thought of was the recita on of the daily family programmes and ini a ves have been taken up over the years by
Rosary as the me to pause with Mother Mary at our side, this Ministry, like providing legal assistance, financial assistance,
thinking about the great events she observed in the life of her counseling, conducting need-based training programmes,
Son, our Saviour and Lord. The me thus spent with Mother medical aid, dental camps etc. in collabora on with the NGOs
Mary helps us in a mysterious way to think and live like Mary. To and the local police for the be erment of our undertrials and
skip the family Rosary for frivolous reasons can rob us of many prisoners. This is just to give them a second chance and to find
graces we need to live a contented and happy life in our family. ways and means to set those free who have done no crime/pe y
crimes and are sadly forgo en by our society. This ini a ve is
Family life is also enriched by spending a few hours with our
basically to work towards their restora on and to a ain their
family members which include children, one's spouse, parents
complete human dignity in our society.
and the members of our extended family living in the same
house. This way of loving our family makes us believe that Well, I think our Prison Ministry ini a ve should not only be
there is no place like home in the whole world. limited to undertrials and reform of prisoners, but we could
also include the broader aspect of the term “prisoner”. Many
Bishop Emeritus Edwin Colaco, Aurangabad
of us are unaware, and some of us fail to accept the “prisons”
we find ourselves trapped in, and at mes try to cover it up
on account of fear of what others would think about us.
Tempta on bangs on the front door forever; how do I respond?

26 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

If we ever happen to introspect, some of us would be
surprised to find ourselves trapped as prisoners of the other
kind. Am I a prisoner of greed, a prisoner of status (Me,
Myself), a prisoner of dishonesty, a prisoner of pornography,
a prisoner of consumerism, a prisoner of power, a prisoner
of self-abuse, a prisoner of the digital media and so on? If we designs on Ukraine. For example, the apparent openness of
are, then it’s me we do something about it before this form NATO to the future possibility of Ukraine becoming an actual
of cap vity eats into our daily life and controls us. What be er member of their military alliance, even though Ukraine borders
way than receiving the Sacrament of Confession and availing the Russian Federa on.
of counselling programmes we have in our parishes?
So, my hunch is that because I was a par cipant in a Schiller
Let us all pray together for freedom from every form of Ins tute conference, and because in a few of my columns, I
immoral cap vity, addic on, and surrender our lives totally have been cri cal of the U.S. and NATO pumping billions of
and completely to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and in dollars’ worth of weapons into Ukraine – which is helping to
all humility, beg Him to set us free. fuel the war, not end it, and is lining the pockets of weapon-
Marcelino D’Souza, Dadar producing corpora ons like Lockheed Mar n, Raytheon and
Boeing (see: h ps://
distrac ons/) – Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinforma on
Blacklisted by has decided that I am a promoter of “Russian propaganda.”
Ukrainian government But truth be told, I am a promoter of the nonviolent Gospel
of Jesus Christ! As illustrated in the war between Russia and
Sir, I have been blacklisted by the Ukrainian government.
Ukraine, armed conflicts and violence of all sorts are tools of
The Center for Countering Disinforma on, an agency of the the devil. Chris ans need to re-learn the Gospel truth that the
Na onal Security and Defense Council of Ukraine – which words and example of the Lord Jesus always clearly oppose
advises the President of Ukraine – has compiled a list of over 78 the use of violence.
interna onal figures who are accused of promo ng so-called
Saint Pope John Paul II powerfully said, “Violence is evil,
“Russian propaganda.” And I happen to be included on that
that violence is unacceptable as a solu on to problems, that
list (see h ps:// and h ps://
violence is unworthy of man. Violence is a lie, for it goes against
Now that begs the question: Why is an internationally the truth of our faith, the truth of our humanity. Violence
syndicated Catholic social justice and peace columnist on destroys what it claims to defend – the dignity, the life, the
such a list? Well, I don’t exactly know why. But I have a freedom of human beings.”
pretty good hunch.
Tony Magliano, USA
Just a few days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine,
I par cipated in an interna onal Zoom conference hosted
by the Schiller Institute – which sought to warn against “Create a clean heart in me,
possible imminent nuclear war, and to inspire a fresh non- O Lord”
violent, just, egalitarian approach to the never-ending wars
and economic injus ces experienced by the world’s poor Sir, The editorial (by Fr Antony Charanghat), Aug. 06-12, 2022,
and disenfranchised. My small contribu on was a concise ‘Vianney’s Life and Ministry – Relevant to Priests for all mes’,
presenta on en tled, ‘War is not inevitable! We have a moral was based on the Cure of Ars’ ardent and unfailing prayer from
obliga on to save Afghans from starving! The need to create Psalm 51:10.
a new, human-centered paradigm’. You have rightly concluded that St Vianney reminds all Parish
In my presenta on, I highlighted the moral necessity of Priests that the offering of daily Mass, constancy in the Liturgy
the U.S. – considering its 20-year history of waging war in of the Hours, fidelity to a daily Holy Hour before the Blessed
Afghanistan – to significantly increase emergency and ongoing Sacrament, making an annual Retreat, and prac sing self-
developmental aid to Afghanistan, ensuring that all Afghans, denial are the necessary founda ons for the priest’s mission
especially the children, do not starve to death – a tragedy of preaching, sanc fying and governing.
s ll unfolding. Also, I urged for a new economic, poli cal St Vianney’s example teaches us that prayer and penance
and societal global model that replaces corporate greed, was the most, not the least, that a priest could do for his
indifference, and raw military power with total respect for all people. He knew that the frui ulness of his priesthood lay
human life and human dignity. not in clear preaching, crea ve ideas, or building a team spirit,
Some of the speakers par cipa ng in this and other Schiller but first of all offering himself daily in love, as a living obla on
Ins tute conferences have been intellectually cri cal of certain for his people.
aspects of the Ukrainian government, as well as U.S. and NATO Dr Hazel Colaso, Bandra (W)

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 27

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THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 31

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32 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 33
34 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022
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THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022 · 35

36 · THE EXAMINER · AUG 20 - 26, 2022

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