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Experiment Findings · November 2021


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1 author:

Shashitharaan Kuppan
Universiti Utara Malaysia


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Table of Content

No. Content Page No.

1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Background 2
3.0 Problem Identification 3
4.0 SWOT Analysis 5
5.0 Problem Analysis 6
6.0 Original Solution 8
7.0 Conclusion 12
8.0 References 14
9.0 Appendices 15

If you’re running a business no matter how big or famous it is the most important thing
is customers’ satisfaction and the only thing that can make a customer satisfied is a qualified
product or service of your business, that is why quality management plays a huge role in any
business. Since quality management is very important in any business, what is that actually?
Quality management is the process of supervising all operations and tasks to ensure the optimal
degree of performance is maintained. This covers the development of a quality strategy, quality
planning and quality assurance, quality management and quality improvement. It is also called
total quality management. Quality control generally concentrates on long-term objectives while
implementing short-term strategies.

If you wonder why such a thing exists, of course, there is a reason. At some stage of
any business, if it is managed poorly there will a problem. No matter how big or small the
problem is, it has the ability to muddle our business and that is one of the reasons why we
should have proper quality management in any type of business. Often mistakes are not seen
right away, meaning that we claim that the job is complete just to discover that mistakes occur
sooner or later! Worse still, these defects will be transmitted to the consumer and they are found
to file product content lawsuits and even return goods to be restored or finished in accordance
with their original specification. Often also businesses have to make reminder products that are
very costly and harmful for the image of the brand.

In many ways, issues of quality will manifest. Quality challenges can occur at the top
of projects as complaints from domestic teams and/or customers, or as timing issues because
construction is re-starting and rework is not in the initial project plan. And that is why we are
managing consistency. The method focuses on improving the efficiency of the outputs of an
enterprise, including goods and services, through improved internal processes. The criteria
established as part of the TQM approach will represent both internal priorities and any existing
industry standards.

Industry guidelines can be set at several levels which may require compliance with
different laws and regulations regulating the running of a specific industry. Industry
requirements also cover the manufacture of products to an understandable specification, even
though the standard does not comply with official rules.

Let us examine upstream certain of the real issues facing quality business in order to
learn why any of these signs or challenges occur.


Pos Malaysia Berhad (Pos Malaysia) is a company that specializes in postal and related
services, such as receiving and sending mail, providing postal financial services, trading in
philatelic goods, and selling stamps. Post, courier, and retailing are the three parts in which the
company works. Basic postal programs for their clients, as well as personalized solutions like
managing mailroom and mail directing, are all included in the mail. Courier services provide
shipping to both national and foreign places by the water, air, and ground shipment. Over the
counter services for paying the bills and some financial goods and services are included in
retailing. In the year 1926, Pos Malaysia was established in Malaysia and its basement is in
Kuala Lumpur. This business is listed on the main market of Bursa Malaysia. The vision of
Pos Malaysia is “Connecting Malaysia and Beyond – For Today and Tomorrow” and the
mission is “Build and Deliver the Network of Choice”.

Pos Malaysia is in the trend of building up confidence and long-term partnerships, as

well as fostering customer empowerment by giving the right technologies and solutions to meet
their needs and catalyse development as Malaysia's dynamic solutions. The brand’s identity
has grown in order to reflect this aim, with the objective of assisting consumers in making
decisions and providing brand and memorable experiences to customers. The company core
values are empathy (company needs to understand its customers, takes action more than
listening to them, delivers what they need and when they need it), integrity (company acts
openly and truthfully, regardless of the consequences and be honest in every action),
accountability (people hold themselves, responsible for their actions and decisions at every
organization levels and they wish to stay accountable being as a team or as an individual) and
innovation (company keeps looking for various and better ways to satisfy their customers'
needs, and they do not hesitate to ask questions or to try new things). For the board of directors
and other information of the company, refer to the link provided in the reference.

Talking about the background of the Pos Malaysia, perhaps the Malaysians are very
familiar with the name “Pos Laju”. Pos Laju is actually the subsidiary of Pos Malaysia. Pos
Malaysia is now one of Malaysia's largest postal corporations. Pos Malaysia owns Pos Laju
but the two firms operate autonomously. Pos Laju works in the same building as Pos Malaysia
while Pos Laju does not have an adequate location or space at its disposal, and hence Pos Laju
has its parent organisation after Pos-Malaysia. Pos Laju was established in 1986 with the
services of EMS (Expedited Mail Service) to carry goods and mail in the Pos Malaysian banner.

Two years later, Pos Laju began the delivery of the cargo under its own name, and both services
firms have been independent after that where Pos Laju is still under Pos Malaysia.

The chart in Figure 1 shows the company performance for Pos Malaysia from the year
2017 to year 2020. Net sales revenue for Pos Malaysia in 2018 was the highest among the four
years and the lowest in the year 2017. Net sales revenue for the year 2019 and 2020 were almost
the same. However, the company made a profit for years 2017 and 2018 but suffering net loss
for years 2019 and 2020. Net profit for Pos Malaysia went through a decreasing trend from
year 2017 to year 2020.


“Looking Ahead Going Beyond” is the theme slogan of POS Malaysia Berhad. Pos
Malaysia focuses on providing its customers with the highest level of quality and excellent
service compels it to continually update its systems and services. Nevertheless, every company
could not escape from the controversial issues. “Pos Malaysia is asking customers for their
patience due to unexpected delays” Headline made it to the news on 23rd June 2020. This can
be said as Pos Malaysia had provided a poor service. Many customers had expressed their
disappointment in Pos Malaysia via social media. Certain customers had complained that the
delivery for their courier was delayed by a month during the Movement Control Order (MCO)
which was enforced on March 2020. Customers were furious about the delay and compared
the delivery time with other courier services which provided much quicker services. Here, they
have failed the customers in the “customer focus” aspect of the Quality Management System

Next, the Pos Malaysia is said to be functioning under a very weak system. The current
system of Pos Malaysia was implemented in 2001. Mei Hui, a Facebook seller, said a couple
of days ago: "Pos Malaysia website is rather terrible and they have over 2 weeks lagging and
it still doesn't function till now. In 2 weeks, my clients still did not manage to receive their
package and we don't know what happens." Besides that, another customer Noor Azlina
remarked that track and trace system updates are not available although her Japanese things are
dispatched 8 days ago. In a Declaration to the Malay Mail, Pos Laju reacted to complaints
about delays and apologised to the people impacted.

Pos Malaysia has gained a surge ever since the pandemic began in March 2020. Amidst
the sudden surge, the company had a limited capacity of their offices. Pos Malaysia only had
around 200 branches nationwide whereas its competitor such as J&T Express had more than
600 branches all over Malaysia to make the entire shipping and delivery process smoother.
With limited space, Pos Malaysia could not store many parcels at once, therefore the new
parcels had to wait for the earlier parcels to be delivered. This was one of the factors that made
the delivery process lengthy. When parcels are received exceedingly, postmen are expected to
work more than they are paid. Eventually, Pos Malaysia became understaffed in terms of clerks
and postmen which led to inefficiency in their services. Customers had to wait hours to get in
call with the customer service and wait months for their parcels to be arrived. “There were only
two people at the counter and it took me about 45 minutes before I finally got my turn. There
is no proper place to work nor any system in place. People just have to hang around outside
after writing their tracking number down on a piece of paper. I spoke to one of the employees
later and they told me they are terribly understaffed and the top management is yet to look into
this problem.” A netizen shared his unlucky experience at one of the Pos Malaysia branches on
the Malaysian Talk page.

Not missing out on the issue of customers receiving damaged or broken items. It is
undeniable, the involvement of Pos Malaysia staff in handling items in the warehouse is
unskilled until the item in the parcel is damaged or broken. At times, the damage could be also
because of the postmen tossing the parcels inside the house compound when none answers the
doorbell. ‘Pos Malaysia to investigate Pos Laju staff caught tossing parcels’ headline made it
to the The Star news after a viral video of Pos Laju staff tossing packages and parcels into a
cage trolley before the mail was sorted at the Sungai Petani branch in Kedah. Later, Pos Laju
released an apology statement but none of the damaged parcels were refunded. Actor Datuk
Fizz Fairuz, who runs a sambal business called Sambal Mak Nenek with his actress wife Datin
Almy Nadia, said: “Dear Pos Malaysia and Pos Laju, please appreciate and respect your
customers’ rights. Don't let your staff throw a parcel on top of others in a pile, for it may contain
a breakable bottle or container, filled with liquid especially foodstuffs.” In an article released
by The New Straight Times. Hence, Pos Laju should be more careful in handling fragile parcels.
The staffs who handle parcels, need to be trained and educated well on the matter to avoid more
issues in the future. This is the reason why sellers are encouraged to include the ‘fragile’ sticker
onto the parcel to ensure it is handled carefully.


SWOT Analysis is a strategy modelling tool used to determine the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats inherent in a project or a business venture and stands for strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, respectively. Which analysis is a technique for
analysing a company's superiority to deal with other companies while still analysing and
improving the company's vulnerabilities? The end goal of this SWOT study is to gain a strategic

• Strengths
Strengths are an advantage situation in Pos Malaysia. Pos Malaysia has a clear and vision,
mission, objective and goals, and a strong brand name. This shows one of the strengths of Pos
Malaysia. Strength offers a scope of administrations like transportation coordination, printing
and addition, counter handling, installment office administrations, for example, charge
installment, protection, and unit trust. Pos Malaysia ensured an assortment of administrations
since it has the biggest postal organization in Malaysia and involvement with dispatch
administrations for a very long time. At the same time, Simultaneously, Pos Malaysia has a
38% piece of the pie: driving homegrown messenger organization in Malaysia, as it has a cosy
relationship with China-exchanges adding up to RM638 million every year as per Listed in
KLSE since 2012.

• Weaknesses
Weakness is a deficiency situation inside an organization. One of the weaknesses of Pos
Malaysia is the stakeholder and client network. The second weakness is the high staff and
operating cost. Employees assume their colleagues as enemies as they want to jostle for the
position. This can result in the ineffectiveness of achieving any task as they might not will to
help each other. Finally, Pos Malaysia is reliant on the government to accept postage rates for
their ads, customer service, and E-payment to protect their name and image.

• Opportunity
Opportunities refer to the external effect that benefits a company. Relevant authority such as
Data Sonic has collaboration with Pos Malaysia in biding the Fuel Subsidy, so it will lower the
fuel cost (advantages to Pos Malaysia). Moreover, Pos Malaysia has collaboration with China
will grow its transshipment business. Hence, this is a great opportunity to increase demand in
online sales. Pos Malaysia also put effort into changing technology to make transactions
simpler and possible to make more new market creation.

• Threats
Threats are a situation faced by a company that can directly harm the company. In this era of
globalization, we realize that more and more people prefer to shop online rather than go
shopping. Pos Malaysia has a lot of competition from other rivals such as nationwide, Skynet,
GDex, DHL. Latest Airpak and at the same time Pos Malaysia also has competition with
international competitors such as AsiaXpress. Finally, Pos Malaysia is dealing with fluctuating
jet fuel prices.


To capture the major elements that drive Pos Malaysia's service implementation in
order to deliver happiness to everyone who utilises their services, a cause and effect diagram
was created to describe the issues that Pos Malaysia is now facing. A cause and effect diagram,
also known as a fishbone or Ishikawa diagram, may be used to eliminate courier delays, faulty
systems, inadequate storage capacity, and damaged items (see Figure 1). (Siliconfareast 2013).
It's a method for determining how efficient a company's process is. It looks into the causes and
sub-causes of an issue, aiding in the identification of all the signs and symptoms of any business
problem. The most important issue to address is at the top of the figure, with the causes
indicated by the bones. The commonalities between the sub-causes are used to build the smaller
bones. Following the completion of the schematic, a detailed investigation of the principal
problem's origins is carried out, revealing all of the underlying reasons.
The four basic bones of the cause and effect diagram in Figure 3 are man, material,
method, and machine. Pandey (2007) expanded the picture by adding two additional bones:
management and the environment. These two bones, he argues, are critical in the service
industry's supply chain management. This study covers four important bones (5Ms+1E) in
analysing Pos Malaysia delivery service difficulties such as courier delays, faulty systems,
inadequate storage capacity, and damaged items based on the aforementioned in 2.0. The
following are the requirements.
i. Man – everyone involved in the process and who contributes to the final product
• Proper training: Personnel should be properly trained in order to understand their roles
and duties in providing the finest services to customers. The training program should

be revisited on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to fulfill the needs of individual
• Productivity of labour: More services will be provided for the same amount of relative
work as labour productivity rises.
• Proper dress: To project a professional image of Pos Malaysia, employees should
dress in tidy work clothing.
• Employee health: Employees with injuries or diseases that are likely to be passed on
to customers during delivery shall be barred from working.
ii. Material – how the process is carried out and the exact requirements for carrying it out,
such as policies, procedures, guidelines, and standard operating procedures
• Water resistant: Packaging material needs to be water repellent to avoid customer’s
items getting damaged
• Durable: Some customers’ items are fragile, so proper packaging and care are needed
to ensure the items do not get damaged.
iii. Method – providing the tools and equipment needed to complete the operation
• Supplier evaluation: Procedures for evaluating, selecting, and maintaining approved
suppliers should be in place inside the firm.
• Document control: It is critical to ensure that the information used to supply items to
customers is accurate.
• Package selection: To keep the product in form, different types of materials require
various packaging.
• No production line criss-cross: At any one time, each manufacturing line should only
be assigned to one production.
iv. Machine – comprising the raw materials, components, papers, packaging, and
consumables required to manufacture or deliver the product or service
• Proper maintenance: Maintenance is required on a regular basis for the machine to
function properly.
• Proper location: The machine should be located in such a way that it can be cleaned
and inspected properly.
• A sufficient number of machines: A sufficient number of machines is required to avoid
work pressure and poor service quality.
v. Management – containing the information needed to assess the process's success
• Customer policy: To increase service quality, top management should regard customer
policy as one of the key policies.
• Customer services: Top management have to make sure that the customer services
can solve customers’ problem effectively
• Quality team: To ensure that the Pos Malaysia services management system is
established, implemented, and maintained, top management should designate a high-
quality staff.
• Consultation: Employees should receive service consultation from top management.
vi. Environment – the process's operating characteristics, such as location, time,
temperature, and culture
• Heavy traffics: Heavy traffic will drag the delivery time
• Heavy rain: Heavy rain will decrease the driver’s vision to attempt a delivery
• Epidemic: Outbreak will lead to the government perform a Movement Control Order
that will limit the movement.
• Ventilation control: To guarantee a comfortable working environment, an appropriate
ventilation system should be installed.
The six key bones, as indicated in Figures 1 are used to create a cause and effect diagram
for the problem, aforementioned in 2.0 which are courier delays, faulty systems,
inadequate storage capacity, and damaged items.


Business analysts in Pos Malaysia are often concerned with challenges that must be
resolved. This might occur before the start of a project, during software development, or after
software solutions are deployed. Successful problem tracking allows business analysts in Pos
Malaysia to quickly fix issues, mitigate their negative effects, and focus on more critical

“Issues, questions, dangers, faults, disputes, or other concerns that need to be tracked
to resolution,” according to the Business Analysis of Pos Malaysia. Business analysts in Pos
Malaysia must be able to follow issues from the moment they are found and understand the
steps required to resolve them. When business analysts in Pos Malaysia are engaged in user
acceptance testing and the resulting defects need to be rectified, their involvement in issue
tracking is very crucial.

This method, also known as "Item tracking" or "Issue Tracking," entails monitoring
faults, assumptions, actions, and problems until they are rectified or closed out. It also gives
the chance to rate the relevance of problems that impact them.

Besides that, the most critical duties for a Pos Malaysia firm are to ensure that work is
completed and that everyone is working together. Every employee functions as a cog in a
complicated machine, and everyone must do their part to achieve the shared objective. All too
frequently, however, all managers and owners face the issue of dealing with disgruntled
personnel who refuse to complete their tasks. This may include not showing up for work, taking
long lunch breaks, failing to clock in or out, and, in the end, defrauding the system.
Unmotivated staff may, fortunately, be dealt with in a variety of ways. We'll go through some
of the most prevalent issues and how to fix them using time tracking software.

6.1 Identify the Problem

The first step after discovering an issue is to document it. Each record should provide
a clear and intelligible explanation of the issue for everyone. Pos Malaysia must include the
person who identified the issue, the date it was found, and the person in charge of the issue's

If Pos Malaysia just monitoring two or three issues at a time, being organised is simple
and requires no work. When issues mount up, things get much more difficult. In collaboration
with the Manager of Pos Malaysia and other key business franchise, business analysts in Pos
Malaysia might be expected to assign each identified problem a priority either numerical or on
a scale from low to high and identifies the status which Pos Malaysia need to open, resolved,
cancelled, and so on, and an estimated or actual completion date to each identified problem.
They may also explicitly describe which activities are necessary to fix the issue, ensuring that
all franchises are aware of the situation.

6.2 Set Up a Problem-Management

Problem records in Pos Malaysia management are important, but it is not easy to
achieve within the issues in Pos Malaysia. The problem management of Pos Malaysia must
make certain that each issue has been allocated to someone who is capable of solving it.

Conduct frequent progress evaluations and keep an eye out for issues that are beginning to fade
from view. Some companies will naturally lose concentration when low-priority tasks take too
long to address, devoting their attention and attention to more essential tasks. To some level,
this is inevitable, but Pos Malaysia should constantly attempt to keep low-priority issues from
stacking up or worsening.

6.3 Understand the Struggles

Other Franchises may make poor judgments based on outdated or incorrectly prioritised
lists of concerns in Pos Malaysia. Franchisees must meet with other franchisees on a regular
basis to discuss priorities and determine if the initial plan of action is still appropriate in the
current circumstances.

6.4 Giving Great Online Service over the Internet

Many customers had expressed their disappointment in Pos Malaysia via social media.
Certain customers had complained that the delivery for their courier was delayed by a month
during the Movement Control Order (MCO) which was enforced on March 2020. Many
customers said Pos Malaysia functioning under a very weak system when customers try to
respond the problems to Pos Malaysia. Nowadays, people's expectations of customer service
have changed dramatically in recent years. People will not wait days for a response, thus it is
no longer acceptable for a problem to go unattended for days. Issue tracking in communitive
allows Pos Malaysia to rapidly handle any issues your customers may have, which may have a
hugely beneficial impact on customer relations.

6.5 Make SWOT analysis.

Pos Malaysia like all excellent companies, solves some form of an issue for its clients.
When an organization is considering spending resources to tackle an issue, SWOT is a
wonderful tool for strategic planning and bringing diverse perspectives to the table. This might
also be used in Pos Malaysia's efforts to pinpoint the root of a business issue since it can swiftly
layout particular Pos Malaysia's strong and weak points. Pos Malaysia might also use the results
to launch a solution by identifying any prospective possibilities or dangers.

6.6 Maintain Internal Controls

A successful internal control structure encompasses a company's organisational

strategy, as well as all of the processes and measures it takes to safeguard its assets from theft
and waste, as well as to assess the performance of all employees to encourage efficient
operations. Remember that even tiny businesses may benefit from certain internal control
measures as you explore the core processes and activities of a successful internal control

Pos Malaysia may use closed-circuit television (CCTV) in their facilities, particularly
in the processing area where all parcels would be collected. Pos Malaysia will be able to watch
employee behaviour at work in this manner. This should be done to avoid theft while the
shipment is being delivered. Furthermore, damaged package situations may be dealt with since
employees will be more careful while processing the parcels since they are aware that they are
being watched. As a result, installing CCTV is critical to solving Pos Malaysia's concerns.

Furthermore, identity (ID) scanner cards are quite useful in controlling these issues. ID
scanner card is a tool for proving someone's identification who has been in the ID card. Because
each card only contains information for one individual, these ID cards cannot be shared. This
ID card is used to show that we are a firm employee or a student at a university.

An ID card scanner is an electrical device that scans information from the data stripe
on an ID card and displays it on a screen. Scanners may be linked to doors using this
technology. Only once the scanner has recognised our ID card can we unlock the door. Pos
Malaysia can tackle the issue of theft and loss of commodities presented by customers who use
the service by employing these.

6.7 Tracking and Tracing System Reveals Real-Time Data.

Pos Malaysia's initial challenge is gaining access to real-time data in order to provide a
more efficient service. To address this issue, Pos Malaysia may develop a track and trace
system that would enable them to monitor parcels while on the road and away from their
offices. Pos Malaysia can choose Motorola MC3000R as their mobile computer after
comparing it to other brands and doing extensive testing. Motorola MC3000R is a more sturdy
and well-tested gadget. Pos Malaysia also utilised very sophisticated data capturing
technologies such as labels and bar codes to record the movement and manage the key

information in and out of the various delivery sites. The pre-print barcode label will be scanned
on the consignment bill after Pos Malaysia receives a shipment, and the package will be
scanned again before delivery to the recipient. Pos Malaysia can utilise business mobility
systems by integrating them with application-specific software to create a unique and secure
approach to track and trace shipments.

Pos Malaysia can improve operational efficiency and visibility by employing the track
and trace system to handle the problem of near-real-time access to information. Not only that,
but Pos Malaysia can design a faster route to their delivery location, and consumers can track
their goods online to see where they are, increasing customer satisfaction and company success
over a competition.


Life is getting busy that makes saving time is a vital element of our everyday lives in
this quickly developing world and also influences our buying habits. As more people resort to
e-commerce sites, food supplies platforms and other sorts of service, they know how easy it is
to get their favourite items and items without leaving home or workplace comfort using
delivery services such as Pos Malaysia. Several research on the subject of online purchasing
and its relationship to delivery has been carried out to identify how a person might best fulfill
his demands. The first increase in popularity we have seen in delivery services has been driven
by benefits like convenience and efficiency.

Nevertheless, with the development of COVID-19 in 2020, demand for delivery

services has increased, for new reasons. Consumers who just started utilising COVID-19
delivery services may still use COVID-19, but the public health concern is dissipating. After
all, service delivery is a handy way comparing to drive, walk, or use public transport to the
store and hope that they have what they need. You still need to bring or return your things to
your house in addition to that process. A pleasant delivery employee or a box at your door that
contains exactly what you want is an excellent option, and many consumers probably prefer to
continue using it for things that they usually buy personally before COVID. It is often thought
that as the epidemic falls, society would not only return 'to normal' but gradually approach a
"new normal." We still cannot tell exactly how this new "normal" would appear, but most

people will probably agree to somehow, in the form or in some manner, the trend in delivering
services witnessed during 2020.

In conjunction with the boom in e-commerce, POS Malaysia Bhd is continuing to

develop its courier business' value chain. The postal company feels that parcel-sorting
automation is crucial in delivering faster and more competitively advantageous delivery. The
three-year transformation plan outlined in 2019 is now in progress for Pos Malaysia. The
measures are currently underway and assisted the group to mitigate the effects of the motion
control order at the outset of the epidemic in Covid-19.

By September 2020, about two million packages were received in Pos Malaysia per
month and over a 3.3million packages were manufactured since the beginning of SendParcel
(online shopping platform of Pos Laju) services in September of 2019. Pos Malaysia is
becoming better with a chance of achieving two million packages every month by next year,
utilising Pos Laju and SendParcel. Pos Malaysia now has 28 centres equipped with semi-
automatic sorting technologies to eliminate manual load and simplify the process for complete
efficiency. By the end of the year 2020, Pos Malaysia will deploy four more facilities.

Pos Malaysia said its revenue climbed to RM606.1 million from RM573 million in the
same quarter last year for the second quarter of June 30, 2020. The spike in postage allowed
the postal service to reduce its net loss to RM19 million by 61% in the same quarter last year,
compared with RM68.2 million. Taking the growth in demand in eCommerce and online
markets, the organisation grew its revenue 20 percent year-on-year in 2Q20.

Seeing that Pos Malaysia has such good resources and good performances, Pos
Malaysia should work hard to solve their existing company’s problems and be consistent to do
the whole thing better. After identifying the problems, the top managers of Pos Malaysia should
take responsibility to solve the problems using SWOT analysis and quality tools. We believed
that after solving the problems with our solutions given, Pos Malaysia will stand firm in this
technological age.


1. All right reserved (2021), About us retrieved from https://www.pos.com.my/about-

2. COVID-19’s Impact on Delivery Service Trends - Delivery Service Manhattan | NYC
Delivery Service | Mitchell’sNY Logistics from https://logistics.mitchellsny.com/how-
3. EMIS (February,7 2021) Pos Malaysia Berhad: Pos Laju Berhad Company Profile
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Appendix 2.0: Pos Malaysia company’s performance

Figure 1

Appendix 4.0: SWOT analysis

Figure 2

Appendix 5.0: Illustration of cause-and-effect diagram

Figure 3


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