Tired of blending in with the crowd; to be in the world yet not of it? Leopard, has much to
teach the spiritual aspirant. Leopard teaches you through an interactive conversation with
nature, society and the spiritual world.
What a hierarchy of cats. From the Lion as Lord of the plains of Africa to the Tiger as regal
empress of the forests and jungles, form India to South America, understanding the big cats
Black Panther, Leopard, and Jaguar and how they share an inner Medicine, is instructive and
rewards contemplation.
From stripes, to spots, to the yellow of the lion, to the black impenetrable lithe power of the
panther. The symbolism and meaning of the wilder cats resonate through many cultures.
“Leopard”, comes from two Greek words “Lion” and “Male Panther.” People formerly felt
Leopard was the child of both Panther and Lion. A mix of the occult black darkness with the
outer glorious sun of the yellow. One works out in the open while one lies lurking hidden.
Leopards are stealthy, they do not appreciate the surprise guests, they seek rather to return
to their lair, avoiding contact when possible, to review experience. As such Leopard is an
emblem of swift movement, conservation of strength, isolation, and a home’s defender.
When one unites inwardly with the Leopard, one’s senses are raised, – of sight, of hearing,
of bodily warmth. These Leopard attributes lead you to discern what you hitherto might
have missed. –– And again, this inner discernment has its outer aspect, for the Leopard’s
markings provide camouflage, which leads to many stories of Leopard as a shapeshifter: the
multi perspective position of observation essential for spiritual research.
Deeper: Leopard feels no need for showiness or display. Their sovereignty rests in
consolidated power, confidence, dignity, and restraint. A power able to wait, to regard and
to survey the field. As a synthesis of the black and the yellow of its brother cats the lion and
the panther, they embrace the freedom of the lion with the dark void of the panther, and
hence venture into the night, fearless. – Thus, the first dopplegänger is overcome.
When awareness further rests in the body, the Leopard Spirit Animal is able to speak into
the feeling soul. African tradition regards Leopard as the Guardian of the Dead who escorts
them to the next realm: the transition from the earthly life back to the spiritual. The story of
how the Leopard got its spots begins with an Ethiopian hunter and the Leopard. The two
hunted, equally stealthy, using all their skills to merge the background. Their prey caught on
and moved to a safer location. Yet when the Leopard and Ethiopian found the animals, they
noticed something. Zebra had stripes while Giraffe had golden patterns; which made the
newly-coloured creatures harder to hunt. What we seek mirrors our own forms of
camouflage, we have to discriminate between what we project and what we find.
In Nepal and Tibet, there is an innate understanding of occult action. At once one with the
natural world as much as of the spiritual. People believe that Llamas make journeys to Tibet
using the form of a Snow Leopard, gathering herbs unavailable anywhere else.
Leopard as a Spirit Guide often comes to you after a period of suffering full of new insight.
As a healer and counsellor in such times, it represents that new conversant exchange with
the spiritual world that leads one further to new knowledge. When what had seemed
confused and forlorn, Leopard now comes to help you take back your power and
sovereignty; this is the time to newly regard one’s skills, to appreciate them. Negative
patterns conceal one’s true karma. Great wisdom is contained in the aphorism: “A Leopard
can’t change its spots.” For certain things intrinsic to your Spirit and karma are imprinted on
your soul (as spots) such as past life lessons. To heal them we have to not only wear our
spots with pride—there is no need to hide them. But to see the jewels of our experience as
gifts to bestow upon others.
As this Leopard energy continues to work, you notice yourself growing and transforming in
unexpected ways. You intensify your spiritual knowledge, becoming more independent, and
you rediscover your will anew to guide the magic. Apathy is overcome. Leopard is therefore
about trust, – not second guessing ourselves, but confronting situations with adequate
circumspection, – remaining attuned to the world and resourceful in it. Further, this is about
humility: for without our own sacrifice of time and effort, Leopard has little recourse to
work with us.
Psychic and clairvoyant skills. Native American symbolism and meaning for the Leopard
focus on guidance. Leopard leads you through previously unknown territories. Leopard
walks at your side with strength and confidence. While hunting at hunt at night, Native
Americans drew connections between the Leopard and the Moon. The Native American
term for Leopard is “He who kills with one blow.” There is a resoluteness and truth here of
intimate personal relation to "familiar" spirits, of the living and the dead, between beings
and people who share “resonance”—this energy is active and at the same time responsive.
As an aid to the shaman or spiritual seeker, Leopard Spirit is intense, watchful, and
mysterious, yet beneath this lie the true mysteries of karma to be perceived through the
moon’s light.
Leopard signifies the successful traversing of obstacles on the path, true to one’s spots,
trusting one’s intuition, dreams become manifested practical realities.