Techniques Used in Modern Drama: Doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.03.60
Techniques Used in Modern Drama: Doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.03.60
Techniques Used in Modern Drama: Doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.03.60
doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.03.60
Abstract. This paper aimed to analytically study techniques used in modern drama. It used a theoretical
method that focused on analyzing literature through context analyses methodology. But, the paper
analyzed emergency of modern literature in socio-historical way and its relation with both political and
social life in Europe between the two great wares. Modern literature has been considered the reason
behind the social and political changes occurred in Europe during that period of time. The paper dealt
with some techniques of modern drama like historio-graphical metafiction, Poioumena. Fabulation,
Pastiche, Metafiction, Temporal distortion, Magic Realism, Paranoia and Minimalism. The study concluded
that modern drama used a mix of techniques of drama. One of them was used to reinforce the dramatic
structure in modern and postmodern drama.
Keywords: analytically study, emergency, production, historiographical, metafiction
Received: 09.12.2020 Accepted: 13.01.2021 Published: 07.02.2021
Modern literature can be considered as a break from the reality that governed the literature of the 19th
century. In term of the development of the characters, modern as well as postmodern have witnessed a
change represented by moving from focusing on the external realism to playing attention to the internal
situation for the conscious state. In lots of cases, it focuses on the modernist examples in the mainstream
of consciousness manners that have been noticed in James Joyce and Virginia Woolf styles or poems like
The waste Land of Eliot. Moreover, modern literature examines fragmentation in building characters and
narration (John Wilder, 1979).
Nevertheless, it is significantly hard to define modern literature due to the presence of little
agreement on the definite characteristics, importance and scope of modern literature. But, it works on
unifying features that often correlate with the concepts of the metanarrative and little narrative of Jean-
François Lyotard's, concept of drama of Jacques Derrida and Jean Baudrillard's simulacra. Storr, Anthony
(2007), Charles Edelman (1988), Watson Curtis Brown (1960)
So, the modernist author explore the probability of the meaning as a replacement for the
modernist quest of meaning in unstable and unfair world meanwhile, postmodern novel usually a parody
in such subject.
However, Modern dramas, historically, date back to the world war conditions, sensibility of
disillusion, and seeking for battered life forhumanity. Nicoll, Allardyce (1968), E.W. Talbert (1963)
Historical Context of Modern Drama
As a result, to the two catastrophic wars there is a dismantled reliable structure for the religion. So, the
basic queries which are regarded to the existence and truth remains unanswered. Block, Haskell M. and
Robert G. Shedd (1961)
Individuals refuse the absolution in the traditional morality. The expression of all the realisms
and the consequence of post war time have been provided in modern drama. But, the structure of the
current drama could not offer an end to the requisite by the burgeoning contents that present as a
subject. 12 May 2008. feb. 7 Jan. 2010.
In drama, attitudes, techniques, manners and forms do not fabricate naturally. They produce due
to the accumulation of resources contributed from the rights of drama for couple of ages. Nowadays,
modern drama is no longer an copy of ancient Roman and Greek drama, or the renaissance and middle
ages drama, or any other periodic drama in historical line of theatre. Subjects in modern drama look like a
outgrowth of many important developments and steps.
Additionally, it outlines an efforts to turn the undeveloped projects that is disturbing and
inconstant in social, artistic and other aspects into comprehensive ones (Henry V. Dir, 1998).
Hence, the theatre being a matter that is rebellion with the new forms conflicting the old ones. While the
traditional forms work as the basis for the modern ones. Like in humanity, there are conflicts in the stages
of concepts or the thoughts in theatre.
In the last years of nineteenth century, modern drama establishes strong roots. This period is
characterized by restless criticism add to the significant disturbance in modernism. Leaders of modern
theatre like Ibsen, Hauptman and Gorki, Chekhov and Shaw indicated are affected by social and
ideological mess in their day. The modern drama is featured by the heritage of the protest and revolt
(George, 1890).
During the Modernist Period that ranged between 1845 and 1945, English drama is classified in to
three groups as following (Allardyce, 1927):
1. The first phase is featured by the drama of G.B. Shaw like Summary of Candida and John
Galsworthy. Both of them form the types of social drama represented on the drama of Ibsen.
2. The second phase which followed the first one involves the drama of Irish movement that
participated by particular forms like Yeats. It can be seen that dramaw had the state and spirit
of wave hited Europe during that period.
3. The third phase which is the final one involved the drama of Christopher Fry and T.S. Eliot. This
phase also witnesses the incorporation of poetic drama which inspired by Jacobean and
Elizabethan traditions.
It is noticed that the three groups normally represent the three principal phases in addition the
three various sides of the Modern Drama.
It is noted that the three categories actually reflect the three main different phases as well as the
three different facets of the Modern English Drama. Drama which is defined as a lively image of human
It represents the passion and changes of fortune to which it works as subjects for the interaction of
mankind. The dictionary AS Webster English defines drama as a composition in prose aimed to imagine
life style, characters or narrate story that often incorporate emotions as well as conflicts via actions and
dialogue normally drew for the dramatic performance.
While, Oxford dictionary indicated drama as a combination of porse and verse selected to be
performed on the stage involving a story being connected by dialogue and action and demonstrated by
costume and gesture like in the real life. Shorter Oxford Dictionary.
Many techniques adopted to modify forms in drama which are slow-down or stretch whears the
played time is short than the playing time and when drama continues, the story paused (Steffaie et al.,
The recent years have revealed a wide range debate about techniques of drama as it provides an
attractive and unique methodology to enrich the dramatic contextual line. Verena – Micheala (2014: 154)
Characteristics of Modernist Drama
Modernist drama, as previously mentioned, is a result to interaction of many elements that are varied
between history, political, and even social conditions. But comparing with the previous times, modern
drama as a mirror to literature is characterized by the following: Ribner, Irving (1965)
• A great range of its works concern the human passions.
• Historical works are based on the lives of some English events.
• It deals with the dangerous of civil war, political problems and deterioration of the political
medieval system
• Its Style used to be changed along with the career most of monotonous blank verses which are used
in modernist works.
• Blank verses consist not rhymed verses.
Technique of Drama
Narration is a complicated process. It contains several elements to be plotted in an integrated structure.
One of such elements is the technique used to support dramatic structure of drama. It can be said that in
the surrounding plots, hints could be used to recognize techniques. While, performance of the time of the
actions occurred in a perfect method needs to be carried out. Thus, once again, it is difficult to achieve a
real slow-down using the acting performance because actors are not capable of doing slow-down acting
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