2021 RPRH Annual Report

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Technical writing, content editing, design and layout: Tanya Mia M. Hisanan
Cover design: Department of Health

If you have questions about this document, please contact the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Law Secretariat:

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division

Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM)
Acacia Lane Extension Welfareville Compound, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila
Telephone: (02) 8531-5303 Website: www.popcom.gov.ph
Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act of 2012
The 2021 Responsible Parenthood and Likhaan Center for Women’s Health: Ms. Joy
Reproductive Health Law Accomplishment Report Salgado and Mr. Erickson Bernardo
was prepared by the Department of Health and
the Commission on Population and Development Technical Secretariat/Support Staff: Ms. Hazel
with technical assistance from the United States Chua; Ms. Mica Porcioncula; and Ms. Queen
Agency for International Development, through Sarah Mallo
the ReachHealth Project implemented by the
Research Triangle Institute. The team also wishes to thank the officials and
staff of the following institutions and agencies that
This Report is dedicated to POPCOM Regional have contributed to the Report:
Director Lydio Espanol, Jr., a dear colleague and
friend whose untimely passing is still mourned National Agencies
today. His leadership and invaluable contribution Department of Education
to the RPRH program will be long remembered Department of the Interior and Local Government
by everyone in the RPRH community. Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Social Welfare and Development
DOH and POPCOM would like to thank the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
following for their invaluable inputs in the Philippine Commission on Women
completion of the Report: National Youth Commission

Technical Advisers: Undersecretary Maria Rosario Development Agencies

Vergeire; Undersecretary Juan Antonio USAID Implementing Partners: Research Triangle
Perez III; Dir. Cherylle Gavino; Dr. Junice Melgar; Institute; JHU Center for Communication
Dr. Yolanda Oliveros; and Dr. Esperanza Cabral Programs; and University Research Company
United Nations Children’s Fund
Members of the Technical Writing Team United Nations Population Fund

Department of Health: Dr. Janis Bunoan-Macazo; Civil Society Organizations:

Dr. Mara Almazora-Millar; Dr. Joannah Borallo; 1. Family Planning Organization of the
Dr. Miel Nora; Mr. Ken Raymund Borling; Ms. Philippines
Ana Epefania Escober; Mr. Rajun Catbagan; 2. Forum for Family Planning and Development
Ms. Zenaida Recidoro; Ms. Dulce Elfa; Ms. Luz 3. FriendlyCare Foundation
Tagunicar; Ms. Mary Joy Morin; and Ms. Edna 4. Gender Watch Against Violence and
Nito Exploitation
5. Integrated Midwives Association of the
Philippine Commission on Women: Ms. Bianca Philippines
Victoria O. Aljibe and Mr. Armando G. Orcilla, Jr. 6. Likhaan Center for Women’s Health
7. Philippine Center for Population and
Commission on Population and Development: Development
Ms. Jackylin Robel; Mr. Deogracias Hilvano; Ms. 8. Philippine Legislators’ Committee on
Lilibeth Jacinto; Ms. Marites Cipriano; Ms. Jesusa Population and Development
Lugtu; Ms. Grace Perez-Dela Cruz; Ms. Lyka 9. Philippine Society for Responsible Parenthood
Manglal-lan; Ms. Christine Legaspi; Ms. Marelle 10. Roots of Health
Contado; Mr. Spencer Barretto; Ms. Norilyn Ata; 11. Women Writing Women
Ms. Ma. Belia Andrade; Ms. Kim Ellise Bartilad; 12. Zuellig Family Foundation
Ms. Shaila Fortajada; Mr. John Paul Perez; and Mr.
Michael Dela Rosa

4 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Message from the
Health Secretary

On behalf of the Department of Health, I am and international development partners are

honored to present the 2021 Annual Report of integral to the success of its implementation.
the Republic Act No. 10534 or the Responsible Needless to say, the realization of the RPRH
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act Law was made possible by the invaluable
of 2021 (RPRH). The annual report was support of the Commission on Population and
prepared as a unified effort for the executive Development (POPCOM), National Economic
and legislative department of the Philippine Development Authority (NEDA), and all of our
government and has been made for the partner stakeholders.
consumption of the general public.
The challenges to be faced are inevitable.
This report highlights the results, challenges, However, with efforts employing a whole-of-
policies and programs, and the gains with system, whole-of-government, whole-of-society
regard to maternal newborns, child health approach, I am confident that the government
nutrition, family planning, adolescent sexual and its partners will be able to circumvent these
and reproductive health, sexually-transmitted difficulties and turn it into opportunities. Our
infections and HIV/AIDS, and the elimination efforts would not have been possible without
of violence against women and children. With the principal author of the RPRH Law, Albay
these realizations, I say, with utmost trust Representative Edcel Lagman. His passion for
and confidence, that the new administration service paved the way for the protection of every
will bring forth commitment to keeping the Filipino’s right to live without fear and doubt. In
significance of the RPRH Law. furthering the objectives of the RPRH Law, we
continue our focus, hard work and cooperation.
Filipino families should live in a country In confidence, always know that the Department
wherein health and welfare is prioritized and of Health is with you as we move towards
promoted. As the enactment of the RPRH Law Universal Health Care.
and its goals align with the Universal Health
Care Act, joint efforts of national agencies, local Maraming salamat at mabuhay tayong lahat!
government units, civil society organizations

Secretary of Health

2021 RPRH Annual Report 5

Message from the
Planning Secretary

The Responsible Parenthood and and reproductive health, prevention of

Reproductive Health (RPRH) Act of 2012 sexually-transmitted infections, and the
is a landmark legislation that upholds elimination of violence against women
the rights of every Filipino to access and children in the formulation of a
reproductive health services and lays the comprehensive health and development
foundation for the sustainable growth of the system. This will support the country’s
Philippine population. efforts in achieving the United Nations’
Sustainable Development Goals.
Through this law, the government
granted universal access to nearly all To all our stakeholders, partner government
modern contraceptives at government agencies, civil society organizations, the
health centers. When the Duterte academe, and international development
administration took office in 2016, we partners, thank you very much for our
further intensified our commitment to continued partnership. Let us continue
strengthen the implementation of the working towards a strong and healthy
RPRH law as stated in the zero-to-10 point Philippines.
socioeconomic agenda. This report provides
a glimpse on how far we have come in the
implementation of the law, especially in
ensuring access to critical reproductive
health care services and education on family
planning and reproductive health.

Today, access to sexual and reproductive

health care services is even more critical as
we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic
and strengthen our human capital. We need
to continue prioritizing maternal, neonatal,
child health and nutrition, adolescent sexual

6 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Message from the
Executive Director

Beyond its basic tenets, perhaps one of struggles in curbing the numbers of sexually
the most important pieces of legislation transmitted infections, as well as incidences of
that serves as a beacon of our work as violence in women and children.
public servants for the Filipino people in
population and development as well as family As we welcome a new government as of this
planning is the Responsible Parenthood and writing, it will face an uphill climb in meeting
Reproductive Health Law, otherwise known the norms of the United Nations’ Sustainable
as Republic Act 10354. Development Goals; particularly, with focus
on maternal mortality. Comparatively, the
The RPRH Law has kept intact its integral Philippines modestly ranks among its peers
purpose and essence in upholding inherent in the region for RPRH, and could certainly
reproductive rights of adult individuals, the serve as a case study for such in a global setting.
youth, and special members of communities I strongly believe that this annual report
nationwide. Synergies among government will become a reference for the incoming
agencies with the Department of Health administration to mainstream elements that
and the Commission on Population have contributed success in RPRH; and to
and Development taking the lead, allied further our nation’s standing on this matter,
stakeholders, and like-minded organizations, devote more energies on aspects that are lagging.
as well as local government organizations
have enabled the collective dynamism Much remains to be desired if we are to deal
adherent to law’s principles, despite the with real numbers and factual statements
emergence of external forces that, directly or regarding the outcomes of the RPRH Law.
otherwise, dampen its relevance. However, I stand witness to the ironclad
commitment of our fellow stakeholders in
This edition of the RPRH Law Annual Report maintaining the significance of the RA 10354 for
discusses the aggregate accomplishments the higher good of Filipinos’ health rights which
of key performance indicators for 2021, no untoward occurrence could overturn, as the
which marked the second year of our health legislation is reinforced by genuine concern for
systems operating under the unprecedented our countrymen and our nation’s progressive
circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. future. May these factors constantly fuel our
Inside this publication, we will reckon some momentum henceforth for the law.
measures of successes in reducing maternal
mortality and a slight reduction in the
number of cases of adolescent pregnancies.
Contrasting to these are the continued Juan Antonio Perez III, MD, MPH

2021 RPRH Annual Report 7

Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Message from DOH................................................................................................................................................... 5
Message from NEDA................................................................................................................................................. 6
Message from POPCOM........................................................................................................................................... 7
Acronyms...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................. 13
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Policy and Governance............................................................................................................................................ 25
Budget and Financing.............................................................................................................................................. 33
Key Result Area 1: Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health and Nutrition........................................................ 41
Key Result Area 2: Family Planning....................................................................................................................... 53
Key Result Area 3: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health.............................................................. 67
Key Result Area 4: Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS........................................................... 79
Key Result Area 5: Elimination of Violence against Women and Children............................................. 89
Recommendations and Priorities for 2022 (Year 9)....................................................................................... 100

8 2021 RPRH Annual Report

AHD Adolescent Health and Development
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ANC Antenatal Care Visits
AO Administrative Order
ARH Adolescent Reproductive Health
ART Antiretroviral Therapy
ASRH Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
BARMM Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
BEmONC Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
BHW Barangay Health Worker
BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation
CALABARZON Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon Provinces
CAR Cordillera Administrative Region
CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
CHD Center for Health Development
COC Combined Oral Contraceptive
COVID-19 Coronavirues disease
CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
CRVS Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
CSE Comprehensive Sexual Education
CSO Civil Society Organization
CWC Council for the Welfare of Children
DepEd Department of Education
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DM Department Memorandum
DMPA Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
DOH Department of Health
DOLE Department of Labor and Employment
DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development
EO Executive Order
FB Facebook
FBD Facility-based Delivery
FHSIS Field Health Service Information System
FP Family Planning
FPCBT Family Planning Competency Based Training
FPET Family Planning Estimate Tool
FPS Family Planning Survey
GAA General Appropriations Act
GBV Gender-based Violence
GIDA Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas
HARP HIV/AIDS and ART Registry

2021 RPRH Annual Report 9

HCT HIV Counselling and Testing
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus /Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
IACAT Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-trafficking
IACVAWC Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children
ICV Informed Choice and Voluntarism
IEC Information, Education, and Communication
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
IUD Intrauterine Device
KAP Key Affected Population
KRA Key Results Area
LAM Lactational Amenorrhea Method
LAPM Long Acting Permanent Method
LCAT-VAWC Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Children
LGU Local Government Unit
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MCP Modern Contraceptive Prevalence
mCPR Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio
MNCHN Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health and Nutrition
MOH Ministry of Health
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MRLs Muslim Religious Leaders
MSM Men having Sex with Men
NAPC National Anti-Poverty Commission
NASPC National AIDS and STI Prevention and Control Program
NCR National Capital Region
NDHS National Demographic and Health Survey
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NGA National Government Agencies
NGO Non-Government Organization
NIT National Implementation Team
NMR Neonatal Mortality Rate
NNC National Nutrition Council
NOH National Objectives for Health
NSV Non-Scalpel Vasectomy
NYC National Youth Commission
OC Oral Contraceptive
OHAT Outpatient HIV and AIDS Treatment
PCW Philippine Commission on Women
PHIC Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
PHO Provincial Health Office
PLHIV People Living with HIV
PNAC Philippine National AIDS Council
PNP Philippine National Police
POP Progestogen-Only Pill
POPCOM Commission on Population and Development
PSA Philippine Statistics Authority

10 2021 RPRH Annual Report

RA Republic Act
RH Reproductive Health
RHU Rural Health Unit
RP-FP Responsible Parenting and Family Planning
RPRH Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health
SBA Skilled Birth Attendance
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SOCCSKSARGEN South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani and General Santos
SRHR Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
STI Sexually Transmitted Infection
TOT Training of Trainers
U4U Youth for Youth
UHC Universal Health Care
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VAW Violence Against Women
VAWC Violence Against Women and Children
WCPU Women and Child Protection Units
WHO World Health Organization
WRA Women of Reproductive Age

2021 RPRH Annual Report 11

Executive Summary
Introduction management approaches and tactics to avert
the collapse of RH service delivery. This was
The right to health is upheld by the greatly helped by the early installation of
enactment of RA 10354 or the Responsible policies and guidelines that called for the
Parenthood and Reproductive Health prioritization of such services.
Law. Despite the slow pace, progress is
being made in protecting and meeting the The initial success of these initiatives may
reproductive health needs of Filipinos. Most point the way forward to how the country
of the outcome indicators1 for reproductive can expand its reach and serve the health
health have improved slightly, but some needs of more Filipinos while fortifying the
have remained stagnant for the past years. health system’s resilience to the pandemic.

With less than ten years to go to fulfill Coincidentally, the RPRH National
the Sustainable Development Goals, the Implementation Team is poised to develop
country needs to go beyond the “business- the Multi-sectoral Strategy and Operational
as-usual” approaches to accelerate actions Plan for the RPRH (2022-2026). The
towards universal access to reproductive opportunity to solidify its alignment
health services. However, the global with the Universal Health Care Act and
COVID-19 crisis brought a massive shock the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling is at hand.
to the health systems, costing the country Stronger buy-in among national government
four years’ worth of efforts2 in meeting the agencies and local government units (LGUs)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to prioritize and invest resources for RPRH
related to reproductive health. programs and services is thus crucial for
the smooth transition to health service
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, decentralization.
the national government and local
government units continue with the Policy and Governance
struggle to safeguard and ensure the
delivery of essential reproductive health The National Implementation Team (NIT) is
services while implementing an emergency in the initial stages of developing the Multi-
response program on top of an already sectoral Strategy and Operational Plan for
strained health system. RPRH program the RPRH (2022-2026). This is one of the
implementers sustained high-impact important steps that the NIT is taking to
strategies and employed innovative adaptive address the issues and recommendations
1 Maternal mortality ratio; infant, neonatal, and child mortality, forwarded by the Philippine Institute for
total fertility rate, HIV prevalence, violence against women and
children. etc.
Development Studies, commissioned to
2 Commission on Population and Development, 2021 assess the implementation of RA 10354.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 13

Major findings highlight the need for more PhilHealth reimbursements for RH services
“horizontal integration of RPRH activities” have been on a gradual decline as well for
among national government agencies, the last couple of years. In 2021, claims paid
streamlining these into a comprehensive by PhilHealth for RPRH-related services,
set of basic RH services for LGUs’ smooth namely, family planning, maternal, infant and
uptake. child health, treatment of STD and HIV/AIDS
infections, treatment of female breast and
Among the major policies issued during genital conditions, and men’s health decreased
the year is Executive Order No. 141 significantly by 14.34 percent from 2020
or “Adopting as a National Priority the figures. Issues related to COVID-19 induced
Implementation of Measures to Address lockdowns and restrictions continue to affect
the Root Causes of the Rising Number of the availability and access of services through
Teenage Pregnancies” signed by President accredited facilities.
Rodrigo Duterte in June 2021. The EO
mandates all government entities to Performance in
coordinate and pursue programs and
interventions related to comprehensive Key Result Areas
sexuality education, education and
employment opportunities for the young, KRA1: Maternal, Newborn, Child Health
as well as health promotion through media and Nutrition (MNCHN)
and communication platforms.
Status and Trends. The total deliveries
Signed into law in December 10, 2021, reported in the DOH Field Health
Republic Act No. 11596 or an “Act Information System (FHSIS) have continued
to decline over the course of five years, from
Prohibiting the Practice of Child Marriage”
2017 to 2021. The same trend was observed
is another milestone in safeguarding the
in registered live births by the Philippine
rights of children in the Philippines. Child
Statistics Authority (PSA) in the same
marriage increases the likelihood and risks
period. According to the FHSIS, utilization
of early pregnancy, childbirth, maternal of maternal care services has remained
mortality, and sexual violence. high ranging between 83 and 96 percent.
Coverage under the Fully Immunized Child
Budget and Financing has been declining over the past decade and
with the impact of COVID19 pandemic,
The overall national government budget the coverage was further decreased, leaving
for RPRH programs has been on a almost a million children susceptible to
vaccine preventable diseases. The country
downward trajectory for the past years. In
has performed consistently in reaching the
2021, the Department of Health (DOH)
50 percent exclusive breastfeeding of infants
and the Commission on Population and
below six months of age target set by World
Development (POPCOM) allocated Health Assembly Resolution of 65.9 in 2012,
a combined Php 15.64 billion for the averaging 56 percent from 2014 to 2019.
implementation of RPRH Law initiatives.
This is 17 percent lower than the Php18.88 Highlights of Initiatives. With the easing
billion budget in 2020. The decrease in of lockdowns, LGUs intensified home
allocation continues to be attributed to the visitations that integrate information-
shift to cash-based budgeting that led to the giving and counseling with antenatal
adjustment of program budget ceilings. check-ups, micronutrient supplementation
and immunization, including tracking of

14 2021 RPRH Annual Report

high risk pregnancies. Innovative catch-up Highlights of Initiatives. Partners
immunization drives were also pursued to continued to implement innovative tactics
safeguard children from vaccine-preventable and approaches to ensure that much needed
diseases. In addition, 23,521 human FP counseling, services, and commodities
resources for health have been trained and are available to those who need it. Online
deployed especially in hard-to-reach areas to and teleconsultation platforms and mobile
support maternal and child care. The DOH applications were maximized for addressing
introduced the Health Promotion Playbook queries about FP, for re-supply, as well as
on nutrition and immunization to assist local for referrals. Partners also implemented
implementers in rolling out health promotion FP on wheels and other counterparts as
interventions in their communities. a simple courier system for delivering FP
products. Capacity building activities for
Priorities for 2022. Partners will work on health providers and health facilities shifted
the development and implementation of to online platforms. With the easing of
the blended/e-Learning platform for Basic lockdowns, LGUs intensified house-to-house
Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care visits or bahay-bahayan sessions to re-supply
facilities with guidelines on operating under and refer clients for FP. Online and face-to-
a new normal set-up. The integration of the face communication and marketing activities
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and aimed at creating greater acceptance and
Adolescent Policy in the Omnibus Guidelines demand for FP were pursued by multisectoral
will also be pursued as part of the effort of partners at national, regional and local levels.
ensuring the delivery of reproductive health
services in the face of any health emergency Priorities for 2022. To ensure funding
crisis. for FP programs at the national, regional
and local levels, the Department of Budget
KRA2: Family Planning (FP) Management will work on the release of
the augmentation fund for FY 2021 and
Status and Trends. The Field Health Service to include FP program in the National
Information System (FHSIS) of the DOH Expenditure Program (NEP) and local
reported around 7.5 million users of modern budget circulars for FY 2022. DOH and
FP methods by the end of 2021. This is POPCOM will continue to strengthen the co-
slightly higher (by 2%) compared to last year’s management of the National Family Planning
report of 7.4 million FP users. The Family Program and provide guidance and capacity
Planning Estimation Tool (FPET) projected building assistance to LGUs in the delivery
an increasing trend in the indicator Modern of quality FP services. Other initiatives
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) to be prioritized by DOH, POPCOM and
among women of reproductive age with an partners for 2022 include: 1) development
mCPR estimate of 26.4 percent in 2021 and is and implementation of the Comprehensive
projected to increase to 26.7 percent by 2022. Outpatient Benefit Package of PhilHealth to
This estimate is below the national target of cover short-acting methods of FP, namely
30 percent mCPR by 2022 in the National OC pills, injectables, and male condoms
Objectives for Health (NOH). The unmet need and 2) integration of FP services in the
for FP decreased from 10.8 percent in 2017 to comprehensive primary care service package
10.1 percent in 2021. The unmet need for FP through the development and issuance of
continued to decline, however, at a slower pace Omnibus Health Guidelines for Health.
compared to mCPR. As a result, the demand
satisfied with a modern method increased
from 55.6 percent in 2017 to 58.1 percent in

2021 RPRH Annual Report 15

KRA3: Adolescent Sexual and Priorities for 2022. Partners will prioritize
Reproductive Health (ASRH) the creation of a core technical working
group for the implementation of EO
Status and Trends. Data from the Philippine 141 under the purview of the Human
Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that the Development and Poverty Reduction
number of live births among adolescents 15 Cabinet Cluster. The implementation and
to 19 years old has been on a gradual decline monitoring of the Omnibus Guidelines
beginning in 2015, with a sudden drop in and Tools for Adolescents integrating RH
figures noted in 2020. While the number services across FP, STI/HIV, MNCHN,
of live births among the younger age group and GBV will also be prioritized, including
of 10 to 14 years old had been increasing, the new guidelines for the certification
it also went down in 2020. The significant of AFHFs. Partners will also support the
reduction may be attributed to changes in
conduct of the Young Adult Fertility and
the sexual risk behaviors of adolescents due
Sexuality Survey (YAFSS), which will be an
to less socialization during the COVID-19
important source of data and information to
lockdown. In terms of adolescent fertility rates,
guide planning and decision-making in the
PSA estimates also show a declining trend
with a significant drop observed between 2019 design and implementation of policies and
and 2020, specifically from 35 children per programs related to ASRH.
1,000 females in 2019 to 30 children per 1,000
females in 2020. This indicates that the country KRA4: Sexually Transmitted Infections
is progressing well in its effort to curb the and HIV/AIDS
burgeoning issue of teenage pregnancy.
Status and Trends. Between January
Highlights of Initiatives. National agencies, and December 2021, the HIV/AIDS and
regional offices and LGUs have initiated Art Registry of the Philippines (HARP)
supportive policies and programs in line confirmed 12,341 additional HIV-positive
with Executive Order No. 141. Implementing individuals. This brings the total reported
partners continue to engage adolescents, cases since January of 1984 (when the
parents, teachers, health workers as well as first HIV infection in the Philippines
the general public to protect the sexual and was reported) to 94, 337. There was a 54
reproductive health of adolescents through percent increase in the annual diagnosed
online national campaigns, discussion cases reported in 2021 (12,341) compared
platforms, and trainings. Partners continue to to the reported cases in 2020 (8,036). This
strengthen adolescent-friendly health facilities means that in terms of the average number
(AFHF), information service delivery networks, of people newly diagnosed with HIV per
community-based and school-based teen
day, the figure jumped from 22 to 34 newly
centers or hubs to cater to the various sexual
diagnosed individuals per day in 2021.
and reproductive health needs of adolescents
Treatment among newly diagnosed PLHIVs
across the country. Partners also pursued
has improved from 65 percent during pre-
the roll-out of the Comprehensive Sexuality
Education – Adolescent Reproductive Health pandemic (2019) to 72 percent in 2021.
(CSE-ARH) Convergence program, engaging
buy-in and building the capacity of schools Highlights of Initiatives. To ensure the
to implement the same in selected pilot sites continuous availability and provision of
in the country. A new program is in its initial services to people living with HIV, facilities
stage which will be focused on providing social such as social hygiene clinics, treatment
protection for teenage mothers who are minors hubs and rural health units remained open,
and their children. while other clinics adjusted their clinic
hours to accommodate patients. DOH made

16 2021 RPRH Annual Report

available pre-exposure prophylaxis (or the implementation of government-imposed
PrEP), which is medicine taken to prevent lockdowns, which limited VAW victim-
getting HIV, in selected high burden regions. survivors from reporting the abuse. Central
Expansion of rHIVda sites also continued in Visayas had the highest recorded VAW cases
2021 with 29 licensed laboratories situated making up 15 percent of the total reported
across the country providing rHIVda cases. PNP data show that violence against
services. PhilHealth revised the Outpatient children with disabilities 0 to 17 years old
HIV and AIDS Treatment (OHAT) Package increased by 30 percent from the previous year.
to include DOH-licensed laboratories
Higlights of Initiatives. A 911 Emergency
capable of providing rHIVda services.
National Hotline was installed to provide
Online multi-sectoral campaigns engaging
VAW victim-survivors a toll-free, easy-to-
key populations, vulnerable groups, as well
remember, accessible, and survivor-centered
as the public on where to go for their sexual
hotline. Ongoing trainings are being conducted
health needs and concerns continue to be for service providers on properly responding
pursued by various stakeholders. to calls and providing immediate referral to
relevant agencies or organizations. Online and
Priorities for 2022. The dissemination tri-media campaigns by various implementing
and implementation of the HIV Adaptive partners pushed for greater action against all
Plan is a priority for 2022. DOH and forms of violence, while raising awareness on
partners will continue to work with local how victims-survivors can seek help. DSWD is
government units and various health currently developing the Counseling Services
facilities to strengthen the broad range of for Rehabilitation of Perpetrators of Domestic
services available to key population groups Violence Project, which is a simplified
using locally available resources and funds. counseling model designed specifically for
Another priority is support for rHIVda the male perpetrators of domestic violence.
expansion through capacity building of DILG continues to assess Barangay VAW desks
health service providers, provision of for their functionality to cater to the needs of
equipment, test kits and other commodities, victims-survivors.
among others. Online national campaigns
and availability of online reporting platforms Priorities for 2022. An assessment of the
will continue to assist victims-survivors of Anti-Violence against Women and Children
violence. Act of 2004 will be pursued as basis for the
next IACVAWC3 Strategic plan and possible
amendments to the said law. An inventory of
KRA5: Elimination of Violence Against
VAW-related trainings carried out by various
Women and Children (EVAWC)
stakeholders will be done to guide the crafting
of the National VAW Training Plan. Partners
Status and Trends. During the pandemic,
will continue to conduct capacity building
requests for assistance from VAW victim-
activities for LGUs on VAW. Partners will
survivors via the hotlines managed by the
intensify advocacy activities to encourage
Philippine Commission on Women, more
male participation in GAD-related activities
than tripled in 2020 compared with the 2019
through the reactivation and strengthening of
level when there was no COVID -19 yet in
male organizations in government agencies
the country. In 2021, it further went up to
and LGUs. Completion of the Harmonization
602 cases from only 120 cases in 2019. In
Manual, including reporting flow, data sharing
contrast, the Philippine National Police noted
protocols and other guidelines, is also a
a downward trend of reported VAW cases
priority to maximize data for planning and
from 2017 to 2021, with the most significant
change happening between 2020 to 2021.
The recent decrease may be attributed to 3 Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their

2021 RPRH Annual Report 17

Context, Challenges and Opportunities

Reproductive Health as a unchanged. However, with the current rate
of decrease in MMR, the country is far from
Priority Agenda achieving the Sustainable Development Goal
of 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030.
The death of a mother during pregnancy,
while in delivery, and immediately after, has Maternal deaths in the country are most
devastating impacts not only on the infant’s prevalent among poor Filipino women
chance of survival and future development with low educational attainment. Moreover,
but also on the wellbeing of the family and the adolescent pregnancies contribute to maternal
development of the community. deaths. In the Philippines, the country
registered 177 maternal deaths among the 10
Maternal mortality is widely accepted as to 19 years old age group in 2019.8
a key indicator of a country’s health and
socio-economic development.4 According To improve maternal health, barriers that limit
to the World Health Organization, around access to quality maternal health services must
94 percent of all maternal deaths worldwide be identified and addressed at both health
occur in low-resource settings, most could system and societal levels.9 It is also vital to
have been prevented.5 The maternal mortality prevent unintended pregnancies. According
ratio (MMR) in resource-poor countries is to the World Health Organization, all
15 times higher than that in wealthy nations, women, including adolescents, need access to
and within countries, the poorest women see contraception and quality post-abortion care.
the greatest risk of dying during pregnancy or
childbirth.6 However, in the Philippines, unintended
pregnancy is common, in part because of
In the Philippines, maternal deaths decreased the high unmet need for family planning.10
only slightly from 111 per 100,000 live births Forty-eight percent of unmarried women and
in 2010 to 108 per 100,000 live births in 17 percent of currently married women aged
2018.7 Despite the minimal improvement 15 to 49 have expressed intention to space
in maternal health outcomes, this is an or limit their children but are not using any
important development considering that for method of family planning.
almost a decade, MMR levels have remained
4 Sajedinejad, S., Majdzadeh, R., Vedadhir, A. et al. Maternal
mortality: a cross-sectional study in global health. Global Health 8 Philippine Statistics Authority (Data on deaths are those reg-
11, 4 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-015-0087-y istered at the Office of the City/Municipal Registrars throughout
5 World Health Organization, Maternal mortality (who.int) the country and submitted to the Office of the Civil Registrar
6 Moucheraud, C., Worku, A., Molla, M. et al. Consequences General using Certificate of Death-Municipal Form No. 103),
of maternal mortality on infant and child survival: a 25-year 2019
longitudinal analysis in Butajira Ethiopia (1987-2011). Reprod 9 WHO, Maternal mortality (who.int)
Health 12, S4 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/1742-4755-12- 10 Unmet need for FP refers to the proportion of currently
married women who are not using any method of FP but do not
S1-S4 want any more children or prefer to space births.
7 Philippine Statistics Office MMR Estimates, 1980-2018. 2018
estimates released in 2020.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 19

Unmet need for FP is consistently highest lingering psychological trauma, sexually
among women 15 to 19 years old compared to transmitted infections including HIV, and
any other age group.11 even death.15 Gender-based violence also
comes at a high social and economic costs as
Family planning, particularly spacing births it negatively impacts the world of work.16
to at least three years, apart from improving
maternal and child health services, can reduce Sexually transmitted infections, including
infant mortality. Children born less than two HIV, are a growing concern for adolescents
years apart are almost twice as likely to die and young people in the country. The country
in the first year of life as children born three has the fastest-growing HIV epidemic in Asia
years apart.12 In terms of maternal and child and the Pacific with a 237 percent increase in
health services, children delivered at a health new HIV infections from 2010 to 2020 (AIDS
facility are likely to experience lower mortality Epidemic Model-Spectrum, May 2021).17 As
than children delivered at home because of December 2021, the total reported cases
such facilities usually provide a sanitary since January of 1984 (when the first HIV
environment and medically correct birth infection in the Philippines was reported)
assistance.13 Another vital health intervention has reached 94,337. Ninety-four percent of
is breastfeeding which provides the needed those diagnosed were male and 6 percent were
nutritional support to protect babies from the female.18
risk of disease or death from infection.
Although progress has been made in
Latest available data show a gradual protecting and meeting the reproductive
improvement on infant mortality rate and health needs of women, men, and adolescents,
under-five mortality rate, while neonatal most of the health outcome indicators have
mortality rates remained the same. Infant improved slightly or remained stagnant for
mortality rate was at 21 deaths per 1,000 live the past years. With less than ten years to go
births, under-five mortality rate was at 27 and to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals,
neonatal mortality rate was at 14, also inching the country needs to go beyond the “business-
closer to the Sustainable Development Goal of as-usual” approaches to accelerate actions
12 deaths per 1,000 target.14 It should be noted towards universal access to reproductive
that two-thirds of the total infant deaths health services.
happened during the neonatal period.
Greater prioritization of RA 10354 or the
Another threat to the health, well-being Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
and development of women and girls is Health Act remains imperative to the
gender-based violence. According to the achievement of the SDGs. Its importance
2017 National Demographic Health Survey cannot be underestimated, particularly in
(NDHS), one in 20 women and girls aged helping Filipino mothers survive pregnancy
15 to 49 have experienced sexual violence and childbirth, protecting infants health,
in their lifetime. The health consequences giving couples and individuals the tools to
of violence are enormous and include make informed choices about their families,
permanent disability, unwanted pregnancies, and contributing to the improvement of the
11 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey, Philippine
sexual and reproductive health of young
Statistics Authority 15 Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response, United
12 Philippine Statistics Authority (psa.gov.ph) Nations Population Fund, Philippines. https://philippines.unfpa.
13 Ajaari, J., Masanja, H., Weiner, R., Abokyi, S. A., & Owu- org/en/node/15307
su-Agyei, S. (2012). Impact of Place of Delivery on Neonatal 16 International Labour Organization, Gender-based vio-
Mortality in Rural Tanzania. International journal of MCH and lence comes at high social and economic cost (ilo.org)
AIDS, 1(1), 49–59. https://doi.org/10.21106/ijma.10 17 A Briefer on the Philippine HIV estimates, Department of
14 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey, Philippine Health (undated)
18 HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP), 2021
Statistics Authority.

20 2021 RPRH Annual Report

COVID-19 Impacts on Reproductive Health
Preliminary results from a study by the [Figure 1]. Inspite of these concerns, it is worth
University of the Philippines Population noting that 57 percent of respondents agree
Institute (UPPI) and the United Nations that government efforts to solve the issues are
Population Fund (UNFPA) reported that adequate (consisting of 23% very adequate and
the pre-existing underlying vulnerabilities of 34% somewhat adequate).
women and girls are worsening because of the
indirect effects of the pandemic. In 2020, the Department of Health reported
that HIV testing decreased by 61 percent. It was,
The study said that the COVID-19 pandemic however, observed that the average number of
has disrupted family planning and maternal people newly diagnosed with HIV per day had
and newborn health services globally. In the only decreased by about 37 percent, from 35
Philippines, this situation may contribute to a day in 2019 to 22 a day by the end of 2020.
the significant increase in the annual maternal This may indicate that a substantial number of
deaths and unintended pregnancies for 2020, individuals were left undetected in 2020.
when the study was conducted. Intimate partner
violence is also expected to increase, partly The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
because women and girls are more likely to be reported that the poverty incidence among the
stuck with the abusers at home, although many population increased to 23.7 percent during the
of such gender-based violence cases will be first half of 2021 from 21.1 percent in the same
unreported, the study revealed. period of 2018. This translates to 3.9 million
more Filipinos living in poverty.1
Results of a survey done by the Social Weather
Stations in November 2020 reported similar According to the Commission on Population
issues felt by Filipino women during the and Development (POPCOM), the pandemic
pandemic. Of the 1,500 adults surveyed has cost the country four years’ worth of
nationwide, 59 percent said that the most effort in meeting the reproductive health and
important problem Filipino women face today population and development-related Sustainable
is early teenage pregnancy, this is followed by Development Goals.
physical violence and unexpected pregnancy
1 Philipppine Statistics Authority, Press Release, December 2021

Figure 1. Most important problems of women today, Philippines, November 2020

Most Important Problem of Women Today, November 2020

Can't get service or info on FP
4% Emotional violence

7% Sexual violence
Unexpected pregnancy
Physical violence
Early teenage pregnancy


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: Social Weather Stations, November 2020

2021 RPRH
2021 RPRHAnnual
Annual Report 21
Report 21
people, to the eradication of gender-based seemed to have positive results in curbing
violence, and to the prevention of sexually teenage pregnancy as well as the transmission
transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. of sexually transmitted infections, including
Challenges and RPRH program implementers at the national
Opportunities and local level managed to avert the collapse
of essential reproductive health services
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, by sustaining high-impact strategies and
the national government and local employing innovative adaptive management
government units continue with the struggle approaches and tactics to deliver the
to safeguard and ensure the delivery of same. This was greatly helped by the early
essential reproductive health services while installation of policies and guidelines that
implementing an emergency response called for the prioritization of such services.
program on top of an already strained health More than policies, however, the concerted
system. efforts of RPRH program implementers
at national and local levels, together with
Beginning in 2020 up to this reporting partners from the civil society organizations
period, the country suffered a great shock to and development organizations, helped
its healthcare systems, including protection programs maintain some footing in service
mechanisms for women and children. delivery amidst the raging pandemic.
Disruption of services and re-alignment of
resources away from essential reproductive Reproductive health service delivery has
health care to prioritize COVID-19 response indeed been adversely impacted by the
were felt across all levels of health and social pandemic but at the same time, it has created
service delivery. Human resources meant opportunities to accelerate effective strategies.
to provide essential health services were
reassigned to COVID-19 response, including Given the urgent need to overcome the
vaccination roll-outs across the country. Some many operational hindrances, implementers
hospitals and other health facilities were and partners gave rise to various online
suspended from providing family planning mechanisms, reaching a massive number of
counseling and services and designated as people at less cost compared to traditional
COVID-19 referral facilities. media and face-to-face engagements.
However, there is danger that people who lack
Government-mandated lockdowns essential the technological know-how and access to
to prevent the spread of COVID-19 greatly digital platforms, may be left behind from life-
limited the conduct of demand generation, saving support and assistance. With the easing
service provision, monitoring, and capacity of community quarantines (allowing the
building activities as well as disrupted supply resumption of house-to-house visits, face-to-
chains for health commodities. face community engagements, and moderated
access to health and shelter facilities), an
Mobility restrictions and fear of contracting integrated service delivery package awaits
COVID-19, likewise hindered people from more and more beneficiaries to ensure
seeking timely health care and treatment, continuum of care.
including reporting violence and abuse. The
required health protocols such as swab tests, The initial success of these initiatives may
also served as a barrier to accessing needed point the way forward to how the country can
health and protection services. On the other expand its reach and serve the health needs
hand, changes in sexual practices due to less of more Filipinos, while fortifying the health
socialization during the COVID-19 lockdown system’s resilience to the pandemic.

22 2021 RPRH Annual Report

This is especially relevant as the National The year 2022 will see the National
Government moves forward with the Implementation Team and partners further
implementation of the Universal Health clarifying the delineation of roles between
Care (UHC) Act. Signed into law in 2019, and among national government agencies
the UHC rallies all health-related programs and LGUs in the implementation of the
to ensure equitable access to quality and RPRH Law. Stronger buy-in among national
affordable health care and protection against government agencies and LGUs to prioritize
financial risk. UHC is complemented by the and invest resources for RPRH programs and
Mandanas-Garcia Ruling which pushes for services is thus crucial. This will facilitate
the decentralization of health service delivery the smooth transition to a sustainable
by building the capacity and empowering decentralized health service delivery that is
LGUs with the autonomy and resources to truly responsive to the needs of the poor and
deliver a range of government services to their vulnerable population, and a strong health
constituents. systems that is resilient against any emergency
health crisis.
Coincidentally, the RPRH National
Implementation Team is poised to develop the
Multi-sectoral Strategy and Operational Plan
for the RPRH (2022-2026) to address, among
others, the “fragmented responses across
government agencies in enforcing the RPRH
Law” and to help and build the capacity of
LGUs to deliver essential reproductive health

The opportunity to solidify alignment of the

RPRH Law with the Universal Health Care
Act and the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling is at
hand. However, RPRH implementers and
partners will need to carefully plan for and
install mitigating measures to address issues
that may arise during the transition process
of health governance decentralization. The
World Bank cautions that the transition
process for UHC and the Mandanas-Garcia
Ruling could lead to a large gap in service
delivery if there is lack of coordination
between the national and local government
and weak implementation capacity of LGUs.
Strong partnerships between the national
government and the local government is thus
crucial during this period.20

19 “An Assessment of the National-Level Governance of the

Philippines’ Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health
Law: Trends and Ways Forward”, Philippine Institute for Devel-
opment Studies, Valerie Gilbert T. Ulep, Jhanna Uy, Vanessa T. Siy
Van, and Joy Bagas, February 2021
20 https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-re-

2021 RPRH Annual Report 23

Policy and Governance

24 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Assessment of the RPRH
Law Implementation
In 2019, the National Implementation Team
(NIT) commissioned the Philippine Institute The National Implementation
for Development Studies (PIDS) to review Team (NIT) provides technical and
administrative oversight of the
and assess the implementation of RA 10354
implementation of the RPRH Law.
or the RPRH Law. Its periodic review (every
Created in January 2015 through DOH
5 years) is mandated under section 13.01
Administrative Order 2015-0002, the
of its Implementing Rules and Regulations. NIT is comprised of representatives
Although RA 10354 was passed in 2012, from national government agencies
legal obstacles that led to the issuance of a (NGAs), namely:
temporary restraining order by the Supreme
Court delayed its full implementation until • Department of Health
2014. The purpose of the review is to inform • Commission on Population and
the Congressional Oversight Committee on Development
Reproductive Health, NIT, local government • Food and Drug Authority
units (LGUs) and other stakeholders about key • National Economic and
areas for improvements in the execution of the Development Authority
Law. • Department of Education
• Department of Social Welfare and
However, due to COVID-19-related Development
restrictions, PIDS encountered several delays • Department of Interior and Local
in completing field-related activities needed Government
for the assessment. PIDS managed to complete • Philippine Health Insurance
the task in 2021 and submitted two discussion Corporation
papers, namely: 1) “An Assessment of • National Anti-Poverty Commission
National-Level Governance of the Philippines’ • Philippine Commission on Women
• National Council on Disability
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Law: Trends and Ways Forward”;
• Union of Local Authorities of the
and 2) Process Evaluation of the Responsible
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act (RA • Representatives from civil society
10354): Local Service Delivery Component”. organizations, primarily Likhaan
Center for Women’s Health, Inc
Major findings highlight the need for more • Individual experts invited by the
“horizontal integration of RPRH activities” Secretary of Health.
among national government agencies (NGAs),
streamlining these into a comprehensive set

2021 RPRH Annual Report 25

of basic RH services for easy uptake by LGUs.
Towards this, NGAs need to educate and
Building an Enabling
empower LGUs to provide these basic services Environment for the
as well as make specific policies and programs
based on the needs of local communities”.
All policies that aim to ensure the protection
Additionally, improvements in the national-
and fulfillment of the reproductive health
level governance of the RPRH Law will require
and rights of men, women, and adolescents
the NIT to: 1) “be capacitated with human and
must align with the RPRH Law. This is vital
infrastructure resources to act as an objective
to achieving a stronger and more inclusive
overseer of implementation and develop a
response to the multitude of RPRH issues
unified strategy and operational plan for
faced by the country today. In 2021, national
RPRH”; and 2) “secure LGU buy-in to RPRH,
government agencies, regional offices,
so that NGAs can move away from service
local government units and civil society
delivery and distribution towards governance
organizations worked to advocate, draft, enact
and implement policies and programs that
contribute to the effective implementation of
Development of a the RPRH Law.
Multi-sectoral Strategic Supporting and Protecting Children
Plan for RPRH and Adolescents

During the reporting period, the NIT initiated Republic Act No. 11596 or an “An
the process of developing a unified Multi- Act Prohibiting the Practice of Child
sectoral Strategy and Operational Plan for the Marriage”. Signed into law in December
RPRH (2022-2026). This is one of the priority 10, 2021, Republic Act No. 11596 or an “Act
actions taken by the NIT to address, among Prohibiting the Practice of Child Marriage” is
others, the “fragmented responses across a major milestone in safeguarding the rights
government agencies in enforcing the RPRH of children in the Philippines. Child marriage
Law”. Other priority actions to be undertaken increases the likelihood and risks of early
by the NIT include: 1) streamlining the pregnancy, childbirth, maternal mortality,
implementation of RPRH by institutionalizing and sexual violence. The practice can also
the same in all concerned national government deny children of their right to education
agencies; and 2) developing a monitoring and and perpetuate poverty. Under the law, child
evaluation framework that emphasizes the marriage, including the cohabitation of
accountability of RPRH stakeholders. adults with children, is considered illegal and
imposes penalties against violators, including
With technical and funding assistance from individuals who perform or officiate the
USAID, the development of the strategic marriage or union.
plan will be done in four phases, namely:
understanding the current RPRH reality; Republic Act 11648 or an “Act Raising
formation and capacity building of the RPRH the Age of Sexual Consent”. This proposed
core team; and development of the national bill, which is in advanced stage pending the
RPRH strategic framework and its monitoring signature of the President, seeks to increase
and evaluation framework. Data gathering the age for determining statutory rape to
through desk reviews, conduct of focus groups 16 years old to provide more protection for
discussions and key informant interviews are young people against sexual exploitation and
ongoing. These activities will run until June abuse. The proposed legislation is one of the
2022. Women’s Priority Legislative Agenda (WPLA)

26 2021 RPRH Annual Report

for the 18th Congress of the Philippine Programs on Teenage Pregnancy
Commission on Women.
Social Protection Program for Adolescent
Executive Order No. 141 or “Adopting as Mothers and Their Children (SPPAMC).
a National Priority the Implementation In January 2021, the Senate of the Philippines
of Measures to Address the Root Causes tasked DSWD and POPCOM to oversee this
of the Rising Number of Teenage program with funding earmarked under the
Pregnancies”. This policy, which was General Appropriations Act. Specifically,
issued last June 25, 2021, mandates all the DSWD and POPCOM were tasked to
government entities to synergize all existing develop a social protection program for teenage
coordinative and legal mechanisms related mothers and their children. DSWD and
to the prevention of adolescent pregnancies. POPCOM conducted a series of rapid appraisal
Moreover, the EO assigns tasks to key consultations with National Commission on
stakeholders namely, DOH, DepEd, DILG, Indigenous Peoples, UP Population Institute,
DSWD, POPCOM and NYC to coordinate United Nations Children’s Fund, and National
and pursue programs and interventions Nutrition Council to understand the situation
related to comprehensive sexuality of adolescent mothers, the factors that led
education, education and employment them into early pregnancy, and the risks and
opportunities for the young, as well as vulnerabilities they face. The rapid appraisals
health promotion through media and were held in Regions NCR, Region 2, 4A, 5,
communication platforms. 6, and 10, the results of which were presented
in a national planning workshop. Resolutions
Policy issuances released in support of were adopted by various local government units
Executive Order No. 141: Region 2 (1 which authorized their local chief executives to
LGU Executive Order); Region 4B (2 enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with
resolutions, 1 province ordinance, 2 the POPCOM for the implementation of the said
DepEd memorandums); Region 6 (4 LGU program.
ordinances); Region 7 (5 policies); Region
9 (1 RDC resolution); and Region 11 (1 The Challenge Initiative (TCI). This is a five-
barangay executive order). year collaboration project between POPCOM
and the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) with
Amendment of the RPRH Law (RA support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute
10354). POPCOM prepared the draft for Population and Reproductive Health and
bill amending RA 10354, specifically the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
providing access to services for adolescents Public Health. The Initiative for cities pursues
as suggested by the Regional Development a “business unusual” approach wherein local
Council (RDC) 8. The amendments governments are given the option to participate,
were then endorsed to the House of committing their own human and financial
Representatives. resources and political will to solving teenage
pregnancy challenges through high-impact
Administrative Order 2021-0045 - approaches. A series of coordinative activities,
Guidelines on the Conduct of Catch-up orientation, inception and assessments meetings
Immunization of Routine Immunization were conducted for the preparation of the
for Children. The Philippines closed the implementation of the TCI to LGUs. Inception
polio outbreak last June 2021 and measles meetings were conducted in Iloilo City,
cases were decreased as a result of a series CALABARZON, Santiago City, Baguio City, San
of supplemental immunization activities Jose City, Naga City, Tacurong City, and General
conducted from 2019 to 2021. With the Santos City. After the inception meetings with
success of these campaigns, it is important various LGUs, Program Design Workshops were
to strengthen routine immunization conducted with the same pilot areas.

2021 RPRH
2021 RPRH Annual
Annual Report 27
Report 27
to mitigate threats of resurgence. The information in NCIP’s work and financial
policy AO 2021-0045, institutionalized plan and develop culturally sensitive
catch-up immunization as part of routine ASRHR modules for adolescent from
immunization for children. If infants missed indigenous cultutal communities.
their schedule for routine immunization,
they can still avail the recommended • Memorandum of Understanding between
vaccines up to 23 months of age following POPCOM and the National Council on
the recommended dosages, schedules and Disability Affairs (NCDA) to include
intervals stated in the policy. Other policies AHD Program and ASRHR information
issued for immunization in children are the in NCDA’s work financial plan and
following: develop ASRHR modules for persons with
• Department Memorandum 2021-0360
entitled “Reinforcing Bakuna Wednesdays • Position Paper on House Bill No. 9059 or
for Routine Immunization” - issuance “An Act to Ensure Gender Responsive and
that specified every Wednesdays as Inclusive Protocols and Programming to
national vaccination days for routine Address the Gender-Different Needs of
immunization Women During COVID-19 and Other
Public Health Concerns, Emergencies
• Department Memorandum 2021- and Disasters, that may be considered to
0542 entitled “Guidelines on the improve its legislative measure”.
implementation of Two (2)-Dose
Inactivated Vaccine (IPV) in the Routine • Position Paper on Senate Bill 2068
Immunization for Children” - to provide or “Strengthening the Protection of
additional protection against polioviruses, Children against Online Sexual Abuse
the NIP now includes another dose of IPV and Exploitation, Amending Anti-Child
vaccine in the routine immunization for Pornography Act of 2009 and Anti-Photo
children and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009 and for
Other Purposes”.
Other policy initiatives by National
Government Agencies in 2021: Meeting the RPRH Needs of Couples,
Individuals and their Families
• DepEd Department Order 03, s.2021
titled Creation of the Child Protection DOH Administrative Order No. 2021-
Unit and the Child Rights in Education 0025 or the “National Policy and
Desk in the Department of Education. Strategic Framework on the Men’s Health
Program”. This DOH Administrative Order
• DOH and POPCOM JMC No. 01, No. 2021-0025 aims to provide a strategic
series of 2021: Observance of the framework for men’s involvement and
Family Planning Month on August responsibility in reproductive health which is
2021 circularized by DOH CHD FP anchored on the RPRH Law.
Program with the sub-theme I CHOOSE
#MalayaAkongMaging DOH Administrative Order No. 2021-
0039 or “National Policy Framework for
• Memorandum of Understanding between the Elimination of Industrially-Produced
POPCOM and the National Commission Trans-Fatty Acids for the Prevention and
on Indigenous People (NCIP) to include Control of Non-Communicable Diseases”.
AHD Program and Adolescent Sexual and This DOH Administrative Order provides a
Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR) policy framework for the gradual elimination

28 2021 RPRH Annual Report

of industrially-produced TFA from the PhilHealth through the conduct of a landscape
nation’s food supply. The policy focuses on assessment for HIV financing, which
three main objectives namely: regulations on facilitated the revision of the OHAT package.
TFA content of pre-packaged food products,
regulations on nutrition labeling, as well Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 in
as social preparation for the elimination RPRH Service Delivery
of TFA. Eliminating TFA from the nation’s
food supply decreases the risk of developing Department Circular 2021-05075 or
cardiovascular diseases and other non- The HIV Adaptive Plan (HAP). The plan
communicable diseases. aims to sustain HIV services and care while
minimizing the spread of COVID-19. It
AO 2020-0005 or the “Guidelines on provides specific doable measures and
Ensuring Quality Standards in the adjustments to the current implementation
Delivery of Family Planning Program of the national government’s HIV Strategic
and Services Through Compliance to Plan and a range of HIV prevention, testing,
Informed Choice and Voluntarism”. care, and treatment guidelines, including
A policy review of AO 2020-0005 was commodity deliveries and use of digital
conducted to understand health service technologies and social media for demand
providers’ and program managers’ knowledge generation activities. The plan also includes
on the principles and policies of the policy the integration of HIV services into the TB
and document the differences in the app and hotline centers.
implementation of the policies on ICV among
USAID-assisted sites. The initial findings of Intensifying the Family Planning Program.
the policy review were presented to the DOH. POPCOM assisted in the preparation of a
briefer for Policy and Strategic Direction in
Expanding Financing for Key Intensifying the Family Planning Program as
Populations and Vulnerable Groups a Priority Strategy towards recovering from
COVID-19 Pandemic and Similar Crisis
PhilHealth Circular 2021-0025 or Situations.
Outpatient HIV and AIDS Treatment
(OHAT) Package (Revision 2). In this Enhancing National and Local Level
revised circular, the OHAT package was Partnerships and Capacities
expanded to cover HIV confirmatory
testing from Certified rHIVda Confirmatory DOH-DILG Joint Administrative Order
Laboratories (CrCL) which are DOH- No. 2021-0002 or the National Policy
licensed laboratories capable of providing Framework on the Promotion and
rHIVda services. The Circular referred to Recognition of Healthy Communities.
DOH AO No. 2018-0024 (Revised Policies This policy aims to provide a framework for
and Guidelines on the Use of ART among decision-making of LGUs in the development,
PLHIV) as the minimum services to be implementation, and monitoring of their
provided to the OHAT beneficiaries. The policies, plans, and programs for health
circular reiterates that the OHAT Package is and development. The policy indicates that
covered under PhilHealth Circular No. 2021- an LGU shall be recognized as a “healthy
0012 (Modification on the Payment Rules community” if it is able to foster a health
of Benefit Packages under All Case Rates promoting environment and ensure a
(ACR) Policy including COVID-19 Benefit responsive local health system, following the
Packages). PhilHealth will pay the providers World Health Organization’s settings-based
the lower amount between the actual charges approach to health promotion. The policy
and case rates. USAID provided assistance to

2021 RPRH Annual Report 29

also emphasizes the need for sustainable and tests and release official HIV confirmatory
resilient food systems, safe neighborhoods results in order to facilitate efficient HIV
from violence, and available and accessible testing and treatment initiation.
essential health services, among others.
Memorandum of Agreements and
DOH Department Circular No. 2021-0236 Partnerships Forged. POPCOM penned
Dissemination of the Philippine Health thirty-nine (39) Memorandum of Agreements
Sector HIV Strategic Plan 2020-2022. In (MOA), majority of which were to support
2020, DOH, PNAC and other implementing the localization of the Philippine Population
partners developed the HIV Strategic Management Program and Philippine
Plan (HSP) 2020-2022 to intensify the Population and Development Program.
government’s HIV/AIDS and STI response.
POPCOM also forged eight (8) MOUs to
In 2021, DOH released Department Circular mainstream discussions of PPMP with NCIP,
No. 2021-0236 engaging all local government and NNC, and Family Planning Organization
units, civil society organizations, support of the Philippines - Iloilo Chapter for RPFP
groups, and other private institutions and Implementation. Two (2) partnership
organizations to support the implementation agreements on ensuring access to responsible
of the HIV Strategic Plan. The Plan highlights parenthood and family planning information
approaches and tactics to address the barriers and services especially among members of
to accessing prevention, testing, treatment the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
and care as well as enhancing governance (4Ps). On the other hand, DOH-CHD,
of the health sector response. DOH also forged an MOA with Gaisano Mall, Mom’s
released the following guidelines and policies Birthing Home, and family planning clinic in
supportive of the HIV Strategic Plan: Pagadian City in partnership with USAID and
other agencies last September 30, 2021. The
• Department Memorandum No. 2021- matching strategy was utilized in providing
0017 Interim Guidelines on Pre-Exposure the technical assistance package which
Prophylaxis (PrEP) for the Prevention included the conduct of demand generation
of HIV Infection in the Philippines - and capacity building activities, provision
provides details on the delivery of pre- of FP services, recording and reporting of
exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)services accomplishments, monitoring and evaluation
for people at substantial risk of HIV activities and the installation of sustainability
infection. mechanisms

• Department Memorandum 2021-0201 or Re-organizing DOH’s Disease Prevention

the Directory of DOH-Designated HIV and Control Bureau. Through a Strategic
Treatment Hubs and Primary HIV Care Planning Workshop and an Organizational
Facilities in the Philippines as of April 16, Development Session held last October and
2021 - HIV treatment hub as a hospital November 2021, respectively, DOH developed
with an organized HIV and AIDS Core the 6S Framework (Standards and Strategy,
Team (HACT). Supportive Supervision, Stewardship and
Synergy) to clarify the Disease Prevention
• Department Memorandum 2021-0513 and Control Bureau’s strategic role in UHC.
or the Updated List of Health Facilities Following this, DOH issued a department
with Rapid HIV Diagnostic Algorithm personnel order to guide the reorganization of
(rHIVda) Service as of November 23, the Bureau’s functional units.
2021 - issued as a reference for licensed
health facilities performing three (3) rapid

30 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Contribution of Civil Society

Civil society organizations actively

campaigned for the enhancement and
enactment of various bills on adolescent
pregnancy prevention. Through concerted
efforts with other advocacy groups from
government and development partners, the
Republic Act 11596 or An Act Prohibiting
the Practice of Child Marriage and Imposing
Penalties for Violations was signed into law
last December 10, 2021.

With support from CSOs, several policies

were drafted in Regions 8 and 9, DOH and
the National Nutrition Council drafted the
nutrition part in the UHC manual while, in
Samar, all nutrition related laws have already
been drafted and are awaiting scheduled
reading and approval by the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan (SP). In Northern Samar, the
provincial First 1,000 Days (F1KD) policy
was approved, and in Zamboanga del Norte,
the MNCHN, Nutrition, and F1KD-related
laws were included in the Child Code. Also
at the LGU level, Zuellig Family Foundation’s
partner LGU had an approved municipal
ordinance that protects women and girls from
violence while the Malungon Sangguniang
Kabataan Municipal Federation President
drafted the Municipal Ordinance on
Adolescent Friendly Health Facilities and the
Municipal Youth Code.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 31

Budget and Financing

32 2021 RPRH Annual Report

National Government of DOH, although the recent reduction is
not as significant compared with previous
Investment for RPRH years. From Php 8.35 billion in 2020, this
was reduced to Php 7.76 billion, a reduction
In 2021, the Department of Health (DOH) of seven percent [Table 1]. The decrease in
and the Commission on Population and allocation continues to be attributed to the
Development (POPCOM) allocated shift to cash-based budgeting that led to the
a combined Php 15.64 billion for the adjustment of program budget ceilings. It is
implementation of RPRH Law initiatives. This important to note that HFEP budget allocation
is 17 percent lower than the Php18.88 billion is intended also for other programs of DOH,
budget for 2020. The overall budget for RPRH other than RPRH. Also, the 2021 budget
has been on a downward trend for the past for the HIV/AIDS program was reduced
years beginning in 2018 [Figure 2]. substantially, back to its budget level in 2018.

Substantial decline in the budget has POPCOM allocated Php 137 million in
continuously been observed under the Health 2021 to cover its programs on reproductive
Facility Enhancement Program (HFEP) health/family planning, adolescent

Figure 2. Budget trend for RPRH Law, 2017 to 2021

Budget Line Items for RPRH Law

(in Php Billion)



20 18.88
15.87 15.64

10 7.54 7.76
7.1 7.44 7.55
4.27 3.64
2.5 2.03
0.42 0.49 0.69 0.96 1.09
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

FHNRP EPI HFEP Others Total Budget

Source: General Appropriations Act Budget, 2017-2021

2021 RPRH Annual Report 33

Table 1: Indicative national government budget allocation and obligation (in Php Billion), 2020 and 2021
Agency/Program 2020 2021
Allotment Obligation % Allotment Obligation %

DOH 18.71 11.87 63 15.11 14.81 98

• Family Health and 2.03 1.11 55 1.06 0.89 84
Responsible Parenthood
• Expanded Program on 7.54 3.06 41 5.73 5.63 98
Immunization (EPI)
• Health Facility Enhance- 8.35 6.96 83 7.76 7.76 100
ment Program (HFEP)
• HIV/AIDS 0.79 0.74 94 0.56 0.53 95
POPCOM 0.17 0.06 35 0.13 0.13 100
Total 18.88 11.93 63 15.64 15.33 98
Source: Department of Health, 2020 and 2021

health development, and population and • DOH provided Php 36.5 million for the
development integration. This is a 24 percent conduct of the Young Adult Fertility and
reduction from the allocated budget in 2020. Sexuality Survey (YAFSS) Phase2 in 2021,
mainly for the nationwide training of field
Despite the overall budget reduction for RPRH supervisors and enumerators, and data
programs, DOH, Department of Social Welfare generation activities.
and Development (DSWD) and POPCOM
increased government investments in support • POPCOM has increased its budget
of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health allocation for the Adolescent Health and
interventions in 2021. This is in line with Development (AHD) program from
Executive Order No. 141 which calls on all Php13.7 million in 2020 to Php 52.49
government agencies to prioritize measures to million in 2021 (an increase of 73.9%).
address teenage pregnancies in the country. With the increased budget, POPCOM was
able to reach more than twice its targets
• Under the 2021 DOH-GAA (Family and has provided ASRH information and
Health, Immunization, Nutrition and services to 384,428 adolescents and youth
Responsible Parenthood), a budget of Php in 2021.
10 million for the reduction of adolescent/
teenage pregnancy was sub-allotted to In terms of other program elements of
47 municipalities of provinces with high RPRH, the DOH allocated Php 10 billion
incidence of teenage pregnancy, namely: for the National Immunization Program to
Camiguin, Misamis Occidental, Davao del provide vaccines for infants, adolescents,
Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Occidental, pregnant women, and senior citizens. This
Compostela Valley, and Saranggani. is inclusive of Php 2.5 billion for COVID-19
vaccines for priority target groups. DOH also
• The Department of Budget and allotted a total of Php 2.19 billion for Family
Management earmarked Php10 million Health, Nutrition and Responsible Parenting
under the 2022 General Appropriations to provide micronutrient supplementation
Act for the Social Protection Program for and management of acute malnutrition to
Adolescent Mothers and their Children vulnerable population and family planning
(SPPAMC). Php 6 million was allotted commodities to poor women and of
to POPCOM for the implementation of reproductive age.21
various SPAMMC-related interventions. 21 DOH Budget Briefer, 2021

34 2021 RPRH Annual Report

As per the 2021 National Expenditure tubal ligation, deliveries and IUD and IUD
Program, there was a Php 4.65 billion for claims only), and lower payments of claim in
the Prevention & Control of Infectious 2021.
Disease under Universal Health Care Act
Implementation related proposals. This is to Moreover, the declining trend in live births
provide commodities to diagnose, prevent, noted from 2017 to 2021 reported by the
treat, and control other infectious diseases Philippine Statistics Authority and DOH’s
such as sexually transmitted diseases, Field Health Information System may also
HIV/AIDS, vector-borne diseases, food account for the decreasing number of claims
and waterborne diseases, and emerging under the Maternal Care Package.
and re-emerging infectious diseases. This
is also inclusive of Php 2.67 billion for Issues related to COVID-19 induced
the procurement of Personal Protective lockdowns and restrictions continue to affect
Equipment (PPE) and PhP 1.03 billion for the availability and access of RPRH services
GeneXpert COVID-19 cartridges. through PhilHealth-accredited facilities. Apart
from the reduced cash flow to the health
facilities, additional expenses for purchasing
Government Financing of personal protective equipment (PPEs) have
RPRH Services also prevented facilities from operating except
for those who managed to avail of the Interim
PhilHealth reimbursements for RH services Reimbursement Mechanism (IRM) fund of
have been on a gradual decline for the last PhilHealth, which included Maternity Care
couple of years [Figure 3] owing to various Package-accredited facilities as beneficiaries.
factors, such as timing in getting the data
from PhilHealth database (date of extraction), In 2021, claims paid by PhilHealth for RPRH-
delays due to data cleaning of claims, related services, namely, family planning,
especially for second case rates (ex. bilateral maternal, infant and child health, treatment

Figure 3. Claims paid by PhilHealth for RPRH-related services, 2017 to 2021

Annual PhilHealth Benefit Payments for RPRH Services, 2017-2021

25 23.55



15 13.61


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
FP MNCHN STI and HIV RH-related Cancers Men's RH Total

Source: RPRH Annual Reports, 2017 to 2019, and PhilHealth data 2020 and 2021. *Note: 2020 PhilHealth data was adjusted
after detecting discrepancies in real claim counts for some RPRH services.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 35

Table 2: Summary of claims filed and paid by PhilHealth, 2020 and 2021
2020 2021
Benefit Packages
Amount No. of Claims Amount No. of Claims

Family Planning
Bilateral Tubal Ligation 253,156,000 63,493 201,168,086 51,565
- BTL 1 2,480,000 620 1,497,158 386
- BTL 2 250,676,000 62,873 199,670,928 51,179
IUD insertion 4,760,000 2,722 3,554,364 19,805
Subdermal Implant 43,320,000 16,880 59,677,840 20,241

Vasectomy 108,000 27 272,000 69

Sub-total 301,344,000 83,122 264,672,290 91,680
Maternal Infant and Child Health
Deliveries 11,546,121,210 1,263,911 9,330,645,416 891,218

Newborn Care Package 2,013,815,390 880,834 1,718,969,790 730,369

Maternal Comorbidities 527,074,870 65,566 508,913,283 62,121

Pregnancy Related 853,434,850 88,421 702,505,332 69,050
Sub-total 14,940,446,320 1,417,898 12,261,033,821 1,752,758
Treatment of STD and HIV/AIDS infection
OutPatient HIV/AIDS 629,580,000 83,944 680,291,646 90,836

Sub-total 629,580,000 83,944 680,291,646 90,836

Treatment of Female Breast and Genital Conditions
Benefits for Breast 11,075,000 278 281,184,690 16,446
Benefits for Cervical 15,936,380 1,453 70,921,230 4,759
Sub-total 27,011,380 1,731 352,105,920 21,205
Men’s Health
Benefit for Prostate 0 0 52,164,458 4,635
Sub-total 0 0 52,164,458 4,635
TOTAL 15,898,381,700* 1,586,695 13,610,268,135 1,961,114
Source: 2020-2021 PhilHealth Claims Data – Corporate Planning Department, PhilHealth (unless otherwise indicated) *2020 and
2021 PhilHealth Stats and Charts

*Note: 2020 PhilHealth data was adjusted after detecting discrepancies in real claim counts per service, particularly under bilat-
eral tubal ligation, vasectomy and pregnancy-related procedures.

36 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Table 3: Number of PhilHealth Accredited Health Care Facilities and Providers
2019 2020 2021

Accredited Health Facilities

Hospitals 1,271 1,292 1,292
Infirmaries/Dispensaries 654 623 597
Ambulatory Surgical Clinics 180 177 172
Primary Care Benefit (PCB) Provider 2,523 * 184
Birthing homes/Lying-in Clinics 2,989 2,897 2,754
Stand Along Family Planning Clinics 5 5 5
HIV Treatment Hubs (OHAT Providers) 111 153 152
Number of birthing homes and primary care facili- 1,055 1,032 962
ties providing FP services
Number of municipalities with at least 1 MCP 1,190 1,368 1,315
provider (a)
Total municipalities and cities (b) 1,634 1,634 1,634
Percentage of municipalities and cities with at 73% 84% 80%
least 1 MCP provider (a/b) %
Physicians 39,017 42,944 41,030
Midwives 3,431 3,753 2,711
Source: 2019-2020 PhilHealth Claims Data – Corporate Planning Department, PhilHealth (unless otherwise indicat-
ed) *2019 and 2020 PhilHealth Stats and Charts

of STD and HIV/AIDS infections, treatment However, the data should be interpreted with
of female breast and genital conditions, and caution as some claims for 2021 are still being
men’s health decreased significantly by 14.34 processed and may still be incomplete.
percent from 2020 figures.22 The percentage
decrease is bigger than the change observed Claims for family planning services, including
between 2019 and 2020, which is at 6 percent. benefit payments for treatment of STD and
Specifically, claims in 2020 totaled to around HIV/AIDS infection, treatment of female
Php 15.89 billion, while claims in 2021 were breast and genital conditions, and men’s
pegged at Php 13.61 billion. health make up about six percent of the total
RPRH-related claims paid by PhilHealth in
Maternal, infant and child health benefits 2021. Claims for treatment of female breast
continue to hold the biggest share in and cervical cancer increased significantly in
PhilHealth payment claims at 94 percent of 2021, while claims for family planning services
all RPRH-related claims. Moreover, maternal, decreased during the same year [Table 2].
infant and child health benefits decreased by
17 percent between 2020 to 2021 [Table 2]. Before PhilHealth can make any payments,
facility accreditation is required. In terms
As indicated earlier, the decreasing trend of facility accreditation, the percentage of
in live births may have contributed to municipalities and cities with at least one
the reduction of claims for deliveries and MCP provider has been gradually increasing
newborn care package, among other factors. from 2019 to 2021 [Table 3].
22 PhilHealth 2020 data was adjusted after detecting discrep-
ancies to real claim counts per service, especially under bilateral
tubal ligation, vasectomy and pregnancy-related procedures

2021 RPRH Annual Report 37

USAID Technical Assistance to PhilHealth. Development Organizations
USAID provided technical advice to
PhilHealth on policies resolving issues in co- • The Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
payment, health information system issues, allocated CAD 31.76 million for sexual
and the rising disengagement of providers and reproductive health and rights
which can result in a service delivery issue (SRHR) programs, COVID-19 response
of FP and MNCHN benefits in the long run. to protect SRHR, as well as gender
USAID also facilitated discussions to resolve equality and empowerment programs.
issues on the private provider certification for GAC worked with implementing partners,
eClaims and eKonsulta systems. USAID gave namely: Oxfam Philippines, JHPIEGO,
PhilHealth inputs from its project sites on Likhaan Center for Women’s Health, Inc.,
the implementation of Konsulta and previous Nutritional International – Philippines,
primary care packages. and ADRA Philippines.

Since PhilHealth prefers not to amend any of • The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
its RH-related benefits and instead pursue its Tuberculosis and Malaria allocated Php
integration in the comprehensive outpatient 24,351,333 million for the Philippines
benefit package (COPB), the USAID has Response in Optimizing Testing
shifted its support to Konsulta, the primary Empowered Communities, Treatment and
care package that will serve as precursor to the Sustainability (PROTECTS)
COPB. Extensive support was also provided
in facilitating the accreditation of family • The World Health Organization allocated
planning-maternity care packages (FP-MCP) $2,174,416.00 for the Philippines-WHO
and Konsulta providers across the country. Country Cooperation Strategy 2017-2022
Multiple activities were conducted to support (2020-2021 Biennium)
facilities in securing PhilHealth accreditation
across all identified implementation sites. • The United States Agency for
International Development (USAID)
CSO Contribution. Family Planning allocated $224,000,000.00 for family
Organization of the Philippines (FPOP), planning, maternal, child health
Likhaan Center for Women’s Health (Likhaan), and nutrition, and health systems
Roots of Health (ROH) reported a total of strengthening initiatives under its
Php22.44 million claims paid by PhilHealth Development Objective Agreement
through their PhilHealth-accredited facilities. “Improved Health for Underserved
The amount represented the reimbursements Filipinos” (2019-2024)
for long-acting permanent methods (LAPM) –
subdermal and IUD package and maternal and • The United Nations Population Fund
child health package (MCP). (UNFPA) allocated $7,401,283.49 for
sexual and reproductive health programs
under the 8th Country Programme of
Investments leveraged Assistance
from Partners
• The United Nations Children’s Fund
Various development partners actively (UNICEF) allocated $7,506,196.00
supported the implementation of the RPRH for child’s health programs under the
Law through allocation of budgetary support Philippines-UNICEF Programme of
through programs and projects at the national, Cooperation 2019-2021 Rolling Workplan
regional and local levels.

38 2021 RPRH Annual Report

• The United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) allocated
$7,724,030.92 for the UNAIDS Unified
Budget, Results and Accountability
Framework and Business Unusual Fund
supported Joint UN Plans on AIDS 2021

Contribution of CSOs

For 2021, seven CSOs allocated Php 147.88

million and utilized 95 percent (Php 140.69
million) for RH programs. Said programs
included demand generation activities,
service delivery, capacity building and policy

Among the CSOs’ funding partners were

the following: Embassy of the Netherlands
in the Philippines, Firetree Philanthropy,
Global Affairs Canada-InterPares, Global
Affairs Canada-Oxfam Canada, International
Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF),
Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Foundation,
Korea International Cooperation Agency
(KOICA), Medecins Sans Frontieres
(MSF), Nutrition International, Philippine
Center for Population and Development
(PCPD), The Alvarez Foundation, United
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United
Nations Foundation (UNF), United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA), UN Women,
U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), USAID-ReachHealth, USAID Epic,
Women’s Fund Asia (WFA) and individual

2021 RPRH Annual Report 39

Maternal, Newborn,
Child Health and Nutrition

40 2021 RPRH Annual Report

The Maternal Newborn Child Health and medical needs more accessible to the people,
Nutrition (MNCHN) Strategy of the National as well as guaranteeing adequate protection
Government seeks to rapidly reduce maternal against financial risk.
and neonatal mortality in the country
through coordinated, sustainable and cost- However, in 2020, the COVID-19 global
effective delivery of high quality maternal and outbreak threatened to undermine the gains
newborn health services. Foremost to this is achieved under the MNCHN program, as
enhancing the capability of local government efforts and resources were directed towards
units and health facilities to deliver the pandemic response.
MNCHN Core Package of Services that would
facilitate the continuum of care necessary to To mitigate service delivery disruptions, the
protect the lives of mothers and their infants. DOH and implementing partners rapidly
instituted policies and guidelines to help
With the passage of the RPRH Law in 2012, local government units and health facilities
the government has intensified its efforts to cope with the overwhelming task of health
improve the delivery of the MNCHN Core service delivery amidst a pandemic. Especially
Package of Services by upgrading Basic and troubling is COVID-19’s negative impact on
Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and the health-seeking behaviors of mothers who
Newborn Care facilities, strengthening service are compelled to stay home due to community
delivery networks, as well as training and quarantines and fear of infection. In response,
deployment of additional health workers and program implementers and partners from
health providers at the provincial, municipal, government agencies, civil society groups,
city and community levels. This is well- development agencies, and the private sector,
aligned with the intention of the Universal quickly adopted innovative approaches
Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223) to sustain demand and access to essential
which was signed into law in 2019. The UHC maternal and newborn health services.
Act directs the government to make health
services, medicines, equipment and other

2021 RPRH Annual Report 41

Status and Trends

Maternal Health Care Services. The total and service providers in their access to
deliveries reported in the FHSIS have continued and provision of these services. Thereafter,
to decline over the course of five years, from maternal care service utilization increased
2017 to 2021. The same trend was observed in especially for mothers who completed at
registered live births by the Philippine Statistics least two postpartum visits within seven days
Authority (PSA) in the same period. from birth with an increase of five percentage
points [Figure 4].
Based on the FHSIS, utilization of maternal
care services has remained high ranging The increase in maternal care services
between 83 and 96 percent. Maternal care utilization in 2021 may be attributed to
services23 include antenatal care (ANC)24, birth intensive home visitations done by health
attendance by skilled health professionals providers and health workers in communities
(SHP), facility-based delivery (FBD), and that combined the following services tailored
postnatal care (PNC).25 There had been a to the specific needs of mothers, namely:
slight decrease in service utilization in 2019 1) information giving and counseling; 2)
and further in 2020, which can be attributed birth planning; 3) pregnancy tracking and
to various restrictions due to the COVID-19 recording; 4) antenatal care check-up; 5)
pandemic and had affected both women micronutrient supplementation, treatment
23 Maternal Care Service Utilization calculated following the for hypertension to prevent eclampsia, as
DOH Department Memorandum No. 2021-0035 on “Revisions in well as immunization against tetanus and
the Field Health Services Information System (FHSIS) Manual of diphtheria (TD). Coupled with these are the
Procedures (MOP) version 2018
24 At least four antenatal care visits to or by skilled health continuous demand generation activities and
personnel, with the first visit occurring during the first trimester capacity-building interventions for health care
of pregnancy
25 At least two postpartum check-ups by skilled health person-
providers, both delivered primarily through
nel within seven days after delivery online platforms.

Figure 4. Maternal health care services, 2017 to 2021

Maternal Care Service Utilization from 2017 to 2021, FHSIS
Total Deliveries 4 ANC SHP FBD 2 PNC
2,000,000 100%

1,800,000 90%

1,600,000 80%
Service Utilization

1,400,000 70%
Total Deliveries

1,200,000 60%


1,000,000 50%



800,000 40%

600,000 30%

400,000 20%

200,000 10%

- 0%
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total Deliveries 1,772,500 1,708,480 1,482,678 1,433,350 1,249,986
4 ANC 84% 88% 87% 83% 84%
SHP 95% 95% 94% 90% 92%
FBD 85% 92% 91% 89% 90%
2 PNC 93% 96% 93% 86% 91%

Source: DOH, FHSIS, 2017-2021

42 2021
Figure 5. Trend in immunization coverage for fully immunized child, 2015 to 2021
Fully Immunized Children, 2015-2021

70 69.8 69.1
70 67.5 66.2 65.2







2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Source: DOH FHSIS, 2015 - 2021

These adaptive interventions were greatly Hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenzae B

facilitated by the policies that were rapidly (DPT-HepB-Hib), 3 doses Oral Polio Vaccine
disseminated at the beginning of the (OPV) and 2 doses of Measles Containing
pandemic in 2020: 1) DOH Department Vaccine (MCV) on or before one year of age.
Circular (DC) 2020-0167 on the Continuous Meanwhile, completely immunized children
Provision of Essential Health Services during (CIC) or those children who completed routine
the COVID-19 Pandemic; 2) DOH Department immunization beyond one year of life stands
Memorandum (DM) 2020-0261 Interim at 9.1 percent. The FIC has been declining
Guidelines on the Continuous Provision over the past decade and with the impact of
of Maternal Services during the COVID-19 COVID19 pandemic, the coverage was further
Pandemic; and 3) DOH DM 2020-0319 Interim decreased, leaving almost a million children
Guidelines on COVID-19 Management of susceptible to Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Pregnant Women, Women About to Give Birth, (VPDs).
and Newborns.
To address this, the DOH continuously
In support of the continuous service provision implements the Phase 2 of the Measles-
of maternal health care, the following were Rubella and Oral Polio Vaccine Supplemental
issued in 2021: 1) Administrative Order Immunization Activities (MR-OPV SIA).
(AO) 2021-0034 National Policy on Essential Routine immunization was also strengthened
Intrapartum Care at Primary Level Non- through the institutionalization of catch-up
Specialist Birthing Centers; and 2) DC 2021- immunization of children up to two years
0005 Adherence to the Definition of Low Risk of age. For 2021, campaigns for catch-up
Pregnancy and High Risk Pregnancy in the immunization were implemented.
Implementation of Administrative Order No.
2012- 0012. Prevalence of Malnourished Children
0-59 months. Among the indicators of
Fully Immunized Child. In 2021, the child-nutrition stipulated in the MNCHN
coverage of Fully Immunized Children (FIC) as program is the prevalence of wasting and
of the partial reports submitted is 55.2 percent stunting among children 0-59 months. Pooled
[Figure 5], which is equivalent to 1,114,797 data from the 2018-2019 Rolling Expanded
children vaccinated with the following National Nutrition Survey conducted by the
antigens: 1 dose of Bacille-Calmette-Guerin, Food and Nutrition Research Institute among
3 doses of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, children 0-59 months old, reported that 29.6

2021 RPRH
RPRH Annual Report 43
Annual Report
Figure 6. Proportion of infants less than 6 months old exclusively breastfed at the time of
survey, 2017 to 2021
Proportion of Infants Less than 6 Months Old Exclusively
Breastfed at the Time of Survey, 2003-2019
48.9 48.4





2003 2008 2011 2013 2015 2018-2019

Source: National Nutrition Survey 2003 to 2019. DOST-FNRI, 2021

Figure 7. Proportion of Filipino infants exclusively breastfed from birth until 5.9 months,
2015 and 2018-2019
Proportion of Infants Exclusively Breastfed from
birth until 5.9 months, 2015 and 2018-2019







2015 2018-2019

Source: National Nutrition Survey 2003 to 2019. DOST-FNRI, 2021

percent are stunted,26 5.7 percent are wasted increased risk of death, but treatment is
and 3.5 percent are overweight and obese. possible.” Meanwhile stunted children are
those whose “height-for-age is more than
According to the WHO, “child wasting refers two standard deviations below the WHO
to a child who is too thin for his or her height Child Growth Standards median.” Stunting
and is the result of recent rapid weight loss causes irreversible harm to the functional
or the failure to gain weight. A child who development of children, affecting their
is moderately or severely wasted has an cognition, performance and productivity.
26 Stunted children are those whose “height-for-age” is more
than two standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth
Standards Median.

44 2021
Exclusive breastfeeding until six Key Interventions
months. Based on FHSIS data, the country
has performed consistently in reaching
the 50 percent exclusive breastfeeding A. Demand Generation
of infants below 6 months of age target
set by World Health Assembly Resolution Buntis Congress. Local government units
65.9 in 2012, averaging 56 percent from across the country continue to conduct regular
2014 to 2019, with an average increase Buntis Congress or Buntis Summits as part
of 8 percent per year. Results of the of high impact breakthrough approaches
National Nutrition Survey (NNS) show a under the MNCHN Strategy. These demand
-3 percent difference from FHSIS records generation approaches not only promote ideal
with an average of 53 percent from 2013, health-seeking behaviors among pregnant
2015, and 2018-2019 [Figure 6], with an mothers, but also enhance the connection
average increase of 5 percent per year between mothers and health providers and
for infants under 6 months of age found community health workers as active partners
to be exclusive breastfeeding at the time in maternal and neonatal health care.
of survey. Moreover the NNS data on Information on breastfeeding, immunization,
exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 5.9 family planning, and the importance of
months of age was pegged at only 32 giving birth in accredited health facilities are
percent as of 2018-2019, with an increase disseminated during these events.
of 7.4 percent from 24.7 percent in 2015,
when this specific indicator was first
Ideally, such events should maximize
measured [Figure 7].
the health provider-client encounters by
incorporating service provision such as
Based on field reports, correspondences
on the implementation of the Mother- prenatal consultations, immunizations, free
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (now maternal ultrasound, vitamins and mineral
Mother-Baby Friendly Health Facility supplements, biochemical examinations. LGUs
Initiative), and scoping of hindrances have often collaborated with civil society
to the implementation of the National organizations, private sector groups, including
Strategy for Infant and Young Child workplaces to expand the reach of these
Feeding (IYCF) and the IYCF component demand generation activities.
of Republic Act 11148 or the Kalusugan
at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay (Health and LGUs and other implementing partners
Nutrition of Mother and Children) Act of are encouraged to design and deliver these
2018, some of the major barriers to the events in innovative ways, based on the
progress in breastfeeding in the country needs and situations of their audience. For
are: 1) myths and conflicting social norms example, in Valencia, Negros Oriental, the
about IYCF; 2) weak peer support groups Buntis Congress was held as a pageant among
for mothers; 3) insufficient capacity pregnant women. Dubbed as “Chada si
building activities on IYCF for community Mama” or best mother, the pageant, which was
health volunteers; 4) poor integration held during the town fiesta, entertained and
of IYCF in health programs; and 5) need educated pageant participants and audience
to strengthen the implementation of
alike about key messages on MNCHN. The
the National Milk Code to regulate the
City of Sto. Tomas, Batangas held E-pamana
promotion of milk formula and other baby
sessions to reach pregnant mothers via a
virtual platform. The National Commission
on Indigenous Peoples held similar activities
targeting pregnant women. In 2021, the
Commission organized a Safe Motherhood
Caravan and Information Caravan on Health

2021 RPRH Annual Report 45

Karinderya para sa Healthy Pilipinas The Playbook on the Karinderya Para sa
Health Promotion Playbook. The Local Healthy Pilipinas program was released to
Health Systems Health Promotion Playbooks the public and is currently being piloted in
are DOH’s latest tools to assist local the Province of Albay, with promising results.
implementers in rolling out health promotion It will be implemented in four Provinces in
interventions in their communities. These 2022.
all-in-one guides include an evidence brief,
template policy, an implementation checklist, Bakuna Champions Immunization
basic resource requirements, capacity- Playbook. Vaccine hesitancy is still
building requirements, a communication plan, among the contributory factors for the low
monitoring and evaluation tools, and frequently immunization uptake. Confidence in the
asked questions. effectiveness of vaccines dropped to 22
percent in 2018 from 82 percent in 2015
Specifically, the Playbook on the Karinderya which resulted from a certain vaccine scare.
Para sa Healthy Pilipinas program brings Further, with the current technology that
dietary supplementation closer to its facilitates easy access to information online,
beneficiaries during a time when the misinformation and disinformation are
continuation and success of such programs are rampant. DOH, in collaboration with the
key to addressing undernutrition during the National Immunization Program (NIP)
COVID-19 pandemic. The module mobilizes and United Nations Children’s Fund,
local karinderyas and transforms them into developed the immunization playbook
champions for nutrition, allowing them to for Bakuna Champions. This is part of the
prepare nutritious food for pregnant and series of playbooks that DOH is developing
lactating mothers and children under five years for the promotion of the Seven Priority
old. This allows barangay nutrition scholars to Areas for Health. This initiative highlights
focus on nutrition counseling and education; the important role local social mobilizers
and provides beneficiaries with a physically, play in sustaining demand generation for
socially, and culturally close source of dietary immunization in the community as “bakuna
supplementation and nutrition education. champions”.

Karinderya Para sa Healthy Pilipinas 1

Bakuna Champions 1

46 2021 RPRH Annual Report

covering the Indigenous Peoples from the In addition to the above services, the program
different municipalities of South Cotabato. also provides prenatal screening of infectious
Infant, Child Health, and Nutrition diseases such as HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B.
The screening facilitates prompt identification
Contribution of Civil Society of positive pregnant women and mitigates
Organizations. The Philippine Center the risk for perinatal transmission. Timely
for Population and Development (PCPD) administration of treatments is important
conducted a webinar on reducing to prevent perinatal transmission. Out of
malnutrition, while the Zuellig Family the total of 357, 952 screened for Syphilis,
Foundation (ZFF) took on several demand 7,583 were found positive. For Hepatitis B
generation activities on immunizations and screening, a total of 7, 992 were also found
nutrition. These include the Kauswagan positive from the 340,671 screened while
Caravan in Northern Samar and home visits 215,441 were reported to have undergone HIV
with immunization in Zamboanga del Norte, testing. Significant decrease in the positivity
Northern Samar, and Samar provinces. In rate of Syphilis and Hepatitis B was noted
addition, as a result of the ZFF’s coaching from the 2020 and 2021 data.
and advocacy during the executive session
for the Governor, Basilan provided additional Risk Approach Strategy. With the serious
support for families, including tracking risk of childbirth among adolescents, it is
activities for nutritionally-at-risk pregnant critical to continue the risk approach strategy
women. of the MNCHN program. The strategy
identifies high-risk pregnancies during the
B. Service Delivery prenatal period to an approach that prepares
all pregnant women for the complications
Antenatal Care Home Visitations. Local at childbirth. The strategy also includes
government units, as recommended by DOH, the establishment of the Basic Emergency
intensified home visitation activities for Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and
pregnant mothers. This is to address COVID- Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and
19-related barriers to health seeking behaviors Newborn Care (CEmONC) network within
of mothers, such as mobility limitations the bigger service delivery network. Another
and fear of COVID-19 infection. Visiting expansion of the program is the improved
health workers, following COVID-19 health quality of FP counseling and expanded service
protocols, checked on the health of pregnant availability of postpartum family planning in
mothers as part of antenatal care. hospitals and primary birthing centers as part
of the preventive measures to address repeated
Through these home visits, pregnant mothers pregnancy among adolescent mothers.
also received micronutrient supplementation,
treatment for hypertension to prevent Continuous Implementation of Routine
eclampsia, as well as immunization against Immunization Amidst the COVID19
tetanus and diphtheria (TD). The use of TD is Pandemic and Innovative Catch-up
provided during pregnancy to protect against Immunization Drives. One of the aims of the
maternal and neonatal tetanus and diphtheria National Immunization Program is to reduce
during prenatal care. Vaccination during morbidity and mortality among children
pregnancy also serves to boost immunity and against the most common vaccine-preventable
increase the duration of protection in those diseases such as tuberculosis, poliomyelitis,
pregnant women who had not received the full diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and measles.
set of recommended booster doses. In 2021, Unfortunately, the Fully Immunized Child
a total of 562,121 pregnant women received (FIC) coverage is declining over the past
three doses of TD Vaccine. decade and the coverage further decreased in
2021, including all antigens [Table 4].

2021 RPRH Annual Report 47

Table 4. Immunization coverage by antigen, 2020-2021
Antigen 2020 2021

BCG 67.98% (1,443,396) 47.0% (1,001,233)

DPT-HIB-HepB 3 74.80% (1,558,207) 56.7% (1,207,096)
OPV 3 78.78% (1,549,903) 56.2% (1,196,845)
IPV 73.00% (1,144,721) 56.0% (1,191,923)
PCV3 70.97% (1,506,809) 50.7% (1,078,178)
MCV2 73.20% (1,554,213) 55.2% (1,183,574)
Source: DOH FHSIS 2020 Report and partial 2021 NIP reports

Many factors contributed to the decline of vaccination; and 2) logistical concerns

the immunization coverage for children, brought about by the lack of forwarder of
but notable is the impact of COVID-19 vaccines and ancillaries.
pandemic in 2020 and 2021. During the
start of the pandemic, mobilization of the To address the low immunization coverage,
public was limited especially for children, in 2021, catch-up immunization was
hence routine immunization service delivery institutionalized through the release of the
was interrupted. As a key action to ensure Administrative Order 2021-0045, entitled
uninterrupted routine immunization among “Guidelines on the Conduct of Catch-up of
children during the pandemic, the DOH Routine Immunization for Children.” This
issued in 2020, the Department Memorandum issuance served as the guidance for the catch-
2020-0150 which provided guidance on the up immunization campaigns implemented
implementation of the immunization services during the last quarter of 2021 and currently
in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. this 2022. Various strategies were employed
for these campaigns. The DOH through
Now, as vaccines for COVID-19 were the regional, provincial, and local National
procured and rolled-out in the country during Immunization Program coordinators set-up
the early months of 2021, sharing of resources modified fixed posts or open and spacious
between the two immunization programs– areas where people can go and bring their
routine and COVID-19– were inevitable. child for their vaccination. They also held
Human resources for health and logistics were mobile vaccination drives using tricycles and
the commonly tapped resources for both the even boats to bring immunization services
programs. The limited people assigned in in far-flung or geographically isolated areas.
routine immunization were the same people The third innovative approach is the door-
implementing COVID-19 vaccination. to-door vaccination drive where vaccines are
brought and administered in homes so infants
Moreover, cold chain equipment was also do not need to be brought outside.27 Further,
shared with COVID-vaccines and with these strong partnerships from other NGAs were
vaccines requiring varying temperatures, done to collectively align guidance for the
it is difficult for the cold chain equipment implementation of a campaign or the routine
to be shared with routine vaccines. Other immunization itself.
identified factors that contributed to the
decrease in coverage are: 1) vaccine hesitancy Exclusive Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding
that may be rooted in the fears of contracting is one of the most effective ways to ensure
COVID-19 and the misconception that child health and survival (WHO, 2022).
routine immunization is similar to COVID-19
27 https://doh.gov.ph/press-release/DOH-INNOVATES-TO-AD-

48 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Table 5. Proportion of infants exclusively breastfed until 6 months
2019 2020 2021

Newborns initiated on 65% 79% 85%

breastfeeding immediately
after birth
Infants exclusively 59% 55% 34%
breastfed until 6 months
Source: DOH FHSIS, 2019 to 2021 Report

However, a large proportion of the population Environs, online wellness session: Bida si
globally are not exclusively breastfed for the Juana sa Panahon ng Pandemya and celebrated
recommended six months (WHO, 2022). National Women’s Month.
There have been questions on the safety
of breastfeeding during the COVID-19 Contribution of Civil Society
pandemic. As an important part of maternal Organizations. CSOs provided 1,131
health and child survival, the World antenatal and postnatal consultations,
Health Organization recommended that including referrals, while a total of 44 births
mothers carry on breastfeeding even during were delivered in Maternal Care Package-
COVID-19 infection and after vaccination. accredited CSO facilities. The Philippine
In the Philippines, data shows that the trend Society for Responsible Parenthood (PSRP),
of newborns initiated on breastfeeding in partnership with UNFPA, provided cash
immediately after birth are increasing. From assistance for poor pregnant women in
65 percent in 2019, to 79 percent in 2020 and Laguna and Rizal. Through the Cash Voucher
85 percent in 2021 [Table 5]. Assistance project, a total of 2,744 mothers
who availed of antenatal and postpartum
However, the proportion of infants exclusively check-ups and gave birth in birthing health
breastfed until the recommended 6 months facilities were covered with the project.
declined during the past three years, from
59 percent in 2019, to 55 percent in 2020, C. Support to Governance and
and 34 percent in 2021 [Table 5]. With
this data, it is important to strengthen and
enhance advocacy and communication for
Health Professionals Deployed. Human
mothers to fully understand the advantages of
resources for health have been trained and
breastfeeding for infants.
deployed especially in hard-to-reach areas to
expand access to better maternal care. By end
Regional Initiatives. The Department of
of December 2021, a total of 23,521 health
Labor and Employment Regional Office
professionals were deployed through DOH’s
12 provided Maternal and Child Health
Human Resources for Health Deployment
Consultation Services, established lactation
Program with a total amount of Php 16.58
rooms, approved leave for faculty attending
billion DOH GAA fund [Table 6].
sick children and provided medical assistance
to pregnant female employees. Department of
BEmONC Training. Amidst the pandemic,
the Interior and Local Government Regional
DOH continues to improve the delivery
Office 12 established breastfeeding stations,
of quality healthcare services to pregnant
provided work-from-home schemes for all
women and ensure that health care providers
pregnant women, conducted Orientation on
are equipped with the critical capacities for
SDG-Family Actions for Children and their
them to provide the needed quality maternal-

2021 RPRH Annual Report 49

Table 6. Health professionals deployed, 2021 in securing PhilHealth accreditation across
HRD Deployment Program No. of Health all USAID-supported implementation sites.
Professionals In Luzon, orientations on the PhilHealth
Deployed Konsulta Package were conducted with CHD
Doctors to the Barrios (DTTB) 412 3, CHD 4A, CHD Metro Manila, CHD 5,
Program and Provincial Health Offices help LGUs
Post Residency Deployment 30 appreciate the value of social health insurance
Program (PRDP) as an integral part of improving access to
Medical Pool Placement and 380 primary care services. In Visayas, technical
Utilization Program (MPPUP) assistance was provided to LGUs for the DOH
Nurse Deployment Project 195 license and PhilHealth accreditation of RHU-
(NDP) based birthing homes. In Mindanao, capacity
Rural Health Midwives 16,820 building of lying-in clinics were pursued. The
Placement Program (RHMPP) training-workshop was attended by three
Medical Technologist 341 nurses and 19 midwives who benefited from
Deployment Project (MTDP) understanding the DOH certification and
Nutritionist-Dietitian 643 PhilHealth accreditation requirements and
Deployment Project (NDDP) the process to secure them.
Dentist Deployment Project 196
(DDP) Maternal Death Review. This initiative is
Physical Therapist Deployment 4,439 conducted nationwide in a six-month period.
Project (PTDP) The MDR seeks to improve the quality of safe
Pharmacist Deployment 65 motherhood programming by identifying
Project (PDP) actions to prevent future maternal and
Total 23,521 neonatal morbidity and mortality based on
Source: DOH, Health Human Resources lessons learned from recent experiences. In
Development Bureau, 2021 response to the result of the MDR and to
mitigate maternal deaths in the Region, the
newborn services. With the limitation in DOH Region 11, in coordination with POGS,
mobility and face to face gatherings, the training institutions and other stakeholders,
brief training on key components of Basic came up with the High Risk Pregnancy
Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Evaluation Tool for all facilities which will
(BEmONC) were done online. Training on be implemented beginning in 2022. This
antenatal care and Essential Intrapartum will serve as a decision-making guide or tool
and Newborn Care Updating were also done for health care workers on the management
online. The target audience for this training or referral of high risk pregnant women to
includes midwives, nurses, general practice appropriate facilities at all levels.
physicians, obstetricians/gynecologists, and
others. The training includes discussions and Regional Initiatives. Amidst the challenges
activities that promote the sustainability of of COVID-19, Region 9 facilities have
services and address ongoing training needs been continuously providing the essential
where there is high staff turnover. services on newborn and child health by
deploying nutritionist-dietitians in different
Securing FP-MCP and Konsulta municipalities to ensure the implementation
Accreditation. In 2021, DOH received of the different programs. Deployed staff
technical assistance from USAID in facilitating assisted in capacity building and orientation
the accreditation of family planning-maternity of health-nutrition workers. They also
care package (FP-MCP) and Konsulta assisted the LGU in assessing, validating,
providers across the country. Multiple and monitoring the nutritional status of
activities were conducted to support facilities children below five years old as well as the

50 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Table 7. Procured nutrition commodities, 2021
Commodity Quantity Value (Php)

Vitamin A (100,000 IU) 1,719,500 42,890,393.00

Vitamin A (200,000 IU) 29,143,400
Ferrous Sulfate and Folic Acid 232,696,400 55,614,439.60
Micronutrient Powder 32,750,000 25,996,000.00
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) 6,870,000 114,948,840.00
Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food 2,000,000 33,860,000.00
(RUSF) for children
Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food 74,550 1,487,272.50
(RUSF) for moms
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) 1,700,000 6,611,000.00
Tape for Children and Adults
Source: DOH, 2021

women with reproductive age ensuring the significant deterioration of nutrition outcomes
provision of the needed services. In Region during the pandemic. As for LGU financing,
2, the Safe Motherhood program developed Sarangani institutionalized Tutok Buntis and
a monitoring and reporting tool for all Tutok Nutrisyon into a provincial program
private safe birthing facilities to report their through previous and ongoing support of the
accomplishments on maternal and child ZFF. Both provincial and municipal LGUs
care. In partnership with the World Health allocated funds and human resources for the
Organization, the program also enhanced the program to continue through the pandemic.
Facility Readiness and Service Availability The cities of Tacurong, Tagum and Puerto
Assessment (FReSAA) for MNCHN from Princesa invested a total of Php510 million
paper-based to electronic tool development. in 2021 and continued the operationalization
of the nutritional assessment activities for
Contribution of CSOs. The Integrated pregnant women. The cities also established a
Midwives Association of the Philippines database of the nutritional status of pregnant
(IMAP) undertook a series of capacity women.
building sessions for 252 public and private
midwives. The Zuellig Family Foundation
helped five provinces and three cities worked
D. Logistics and Supply Chain
on integrated multi-sectoral nutrition Management
systems that addressed challenges in health,
livelihood, and education. This program In 2021, a total of Php 281,407,945.10 was
sought to establish a province-wide service utilized to procure commodities intended for
delivery network for F1KD (First 1,000 various client groups [Table 7].
Days). At the regional level, ZFF actively
engaged the regional offices of the National
Nutrition Council (NCC) and the DOH
in the local nutrition planning towards
increased investments in nutrition, developed
functional health information systems,
and provided coaching and supportive
supervision in MCH. Regional support has
been key in helping the provinces prevent

2021 RPRH Annual Report 51

Family Planning

The National Family Planning Program of These important paradigm and program shifts
the Government of the Philippines aims to have aligned the FP Program more firmly into
assist couples and individuals 15 to 49 years the path to Universal Health coverage for all
of age plan their family size and achieve their Filipinos by making sure that the FP needs of
desired fertility goals. Family planning is all couples and individuals, regardless of their
crucial for preventing unintended pregnancies age and marital status, are adequately served.
and for improving maternal and child health
and well-being. Towards this, program However, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept
implementers strive to make modern family across the world, program implementers are
planning methods available to those in need. suddenly faced with the immense challenge
of meeting the FP needs of people, especially
In 2017, the Department of Health released the most vulnerable population. Measures to
Executive Order No. 12, “Zero Unmet Need control the spread of COVID-19, primarily
for Modern Family Planning” to intensify community lockdowns, hindered people from
and accelerate the implementation of critical accessing the services and products they need.
actions under the program. Within the same On the other hand, stock-outs and overstocks
year, DOH issued Administrative Order of FP commodities have become more acute
No. 2017-0005, enabling the creation of an due to mobility restrictions.
FP unit and the execution of a Php 186.5
million budget. By 2020, DOH, Commission Innovative solutions to allow the continuation
on Population and Development, and demand generation activities, service delivery,
implementing partners under the Responsible capacity building, and health systems
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law strengthening sprouted in 2020 and gained
amended the National Objectives for Health much traction in 2021 owing to the swift
for modern contraceptive prevalence rate and coordinated actions and interventions of
(mCPR) to include adolescents and sexually RPRH implementing partners.
active unmarried women with unmet need for
FP, instead of just catering to married women.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 53

Status and Trends

The Field Health Service Information System Note, however, that the 2021 report is still
(FHSIS) of the DOH reported around 7.5 million partial and unofficial as of this writing. The
users of modern FP methods by the end of purpose of this analysis is to provide an initial
2021. This is slightly higher (by 2%) compared impression of FP programming in 2021 with
to last year’s report of 7.4 million FP users.28 the currently available data.
The impact of the pandemic on people’s
access and availment of FP services is quite Several regions (14 of 17) in the Philippines
evident in 2020 but recovery was observed in reported an increase in the total FP users
2021 [Figure 8]. in 2021. The three regions with the highest
28 Total FP users in 2020 reported here is lower than what was increase were Regions 8, 4B, and 7 with an
reflected in the 7th Annual Consolidated Report of the RPRH increase of 73 percent, 57 percent, and 42
Law in 2020 (at 8.1 million FP users) due to data reconciliation
and validation conducted by the Epidemiology Bureau of the percent respectively. On the other hand,
DOH for 2020 FHSIS data.

Figure 8. Total FP users, 2017 to 2021

Total FP Users, 2017-2021




Number of FP Users








2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Source: DOH, FHSIS, 2017 to 2021

Figure 9. Total FP users by region, 2020 and 2021

Total FP Users by Region in 2020 and 2021, FHSIS

2020 2021


Number of FP Users







NCR CAR Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region BARMM
1 2 3 4A 4B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Source: DOH, FHSIS, 2020 to 2021

54 2021
54 2021RPRH
Figure 10. Contraceptive method mix, 2021
Contraceptive Method Mix, 2021 More than half (66%) of the total
SDM, 2%
Other Modern
Methods, 1%
FP users in the country chose
Sterilization (male), 0%
Male Condoms, 5% short-acting methods while
Implants, 6% almost a quarter (24%) used long-
acting and permanent methods,
and the remainder (10%) used
IUD, 7% natural FP as their method of
OC Pills, 41% choice. The three most commonly
LAM, 8% used modern FP methods were
oral contraceptive (OC) pills
Sterilization (41%), injectables (20%), and
(female), 10%
female sterilization (10%).

Injectables, 20%

Source: DOH FHSIS, 2021

Figure 11. Contraceptive method mix, 2020 and 2021

Comparing FP Users by Method, 2020 and 2021
2020 2021


Numnber of FP users





Sterilization Sterilization IUD Implants Injectable OC Pills Male LAM Others
(female) (male) Condoms
FP Methods

Source: DOH FHSIS, 2020 and 2021

Region 4A, BARMM, and Region 10 reported a restrictions in 2020. The number of implant
decline in the total FP users [Figure 9]. users almost doubled, from 176 thousand
users in 2017 to 485 thousand by the end of
Comparing the number of users by FP 2021 [Figure 12]. This shows the increasing
methods in 2020 and 2021, almost all methods popularity of implants among women of
have increased except for female sterilization, reproductive age since its introduction in
lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), male 2014, notwithstanding the strict community
condoms, and others (natural FP methods) lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in
which slightly decreased in 2021 [Figure 11]. 2020.
OC pills, injectables, and female sterilization
remained the most commonly used FP In terms of male participation, which looks at
methods in the past five years based on the sterilization and condom use among males,
FHSIS reports. they comprised five percent of the total FP
users in 2021. Although condom use slightly
Of the modern FP methods offered, implants, decreased that year, the number of males
injectables, and OC pills showed a year-on- availing sterilization increased significantly
year increase from 2017 to 2021 despite the with an increase of 21 percent from last year’s
2021 RPRH
RPRH Annual Report 55
Annual Report 55
Figure 12. Trend of FP Users by method, 2017 to 2021
Number of FP Users by Method, 2017 to 2021


Number of FP Users






2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Sterilization (female) Sterilization (male) IUD Implants Injectables Pills Male Condoms LAM Others

Source: DOH FHSIS, 2017 and 2021

Figure 13. Trend of FP Users by method, 2017 to 2021

Trends in Family Planning Indicators, 2017-2021

Prevalence of Modern Methods (mCPR) (%) Projected mCPR (%)
Demand Satisfied with a Modern Method (%) Projected Demand Satisfied with a Modern Method (%)
Unmet need for FP (%) Projected Unmet need for FP (%)

57.6% 58.1% 58.7%

60% 55.6% 56.3% 56.8%

Prevalence (All Women)


30% 25.3% 25.6% 26.1% 26.4% 26.7%



10.8% 10.5% 10.4% 10.3% 10.1% 10.0%


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Source: Family Planning Estimate Tool, 2017 to 2021

Access to sterilization services was highest in mCPR estimate of 26.4 percent in 2021 and
Region 3 generating around 69 percent for is projected to increase to 26.7 percent by
male sterilization and 29 percent for female 2022. This estimate, however, is below the
sterilization in the country’s total reported new national target of 30 percent mCPR by 2022
acceptors for these methods. New acceptors in the National Objectives for Health (NOH).
for both OC pills and injectables were highest The unmet need for FP decreased from 10.8
in Regions 12, NCR, and Region 3, while lowest percent in 2017 to 10.1 percent in 2021. The
in CAR and Region 4B at around one percent unmet need for FP continued to decline,
each for OC pills and injectables. however, at a slower pace compared to
mCPR. As a result, the demand satisfied with a
The Family Planning Estimation Tool (FPET) modern method increased from 55.6 percent
projected an increasing trend in the indicator in 2017 to 58.1 percent in 2021. Demand
Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) satisfied with a modern method is indicator
among women of reproductive age with an 3.7.1 in the Sustainable Development Goals.

56 2021
56 2021RPRH
Key Interventions banner of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program. Under the same program, DSWD,
through their Field Offices Standards Unit,
A. Demand Generation also delivers training for the accreditation of
Pre-Marriage Counselors across the country.
National Campaigns and Health Events.
As part of the “Usap Tayo sa Family Planning” FP Programs in Workplaces. The
(Let’s Talk about FP) campaign launched in Department of Labor and Employment, in
2019, DOH and POPCOM, with support coordination with DOH and POPCOM, held
from USAID, spearheaded various virtual orientation sessions on FP with eight private
health events in observance of the 2021 companies with more than 200 employees.
National Family Planning Month. This initiative aims to make FP information
and services readily available to employees,
The observance aimed to raise awareness especially those who, because of work
on the importance of family planning and obligations, do not have time to visit the rural
sexual and reproductive health care. These health units/health centers or hospitals. As
events were participated in by more than of 2021, the eight companies now with active
1,500 healthcare workers/service providers, FP programs in the work place are: Permex
members of CSOs, sexual and reproductive Producer and Export Corp, Bigfish Food
health allies, media partners, population Corp., NY Marine Resources Corp., Universal
officers, health education and promotion Canning Inc., Southwest Asian Canning
officers, and stakeholders of DOH and Corp, Century Pacific Inc., YL Fishing Corp.,
POPCOM. and Gaisano Mall.

Regional Offices of both agencies also Radio Programs. The Responsible

conducted local events such as online Parenthood and Family Planning On-The-
press conferences, webinars, social media Air provides its listening couples, women
campaigns, among others to generate of reproductive age, and other individuals
widespread attention on the importance and with information on responsible parenthood
benefits of FP in promoting the overall health and FP. POPCOM 8 tapped a radio program
and wellness of Filipinos. The Usap Tayo sa “Birada Teleradyo” which airs over IBC-6
Family Planning Facebook and YouTube Palo, a TV station then simulcasted to at least
pages reached around 4,700 people in 2021. six different radio and online stations which
The TV Commercial called “Sama-sama Tayo have strategic reach to cover the most parts
na mag-family planning” was broadcasted of the region. The program was also streamed
on national television, gaining a reach of via social media platforms earned a total of
36 million. The It’s OK To Delay campaign, 50,000 online views. It reported more than
an innovative social media campaign of 15,000 couples enrolled for RPFP demand
POPCOM supported by DOH and USAID for generation since the class started airing in
younger, sexually active women and men who June 2020. Meanwhile in Tawi-Tawi, USAID
want to have a child, but not right now (such successfully facilitated a partnership between
as singles, newly married couples) had a total the Integrated Provincial Health Office of
reach of almost nine million people across Tawi-Tawi and DXNH FM Nutriskwela Radyo
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Kasannangan of Mindanao State University.

Family Development Sessions. The Online and Mobile Information and

Department of Social Welfare and Referral Services. Family Ayuda Express
Development regularly conducts capacity was sustained to ensure that FP demands
building of parents through Family through online platforms are still coordinated
Development Sessions. This is under the to direct service providers. Clients may

2021 RPRH Annual Report 57

contact care coordinators through designated the local dialects to communities opened
mobile numbers or through FB chat. The FB opportunities for Ulama and Aleemat
Page is used to disseminate FP information (religious leaders) to address misconceptions,
and to assist potential clients through online disentangle traditional views of FP, and
consultation via the FB Messenger App and promote responsible parenthood among the
the POPCOM Helpline, administered by congregations. This allows couples to practice
selected personnel from POPCOM, DOH and FP without fear of violating their religion
USAID implementing partners. and individual rights to choose options to
space births or limit their desired family
POPCOM’s Family Helpline continued its size. Additionally, during the last quarter of
operation to ensure continuous access and 2021, USAID supported the government’s
provision of FP information and services, COVID-19 vaccination campaign to address
particularly for the current users and those the region’s low immunization coverage.
intending to use FP. This helpline serves as USAID engaged MRLs for radio guestings
a link for clients seeking information on FP, and to deliver the Khutba on COVID over the
Adolescent Health and Development (AHD), radio.
Gender-Based Violence (GBV), as well as
information about COVID-19. A total of Men’s Health Event. DOH-Central Luzon
1,744 clients accessed the helpline services of along with the Men’s Health Program
POPCOM of which 324 clients served in the partners, implementers, and stakeholders
Usap Tayo sa FP Facebook page. spearheaded the regional celebration of the
Men’s Health Month in June 2021 with the
Makeshift Teleconsultation. Over 40 theme, “Responsableng Juan kaisa ng bayan
health facilities across the country installed para sa ligtas, matatag, at panatag na buhay!”.
makeshift teleconsultation platforms with the The men’s health-related messages revolve
assistance of USAID to ensure access of clients on the premises that men are: 1) clients who
to essential reproductive health services. The have their reproductive health concerns;
platform is called “makeshift teleconsultation” 2) partners who recognize that their health
because it does not use sophisticated systems impacts partners’ well-being; and 3) change
but instead demonstrates that setting up agents who are capable advocates for gender
teleconsultation services can be done using transformation.
simple phones and laptops and does not have
to be costly. In 2021, over 16,000 consults were Contribution of Civil Society
recorded in USAID-supported health facilities, Organizations. CSOs contributed to
14 percent were adolescent reproductive various demand generation efforts for family
health concerns, 11 percent were prenatal/ planning. Simultaneous outreach educational
OBG GYN cases, and 7 percent were FP sessions in the communities, including
services. classes for mothers and fathers, were
undertaken. During such sessions, several
Engaging MRLs to Improve Social Norms women accepted a family planning method.
and Healthy Behaviors. USAID engaged In addition, CSOs continued to maximize
380 Muslim religious leaders (MRLs) as various online platforms. A webinar on FP
FP champions to influence men to support services during the pandemic was conducted.
their wives’ decision to accept FP. USAID CSOs’ social media pages regularly posted
continuously partnered with religious resource materials and memes on FP. For
scholars, especially the Darul Ifta (highest PSRP, over 8.5 million people accessed
religious authority in the region) for guidance their RH-Care information website and
and support in popularizing religious edicts, social media for FP and maternal health
specifically the fatwa on FP and Model Family information.
in Islam. Dissemination of the fatwah in

58 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning Sessions

POPCOM continued to conduct online of attendees from the year 2019 to 2021 were
and face-to-face Responsible Parenthood couples, while female attendees increased
and Family Planning (RPFP) sessions and between 2020 to 2021. Male attendees
Pre-Marriage Orientation and Counseling increased by 2.95 percent in 2021. This may be
(PMOC) sessions throughout the country. attributed to POPCOM’s continued demand
During these sessions, couples and generation activities targeting men.
individuals with unmet need for family
planning were identified and provided or KATROPA Sessions. Kalalakihang Tapat sa
referred for FP services. Responsibilidad at Obligasyon sa Pamilya
or “KATROPA” is an RPFP session designed
In 2021, POPCOM’s demand generation specifically for men. This is to continuously
activities reached a total of 1.15 million promote the male involvement strategies,
couples and individuals nationwide, which transform outdated gender norms, instill a
is about the same number of people reached progressive attitude and teach relevant skills
in 2020. Of those who attended the sessions, and engage men as partners and advocates of
216,016 couples and individuals were RPFP. In 2021, the KATROPA strategy was
identified to have an unmet for FP. incorporated in the International Men’s Day
and World Vasectomy Day through the local
Through POPCOM’s assistance, 183,801 or theme, “Ang Tunay na KATROPA, Maalaga
85 percent of those identified with unmet sa Pamilya”. POPCOM also joined the
need for FP received the needed FP services international event to raise global awareness
or were referred for FP services. This is an of vasectomy as a male-oriented solution to
improvement from last year’s FP needs served prevent unplanned pregnancies. Through this
pegged at 77.76 percent, where mobility event, a total of 82 males 23 to 59 years old
restrictions related to COVID-19 may have from Baguio City and Benguet underwent the
hindered people from accessing FP services. no scalpel vasectomy procedure.
Based on attendance records, the majority

Figure 14. FP unmet need satisfied through demand generation activities, 2017 - 2021

FP Unmet Need Satisfied through

Demand Generation Activities, 2017 - 2021
1,400,000 86

85.24 85.09

1,000,000 82.83





0 74
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total No. of Couples/Individuals Reached FP Unmet Need Identified
FP Unmet Need Served and Referred % FP Demand Satisfied

Source: POPCOM, demand generation data, 2017 to 2021

2021 RPRH
RPRH Annual Report 59
Annual Report
B. Service Delivery and COVID19 protection kits to marginalized
communities. Roots of Health provided
Community Outreach and House-to- food products as well as contraceptives
House Visits. During the year, LGUs in a community pantry for women who
conducted house-to-house or bahay-bahay voluntarily accessed FP services and families
sessions/visits for couples and individuals affected by food insecurity amidst continuing
who failed to visit health offices due to fear COVID-19 lockdowns.
of contracting the COVID-19 virus. During
these visits, barangay population volunteers Family Planning on Wheels. The Integrated
and barangay service point officers provide FP Midwives Association of the Philippines
information and resupply FP commodities. (IMAP), with assistance from USAID,
They were also able to identify those who intensified and expanded the delivery of FP
have unmet need for FP and refer them to the services, especially the long-acting reversible
nearest health facilities. Some regional offices contraceptives, in non-traditional settings.
also utilized riders and community health Using different types of vehicles, FP services
workers to conduct door-to-door commodity are delivered directly in communities
resupply. For the clients from far-flung areas, to mitigate the impact of disruptions in
caravan and community outreaches were health facility service provision and of
conducted. These activities were organized movement restrictions due to the imposition
specifically for indigenous peoples community, of lockdowns. This adaptive solution to
for residents from geographically isolated and COVID-19 challenges was implemented
disadvantaged areas, and for communities in Batangas, Bohol, Cavite, Cebu, Davao
with certain FP services unavailable. City, Iloilo, Laguna, and Cainta, Rizal
(Bicycle Patrol). Aside from making FP
DOH-CHDs, POPCOM, and LGUs, with more accessible to clients, the intervention
support from USAID, conducted a total also provided opportunities to disseminate
of 286 outreach missions or “FP Days” in FP, ARH, and COVID-19 messages to men,
underserved, hard-to-reach and densely women, and adolescents. IMAP also built the
populated urban areas across project sites. capacities midwives in FP service delivery,
These outreach missions served a total of Infection Prevention and Control, and in
5,369 women of reproductive age. In BARMM, operating FP on Wheels on their own.
3,888 community health workers, including
Muslim religious leaders, parent leaders and Family Planning Missions. FriendlyCare,
indigenous tribal leaders to promote FP and in partnership with LGUs, POPCOM and
refer health clients to healthcare providers various donors worked together to mitigate
reaching 1,1674,140 individuals across five COVID-19 challenges in conducting their FP
provinces in the region. missions. FriendlyCare made sure that their
FP mission venues are compliant with DOH
Family Planning Community Pantries. standards and guidelines of the Inter-Agency
In Region 5, the Philippine Civil-Military Task Force for the Management of Emerging
Operations initiated the Tsokolate at Infectious Diseases. Some of the good
Pandesal community pantry to assist practices done were: triage area manned by
communities during the pandemic. With LGU personnel, FP provider tables equipped
support from POPCOM Region V office, with plastic barriers, sufficient number of
the pantry expanded to include short-acting and well-distanced chairs for patients, and
FP commodities for beneficiaries who are requiring clients to bring their own ballpens.
already FP users. This activity generated a Seventy clients per day were targeted but
total of 138 new acceptors. Likewise, the FPOP as demand generation and operational
established safety pantries – an innovative way efficiencies improved, more patients were
of providing free- access to FP commodities accommodated. Compliance to health

60 2021 RPRH Annual Report

protocols along with good relationships with Table 8. Number of FP users served through
the LGUs and POPCOM helped FriendlyCare CSO health facilities, 2021
overcome the field implementation challenges Method Current or
of COVID-19 on the ground and successfully continuing users
conducted its 36 outreach missions for the
year 2021. Combined oral 36,589
E-Plano App. Developed by FriendlyCare, Progestin-only pills 20,080
with support from USAID, e-Plano is an FP Injectables 40,040
service booking application similar to many Progestin subdermal 33,909
mobile applications that allow users to book implants (PSI)
their preferred services (e.g., booking.com IUD 6,692
for hotels and Grab for vehicles). It helps BTL referrals 475
FP clients choose and access their preferred
NSV referrals 102
FP methods in health facilities nearest to
Total 137,887
them. It is available on Google Playstore
and App Store. Its pilot sites include Laguna Source: Likhaan Center for Women’s Health, 2021

and Manila. As of December 2021, the app

has garnered a total of 80,397 views, 580 these commodities from the private sector
downloads and 7 successful FP bookings. e.g., private pharmacies and shops, etc. The
procurement plan of the DOH covers those
Contribution of Civil Society users who will access these commodities from
Organizations. CSOs provided FP services public health facilities.
through clinics and outreach services to
137,887 current or continuing users [Table 8]. There were challenges in the procurement and
Injectables and combined oral contraceptives delivery of contraceptives in 2021. The COC
were among the top family planning methods pills, male condoms, and injectables were
used. Likewise, CSOs distributed 134,055 procured by the CHDs while the POP, Cycle
condoms in their respective areas. Beads, PSI, IUDs, and some Injectables were
procured by the DOH Central Office. Some
In addition to DOH commodities allocated CHDs were not able to achieve the required
for CSOs, several CSOs purchased quantity due to higher unit costs in the
contraceptive supplies to prevent stock-outs Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC).
in their clinics. In the case of PSIs, due to The non-standardization of the ABC may be
limited supplies from DOH, some CSOs due to the overhead costs (i.e., transportation,
purchased their own supplies. warehousing, marketing, etc.) by the sub-
national distributors that led to varying
costs across regional procurement. Some
C. Logistics and Supply Chain CHDs reported that funds were realigned for
Management COVID-19 response, while some reported
lesser human resources for FP advocacy due to
The total available FP commodities in vaccination activities in the field. At the DOH
the DOH is estimated to serve a total of Central Office, five of six commodities were
3,379,051 women. While the national family fully procured.
planning program aims to serve all women
with demand for FP, not all users access FP Strengthening the Supply Chain
services in public health facilities. This is Management for FP Commodities. DOH
especially so for OC pills (POP and COC) and POPCOM provide and/or purchase FP
and male condom users, where according to supplies and commodities for the regional
the 2017 NDHS, the majority (70%) access offices. Several warehouses had been

2021 RPRH Annual Report 61

Figure 15. Annual Usage of Short-Acting Contraceptives at the Service
Delivery Points, 2018 to 2021
Annual Usage of Short-Acting Contraceptives at the Service Figure 15 shows the annual
Delivery Points, PMIS 2018-2021 contraceptive use reported
2018 2019 2020 2021
in the Pharmaceutical
Management Information
10,000,000 System (PMIS) from 2018
to 2021. Short-acting
contraceptives showed a
Number of commodities used


decline in total commodity
usage in 2021, except for
4,000,000 POP pills which increased
by 33 percent.

COC POP Male Condoms Injectables
Short-Acting Contraceptives

Source: DOH Pharmaceutical Management Information System, 2018 to 2021

Figure 16. Annual Usage of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives at the

Service Delivery Points, 2018 to 2021
Annual Usage of Long-Acting Contraceptives at the Figure 16 shows the
Service Delivery Points, PMIS 2018-2021
usage of long-acting and
2018 2019 2020 2021
reversible contraceptives
over the same reporting
periods as above. The PSI
use continuously increased
Number of commodities used

100,000 from 2018 to 2021 while

IUD declined in 2019 and
notably in 2021.



Long-Acting Contraceptives

Source: DOH Pharmaceutical Management Information System, 2018 to 2021

established in the different regions as hubs to stockouts in health facilities. The act-
optimize the distribution in nearby regions on-site is a mainstay intervention where
and address stockouts experienced in the stockouts and overstocking are reported
different LGUs nationwide. These hubs operate for immediate attention and action
in NCR, Regions 2, 5, 9, 11, and 12. DOH resulting in redistribution or reallocation
and POPCOM worked hand-in-hand with of commodities. On the other hand, rural
LGUs to ensure the continuous supply of FP health units use SMRS tools to monitor the
commodities and to mobilize the distribution flow of commodities. These practices have
to LGUs. been proven to be effective in avoiding and
minimizing stockouts.
CHDs and LGUs, with assistance from
USAID, have been conducting “Pause and The BARMM Ministry of Health and USAID
Reflect” sessions to discuss and explore trained 107 health care providers from
issues and solutions to FP commodity Maguindanao, Basilan, and Lanao del Sur

62 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Table 9. Number of Health Facilities that Reported Stock-out of FP Commodity by Method, PMIS 2021
FP Methods Average Number of Health Number of Health Percent of
Facilities that Reported Facilities with Active Facilities
Zero Stocks (0) in the Past Consumption Reported Zero Stocks
12 Months
COC 351 2,344 15%
POP 322 2,213 15%
Male Condoms 315 2199 14%
DMPA 499 2,193 23%
PSI 235 1,334 18%
IUD 134 944 14%
Source: DOH Pharmaceutical Management Information System, 2021

on the Inventory and Order Report (IOR), a to establish the intervention’s effectiveness
mechanism that is essential for monitoring in strengthening FP service delivery in the
the stockouts and availability of commodities. community and determine its replicability and
The IOR is also utilized to determine the required sustainability mechanisms.
number of FP commodities PHOs can
request. Capacity Building for Pre-Marriage
Counselors. With the new Pre-Marriage
D. Support to Governance and Orientation Counseling Module, POPCOM
continues to cascade and train PMOC teams
at the LGU level. These trainings also assist
PMOC team members comply with their
Training of Health Providers and
accreditation requirements as pre-marriage
Workers counselors. For this year, a total of 61 trainings
were conducted by POPCOM in partnership
Training Package on Basic FP Service with the LGUs. An estimated 1,913 counselors
Delivery Tasks of CHWs. To ensure that and members of PMOC teams were trained
community health workers (CHWs) are on delivering counseling services based on the
adequately capacitated to perform their FP new PMOC module.
tasks, DOH and POPCOM, with technical
assistance from USAID, developed and Supporting the establishment of Private
pilot-tested the training package on Basic FP FP training institutions. Strengthening
Service Delivery Tasks of Community Health the capacity of health service providers
Workers. is crucial to ensuring the provision of
quality FP services. CHDs, with support
This training package covers basic FP tasks from USAID, conducted the Regional
such as information dissemination, mapping Consultative Meeting on Recognition of
of women of reproductive age, resupplying Training Institutions which was participated
condoms, and pills, addressing concerns on in by the FP Regional Managers of the
missed pills, helping clients correctly use the CHDs in Mindanao. As a result, DOH Field
lactational amenorrhea method, and helping Implementation Coordination Team directed
clients shift to another modern method CHDs to revitalize if not create the regional
when necessary. The training package also FP recognition committees and prioritize the
includes tools and job aids that would help recognition of FP training institutions.
CHWs perform their tasks well. USAID also
continues to document the performance of
the CHWs through implementation research

2021 RPRH Annual Report 63

A series of workshops were then conducted focal persons from these facilities underwent
for ten potential training institutions, namely, orientations on the concepts of quality of care
Margosatubig Hospital in Zamboanga del and the plan-do-study-act cycle.
Sur, three academes in Davao Region- Ateneo
de Davao, Tecarro School of Midwifery Sustaining the Operation and
and Ariesgado School of Midwifery, Family Establishment of POPCOM Wellness and
Planning Organization of the Philippines, Family Clinic. The POPCOM Family Wellness
in Davao City and two local professional Clinics’ (FPWCs) primary objective is to serve
organizations, IMAP Davao in Davao Region, couples and individuals with unmet need
UPMGSC in General Santos City and three for FP. As of 2021, POPCOM supported the
government hospitals in CARAGA Region to establishment of six Family Planning Wellness
assist these institutions to comply with DOH Clinics in Davao, Butuan, Zamboanga City,
recognition requirements. Cagayan de Oro City, San Fernando La Union
and Mandaluyong City. FPWCs also cater
Capacity Building of Health Facilities walk-ins and also extend their services through
joining outreach and house-to-house services
Installation of Continuous Quality to reach out to poor and marginalized clients
Improvement (CQI) Program in Selected in far barangays especially from geographically
Health Facilities. With support from isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA). It
USAID, the BARMM Ministry of Health and also broadened their reach to neighboring
the Integrated Provincial Health Offices of LGUs. POPCOM continued to maintain
Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, and Basilan, several warehouses in Regions 2, 5, 9, 11,
initiated the formation of quality improvement 12. These warehouses serve as hubs of FP
(QI) teams to assist 57 RHUs and 11 hospitals commodities and supplies to nearby regions.
in the region. Team members include doctors,
nurses, midwives, municipal links, and a Strengthening evidence-based planning
municipal councilor for the Committee on with LIPH/AOP formulation. Part of the
Health. interventions on health systems strengthening
is providing technical assistance for developing
The improvement teams focused on testing health investment plans that are responsive to
and implementing a change package for local needs. With the Universal Health Care
post-partum family planning at the facility law in place, the Local Investment Plan for
along the continuum of care (ANC, FBD, PP, Health and Annual Operational Plans are two
childcare visits during routine immunization), of the most important documents necessary to
which also builds their technical and ensure the implementation of health reforms
management capacities in running continuous under the UHC law. USAID has continuously
quality improvements in their facilities. supported its 32 priority sites, with a focus on
The QI facilities accounted for 26,985 new those that are tagged as UHC integration sites,
acceptors-an 82 percent contribution to total by facilitating workshops for strategic planning,
new acceptors of FP in the region, compared creating guides to abridged planning, and
to 5,860 new acceptors at non-QI sites. The creating samples for estimating health budget
QI sites contributed to an increase in new needs.
acceptors of FP and overall current FP users
to help reduce unplanned pregnancy and give In BARMM, the MOH initiated its strategic
women autonomy over their FP choices. investment plan with short- and medium-
term goals to fill the gaps in service provision
Similar initiatives were implemented in 12 and enhance infrastructures that support
local government hospitals and four RHUs service delivery. The local investment plan
in Batangas Province, including the Batangas eliminates the fragmented and uncoordinated
Medical Center which installed CQI in their funding streams in the health system. Moving
FP program. As part of the assistance, 38 CQI forward, USAID will support the MOH in

64 2021 RPRH Annual Report

establishing an effective procurement and Monitoring and Evaluation
supply chain management system for supplies
and commodities that will address existing Monitoring of FP Program in Hospitals.
bottlenecks and gaps. The implementation of the FP Program in
Hospitals is considered a high-impact practice
Family Planning in the Workplace. The by the DOH. An internal pause and reflect
Department of Labor and Employment’s session with provincial or city technical
contribution in support to the officers and local service delivery advisors
implementation of the RPRH Law consists was conducted on June 2, 2021 to discuss
of ensuring that the provision of FP services the results of monitoring activities and learn
is implemented in the private sector by large about good practices from selected hospitals
establishments or those employing 200 or in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and to plan
more workers. This was integrated in the the next steps in the provision of technical
DOLE Family Welfare Program (FWP) as a assistance to priority hospitals. The FP
component of the RPRH dimension. Program in Hospitals is being implemented
in 162 hospitals, of which 146 public and 16
From January to October 2021 there were private, across the 32 USAID project sites.
1,945 large establishments assessed as The status of its implementation is monitored
compliant with Department Order 56-03 using a standardized tracking tool. In the
or “Rationalizing the Implementation of the last quarter of 2021, a total of 139 hospitals,
Family Welfare Program (FWP) in DOLE”. of which 124 public and 15 private, were
This represents 96.19 percent of the number monitored.
of large establishments assessed by DOLE
during said period. Monitoring of Compliance to ICV. With
assistance from USAID, a total of 1,421
Contribution of Civil Society facilities were monitored for compliance to
Organizations. FriendlyCare, in partnership informed choice and voluntarism, and all
with the United Nations Foundation and were found to be compliant. There were 1,370
POPCOM 4A, capacitated 48 company line HSPs and 391 clients interviewed regarding
leaders in Carmona, Cavite as Peer Educators ICV compliance in the different facilities of
and Motivators for Responsible Parenthood the project sites. The most frequent issues
and Family Planning. The trained peer encountered during monitoring was lack
educators/motivators conducted one-on-one of trained FP service providers on certain
behavior change communication activities FP methods, such as PSI and IUD. This was
that promote FP behaviors among workers in either due to performance of other important
the company. They also referred and assisted tasks, such as for COVID-19, or retirement,
workers in need of FP services to the trained resignation, or re-assignment. Stock out of
company nurses. commodities such as pills, condoms, or DMPA
were also noted. USAID implementing
FriendlyCare, in partnership with Fabella partners also developed and delivered four
Hospital, trained eight nurses of FP in the online learning sessions on ICV for 100
Workplace company models from Carmona participants.
and Rosario Cavite, Cabuyao and Calamba,
Laguna for online FP Competency Based
Training Level 1. The training enabled the
nurses to identify and counsel company
workers on family planning, as well as assess
client’s eligibility to use a particular family
planning method, and provide a family
planning method according to the principle of
informed choice and voluntarism.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 65

Adolescent Sexual and
Reproductive Health

66 2021 RPRH Annual Report

On June 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte (POPCOM) are tasked to develop a social
enacted Executive Order 141 which protection mechanism as a means to alleviate
prioritizes the implementation of measures the resultant financial burdens of unintended
addressing adolescent pregnancies in the pregnancies of mothers who are 10 to 19 years
country. The EO officially mobilizes existing old. POPCOM is tasked to consolidate the
coordinative and legal mechanisms related different initiatives of all government agencies
to the prevention of adolescent pregnancies. and institutions into a Unified Action Plan
Funding for the implementation of EO 141 towards the Prevention of Adolescent
will be allocated under the Annual General Pregnancies.29
Appropriations Act and Republic Act
10354 or the Responsible Parenthood and The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose
Reproductive Health Act of 2012. multiple challenges to program implementers,
parents, teachers, health workers not only in
The EO mandates the Human Development terms of educating and meeting the ASRH
and Poverty Reduction Cabinet Cluster as needs of young people, but also in terms
the overall coordinator for all government of protecting and helping young people
agencies and instrumentalities. Additionally, overcome the negative social, psychological
government agencies are directed to extend and economic impacts of a global pandemic.
all assistance necessary to enable Sangguniang With the expanded and revitalized Adolescent
Kabataan units to implement programs, Sexual and Reproductive Health Program
projects, and activities that help prevent all of the Government, major stakeholders and
known causes of adolescent pregnancies, program implementers are posed to deliver
while supporting adolescent mothers. a more wholistic set of interventions that
support the over-all health, development and
Also under the EO, the Department of Social protection of adolescents, especially the most
Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the vulnerable.
Commission on Population and Development

29 https://www.manilatimes.net/2021/07/07/public-square/

2021 RPRH Annual Report 67

Status and Trends

Latest available data from the Philippine percent drop from the previous year. For live
Statistics Authority reported that the number births among the 10 to 14 age group, the
of live births among adolescents 15 to 19 years percentage change is lower at 12 percent.
old has been on a gradual decline beginning
in 2015, with a sudden drop in figures noted The significant reduction may be attributed
in 2020. On the other hand, while the number to changes in the sexual risk behaviors of
of live births among the younger age group of adolescents due to less socialization during
10 to 14 years old had been increasing, it also the COVID-19 lockdown.
went down in 2020 [Figure 17].
The proportion of live births among
Specifically, the number of live births in adolescents 15 to 19 years old over total live
2019 was estimated at 178,503 and this was births has also been on a steady decline over
reduced to 159,947 live births in 2020, a 13.2 the past years [Table 11].

Figure 17. Live births among adolescents 10 to 19 Years old, 2013-2020

Live Births among Adolescents

10 to 19 Years Old, 2017 - 2021
250,000 3,000


Axis Title




0 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
15-19 207,951 207,995 205,837 201,100 194,333 181,716 178,504 154,947
Under 15 1,629 1,877 1,986 1,902 2,076 2250 2411 2113

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registry and Vital Statistics, 2013-2020

Table 10. Percentage of live births among women 15-19 years old by total live births, 2015-2019
Year Total Live Births Live births by % of Live Births by
Women 15-19 Women 15-19 Years
2015 1,744,767 205,837 11.80%
2016 1,731,289 201,100 11.62%
2017 1,700,618 194,333 11.43%
2018 1,668,120 181,716 10.89%
2019 1,673,923 178,504 10.66%
2020 1,528,684 154,947 10.14%
Source: Total Live Births, PSA Website

68 2021
68 2021RPRH
Figure 18. Number of repeat pregnancies (second pregnancy) among girls 10-17 years old, 2011-2018

Number of Repeat Pregnancies among

Girls 10- 17 Years Old, 2011 - 2018

4,889 4,957
4,569 4,597 4,633





2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Philippine Statistics Authority, 2011 to 2018

Table 11. Adolescent Birth Rate, 2015-2020

Year Female Population Live Births by Adolescent Birth Rate
15-19 Years Old Female 15-19 (ABR)
2015 4,981,725 205,837 41.32
2016 5,006,703 201,100 40.17
2017 5,027,111 194,333 38.66
2018 5,043,110 181,716 36.03
2019 5,054,786 178,504 35.31
2020 5,062,259 154,947 30.61
Source: PSA Projected Population based on 2015 Census and CRVS data for live births

The consequences of teenage pregnancy high school, are more likely to live in poverty,
to both the teenage mother and her baby and have children who frequently experience
are numerous and have long-term effects. health and developmental problems.32
Teenage births result in health consequences
to children. They are more likely to be born In the Philippines, the 2017 NDHS confirms
preterm, have lower birth weight, and face that early childbearing is higher among girls
greater risk of dying. For teenage mothers, with lower educational attainment and who
there are greater rates of postpartum come from lower income households.
depression and less likelihood to initiate
breastfeeding.30 They also face a higher risk Specifically, the proportion of adolescent
of death compared with women 20 to 24 girls who have begun childbearing is
years old.31 They are less likely to complete highest among those who had elementary
30 Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Nickel NC. Teenage pregnancy: education (Grades 1-6) at about 32 percent
the impact of maternal adolescent childbearing and older and those who belong to the lowest quintile
sister’s teenage pregnancy on a younger sister. BMC Pregnancy at approximately 15 percent. Additionally,
Childbirth. 2016;16(1):120. Published 2016 May 25. doi:10.1186/
s12884-016-0911-2 more females aged 15 to 19 years old living in
31 The Lancet Global Health, Maternal mortality in adoles- countries - The Lancet Global Health
cents compared with women of other ages: evidence from 144 32 Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Nickel NC, 2016.

2021 RPRH
2021 RPRH Annual
Annual Report 69
Report 69
rural areas (10.1%) have begun childbearing
compared to those living in urban areas (6.8%).
Key Interventions
Teenage mothers also face the risk of repeat A. Demand Generation
pregnancies. The CRVS data observed a
pattern of repeat and multiple childbirth Online National Campaigns
events among mothers below 18 years old (10- Targeting Young People
17 age group).
I Choose #MalayaAkongMaging
Latest available data show that from 2011 Campaign. On November 2021,
to 2018 there was an increasing pattern in DOH and POPCOM, with assistance
the number of repeat pregnancies (second from USAID, launched the “I Choose
pregnancy) among adolescent mothers who #MalayaAkongMaging Campaign” in
are minors. A significant decline was recorded partnership with the Department of
from 2015 to 2017 but increased once more in Education, the National Youth Commission
2018 [Figure 18].
and the World Health Organization.The
campaign aims to encourage young people
In terms of adolescent fertility rate,33 PSA
to be who they want to be and choose
estimates also show a declining trend with a
significant drop observed between 2019 and
healthy options for themselves, that extends
2020. From 35 children per 1,000 females in to others, their families, and communities.
2019 to 30 children per 1,000 females in 2020 A total of 3,622 registered participants
[Table 11]. joined the launch via Zoom and there were
919 peak FB live viewers. An online press
The current trend in adolescent birth rates briefing preceded the launch with attendees
indicate that the country is progressing well from government agencies, development
in its effort to curb the burgeoning issue of partners, media, youth groups and other
teenage pregnancy. Under the Philippine stakeholders.
Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 and the
National Objectives for Health (NOH), the Linggo ng Kabataan (LNK)
target for adolescent birth rate is 37 per 1,000 Celebration. Under the campaign banner
females for ages 15 to 19 by 2022. POPCOM, #MalayaAkongMaging, POPCOM, DOH
on the other hand, is aiming to reduce teenage and the National Youth Commission
births by half (28 per 1,000 females 15 to 19 spearheaded the online Linggo ng
years old) using the baseline of 57 per 1,000 Kabataan celebration last August 2021
females 15-19 taken from the 2013 NDHS. with the theme: “Transforming Food
Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and
Planetary Health”. Coinciding with the
2021 International Youth Day, the LNK
celebration explored issues on safe sex,
teenage pregnancy, HIV, and mental health
affecting young Filipinos today. There were
33 According to the World Health Organization, Adolescent
Birth Rate (ABR) is the annual number of births to women aged 237 registered participants in Zoom and 487
15-19 years per 1,000 women in that age group.It is also referred FB live viewers from government agencies,
to as the age-specific fertility rate for women aged 15-19. stakeholders, Sanggunian Kabataan and
other youth groups. FB statistics are as
follows: 4,859 reached, 579 engagement, 140
comments, 59 shares and 380 reactions.

70 2021
70 2021RPRH
NYC Webinars. The National Youth Playbook for the Key Assistance for
Commission led a series of webinars to Developing Adolescents (KADA)
generate conversations on young people’s Network
risk-taking behaviors, including early
sexual activities, unprotected sex. Webinars The Local Health Systems Health
also focused on teenage pregnancy, youth Promotion Playbooks are DOH’s newest
mental wellness, and peer-to-peer coaching. tools to assist local implementers in
To inform the design of NYC’s Strategic rolling out health promotion interventions
Program to address adolescent pregnancy in their communities. Specifically, the
in the country, the Commission held a Playbook for the Key Assistance for
series of Island-Wide Youth Dialogues Developing Adolescents (KADA) Network
and Consultations in Luzon, Visayas, and consolidates guidelines and services on
Mindanao. To promote ideal health seeking- adolescent-friendly facilities and service
behaviors among young mothers, NYC also delivery networks of different government
disseminated social media reminders on agencies to create one multisectoral,
prenatal and antenatal care, breastfeeding holistic, and community-based team in
and family planning from the DOH-Healthy local government units ready to serve
Pilipinas social media package. adolescents.

Helping Adults Connect and With the assistance of POPCOM, UNICEF,

Communicate Better with Young and the Council for the Welfare of Children
People (CWC), developed the Playbook to increase
the number of facilities and trained
Comprehensive Sexuality Education personnel from various sectors that can
- Adolescent Reproductive Health address adolescent sexual and reproductive
(CSE-ARH) Convergence. The DepEd, in health concerns as well as adolescents’
collaboration with DOH and POPCOM, hesitation in seeking services. The Playbook
led the One Health Week Celebration on the KADA Network was released to
last September 2021 and showcased the the public and will be implemented in 10
department’s flagship programs under the Provinces in 2022.
Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd. The theme
for the celebration was “Bayanihan para
sa Kalusugan: OK sa DepEd, sa Paaralan,
at sa Tahanan.” One of the highlights of
the celebration was the online launch of
the Comprehensive Sexuality Education
- Adolescent Reproductive Health
Convergence, streamed via Facebook live s (KADA)
using the official FB pages of DepEd, DOH
Healthy Pilipinas, and POPCOM.

The convergence highlighted the various

demand generation and service delivery
mechanisms that are available for both in
and out of schools. The I CHOOSE and
Konektado Tayo campaigns were also
cascaded to schools through the regional and
school division offices as part of the health
education promotion for RH. FB statistics are
as follows: 1,562 reached, 95 engagements, 20
comments, 9 shares and 66 reactions. Key Assistance for Developing Adolescents (KADA) Network 1

2021 RPRH Annual Report 71

DepEd also led a series of Webinars on the quality of conversations about love, sex, and
Comprehensive Sexuality Education for: relationships of parents and their teens. To
1) General Parents-Teachers Association/ date, it reached over 11 million people with
Conference officers; and 2) Supreme Student 4,200 followers. Most of the engagements
Government officers and advisers, and came from 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 age groups,
other stakeholders. Held in three clusters, the intended audience for this campaign.
the Webinars provided an understanding of USAID, DOH and POPCOM held a virtual
the importance of CSE as an integral part of launch of the Konektado Tayo FB Page last
the K-12 basic curriculum; awareness of the July 22, 2021 via Zoom and FB live. It was
roles in the overall CSE program; familiarity attended by 780 registered participants
with the referral system and learning in Zoom and 484 FB live viewers. FB
resources as tool/job aids for local CSE talk, statistics are as follows: 6,433 reached, 1,445
orientation and/or training with PTA/PTC engagement, 176 comments, 94 shares and
members; formulating local action plans to 1,175 reactions.
strengthen the home-school partnerships
in the implementation of CSE; appreciating Partnership Agreement for the Social
the methods/practical tips on how to protect Protection for Teenage Mothers who
children and teens from violence and abuse are Minors and their Children. Given
during the pandemic. the mandate to establish a social protection
program for teenage mothers who are minors
DepEd also conducted the orientation and their children, the Department of Social
training on the pilot implementation of CSE- Welfare and Development and POPCOM
ARH Convergence to connect schools with conducted a virtual ceremonial signing of this
local health service providers. The training partnership agreement and an online press
was attended by representatives from all- conference last June 2021. Invited guests were
region. It provided steps to accomplish the POPCOM Board, POPCOM and DSWD
establishment of a school referral mechanism Regional Offices, local population officers,
and the use of the Rapid Psychosocial Tool. government agencies, development partners,
media and other stakeholders. It was attended
Online Peer Education Strategy. As by 166 participants via Zoom and 145 via
part of the development of the Online Peer FB Live. FB statistics are as follows: 6,915
Education (PE) Program initially started last reached, 923 engagement, 103 comments, 91
year, POPCOM conducted two batches of shares and 729 reactions.
pre-test of the training program. A total of 22
online peer educators from selected regions Regional and LGU Initiatives
were trained for this initiative. Its objective is
to organize and develop a pool of online peer Engaging Young People. POPCOM
educators who will conduct online educational Region 2 in collaboration with DSWD
sessions on adolescent reproductive health for held regular AHD activities, including
young people, ages 10-19 years old, in selected virtual AHD film-viewing, for vulnerable
regions of the Philippines. adolescents and children in conflict with
the law of Regional Haven for Women and
Konektado Tayo Launch. The idea for Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth.
Konektado Tayo came directly from a Other initiatives directly engaging the youth
formative research conducted with over 215 were: 1) POPCOM NCR’s AHD Program in
teens and their influencers by USAID. In partnership with the Rotary Club of Manila
February 2021, the Konektado Tayo Facebook Fort Santiago; 2) POPCOM Region 3’s virtual
page was introduced online. This platform U4U to educate San Jose City adolescents
was a co-development effort between the on ASRH in the comfort of their homes;
POPCOM and USAID to help improve the 3) POPCOM Region 7’s Training of Youth

72 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Girl Power Campaign TEENcredibles: AHD Online
Social Media Campaign
In support of EO 141, Likhaan Center
for Women’s Health, together with 25 The Community Improvement Division,
other CSOs and partners embarked on an through the Oro Youth Center, conducted
advocacy campaign to reduce early and an initiative entitled "TEENcredibles: AHO
unintended pregnancy. This campaign, Online Social Media Campaign - Incredible
dubbed as Boosting Girls’ Agency on Ideas and Creativity+ Credible Information".
Sexuality and Reproduction (or Girl Power This initiative is in line with the
Campaign), is supported by the Embassy of implementation of "The Challenge lnitiave
the Netherlands in the Philippines, Global (TCI)" and conducted in partnership with
Affairs Canada, Inter Pares, Roots of Health, POPCOM 10 and Department of Education-
and the European Union. Cagayan de Oro City Division.

As part of this campaign, Likhaan has All public national high schools in the city
conducted a town hall meeting in October were invited to join the activity, especially
and a web talk in November. The town hall those with POPDEV Clubs and teen
meeting, first of a series in the campaign centers. This project aims to increase youth
on “Girl Power Campaign to Prevent participation in the issues on ASRH and
Unintended Adolescent Pregnancy”, was create meaningful information, education,
able to record a total of almost 700 devices and communication (IEC) materials to
watching the livestream. A total of 28 be shared and posted online through the
channels live streamed the activity via different. A total of 19, 888 participants
Facebook (both individual accounts and were reached through the ASRH Online
organizational pages), YouTube and Twitter Discussion and 30 public national schools
with the following statistics on Likhaan participated in the creation and sharing of
accounts: Facebook page with estimated several adolescent health and development-
7,000 viewers reached and almost 1,200 related materials. With this number of
engagements; Teens Info page with estimated individuals reached, the knowledge and
13,130 minutes viewed and almost 1,500 awareness on ASRH related issues and
engagements; and Likhaan YouTube account concerns also increased.
with 704 views and 52 likes.

2021 RPRH
RPRH Annual Report 73
Annual Report
Advocates for the Barili Interconnected Contribution of CSOs
Services for the Youth Organization (BISYO);
3) POPCOM Region 8’s ASRH On-the Air Demand generation and awareness-raising
Radio and TV Program; 4) POPCOM Region activities both online and in person were
9’s partnership with CSOs and Development conducted by CSOs for Sangguniang
Partners; and 5) POPCOM Region 10’s Kabataan officials, community youth leaders
Teencredibles – AHD Online Social Media and other stakeholders to highlight key
Campaign. messages on teen pregnancy, ARH and the
RH law. In particular, the Roots of Health
Sexually Healthy and Personally (ROH) partnered with SK Federations in
Empowered Adolescents or SHAPE-A different municipalities in Palawan and
Modules. POPCOM-MIMAROPA in barangays in Puerto Princesa City and
collaboration with a team of scientists and conducted RH information outreach sessions.
medical practitioners from the Philippine As schools have remained closed since the
Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (POGS) beginning of the pandemic, ROH utilized
partnered with the DepEd -MIMAROPA in its online platforms to reach out to their
the conduct of a region-wide capacity building stakeholders with essential RH information.
for teachers and school health and guidance Their Facebook (FB) page reached 4.7 million
personnel dubbed “PREPARE: A Webinar while Tiktok views were 14 million.
on Adolescent Sexuality and Reproductive
Health for DepEd MIMAROPA. POPCOM For other CSOs, The Forum for Family
CAR continue to implement its “Panag-alukoy Planning (FORUM) implemented the
Kadagiti Manusurro para ti Nasaysayaat ReachYouth initiatives in the Tri-City of
nga Masakbayan” (Molding Teachers Mold Cebu Province. This initiative focused on
Futures) initiative to ensure that teachers the conduct of ASRH teaching-learning
and supervisors of participating schools are programs among night high school students
equipped to integrate the concepts of AHDP who are often neglected in ASRH programs in
and CSE into all subjects and key areas into school. A total of 122 teachers were trained in
the curriculum. POPCOM Caraga supported teaching ARH and CSE while 54 school nurses,
the SHAPE Mobile Academy of San Francisco guidance counselors and clinic teachers, and
Agusan del Sur. 104 youth leaders in ARH advocacy.

Broadcast Media for and by Young B. Service Delivery

People. With assistance from USAID,
Provincial Health Office of Basilan, Philippine
Adolescent-friendly Health Facilities.
Information Agency-Basilan and Radyo
To increase the number of functional
Komunidad supported the broadcast of 12
adolescent-friendly health facilities (AFHF),
episodes of Education on Air for the Youth
USAID continued to conduct virtual and
(Vamos Jovenes) from April to June 2021.
hybrid workshops on establishing AFHF
for 13 facilities in Luzon, 44 facilities in
Meanwhile, the USAID-supported training on
the Visayas and 21 in Mindanao. These
digital broadcasting harnessed the potential
workshops introduced the updated elements
of 24 youth leaders as champions to promote
of the AFHF criteria in preparation for the
health-seeking behaviors, enabling them to
dissemination of the memo once approved.
become positive influencers of their peers and
Continuous coaching and mentoring were
provided in addition to providing support
to address the identified gaps to become
adolescent friendly-facility.

74 2021 RPRH Annual Report

In BARMM, the Ministry of Health Barangay-based Teen Centers
received assistance from USAID in
assessing 120 rural health units using The City of San Fernando, La Union
the DOH-approved criteria. Based on launched its “mother hub teen center” as a
the assessment, 74 percent of the total demonstration of recognition and support for
facilities were certified as AFHFs, with 27 its Youth Council or Sangguniang Kabataan
and 62 facilities assessed as levels 1 and 2, leaders who successfully set-up 33 functional
respectively. Additionally, USAID provided barangay-based teen centers around the city.
continuous mentoring and coaching to
the newly created Population Division of The popularity and achievements of the teen
the MOH, which implements the region’s centers were recognized locally and nationally.
ASRH program. From September to These were benchmarked by other LGUs
November 2021, the MOH with assistance and served as models for other teen centers.
from USAID reassessed 29 certified AFHFs These were featured in various national
and determined that 17 met the eight media outlets and publications, highlighting
criteria as fully functional AFHF. their significant contributions in youth
and community development. Specifically,
Information and Service Delivery the SK Teen Center of Barangay Ilocanos
Networks. POPCOM provided Sur was awarded the Most Outstanding SK
technical assistance to LGUs, partnering Project (Health Category) by the Positive
with various institutions, to establish Youth Development Network during the 2nd
AHD information and service delivery National Search for Outstanding SK Project
networks linking institutions and service Awards in August 2021. Likewise, the same
providers from the local government teen center also bagged 3rd Place (Luzon
and non-government organizations, civil Category) during the Search for Outstanding
society organizations, private sectors Illegal Drug Abuse Resistance Education
and all relevant stakeholders. Some of Projects by the National Youth Commission,
the highlights of POPCOM’s technical besting 400 national entries in November
assistance during the year include: 2021.
1) POPCOM Region 3 developed a
Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for the Moreover, the teen centers have been useful
functionality of ISDN Teen Center in the in holding seminars and activities that engage
province of Bataan; 2) POPCOM Region young people—in-school, out-of-school, and
10 supported LGUs in strengthening young people with disabilities to learn new
their capacity to monitor the ISDN information and skills. At least 13 clients
referral pathways for Malaybalay City, are served everyday and are referred to
Bukidnon. Twenty (20) agencies pledged to appropriate services when needed. Twenty-
strengthen their AHD programs and focus one of these barangay teen centers have “study
their activities on the reduction of teen buddy” volunteers to assist students and
pregnancies. children who are willing to learn.

School-based Teen Centers or Teen The teen centers are being monitored by the
Hubs. Teen centers serve to complement City Youth Development Office, Department
and reinforce the role of schools in of the Interior and Local Government and
educating students about ASRH. the POPCOM Region 1 to assess their
These centers also provide services performance and progress.
such as counseling on medical and
reproductive health concerns. During
the year, POPCOM Regional Offices, in

2021 RPRH
RPRH Annual Report 75
Annual Report 75
collaboration with Provincial Population needs of adolescents through the provision
Offices, DepEd and other partners, continue to of health commodities such as deworming,
advocate for the establishment of teen centers iron folic acid, human papillomavirus (HPV)
and provide technical assistance to LGUs and vaccination, and other available services
schools interested to set-up their own teen offered by the LGUs. Also, to contribute
centers. towards the reduction of maternal deaths,
City, Provincial and Municipal Health
Major accomplishments include: 1) POPCOM and Population Offices considered the
Region 3 helped establish Teen Information prioritization of MNCHN Priority Areas or
Corners in all barangays of Meycauayan hotspots for the prevention of adolescent
City to institutionalize and implement AHD pregnancies.
programs; 2) POPCOM Region 9 forged
a Memorandum of Agreement with the Contribution of CSOs. Through the effort of
PPO, DepEd and the local government of CSOs, 15,162 adolescents received appropriate
Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur to establish a and medically-correct counseling and services
school-based teen center; and 4) POPCOM on adolescent sexual and reproductive
Region 12 and DepEd oriented various schools health in health clinics or through outreach
on the Guidelines for the Establishment of activities. CSOs also engaged various
school-based teen centers and also supported stakeholders such as Sangguniang Kabataan
the establishment of community-based teen leaders, barangay health workers, teachers,
centers of eight (8) Barangays and one (1) student leaders, and health service providers
national high school in Cotabato Province. to support and build their skills in ASRH
services and peer education. Several youth
For 2021, LGU-led initiatives include: 1) The advocates who were mentored assisted
Naga Teen Center Helpline continues to assist barangay health centers to improve the
adolescents through trained peer educators reach of their FB pages and help in condom
manning the teen center daily from 8:00AM distribution.
to 5:00PM. With the implementation of The
Challenge Initiative, the teen helpline will C. Assistance on Governance and
expand to the 27 barangays in Naga City.
Part of the activities that will be implemented
is the establishment of teen help desks or
teen hubs in all the barangays of the LGU; National Steering Committee on
2) the Province of Bataan has established the Adolescent Youth and Health
a Teen Information Center (school-based Development (NSC-AYHD). The NYC and
and community-based) with trained peer the DOH convened the National Steering
facilitators for all of its LGUs, although a Committee on the Adolescent Youth and
number of the centers have not been sustained Health Development (NSC-AYHD), formerly,
during the pandemic. In 2021, Bataan devised the NAYHD Technical Working Group. The
a monitoring tool to assess the operations of NYC also issued a Resolution, “Approving
community-based TICs as a sustainability the Creation of the NSC AYHD and the
mechanism for LGUs. composition of TWG Committees defining
its roles and functions.” POPCOM, as the
One AHD Program (AHD Class with Secretariat, continued to coordinate this
Service Delivery). In Region 6, DOH meeting.
and POPCOM pursued the AHD class 2.0
initiative as a COVID-19 response strategy Online Course on Adolescent Health
to meet the needs of adolescents in the Care for Primary Service Providers. Due
region. The initiative seeks to use demand to the Covid-19 situation, approaches and
generation activities to satisfy the ASRH strategies in program implementation have to

76 2021 RPRH Annual Report

be adjusted or modified in order to adapt to Division in developing a training design for
the dynamic landscape and present challenges the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Adolescent
in adolescent health and development. In Reproductive Health (ARH) Adolescent
relation to this, online courses were developed Health Education and Practical Training
to address the challenges in conducting face (ADEPT). This training curriculum integrates
to face activities. DOH conducted the pilot the Adolescent Job Aid (AJA) component
run of the Online Course on Adolescent to further hone the trainees’ skills in
Health Care for Primary Service Providers- psychosocial risk screening. USAID and MOH
Foundational Course among the regional then capacitated 25 regional and provincial
AHDP Coordinators and the LGU staff of managers of the MOH and IPHO/CHO.
Samar in support of the KADA network The MOH allocated the funds to roll out the
implementation in the province. This is to trainings to the five provinces and two cities,
ensure that health care and service providers ensuring the availability of adolescent-friendly
are well-equipped in handling adolescent services in each of the Adolescent Friendly
clients at their facilities. This course will be Health Facilities (AFHFs). A total of 192
uploaded at DOH e-learning hub in the early HCPs in all provinces completed the training
part of 2022. on AJA/ADEPT in FY2021: 30 health care
proviedres (HCPs) in Tawi-Tawi; 36 HCPs in
FP-ARH Integration. The FP-ARH Basilan; 47 HCPs in Lanao del Sur; 40 HCPs
Integration is identified as a strategy to for Maguindanao; and 39 HCPs for Sulu.
strengthen Post-Partum Family Planning and
provide holistic services for the adolescent Localization of Adolescent Health and
population classified as 1) those who are not Development (AHD) Strategies in the
sexually active with the goal of delaying sexual Province of Cavite. The Cavite Provincial
activity, 2) sexually active to be protected Population Office’s (PPO) has sustained the
from STI and unplanned pregnancy, and 3) implementation of its AHD program having
pregnant or those with children to prevent regularly included AHD in their annual
rapid repeat pregnancy. This intervention invest plans. During the pandemic, the PPO
has three phases, namely: 1) advocacy and conducted online activities such as teenage
assessment phase, 2) integration phase, and pregnancy symposiums, AHD film showing,
the 3) evaluation and scale-up phase. ASRH orientations, Parent Teen Talks, among
others in coordination with stakeholders such
In 2021, USAID completed the advocacy as Provincial Health Office, DepEd Schools
and assessment phase through the Training Division Office (SDO).
of Trainers participated by 76 CHD and
provincial FP and ARH coordinators from Creation of Health and Development Task
Regions 3, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Forces in Twenty Barangays. In Region
13. For the fourth quarter of FY2021, the VI, Mayor Eufracio P. Dayaday Jr. issued a
USAID focused on initiating the integration Memorandum Order dated January 13, 2020
phase which highlights the roll-out of the directing the MNAO/Municipal Population
orientation-training which was conducted Officer, Municipal Health Officer, MSWD
in 12 out of the 16 identified hospitals. These Officer, Municipal Agriculture Officer, PESO
hospitals were prioritized based on the CHD’s Manager, DepED ALS Coordinator and
and provincial offices’ recommendations, DSWD Municipal Link to collaborate with
these are hospitals with established FP and/ each other as a team to assist and provide
or ARH services and are not COVID-19 mentorship to all twenty barangays for the
designated hospitals. implementation of the AHD program which
includes monitoring and evaluation as this
Training of Trainers on ARH. USAID is also part under the Nutrition-Sensitive
supported the BARMM MOH-Population Program of the National Nutrition Council.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 77

Sexually Transmitted
Infections and HIV/AIDS

Republic Act 11166 or the Philippine The HIV Strategic Plan is expected to
HIV and AIDS Policy Act mandates the contribute to the goal of reducing annual HIV/
Department of Health and the Philippine AIDS cases to less than 7,000 infections in
National AIDS Council (PNAC) to collaborate 2022. It is well-aligned with the Philippine
in the implementation of the health sector’s Development Plan (2017-2022) and Universal
HIV and AIDS and STI response as identified Health Care Act (UHC) of the Philippines.
in the AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP) Specifically, under the UHC Act, HIV was
for 2017 to 2022. The primary aim of the identified as one of the flagship programs for
program is to mitigate the impact of HIV/ integration.
AIDS and STI at the individual, family and
community level. It does this by preventing and The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted
reducing transmission among the most-at-risk HIV care delivery not only in the Philippines
population and the general population. but also in many countries around the world.
Data collected by the Joint United Nations
In 2020, DOH, PNAC and other implementing Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) from
partners developed the HIV Strategic Plan March to September 2020 showed widespread
(HSP) 2020-2022 focusing on high risk key declines in the number of patients initiating
populations among men who have sex with HIV treatment as well as declines in HIV
men (MSM), transgender women (TGW), testing.34 Despite major setbacks caused
young key populations, and persons who by the COVID-19 pandemic to the HIV
inject drugs in high burden areas. The Plan Program, extensive collaboration with relevant
has also identified and prioritized high partners, CHDs and CSOs including the
impact prevention, testing, treatment and PLHIV community allowed for significant
adherence strategies that will contribute to the improvement in the HIV Care Cascade relative
achievement of the 95-95-95 targets, namely: 1) to the previous year.
95 percent of people living with HIV (PLHIV)
will know their HIV status; 2) 95 percent
of diagnosed PLHIV receive antiretroviral
therapy (ART); and 3) 95 percent of PLHIV on 34 At the Intersection of 2 Pandemics: The Impact of COVID-19
on HIV, July 2021. https://www.infectiousdiseaseadvisor.com/
ART are virally suppressed. home/topics/hiv-aids/how-covid-19-affected-the-hiv-pandemic/

2021 RPRH Annual Report 79

Status and Trends

Between January and December 2021, the HIV/ 47,868) were 25-34 years old while 29 percent
AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) (27,254) were youth (15-24 years old ). The
confirmed 12,341 additional HIV-positive median age was 28 years old (age range: 1
individuals. This brings the total reported month - 82 years). Thirteen percent (12,667) of
cases since January of 1984 (when the first HIV the reported cases had clinical manifestations
infection in the Philippines was reported) to of advanced infection at the time of testing. Of
94,337. the total confirmed HIV-positive individuals, a
total of 5,373 have died.
Ninety-four percent (88,818) of those diagnosed
were male and 6 percent (5,508) were female. There was a 54 percent increase in the annual
At the time of diagnosis, more than half (51%, diagnosed cases reported in 2021 (12,341)

Figure 19. Average number of daily new HIV cases reported, 2017-2021

Average Number of People Newly Diagnosed with

HIV per Day, 2017-2021

35 34





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Source: HIV/AIDS and Art Registry of the Philippines (HARP-EB), 2017-2021

Table 13. Mode of HIV Transmission as of December 2021

Mode of Jan-Dec 2021 Jan 2016 - Dec 2021 Jan 1984 - Dec 2021
Tranmission n=12,341 n = 64,593 n=94.337
(11,793) (548) (61,643) (3,130) (88,818) (5,508)
Sexual Contact 11,450 518 59,696 2,962 85,387 5,126
Male-female sex 717 518 5,014 2,962 8,729 5,126
Male-male sex 7,527 - 37,852 - 51,344 -
Sex with males and females 3,206 - 16,830 - 25,314 -
Blood/blood products 0 0 0 0 5 14
Sharing of infected needles 89 7 1,046 58 2,261 143
Needlestick injury 0 0 0 0 2 1
Mother-to-child 13 11 84 78 129 117
No data of transmission 241 12 637 32 1,034 107
Source: DOH HIV/AIDS ART Registry of the Philippines (DOH-EB) December 2021

80 2021
80 2021RPRH
Key Interventions
A. Demand Generation
compared to the reported cases in 2020
(8,036). This means that in terms of Engaging Key Populations and Vulnerable
the average number of people newly Groups. The #AwraSafely for a Healthy
diagnosed with HIV per day, the figure Pilipinas Campaign is an online multisectoral
jumped from 22 newly diagnosed campaign on HIV and sexual health awareness
individuals per day in 2020 to 34 in 2021 that provides a safe virtual community for key
[Figure 19]. populations and vulnerable groups to navigate
their sexual health needs and concerns.
Sexual contact remained as the Philippines Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc
predominant mode of transmission
(PSFI), TLFShare, LoveYourself, UNAIDS and
(98%, 971) [Table 13]. Among the newly
DOH spearhead this campaign in partnership
reported cases who acquired HIV through
with Lazada Philippines. One of the main
sexual contact, 63 percent (608) were
through male to male sex, 27 percent
features of the campaign is KonsulTayo sa
(261) through males who have sex with Online Beshies, where clients can get free
both males and females , and 10 percent and confidential consultations on HIV-
(102) through male to female sex. Further, related topics with trained health workers
seven (1%) were infected through sharing from different regions of the country through
of infected needles, three (<1%) children Facebook. These health workers provide
acquired HIV through mother-to-child access to available social hygiene clinics and
transmission, and 12 cases (1%) had no community centers that offer free sexual health
data on mode of transmission. services including HIV testing, counseling, pre-
exposure prophylaxis, antiretroviral therapy,
Moreover, there were four HIV positive and gender affirming hormone therapy. From
women reported pregnant at the time of January to October 2021, Let’s #AwraSafely
diagnosis. Three cases were from Region for a Healthy Pilipinas Facebook Page had
4A, and one case was from Region 8. The a 1.9 million reach: 1.28M on condom use;
age of reported cases ranged from 20 to 206.7K on HIV topics; 517.8K on Kwentuhang
23 years. Quarantigang (talkshow); 75.5K on Lazada and
Healthy Pilipinas online events; and 121.6K on
Regional patterns vary across different general HIV and sex topics.
modes of transmission. Thirty-nine
percent (29,630) of ever diagnosed males
Engaging Young People. The National Youth
who have sex with males were from the
Commission (NYC) maximized the use of
National Capital Region; almost all (99%,
social media as well as information, education
2,397) reported cases among people who
inject drugs were from Region 7; and
and communication materials as a means to
the highest proportion of females who reach and educate the youth on reproductive
engaged in transactional sex (31%, 100) health. NYC posted engaging content such
were from Region 3. as the art card for #AidingForAIDS2021 and
#YouthForAIDSFreePH in celebration of
World AIDS Day. NYC also conducted a series
of seminars like the Sana All No More webinar
series, which aimed to educate young people
about the negative effect of smoking, drugs
abuse, unprotected sex, and other risk-taking

2021 RPRH Annual Report 81

National Health Events. A virtual launch B. Service Delivery
show was held in celebration of the 1st
anniversary of the Philippine National HIV Prevention
Prevention Month last July 31, 2021 with
the theme “Be Informed. Be Empowered.
Availability of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Be SaferNow Philippines!”. This aligns
(PrEP). DOH made available pre-
with Presidential Proclamation No. 971
exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP), which is
declaring the second week of July as Infection
medicine taken to prevent getting HIV,
Prevention and Control Week. NHPM
in selected high burden regions including
mainly focuses on the importance of HIV
Metro Manila, CALABARZON, Central
combination prevention methods and to
Luzon, Western Visayas, Central Visayas,
enlighten and encourage Filipinos to practice
Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao,
multiple ways to stay healthy regardless of HIV
Davao, SOCCSKSARGEN, and Cordillera
status. Also during the reporting period, the
Administrative Region. This was made possible
DOH and PNAC spearheaded the observance
through funding support from The Global
of World AIDS Day with the theme, “End
Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria
Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics” to
(GFATM) – HIV Grant and the United States
highlight the important role of every Filipino
Agency for International Development /
on HIV prevention, as support for People
President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief
Living with HIV (PLHIV), and ending AIDS
HIV project. Further, 13 sites from the private
and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination.
sector offered paid PrEP in 2021 following a
series of sensitization and capacity-building
Commitment to the 2021 Political
activities for awareness building and demand
Declaration and Global AIDS Strategy.
generation. PrEP drug has been approved by
Health Secretary and Philippine National
the Health Technology Assessment Council for
AIDS Council (PNAC) Chair Francisco T.
inclusion in the Philippine National Formulary
Duque III renewed the country’s commitment
to enable the DOH to procure PrEP for
to the 2021 Political Declaration and the
national implementation.
Global AIDS Strategy during the UN High-
Level Meeting on HIV and AIDS Plenary
Community outreach activities. Local
Session in June 2021. He highlighted how the
government units conducted community
Universal Health Care Act (UHC) and the
outreach activities progressively due to the
Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act created
easing of quarantine restrictions. These
an impact in the campaign on HIV response.
activities engaged members of the key
The country will catalyze its commitment
populations to reach out to their peers and
to ending AIDS by joining the Global
deliver prevention interventions through
Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms
HIV education, provision of condoms and
of Stigma and Discrimination through PNAC.
lubricants, and community or facility-based
HIV screening. LGUs and community-based
Contribution of Civil Society
organizations, with funding support from the
Organizations. CSOs continue to provide
GFATM – HIV grant, intensified their online
demand generation activities online through
activities through the mobilization of peer
the various FB pages. ROH created the Bantay
navigators. Use of online platforms, digital
HIV Palawan FB. Their regular postings
technologies and applications such as “Online
resulted in more than 60,000 reached and
Beshy” were strengthened as platforms for
more than 2,000 likes. Bantay HIV Palawan FB
disseminating HIV information including
posts are shared in other FB pages as well.
condom use, pre-exposure prophylaxis
(PrEP), and HIV testing and treatment.
Sub-allotment of funds to various DOH

82 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Figure 20. Trend of HIV diagnoses recovered

Trend of HIV diagnoses has recovered,

only 400 short of reaching 2019 year-end tally
Number of newly diagnosed HIV cases by quarter, Q1 2019 – Q4 2021 Number of newly diagnosed HIV
cases annually, 2019-2021
2019 2020 2021
4,000 12,733
ECQ in 12,341
3,421 3,364 3,397 12,000
3,500 Luzon 3,259
2,929 3,019
2,812 2,904
3,000 2,781 10,000
2,425 8,036
2,000 1,870
929 4,000

500 2,000

0 0
Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 2019 2020 2021

2019 vs 2021
Source: HIV, AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines, December 2021

Source: Report from DOH-EB: Accomplishment Report for RPRH Annual Report 2021

CHDs were also utilized for hiring of case use of three (3) rapid HIV diagnostic tests
managers and community health outreach (RDTs) to confirm HIV diagnosis at the
workers, honoraria and communication point of care and aims at bridging the gap
allowance for community mobilizers, conduct between diagnosis and treatment with same-
of HIV screening, TB-HIV caravan, and HIV day testing, provision of confirmatory results,
awareness and networking. and treatment initiation. By the end of 2021,
84 percent of newly diagnosed PLHIV were
Diagnosis diagnosed within their region of residence.

By the end of December 2021, diagnosis Currently, there are 170 HIV treatment
coverage among estimated PLHIVs was facilities consisting of 113 treatment hubs and
at 66 percent. HIV testing has almost 57 primary HIV care facilities nationwide
recovered with only 400 short of reaching [Table 14]. Treatment hubs refer to a public or
the pre-pandemic accomplishment or 12,341 private hospital with an organized HIV and
diagnosed PLHIV [Figure 20]. AIDS Core Team that facilitates the provision
of in-patient and out-patient prevention,
Eighty-two percent of the estimated PLHIV treatment, care, and support services to
cases in the country are concentrated in six PLHIV including but not limited to HIV
regions: NCR, CALABARZON, Central testing services, clinical management, patient
Luzon, Central Visayas, Western Visayas, and monitoring, and other care and support
Davao Region. services.

Expansion of rHIVda sites also continued in On the other hand, a Primary HIV Care
2021 with 29 licensed laboratories situated Facility refers to a private or public health
across the country providing rHIVda services facility that provides outpatient primary care
based on Department Memorandum 2021- services to PLHIV including but not limited
0513 or Updated List of Health Facilities with to HIV testing facilities, clinical management,
Rapid HIV Diagnostic Algorithm (rHIVda) patient monitoring, and other care and
Service [Table 16]. This strategy entails the support services.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 83

Table 14. No. of HIV testing facilities and treatment facilities certified by DOH, 2021
Region Health Facilities with DOH-Designated Treatment Hubs and
rHIVda service Primary HIV Care Facilities
(DM 2021-0513) (DM 2021-0201)
NCR 8 40
CAR 1 3
Region 1 2 5
Region 2 1 3
Region 3 4 28
Region 4A 2 21
Region 4B 1 5
Region 5 1 3
Region 6 2 8
Region 7 1 13
Region 8 0 12
Region 9 1 5
Region 10 1 6
Region 11 2 4
Region 12 0 10
TOTAL 29 170
Source: DOH, 2021

Treatment and Care Among PLHIV on treatment, 32 percent or

one in three PLHIV were tested for viral load.
Treatment coverage among diagnosed PLHIVs Among those tested for viral load, 96 percent
was at 63 percent. Moreover, enrolment to were virally suppressed.
treatment among newly diagnosed PLHIVs
has improved from 65 percent during pre- PhilHealth Reimbursement for OHAT
pandemic (2019) to 72 percent in 2021 [Figure Package. Benefits paid by the Philippine
21]. Health Insurance Corporation for Out-Patient
HIV/AIDS packages increased from Php
To provide safer and effective antiretroviral 629 million in 2020 to Php 680 million in
therapy, tenofovir/lamivudine/dolutegravir 2021. This benefit package is for people living
(TLD) and single formulation dolutegravir with HIV (PLHIV) needing anti-retroviral
50mg has been approved by the HTAC for treatment (ART). It aims to increase the
inclusion in the PNF to enable the DOH to proportion of the population having access
procure TLD and dolutegravir for PLHIV to effective HIV/AIDS treatment and patient
needing these drugs. education measures based on the current
treatment guidelines prescribed by the
As part of the TLD transition plan, this Department of Health (DOH).
regimen has been provided to treatment-naive
PLHIV with no active Tuberculosis, or those Ensuring availability of services amidst
with adverse reaction to other ARV regimen. COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19
By the end of 2021, there were 56,385 PLHIV pandemic may have affected the provision
on ART. of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
services but institutions have adopted changes

84 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Figure 21. Year-end enrollment coverage of newly diagnosed cases, 2021

Year-end enrollment coverage of newly diagnosed cases

breached 72% in 2021
Year-end enrollment among newly diagnosed cases, 2019-2021

12,000 12,778

10,000 72%
8,249 8,058

6,000 63%


2019 2020 2021

Newly diagnosed cases Enrolled to treatment among newly diagnosed

Source: HIV, AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines, December 2021

Source: Report from DOH - EB: Accomplishment Report for RPRH Annual Report 2021

to ensure that PLHIVs would still receive the outlets for condom provision to key
care that they need amidst lockdowns and populations.
• In Region 11, the second certified
Facilities such as Social Hygiene Clinics, rHIVda (rapid HIV diagnostic algorithm)
Treatment Hubs and Rural Health Units confirmatory laboratory (CrCl) was built
(RHUs) remained open, while other clinics at the Reproductive Health & Wellness
adjusted their clinic hours to accommodate Center of Davao City. This facilitated
patients. Antiretroviral (ARV) drug refills were the release of confirmatory results and
also made available for pick-up and delivery via enhanced the immediate provision of HIV
courier services or government vehicles. services.

Areas with increasing cases are prioritized • Region 12, in collaboration with Pilipinas
in terms of allocation of HIV/AIDS medical Shell Foundation, Inc. and LoveYourself,
products. HIV/AIDS consults and patient Inc. staff, adopted the Integrated HIV
follow-ups were also conducted through Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance
telemedicine or online instead of face-to-face. (IHBSS) strategy to conduct mapping
Meanwhile, the Regional Office still offered activities to ensure the continuous
their service to walk-in clients, referrals, and community-based monitoring and HIV-
patients who booked their schedule online. related health service delivery throughout
Regional helplines were also made available the region.
in order to reach PLHIV stranded due to the
declaration of lockdown. • CARAGA Administrative Region ensured
the continuity of STI/ HIV/AIDS services
Regional and LGU Initiatives in their four (4) treatment hubs and
• The Cordillera Administrative Region two (2) social hygiene clinics, through
prioritized and supported facilities uninterrupted supply of ART drugs and
needing refresher courses for their HIV other logistics, had a strong collaboration
Proficient Medical Technologists, as well with DSWD for better access to existing
as established “Safe Places” as non-facility financial support to PLHIV clients,

2021 RPRH Annual Report 85

Emerging Good Practices in the and local AIDS councils that are in full
time of COVID-19 support of the HIV prevention program
were activated.
Metro Manila. In light of the continuous
challenges brought by the COVID-19 • POPCOM Region 4A helped establish the
pandemic in 2021, the Department of Republika Community Center at Bulakan,
Health- Metro Manila Center for Health Bulacan, which ensured the provision
Development and other health partners of HIV services. During the reporting
continued to enhance the HIV services by period, DOH worked on the expansion of
strengthening key strategies such as the CRCL to: 1) Ospital of San Jose del Monte
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission and CHU 2 City of San Jose del Monte;
(PMTCT) initiative, expansion of Primary 2) Prep Implementation Category A area
HIV Care Facilities and Treatment Hubs and (Luntiang Silong- BMC and Allied Care
Community-based HIV screening. Hospital; and 3) condom and lubricants in
government and private settings.
CARAGA Region. Online mental health and
psychosocial counseling were initiated by the • DOH Region 2 partnered with the
HIV and AIDS Core Team through the Social municipalities of Isabela and Cagayan
Worker/Psychometrician among the PLHIV in delivering free HIV screenings,
through a 24/7 hotline to ensure adherence establishment of HIV treatment HUBs
and compliance to ARV treatment, lessen that will accommodate PLHIV, and
the depression and hopelessness that they distribution of condoms. Online training
are experiencing with the disease itself and sessions were also held for nurses and
aggravated by the pandemic. medical technologists.

• Localization strategies as embedded in • In NCR, coordination between

the devolution transition plan of DOH Community Health Development
particularly on the prevention and warehouses and HIV facilities were
treatment of HIV/AIDs at the local level. strengthened. DOH, POPCOM, and LGU
partners, as part of their advocacy against
• Extensive implementation and unprotected sex and other risk behaviors
dissemination of the Human especially among the youth, continue to
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Adaptive inform and educate on FP commodities
Plan as per Department Circular No. to help lessen not only unplanned
2021-0507 pregnancies but also reduce STI and HIV/
AIDS infections.
• Timely monitoring of the adaptive
plan to ensure that activities are being Contribution of CSOs. Civil society
implemented to document how adaptive organizations and development partners
changes are contributing to the HIV also contributed to the service delivery on
response HIV/AIDs for 2021. The Family Planning
Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) was
pushing its efforts in organization, training
and mobilization of HIV navigators to utilize
community centers, as community testing
areas for convenience will become closer
than local hospitals. FPOP also continued
to collaborate with partner organizations
like Pilipinas Shell Foundation to provide
coaching and mentoring on HIV/AIDs.

86 2021
86 2021RPRH
As for the service delivery, CSOs provided Monitoring and Evaluation
40,000 consultations on HIV related services.
These included HIV counseling, HIV testing, The Department of Health-Epidemiology
HIV screening and treatment referrals, and (DOH-EB) was responsible for the M&E
RTI/STI treatment. document outputs and outcomes of HIV
and AIDS health sector interventions.
A series of training on Community-Based It is also responsible for providing the
Screening (CBS) for HIV were conducted country’s data for submission to the global
by Roots of Health (ROH) for the health community through the Philippine National
providers, youth and community leaders in AIDS Council (PNAC). For 2021, the
the four municipalities of Puerto Princesa in final indicators utilized in the HSP are the
Palawan. Furthermore, ROH is a member of products of several consultations organized by
the Local AIDS Council of Puerto Princesa NASPCP and the HIV TWG.

C. Support to Governance and

Capability Building

DOH Centers for Health and Development

conducted trainings and rolled-out capacity-
building activities on HIV Counseling
and Testing (HCT), Primary HIV Care,
Clinical Management, Provider-Initiated
Counseling and Testing, One HIV/AIDS and
STI Information System (OHASIS), Case
Management, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis,
Community-Based Screening (CBS), and
Stigma Reduction. Additional support from
the Global Fund HIV grant and USAID/
PEPFAR enabled the conduct of additional
capacity building activities for service
providers, key populations, and the PLHIV

During the year, USAID supported DOH in

selected aspects of HIV financing through
development of the UHC Medium Term
Expenditure Program 2022-2026 and
development of Konsulta Sandbox policy that
includes selected HIV service elements.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 87

Elimination of Violence against
Women and Children
The elimination of violence against women The Inter-Agency Council on Violence against
and children and other forms of sexual Women and their Children35 (IACVAWC), as
and gender-based violence is one of the 12 the lead coordinator and monitoring body on
elements of reproductive health care. For VAWC initiatives, continue to focus efforts
this reason, RA 10354 or the Responsible in strengthening institutions and support
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law mechanisms against violence and abuse
enjoins all government entities and partners towards women and children, trafficking,
to work towards a violence-free community harrassment, among others.
through systematic primary prevention and
access to effective response systems. In 2021, government entities, development
partners and civil society organizations
The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly intensified online advocacy and
impacted women and children in terms of communication activities focused on violence
safety at home and in public spaces. According prevention as well as urging victims-survivors
to UN Women Executive Director Sima to seek help and assistance. Through guidelines
Bahaus “The pandemic, which necessitated and trainings, partners also prioritized the
isolation and social distancing, enabled a capacity building of local government units
second, shadow pandemic of violence against as frontliners in the VAWC protection and
women and girls, where they often found response systems. The harmonization of
themselves in lockdown with their abusers”. administrative data collection and management
Data show the urgency of concerted efforts to on VAWC prevalence also remained as an
end gender-based violence. urgent task during the year as this is crucial to
policy, programming and service work.
In a survey conducted by the Commission
on Population and Development (POPCOM)
and the Social Weather Station (SWS), 1 in 4 35 Comprised of 12 members, namely: Department of Social
Filipinos believed that this pervasive violence Welfare and Development, Department of Interior and Local
is the most serious problem that women face Government, Philippine National Police, Department of Justice,
Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of
during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 11 Labor and Employment, Civil Service Commission, Commission
percent indicating physical violence as a top on Human Rights, Council for the Welfare of Children, National
Bureau of Investigation, and National Commission on the Role of
concern of women during the pandemic. Filipino Women.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 89

Status and Trends

The Philippine National Police (PNP) noted a Limitations in mobility, including issues of
downward trend of reported VAW cases from getting transport, deprived VAW victims-
2017 to 2021 [Figure 22]. Cases include abuses survivors of VAW services such as medical,
committed under R.A. No. 9262 (Anti-VAWC security, legal, and social welfare. The required
Act), R.A. 8353 (Anti Rape Law of 1997), R.A. health protocols, primarily swab tests also
7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment), Art. 336 of the limited the access of victim-survivors to
Revised Penal Code (Acts of Lasciviousness), medical and shelter facilities. The lack of
and Art. 334 of the Revised Penal Code technological know-how and lack of access to
(Concubinage). In 2017, the PNP recorded digital platforms contributed to the difficulty
a total of 26,494 VAW cases. This number of women VAW victims in availing assistance
decreased annually until 2021. even if some service providers were able to
give online services such as virtual filing of
The significant decrease of reported VAW cases, webinars and teleconsult.
cases was in 2020 to 2021. This does not
necessarily mean that violence against women Moreover, women victim-survivors opted
and girls has been curbed. The decrease to not report the abuse as it was difficult for
in reporting could still be attributed to the them to go out because of the presence of the
repeated implementation of government- perpetrator in their dwellings.
imposed lockdowns which limited the mobility
of VAW victims-survivors, hindering them from In terms of regional data, Central Visayas or
reporting the abuse. Region 7 has the highest recorded VAW cases

Figure 22. Reported VAWC cases, 2017 to 2021

GBV Cases by Legal Violation, 2017 to 2021




20,968 20,678




100 74 98 58 71
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

VAWC Rape Acts of Lasciviousness

Concubinage Trafficking in Persons Sexual Harrasment
Photo and Video Voyeurism Safe Spaces Total

Source: Philipppine National Police, 2017 - 2021

90 2021
90 2021RPRH
Table 15. Top Five Regions with the Highest VAW Cases, 2021
Region VAWC Rape Lascivious- Photo/Video Others Total
ness Voyeurism
Region 7 1,040 326 325 35 136 1,862
NCR 1,363 168 109 6 19 1,665
Region 6 854 303 249 12 47 1,465
Region 4A 712 211 173 16 44 1,156
Region 3 740 113 85 2 16 956
Total 4,709 1,121 941 71 262
Source: Philipppine National Police, 2021

Figure 23. Reported cases of violence against women and girls with disabilities, 2019 - 2020
Cases of Violence against Women and
Girls with Disabilities, 2019 - 2021



300 269 272

200 189

142 132


2019 2020 2021

Women (18 yrd old and above) Young girls (0 to 17 yrs old) Total

Source: Philipppine National Police, 2019 - 2020

with 1,862 cases or 15 percent of the total Sexual Harassment and violations committed
12,524 reported cases to PNP from January defined in the Safe Spaces Act [Table 15].
1 to December 31, 2021. NCR ranks as the
second region with the highest reported From 2019 to 2021, the Philippine National
VAW cases at 1,665 cases for the same period, Police reported an upward trend of reported
followed by Region 6 or Western Visayas with incidence of violence against women and
the third highest reported cases. Region 4A or girls with disabilities. Of the reported cases,
CALABARZON ranks as the fourth region with more women aged 18 years old and above
the highest reported VAW cases. experienced violence compared with those
belonging to 0-17 years old age group.
Majority of the cases in the regions with However, the percentage increase in the
highest VAW incidence reported to PNP in number of violence against children 0 to 17
2021 are violations of RA 9262, followed with disabilities from 2020 to 2021 is much
by rape, acts of lasciviousness, and photo higher (30%) compared with women 18 years
and video voyeurism. Other cases include old and above (14%) [Figure 23].
concubinage, Anti-Trafficking in Persons, Anti-

RPRHAnnual Report 91
AnnualReport 91
Table 16. Number of victim-survivors by sex, 2021
Sex by birth RA 10627 RA 7610 RA 9262 RA 8353 RA 7877

Female 7 809 1349 517 211

Male 2 216 112 10 6
TOTAL 9 1025 1461 527 217
Source: Department of Health, VAW Registry, 2021

Table 17. Number of VAW victim-survivors handled by WCPU, 2021

Facility RA 10627 RA 7610 RA 9262 RA 8353 RA 7877 TOTAL

Amang Rodriguez 0 1 34 2 0 37
Medical Center
Baguio General Hospital and 2 46 138 11 2 199
Medical Center
Basilan General Hospital 0 0 5 0 0 5
Bicol Regional Training and 0 29 33 11 11 84
Teaching Hospital
Corner District Hospital 0 0 0 1 1 2
Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital 0 0 51 4 0 55
Luis Hora Memorial Regional 1 5 3 2 0 11
Margosatubig Regional 0 3 2 1 0 6
Quirino Memorial Medical Center 0 245 466 140 19 870
Region I Medical Center 6 3 222 196 179 606
Southern Philippines Medical 0 623 466 76 0 1,165
Veterans Regional Hospital 0 70 2 72 5 149
Zamboanga Del Sur Medical 0 0 39 11 0 50
TOTAL 9 1025 1461 527 217 3,239
Source: Philipppine National Police, 2020

The Department of Health, through its Of the 13 reporting WCPUs, Southern

Violence against Women and Children Registry Philippines Medical Center in Davao City
System (VAWCRS) recorded a total of 3,239 recorded the highest number of handled
GBV cases in 2021. Of this, 89 percent or 2,893 VAW cases with a total of 1,165 cases covering
of victims are females while 11 percent or 346 abuses under RA.7610, RA 9262, RA 8353,
victims are males [Table 16]. and RA 7877. This was followed by Quirino
Medical Center with 870 cases, Region 1
Similar to the PNP data, the most reported Medical Center with 606 cases, Baguio General
type of abuse encountered by those who Hospital and Medical Center with 199 cases
sought help from women and children handled, and Veterans Regional Hospital with
protection units (WCPUs) are against R.A. 149 cases.
No. 9262 at 1,461 cases. This is followed by
violations under R.A. No. 7610 or the Anti- Disposition of VAW Cases. In 2021, the
Trafficking in Persons Act with 1,025 cases, Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) handled a total
and then rape as the third highest reported of 4,083 cases of violence against women
type of incident with 527 cases [Table 17]. committed under R.A. No. 9262 with, 1,696

92 2021
92 2021RPRH
new cases. Of the total handled cases, almost Table 18. Number of VAW cases handled by the
50 percent (or 2041 cases) were resolved/ Public Attorney’s Office, 2021
terminated36 while 2,042 cases remained Status Cases under Rape Cases
pending at the end of the year [Table 18]. R.A. No.
PAO also reported that in 2021, they handled Cases Pending, 2,387 683
a total of 796 rape cases involving women Beginning
victims-survivors, of which 113 new cases New Cases 1,696 113
were received at the beginning of the year. Of Received
the total rape cases, 25 percent (or 200 cases) Total Cases 4,083 796
were resolved/terminated and 596 cases Handled
remained pending at the end of year [Table Terminated 2,041 200
Pending, End 2,042 596
Source: Department of Justice, 2021
As shown in Table 19, the National Prosecution
Service (NPS) handled a total of 12,445 Table 19. Number of cases handled by the National
rape cases in 2021 with 10,805 rape cases Prosecution Services, 2021
resolved, or a disposition rate of 87 percent. Status Cases under Rape Cases
1,640 cases remained pending at the end R.A. No.
of the year. On one hand, 10,217 cases were 9262
Information filed in court which refers to Total Caseload 12,700 12,445
all criminal cases filed in court and are not
included in the computation of the total
caseload, resolved, and pending cases. Resolved 11,352 10,805
The NPS also handled 12,700 cases under R.A.
Pending 1,348 1,640
No. 9262 from previous years until 2021. Of
this, 89 percent or 11,352 cases were resolved Information Filed 7,213 10,217
in Court*
in 2021 but 1,348 cases remained pending.
Source: Department of Justice, 2021

The NPS also reported that in 2021 there have

been 7,213 criminal cases filed in court.
It is to be noted that the total caseload
includes those pending and court cases from
previous years. Resolved cases, on the other
hand, include cases which are for filing in
court or dismissed cases.

36 Terminated cases refer to those which the court has made

the final decision and disposed of by a court. It includes cases
where the decision has become final and executory, and cases
that were elevated to a higher court by appeal or other similar

2021 RPRH Annual Report 93

Key Interventions #SanaAllSpacesSafe served as a platform for
all genders to expound on their imagery of
and hopes for a VAW-free community, and
A. Demand Generation also opened discussions on experiences on
VAW and/or sexual harassment.
18-Day Campaign to End VAW. The 2021
observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Apart from the hashtag, the general public
VAW highlighted the promotion of awareness was enjoined to take part in the “Do the
about the Safe Spaces Act (SSA), both for the Macho Choir” video challenge where
general public and the institutions that are participants can sing, dance, act, and give
mandated to implement the law. As a relatively their own creative spin to the Macho Choir
new law for the protection of women and radio/audio plug and post their take on
girls from violence, there is a need to intensify one or all of the plugs under the hashtag,
awareness raising on the core provisions #DoTheMachoChoir. The Macho Choir radio
of the Safe Spaces Act, the penalties, and plugs, a collaboration between PCW and
mechanisms in place. DDB cares, are 30-seconder nursery melodies
with lyrics which raise awareness on catcalling
Hence, the Philippine Commission on Women as a form of sexual harassment.
(PCW) in collaboration with the Inter-Agency
Council on Violence against Women and Aside from the online events, PCW also
their Children (IACVAWC), conducted four distributed IEC materials (posters, brochures,
(4) online activities that aimed to elevate the primers) to 66 provinces, all cities of
public’s knowledge of the law, focusing on Metro Manila, and 15 highly urbanized
how victims can utilize the processes and cities. In partnership with the Department
mechanisms stipulated in the law. of Transportation (DOTr), IEC materials
(stickers and posters) were posted at transport
The kick-off online event explained the core terminals and on public utility vehicles.
provisions of the Safe Spaces Act and featured
the launch of the #SanaAllSpacesSafe online Regional VAW Hotlines. As of December
campaign and presentation of the Safe Spaces 2021, VAW hotlines for the seventeen (17)
Pledges from IACVAWC members. Through regions across the Philippines have been
the Safe Spaces Pledge, officials of agencies, posted on regional Philippine Information
implementers, service providers, establishment Agency Facebook pages and can be accessed
owners, educators, employers, influencers, through the PCW website. The establishment
and the general public shared their pledge or of regional VAW hotlines aims to encourage
vow to do their part in making all spaces safe women and girls who are experiencing
through actions as public servants, private violence to seek help by providing hotlines
institutions, or as individuals. of the service providers in their areas. This
will also increase the awareness of victim-
Other episodes tackled protection measures survivors in the presence or availability of the
and mechanisms in place for victims of VAW services present in their localities.
gender-based sexual harassment in different
spaces such as streets, online platforms, public Juana Be Wais Campaign. The Department
spaces, workplaces, educational and training of Health (DOH) through the Health
institutions. Promotion Bureau (HPB) with the Consuelo
Foundation, came up with the Local Health
The #SanaAllSpacesSafe online campaign System Health Promotion Playbook “Juana
was also launched to encourage the public to Be Wais Campaign” to address the social
share how they visualize a community without determinants of health and create settings
gender-based sexual harassment. The hashtag which promote individual and community

94 2021 RPRH Annual Report

FamiLigtas Campaign shines a light on GBV during the pandemic

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign’s messages with actual service,
Philippines was already experiencing a crisis Lunas Collective’s survivor-centered, one-
in gender-based violence or GBV. The 2017 on-one chat platform served as an open, safe,
National Demographic and Health Survey and private space where anyone with GBV
revealed that 1 in 4 women have experienced concerns may ask questions and seek support.
physical, emotional, or sexual violence by
their husband or partner. This proportion Since its launch in October 2020, FamiLigtas
translates to about 4.2 million ever-married has reached 9.4 million people—5.9 million
women who have experienced GBV. Only people online and 3.5 million through radio. It
about two percent of them reported to has spotlighted the various forms of violence
the police. The reality on the ground may against women, children, and members of
be far worse, considering the massive the LGBTQI+ community. It quickly gained
underreporting of cases. With restricted traction among supporters from traditional
movement, suspension of public transport, and new media, with 52 journalists covering
and limited communication channels for it and more than 117 influencers boosting its
support, millions of victim-survivors were messages across top social media platforms. In
trapped with their abusers. the same period, Lunas Collective served 464
In response, USAID’s ReachHealth Project
partnered with Lunas Collective and other In the difficult days of the lockdowns,
civil society organizations and opinion FamiLigtas shone a light on GBV and pushed
leaders to launch FamiLigtas: Kampi Tayo for greater action against family violence.
Laban Sa GBV! The online campaign, FamiLigtas reminded everyone that while the
developed with creative support from M2.0 family is the immediate support system for
Communications, aimed to create awareness Filipinos, it is also a site of untold violence.
about GBV during the pandemic, encourage FamiLigtas continues to encourage everyone
victim-survivors to seek help, and advocate to keep homes safe, not just from COVID-19,
for zero tolerance of GBV. To complement the but from GBV.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 95

health. The Playbook consists of intervention
briefers, template ordinances, implementation
and monitoring and evaluation plans, and
communication materials; and aims to
assist LGUs in implementing the DOH’s
priority health promotion programs for
specific priority areas alongside minimum
public health standards for COVID-19. The
Playbook contents are flexible enough to be
adjusted to local contexts, but specific enough
Right the Ride Campaign. As part of the Safe to provide significant assistance to LGUs.
Spaces Now Campaign of the Commission on
Human Rights and for the annual observation The Juana Be Wais Playbook includes a
of the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, the Right module on Violence and Injury Prevention.
the Ride Campaign was launched in partnership It recognizes that VAWC is multifactorial,
with Wunderman Thompson, National with risk factors at the individual, social,
Confederation of Transport Union (NCTU), and structural levels, and therefore focuses
the Mandaluyong Alliance Transport Service on strengthening prevention at the primary
Cooperative (MATSCO), United Nations, and level by recognizing violence, encouraging
Share the Care Campaign Team for the Right to reporting, engaging more citizens and allies
Ride Campaign. The campaign aims to engage to become champions in preventing violence,
transportation groups to implement Safe Spaces and changing social norms.
in Public Spaces and Streets especially in the
roads. Before the launch, an orientation on the The Juana Be Wais Playbook tackles violence
Safe Spaces Act was given to the transportation and injury prevention, including all forms
groups and partners. of GBV and harassment in various settings,
through its provision of ready-to-use tools
Bodies of jeepneys were transformed to carry and materials to help raise awareness, enhance
empowering decals or images of women and knowledge and skills for preventing violence
featured women medical frontliners and and protecting one’s self, and influence social
Olympic gold medalist Hidilyn Diaz. Signages norms for the elimination of violence and
that display sexism and misogyny were replaced injury in the community and at home.
with empowering messages for gender equality
and against all forms of GBV. The Consuelo Foundation has provided
technical assistance in the capacity building of
Sixteen (16) traditional Filipino jeepneys participants in the identified pilot sites namely
traversed from Mandaluyong City to the CHR Valenzuela City and Zamboanga del Norte.
Office in Quezon City to show off the Right
the Ride stickers and signages containing #GirlDefendersAlliance. During the
empowering messages on women and LGBTQI. pandemic, the Philippine Legislators'
After the roadshow, a program was held at the Committee on Population and Development
CHR Liwasang Diokno where government (PLCPD), maximized the use of social media
agencies such as the MMDA, LTFRB and CHR and constituency building to drumbeat the
offices: HREPO and CHR-NCR as well the awareness and support on the proposed bill to
allied CSOs: Lunas Collective, WLB, Pinay Bike end child marriage.
Commuters gave their message of support. The
UN Country team, Wunderman Thompson and PLCPD organized the #GirlDefenders
MATSCO as primary partners of the Right the Alliance composed of legislator-champions
Ride also delivered their message of support. and advocates, including young people from
various parts of the Philippines including the
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim

9696 2021
2021 RPRH
RPRH Annual
Annual Report
Mindanao. The champion-legislators and the emergency situations where victims are in
#GirlDefenders Alliance led the advocacy imminent physical harm, the Secretariat
for the passage of the bill prohibiting the directly coordinates with service providers
facilitation of child marriage. to request for immediate intervention which
may include rescue operations to remove
B. Service Delivery the victims from the house/place which she
shares with the perpetrator. Requests for
assistance are received through social media,
Referral Service. PCW, through the
email, phone call, text messaging, or personal
IACVAWC Secretariat, maintains two (2)
dedicated VAW hotlines which women
victims of violence may call for assistance.
During the pandemic, requests for assistance
This is in recognition of the difficulty on the
from VAW victim-survivors more than tripled
part of the victims to personally report due
in 2020 compared with the 2019 level when
to restrictions imposed for travels and lack of
there was no COVID -19 yet in the country.
In 2021, it further went up to 602 cases from
only 120 cases in 2019.
All VAW victims who directly contact
PCW for assistance are handled by the
On one hand, violence committed under RA
IACVAWC Secretariat. Concerned intake
9262 (VAWC) registered an upward trend
officer interviews the client or informant,
from 95 cases only in 2019 to 291 cases in
assesses the incidents and the surrounding
2020. It further increased to 491 cases in
circumstances and determines specific service
2021. On the other hand, in 2021, rape cases
providers who can best help the victims. In
increased by 42 or 133 percent from only 18
this case, the attending staff provides initial
cases over the same period in 2019.
advice and refers clients to agencies that can
provide the needed assistance such as legal,
security, temporary shelter, counseling and/
or medical assistance. In case of urgent/

Figure 24. VAW cases handled by the Philippine Commission on Women, 2021

VAW Cases Handled by PCW, 2019 - 2021




400 373



120 42

100 189

7 18 7 18
2019 2020 2021

VAWC Sexual Harassment/Safe Spaces Rape Photo and Video Voyeurism Total

Source: Philipppine Commission on Women, 2021

2021 RPRH Annual Report 97

DSWD Centers and Residential Care Guide for 911 Emergency Telecommunicators
Facilities (C/RCFs). DSWD manages twenty- in Handling VAW Distress Calls, developed
eight (28) Centers and Residential Care by The Asia Foundation, contains quick visual
Facilities (C/RCFs) that provide temporary guides on how to handle VAW cases as well as
shelter and protective custody to women a directory of VAW service providers.
and girls who are victims of various forms of
abuse. Programs and services include home In December 2021, the Department of
life services, counseling, socio-cultural and the Interior and Local Government,
recreational program, spiritual enhancement, Department of Justice, and the Department
leadership and skills training, medical and of Social Welfare and Development signed
dental services, vocational training and a Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) on
livelihood productivity program. the inclusion of Gender-based Violence
(GBV) Emergency and Distress Calls in
Likewise, they coordinate the provision of the Emergency 911 National Hotline. The
after-care services and community-based Circular lays down the guidelines for 911
support services with the LGUs, once the Emergency Telecommunicators in handling
women are discharged from the centers GBV cases and aids the service providers in
and are reintegrated with their families and properly responding to calls and providing
communities. immediate referral to relevant agencies or
A total of 1,066 victim-survivors of violence
against women and children are being Seventy-six (76) 911 responders also
assisted by the C/RCFs nationwide. Of this, underwent online training on how to handle
623 victim-survivors are reported to have VAWC to ensure that they will be capacitated
experienced sexual abuse, particularly rape, in the proper handling of distressed calls
incest, and acts of lasciviousness. Similarly, 223 concerning VAW incidents.
victim-survivors are reported to be victims of
trafficking. DSWD also reported that the C/ The training sessions were conducted, in
RCFs currently house 142 victim-survivors of collaboration with the UP Center for Women’s
exploitation such as prostitution, pornography, and Gender Studies with the following
cyber pornography, legal recruitment, topics: 1) Sex and Gender, SOGIESC, and
pedophilia, and sexual harassment. Intersectionality; 2) Gender Situation and
Meanwhile, a total of 78 victim-survivors of Gender Issues with focus on VAWC and GBV;
VAWC are being assisted by C/RCFs. 3) Philippine relevant laws on VAWC and
GBV; and 4) Survivor-centered care and how
911 Emergency Hotline. The Emergency to handle a distressed call related to VAW.
911 Commission and The Asia Foundation
(TAF) partnered to launch a program for DSWD Program on Rehabilitation of
the inclusion of VAWC emergencies in the Perpetrators. DSWD is currently developing
Emergency 911 National Hotline. This aims the Counseling Services for Rehabilitation of
to provide VAW victim-survivors a toll-free, Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (CSRPDV)
easy-to-remember, accessible, and survivor- project, which is a simplified counseling
centered hotline. model designed specifically for the male
perpetrators of domestic violence. It was
TAF and the Emergency 911 Commission piloted in Regions 5, 8 and 10 wherein the
also entered into a partnership with the service providers and counselors in these
Philippine Commission on Women to support areas, particularly from DSWD, were given
the adoption of the pocket guide and referral capacity building support. Concerned DSWD
pathway in handling VAW/GBV reports of the staff who participated in the capability
911 National Emergency Hotline. The Pocket building activities will roll out a series of

98 2021 RPRH Annual Report

echo trainings in their respective regions.
The Social Technology Bureau of DSWD
will continue providing technical assistance
to Regions in the promotion and social
marketing of the project.

A Manual of Implementation on the

CSRPDV was already developed as a ready
reference for the implementers. DSWD also
issued Guidelines on the Implementation of
Counseling Services for the Rehabilitation
of Perpetrators of Domestic Violence. This
includes the program objectives, framework,
components, target beneficiaries, reporting,
competency standards, and institutional

CSO Contribution. The Gender Watch

Against Violence and Exploitation (GWAVE),
an organization based in Dumaguete,
provided legal assistance to 127 VAW
survivors. Of the cases filed, 49 are being
pursued, while the remaining 78 cases are in
the various stage of the legal process. GWAVE
was able to organize six men’s groups against
VAW in four LGUs in Negros Oriental with
35 to 100 active members. Four groups were
accredited by their LGUs which enabled them
to propose projects and funding for their
activities in their respective LGUs.

C. Support to Governance and


Functionality of VAW Mechanisms. The latest

2019 data of DILG show that 33,961 out of
39,039 (96%) Barangay VAW Desks were
assessed for their functionality. Of the 33,961,
36% or 12,232 VAW Desks are considered
to have ideal functionality while 16,228
VAW Desks (48%) fall under the mature
functionality. On one hand, 4,873 VAW Desks
(14%) were classified under the progressive
level and 628 VAW Desks or 2 percent are
assessed to have basic functionality.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 99

Recommendations and Priorities for 2022
2021 Priorities 2021 HIghlights of Action Done 2022 Priorities

100 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law
Conduct and establish an RPRH NIT strategic The DOH, in collaboration with USAID, commenced the Completion and implementation of the RPRH Multi-sec-
goals and directions with special attention to process of the development of the RPRH Multi-sectoral toral Strategic Plan for 2022-2028 along with the RPRH
provision of FP services during pandemic or Strategic Plan for 2022-2028. The RPRH Multi-sectoral Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
in any form of disaster. Strategic Plan will lay down the strategic roadmap that
will integrate, harmonize and institutionalize RPRH
activities within and among the national government
agencies, CSOs, donors, and other key stakeholders, to
provide the necessary resources for implementation and
promote accountability and transparency.
Complete the 5-year RPRH Law Three of four discussion papers on the process evaluation Completion and publication of the Legal Review of
Implementation Review. of the RPRH Law were published in 2021 by the Philippine the RPRH law with the following specific objectives to:
Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), commissioned 1) determine the proportion of policies issued versus
by DOH to conduct the review. The discussion papers those mandated by the RPRH IRR; 2) assess the strategic
include the assessment of 1) National-level governance, contribution of these policies; 3) determine the extent of
2) local service delivery, and 3) education and implementation of policies; 4) describe the challenges
communication. and issues in developing and implementing policies;
and 5) review the RPRH Law and IRR versus petitions and
KRA 1: Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition
Implementation of the recommendations Issuance of policies in the implementation of health Development and implementation of the blended/
from the BEmONC Assessment services with adoption to the new normal setup eLearning platform for BEmONC training

Ensure that efficient delivery of essential

health services are part of a comprehensive
pandemic plan
2021 Priorities 2021 HIghlights of Action Done 2022 Priorities
Develop RMNCAHN Policy in 2021 Final draft prepared for the integrated policy on Integration to the Omnibus Health Guidelines
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent
Include the Philippine Commission on Health and Nutrition (RMNCAHN) Policy
Women’s LGBTQ+ framework on service
provision protocols, particularly on gender-
based violence
Integrate immunization in other primary care The National Immunization Program integrated in the Roll out of Playbook to five Provinces to be continued in
interventions within a facility to decrease Family Health, Nutrition, and Responsible Parenting Line 2022, with capacity-building modules complementary to
missed opportunities for vaccination and Item (DOH Budget Briefer 2021) the Playbooks to be uploaded on DOH Academy
increase vaccine confidence
Playbook on Immunization (Bakuna Champions) with NIP integration of provision of tetanus vaccine for preg-
developed with inputs and guidance from UNICEF and nant women and HPV vaccines to adolescent girls in NIP
other partners. Pilot implementation of the Playbook is program
ongoing in Province of Biliran
KRA 2: Family Planning
Institutionalize the use of the Family Planning Online coaching was conducted for FP CHD, PHO, and Continued capacity building and mentoring of FP
Estimation Tool to lessen, if not eliminate, MHO Coordinators, and part of the discussions was the Coordinators of the DOH, such as on the use of the FPET
data biases and challenges with data quality. use and interpretation of the Family Planning Estimation for forecasting FP commodity requirements, monitoring
Tool (FPET). Presented were the status of FP programming the indicator Demand Satisfied with Modern Family
and program indicator trajectory with “business as usual” Planning, among others.
approach vs. the target under the National Objectives for
Health. The high-impact practices in FP were presented Integration of FP services in the comprehensive primary
and scenarios were built on which program strategic care service package through the development and
directions were based issuance of Omnibus Health Guidelines for Health.
Strengthen the delineation of roles and com- Presidential Directive No. 2021-014 was issued in 2021 Continued and strengthened partnership between the
plementation of DOH and POPCOM in terms of directing the DOH, NEDA, and POPCOM to jointly review DOH and POPCOM for the National Family Planning
implementing the FP| program in the country. and evaluate the government’s family planning program Program. Implementation of the Strategic Actions and
and accomplishments, and submit recommendations for enhancement of their oversight functions and efficient
Include the Philippine Commission on its improvements. In response, the three agencies submit- provision of technical assistance to LGUs in the delivery
Women’s LGBTQ+ framework on service ted to the Office of the President their Strategic Actions. of quality FP services.
provision protocols, particularly on gender-
based violence
Align FP service delivery and provider Development and implementation of the
payment mechanisms to UHC Law. Comprehensive Outpatient Benefit Package of PhilHealth
to cover short-acting methods of FP, namely: OC pills,
injectables, and male condoms.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 101

2021 Priorities 2021 HIghlights of Action Done 2022 Priorities
KRA 3: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
DOH to develop integrated policy on RMNCAHN framework and strategy was developed and Implementation and monitoring of the Omnibus
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, integrated in the Omnibus guidelines for Adolescent and Guidelines and Tools for Adolescents integrating RH
Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAHN) Reproductive Age services (FP, STI/HIV, Maternal, GBV)
with strategic framework will be included

102 2021 RPRH Annual Report

Finalization of framework and plan; Logical Framework for teenage pregnancy prevention was Monitoring of the EO 141 Comprehensive Action Plan
presentation to members of the NSC-AYHD formally forwarded to POPCOM
and other stakeholders
Finalize and ratify the National EO 141 Comprehensive Action Plan was developed and Issuance of the HDPRC Resolution creating the core TWG
Comprehensive Policy on Adolescent submitted to HDPRC for review and approval for the implementation of EO 141, and adopting the
Reproductive Health by DepEd in results and Strategic Framework of the Comprehensive
consultation with DOH and POPCOM Action Plan to Prevent Adolescent Pregnancies in the
• Conduct orientation among teachers Philippines 2021-2024 as the M & E framework of the
• Roll out the facility assessments for HDPRC priority initiative on Reducing Adolescent Birth
certification based on updated criteria for Rate
functional AFHF
• Design social protection program for
adolescent mothers and adolescents at
• Plan for the development of an adolescent
benefit package among DepEd, DOH,
Popcom, PhilHealth, DSWD, and CSOs
Conduct of orientation Psychosocial Risk As- Orientation on the use of Rapid Psychosocial Tool was Roll-out of the e-learning course on Adolescent Health
sessment for Adolescents among teachers as conducted under the CSE-ARH Convergence pilot Care for Primary Service Providers-Foundational Course
part of the CSE-ARH Convergence program implementation activities. All regions were represented. OR through blended methodology (i.e. DepED)
There is a 2022 roll-out in pilot areas supported with
downloaded funds. Monitoring of the implementation of CSE-ARH
Convergence in pilot sites
Roll out the facility assessments for Revised the guidelines and criteria for AFHF Levels 1, 2 Implementation of the AFHF certification through the
certification based on updated criteria for and 3 Omnibus Guidelines for Adolescents
functional AFHF
Design social protection program for Development of LHS HP Playbook on ASRH (KADA Roll out of Playbook to 10 Provinces to be continued in
adolescent mothers and adolescents at risk Network) with inputs and guidance from POPCOM, CWC, 2022, with capacity-building modules complementary to
UNICEF, and other partners. Pilot implementation of the the Playbooks to be uploaded on DOH Academy
aforementioned Playbook in Samar Province.
2021 Priorities 2021 HIghlights of Action Done 2022 Priorities
Plan for the development of an adolescent DSWD and POPCOM signed a partnership agreement Formulation and implementation of the social protection
benefit package to develop a social protection program for adolescent programs.
mothers and their children in June 2021.
To revitalize the quarterly meeting of the
National Steering Committee - Adolescent
and Youth Health and Development
• Implementation of Communication Plans • Ongoing implementation of the Communication • Monitoring the Implementation of Community
for AHDP Campaign for Filipino Adolescents called I CHOOSE Health Promotion Playbooks in 10 UHC IS
• National advocacy campaign launching #MalayaAkongMaging with DOH, POPCOM, NYC, • Scaling up of HP playbooks in 33 UHC IS
of AHD brand, airing of TVC and RC, DepEd, USAID, WHO
dissemination/posting of posters, social • Development of Konektado Tayo and IChoose FB
media cards page
• Adaption of the Communication Plan by • Community Health Promotion Playbooks on the
partners/stakeholders SRH-related priority areas such as the Key Assistance
• Improvement of the Strategic for Developing Adolescents (KADA) Network,
Communication Plan to Address Teenage Peer Support for the Youth and Juana be Wais:
Pregnancy to include M & E Plan Communicating Violence Prevention
• Develop policy/issuance on the • SRH Campaigns Tagline: Practice Safe Sex #AwraSafely
implementation of the Communication • In-house talk show branded as todo pitalks - a play
Plans on words between the name of our 7 Priority areas
including SRH
• Health is Life campaign for the 7 Priority areas:
Konsultayo spotlights of the 4 priority areas - TB, HIV/
AIDS, NCDs and Cancer,
• Improve completeness and accuracy of Data Generation for the YAFS5 study Analysis and dissemination of YAFS data
FHSIS data Strengthen the recording and • Policy recommendation from YAFS data
reporting system for adolescent services • Policy implementation and monitoring

• YAFS5 study implementation of Phase 2

• Review Policy recommendations based

on the Results of LCS

2021 RPRH Annual Report 103

2021 Priorities 2021 HIghlights of Action Done 2022 Priorities
KRA 4: Sexually Transmitted Infection and HIV/AIDS
Local government units and community- Local government units and community-based Localization strategies as embedded in the devolution
based organizations to strengthen HIV organizations had provided a broad range of HIV services transition plan of DOH particularly on the prevention and
response and ensure accessibility and targeting key populations using locally available resources treatment of HIV/AIDs at the local level.
availability of HIV services and funds or with additional funding and technical

104 2021 RPRH Annual Report

support through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Extensive implementation and dissemination of the
Malaria (GFATM) - HIV grant, USAID-PEPFAR through FHI- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Adaptive Plan as
Epic HIV, UNAIDS, and other relevant partners, in order to per Department Circular No. 2021-0507
ensure accessibility and availability of HIV services.
Timely monitoring of the adaptive plan to ensure that
activities are being implemented to document how
adaptive changes are contributing to the HIV response
Ramp up and prioritize mental health and technology
equity in funding strategies;
Support rHIVda expansion through As of December 2021, there were 29 DOH licensed Implement rHIVda expansion plan.
strengthened laboratory facilities and facilities with rapid HIV diagnostic algorithm (rHIVda)
services service across the country. Support for rHIVda expansion
includes capacity building of health service providers,
equipment, test kits and other commodities, technical
assistance, among others.
Support HIV treatment facility expansion As of December 2021, there were 170 DOH-designated Continuous expansion of HIV treatment facilities.
through provision of quality services and HIV treatment facilities consisting of 113 treatment hubs
appropriate use of OHAT funds and 57 primary HIV care facilities.
KRA 5: Elimination of Violence against Women and Children
Pursue amendments of RA 9262 and formu- The Inter-Agency Council on Violence against Women and Engage the services of a research institution for the
lation of the next IACVAWC Strategic Plan their Children (IACVAWC) will conduct the Assessment of conduct of the full-blown assessment of the Anti-VAWC
covering 2023-2028. RA 9262 in 2022. Findings will serve as basis for the next Act of 2004.
IACVAWC Strategic Plan and possible amendments to the
said law.

Drafted research design and data gathering tools,

including key informant interview guides, focus group
discussion guides, survey tool on the awareness and
knowledge of VAWC, and client satisfaction survey tool.
2021 Priorities 2021 HIghlights of Action Done 2022 Priorities
Develop the reporting flow data sharing The Standard VAW intake form and service referral forms The IACVAWC will be developing the reporting flow,
protocols and agreement, and client code were enhanced and finalized based on the results of the data sharing protocols, agreements, and clide code and
and incident number. pre-tests and recommendations of the TWC on VAW Data incident number as part of VAW Data Harmonization
Completion of the development the VAW Data
The User Guide in Filling-out the Standard VAW Intake Harmonization Manual that will include the reporting
Form and glossary of terms were revised based on the flow, data sharing protocols and agreement, user guide
enhanced standard VAW intake form and service referral in filling out the Standard VAW Forms, and glossary of
form. terms

The User Guide is currently being reviewed and validated

by the TWC on VAW Data Harmonization.
Review of existing protocols/guidelines The review of existing protocols/guidelines of VAW service Gather/generate inputs and recommendations on the
and standardize services across the country providers will be included in the full-blown assessment of enhancement of existing guidelines and protocols
during the assessment of the implementation RA 9262 in 2022. through the focus group discussions with VAW service
of RA 9262 in 2021. The draft data gathering tools will include questions that providers (police, social workers, legal counsels, WCPU
will tackle the effectiveness of protocols/guidelines of personnel, Barangay VAW Desk Officers)
VAW service providers.
Continue monitoring of the two Resolutions: The proposal for the creation of plantilla positions for PCW to negotiate with DBM on the creation of plantilla
Resolution No. 2-2018: Funding Commitment IACVAWC Secretariat has been drafted and will be submit- positions for PCW-IACVAWC Secretariat.
for the Implementation of and Monitoring of ted to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
RA 9262 for consideration in the budget for FY 2023.
Resolution No. 5-2018: Resolution Requesting
the DBM on the Institutionalization of the
IACVAWC Secretariat
Enhance the survey tool and conduct actual As part of the development of the data gathering tools for Conduct the pre-test and actual survey on knowledge
survey on knowledge and understanding of the assessment of RA 9262, the survey tool on the knowl- and understanding of VAW among the target participants
VAW among selected barangays and schools. edge and understanding of VAW was enhanced based such as women and men in communities, indigenous
This will be part of the assessment of RA on the comments and recommendations of the Ad Hoc women and men, boys and girls of school age, women
9262. Committee on the Assessment of R.A. 9262. and men in worksites, and Muslim women and men.

The survey tool, including other data gathering tools, will

be pre-tested in select areas as part of the preparatory
activities for the full-blown assessment.

2021 RPRH Annual Report 105

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