Team Cairo
Team Cairo
Team Cairo
1. How well is the team performing?
The team is doing a great job at completing action items before the deadlines that were
set. With everyone working ahead of schedule, it is giving us the time during the meeting
to go over the project and make any adjustments. All the team members are on the
same page and contributing. We have a shared document to look at during the meet-
ings and are posting the assignments in the shared document, where everyone is edit-
ing. Everyone is making it to the weekly meetings, and we are all giving each other the
time to talk and answer any questions. We are all open to editing each other’s work and
giving advice.
We could do better at supporting each other throughout the class, not just on the group
project. I realized we work well together, but we don’t reach out for any of the class
work. With that, we have a group chat on WhatsApp that allows us to get ahold of each
other quickly when time is not permitting. We also have an ongoing inbox thread where
we drop our final submission documents for the team to review. Our team also utilizes a
live Google shared document to complete project pieces like this one as a team. We
have broken up the questions and can see what our other teammates have written.
Therefore, I think we are doing really well as a team and keeping open communication.
We also help each other out when we need it. For example, the original Google docu-
ment was under my name and account. But my storage was full and I deleted old docu-
ments. Somehow our document got deleted with these. So my team was great in send-
ing me what Ineeded to ensure I got my portion of the group project done in time for our
personal due date.
Your Answer:
Our team's strategy to address the problem will be to continue with our weekly Tuesday
night zoom meeting. We will keep up with our group chats giving updates on the project
and also supporting each other with the other class assignments. Checking in with each
other will help everyone stay on the same page and to see if any additional support is
needed to help any of the team members. I am very happy with our team and luckily we
have not had many issues. Everyone in the team is a hard worker and doing their part to
complete the group project.
- Weekly meetings to talk about the class and making sure to check on our group
chat to see if anyone needs anything. We also email each other with project up-
Project Milestones:
· Project Charter rough draft discussion: September 6th
· Andrew and Ryan present Project Charter for group discussion: September 13 th
· Team discussion about how the synopsis should look: September 20th
· Madison and Moriah incorporate feedback given to produce final PowerPoint: September
· Andrew and Ryan utilize team feedback to write the team synopsis: September 27 th
· Final team meeting. During this meeting we will present the PowerPoint and the Synopsis
to see if anybody would like to change the project before we turn it in: October 4 th
This narrative should elaborate on the team's cause and provide context for the powerpoint presentation. The synopsis should be at least 500 words
Provide a synopsis of what general subject area your team has decided to address as part of their campaign (public health, environ-
What type of organization has your team decided to be? A small group of volunteers? A non-profit? Or maybe a larger entity?