turbine blades
Nina Stipetić, Božidar Filipović-Grčić, Ivo Uglešić, Amir Tokić
Abstract—Lightning discharge is a serious cause of damage A. Lightning activity observation at the Wind Power
to wind turbines. Because of their height, they are exposed to Plant location
direct lightning strikes which can damage the blades, mechanical
parts or the electrical and control systems. According to the The data collected by the lightning location system (LLS)
lightning protection zone concept, only the external parts are
subjected to direct lightning strikes. The internal parts are can be used to get the insight in the lightning activity at
subjected to indirect effects of lightning, but they are sensible WPP locations. Such analysis was done in [3], where the
because of their low insulation level. This paper elaborates the authors analyzed the lightning data before and after the wind
wind turbine exposure to lightning strikes and presents the turbines’ installations, adapting the definition for the wind
EMTP-RV simulation of a direct strike to a wind turbine blade, turbine attraction area from the IEC 61400-24 [4]. Since the
identifying the overvoltages at the generator and the low voltage
side of the step-up transformer, the ground potential rise and wind turbines, as very tall, isolated structures attract lightning,
the energy absorbed by the surge protective devices, depending the expected increase in the lightning strike density after the
on the grounding resistance. wind turbine installation was confirmed. The same analysis
was done using the data from Croatian LLS. The lightning
activity on the WPP micro-locations was observed before and
Keywords—lightning location system, direct lightning strike,
wind turbine, surge protective device after the wind turbine installations.
The following example presents the lightning activity
I. I NTRODUCTION change on the location of two WPPs which consist of 14 wind
turbines. The rated power of each wind turbine is 3 MW, the
towers are 80 m high and the blades are 49 m long. Figure 1
ITH a rapid growth of the wind power capacity in
W the world, the damages caused by lightning activity
received more attention, especially in the regions with intense
shows the lightning strike density map of the WPP location
before and after the installation of wind turbines in 2013. The
map on the left considers lightning data recorded 2009-2012
lightning activity. The statistic analysis of the reported wind
and the map on the right the data recorded 2013-2017. The
turbine damages caused by lightning in the early growth in
most significant change is observed in the impact area of
the wind turbine installations showed that the blade damage
wind turbine WT1-4, where the strike density after the wind
is the most expensive and damage of low voltage electrical
turbine installation is 141.6 strikes/(km2 year), including all
equipment and control system within the tower was the most
first and subsequent strikes, which is a 5.25 times increase [5].
frequent [1]. Following the world’s trend, the wind power
Due to the geographic characteristic of the location, the
capacity in Croatia is in the ascent, with 576 MW currently
relative difference between the lowest and highest wind turbine
installed and 11 % share in total power generation; and
position is 485 m. As expected, the most exposed WT1-4 is
with plans to reach 1328 MW until 2021 and 2193 MW
also the most elevated of all observed wind turbines.
until 2028 [2]. As a Mediterranean country, Croatia has a
relatively high keraunic level, especially on the coast and in However, the data from the lightning location systems does
the hilly regions close to the coast. This is exactly where not give a total insight into wind turbine exposure to lightning
the wind potential is significant and where all the Croatian strikes. The reason are the upward strikes initiated from the
Wind Power Plants (WPPs) are installed. Recent experiences blades, whose initiation mechanism is still not understood
of both blade damages and low voltage equipment failure in completely. Unlike in downward lightning, upward strikes
Croatia were the motivation for the research and analysis of the always have the initial continuous current (ICC), which lasts
wind turbine exposure to lightning discharges and the transient relatively long and has low amplitudes (tens to hundreds of
phenomena due to a direct lightning strike to a wind turbine milliseconds and 100 A to a few kA) [6]. If there is no
blade. superimposed fast rising and high peak current impulse, the
lightning is categorized as ICConly . ICConly events are not
This work was supported in part by the Croatian Science Foundation under detected by the lightning location systems due to their very
the project number IP-2013-11-9299.
N. Stipetic, B. Filipović-Grčić and I. Uglešić are with University of Zagreb, low frequency electromagnetic fields and their weak peak
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia current amplitude [3], [6], [7]. According to measurements
(e-mail: nina.stipetic@fer.hr), A. Tokić is with University of Tuzla, Bosnia done in the world, approximately 50 % of upward lightning
and Herzegovina
Paper submitted to the International Conference on Power Systems strikes are of the ICConly type [6], [7], [8]. The portion is
Transients (IPST2019) in Perpignan, France June 17-20, 2019. not negligible, moreover the emphasis should be given to the
Fig. 1. Lightning strike density maps [strikes/(km2 year)] of the WPP location before (left) and after the installation of wind turbines (right)
Fig. 2. Map of the WPP location with visible strikes before (left) and after the wind turbines installation (right)
detection of upward strikes since it was recognized that they A. Description of the EMTP-RV model
are a dominant cause of wind turbine damages [1], [8]. Aside
from inability to detect the ICConly events, the uncertainty The EMTP-RV model of a direct lightning strike to a
of the LLS data also rises from the radius of the attraction wind turbine blade is shown in Figure 3. A single wind
area and the location accuracy of the LLS. The attraction turbine was modeled which includes the lightning current
areas are shown in Figure 2. Circles with a smaller radius model, blade and tower model, grounding model, 3 MVA,
around each wind turbine are the equivalent attraction areas 690 V synchronous machine model connected with cable
as defined in IEC 61400-24. Larger circles have the radius to a 0.69/22 kV step-up transformer, which is further cable
which is the radius of the attraction area compensated with connected through a 22/110 kV substation transformer to a
the LLS location error. It can be observed how some of transmission network equivalent. SPDs were modeled and
the adjacent attraction zones overlap, hence it is not sure at placed at the low voltage side of a step-up transformer and at
which wind turbine the strike occurred. In addition, lightning generator terminals. Wind turbine blades and towers conduct
observations in one WPP in Japan showed that about 30 % of the lightning current and have similar physical characteristics
the recorded direct strikes simultaneously hit on two or more as some high voltage transmission lines and structures.
wind turbines [9]. As such, they have been modeled as constant parameter
(CP) lines. The surge impedances of a blade and a tower
II. S IMULATION OF A DIRECT LIGHTNING STRIKE TO A were approximated from conical and cylindrical equations
W IND TURBINE BLADE established from electromagnetic field theory as follows:
The simulations of lightning strikes to wind turbines are
performed to clarify the transition phenomena and identify the Zb = 60 ∗ ln( ) (1)
impact of the grounding parameters and lightning current wave rb
shape on the overvoltages and the SPD energy absorption. √
This paper presents the EMTP-RV simulation results of Th 2
wind turbine blade stroked by 8/20 µs and 10/350 µs Zt = 60 ∗ ln( ), (2)
lightning test wave-shapes, with 100 kA amplitude. The
grounding resistance was varied and the energy absorbed by where B and rb represent the length and radius of the blade
the SPDs was considered. In addition, a case of an ICC with and Th and rt represent the height and radius of the base of
superimposed lightning impulses was simulated. the tower [10]. The blade length is 49 m and the tower height
8_20 10_350
CIGRE concave lightning
current source
BLADE w 1B1a
49 m
CP model
Zc = 242 Ω w 1B1b
w 1B1c
+ VM
?v c m5
0.69/22 kV 2 km TRANSFORMER +VM
?v SM1 ?v m4
80 m FDQ model 22/110 kV ?v
a a ?v
80 m m2 SM b + FDQ b a
a 1 2
Zc = 194 Ω +VM c c b b +30
?v c c
c c 1 2 22/110
123kVRMSLL /_0
a -30
+ ?vi
a 0.69/22
2.21nF 1.155nF Vw Z1
CP model
ZnO 1 ZnO1
Z nO
ZnO 2
Z nO
ZnO2 m3
+ + LV_cable MV_cable
VM +
VM +
VM +
VM +
VM +
VM +
0.1m 0.1m
+ + ZnOdata
0.1m 0.1m
0.1m ZnO
80 m with the base radius of 4.5 m. The propagation speed is to 0.5 Ω. The overvoltage on the generator without protection
set to the speed of light. reaches peak value of over 2 MV (Figure 4), and over 22.5 kV
at the LV side of the step-up transformer. When the SPDs are
A detailed model of the wind turbine grounding should
included in the simulation, these overvoltages reduce to 3.3 kV
include both time-dependant nonlinear soil ionization and
at generator terminals (Figure 5) and 2.2 kV at the LV side of
the frequency dependant impedance. The soil ionization
the transformer.
improves the grounding performance and the frequency
dependant inductive behaviour, which is rather complex to
model [11], hinders it. Because of the opposing effects of 2000
mentioned phenomena, the grounding was modeled simply
as a resistance. The grounding resistance in the simulations
Voltage, kV
Voltage, kV
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time, ms Time, ms
Fig. 5. Voltage at the generator with SPD protection, Umax = 3.3 kV Fig. 7. Comparison of the overvoltages at the generator in phase C, in case
of 8/20 µs strike, for grounding resistances 0.5 Ω, 10 Ω and 25 Ω
Voltage, kV
288 kV, and for 25 Ω grounding resistance it reaches 412 kV
as show in Figure 6. The ground potential rise can not be 0
-1 R=0.5 Ω
400 R=10 Ω
no SPDs, R=0.5 Ω -2
SPDs, R=0.5 Ω R=25 Ω
SPDs, R=10 Ω -3
Voltage, kV
avoided and despite the very high peak voltage values, it does
not endanger the equipment since the potential difference is -20 R=0.5 Ω
what is relevant and not the potential only at the grounding R=10 Ω
-25 R=25 Ω
side. The comparison of overvoltages at the generator and at
the LV transformer side in case of 8/20 µs, 100 kA strike -30
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
for different grounding resistances are shown in Figure 7 and Time, ms
Figure 8. The comparison is conducted for phase C since the
highest overvoltages and currents through SPDs occurred in Fig. 9. Comparison of currents conducted by the SPD in phase C at generator
phase C due to the phase angle of the generator voltage at the terminals, for grounding resistances 0.5 Ω, 10 Ω and 25 Ω
instant of the lightning strike.
The overvoltage peak at the generator is higher when the LV transformer side shows more complex wave-shape. For
the grounding resistance is higher. However, this is not the the higher grounding resistances, the first peak of the current
case for the overvoltage at the LV transformer side, which conducted by the SPD is negative. This means that the SPDs
has more complex wave-shape due to reflections in the firstly conducted in reverse, allowing the back-flow of the
grounding system, and highest overvoltage peak in case of current to the LV circuit.
0.5 Ω grounding resistance. The comparison of the currents
conducted by the SPDs in phase C is shown in Figure 9 and
Figure 10. Finally, the energy absorption of the SPDs was observed.
Comparison of energy absorption for 8/20 µs and 10/350 µs
For the SPD at the generator, the peak current is higher strikes and for different grounding resistances is shown in
for higher grounding resistance. The current through SPD at Figure 11 and Figure 12.
10 strike) is observed from Figure 11. In the first 0.25 ms there
R=0.5 Ω is a steep rise, and the final energy value, which can not
R=10 Ω be observed from Figure 11, is 35.5 kJ. For comparison, the
R=25 Ω
energy capability of SPDs intended for nominal AC voltage
Current, kA
of 690 V is 4.5 kJ. However, this does not mean that this SPD
is not suitable for use, since the 10/350 µs is a wave-shape
0 for testing Class I SPDs, and it should be regarded as an
extremity with a very low probability scenario. Normally,
lightning strikes have shorter times to half and accordingly, the
-5 associated energy absorption is then lower. This is confirmed
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 in case of 8/20 µs strike, when the energy absorbed reached
Time, ms 1.3 kJ, which can be observed from the same figure. However,
in reality, multiple flashes occur often and accumulated energy
Fig. 10. Comparison of currents conducted by the SPD in phase C at the LV
transformer side, for grounding resistances 0.5 Ω, 10 Ω and 25 Ω of each subsequent strike will stress the SPD. Exceeding the
energy capability of an SPD will depend on the number and
parameters of each subsequent strike. In the end, the energy
7 absorption change is shown with respect to the grounding
6 R=0.5 Ω, 10/350 strike resistance increase. The results, shown in Figure 13, are
R=0.5 Ω, 8/20 strike chosen for the worst case of energy absorption from conducted
5 R=10 Ω, 8/20 strike
simulations, which is in case of the 10/350 µs strike, for SPD
Energy, kJ
1 42
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 40
Time, ms
Energy, kJ
Fig. 11. Energy absorption of the SPD in phase C at generator terminals, for
8/20 µs and 10/350 µs strikes and grounding resistances 0.5 Ω, 10 Ω and 36
25 Ω
R=0.5 Ω, 10/350 strike 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
R=0.5 Ω, 8/20 strike Grounding resistance R, Ω
R=10 Ω, 8/20 strike
Energy, kJ
C. Simulation of an ICC and superimposed impulses
lightning strike
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Time, ms As mentioned in the introduction, ICConly lightning events
are important cause of wind turbine damages. However, having
Fig. 12. Energy absorption of the SPD in phase C at the LV side of the very low amplitudes, ICConly should not over-stress the SPDs.
transformer, for 8/20 µs and 10/350 µs lightning wave-shapes and grounding They are primarily a threat for receptor melting which leads to
resistances 0.5 Ω, 10 Ω and 25 Ω
further blade damage. The damage effect is cumulative and the
detection of ICCs could serve for adjusting the maintenance
The energy absorption of the SPDs protecting the generator timing for the Lightning Protection System. For observation
increases with the grounding resistance increase. For the SPDs of SPD’s energy absorption, it is more interesting to consider
at the LV transformer side, the highest energy is absorbed a combined lightning current which consists of ICC and
in case of 0.5 Ω grounding resistance, which agrees with subsequent strokes. One recorded lightning current of this
highest voltage and current peaks from Figure 8 and Figure 10. type given in [6] was used for the simulation on the model
Generally, the energy absorption in the SPDs at generator described in this paper. The lightning current consists of an
terminals is higher than the energy absorption in the SPDs at ICC with 2 kA amplitude, lasting for about 270 ms, one
the LV transformer side. The worst case of energy absorption superimposed impulse close to the end of the ICC, with -8 kA
(SPD at generator terminals in phase C in case of 10/350 µs amplitude, and four return strikes with amplitudes of -13 kA,
-10 kA, -12 kA and -11 kA respectively. Energy consumption single wind turbine. The overvoltages at the generator and
of the SPDs at generator terminals and LV transformer side at the LV transformer side, the ground potential rise, the
are shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15 respectively. currents conducted by the SPDs and their energy absorption
were observed with respect to the grounding resistance change.
Higher peak overvoltages, higher peaks of currents conducted
R=0.5 Ω by SPDs and higher energy absorption of the SPDs are
3 R=10 Ω
R=25 Ω
associated with higher value of grounding resistance. However,
Energy, kJ
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[5] I. Uglešić, B. Franc, N. Stipetić, "Lightning stroke measurements, data
Fig. 15. Energy absorption of the SPD in phase C at generator terminals
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[6] G. Diendorfer, "On the Risk of Upward Lightning Initiated from Wind
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confirmed that the energy consumption of the SPD at the [8] J. Birkl, E. Shulzhenko, F. Heidler, G. Diendorfer, "Measuring Lightning
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but all energy values for this SPD are lower than 0.017 kJ Lightning (ISWL 2017)
[9] A. Asakava, T. Shindo, S. Yokoyama, H. Hyodo, "Direct Lightning Hits
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[10] N. Malcom, R. Aggarwal, "Investigating the Energy Handling Capability
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[11] D. Cavka, D. Poljak, V. Doric, R. Goic, "Transient analysis of grounding
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[12] "Lightning protection guide", 3rd updated Edition, DEHN + SÖHNE,
The paper elaborates the exposure of wind turbines to direct December 2014
lightning strikes. A change in lightning activity based on the
Croatian LLS data is presented for the location of two closely
installed WPPs. The results show the general increase of the
lightning strike density after the installation of wind turbines.
The greatest lightning strike density is at the micro-location
of the most elevated wind turbine. The transient phenomena
due to a direct lightning strike to a wind turbine blade was
analyzed in the paper based on the EMTP-RV model of a