Kotex Hana - Creative Brief - Sample
Kotex Hana - Creative Brief - Sample
Kotex Hana - Creative Brief - Sample
Strategic Approach
Product story - Our Audience - Campaign Strategy
Option 1 Option 2
15s OLV Storyboard - Engagement Idea 15s OLV Storyboard - Engagement Idea
Strategic Approach
Participative Idea
What is the idea and how it works
Next Steps
Gardenia Deo+ Creative Presentation 2
The Brief Recap
It is important that Kotex pioneers Launch Kotex Gardenia Deo+ in order Position Kotex Gardenia Deo+ as the
new solutions in the Value Added Day to increase penetration within the solution to “smelling fresh around
Segment by offering a product with a Value Added Day segment. people” through a disruptive launch
new benefit appealing to women. that gives the product with a
Research suggests that “odour care” is meaningful role in girls’ lives.
a need that appeals to women, but is
currently not being satisfied by the
products in the market. So, Kotex will
launch Kotex Gardenia Deo+, the first
pad in the market to offer odour care
as the primary benefit.
Product Story
Kotex exist to make sure period perceptions don’t hold girls back, so that she can freely pursue her limitless
Exploring limitless potential often means taking on new paths when around people. However, period odor can
make me feel self-conscious. Hence, I need a pad that keeps me smelling fresh, so I’m assured in myself while
exploring new paths.
Kotex Gardenia Deo+’s Japanese Sakura Fragrance keeps her smelling fresh, so period or not, she assuredly
explores new paths around people.
Our Audience
16 – 18 year old girls.
She’s a teenager who spends a lot of her time studying. However, as a way of
understanding herself better, she is exploring many paths, refusing to stick to one
interest for long. Through this process, she learns about her strengths and
weaknesses, treating herself as a work-in-progress all with the goal of fulfilling her
potential – this is her limitless journey.
For young Vietnamese girls on a limitless journey, meeting new people is a welcome gateway to pursuing and
enjoying new paths.
‘I do feel comfortable and kinda enjoy making new friends and actually, one of them introduce me ‘Actually, my love for reading actually came from a new friend of mine. It just so happen that she
to gaming, something that I didn’t really care about before. I got into playing Wild Rift and then got gave me an English novel on my birthday, and that got me into reading ever since. We both love
introduced to more people who love playing the game on Facebook groups and sometimes at an reading and she took me to several book events in at city center. I’ve been a bookworm for the past
offline event. At the time, I met a few new friends who were in an in-house gaming club, so I helped 4 to 5 years now and I actually aim to major in literature when I get into college later on.’
them manage the fanpage community.’
Campaign Strategy
Kotex Gardenia Deo+’s Japanese Sakura Fragrance keeps her For young Vietnamese girls on a limitless journey, meeting new
smelling fresh, so period or not, she assuredly explores new people is a welcome gateway to pursuing and enjoying new
paths around people. paths.
Campaign Strategy
With Kotex Gardenia Deo+, meet the new friends who open up new paths.
Reason To Believe
Kotex Gardenia Deo+’s Japanese Sakura fragrance, which keeps her smelling
fresh and free from period odor anxiety.
Idea 1
This idea brings to life the invisible power of the Gardenia Sakura scent that gives girls the self-
assurance and inspiration to connect with others, period or not, so that nothing stands in their way on
the limitless journey of exploring new paths.
15s Film
Gardenia Deo+ Creative Presentation
Idea 1 : The Invisible Power of Sakura
15s Film Engagement
Open with packshot. Camera zooms into the She The school bus door opens. Inside, the bus is dramatized to be stretched out in
Symbol to enter the scene. We see a girl entering, on her shirt is a ‘New Student’ kilometers long. There’s a huge distance between the
name tag. girl and a friend group on the bus.
Close-up on her confident facial expression. She raises From her POV, we see her looks down at her feet and She strides fearlessly on the Sakura path towards the
an eyebrow as if about to do something cheeky. boldly steps on the ground - a Sakura pathway expands friend group. The flowers energetically nudges her
from her footstep. along.
From her POV, we see the friend group instantly Snap into 3rd person POV, we see they have already
becomes closer. The distance between her and them is become friends and are doing a TikTok trend together.
gone and as bus shrinks back to normal. A friend The Sakura path is no longer seen, only a single
reaches out his hand to introduce himself. leftover Sakura flower floating in the foreground.
Using the Sakura flower, we transition to the pad Transition to lock-up sequence.
spinning shot. The pad folds into the pack to showcase
the new Sakura design.
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Idea 2
This idea celebrates girls’ fresh potentials that she discovers when making new friends without fear,
even on period days because Kotex Gardenia Deo+ keeps her feeling fresh.
15s Film
Gardenia Deo+ Creative Presentation
Idea 2 : Freshen Up My Potential
15s Film Engagement
Opening scene. Open with a girl’s Instagram feed. Focus on one photo to see her in her room. When she jumps off the seat, a
Sakura pathway spreads from her feet and lead her out of the frame.
She dances boldly following the Sakura path to another She enters another photo in her Instagram Stories to She keeps following the path to join in another group
photo, where she joins a group of new friends to do join a Cheerleading group. Over 3 stories, we see how of friends at an Arcade, where she dance with a new
Cosplay for the school’s festival. she learn to do a 360. boy on the Dance machine.
Then she follows the path again out of the frame. In the final story, she jumps out of the frame.
Using the Sakura graphic pathway, we transition into The pad folds into the pack to showcase the new Transition to lock-up sequence.
the product spinning shot in another photo in the feed. Sakura design.
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Freshen Up
Through our landing page on ZALO, we connect girls in the same area
and invite them to join the Tribes that they want: Cosplay Tribe,
Paintball Tribe, Cheerleading Tribe, Pottery Tribe, etc.
How it works
How it works 2 Amplify the power of the museum by creating merchandises and stationaries from the arts that highschool girls can use on a daily basis and talk to
their friends about.
The more girls know about , the more we break the culture of silence and stigma that stop girls from embracing her period.
Q: If we create a digital ‘Visualize the smells is the most attractive idea to me. And the name
of period odour also make me feel curios. I’ll visit this museum &
museum where show case maybe I’ll share to my friends because it’s on digital so very easy to
art collection of how period
odour, what do you think
about this concept & will
you visit this digital ‘The concept is new and trigger my curiosity. I wonder how we can
visualize the smells so I’ll join this museum, even this is about period
museum? odour. I will very glad if my odour can be visualized.’
Participative ideas are the key to impacting sales and brand power in
today’s digitally connected world.
We prove that Walkers Crisps makes ANY Sandwich more exciting. And we do mean ANY Sandwich, as proven by our
PARTICIPATION An activation to generate highly shareable content
Invites consumers to show how they use Walkers (thanks to celebrities) that is ‘breaking news’ to
Crisps to make their sandwich more exciting. share.
How does the idea work to engage
the consumer and encourage… CO-CREATION
Invites consumers to co-create new Walkers products DRIVE TO COMMERCE
by recommending new flavours that add more Discounted sandwich + Walkers Crisps bundles at
excitement to a sandwich. MT, GT & eCom platforms
We apply this for Kotex Gardenia Deo+
‘I don’t like it at all. It smells so strong that if I’m wearing it, I feel ‘I worry about pads with scents because I don’t want people to
like that I’m the one who actively telling people around me that know that I’m having my periods. Also, I heard that these pads
I’m on my period. Besides, it combines with blood scent and have a lot of chemicals which are bad for my vagina, so I kinda try
creates a mix smell. It stinks so I switched to non-fragrance pad to to avoid them.’
use. I think it has a lot of chemical in the scent through pad surface
so when it contacts my skin, it will have some reactions such as
itchy, red rash.’
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A light period odour is It’s important to Many tips and tricks for There are simple ways
a normal, healthy sign understand when your dealing with period to manage the period
of a good menstrual period odour is normal, odour are actually odour light/ smell good
health. so you know when it’s harmful (e.g. using if it concerns girls (e.g.
not normal. perfume on the pad, using femwash
wearing a thick tight everyday in a proper
pants/multiple layers, way, wearing thin,
washing inside the comfortable
vagina.) underwear, eating a
healthy diet.)
Kotex exists to make sure period perceptions don’t hold girls back, so she can freely pursue Kotex Gardenia Deo+’s Japanese Sakura Fragrance keeps her smelling fresh, so period or not, she
her limitless potential. assuredly explores new paths around people.
Stay Fresh with Kotex is our participative idea with BITE which promotes a safe, effective and simple ‘6 Step Stay Fresh Regime’ (using a fem
wash on the outside of vagina, changing pads regularly, using cotton underwear, eating a balanced diet, and knowing when to see a doctor),
positioning Kotex Gardenia Deo+ as the final step - keeping her fresh, once she’s fresh.
WHAT IS THE IDEA & In partnership with a KOL (e.g. Giang ơi or Chau Bui) who is a well known and trusted voice on menstrual health, consumers will be encouraged
HOW DOES IT WORKS to view period odour as a normal, healthy sign of good menstrual health, and be surprised that their homemade secrets for masking period odour
(e.g. wearing more layers to cover it up, spraying perfume on their pad, or washing the inside of the vagina) are ineffective or putting their
NOT what is the message menstrual health at risk.
or intended take out
The key asset will be a “Dumb Ways To Die” style video that busts the bad advice and old wives’ tales about period odor and explains how girls
can safely freshen up (if they want to) with the ‘6 Step Stay Fresh Regime,’ which includes Kotex Gardenia Deo+. This will be done in partnership
with other brands, for example, Lactacyd, a well known femwash brand and Vera, a well-known underwear brand.
Invites consumers to join an online quiz game, using content from the Quotes and phrases from the ‘Dumb Ways To Die’ style video will be
key video asset, to help them understand the simplicity and printed on items that teen girls love, such as canvas bags or hygiene
effectiveness of the ‘6 Step Stay Fresh Regime’ and encourage them to bags to spread the word and champion Kotex Gardenia Deo+ belief.
practice these steps with Kotex Gardenia Deo+. This will be supported by social content that reinforces all aspects of the
One idea,
NOT random tactics and matching luggage. CO-CREATION DRIVE TO COMMERCE
The ‘Dumb Ways To Die’ style video will be co-created with KOL(s) and Create a “Stay Fresh Kit” with 6 sample products related to 6 steps in
How does the idea work in partnership with loyal consumers/KOL fan. The KOL will bring the the Stay Fresh Regime. When a consumer clicks to buy one of the
to engage the target and encourage… creativity, while consumers will be asked to share the ‘dumb’ things that items in the “Stay Fresh Kit” on marketplaces, they will be offered the
they do to cover up their period odour. other 5 items as free samples. For example, Lactacyd fem wash will
come with a free sample of Vera underwear, Kotex Gardenia Deo +
pad, TH True Milk yogurt, doctor advice, and a leaflet of how to do the ‘6
Step Stay Fresh Regime’.
Gardenia Deo+ Creative Presentation 64
when to see
a doctor
a balanced
a fem
on the
outside of