Solowiej2016 - Processed Cheese Analogues

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Eur Food Res Technol

DOI 10.1007/s00217-016-2658-4


The effect of pH and modified maize starches on texture,

rheological properties and meltability of acid casein processed
cheese analogues
Bartosz Sołowiej1 · Agnieszka Dylewska1 · Dariusz Kowalczyk2 · Monika Sujka3 ·
Marta Tomczyńska‑Mleko4 · Stanisław Mleko1 

Received: 27 September 2015 / Revised: 25 January 2016 / Accepted: 6 February 2016

© The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at

Abstract  The objective of this study was to investigate Keywords  Processed cheese analogue · pH · Starch ·
the influence of pH on texture, rheological properties and Texture · Rheology · Meltability
meltability of processed cheese analogues obtained using
acid casein (AC) at 11, 12 or 13 % concentration or using
10 % AC with 1, 2 or 3 % acetylated distarch adipate Introduction
(ADA) or hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (HDP). Hard-
ness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and viscosity increased Processed cheese is a food product obtained from the raw
with protein or starch concentration. The increase in com- ingredients (cheddar cheese, skim milk powder, butter,
plex viscosity (η*) was greater for samples contained ADA salt, emulsifying salt and water) in the heating and shear
than HDP. In general, starch-containing cheese analogues processes [1]. A widespread consumption of processed
exhibited more viscous properties (tan δ > 1) in higher pH cheese is due to its functional characteristics. Processed
values (6.0–7.0) and more elastic properties (tan δ < 1) in cheese has to comply with the requirements such as ability
lower pH values (4.5–5.5). All processed cheese analogues to form individual slices and melting in an assumed man-
obtained at pH 5.0–7.0 presented good melting character- ner [2]. As a base for the production of processed cheese,
istics. These various characteristics analysed in the present natural cheeses are used, while processed cheese analogues
study may ensure the valuable information for obtaining are obtained through the partial or entire replacement of
cheeses with proper textural/rheological properties and natural cheeses by milk or other proteins [3]. As a source
meltability. of protein, rennet casein is widely used in the manufacture
of processed cheese and analogues [4–7]. Recently, some
studies were made in which acid casein was utilized [8, 9].
Waxy maize starch exhibits unique composition and has
* Bartosz Sołowiej many food applications. It contains only the traces of amyl-
ose unlike the common starch which comprises 20–30/100 g
Department of Milk Technology and Hydrocolloids, of amylose. Therefore, waxy maize starch has many specific
Faculty of Food Sciences and Biotechnology, University characteristics, e.g. good swellability, hard retrogradation
of Life Sciences in Lublin, Skromna 8, 20‑704 Lublin, Poland and moreover present better digestibility than do normal
Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, starches [10]. Among all its features, the ability to form very
Faculty of Food Sciences and Biotechnology, University viscous paste is considered as the most important property
of Life Sciences in Lublin, Skromna 8, 20‑704 Lublin, Poland
for starch application in food [11]. Native starches, albeit
Department of Analysis and Evaluation of Food Quality, extensively used in food industry, have finite resistance to
Faculty of Food Sciences and Biotechnology, University
physical conditions used by contemporary food process-
of Life Sciences in Lublin, Skromna 8, 20‑704 Lublin,
Poland ing [12]. Compared to modified starches, they are charac-
4 terized by low thermal stability, sensitivity to extreme pH
Institute of Plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology,
Faculty of Agrobioengineering, University of Life Sciences conditions, and shear forces, likewise unsuitable rheological
in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20‑950 Lublin, Poland properties of pastes and gels [13]. Moreover, the usage of

Eur Food Res Technol

native starches is limited due to the retrogradation and ten- phosphate) were produced by Cerestar Cargill (Indianapolis, IN,
dency to syneresis. Thus, chemical or physical modification USA) and supplied by Agrotrade (Warsaw, Poland), while acid
of starches is performed to obtain their improved physico- casein (AC, 92.1 % proteins, 1.4 % fat and 2.2 % ash) and anhy-
chemical properties [14]. One of the most important chemi- drous milk fat (AMF) were products of Polsero (Sokołów Pod-
cal modifications in the starch industry is crosslinking, which laski, Poland) and Mlekovita (Wysokie Mazowieckie, Poland),
involves replacement of the hydrogen bonding between respectively. Citric acid, disodium phosphate and sodium
starch chains by stronger covalent bonds. The examples hydroxide were supplied by POCH S.A. (Gliwice, Poland).
of such starches commonly utilized in the food industry Protein, fat and ash contents in acid casein were stated
are distarch phosphates and distarch adipates. Crosslink- by the supplier.
ing is very often used in conjunction with stabilization. As
a consequence, for example, acetylated distarch adipate and Preparation of processed cheese analogues
hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate are obtained [15].
Casein is used in food products because of their func- AC (11, 12 or 13 %, w/w) or AC (10 %, w/w) with ADA (1,
tional properties, e.g. required structure, consistency, and 2 or 3 %, w/w) or HDP (1, 2 or 3 %, w/w) was dissolved
fat emulsifying properties. Acid casein is characterized by in distilled water using a magnetic stirrer (temperature 21 °C,
higher water binding capacity compared to rennet casein 300 rpm). Dispersions were then mixed together with AMF
[8] and prescribed as the product received after isolelec- (30 %, w/w) and AC (10 %, w/w) using a H 500 homogenizer
tric precipitation (pH 4.6) of the caseins from milk fol- (Pol-Eko Aparatura, Wodzisław Śla˛ski, Poland) for 2 min
lowed by washing and drying [16]. Acetylated distarch at 10,000 rpm. After adding disodium phosphate (0.8 %),
adipate (ADA) provides better resistance to high tempera- the pH was adjusted to 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 using
ture, shear and low pH, and it amends the textural proper- 40 % citric acid or 2 mol dm−3 sodium hydroxide before the
ties of the finished product [14]. Hydroxypropyl distarch mixture was immersed in an 80 °C water bath and the con-
phosphate (HDP) characterizes by higher viscosity, resist- tents were mixed at 10,000 rpm for 10 min according to the
ance to retrogradation, stability in response to acids than method proposed by Mleko and Foegeding [20]. Finished
native starches. Moreover, from nutrition point of view, it processed cheese analogues were poured into plastic contain-
increases fat catabolism [17]. ers. The samples were stored at room temperature for 30 min,
Ma et al. [18] found that pH, fat and moisture content and after that, they were stored overnight at 4 °C. The sam-
influence the meltability of cheese. In the available literature, ples were removed from the refrigerator 1 h before measure-
there is a lack of studies that compare starches in the pro- ment in order to reach the temperature of 21 °C. Due to the
cessed cheese analogues at a wide range of different pH val- spreadable consistency of the samples, puncture test, texture
ues, especially obtained on the basis of acid casein. Lee and and viscosity measurements were taken in plastic containers
Klostermeyer [19] also noticed that published studies upon (cylindrical, sample size—40 mm in diameter and 40 mm
the effect of pH on processed cheese foods are limited and in height). Every sample was prepared in triplicate. Final
include only products’ sensory or empirical evaluation. The samples of processed cheese analogues were abbreviated as
use of oscillatory rheometry to characterize processed cheese follows: AC—control sample, processed cheese analogue
analogues viscoelastic properties at different pH values is obtained solely from acid casein; AC + ADA—processed
also limited. Moreover, it is an interesting issue to combine cheese analogue obtained on the basis of acid casein with
the excellent nutritional and functional properties of acid the addition of acetylated distarch adipate; AC + HDP—pro-
casein and modified maize starch in one product of numer- cessed cheese analogue obtained on the basis of acid casein
ous applications. Therefore, the present work investigates with the addition of hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate.
the effect of pH and two commercial modified waxy maize
starches with different compositions (E-1422—acetylated Puncture test
distarch adipate and E-1442 hydroxypropyl distarch phos-
phate) on textural, rheological properties and meltability of Measurements were taken with a TA-XT2i Texture Ana-
processed cheese analogues obtained from acid casein. lyser (Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, UK). The cheese
samples were penetrated to 20 mm by a testing set (10 mm
diameter). The penetration rate was 1 mm s−1. Three meas-
Materials and methods urements were taken for each of the three replicates.

Materials Texture profile analysis (TPA)

Modified waxy maize starch ADA (E-1422—acetylated dis- Measurements were taken with a TA-XT2i Texture Ana-
tarch adipate) and HDP (E-1442 hydroxypropyl distarch lyser (Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, UK). The

Eur Food Res Technol

processed cheese analogue samples were double punctured samples were determined by Tukey’s post hoc test at
to 50 % of deformation by a testing set (15 mm diameter) P < 0.05.
according to the protocol described by Bonczar, Wszołek
and Siuta [21]. The penetration rate was 1 mm s−1, and the
intervals between measurements were 5 s. Cheese analogue Results and discussion
samples were evaluated for adhesiveness and cohesiveness
using Texture Expert software. Six measurements were Puncture test
taken for each of the three replicates.
Table 1 shows the effect of pH and starch type and concen-
Viscosity tration on hardness of different processed cheese analogues
measured by puncture test. Presented results indicate that
Viscosity of processed cheese analogues was analysed hardness increased significantly (P < 0.05) with starch
using a Brookfield DV II + viscometer (Stoughton, MA, concentration. The samples containing ADA or HDP were
USA) with a Helipath Stand and T-bar spindle F according characterized with higher hardness than the control samples
to the method described by Sołowiej et al. [8]. Measure- with AC solely. The highest force was used to puncture the
ments were taken in constant temperature (21 °C) with the analogues obtained at pH 5.0 (i.e. 3.56 N for 10 % AC with
spindle velocity 0.5 rpm. Three measurements were taken 3 % ADA; 3.15 N for 10 % AC with 2 % ADA), and the
for each of the three replicates. lowest force was used to puncture the analogues obtained
at pH 7.0 (i.e. 0.59 N for 10 % AC with 3 % ADA; 0.45 N
Viscoelastic properties for 10 % AC with 2 % ADA).
Lee and Klostermeyer [19] investigated the effect of pH
Processed cheese analogues were heated at 30–80 °C, and on the rheological properties of model processed cheese
dynamic oscillatory measurement was taken using RS 300 spreads with reduced-fat content, made of sunflower oil
oscillatory rheometer with parallel plate geometry (Ther- and sodium caseinate. They noted significant (P < 0.05)
moHaake, Karlsruhe, Germany). Complex viscosity (η*) decrease in the hardness values with an increase in pH from
and loss tangent (δ) were evaluated as described by Moun- 5.0 to 5.4. Samples with higher pH values (up to 6.0) pre-
sey and O’Riordan [22]. A PP35Ti (Ø 35 mm) parallel plate sented only slight decrease in hardness. Our research data
geometry, gap of 2.8 mm, strain of 5 %, rate of temperature are consistent with the Gampala and Brennan [1] observa-
sweep (1.2 °C min−1) and frequency of 1 Hz were used for tions who noticed that after the 1 or 2 % addition of starch
all oscillatory measurements. The strain corresponded to to the processed cheese the hardness of the final product
the maximum within the linear viscoelastic region. Rheo- increased. Microscopic observations of imitation cheese
logical properties were analysed in triplicate. have shown that there is little or no interaction between
starch and the protein matrix [23]. So the main role of this
Meltability polysaccharide seems to be constraining water and higher
hardness of the product obtained in our study can be related
Meltability of processed cheese analogues was measured to lower water mobility and, in consequence, lower protein
using a modified Schreiber test. Samples (4.8 mm thick, hydration in the cheese matrix. The moisture in the cheese
41 mm in diameter) were placed on Petri dishes and heated protein network acts as plasticizer making it more elastic.
in a microwave oven (Samsung, South Korea) at 300 W Addition of starch to processed cheese analogue (partial
for 60 s, after which they were removed and cooled. Their replacement of casein with starch) can improve its texture
expansion was measured along six lines marked on a con- and consistency by immobilizing water. Cheese in which
centric set of circles according to the method described by water is less mobile becomes harder.
Mleko and Foegeding [20]. Schreiber meltability (arbitrary
scale of 0–10 units) was given as the mean of three meas- Evaluation of the texture profile
urements for each of three replicates.
Table 1 presents the effect of pH and starch type and con-
Statistical analysis centration on the textural properties of the processed cheese
analogues such as adhesiveness and cohesiveness. Samples
The statistical analyses were executed using the statistical with ADA at pH 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5 exhibited lower adhe-
software STATISTICA 7.0 PL (StatSoft Polska Sp. z o. o., siveness than control samples. On the contrary, processed
Kraków, Poland). A four-factor ANOVA (casein concen- cheese analogues with modified maize starches obtained at
tration, starch concentration, the starch type and pH val- pH 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 were characterized by higher adhesive-
ues) was carried out, and significant differences between ness than control samples. The highest adhesiveness values

Eur Food Res Technol

Table 1  Effect of starch type and concentration on the textural properties of processed cheese analogues obtained in varied pH
pH 11AC 12AC 13AC 10AC 10AC 10AC 10AC 10AC 10AC

Hardness (N)
4.5 0.33abcde 0.57bcdefghij 1.44n 0.46abcdefghi 0.63cdefghijkl 1.89opq 1.53no 1.58nop 2.03q
±0.090 ±0.069 ±0.182 ±0.108 ±0.144 ±0.100 ±0.182 ±0.074 ±0.076
5.0 0.60bcdefghijk 0.66defghijkl 2.81r 2.99r 3.15r 3.56s 2.89r 2.93r 2.99r
±0.032 ±0,031 ±0.107 ±0.160 ±0.125 ±0.278 ±0.146 ±0.062 ±0.255
5.5 0.26abc 0.69efghijkl 0.86jkl 0.40abcdefg 0.78ghijkl 0.99lm 0.74fghijkl 0.81hijkl 0.98klm
±0.015 ±0.267 ±0.025 ±0.070 ±0.061 ±0.113 ±0.032 ±0.100 ±0.062
6.0 1.02lm 1.51no 2.78r 1.58nop 1.95pq 2.91r 1.29mn 1.63nop 2.99r
±0.070 ±0.125 ±0.237 ±0.204 ±0.051 ±0.236 ±0.078 ±0.091 ±0.070
6.5 0.31abcde 0.43abcdefgh 0.49abcdefghik 0.42abcdefg 0.45abcdefgh 0.85ijkl 0.39abcdefg 0.49abcdefghij 0.59bcdefghijk
±0.064 ±0.060 ±0.015 ±0.035 ±0.035 ±0.029 ±0.055 ±0.040 ±0.115
7.0 0.10a 0.24ab 0.10a 0.36abcdef 0.45abcdefgh 0.59bcdefghij 0.27abcd 0.29abcd 0.45abcdefgh
±0.021 ±0.020 ±0.031 ±0.017 ±0.021 ±0.025 ±0.072 ±0.047 ±0.145
4.5 0.36b 0.79lmnopq 0.79lmnopq 0.54cd 0.48cd 0.79mnopq 0.50cd 0.46c 0.78klmnop
±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02
5.0 0.24a 0.66 fghi 0.90rst 0.46b 0.69fghijk 0.99u 0.47c 0.70fghijkl 0.99u
±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.09 ±0.02 ±0.03 ±0.01
5.5 0.66fgh 0.68fghij 0.70fghijkl 0.67fghi 0.70fghijkl 0.75hijklmn 0.69fghij 0.72fghijklm 0.77jklmnop
±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.03
6.0 0.66fgh 0.67fghi 0.68fghi 0.56de 0.63ef 0.71fghijklm 0.67fghi 0.69fghijkl 0.73ghijklm
±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.03 ±0.07 ±0.02
6.5 0.66fgh 0.65efg 0.66fg 0.68fghij 0.79lmnopq 0.90rst 0.70fghijkl 0.86pqrs 0.90rst
±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.02
7.0 0.71fghijklm 0.84opqrs 0.85pqrs 0.75ijklmno 0.87qrs 0.93stu 0.82nopqr 0.91rst 0.96tu
±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02
Adhesiveness (N s)
4.5 3.90ijk 4.28klmn 4.63lmnop 2.01bc 2.09bcd 4.25jkl 4.44klmno 5.92uwvx 5.99uwvx
±0.16 ±0.27 ±0.08 ±0.05 ±0.23 ±0.18 ±0.14 ±0.07 ±0.20
5.0 2.58def 5.35qrst 6.29xy 2.55cde 4.31klmn 5.00opqr 2.53 cde 3.13fgh 4.61lmnop
±0.20 ±0.18 ±0.24 ±0.17 ±0.22 ±0.19 ±0.18 ±0.14 ±0.20
5.5 3.69hij 5.68tuwv 6.68y 3.54hi 4.39klmn 4.33klmn 4.32klmn 6.14wvxy 7.63z
±0.15 ±0.09 ±0.09 ±0.11 ±0.13 ±0.13 ±0.18 ±0.12 ±0.05
6.0 2.69ef 3.28gh 4.30klmn 4.43klmno 5.33qrst 5.00pqr 5.08pqrs 6.23vxy 8.25a’
±0.09 ±0.12 ±0.04 ±0.16 ±0.09 ±0.20 ±0.16 ±0.21 ±0.11
6.5 1.69b 2.39cde 2.90efg 2.39cde 3.28gh 4.75lmnop 4.83nopq 5.52rstu 6.35xy
±0.14 ±0.14 ±0.16 ±0.32 ±0.09 ±0.11 ±0.11 ±0.26 ±0.24
7.0 0.96a 2.09bcd 2.69ef 3.91ijk 5.08pqrs 4.82mnopq 4.26klm 5.58stuw 5.83tuwvx
±0.04 ±0.19 ±0.09 ±0.11 ±0.11 ±0.26 ±0.24 ±0.23 ±0.10

Results expressed as mean ± standard deviation; a–a′  samples with different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05; n = 18; significant dif-
ferences between samples are determined by Tukey’s post hoc test

were noted for the samples with 3 % HDP addition obtained starch-enriched samples and the control ones. Mounsey
at pH 5.5 and 6.0 (7.63 N s and 8.25 N s, respectively). In and O’Riordan [7] observed that generally, in the imita-
our study, the most cohesive were samples with 3 % ADA tion cheese products containing native starches of different
or HDP obtained at pH 5.0 (0.99). The least cohesive was botanical source, cohesiveness values decreased signifi-
control sample obtained solely with 11 % AC at pH 5.0. cantly (P ≤ 0.05) in comparison with the control samples.
Gampala and Brennan [1] studied the effect of three The authors explained this phenomenon with disruption
commercially available starches (Amioca, Hi-maize 958 of the imitation cheese matrix by swollen starch granules.
and Melogel) on the adhesiveness of processed cheese on Because crosslinked and stabilized waxy corn starches have
the basis of the natural cheeses. Interestingly, no signifi- limited swelling power in comparison with their native
cant difference was observed between the adhesiveness of counterpart [24], they did not cause such effect.

Eur Food Res Technol

Table 2  Effect of starch type and concentration on the viscosity and meltability of processed cheese analogues obtained in varied pH
pH 11AC 12AC 13AC 10AC 10AC 10AC 10AC 10AC 10AC

Viscosity (Pa s)
4.5 2563bc 5320ijklmn 6017klmnopq 4023defgh 6840opqrstuwv 6947pqrstuwvx 5113ghijklm 5847jklmnop 6173lmnopqrs
±592 ±36 ±615 ±891 ±663 ±269 ±555 ±90 ±129
5.0 1587ab 7060pqrstuwvx 7430stuwvx 5033ghijkl 7287rstuwvx 7700uwvxy 6373mnopqrst 7297rstuwvx 7537tuwvxy
±91 ±770 ±372 ±135 ±221 ±223 ±194 ±67 ±6
5.5 2590bc 4670efghij 6180lmnopqrs 6707opqrstuwv 6923pqrstuwvx 7250qrstuwvx 5277hijklmn 5637ijklmno 6320mnopqrst
±180 ±276 ±147 ±170 ±180 ±241 ±255 ±158 ±90
6.0 6447nopqrstu 7947uvxy 8067vxyz 6893opqrstuwv 8713yz 9330z 6953pqrstuwvx 8167xyz 8790yz
±668 ±817 ±1276 ±91 ±253 ±305 ±317 ±137 ±140
6.5 1073a 3407cde 4500defghi 2447bc 3593cdef 4830fghijk 2433bc 4863ghijk 5377ijklmn
±49 ±70 ±173 ±381 ±530 ±392 ±252 ±61 ±111
7.0 2687bc 3323 cd 3997defg 4390defghi 4527defghi 4667efghij 5367ijklmn 6033klmnopqr 6487nopqrstu
±142 ±55 ±110 ±270 ±95 ±64 ±60 ±107 ±100
4.5 7.22mnop 5.33defg 4.55bcd 6.54jklm 5.27cdefg 3.12a 5.28cdefg 5.05cdefg 4.17b
±0.035 ±0.089 ±0.231 ±0.116 ±0.115 ±0.083 ±0.093 ±0.259 ±0.410
5.0 9.45tuw 8.89rstuw 7.44nop 8.79rst 7.62pq 7.11mnop 5.68fghi 5.39efg 5.31cdefg
±0.083 ±0.118 ±0.150 ±0.137 ±0.085 ±0.032 ±0.245 ±0.265 ±0.125
5.5 8.83rstu 7.78pq 7.39nop 7.31mnop 6.79lmn 6.60klm 5.83ghijk 5.44efg 5.11cdefg
±0.085 ±0.201 ±0.072 ±0.263 ±0.223 ±0.247 ±0.223 ±0.187 ±0.557
6.0 9.60uw 8.76rst 5.79fghij 8.60rs 6.83lmno 4.83bcde 9.22stuw 8.72rst 5.04cdef
±0.149 ±0.177 ±0.239 ±0.199 ±0.227 ±0.127 ±0.122 ±0.095 ±0.221
6.5 9.61w 9.10rstuw 8.98rstuw 6.22hijkl 5.44efgh 4.55bc 8.89rstuw 8.83rstu 8.39qr
±0.127 ±0.122 ±0.051 ±0.089 ±0.280 ±0.644 ±0.173 ±0.161 ±0.146
7.0 9.17stuw 9.01rstuw 8.81rst 5.28cdefg 5.18cdefg 4.11b 7.61op 7.11mnop 6.28ijkl
±0.172 ±0.390 ±0.234 ±0.096 ±0.131 ±0.632 ±0.124 ±0.170 ±0.244

Results expressed as mean ± standard deviation; a–z  different letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05; n = 9; significant differences
between samples are determined by Tukey’s post hoc test

Evaluation of the viscosity of the protein (at 15 %) with pre-gelatinized starches
increased the apparent viscosity values as follows: “rice
Table  2 shows the effect of pH and starch type and con- starch (26.3 mPa s) > waxy-maize (24.6 mPa s) > wheat
centration on viscosity of different processed cheese ana- (22.2 mPa s) > potato (21.6 mPa s) > maize (20.0 mPa s)
logues. The viscosity of cheese samples increased signifi- starch” [7]. Luo et al. [25] studied the viscosity of acety-
cantly with increasing starch concentration. Among the lated distarch adipate at the range of pH values: 3.0–7.0.
control samples, processed cheese analogues with 11 % AC They observed that the viscosity of ADA slowly decreased
presented the lowest viscosity values. Interestingly, sam- with the decrease in pH value. It is also shown in our study
ples obtained at pH 6.5–7.0 presented the lowest viscosity in the pH ranges: 4.5–6.0. Probably, the effect was caused
values. Processed cheese analogues containing 3 % of ADA by the crosslinking groups that built ADA molecular chain,
or HDP obtained at pH 6.0 had the highest viscosity val- which made the swelling of the starch granules more dif-
ues (9330 and 8790 Pa s, respectively). Similar results were ficult. Starch molecules became more resistant to the deg-
obtained by Gampala and Brennan [1]. The starch addition radation process in the acidic pH. In our study, lower vis-
to a model processed cheese formulation influenced on the cosity in pH 6.5 and 7.0 can be due to the environment of
higher values of the samples’ cook viscosity in comparison starch composed with acid casein and milk fat. Probably, in
with the control samples. Authors noted that many causa- the more neutral pH, high concentration of casein and fat
tive factors affected these results. Ability to bind water and molecules effectively isolated the starch globules from each
form a complex matrix after heating, but also the viscos- other making the internal cheese analogue’s structure more
ity profile was connected to protein and fat presence in the resistant.
processed cheese matrices (although the composition of Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (crosslinked and
these components remained unchanged). The replacement stabilized starch) is widely chosen modified starch in the

Eur Food Res Technol

Fig. 1  Effect of heating temperature on the complex modulus (η*) of processed cheese analogues prepared using 10 % AC with 2 % ADA (□)
or 10 % AC with 2 % HDP (∆) obtained in different pH values: a 4.5, b 5.0, c 5.5, d 6.0, e 6.5 and f 7.0; n = 3

manufacture of yoghurt production, where it maintains starch-containing cheese analogues were characterized
clarity, reduces syneresis and increases the viscosity. with the decrease in η* values in the function of increas-
Crosslinking strengthens hydroxypropylated waxy corn ing temperature (except samples obtained at pH 5.0). At
starch which results in more vicious pastes and it gives the temperature of about 40–45 °C, sudden increase in η*
higher stability to acid, heat treatment and shear forces values was observed in most of the tested samples. The
[15]. That is why, within all range of pH values, the pro- greatest η* values were observed for the samples obtained
cessed cheese analogues with HDP presented greater vis- at pH 5.5 with 2 % ADA in the heating temperature range
cosity in comparison with the control samples. Addition of 45–50 °C (781.8–703.7 Pa s) and for the samples with
modified starch resulted in the ultimately more rigid struc- 2 % ADA obtained at pH 6.0 in the heating temperature
ture of the processed cheese analogues with highly linked range 42–60 °C (399.4–297.9 Pa s). The lowest η* val-
molecules. ues were noted for the processed cheese analogues with
2 % ADA obtained at pH 6.5 in the heating temperature
Viscoelastic properties of processed cheese analogues range 40–80 °C (11.05–2.35 Pa s). The highest η* val-
ues among the samples with HDP addition were observed
The complex viscosity values (η*) for the samples with at pH 5.5 in the heating temperature range 48–54 °C
10 % AC and 2 % ADA or HDP were measured as a func- (508.4–460.7 Pa s).
tion of temperature (30–80 °C) (Fig. 1). Complex viscos- Table  3 presents the effect of heating temperature on
ity (η*) refers to both elastic and viscous deformation the tan δ value of processed cheese analogues prepared
response [26]. Generally, in the first stage of heating, using 10 % AC with 2 % ADA or 10 % AC with 2 % HDP

Eur Food Res Technol

Table 3  Effect of heating temperature on the tan δ value of processed cheese analogues prepared using 10 % AC with 2 % ADA or 10 % AC
with 2 % HDP obtained at different pH values: 4.5–7.0
pH of 10 % AC + 2 % ADA tan δ value in 30 °C Transition temperature (crossover point) (°C)

4.5 0.655 ±0.01b –
5.0 1.113 ±0.02c 31.3 ±0.92
5.5 0.539 ±0.02ab –
6.0 1.008 ±0.01c 38.8 ±0.78 tan δ < 1; 61.2 ±1.05 tan δ > 1; 67.2 ±0.35 tan δ < 1
6.5 2.946 ±0.05 g –
7.0 2.78 ±0.08f 46.4 ±0.21 tan δ < 1
pH of 10 % AC + 2 % HDP tan δ value in 30 °C Transition temperature (crossover point) (°C)

4.5 0.657 ±0.03b –
5.0 0.462 ±0.03a –
5.5 0.492 ±0.05a –
6.0 1.639 ±0.02d 47.4 ±1.48 tan δ < 1; 49.3 ±0.85 tan δ > 1
6.5 2.962 ±0.03 g –
7.0 1.832 ±0.01e –

Results expressed as mean ± standard deviation; “–” means that throughout the duration of the test the tan δ value does not exceed 1; a–g differ-
ent letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05; n = 3; significant differences between samples are determined by Tukey’s post hoc test

obtained at different pH values. The loss tangent (δ) values Processed cheese analogues meltability
can provide a valuable information on meltability [22]. It
gives an indication whether the material exhibits more liq- One of the functional properties of a great importance
uid-like or solid-like behaviour [27]. When the tan (δ) > 1, for processed cheese analogues and imitation cheese is
processed cheese/analogues exhibit viscous character- meltability [30]. Schreiber melt test was implemented
istics, if not (i.e. tan (δ) < 1) processed cheese/analogues by Schreiber Foods (Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA) and is
show elastic (gel) properties [8]. The transition tempera- known as the commonly used empirical test for these types
ture (crossover point) can be used to evaluate the transi- of products [31] albeit modified over the years. Table 2
tion from solid-like to liquid-like behaviour and vice versa illustrates the effect of pH and starch type on meltability
[9]. In the present study, samples prepared with 10 % AC of different processed cheese analogues measured by modi-
and 2 % ADA exhibited the lowest loss tangent (δ) value in fied Schreiber test. All of the samples presented good melt-
30 °C (0.539) at pH 5.5. With regard to samples prepared ing characteristics (Schreiber test number >4) at all pH
with 10 % AC and 2 % HDP presented the lowest loss tan- values, except the sample with 3 % ADA and 10 % of AC
gent (δ) value in 30 °C at pH 5.0 and 5.5 (0.462 and 0.492 at the pH 4.5 (3.12). Samples containing starch illustrated
respectively), therefore these samples were among the most lower meltability than control samples. As starch concen-
elastic. On the other hand, for the samples prepared with tration increased in the samples at pH 4.5–7.0, their melt-
10 % AC and 2 % ADA or HDP, the highest tan δ value was ability decreased. Ye, Hewitt and Taylor [32] examined
observed at pH 6.5 (2.946 and 2.962, respectively). the effect of normal maize starch (25 % amylose), waxy
Boubellouta and Dufour [28] investigated the structure maize starch (99 % amylopectin) and high amylose maize
and rheology of cheeses: Comté and Raclette as a function starch—HAMS (with 70 % amylose) on the rheological
of temperature. They assessed the complex viscosity (η*) characteristics of model processed cheese. The modified
tan δ of the samples and observed that η* values decreased, Schreiber test was implemented to measure the meltabil-
whereas tan δ values increased from 20 to 80 °C. Rise in ity of the processed cheese. Processed cheese with normal
complex viscosity at 40–45 °C in our study can be asso- maize starch presented very low melt values (0.6), which
ciated with the melting of milk fat (Fig. 1). According to was due to the high ratio of starch to protein in the sam-
Lopez et al. [29], the melting temperature of AMF ranges ple (0.83). Samples containing waxy maize starch also had
between 31 and 41 °C; however, in cheese analogues it lower meltability with increasing concentration of starch:
oscillates within 40–41 °C. Melted fat in part fills spaces ~4.7 (ratio of starch to protein 0.83). The reduction in the
in the casein and starch matrix, and such structure is more processed cheese meltability may be due to the bicontinu-
packed, which increases the elasticity of cheese samples as ous phase structure with both: the protein and a starch
previously confirmed by Sołowiej et al. [8]. phase observed in the processed cheese samples with a

Eur Food Res Technol

high concentration of starch [32]. Low meltability of imi- of cheese products for slicing. Furthermore, the use of
tation cheeses with low protein content is one of the main modified starches in the preparation of processed cheese
technological issues in these products [33], as water can be analogues can lower their production costs.
immobilized by swollen starch granules which can result in
dehydration of the protein matrix. Lower water availability Acknowledgments  We gratefully acknowledge Agrotrade (Warsaw,
Poland) for providing starches, used in the study.
can increase hydrophobic protein–protein interactions [34].
It also leads to poor interaction of protein with fat phase Compliance with ethical standards 
which is responsible for good emulsification and in effect
for good meltability of the cheese [35]. According to Finnie Conflict of interest None.
and Olsen [36], to have a meltability in an imitation cheese Ethics requirements  This article does not contain any studies with
which would be similar to that of cheese, modified starch human or animal subjects.
has to be used in an amount less than 5 %.
Open Access  This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea-, which permits unrestricted use,
Conclusions distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
Variations in the type, concentration as well as casein link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
and starch ratios caused significant modifications in the made.
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