Peterson Practice Test 2 Sat
Peterson Practice Test 2 Sat
Peterson Practice Test 2 Sat
Directions: Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After
reading each passage or pair of passages, choose the best answer to each question based on what
is stated or implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a
table, chart, or graph).
1 The idea the author presents in lines 16–23 4 Based on the passage, which choice best
that the cost of SeDS is twice that of a recent describes the relationship between the de-
tax cut is analogous to an automaker that sign of our bodies and the fact that obesity
has doubled?
(A) investigates a faulty brake system in
one of its models and issues a recall. (A) Humans are naturally prone to
(B) apologizes to its customers for a obesity.
faulty brake system in one of its (B) Weight gain is passed from parents to
models and assures them that next children.
year’s model has already been (C) People eat more in order to perform
redesigned. modern activities.
(C) compensates all the customers whose (D) Hard work is no longer part of most
brakes have failed by offering them a
people’s lives.
free paint job for their car.
(D) gives classes to teach its customers
5 As used in line 5, “sedentary” most nearly
how to install a fix for a faulty brake
system in one of its models.
(A) inactive.
2 The structure of the article is designed to (B) robust.
(C) sudden.
(A) present opinions backed up by factual
detail. (D) obese.
(B) frighten readers who are ignoring
their weight issues. 6 In lines 12–15 (“Research has … for
(C) offer testimonials from those who are Americans.”), what is the most likely rea-
most affected. son the author compares SeDS with heart
(D) focus on statistical data and how it is disease?
being interpreted. (A) To compare the symptoms of obesity
with those of heart disease
3 What effect on meaning and tone does the (B) To make readers think of the many
mention of the Grim Reaper add to the warnings against heart disease
article? (C) To demonstrate how heart disease
often leads to issues with obesity
(A) It encourages weight loss by alluding
to the Grim Reaper’s gaunt form. (D) To emphasize that poor health is not
the issue, but a fatal outcome is
(B) It links preventable health issues with
a symbol of mortality.
7 Which choice provides the best evidence
(C) It uses a symbolic figure to make a
humorous point. for the answer to the previous question?
(D) It relies on valid scientific (A) Lines 6–11 (“Approximately …
conclusions from past studies. combined”)
(B) Lines 35–36 (“One day … SeDS”)
(C) Lines 53–57 (“The then-Surgeon …
(D) Lines 115–119 (“Introducing …
584 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
8 It can reasonably be inferred from the pas- Line Indians, exclusive of those in Alaska. The
sage and the chart that steady increases in 5 names of the different tribes and bands
new cases of Type 2 diabetes began around as entered in the statistical table, so the
Indian Office Reports, number nearly
(A) 1980. three hundred.
(B) 1988. There is not among these three
10 hundred bands of Indians one which has
(C) 1998.
not suffered cruelly at the hands either of
(D) 2009. the Government or of white settlers. The
poorer, the more insignificant, the more
9 helpless the band, the more certain the
As used in line 32 , “pizzazz” most nearly
15 cruelty and outrage to which they have
been subjected. This is especially true
(A) research. of the bands on the Pacific slope. These
Indians found themselves all of a sudden
(B) oomph.
surrounded by and caught up in the great
(C) seriousness. 20 influx of gold-seeking settlers, as helpless
(D) action. creatures on a shore are caught up in a
tidal wave. There was not time for the
10 The passage most strongly suggests which Government to make treaties; not even
time for communities to make laws. The
of the following? 25 tale of the wrongs, the oppressions, the
(A) A catchy name will motivate people murders of the Pacific-slope Indians in
to lose weight. the last thirty years would be a volume by
itself, and is too monstrous to be believed.
(B) Moving the body is essential to It makes little difference, however,
health. 30 where one opens the record of the history
(C) Type 2 diabetes is another form of of the Indians; every page and every year
obesity. has its dark stain. The story of one tribe is
(D) Children can have good habits the story of all, varied only by differences
despite poor role models. of time and place; but neither time nor
35 place makes any difference in the main
facts. Colorado is as greedy and unjust in
11 Which choice provides the best evidence
1880 as was Georgia in 1830, and Ohio in
for the answer to the previous question? 1795; and the United States Government
breaks promises now as deftly as then,
(A) Lines 24–28 (“Professor … active”)
40 and with an added ingenuity from long
(B) Lines 40–45 (“Due to … tenfold”) practice.
(C) Lines 45–50 (“Type 2 … death”) One of its strongest supports in so
(D) Lines 91–97 (“Perhaps … Delaware”) doing is the wide-spread sentiment
among the people of dislike to the Indian,
45 of impatience with his presence as a
“barrier to civilization” and distrust of
FOLLOWING PASSAGE. it as a possible danger. The old tales
This passage is excerpted from Helen Hunt Jack- of the frontier life, with its horrors of
son’s A Century of Dishonor, published in 1881. Indian warfare, have gradually, by two
In 1879, Jackson became a Native American 50 or three generations’ telling, produced
rights activist after witnessing a speech by Ponca in the average mind something like an
chief Standing Bear. hereditary instinct of questioning and
There are within the limits of the unreasoning aversion which it is almost
United States between two hundred impossible to dislodge or soften.
and fifty and three hundred thousand
586 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
15 What explanation does the author give 19 Which of the following summaries of the
for the abuse of Native Americans as de- last paragraph is the most accurate?
scribed in lines 22–28?
(A) The generals of the U.S. Army
(A) The author blames old tales of Native suggest that they had to be aggressive
Americans attacks on the frontier. to keep Native Americans from
(B) The author cites a record of broken defeating them and that sometimes
treaties and abuse of the laws. there were crimes committed against
Native Americans. Both sides spread
(C) The author says that the settlers
their interpretation of events across
surrounded Native Americans.
the nation.
(D) The author describes the Pacific-
(B) In court hearings, soldiers discussed
slope area as lawless and chaotic. how the white man often took the
fight to Native Americans in order to
16 In what year did serious abuses of Native move them off the land and that there
Americans occur in Georgia? were occasions when this resulted in
savage behavior by both parties.
(A) 1795 (C) Proof that the white man was the
(B) 1830 aggressor in almost every conflict
(C) 1855 comes from the U.S. Army itself
and the offenses of white men are
(D) 1880 disguised while the few offenses
of Native Americans are widely
17 The author chose a text structure exaggerated.
designed to (D) The history of the conflicts between
Native Americans and white men is
(A) follow the historical chronology of one of gross injustice and extreme
how settlers in the United States dealt crimes against the tribes most of the
with Native Americans over time. time, while horrible crimes against
(B) dispel some of the common white people are generally few and
misconceptions of the dealings far between.
between the United States and Native
20 The central theme of the passage is that
(C) categorize causes and effects in
explaining the US government’s (A) Native Americans have been
treatment of Native Americans. victimized by the U.S. government.
(D) present opposing viewpoints as (B) what happened to one tribe happened
to why the United States has had to all the tribes eventually.
conflicts with Native Americans. (C) the U.S. government has done little
to help Native Americans.
18 As used in line 94, “palliated” most nearly (D) Native Americans and white settlers
means had conflicts with each other in the
(A) intensified.
(B) confused.
(C) eased.
(D) excused.
21 Which choice provides the best evidence separated from their families at a
for the answer to the previous question? moment’s notice.
20 In 1802, the first slaves to inhabit
(A) Lines 12–16 (“The poorer … Arlington arrived with their owner,
subjected”) George Washington Parke Custis. The
(B) Lines 29–32 (“It makes … stain”) grandson of Martha Washington and
adopted grandson of George Washington,
(C) Lines 32–36 (“The story … facts”)
25 Custis had grown up at Mount Vernon,
(D) Lines 73–80 (“The history … as had many of his slaves. Upon Martha
exception”) Washington’s death, Custis inherited
her slaves and purchased others who
22 As used in line 79, “barbarous” most belonged to his mother. In all, Custis
30 owned nearly 200 slaves and as many
nearly means with
as 63 lived and worked at Arlington.
(A) silent determination. The others worked on his other two
plantations near Richmond, Virginia.
(B) steadfast revenge.
Once at Arlington, the slaves
(C) calculated antagonism. 35 constructed log cabins for their homes
(D) wild brutality. and began work on the main house.
Using the red clay soil from the property
QUESTIONS 23–32 ARE BASED ON and shells from the Potomac river, they
made the bricks and stucco for the walls
40 and exterior of the house. The slaves
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL. also harvested timber from the Arlington
Robert E. Lee and his family lived on a plantation forest, which was used for the interior
estate in Arlington, Virginia, up until 1861. When flooring and supports. The slaves were
Civil War broke out, he and his family departed responsible for keeping up the house and
for safer quarters. Lee became the commander of 45 laboring on the plantation, working to
the Rebel field forces in 1862. His former home is harvest corn and wheat, which was sold at
now a National Park site. The full-length text of market in Washington.
the following passage, provided by the National Custis saw his daughter marry Lt.
Park Service, can be found at http://www.nps. Robert E. Lee at Arlington in 1831.
gov/arho/learn/historyculture/slavery.htm. 50 Robert and Mary Anna came to call
Arlington home and Custis was a
Slavery at Arlington prominent figure in the lives of the seven
From its earliest days, Arlington House Lee children. In his later years, Custis did
was home not only to the Custis and Lee not stray far from Arlington. He made his
families who occupied the mansion, but 55 will in 1855, and he increasingly relied
Line to dozens of slaves who lived and labored
on his son-in-law, Col. Lee, to handle his
5 on the estate.
tangled business affairs. Until his death,
For nearly sixty years, Arlington Custis retained his old bedchamber in the
functioned as a complex society made north wing of the mansion, where he died
up of owners and slaves, whites and 60 after a short illness on October 10, 1857.
blacks. To some observers, on the surface, Some slaves had very close
10 Arlington appeared as a harmonious
relationships with the family members,
community in which owner and slave though these relationships were governed
often lived and worked side by side. Yet by the racial hierarchy that existed
an invisible gulf separated the two, as 65 between slaves and slaveholders. Mr.
slaves were the legal property of their Custis relied heavily on his carriage
15 owners. The enslaved possessed no
driver, Daniel Dotson, and Mrs. Lee had
rights, could not enter into legally binding a personal relationship with the head
contracts, and could be permanently housekeeper, Selina Gray. As Mary’s
588 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
70 arthritis increasingly restricted her to her by the Custises at the time of her
activities through the years, she depended emancipation around 1826.
on Selina for assistance. As evidence While such allowances may have
of their close bond, Mrs. Lee entrusted 95 improved the quality of life for the
Selina with the keys to the plantation at Arlington slaves, most black men and
75 the time of the Lees’ evacuation in May women on the estate remained legally in
1861. bondage until the Civil War. In his will,
There is evidence that some slaves at Custis stipulated that all the Arlington
Arlington had opportunities not widely 100 slaves should be freed upon his death
afforded to slaves elsewhere. Mrs. Custis, if the estate was found to be in good
80 a devout Episcopalian, tutored slaves in financial standing or within five years
basic reading and writing so that they otherwise. When Custis died in 1857,
could read the Bible. Mrs. Lee and her Robert E. Lee—the executor of the
daughters continued this practice even 105 estate—determined that the slave labor
though Virginia law had prohibited the was necessary to improve Arlington’s
85 education of slaves by the 1840s. Mrs. financial status. The Arlington slaves
Custis also persuaded her husband to free found Lee to be a more stringent
several women and children. taskmaster than his predecessor. Eleven
Some of these emancipated slaves 110 slaves were “hired out” while others were
settled on the Arlington estate, including sent to the other estates. In accordance
90 Maria Carter Syphax who lived with her with Custis’s instructions, Lee officially
husband on a seventeen-acre plot given freed the slaves on December 29, 1862.
The room at the east end on the lower level housed the summer kitchen, with cooks’ quarters above. The center room
at the lower level was a washroom, with the washerwoman’s quarters above. The rooms at the west end housed various
domestic slaves, including the coachmen, gardener, and housekeeper.
23 What is the most likely purpose of the 27 Which of the following statements is true
passage? based on the graphic and the passage.
(A) To inform people about the evils of (A) The slaves lived in one enormous
slavery house built just for slaves.
(B) To persuade people that slavery was (B) The slaves’ quarters were adequate
not so terrible for the needs of the slaves.
(C) To describe the history of Arlington (C) The slaves lived in very tight
House quarters.
(D) To illustrate how slaves lived before (D) The slave quarters were located next
the Civil War to the main house of the plantation.
24 Why did Mrs. Custis teach her slaves to 28 How was Robert E. Lee related to George
read? Washington?
(A) So they could teach other slaves and (A) Lee married the daughter of
become self-sufficient Washington’s grandson.
(B) So they could read their contracts (B) Lee married George Washington’s
with their owners granddaughter.
(C) So they could teach her children to (C) Lee’s son married Martha
read Washington’s granddaughter.
(D) So they could read the Bible (D) Lee’s father was Martha
Washington’s nephew.
25 What did George Washington Parke Cus-
tis inherit from his grandmother Martha 29 What evidence in the passage suggests that
Washington? Lee was more of a practical man than an
(A) Land and slaves
(B) Slaves (A) Lines 53–57 (“Custis did not …
(C) A house with land and slaves business affairs”)
(D) Three plantations (B) Lines 79–85 (“Mrs. Custis … by the
26 How was the life of Selina Gray different (C) Lines 103–107 (“When Custis …
financial status”)
from that of other slaves?
(D) Lines 112–113 (“Lee officially …
(A) She didn’t have to work as hard. December 29, 1862”)
(B) She was trusted by Mrs. Lee.
(C) She took care of the Lee children.
(D) She ran the whole plantation.
590 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
30 Which of the following best illustrates that over the past century and is projected
slaves were considered property in the era Line to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the
described in the passage? 5 next hundred years. Small changes in
the average temperature of the planet
(A) Lines 6–9 (“Arlington functioned … can translate to large and potentially
and blacks”) dangerous shifts in climate and weather.
(B) Lines 27–29 (“Custis inherited … his The evidence is clear. Rising global
mother”) 10 temperatures have been accompanied by
changes in weather and climate. Many
(C) Lines 82–85 (“Mrs. Lee … the
places have seen changes in rainfall,
resulting in more floods, droughts, or
(D) Lines 85–87 (“Mrs. Custis … and intense rain, as well as more frequent and
children”) 15 severe heat waves. The planet’s oceans
and glaciers have also experienced some
31 How does the author use the phrase “invis- big changes—oceans are warming and
ible gulf” (line 13)? becoming more acidic, ice caps are
melting, and sea levels are rising. As
(A) As a figure of speech—related to 20 these and other changes become more
differences in stature pronounced in the coming decades, they
(B) As a martime definition—related to a will likely present challenges to our
hidden body of water society and our environment.
Humans are largely responsible for
(C) As a geographical reference—related
25 recent climate change. Over the past
to a ravine or abyss
century, human activities have released
(D) As an architectural description— large amounts of carbon dioxide and other
related to building placement greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The majority of greenhouse gases come
32 In the context of the passage, what is the 30 from burning fossil fuels to produce
energy, although deforestation, industrial
best definition of the word “afforded” (line
processes, and some agricultural practices
also emit gases into the atmosphere.
(A) Spared or given up without risk Greenhouse gases act like a blanket
35 around Earth, trapping energy in the
(B) Had sufficient money to pay for
atmosphere and causing it to warm. This
(C) Provided or supplied phenomenon is called the greenhouse
(D) Purchased in exchange for effect and is natural and necessary to
support life on Earth. However, the
QUESTIONS 33–42 ARE BASED ON THE 40 buildup of greenhouse gases can change
Earth’s climate and result in dangerous
effects to human health and welfare and
Passage 1 is excerpted from the U.S. Environ- to ecosystems.
mental Protection Agency website. Passage 2 is Our lives are connected to the
excerpted from the article “Science Has Spoken: 45 climate. Human societies have adapted
Global Warming Is a Myth” by Oregon Institute to the relatively stable climate we have
of Science and Medicine chemists, Arthur B. enjoyed since the last ice age, which
Robinson and Zachary W. Robinson. This article ended several thousand years ago. A
was published in the Wall Street Journal in 1997. warming climate will bring changes that
50 can affect our water supplies, agriculture,
Passage 1
power and transportation systems, the
Climate change is happening natural environment, and even our own
Our Earth is warming. Earth’s health and safety.
average temperature has risen by 1.4°F
Some changes to the climate are useful, for now computer climate models
55 unavoidable. Carbon dioxide can stay in 105 are very unreliable.
the atmosphere for nearly a century, so So we needn’t worry about human use
Earth will continue to warm in the coming of hydrocarbons warming the Earth. We
decades. The warmer it gets, the greater also needn’t worry about environmental
the risk for more severe changes to the calamities, even if the current, natural
60 climate and Earth’s system. Although it’s 110 warming trend continues: After all the
difficult to predict the exact impacts of Earth has been much warmer during the
climate change, what’s clear is that the past 3,000 years without ill effects.
climate we are accustomed to is no longer But we should worry about the effects
a reliable guide for what to expect in the of the hydrocarbon rationing being
65 future. 115 proposed at Kyoto. Hydrocarbon use has
We can reduce the risks we will face major environmental benefits. A great
from climate change. By making choices deal of research has shown that increases
that reduce greenhouse gas pollution in atmospheric carbon dioxide accelerate
and preparing for the changes that are the growth rates of plants and also permit
70 already underway, we can reduce risks 120 plants to grow in drier regions. Animal
from climate change. Our decisions today life, which depends upon plants, also
will shape the world our children and increases.
grandchildren will live in.
Passage 2 33 Upon which concepts do both passages
[The global warming] hypothesis fully agree?
75 predicts that global temperatures will
rise significantly, indeed catastrophically, (A) That global warming has been proven
if atmospheric carbon dioxide rises. by evidence
Most of the increase in atmospheric (B) That an increase in overall
carbon dioxide has occurred during temperature is manageable
80 the past 50 years, and the increase has (C) That levels of atmospheric carbon
continued during the past 20 years. Yet dioxide have increased
there has been no significant increase
(D) That usual weather patterns have
in atmospheric temperature during
those 50 years, and during the 20 years been affected
85 with the highest carbon dioxide levels,
temperatures have decreased. 34 Which choice provides the best evidence
In science, the ultimate test is the for the answer to the previous question?
process of experiment. If a hypothesis
fails the experimental test, it must be (A) Lines 5–8 (“Small changes … and
90 discarded. Therefore, the scientific weather.”)
method requires that the global warming (B) Lines 39–43 (“However, the … to
hypothesis be rejected. ecosystems.”)
Why, then, is there continuing
(C) Lines 78–81 (“Most of the … 20
scientific interest in “global warming”?
95 There is a field of inquiry in which
scientists are using computers to try (D) Lines 113–115 (“But we should … at
to predict the weather—even global Kyoto.”)
weather over very long periods. But
global weather is so complicated that
100 current data and computer methods are
insufficient to make such predictions.
Although it is reasonable to hope that
these methods will eventually become
592 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
35 Which point of view characterizes both 39 In both passages, the authors present in-
passages? formation by
(A) One of scientists taking neutral (A) listing a sequence of events that
positions begins in the past and continues into
(B) One of fanatics defending a cause the future.
(C) One of humans concerned for global (B) discussing the causes of a situation
well-being and the resulting effects or lack of
(D) One of debaters directly addressing
readers as “you” (C) comparing two different approaches
to a problem and determining which
will be most effective.
36 In making their arguments, the authors of
(D) defining the problems the world faces
both passages fail to
and then offering solutions to them.
(A) provide sources of proof for their
claims. 40 The essential difference between the argu-
(B) account for recent advances in the ments the two sets of authors present is
field. whether or not
(C) acknowledge dissenting opinions.
(A) atmospheric hydrogen should be
(D) provide definitions for their controlled.
(B) climate and weather can be modified
by humans.
37 The word choice of the first passage (po-
(C) atmospheric hydrogen poses a threat
tentially dangerous, severe, challenges, to human life.
dangerous effects) and the second passage
(D) the production of hydrocarbons is a
(no significant, rejected, insufficient, un-
natural result of human activity.
reliable) differ in that
(A) the first is employing colorful 41 Which choice provides the best evidence
language to describe, and the second for the answer to the previous question?
is relying on simpler language to
define. (A) Lines 29–30 (“The majority … into
(B) Passage 1 uses scientific terms and the atmosphere.”)
Passage 2 uses layperson’s terms. (B) Lines 55–58 (“Carbon dioxide …
(C) the first passage attempts to reassure coming decades”)
readers, and the second passage tries (C) Lines 74–77 (“The global … dioxide
to motivate them. rises”)
(D) Passage 1 is sounding a warning, and (D) Lines 116–120 (“A great … drier
Passage 2 is negating any cause for regions”)
42 As used in line 7, “translate” most nearly
38 As used in line 21, “pronounced” most means
nearly means
(A) comprehend.
(A) articulated. (B) expand.
(B) announced. (C) transform.
(C) inconspicuous. (D) explain.
(D) noticeable.
QUESTIONS 43–52 ARE BASED ON THE Their faces were interesting—of the
FOLLOWING PASSAGE. dry, shrewd, quick-witted New England
45 type, and thin hair twisted neatly back
The following is an excerpt from a short story, out of the way. Mrs. Crowe could look
“Miss Tempy’s Watchers,” by Sarah Orne Jewett, vague and benignant, and Miss Binson
a novelist and short-story writer who lived from was, to quote her neighbors, a little too
1849–1909. In the story, two women watch over sharp-set, but the world knew that she
their deceased friend on the evening before her 50 had need to be, with the load she must
funeral and share their memories of her. carry supporting an inefficient widowed
The time of year was April; the sister and six unpromising and unwilling
place was a small farming town in New nieces and nephews. The eldest boy was
Hampshire, remote from any railroad. at last placed with a good man to learn
Line One by one the lights had been blown out 55 the mason’s trade. Sarah Ann Binson,
5 in the scattered houses near Miss Tempy for all her sharp, anxious aspect never
Dent’s, but as her neighbors took a last defended herself, when her sister whined
look out of doors, their eyes turned with and fretted.
instinctive curiosity toward the old house She was told every week of her life
where a lamp burned steadily. They gave 60 that the poor children would never have
10 a little sigh. “Poor Miss Tempy!” said had to lift a finger if their father had lived,
more than one bereft acquaintance; for and yet she had kept her steadfast way
the good woman lay dead in her north with the little farm, and patiently taught
chamber, and the lamp was a watcher’s the young people many useful things for
light. The funeral was set for the next day 65 which, as everybody said, they would
15 at one o’clock. live to thank her. However pleasureless
The watchers were two of her oldest her life appeared to outward view, it was
friends. Mrs. Crowe and Sarah Ann brimful of pleasure to herself.
Binson. They were sitting in the kitchen Mrs. Crowe, on the contrary, was
because it seemed less awesome than 70 well-to-do, her husband being a rich
20 the unused best room, and they beguiled farmer and an easy-going man. She
the long hours by steady conversation. was a stingy woman, but for all of that
One would think that neither topics nor she looked kindly; and when she gave
opinions would hold out, at that rate, all away anything, or lifted a finger to help
through the long spring night, but there 75 anybody, it was thought a great piece of
25 was a certain degree of excitement just beneficence, and a compliment, indeed,
then, and the two women had risen to which the recipient accepted with twice
an unusual level of expressiveness and as much gratitude as double the gift that
confidence. Each had already told the came from a poorer and more generous
other more than one fact that she had 80 acquaintance. Everybody liked to be on
30 determined to keep secret; they were good terms with Mrs. Crowe. Socially,
again and again tempted into statements she stood much higher than Sarah Ann
that either would have found impossible Binson.
by daylight. Mrs. Crowe was knitting a
blue yarn stocking for her husband; the
35 foot was already so long that it seemed as
if she must have forgotten to narrow it at
the proper time. Mrs. Crowe knew exactly
what she was about, however; she was
of a much cooler disposition than Sister
40 Binson, who made futile attempts at some
sewing, only to drop her work into her lap
whenever the talk was most engaging.
594 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
43 The two women are in Miss Tempy Dent’s 46 Even though these two women are very
house because they are different, the author shows that they are
getting closer by
(A) waiting to tell other friends and
family that she has died. (A) having them sit in the kitchen instead
(B) staying with the body so it isn’t alone of the best room.
until it is buried. (B) having Mrs. Crowe give Sarah Ann
(C) conducting a funeral service something nice.
following Miss Tempy’s requests. (C) explaining that Sarah Ann was
(D) visiting Miss Tempy Dent, but she actually very happy.
has died. (D) explaining they were telling each
other secrets.
44 The theme of this excerpt can best be
described as 47 Which choice provides the best evidence
for the answer to the previous question?
(A) old friends often grow closer when
they lose a friend. (A) Lines 22–28 (“One would … and
(B) the bonds of friendship remain strong confidence.”)
even in death. (B) Lines 46–53 (“Mrs. Crowe … nieces
(C) trying to stay awake all night isn’t and nephews.”)
hard for dear friends. (C) Lines 59–66 (“She was … thank her.”)
(D) the living carry on the traditions of (D) Lines 69–71 (“Mrs. Crowe … easy-
the dead. going man.”)
45 In lines 33–42, the author uses the activi- 48 Which choice provides the best summary
ties of knitting and sewing to show that of what happened between Mrs. Crowe
and Sarah Ann Binson in Miss Tempy’s
(A) the two women are so lost in
conversation that they neglect their
work. (A) Both women found it hard to fill up
(B) there are a lot of things that need to the long hours.
be done by morning. (B) Both women had become excited by
(C) the women are so upset by the death the intimacy they shared.
that they find it hard to work. (C) Mrs. Crowe did not reveal as much
(D) the two elderly women are getting as Sarah Ann Binson.
absent-minded and weak. (D) Sarah Ann Binson revealed her love
of pleasure and freedom.
49 Although they were both friends to Miss 51 As used in line 49, “sharp-set” most nearly
Tempy Dent, the relationship between means
Mrs. Crowe and Sarah Ann Binson could
be described as not (A) hungry.
(B) restless.
(A) all that close, but enjoying the same
(C) willy-nilly.
(B) the same age, but close enough to (D) close-fisted.
(C) united in purpose, but learning to 52 As used in line 76, “beneficence” most
work together. nearly means
(D) from the same social status, but
(A) furniture.
(B) succor.
(C) magnanimity.
50 Which choice provides the best evidence
for the answer to the previous question? (D) scrupulousness.
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Practice Test 2 597
Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage—it could be one word, a
portion of a sentence, or the full sentence itself. Other questions will direct you to a particular
paragraph or to certain sentences within a paragraph, or you’ll be asked to think about the passage
as a whole. Each question number refers to the corresponding number in the passage.
After reading each passage, select the answer to each question that most effectively improves the
quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage follow the conventions of Standard
Written English. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Select that option if you
think the best choice is to leave that specific portion of the passage as it is.
598 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
(B) uncertainty
(C) intricacy
(D) clarity
While the Navajo language was complicated, 7 Which choice most effectively joins the
the code was even more complex. A code two sentences?
talker receiving a message heard a stream (A) The receiver had to translate the
words into English, and then the
of Navajo words. 7 The receiver had to
receiver had to use the first letter of
translate the words into English. Then the each English equivalent to spell out a
receiver had to use the first letter of each
(B) The receiver had to translate the
English equivalent to spell out a word. Adding words into English and then use the
to the difficulty of breaking the code was the first letter of each English equivalent
to spell out a word.
fact that most letters could be indicated by the
(C) The receiver had to translate the
code talkers with more than one Navajo word. words into English even though the
receiver had to then use the first letter
Though able to crack the codes of other of each English equivalent to spell
out a word.
military branches, enemy forces never
(D) The receiver had to translate the
managed to 8 perceive what the Marines’ words into English because the
Navajo code talkers said. The code talkers receiver had to use the first letter of
each English equivalent to spell out a
were renowned for the 9 speed, and word.
accuracy, with which they 10 worked.
(B) fathom
(C) elucidate
(D) decipher
(B) speed, and accuracy
(C) speed and accuracy
(D) speed and accuracy,
(B) will work.
(C) are working.
(D) have been working.
600 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
11 Because the Navajo language was 11 Which choice provides information that best
supports the claim made by the sentence?
common only in the American Southwest,
the work of the code talkers remained (A) NO CHANGE
(B) had to be translated into English
unacknowledged until quite recently. Half
words and letters
a century later, in 1992, thirty-five former (C) took a long time to decode by people
code talkers and their families attended the who didn’t speak English
(D) remained part of a classified code for
dedication of the Navajo Code Talker Exhibit
many years
at the United States Pentagon, and officially
took their place in military history.
(B) imminent
(C) infamous
(D) egregious
threatened their continued existence. 19 19 Which sentence most effectively fits with
The rhinoceros, too, has faced grave danger the main idea of the paragraph?
from poaching. Fossey’s campaign earned (A) NO CHANGE
worldwide attention and support, and she (B) Organizations like the African
continued to live and work in Africa for many Wildlife Foundation help to prevent
poaching, too.
years thereafter. (C) Mountain gorillas, after all, have a life
expectancy of 35 years in the wild.
(D) In 1989, it was predicted that there
were only 620 mountain gorillas left.
602 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
20 In 1980, Fossey took a teaching position 20 At this point, the writer is considering
adding the following sentence:
at Cornell University and wrote a book,
She had always been interested in
Gorillas in the Mist, that brought further
teaching and decided to seek employ-
attention to the 21 deteriorating numbers of ment at the university level.
mountain gorillas. Afterward, Fossey returned Should the writer make this addition here?
to Rwanda, and spent the rest of her life (A) Yes, because this information
working to protect the mountain gorilla. Even provides information necessary to
understand the paragraph.
after her mysterious death, Fossey’s work
(B) Yes, because this information makes
continued make an impact. a good transition from the previous
Today, 22 the population of mountain (C) No, because this information is not
gorillas in Rwanda is rising thanks to the necessary and doesn’t support the
main idea of the paragraph.
legacy of Dian Fossey.
(D) No, because this information should
be placed at the end of the passage.
(B) declining
(C) demeaning
(D) degrading
(B) the population of mountain gorillas in
Rwanda are rising.
(C) the population of mountain gorillas in
Rwanda were rising.
(D) the population of mountain gorillas in
Rwanda rises.
604 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
Golden lion tamarins inhabit a distinct 28 To make this paragraph the most logical,
ecological 29 niche, they are found only in sentence 5 should be placed
the eastern rainforests of Brazil. As farmers (A) where it is now.
clear the rainforest to grow cash crops, (B) before sentence 1.
the habitat of the tamarins has decreased (C) before sentence 2.
(D) before sentence 4.
drastically; as a result, the survival of the
species is in extreme danger. Ecologists 29 Which choice most effectively combines
estimate that there are only one thousand the two sentences at the underlined portion?
tamarins remaining in the wild. (A) NO CHANGE
(B) niche they,
(C) niche they
(D) niche; they
(B) The campaign
(C) The problem
(D) They
Used with permission. Ballou, J. D., J. Mickelberg, D. Field, and N. Lindsey. 2009. Population
Management Recommendations for the International Ex-situ Population of Golden Lion Tamarins
(Leontopithecus rosalia). National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.
608 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section.
610 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
Directions: For Questions 1–15, solve each problem, select the best answer from the choices
provided, and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. For Questions 16–20, solve the
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. The directions before Question
16 will provide information on how to enter your answers in the grid.
• The use of a calculator in this section is not permitted.
• All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
• Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
• All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
• Unless otherwise specified, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers
x for which f(x) is a real number.
Reference Information
V = 4 πr 3 V = 1 πr 2 h
3 3 V = 1 lwh
(D) 3
(A) P = P0(0.965)n
(D) x = y+7 +4 (B) P = P0(0.965)n
(C) P = P0(1.035)n
5 If a + 4b = 16, what is the value of (D) P = P0(1.035)n
3(a + 4b)?
8 If f is a linear function and if f(4) = 2 and
(A) 48
f(6) = 10, which of the following could be
(B) 24 the function f?
(C) 16 (A) f(x) = x – 2
(D) 5 1 (B) f(x) = 2x – 2
3 (C) f(x) = 2x – 6
(D) f(x) = 4x – 14
612 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
9 11
y A
Figure not drawn to scale. Figure not drawn to scale.
In the figure above, lines p and q are par- In the figure above, DE is parallel to BC
allel. If y = x + 1 represents the equation and AD = 3. What is the length of seg-
of line p, what is the y-intercept of line q? ment AB?
(A) 2 (A) 2
(B) 3 (B) 3
(C) 4 (C) 4
(D) 5 (D) 6
10 A certain brand of yogurt is sold in either 12 A student opened a savings account that
large or small cups. If 3 small cups and 2 earns r% annual interest compounded
large cups hold 30 ounces of yogurt, and 4 monthly. The equation that shows the total
small cups and 1 large cup hold 25 ounces amount of money in the account at any
of yogurt, how much yogurt, in ounces, 12t
does a large cup of yogurt hold? time is A = P 1 + r .
(A) 2 ounces What does t represent in the equation?
(B) 4 ounces
(A) The initial investment in the savings
(C) 7 ounces account
(D) 9 ounces (B) The rate of interest
(C) The number of years the money has
been in the account
(D) The total amount of money in the
13 If (x + 2)2 – (x – 3)2 = 0, which of the fol- 15 A line in the xy-plane with the slope
lowing are possible values of x?
− 4 passes through the point (3, 4). Which
(A) 1 only
2 of the following points lies on the line?
(0,0) A (0,3) x
614 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
Directions: For Questions 16–20, solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid, as
described below, on the answer sheet.
1. Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top
of the columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. You will receive credit only if the
circles are filled in correctly.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
3. No question has a negative answer.
4. Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only one answer.
5. Mixed numbers such as 3 1 must be gridded as 3.5 or .
2 2
If 3 is entered into the grid as , it will be interpreted as 31 , not 3 1 .
2 2 2
6. Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with more digits than the grid can
accommodate, it may be either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
Answer: Answer: 2.5
Write answer .
in boxes. Fraction
line Decimal
0 0 0 0 0 0 point
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Grid in 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
result. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Answer: 201
Either position is correct.
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
Acceptable ways to grid are:
. .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
16 Miguel is making a new garden. He is buy- 18 What is the value for b that will make the
ing a new wheelbarrow and bags of peat equation below true?
moss. Each bag weighs 32 pounds and the
wheelbarrow weighs 65 pounds. If his truck 5x + 2 = 5 + b
can carry a maximum of 1500 pounds in the x−4 x−4
bed, what is the greatest number of whole
bags of peat moss he can carry in the bed
of his truck, along with the wheelbarrow? 19 y = 3x − 4
y = 2x − 5
17 6 According to the system of equations
above, what is the value of xy?
20 6x − 5 y = 9
ax + by = −27
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section.
616 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
Directions: For Questions 1–30, solve each problem, select the best answer from the choices
provided, and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. For Questions 31–38, solve the
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. The directions before Question
31 will provide information on how to enter your answers in the grid.
• The use of a calculator is permitted.
• All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
• Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
• All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
• Unless otherwise specified, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for
which f(x) is a real number.
Reference Information
V = 4 πr 3 V = 1 πr 2 h
3 3 V = 1 lwh
1 A large bottle of soda holds 3 times as 2 If 4(x + 10) – 3(x + 10) = 0, what is the
much as a small bottle of soda, which value of x?
holds 12 fluid ounces. How many large
bottles are completely filled by 120 fluid (A) –40
ounces of soda? (B) –10
(C) 2
(A) 2
(D) 20
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
3 In the 1908 London Olympics, the 6 A local newspaper reported a poll of 100
400-meter race was introduced. Wyndham adults that found 80% of respondents were
Halswelle of Great Britain won with a time in favor of building a new school. The
of 50.0 seconds. In 1996, Michael Johnson poll was taken by asking random parents
of the United States ran the 400-meter race picking up their students after school.
with a time of 43.18 seconds, which is the Which of the following statements about
current record. If they had been racing the sampling method for this poll is NOT
together, approximately how many meters true?
would Halswelle still have had to run after
Johnson finished the race? (A) The sampling method was not
representative of the town as a whole
(A) 10 because some students take the bus
(B) 25 home.
(C) 55 (B) The sampling method was not
representative of the town as a whole
(D) 100
because not everyone has children
who go to school.
4 If 18 – 6x is 4 less than –8, what is the (C) The sampling method was not
value of –3x? representative of the town as a whole
because the population of the town is
(A) –15
much greater than 100.
(B) –5
(D) The sampling method was not
(C) 5 representative of the town as a whole
(D) 15 because people who do not have
students in school are less likely to
5 support a new school.
1000 milligrams = 1 gram
1000 grams = 1 kilogram QUESTIONS 7 AND 8 REFER TO THE
Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter drug used FOLLOWING INFORMATION.
to treat arthritis and relieve pain, fever, and
The graph below shows the population of a small
swelling. The dose contained in a standard
tablet is 200 mg. If ibuprofen is sold in car- town, from the years 2007 through 2015.
tons of 24 bottles with 250 standard tablets 1, 000
per bottle, how much pain medication is in 900
the carton in all?
(C) 12 kilograms
(D) 120 kilograms
618 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
7 Assuming that the population growth trend 10 Mount Asgard in Auyuittuq (pronounced:
continues, what is the best prediction for ow-you-eet-took) National Park, Baffin
the town’s population in 2016? Island, Nunavut, was used in the opening
scene for the James Bond movie The Spy
(A) 850 Who Loved Me. A stuntman skis off the
(B) 900 edge of the mountain, free-falls for several
(C) 950 seconds, and then opens a parachute. The
height, h, in meters, of the stuntman above
(D) 1,025
the ground t seconds after he opens the
parachute is represented by the equation
8 Which of the following best describes the h(t) = –10.5t + 980. What does the 980 in
relationship between the population of the the equation represent?
small town and the number of years?
(A) The speed of the stuntman
(A) The relation is an example of linear (B) The height of the mountain
growth, because a line can be drawn
(C) The height of the stuntman when he
between any two points on the grid
opens the parachute
that exactly shows the relation.
(D) The total length of time the stuntman
(B) The relation is an example of linear
is in the air
growth, because all of the points lie
on a single line.
11 According to Einstein’s theory of relativity,
(C) The relation is an example of
exponential growth, because the no object can travel faster than the speed
slope of the line between any two of light, which is approximately 180,000
points is increasing as the x-values miles per second. Which inequality repre-
increase. sents this information?
(D) The relation is an example of (A) x ≤ 180,000
exponential decay, because the
(B) x ≥ 180,000
vertical space between the points
gets greater as the number of days (C) x = 180,000
increases. (D) x > 180,000
13 In 1992, the first AA lithium battery was 17 Alex is baking cupcakes and cookies. The
released. Suppose a pack of 4 AA lithium cupcake pan holds 15 cupcakes and the
batteries costs x dollars. At this rate, how cookie pan holds 18 cookies. Alex wants
much do 100 batteries cost? to make at least twice as many cookies as
cupcakes, but no more than 165 total cook-
(A) 5x ies and cupcakes. Which of the following
(B) 10x system of inequalities fits the situation?
(C) 25x
(A) 18x + 15 y ≤ 165
(D) 100x
x ≤ 2y
(A) 19 percent
(B) 36 percent
(C) 62 percent
(D) 81 percent
620 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
Revenue (dollars)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
The graph above displays the total revenue R in dollars for an ice cream shop when the temperature
is T degrees Celsius.
–2 0 2 4
(C) –4
0 2 4
(D) –4
622 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
26 If k is a negative constant less than –1, which of the following could be the graph of y = kx2 +
bx + c?
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2
–2 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
–5 –2
(A) –3
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2
–2 3
–6 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
QUESTIONS 27 AND 28 REFER TO THE 29 A recent poll found that 11% of the re-
FOLLOWING INFORMATION. spondents approve of the job that the U.S.
Congress is doing. The margin of error for
An educational researcher chose 200 randomly the poll was ± 3% with 95% confidence
selected college students and asked them how interval. Which of the following state-
they would best categorize their political inclina- ments is a conclusion that can accurately
tions. The results are shown in the table below. be drawn from this poll?
disapprove of the job that the U.S.
and 92%.
(B) The true percentage of people who
approve of the job that the U.S.
Seniors 6 18 34 Congress is doing is between 8% and
Juniors 20 42 30
(C) The pollsters are 95% confident
Sophomores 8 6 4 that the true percentage of people
who approve of the job that the U.S.
Freshmen 22 8 2
Congress is doing is between 86%
and 92%.
27 What is the probability that a junior of this (D) The pollsters are 95% confident
that the true percentage of people
group is a conservative?
who approve of the job that the U.S.
17 Congress is doing is between 8% and
29 14%.
(B) 30 Line m intersects the x-axis at (3, 0) and
the y-axis at (0, –2). Line n passes through
2 the origin and is perpendicular to line m.
9 Which of the following is an equation of
15 line n?
(A) y = x
28 If there were a total of 4,000 students 2
at the college, about how many of those 2
(B) y = x
students would categorize themselves as 3
(C) y = − x
(A) About 74 2
(B) About 1,120 2
(D) y = − x
(C) About 1,400 3
(D) About 1,480
624 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
Directions: For Questions 31–38, solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid, as
described below, on the answer sheet.
1. Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top
of the columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. You will receive credit only if the
circles are filled in correctly.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
3. No question has a negative answer.
4. Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only one answer.
Answer: 201
Either position is correct.
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
Acceptable ways to grid are:
. .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
32 During a recent baseball season, 2 hitters 35 If a cube with a surface area of 600 square
on a team had a total of 66 home runs. Bat- centimeters holds 1 liter, how many liters
ter B had 14 fewer home runs than batter are held in a cube with a surface area of
A. How many home runs did batter A hit? 5400 square centimeters?
626 PART VII: Five Practice Tests
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section.