Critical Points and Constructions 20151003

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In my opinion, the main

Critical Points rule in chess is to reduce

and Critical by the first possibility, the
number of critical points
Constructions and to eliminate possible
By Viktor Gavrikov critical constructions in our
camp, because every
If a piece or a pawn has position has a limit of
the same number of critical points and if we
attacks and defences he increase the number of
can be classified as a critical points in our
critical point (also a piece position then that usually
or a pawn without attack leads to tactical problems.
and defence). – GM Victor Gavrikov

It is important not to
create, not to increase the
number of critical points,
The king in view of his
constructions and defects
special role in chess can be
in your position. You need
classified as a permanent
to simply create a habit so
critical point.
that when you see some
move creates a critical
As a critical construction point, you choose an
we can name the pieces or alternative which does not
pawns which can be create a critical point or
simultaneously attacked. such defects in your
position. It is not
Especially important is to necessary to see the
take into consideration refutation if you simply do
possible forks. not create the defect which
invites the combination.
- Viktor Gavrikov
So how do we use the idea to find the key to solving
of critical points in a the puzzle.
Protect your own critical
In general most strong points when you are
chess players are already having a difficult time
instinctively aware of identifying what move you
insufficiently protected should play next especially
pieces and pawns. If you when your king or your
find yourself in a position position is under great
where you are very short pressure. Reduce your
on time or the position is critical points and you
so chaotic that it is difficult reduce your vulnerability
to find a move to play in to combinations.
the position then just focus
on critical points both
yours and your opponents.

Even when you are having

a difficult time choosing
between two moves study It is very dangerous is
what the different moves to increase the number
do to protect or undermine of critical points. But
your own critical points. If in practice players
you have the initiative you
very often hold on to
can look at what the
alternatives do to increase this mistaken tactic
the critical points in your probably not knowing
opponent’s camp or to the logical rule that we
increase the pressure on cannot reach a good
the existing critical points position by passing
in his or her position. through a bad one.
When you are trying to
solve tactics puzzles just - Viktor Gavrikov
looking at the critical
points can tell you where
you need to focus in order

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