Heparin Protocol For DVT PE
Heparin Protocol For DVT PE
Heparin Protocol For DVT PE
Body Weight Initial IV Bolus Pure Heparin Body Weight Initial IV Bolus Pure ffipa,tn.
Initial Bolus: (ka) (units) (ml) lka) (units}
40 6000 1.2
3200 0.65 75
30 units/kg 45 3600 0.7 80 6400 1.3 -
(max 8000 units) 50 4000 0.8 85 6800 1.4
55 4400 0.9 7200 1.45
60 4800 0.95 95 7600 1.5
65 5200 1.0 100 8000 1.6
70 5600 1.1
Subsequently, start on heparin infusion according to the starting infusion rate based on body weight.
~tonitor APTT every 4 - 6 hours and adjust infusion rate based on the APTT range. . .
Example : For a 40kg patient, if repeated APTT is <50 sec, give another IV bolus of 3200 units then increase the 1nfusIon rate by
If APTT falls within therapeutic range, may repeat APTT the next morning.
Dilution of Heparin : 25000 units of pure heparilllo 50ml NS -> 5011.Y!L~]
Weiaht Infusion Rate APTT(sec) IV Bolus Dose Hold Infusion Rate Cliange (m6111'i
£Jody Infusion Rate APTT(sec) IV Bolus Dose " ' Hold Infusion
Rate Cbfnge (mblht)
- Weiaht
3600 units +0.4
< 50 0
(0.70ml of oure heparin)
1800 units +0.2
50-64 0
1.6 mUhr (0.35ml of pure heparin)
45 kg No Change
(starting rate) 65-100 0
101-110 0 0 -0.2
> 110 0 60 minutes - 0.3
Body . Infusion Rate APTT(sec) IV Bolus Dose Hold Infusion Rate Change (mlAlr)
Wei ht
4000 units + 0.4
< 50 0
0.80ml of ure he arin
2000 units +0.2
50-64 0
1.8 mUhr 0.40ml of ure he arin
50 kg 65-100 No Change
(starting rate) 0 0
thera eutic
101-110 0 0 -0.2
> 110 0 60 minutes - 0.3
- < 50
7200 units 0
(1.45ml of oure henarin)
50-64 3600 units 0
90 kg 3.0 mUhr
(starting rate) - (0.70ml of oure heoarin) No Change
65-100 0
- (therapeutic) 0
• 0.4
- 101-110 0 0
60 minutes
- 0.5
> 110 0
Body Rate Change (mUhr)
Wei ht Infusion Rate APTT(sec) IV Bolus Dose Hold Infusion
Reference :
1· 0 uick Guide to Heparin Use (For Adult). Pharmaceutical Services Division Ministry of Health Malaysia (Updated 2010)
2 0 rug 1n1ormat,on Handbook ' ·
3. Micromedex
Prepared by:
Lau Yee Sian
Phannacist U«