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Mid Test Bahasa Inggris Teknik Sipil 2021

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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I

Semester/Kelas : I/A
Program Studi : Teknik Sipil
Hari : Senin
Waktu : 11.20 – 13.00
Dosen Pengampu : Nur Azmi Rohimajaya, M.Pd.

Please answer the following question!

A) Personal Identity (Max score: 20)
Full Name : Endang Setiawan
Nick Name : 527210017
Place, Date of Birth : Pandeglang 02 Agustus 2000
Age : 20
Sex : Laki-Laki
Religion : Islam
Tribe/Ethnic Group : Sunda
Occupation :-
Institution :-
Marital Status : Belum Menikah
Hobby : Belajar
Address : Kp.cibuh lor des.cilentung kec.pulosari kab.pandeglang
Phone Number : 081284022182

B) Personal Information and Identification (Max score: 20)

1. A: How do you do?
B: Good
2. A: What is your name?
B: My name is ending
3. A: Where are you from?
B: From pulosari
4. A: Where is your address?
B: I´m from mounet pulosari
5. A: How old are you?
B: 20 Years
6. A: What is your occupation?
B: I do not work
7. A: How many brother and sister do you have?
B: I´m three brothers
8. A: What number are you in your family?
B: I am first child
9. A: What is your tribe?
B: Climb up the mountain
10. A: What is your hobby?
B: Climb up the mountain
11. A: What is your favourite food?
B: Indomi
12. A: Okay, thank you very much?
B: Yes you're welcome

C) Reading and Vocabulary

“The term civil engineering describes engineering work performed by
civilians for non-military purposes. In general it describes the profession of
designing and executing structural works for the general public and the communal
environment. Civil engineering covers different areas of engineering, including the
design and construction of large buildings, roads, bridges, canals, railway lines,
airports, water-supply systems, dams, irrigation, harbour, docks, aqueducts, and
“The civil engineer needs a thorough knowledge of surveying, of the
properties and mechanics of construction materials, of the mechanics of structures
and soils, and of hydraulics and fluid mechanics. Today civil engineering includes
the production and distribution of energy, the development of aircraft and airports,
the construction of chemical process plants and nuclear power stations, and water

Brieger, N. & Pohl, A. Technical English Vocabulary and Grammar. Oxford:

Summertown, 2002. p.44

Please make a list of the words (Civil Vocabularies) that you found on the text
above, and then make sentences of each words! (Max score: 30)

Please translate the text into Bahasa Indonesia! (Max score: 30)

“Istilah teknik sipil menggambarkan pekerjaan teknik yang dilakukan oleh warga sipil untuk
tujuan non-militer. Secara umum menggambarkan profesi merancang dan melaksanakan
pekerjaan struktural untuk masyarakat umum dan lingkungan komunal. Teknik sipil
mencakup berbagai bidang teknik, termasuk desain dan konstruksi bangunan besar, jalan,
jembatan, kanal, jalur kereta api, bandara, sistem pasokan air, bendungan, irigasi,
pelabuhan, dermaga, saluran air, dan terowongan.

“Insinyur sipil membutuhkan pengetahuan mendalam tentang survei, sifat dan mekanika
bahan konstruksi, mekanika struktur dan tanah, dan hidrolika dan mekanika fluida. Saat ini
teknik sipil meliputi produksi dan distribusi energi, pengembangan pesawat terbang dan
bandara, pembangunan pabrik proses kimia dan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir, dan
desalinasi air”

Brieger, N. & Pohl, A. Kosakata dan Tata Bahasa Inggris Teknis. Oxford: Summertown, 2002.

1. Civil engineering is a field of science that studies the planning/design,

manufacturing, management/management, and conservation of various facilities
and systems to support a city, rural, and urban area. This means that a civil
engineering graduate needs to master knowledge related to design (when
designing), construction (when developing and compiling a management system), to
environmental maintenance (when looking at the impact of development from
various aspects).

Teknik sipil adalah bidang ilmu yang mempelajari perencanaan/perancangan, manufaktur,

manajemen/pengelolaan, dan konservasi dari beragam fasilitas dan sistem untuk mendukung
sebuah kota, pedesaan, dan perkotaan. Artinya, seorang lulusan teknik sipil perlu menguasai
ilmu terkait desain (saat melakukan perancangan), konsturksi (saat melakukan pembangunan
dan menyusun sistem pengelolaan), hingga pemeliharaan lingkungan (saat melihat dampak
pembangunan dari berbagai aspek).

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