The Little Flower of East Orange - Lucy

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There’s nothing to find Ma, okay?! There’s nothing! She lives in LA and I live here!

And the fuckin’ truth,

Ma, is that the minute we weren’t together anymore was the exact minute that her whole fuckin’ life
improved dramatically, Mom- not, “oh, it improved slightly”- I’m talkin’ huge, gigantic “dreams come
true”, “all the sounds of the earth are like music”, “a little brown maverick is winking its fuckin’ eye”
quantum leap improvement on every fuckin’ level- okay? Why do you persist in a line of fuckin’
questioning that’s gonna elicit this kind of reaction from me?! Huh?! You know I don’t like talking about
Lucy with you- even when things were good I didn’t like talking about her with you- and yet, despite the
fact that there’s like ten thousand other issues far more pertinent to present-day reality, and despite the
fact that I am doing my level fuckin’ best not to call you on shit that I know will upset you, you, on the
other hand, just think it’s okay to talk about whatever you wanna talk about and ask whatever you
wanna ask, and I’m just supposed to- I don’t even know what- sit and just submit to whatever you
wanna ask whenever you wanna ask it?! It’s fuckin’ bullshit! No! No! You asked your questions, now let
me ask mine, ‘cuz I only got one: How come I can’t go anywhere without you ending up in a hospital
somewhere and I gotta come back and fuckin’ tend to it?! Forget about fun shit, forget about fuckin’
career shit- how come I can’t go to fuckin’ rehab to try and save my fuckin’ life without you going off the
deep end and try to- I don’t know what- and then you end up here, and I gotta deal with it, and deal
with fuckin’ you when all I should be truly trying to deal with right now is fuckin’ me?! And you can say
“Oh, honey, I want you to be free, Danny” all you want, but the fact is, you want me to be free only to
the degree that it doesn’t adversely affect you! You know what’s really fucked up, Mom? That you’re
broken beyond repair and I still believe I have no right to anything past failed expectations and self
medication unless I can fix you- ‘cuz it’s not okay to pass you by…

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