Abbie Peligro Rodriguez - PED 028 Module 1 Activity
Abbie Peligro Rodriguez - PED 028 Module 1 Activity
Abbie Peligro Rodriguez - PED 028 Module 1 Activity
Upon completion of this Activity, the student shall have prepared himself in coaching trainees with pre-existing
medical condition as he shall have:
1. Recognized the specific effects on individuals with hypertension, cardiac disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic
syndrome, dyslipidemia, asthma, depression, arthritis and osteoporosis.
2. Differentiated the FITTP (Frequency, Intensity, Type, Timing, Progression) prescription for the different pre-
existing medical condition through a tabulation format.
3. Familiarized the red flags or special considerations of each pre-existing medical condition that will serve as
basis for revision or modification of the prescription, and immediate termination of exercise.
Intensity Time Type Progr CONSIDERATRIONS
Medical Conditions
Effective Exercise The mostly 2-3days Alpha blockers, calcium channel
HYPERTENSION BP- of a suggestio aerobic progression per blockers, and vasodilators are
lowering moderat n is for activity week antihypertensive medications that
weeks e 30-60 with may cause hypotensive episodes
range from intensity minutes resistance following a sudden stop of exercise.
three to appears of exercise as Therefore, it's typically advised to
seven to help continuoua extend the cool-down period.
days. reduce s exercise complemen
blood each day t (Any
pressure. (at least activitythat
10 uses large
minutes musclegrou
of pssuch
intermitte aswalking,
nt cycling, or
exercise swimming.
added up )
ut the day
to equal
4- to 7- How hard you It has Continuo 2-3days If you suffer chest pain, exhaustion,
CARDIAC DISEASE days a think your body us action alternate or hard breathing, stop exercising
week. is working is been of your progression per right away. Avoid working out in
Patients measured by big week inclement weather. Water is
with your rate of demon muscles important to consume before,
limited perceived is a must during, and after exercise.
exercise exertion (RPE). strated for
capacity It is based on aerobic or
may be how your body that enduranc
prescribed reacts to e training
one to ten activity, such as 150 (like your
minutes of a faster legs).
exercise heartbeat, minut Your
each day. deeper breathing
breathing, es of and heart
perspiration, rate will
and fatigued exerci increase
muscles. as a
se per result,
week which
is benefit
benefi heart,
cial and
for y system.
heart Strength
health. enduranc
e are
or pulling
your own
g and
joints and
Try to be Exercise at a 30 to 60 Exercise If you haven't You won't be able to exercise for a
DIABETES active mostreasonable minutes a the main exercised in a very long period if you exercise
days of the intensity. the day of muscular while, start vigorously. As a result, you will
week, but "speak test" to exercise. groups in a with brief consume less energy overall. You
at the very determine You can rhythmic sessions (ten to also run a larger danger of getting
least aid in complete manner. 15 minutes). hurt. Make sure you stay hydrated
monitoring For it Try Every two to before, during, and after activity.
four to instance, even if completel cycling, four weeks, Don't push yourself too much! The
three days. you might y at once swimming, lengthen body might become overheated
Work five observe or divide and brisk sessions by five more easily when it is overweight.
days a You should it into walking. minutes. Build
week or notice a little many selecting up gradually to
more. increase in your sessions, activities 30 minutes of
Research respiration and each In your daily exercise
reveals heart rate. lasting at new, active on most days of
ability to least ten lifestyle, the week.
that muscleconverse while minutes. you enjoy
and fat walking at a and will do
cells are moderate pace it
created by pace. You'll frequently.
moderate start to breathe lifestyle.
to more quickly Include
strenuous when you move diversity
exercise more quickly, based on
and the day of
insulin- having trouble the week or
sensitive speaking. the season.
for up to You've now Keep your
48 hours. achieved a show
In light of middling level. entertainin
it, try intensity or g.
must hard." Vigorous
engage in exercise results
exercise at in a significant
least twice breathing and
a week for heart rate
better increasing This
control of level of
your intensity would
challenging to
speak. Most
people would
consider this to
be "hard."
too much effort
≥5 days Moderate- to To For those 2-3days Along the continuum of harmful
per week vigorous- prevent who are progression per weight loss, counting calories and
of aerobic intensity obesity, overweight week eating fewer carbohydrates were
exercises aerobic people or obese, also the two most challenging
to exercises shouldmay need walking is activities. Fasting and skipping
maximise be encouraged. 45 to 60 a great type meals had the lowest item difficulty
caloric mins of of exercise throughout the continuum of
expenditur moderatei (for fat, unhealthy weight control,
e ntensity sedentary suggesting that these practices may
aerobic persons, be the simplest unhealthy weight
activity brisk loss practices for students to adopt.
each day walking This implies that these actions might
unless often serve as "red flags" and might be
they also counts as crucial screening inquiries for
reduce moderate- determining improper weight
their intensity control.
energy exercise).
ASTHMA Exercise at a This Work out 2-3days Be careful not to hold
reasonable depends all of your progression per your breath when lifting.
Exercise intensity. If you depend major week This may result in
against are able to lift a on how muscle significant blood pressure
resistance weight many groups changes That
at least After 10 to 15 exercises with either modification could raise
twice a repetitions, your you free the danger of fainting out
week. effort is perform. weights or or experiencing irregular
moderate. an heartbeats.
Consider Gained is apparatus. If you have joint
taking a that high of The two
discomfort or other
day off in intensity when are
medical issues, do all
between you can only lift identical to major muscle groups in a
sessions. eight to ten one single set begin with
pounds another. 10–15 repetitions and
times. Keep in methods. then build up to 15–20
mind that you Don't repetitions before
are not belong to a increasing one more set..
preparing to be health club
a weight lifter. or gym?
Your No issue.
your strength The same
and muscular workouts
endurance so can be
that your performed
There would be at home
less tension in with lighter
regular routines. weights.
bands, your
own body
weight, or
n of both,
such as
sit-ups or
frequency “moderate” 50- 10 (preferabl One exercise For metabolic syndrome sufferers
of 3-5 70% of max minutes y low for every major without symptoms, a properly
x/week in HR, or or more impact muscle group planned strength and conditioning
78%, use the “talk at a time. exercise) (largest muscle program is extremely safe.
duration test”. 8-20 1-2 sets One groups take
20-60 repetitions exercise for priority) Gradual exercise stress testing may
minutes in against every be taken into consideration if the
76% of a resistance major patient is new to exercise and the
light- that causes muscle Framingham 10 year risk score is
moderate fatigue. group greater than 10%.
exercise (largest
muscle Although it is not necessary to
groups take exercise under supervision, patients
priority) may benefit from cardiac
rehabilitation programs' structure
and knowledgeable staff.