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Career Pack STHLM

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Full Stack Developer

Career Pack
About </salt>

School of applied technology </salt> is addressing the

extreme shortage of technology professionals in Europe
by offering accelerated career programs comprised of
education and fully paid work experience. Our mission is
to train new technology professionals to strengthen the
talent pool.

Future proof your career
Over the last decades every company has
become a technology company relying on
websites, e-commerce solutions, ERPs and
back- and front- end solutions.
Full stack web development (which is a
focus at </salt>) is rapidly becoming the
most demanded category of software
developers in Europe. That means your
salary development will grow quickly along
with just a few years of work experience in
your software development field.

1. Software Development Training – 3 months

Career Program </salt> gives 60-65 individuals the opportunity

to study Software Development for 3 months in
Stockholm. Teaching you code theory is just
the base, our instructors will coach you how to
work in a real life agile development team and
The Full Stack Development how to deliver working software for real
program is designed to technology companies during your training.

teach motivated, passionate

and creative individuals how 2. Work experience – 1 year

to code professionally.

Once you have successfully completed the 3

months training you are ready to launch your
Our Accelerated Career career as a software developer. We are so sure
program is divided in two that we are offering you a job, guaranteed, as
parts (3 months + 1 year).
soon as you are done with your training. </salt>
rocket launches your career immediately as a
consultant within our hiring network.
Our focus and goals
We believe in accelerated learning Our mission is to train new
based on professional and relevant technology professionals to
work experience.
< < strengthen the talent pool in tech.

Our career programs are free of

> > Once the training is completed
charge for the highly motivated our students are equipped to
individuals who are ready to focus, start working as a productive
work hard and complete the program team member within a modern
to launch their new careers in tech.
software development team.
What we are looking for

in our developers
Mot ivated

Our candidates must be very Passion is everything when devoting

motivated to succeed as our career yourself to a new career as it will be
program will be quite tough. You one of the cornerstone components
will complete 500+ hours of coding of your life. Our candidates need to
in just 3 months at </salt>. That is be passionate to learn and work
roughly the same amount of coding with technology, because that is
hours as a full multi-year university what we are all about at </salt>.
degree to become a software Passion also has to be there for
teamwork, developing software is

done in teams and during the
Creat ive
training program our students will
We would like for our candidates to work in numerous team projects
be curious and creative, always suppor ting each other and helping
thinking of new ways to improve each other evolve and develop.
and enhance products and user
A t ypical day at </salt>

The rest of the day is devoted to hands-on

learning by working in your teams, guided
by our instructors. This section will star t

You will star t each morning with

with a shor t stand-up meeting where you

a shor t recap of what you learned plan out the work for the day and ensure

yesterday, sharing with the team,

that you are spending your time wisely.

to reflect and deepen the learning.

There are always oppor tunities to stay

After the recap we typically have a after office hours to catch up or repeat
lecture or a theoretical introduction to what you have learned during the day.
the topics we are going to cover during This will be needed from time to time
the day. This section is sometimes very as you cannot expect that you will
shor t and other days can cover most of master everything taught during office
the morning. hours without additional practice.

Hey! So what can

I do to prepare?

Take some courses in
JavaScript, C# or Java

(at e.g. Freecodecamp,

Codeacademy or Udemy)
Dedicate a few hours

a day to coding!

Okey thanks! Any

more tips? Create some projects of
your own, maybe a
portfolio, simple website
or a game. Good luck!

Fullstack Java
The Full Stack Java Career Program at </salt> provides you
with the fundamentals techniques and skills to become a
sucessful developer. You will learn object oriented
programming (OOP), functional programming (FP), Rest
API, Front-end development (HTML, CSS), JavaScript, React,
Spring, Microservices and cloud computing, As a Java full
Fullstack .NET
stack developer at SALT, you will be working with backends
for websites, APIs that other systems can access and truly The Full Stack .NET Career Program provides you with
full stack applications.

fundamental techniques and skills to become a successful

developer. You will learn back-end programming, algorithms
and test driven development with .NET and the C#
programming language. Learn to use the latests tools on
Fullstack Javascript the .NET platform; WebApi with ASP.NET as well as ASP.NET
MVC. We will also look into front-end programming HTML,
CSS and JavaScript, and using the React framework. You
The Full Stack JavaScript Career Program at </salt> will also learn how a UX designer works and what he/she
provides you the fundamentals techniques and skills to expects from you as a developer. Learn what an API is and
become a successful developer. You will learn back-end how to build services with the most commonly used
programming, algorithms and test driven development with protocols on the modern web, such as REST and GraphQL.
Node.is. Learn to use state of the art JavaScript You will also learn how to use a database (MsSQL Server
framework React. Front-end development with HTML and and MongoDb) to persist data, and use some Azure
CSS. You will also learn how a UX designer works and what services.

he/she expects from you as a developer. Learn what an API

is and how to build services with the most commonly used
protocols on the modern web, such as REST and GraphQL.
You will also learn how to use a database (MongoDB &
PostgreSQL) to persist data, and use cloud services.

Details and dates
Important dates
Education site

Application period starts – 5th of September

Applied Technology AB STHLM

Next course starts – 9th of January
Lustgårdsgatan 19

Course ends – 7th of April
112 51 Stockholm

Employment starts – 8th of May

Location of employment – Stockholm

Team collaboration techniques


Agile methods - Scrum
Full Stack Java

Mob programming
Full Stack JavaScript

Pair Programming Full Stack .NET


the career program

Do I need to have any previous experience or education to apply?

You don’t need any formal experience or education to apply. We

are recruiting hobby coders with high motivation and passion for
technology, only English proficiency is a requirement and that you
have a valid work permit.

What happens after graduation?

Once graduated you will be hired as a full-time consultant with

</salt> for one year (2024 working hours) and placed with one of
our hiring partners with a monthly salary of 30.000 SEK.

Is the career program free?

Yes, the program is free if you complete the full career program

(3 months + 1 year) with </salt>.

Become a </saltie> you too!

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