Gym Club Management System For Bahir Dar
Gym Club Management System For Bahir Dar
Gym Club Management System For Bahir Dar
Group members
Name ID No
1. Getaneh Alehegn 0602049
2. Minichil Assefa 0602111
3. Selam Ayalew 0602142
The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and all
the sources of material used for the project have been duly acknowledged.
Name Signature
Faculty: Computing
Project Title: Gym club management System for Bahir Dar Gym
This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in
scope and quality, as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science.
1. Examiner 1
2. Examiner 2
It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid
down by the faculty.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5, 2017
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to project advisor, Mr. Derejaw Lake. For his
guidance, continuous support and encouragement throughout the completion of this
final year project. We would also like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to Mr.
Derejaw Lake. For contributing his ideas and in-depth knowledge in the field.
A warm thank is extended to BDU lecturers for sharing their resources, opinions,
knowledge, experience and skills in programming and development methodology, so
generously. We would also like to thank our family, friends in BDU and our fellow
class- mates who have one way or another extended their assistance in completing this
Lastly, we wish to acknowledge the good support shown by all lectures who teach before.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5, 2017
Table of Contents
List of
List of Tables........................................................................................................................................vii
List of acronyms.................................................................................................................................viii
Chapter one: system planning................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization...................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Mission..................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2........................................................................................... Vision 1
1.2 Existing System...........................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................2
1.3 Proposed System..........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Objectives of the Project..............................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Objectives.................................................................................................................3
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5, 2017
2.5.2 Sequence Diagram..............................................................................................................54
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List of figures
Figure 2.1 use case diagram for BDR Gym club management system.................................................18
Figure 2.2 Sequence Diagram for login................................................................................................54
Figure 2.3 Sequence Diagram for create account................................................................................55
Figure 2.4 Sequence Diagram for search trainer.................................................................................56
Figure 2.5 Sequence Diagram for Update Trainer...............................................................................57
Figure 2.6 Activity Diagram for login...................................................................................................58
Figure 2.7 Activity Diagram for change password...............................................................................59
Figure 2.8 Activity Diagram for add trainer.........................................................................................60
Figure 2.9 Activity Diagram for edit trainer.........................................................................................61
Figure 2.10 Activity Diagram for view trainer......................................................................................62
Figure 2.11 Activity Diagram for delete trainer...................................................................................63
Figure 2.12 Activity Diagram for generate report................................................................................64
Figure 2.13 Analysis level class diagram..............................................................................................65
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5, 2017
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Interview Information............................................................................................................5
Table 1.2 Tools used for the project......................................................................................................6
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5, 2017
List of acronyms
GYM: Gymnasium
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5, 2017
The main purpose to develop this project is in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
Bachelor of Science. Besides that, is to help the BDR GYM club Center to reduce their overload
paperwork. BDR GYM club management System mainly consists of the following modules
which are login Module, Trainer Module, notification Module, Payment Module, schedule
Module, Report Module, and Logout Module. We were using the Object Oriented Approach
to design our system. We was draw out some the diagram such as class diagram, deployment
diagram, activity diagram and sequence diagram in order to help us have the better idea when
develop the system. The tools we are using to develop our system are umlet, Rapid php
editor 2016 and MS word 2013.During the system development, Mr. Derejaw give us some
suggestion in the designing system. First of all, we come out a proposal with the propose
system that we want to develop. Then we find the advisor that who accepts our proposal and
guide us for the final year project. After that, we come out the project specification. Which
include the company background, business rules, organization structure, project objective,
project scopes and project schedules. After we done all the initial plan and analysis, then we
start to design the UML diagram such as class diagram, deployment diagram, activity
diagram and sequence diagram. The project overall is consider fulfill the requirement and
can deliver the system on time. The strength of the system is the interface is standardize,
minimizes the user input and validation checking for the user input. Through the project, we
have learned that time management is important. If do not have the good time management,
it will affect the quality of the project. Besides that, team work and communication also
consider as important. Two person works is better than one person work.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
1.1.1 Mission
BDR GYM is with a mission to improve the health and well-being of its trainers and the
community by providing health and fitness services through assessment, education, and
exercise in a supportive situation.
1.1.2 Vision
Our vision is to be the premier medically-based health and wellness facility providing
advanced, collaborative programming centered on the whole-health and well-being of our
community and our region. We will be known for an exceptional trainer experience, with the
highest quality fitness services.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
The current system that the BDR GYM uses is mostly manual system. They don’t use
Database to keep track the trainer record. The staff was feeling stress by the constantly
growing workload. Furthermore, the manual system waste a lot of paperwork cost and
it also waste the storage space problem because they need to have a space to store all
the record.
1.2.1 Statement of the problem
The problem occurred in the current system are of the following:
File lost: When computerized system is not implemented file is always lost because of
human environment. Sometimes due to some human error there may be a loss of
File damaged: When a computerized system is not there file is always lost due to
some accident like spilling of water by some trainer file accidentally. Besides some
natural disaster like floods or fires may also damage the files.
Difficult to search record: When there is no computerized system there is always a
difficulty in searching of records if the records are large in number.
Space consuming: After the number of records becomes large the space for physical
storage of file and records also increases if no computerized system is implemented.
Cost consuming: As there is no computerized system to add each record paper will be
needed which will increase the cost for the management of GYM Club.
Error during payments
Data redundancy
No direct role for higher officials
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
To update record quick and easily because all the system are computerized
Minimize the human mistake and error because do not need the manual record
Analyse and design the system documentation with detailed UML specifications
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
i. Background Reading
It’s a process to gain more understanding about our system such as organization
background, objective, and soon. By gaining the understanding of their organization such as
organization policy and organization rules, it eases develop to building up the business rules
when designing the database and coding. Through reading, we understanding all their
business need and also find out that they are actually using manual work for management
ii. Questionnaire
Since Cashier as well as higher officials of Gym have work load they cannot able to
answer/give information what we ask. So we prepare some sample questions to get précised
iii. Interview
After back ground reading, we also interviewed Mr. Muhabaw Getahun the managers of BDR
GYM. Through the interview we gather all problems that facing by their current management
in order to gain more understanding about the need of the system, we agreed us to
collect information from GYM staff by using questionnaire technique.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Activities Tools
Documentation MS word 2013
Presentation MS PowerPoint 2013
Design Microsoft Visio 2007,Visual paradigm for
UML standard design, and umlet
Editing Paint, Macromedia flash 8,Adobe.Photoshop ,
adobe flash
Script languages PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML,ajax, jQuery
Web server Apache Xampp server
Database Server Mysql database
Code editor Rapid PHP 2016
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Cost and time saving: Staff can enjoy savings in term of times and costs with
regard to save the administrative cost because the entire document can easily
maintain and the organization not need to employ more people to keep track the
Reduced redundancy: Data used across several different purposes can lead to
repetition of information and leading to inconsistency and duplicated data. After
develop the system, each data is only be stored once. It can minimize the human
mistake and error because do not need the manual record. So it will reduce the data
Up-to-date data: After develop this system, it can update record quick and easily
because all the system are computerized. The staffs no need to find out the data
manually and correct it with pen. Staff can directly go to the search button in the
system to find out the particular data and correct it quick.
Security: In this system, all the data can only be accessible to those authorized to
see it. Only the authorized person have the capability to make changes on the data
under controlled conditions. For example, only the cashier has the authorized to
make changes of the trainer information. And the other staff cannot have the
authorized to view or make changes on other trainer or staff information.
Improve customer service: The system saves times and help organization to
provide the best way to serve the customer.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
An Existing system refers to the system that is being followed now. Presently all the
Functionalities are done manually. This is making the person very difficult to keep
track of the user and the trainers. In the existing BAHIR DAR club GYM
management system the following services are given to the users and In order to get
this services the Cashier, Manager, trainer, or administrative Staff should do the
following activities.
User of the system
User comes to the gym and obtain the gym rules and procedures including the time
and days open and closed
After the user knows about the rules and provided payments the user pays the payment
The user is a trainer of the gym until his membership expiration date is reached.
The user searches the free equipment’s in the gym and use that gym equipment in his
need until the gym closing time
User of the system obtain membership card after pays the payment
The membership card is expires based on the membership type
There are 4 types of the membership types the one is for one days and the amounts
to be payed is 35 birr, the second is for 12 days and the amounts to be payed is 260
birr, the third is for 45 days and the amount to be payed is 600 birr, the last is for 90
days the amounts to be payed is 900 birr.
The user is not be able to use the system if his membership expires.
The cashier of the gym registers the new coming trainer by give explanation about
some rules and procedures.
Make payments by take the amounts payed by users
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
The cashier record the starting date and ending date of trainer while make the
The cashier opens the gym in opening time and closes in closing time and also tells
to trainer the opening and closing time.
The cashier give membership card to trainer after make the payment
The Cashier Can register, and view trainer information
The cashier of the gym describe to trainers the gym equipment’s available in the gym
and his procedures to use
BR4: Each payment can only make one payment for the membership and each
membership payment can only be making by one trainer.
BR5: Each trainer has their own locker. One locker is belong to one trainer
BR6: The Trainers needs to register before join our gym club.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
First of all the administrator must Login in to the system with his / her own username
and password.
Manage account of the system (which includes create account, delete account, edit
account, view account information).
Manage user and activity log which includes whose user is logged in, when the user
is logged in, when user logged out and what activities are performed by user when
logged in.
The proposed system enables the following tasks to be done by the Manager.
First of all the Manager must Login in to the system with his / her own username and
View trainer overview information
Manage membership plans
View Trainer plan expiry and records position.
View notification or alerts
The proposed system enables the following tasks to be done by the Cashier.
First of all the Cashier must Login in to the system with his / her own username and
Make Payment and Due Collection and generate invoice
Get users profile by Photo catch
Manage payment details
Manage trainer information
Manage trainer health status
The proposed system enables the following tasks to be done by the Trainer.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
First of all the trainer must Login in to the system with his / her own username and
Make Payment
View Trainer plan expiry and records position.
View schedule and their own payment details
The proposed system enables the following tasks to be done by the Store clerk.
The proposed system enables the following tasks to be done by the gym instructor.
Manage schedule it includes add exercise details of trainer, date, and time.
Prepare the required resources
Guiding trainers
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
1. Trainer module
1.1 The system will allow the cashier to view the particular trainer detail by
using the search criteria that are provided which is trainer ID, or trainer name
in the trainer detail form.
1.2 The system will allow the cashier to view all the trainer details.
1.3 The system will allow the cashier to add trainer detail
1.4 The system will allow the cashier to edit the trainer information.
1.5 The system will allow the cashier to cancel trainer information when the
trainer resign or expired.
2. Report module
2.1 The system will allow the manager to view the monthly, weekly, and daily report.
Manager need to select the month that he or she wants to view report.
For trainer report, manager needs to select the month and trainer type
when he or she wants to view the report.
3. Login module
3.1 The system will allow the Users to log into the system with their own account.
After login in the system, the system will access relevant data to user
based on their username and password.
The login module also allows the user to change to password for the
security purpose.
4. Account module
4.1 The system will allow the Administrators to create account for users
4.2 The system will allow the administrator to delete account of users
4.3 The system will allow the administrator to activate users account
4.4 The system will allow the administrator to deactivate user account
5. Equipment module
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
5.1 The system will allow the store clerk to add equipment details.
5.2 The system will allow the store clerk to edit equipment details.
5.3 The system will allow the store clerk to delete equipment details.
5.4 The system will allow the store clerk to view equipment details.
5.5 The system will allow the trainer to view equipment details.
5.6 The system will allow the cashier to view equipment details.
5.7 The system will allow the gym Instructor to view equipment details.
6. Health_status module
6.1 The system will allow the cashier to add Health_status of trainer
6.2 The system will allow the cashier to edit Health_status of trainer
6.3 The system will allow the cashier to delete Health_status of trainer
6.4 The system will allow the cashier to view Health_status of trainer
7. Schedule module
7.1 The system will allow the gym Instructor to add schedule or detail exercises of the
7.2 The system will allow the gym Instructor to edit schedule or detail exercises of
the trainer
7.3 The system will allow the gym Instructor to delete schedule or detail exercises of
the trainer
7.4 The system will allow the gym Instructor to view schedule or detail exercises of
the trainer
8. Plan/membership type module
8.1 The system will allow the Manager to add new plan details the plan details
consists membership ID, membership name , days , and Rates .
8.2 The system will allow the Manager to edit plan details.
8.3 The system will allow the Manager to delete plan details.
8.4 The system will allow the Manager to view plan details.
9. Payment module
9.1 The system will allow the Cashier to add trainer payment
9.2 The system will allow the cashier to edit trainer payment
9.3 The system will allow the Cashier to delete trainer payment
9.4 The system will allow the Cashier to view trainer payment
9.5 The system will allow the Trainer to make their own payment by scanning QR code
9.6 The system will allow the Trainer to view their own balance
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
10.1 The system will allow the User of the system to logged out of the system
Security: In this system, all the data can only be accessible to those authorized to see it.
Only the authorized people have the capability to make changes on the data under
controlled conditions. The system provides username and password to prevent the system
from unauthorized access. The system shall authenticate server side users. Passwords should
be stored in encrypted form.
Reliability: The system should be reliable in providing expected output and able to perform
its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.
Availability: The system should always be available for access with connected network and
power source.
Portability: The system should run in every Windows, Mac and Linux operating system. The
system should run on every version of web browsers. The system should run in every server
and client computer.
Usability: The system provides a help and support menu in all interfaces for the user to
interact with the system.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Actor: is a person, or external system that plays a role in one or more interaction with
the system. And represented with:
Use case: describes a sequence of actions that provides something of measurable value
to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.
System boundary: indicates the scope of the system project. Anything within the box
represent functionalities in side in scope.
Actor identification
In the use cases an actor interact with the system to perform a piece of meaningful work that
helps them to achieve a goal and has access to define their overall role in the system and the
scope of their action. Depending on the above explanation actors in this system are the
Administrator: The administrator manages the overall system.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Trainer: The trainer view payment, expiry, schedule, and equipment information
online and make payment.
Manager: The manager view notification, trainer overview, expiry, and report and also
manages plan and schedule.
Cashier: manage health status, trainer, and payment details of trainers.
Store clerk: The store clerk manages the equipment of system.
Gym instructor: manage schedule, prepare/upload resources, and instructing trainers.
Use case identification
Each Use Case describes the functionality to be built in the proposed system, which can
include another Use Case's functionality or extend another Use Case with its own behavior.
The most important and basic use cases of this system are the following:-
Manage log details
Manage account
View notification or alerts
View comment
Generate report
Manage plan
Manage payment
Manage trainer
Manage schedule
Mange equipment
View report
Prepare resources
Download resources
Instructing trainers
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Figure 2.1 use case diagram for BDR Gym club management system
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description Used to create account for users of the system to login to the
Actor Admin
Pre- condition: Admin should be fill the required form details Users
5) The system registers the users into the database and display
a message successfully register thank you.
6) The use case ends.
Alternative course of action If the information admin fill is invalid information. The system
displays the particular error message. The go to step2
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description User need to login to the system in order to perform the tasks.
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Description This use case is to allow the User to change the password.
Actor Admin, Manager , Cashier ,trainer ,store clerk , and gym instructor
A2 step S6: If the Username and Password that entered by user are
match with the database, but the new password is invalid, ask user
re-enter the new password.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Actor Cashier
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by User is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to edit trainer information.
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to edit trainer
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by User is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Actor Cashier
Alternative course of
A1 step S5: If the user will click No on confirmation the trainer
details or information is not deleted.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to View trainer information.
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If the user enter invalid ID, or Name the system
prompt out message for invalid ID, or Name.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Manager to add new plan.
Actor Manager
Pre- condition: Manager should be login in to the system to add new plan (plan
includes membership type ,amounts to pay, number of days to attain and
so on)
1. Manager selects add trainer link
Basic course of action 2. System display add new plan form for Manager
3. The Manager enters the details of the plan
4. The Manager click add new plan button
5. System will verify the data that the Manager enters
6. System add plan successfully and updates the database
7. Use case ends
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by Manager is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to view plan details.
Actor Manager
Pre- condition: Manager should be login in to the system to view plan details(plan
includes membership type ,amounts to pay, number of days to attain and
so on)
1. Manager selects view plan link
Basic course of action 2. System display view plan form
3. The Manager enters the Plan ID, Name or select view all.
4. The Manager click view plan button
5. System will verify the ID or Name that the Manager enters
6. System Displays the plan details
7. Use case ends
Post- condition The plan detail is displayed successfully
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the ID or Name entered by Manager is
invalid data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Manager to edit plan details.
Actor Manager
Pre- condition: Manager should be login in to the system to edit plan details(plan
includes membership type ,amounts to pay, number of days to attain and
so on)
1. Manager selects edit plan link
Basic course of action 2. System display edit plan form with a particular plan detail
3. The Manager edit some details of the plan
4. The Manager click edit plan button
5. System will verify the data that the Manager enters
6. System edit plan successfully and updates the database
7. Use case ends
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by Manager is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Actor Manager
Pre- condition: Manager should be login in to the system to delete plan details(plan
includes membership type ,amounts to pay, number of days to attain and
so on)
1. Manager selects delete plan link
Basic course of action 2. System display delete plan form with a particular plan detail
3. The Manager click delete plan button in plan detail form
4. System will ask for confirmation from manager
5. Manager will click on confirmation for delete the plan details
6. System delete plan successfully and updates the database
7. Use case ends
Post- condition The plan detail is deleted successfully
Alternative course of
A1 step S5: If the manager click No on confirmation for delete
the plan details is not deleted.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to add payment details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by User is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to view payment details.
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to view payment details
Alternative course of
A1stepS3: If one of the ID or Name entered by User is invalid
data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Cashier to edit payment details.
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: Manager should be login in to the system to edit payment details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by Cashier is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Cashier to delete payment details.
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: Cashier should be login in to the system to delete payment details
Alternative course of
A1 step S5: If the Cashier click No on confirmation for delete the
payment details is not deleted.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If the manager enters invalid date ranges the system
prompt out invalid date range.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If there is no notification or alert is present nothing is
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to view the Report in graphical
Actor Manager
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If the manager not select the report type and click
view the system prompt to manager please select message
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by User is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to view equipment details.
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to view equipment details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the ID or Name entered by User is invalid
data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Store clerk to edit equipment details.
Actor Store clerk
Pre- condition: Store clerk should be login in to the system to edit equipment details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by Store clerk is
invalid data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Store clerk to delete equipment details.
Alternative course of
A1 step S5: If the Store clerk click No on confirmation for delete
the equipment details is not deleted.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the User to print subscription details.
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to print subscription details
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to add health details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by User is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to view health details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the ID or Name entered by User is invalid
data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Manager to edit health details.
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: Cashier should be login in to the system to edit health details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by Cashier is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Cashier to delete health details.
Actor Cashier
Pre- condition: Cashier should be login in to the system to delete health details
Alternative course of
A1stepS5: If the Cashier click No on confirmation for delete
the health details is not deleted.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Admin to manage user log details.
Actor Admin
Pre- condition: Admin should be login in to the system to manage user log details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If the Admin is not select their choice to manage
log details system prompt out please select your choice
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Admin to view comments or feedback
sent by the visitors of the system
Actor Admin
Alternative course of
A1 step S1:If the Admin is try to view comments the session
is go back to login page and not be able to view comments
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Cashier generate timely report.
Actor Cashier
Alternative course of A1 step S4:The system displays error message as invalid selection , then Go
action to step1 and continues the next step
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the gym instructor to add new schedule to
store trainer’s exercises details.
Actor Gym instructor
Pre- condition: User should be login in to the system to add schedule details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by User is invalid data,
system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the ID or Name entered by User is invalid
data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Gym instructor to edit schedule details.
Pre- condition: Gym instructor should be login in to the system to edit schedule details
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If one of the data entered by Gym instructor is
invalid data, system will display invalid data message.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Gym instructor to delete schedule details.
Pre- condition: Gym instructor should be login in to the system to delete schedule details
Alternative course of
A1 step S5: If the Gym instructor click No on confirmation
for delete the schedule details is not deleted.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Description This use case is to allow the Gym instructor to prepare and upload
resources such as exercises music instruction guidelines, video
Actor Gym instructor
Pre- condition: Gym instructor should be login in to the system to prepare resources to
1. Gym instructor log into the system
Basic course of action 2. Gym instructor selects prepare resources link
3. System display the resource form detail
4. The Gym instructor select the resources that he/she wants to
5. Gym instructor will click on prepare link to prepare and upload
6. Systems display the prepared resources.
7. Use case ends
Post- condition The resources detail is prepared successfully
Alternative course of
A1 step S3: If the Gym instructor not selects the resources
prompt the message to select the resources.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
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BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Component diagram is a special kind of diagram in UML. It does not describe the
functionality of the system but it describes the components used to make those functionalities.
Component diagrams can also be described as a static implementation view of a system.
Static implementation represents the organization of the components at a particular moment.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
One of the major tasks in system design deals with hardware/software mapping which deals
with which components would be part in which hardware and so on. The web based part is run
on a networked environment on different Operating System platforms. The client/server
architecture of the system enables different clients to connect to the server remotely through
Internet connection. Server side there is web server that is always connected with the internet
for listening HTTP requests and accepts connection request and uses Apache HTTP server
manipulates data from the database using PHP programs and answers user’s request. There is
a database server that has MYSQL program which enable to communicate with the web server
using PHP.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
I. Create Account
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If (entered username and password don’t match to retrieved username and password)
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Input: -
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Conformation password
old password
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new password
conformation password
Prompt to enter username
Prompt to enter old password
Prompt to enter new password
Prompt to enter Confirmation of new password
(); Inputs:-
First name
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
Last name
Phone number
membership type
Display error message “all fields are not field”
Prompt user to enter the unfilled fields
If (entered first name is numeric)
Display error message “name cannot be numeric value”
Prompt the user to enter first name again
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
If (entered last name is numeric)
Display error message “name cannot be numeric value”
Prompt the user to enter last name again
If (entered age is not numeric)
Display error message “age must be numeric value”
Prompt the user to enter age again
If (E-mail format is not correct)
Display error message “E-mail format not correct”
Prompt the user to enter E-mail again
If (Phone format is not correct)
Display error message “Phone format not correct”
Prompt the user to enter phone number again
Insert all fields into the database
Trainer information is registered successfully
(); Input:-
trainer id
trainer name
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,
A. Interview questions
We prepare the following questions and get answers from staff members and stakeholders in
order to get more information about the system.
BAHIR DAR GYM club management February 5,