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(A Member Society of the International Institute of Welding) Attach 3

Registered & Head Office Stamp Size
IIW-INDIA HOUSE, Plot No. 38, Geetanjali Park,
200 Kalikapur Main Road, PO: Mukundapur, Kolkata - 700099, INDIA
Tel: 91 33 2416 0826 / 98301 23968 | Telefax: 91 33 2416 0826
E-mail: | Website:
CIN: U27310WB1966GAP026807 | GSTIN: 19AAATT5926E1ZC


1. TO THE COUNCIL of The Indian Institute of Welding:
I desire to be admitted / transferred as Member / Associate Member / Student of The Indian Institute of Welding. I will
be governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Institute and by its By-Laws as may be in force from time to
time. I certify that the statements made by me in this application are true. I enclose remittance of INR. ___________ being the
Entrance Fee and the Life / First Annual Subscription, on the understanding that it will be returned in the event of my non-election.
Personal Details:
Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name Middle Name First Name

Permanent Address with Pin Code (Mandatory)

Email: Contact No.:

Name of the Organization with Designation, if any (Optional)

Email: Contact No.:

GSTIN of the Organisation (if sponsored by the Organisation):
Date of Birth (dd /mm/yyyy): Nationality: ______
Mailing Address (Tick One): Permanent Company
2. Membership of Other Professional Bodies (if any):
3. Present Category of IIW-India Membership with No. (If Any): Date of Election
4. Academic Qualifications:
Last Exam Name of the Institution / Year of Verified & Certified by
Passed Examination Authority Passing proposer & seconder
a) General
b) Technical
c) Professional
(if any)
Photocopies of all Testimonials and Credentials to be enclosed. Please attach Separate Sheet as required.

Declaration: I, (applicant’s name), declare that all the information submitted by

me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.

Date: Signature of the applicant:


The application is Approved Not Approved

Chairman, General Purposes Committee

The Indian Institute of Welding
To be retained by the Applicant

There are two different classes of individual membership depending upon the candidate’s qualification, experience, age, position
in the field of Welding and also the Students Membership which are as follows.

Member being individuals,

having Engineering Degree / Diploma or its equivalent, or having passed AM-IIW Examination, or Post
Graduate Degree / Diploma in Applied Science / Technology, or an Associate Member of the Institute
having experiences in the field of welding or its allied subjects with such qualification as the Council may
approve; and also having experiences in the field of welding or its allied subjects for a period of minimum
5 years or as decided by the Council.
Associate Member being individuals,
i) having Engineering Degree / Diploma or its equivalent, or having passed AM-IIW Examination, or Post
Graduate Degree / Diploma in Applied Science / Technology, or possessing educational qualification
approved by the Council and interested in welding science and technology; Or,
ii) having interest in the field of welding and allied processes or craftsmen skilled in the art of welding.
STUDENTS being individuals, not having reached the age of 25 years, studying Engineering Degree /
Diploma / Post Graduation course in an Educational Institution and approved by the Council.

Entrance fee and Membership Subscription to be paid as follows:


Entrance Life
Class Fee Annual
Total Amount Membership Total Amount
(Rs.) Subscription
Payable (Rs.) Subscription Payable (Rs.)
By every Member 1,250.00 1,250.00 2,500.00* 15,000.00 16,250.00*
By every Associate Member 750.00 750.00 1,500.00* 9,000.00 9,750.00*
By every Student Nil 500.00 500.00* --- (*for 3-years at a time)
(#for 4-years at a time)
Retired Life Members (any
Class) above 60 years of Earlier due (if any) +
Nil --- --- 6,000.00
age and an existing 6,000.00*
member for 20 years

* GST @18% to be paid extra along with the payable amount. (GSTIN of IIW-India: 19AAATT5926E1ZC)

Transfer Fee (As per By-law 10): Difference between the Entrance Fee for the lower and that for the higher class.

1. Remittance against membership application should be in the form of Cash / Demand Draft / at par Cheque and will be in favour
of “The Indian Institute of Welding” payable at Kolkata, OR

Applicants can also deposit their fees in any branch of State Bank of India as per the following details:
Account Name: The Indian Institute of Welding / Current Account No.: 35603219305 / Branch: SBI, Kalikapur
Branch (Branch Code: 003907) / RTGS/NEFT/IFSC CODE: SBIN0003907 and send the photocopy / screenshot of the
deposit slip along with the application form and other relevant documents at the Institute.

2. All membership application must accompany documents as specified above.

3. Please ensure that application form is completed in all respects. Incomplete application is liable to be rejected.

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