MANREP Prelim Examsss
MANREP Prelim Examsss
MANREP Prelim Examsss
Consultancy usually involves the identification and assessment of a problem or the analysis of a specific area
of an organisation, the reporting of findings and the formulation of recommendations for improvement. True
Consultancies vary in size, specialism and focus. T
A type of ma nagement advisory services that is not directly related to the accounting and finance functions is
long range planning. F
The Code of Professional Ethics that specifically deals with the expression of an opinion does not apply in
MAS practice. F
It is unethical for a professional accountant to accept a MAS engagement for a company that is not his audit
client. F
Consultants give advice and solve complex issues. T
The primary purpose of MAS is to improve the client’s use of its capabilities and resources to achieve the
objectives of the firm.T
Management consultants are hired by decision makers for advise on, among others, strategy and
organisational matters. T
Competence must be retained in the rendition of MAS work and it can be impaired if the practitioner performs
decision making for the client or acts as employee of the client. F
In MAS consultations, the practitioner should be careful to avoid misleading the client into believing that he
guarantees the benefits the client seeks. T
MAS is repetitive as far as the same client is concerned. F
The practice of MAS is also governed by the external reporting standards in the accounting profession.F
An area of MAS which is directly related to the accounting and finance functions is project feasibility study. F\
The range of work in consultancy is extremely varied and consultants can be found in almost any sector. T
Not all significant matters relating to the results of the engagement need to be communicated to the client. F
An MAS practitioner is allowed to secure the assistance of other qualified professional in order to complete the
engagement. T
Engagements are usually recurring is one of the distinguishing characteristics of MAS. F
Management Consultancy is regulated by law, such that an individual must pass a government licensure
examination first before he could practice the same. F
Management services include audit, tax and legal services. F
Management consulting, often referred to as business consulting, is defined as “advisory and/or
implementation services to the (senior) management of organisations with the aim of improving the
effectiveness of their business strategy, organisational performance and operational processes”.T
Management consulting is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance. T
Personal judgement should be exercised by the MAS practitioner in determining the nature and quality of
information. F
In a consulting service, the work is generally performed only for the use and benefit of the client. T
Accountants are concerned with evaluating only the financial aspects of a project. F
Especially under time pressure, it is not so necessary that sufficient relevant data has to be obtained,
documented and evaluated in developing conclusions and recommendations. F
Consultants are commonly called in for business improvement, change of management, information
technology and long-term planning projects. T
Should a consultant feels that he cannot effectively handle the proposed engagement because of limitations in
skills, competence and economic requirements, the consultant may refer this to another practitioner whom he
thinks can effectively do the job. F
Included in the practice of consulting is the provision of confidential service in which the identity of the client is
concealed. T
As an advisory expert, the practitioner should take responsibility for making policy and management decisions
in the engagement he has performed. T
An MAS engagement , as opposed to an MAS consultation, generally involves advice or information that is
based upon
a. Covert symptoms are easy to perceive, call attention to, and/or remedy
b. Overt symptoms need a more detailed study and a logical extension of the CPA’s services
c. None of the above
d. Covert symptoms may simply be covered in the CPA’s usual letter to management prepared at the
completion of audit
Management consulting
a. Is not limited to CPAs
b. May be practiced by anybody since it is not limited to CPAs
c. None of the above
d. Is limited to CPAs
Consulting services differ fundamentally from the CPA’s function of attesting to the assertions of other parties.
In a consulting service,
a. The client develops the findings, conclusions, and recommendations
b. None of the above
c. The practitioner expresses a conclusion about the reliability of a written assertion that is the
responsibility of another party, the assertor.
d. The work is generally performed only for the use and benefit of the client
It consists of that form of management advisory or consulting service in which an analytical approach and
process is applied in a study or project.
a. Consulting
b. Technicality
c. Engagement
d. Process Approach
Which of the following types of management services is normally related to accounting and finance?
a. Costs determination of alternatives in collective bargaining agreements.
b. Marketing forecasts.
c. Job evaluation and salary administration.
d. Management audit.
The following are among the ground rules that a consultant should observe in providing support for internal
arguments in a client except
a. Provide the client manager information and insights that will strengthen hisposition against his
adversaries in the organization.
b. Build rapport which the client about the strengths and weaknesses of his or her argument.
c. Introduce and explore options which reconcile different positions in a win-win way.
d. Be sensitive to who is supporting different position in the organization.
The technical standards that apply to MAS engagements require the MAS practitioner to do all of the following
a. Obtain an understanding concerning the nature, scope, and limitations of an MAS engagements to be
b. Give support for and clearly identify as estimates any quantifiable results that are based on estimates.
c. Accepting responsibility for the client’s action.
d. Take no position which might impair the practitioner’s objectivity
The application of analytic approach and process in consultancy engagements involves the following, except
a. Identification and analysis of alternative solutions
b. Problem definition
c. Non-selection of the most desirable alternative
d. Implementation of the chosen solution
It is an engagement/consulting service where the redesign of a process with an emphasis on finding creative
ways to accomplish an objective.
a. Enterprise resource planning
b. Business process outsourcing
c. Marketing research
d. Business Process reengineering
A personal attribute of a consultant refers to his/her ability to view situations in perspective and to take action
needed on a calm and controlled basis without being diverted from a sound, logical and ethical course by
outside pressure.
a. Psychological maturity
b. Judgment
c. Courage
d. Physiological equilibrium
It is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance, primarily through the analysis of
existing organizational problems and development of plans for improvement.
a. Auditing
b. Accounting
c. Management Consulting
d. Total Quality Management
Confidentiality of information about a client’s affairs is one of the ethical principles that should always be
observed by a management consultant. The following situations allow the consultant to disclose information
otherwise considered confidential except
a. when disclosure is authorized by the client.
b. when disclosure is necessary to protect the professional interest in legal proceedings. to produce
documents to give evidence in the course of legal proceedings.
c. to produce documents to give evidence in the course of legal proceedings.
d. to respond to an inquiry of shareholders and creditors of the entity.
It refers to the ability of the practitioner to maintain his role as an objective adviser or consultant without making
any attempt to make decisions for management.
a. Objectivity
b. Competence
c. Independence in mental attitude
d. Integrity
Which of the following is not a qualification of a CPA in MAS practice?
a. Auditor of the client.
b. Professional independence, objectivity and integrity.
c. Professional and technical competence.
d. Analytical experience in problem solving.
To attain the highest standards of professionalism, highest levels of performance and meet public interest
requirement, a CPA who provides management consultancy services should meet the following basic
requirements except:
a. Top of the line and world facilities
b. Confidence
c. Professionalism
d. Credibility
The practitioner who undertakes the performance of a MAS engagement should bear in mind that the results
b. Be communicated in quantitative terms.
d. Not be explicitly or implicitly guaranteed.
a. Increase the client’s earning capabilities.
c. Not be set forth as quantitative estimates.
The following are among the ground rules that a consultant should observe in providing support for internal
arguments in a client except
a. Build rapport with the client about the strengths and weaknesses of his argument
b. Introduce and explore options which reconcile different positions in a win-win way
c. Be sensitive to who is supporting different positions in the organization
d. Provide the client manager information and insights that will strengthen his position against his
adversaries in the organization
This engagement involves the review of compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical conduct
a. Compliance risk management.
b. Strategic risk management.
c. Financial risk management.
d. Operational and systems risk management.
Factors that must be considered when defining the target level of competence of management consultants
include the following, except
a. Client requirement
b. Investment required
c. Scope of practice area
d. Service variety
Generally, the emergence and growth of management consultancy may be attributed to the following factors,
a. Need for adequate and timely information in management decision-making
b. Growth in size and complexity of business firms
c. The development of techniques for the solution of management problems and the businessmen’s
awareness of how to solve such problems
d. Complexity in managing and conducting a business
The actual output of a consulting engagement centers on providing the business organization with the following
a. Support for contesting tax assessments by the BIR
b. Support in acquiring a critical resource
c. Support for internal argument
d. Valuable information
MAS engagements, as opposed to a MAS consultation generally involves advice or information given by a
CPA that is based upon
a. Existing personal knowledge about the client.
b. The CPA’s ability to implement managements recommendation.
c. An analytical approach and process.
d. An incidental effort devoted to a combination of activities.
These are professional services that employ the practitioner’s technical skills, education, observations,
experience, and knowledge of the accounting process.
a. Consulting services
b. Analytical process
c. Technical services
d. None of the above
The following skills are necessary in carrying out management consultancy services, except
a. Communication
b. Ability to work well with others
c. Logical reasoning
d. None of these choices
A person who is qualified by education, experience, technical ability and temperament to advise or assist
businessmen on a professional basis in identifying, defining and solving specific management problems
involving the organization, planning, direction, control and operation of a firm is called a
a. Management internal auditor
b. Management consultant
c. Management advisor
d. None of the above
To attain the highest standards of professionalism, highest levels of performance and meet public interest
requirement, a person or firm who provides management consultancy services should meet the following basic
requirements, except
a. Top-of-the-line and world-class facilities
b. Professionalism
c. Credibility
d. Confidence
Generally, the emergence and growth of management consultancy may be attributed to the following factors,
a. Complexity in managing and conducting a business
b. Growth in size and complexity of business firms
c. None of the above
d. Need for adequate and timely information in management decision-making
Which of the following is not an area related to the performance of management services by independent
accounting firms?
a. Introducing new ideas, concepts and methods to management
b. Performing special studies, preparing recommendations, and formulating plans and programs
c. Businesses hire management consultants to help define specific problems and develop solutions.
d. Performing management functions and making decision
It is a career structure in consulting firm where it needs to have 5-10 years of consulting experience.
a. Senior consultants/Managers
b. Business Development Managers
c. Analysts
d. Consultants
Most definitions of consultancy would include such services related to the following except
a. Corporate Strategy
b. Information Technology
c. Systems and Operations Management
d. Legal Advisory
A personal attribute of a consultant refers to his/her ability to view situations in perspective and to take action
needed on a calm and controlled basis without being diverted from a sound, logical and ethical course by
outside pressure.
a. Judgment
b. Psychological maturity
c. Courage
d. Physiological equilibrium
These enterprises are involved in varied business endeavors such as merchandising, manufacturing, financial
services, and are potential consultancy clients.
a. Not-for-profit nongovernment organizations.
b. Professional associations
c. Government agencies
d. Privately owned business firms
An MS client asked for internal control evaluation. During evaluation, the practitioner suggests that certain
changes are necessary in handling some accounts. The client agrees. However, the client requests that his
former consultant supervise the installation. The practitioner knows that such former consultant lacks sufficient
experience to provide the necessary technical direction and supervision. In this case, the practitioner should
a. Decline the engagement if the client insists that the former consultant supervise the installation and the
necessary technical competence would not be provided even through other means.
b. Prevent the former consultant to supervise the installation. c. Tell the client everything he knows about
the former consultant so he could be prevented from supervising the installation.
c. Prevent the former consultant to supervise the installation.
d. Encourage the former consultant to attend a seminar/workshop to learn the basics of engagement
One of the following is not a ground rule that the consultant should observe in providing support for internal
arguments in a client:
a. Find and explore options that will reconcile different positions in a positive way.
b. Provide the client manager information and insights that will strengthen his position against his
adversaries in the organization.
c. Build rapport with the client about the strengths and weaknesses of his/her arguments.
d. Be sensitive to who is supporting different positions in the organization.
In performing MAS, a practitioner must act with integrity,and objectivity and be independent in mental attitude.
This statement falls under
a. personal characteristics
b. client benefit
c. due care
d. competence
An audit independence issue might be raised by the auditor’s participation in MAS engagements. Which of the
following statements is most consistent with the profession’s attitude towards this issue?
a. The decision as to loss of independence must be made based upon the facts of the particular case.
b. The auditor who is asked to review management decisions is also competent to make these decisions
and can do so without the loss of independence.
c. Information obtained as a result of MAS engagement is confidential to that of specific engagement and
should not influence the performance of the attest function.
d. The auditor should not make the management decisions for an audit client.
Usual services maybe offered readily by the practitioner based on his basic training and background.
Which of the following is not an area related to the performance of MAS by independent accounting firms ?
a. Introducing new ideas, concepts and methods to management.
b. Performing special studies, preparing recommendations, and formulating plans and programs.
c. Improving existing policies, methods and procedures.
d. Performing management functions and making decisions.
In performing MAS engagements, the consultant should not take any position that might
a. Result in new organizational policies and procedures.
b. Impair objectivity.
c. Constitute advice and assistance.
d. Provide technical assistance in implementation.
These are groups of clients that the consultant can provide MAS which includes organizations such as
hospitals, research institutions, and charitable institutions.
a. Professional associations
b. Governmental agencies and instrumentalities
c. Privately owned firms
d. Not for profit organizations
Before undertaking the engagement, a practitioner is to inform his client of all matters significant to the
engagement. True
The following are among the ground rules that a consultant should observe in providing support for internal
arguments in a client except
a. Introduce and explore options which reconcile different positions in a win-win way.
b. Be sensitive to who is supporting different positions in the organization
c. Provide the client manager information and insights
d. Build rapport with the client about the strenths and weaknesses of his or her argument.
The following are among the ground rules that a consultant should observe in providing support for internal
arguments in a client except
a. Provide the client manager information and insights that will strengthen hisposition against his
adversaries in the organization.
b. Build rapport which the client about the strengths and weaknesses of his or her argument.
c. Introduce and explore options which reconcile different positions in a win-win way.
d. Be sensitive to who is supporting different position in the organization.
Independence, rather than competence is the underlying quality that the practitioner must possess in an MAS
Ability to define objectives and outcomes is an example of a consultant’s
a. Rapport building skills
b. Project management skills
c. Analysis skills
d. Interpersonal skills
The basic analytical process applied in consulting engagements include
1. Definition of the problem.
2. Im plementation of the recommended solution to the problem.
3. Development of the solution.
4. Identification of objectives.
5. Fact finding and analysis.
6. The order in which the above mentioned steps are generally applied are:
a. 4,5,1,3,2
b. 1,2,3,4,5
c. 4,1,4,3,2
d. 4,1,3,5,2
A practitioner’s scope of MAS is broad and covers all of the following except
a. Re engineering engagements
b. Computerization engagement.
c. Audit engagements
d. Change in management engagements.
Statement 2
In all aspects of the practitioner’s performance of MAS, he must avoid assuming the role of management,
limiting his services to those of an objective researcher, analyst or advisor, rather than a decision maker.
An MS client asked for internal control evaluation. During evaluation, the practitioner suggests that certain
changes are necessary in handling some accounts. The client agrees. However, the client requests that his
former consultant supervise the installation. The practitioner knows that such former consultant lacks sufficient
experience to provide the necessary technical direction and supervision. In this case, the practitioner should
a. Decline the engagement if the client insists that the former consultant supervise the installation and the
necessary technical competence would not be provided even through other means.
b. Prevent the former consultant to supervise the installation.
c. Tell the client everything he knows about the former consultant so he could be prevented from
supervising the installation.
d. Encourage the former consultant to attend a seminar/workshop to learn the basics of engagement
The ability to identify and define client needs, to utilize the analytical approach and process, to apply
knowledge of the technical subject matter under consideration, to communicate recommendations effectively
and to assist in implementing the recommendations. It is acquired and maintained through a combination of
education and experience.
a. Competence
b. Independence
c. Professionalism
d. Due care
MAS by CPAs maybe defined as those services which are designed primarily to furnish advice or assistance
to management through ordinary relationship with respect to planning, organizing or controlling any phase of
business activity. True
Common outcomes desired from business planning and development generally include the following except
a. Development of new products
b. Internal structural reorganizations.
c. Better trained personnel
d. Increase in market share
A CPA’s scope of management services is broad and covers all the following, except
a. None of the choices
b. Change in management engagements
c. Re-engineering engagements
d. Computerization engagements
The following are managerial accounting related consultancy services that a CPA may provide except
a. Financial statement services
b. Variance analysis
c. Evaluation of working capital requirements of the business entity
d. Cost analysis for managerial decision
A management consultant will make recommendations to help make a company’s operations more streamlined
and, in the long run, help the company to boost its productivity and profitability.
All practitioners whether CPAs or not are obliged to observe MAS Practice Standards. Moreso, these are
applicable only to structured or organized Mas Practice Engagements.
Before accepting an engagement, the practitioner does not need to notify the client of any reservations he has
regarding anticipated benefits. False
Which of the following is not an area related to the performance of management services by independent
accounting firms?
a. Improving existing policies, methods, and procedures
b. None of the choices
c. Introducing new ideas, concepts, and methods of management
d. Performing special studies, preparing recommendations, and formulating plans, and programs
Integrity is the ability to avoid bias and to maintain an impartial attitude on all matters under review. False