Adobe Scan 13 Jan 2023
Adobe Scan 13 Jan 2023
Adobe Scan 13 Jan 2023
President Prime Minister Parliament
C Hot debates
·;;; Different views and opinions surfaced in newspapers and magazines.
Widespread protests and counter-protests.
supreme I rg1 1.,11v,• ho1ly
,,..v,IV\lt'·"' 1:
\ hang ng ()I 11bohsl1lllll 1.,w~
ill pvcr the 1111\1'111111rnt
llhlO(') \\ th !ht' Qt1Vl' Illlllt'lll
'b,hr!: rt Si'll~~l,ms .mct <1elllll!I ,lliOllS
__ _______
Houses of Parliament
• i...... ... ""'1.)""S::? • Upper House
• =,~ese"'l:a: es ~ :1~!ec ..: ec:1\ tor 5 years • Representatives elected indirectly from state
• lEc--3.:-·e,: :z.xes :.a e.:: : :..,es and UT Legislative Assemblies for two years
• -:~ =,e::i.:>e~s 5.... 5 • Total Members: 245
• Tenure: Permanent
• Tenure: 5 years
Political Executive
President Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
Heads the Political Executive Prime Minister - > important political institution.
Elected by electoral college Council of Minister 60- 80 ministers
} t
;£s ma1or functions include appointment of the Prime Cabinet rank which are head of the department
M liister; Council of Ministers, the Chief Justice etc.
I- II Bills become law once he signs.
Addr(;;sses the session of Parliament.
Working of Institutio11s 299
f l I
Executive Legislative + Emergency Powers
Financial Judicial
'f t t '
• Appointment o1 Prime • No bill can became a + t
• No financial bill can • He can grant pardon or Proclaim
Minister and his Council law without his approval be placed in the emergency in
remissions of punishment.
of Ministers, Chief Justice • Nominates 12 members Parliament before his • He can reduce the sentence consultation with
and Judges of SC and HC, to the Rajya Sabha and recommendations. of punishment. Prime Minister
Chairman and members 2 members to the Lok • He permits to place • Consult Supreme Court on and Council of
of Union Public Service Sabha. the annual budget. constitutional or law-related Ministers.
commission. matters.
Council of Ministers
Permanent Executive
Also called Civil servants. Give advice to the political executive, help in policy formation and policy implementation
300 .,.,..,_. __. Social Science-9
lndependenl lnslllullon
Settles disputes between:
• Citizens of the country
• Citizens and government
• Two or more state governments
• Government at Union and state level
Courts in India
Exercises 2. Who among the follow ing is a part of lbe
1. If you are elected as the President of India political executive?
which of the following decision can you take (a ) District Collector .
on your own? (b) Secretary of the Ministry ofHomeAffat
(a) Select the person you like as Prime (c) Home Minister
Minister. (d) Director General of Police
(b) Dismiss a Prime Minister who has a Ans. (c) Horne Minister
t about 1
majority in the Lok Sabha. 3. Which of the following statemen s
(c) Ask for reconsideration of a bill passed j udicia ry is false? tJI
by both the Houses. (a) Every law passed by the Par
(d) Nominate the leaders of your choice to approval of the Supreme ·fiU
the Council of Ministers. (b ) Judiciary can strike down a la~-~tio
Ans. (c) Ask for reconsideration of a bill passed against the spirit of the Coos ~%eeu
by both the Houses. (c) Judiciary is independent of th e
•' I • \.
Around 600 people were secretly picked up an d Iodged in Guantanamo Bay and their human rights were violated.
. .
Amnesty International ' a hum~n nghts
organisa~ion is looking after their rights.
What is a Right?
Rights are reasonable claims of a person recognised by society and sanctioned by law.
Restrict government from
Guarantee individual's
violating citizen's basic rights
; 1'
.. •
Right to Freedom Cultural and Right to Constitutional
Right to Right against of Religion Educational Rights
Right to
Freedom Exploitation
111 ..... J Sod•' Sde~9
MIii to 1qu1IIIY
+ i
l EqualllY of opportunity UntouchablJlt,
+ Every cltlZOfl hRS 111 appointment or Is a PUnl1"••lbft
No dlSCfimlllltlOn on access to public employment In public lobs offence
lhl 1>1s1s ot caste places
creed and r11101on
Righi to freedom
s11 1undame111al Freedoms
t t ---l
Freedom to form
.. ~ Freedom to Reside Associations and
Freedom to
Assemble in a
+ A'eedom to Mo, e freedom to anywhere In the Unions
Ffeed001of P1 actice any peaceful manner
treety throughout country
Speechand P1olcssion
E\+)res..~ the temtory 01 India
s 3 Evils illegal
Right against Exploitation decIare
~---- ---------1
Child labour is prohibited
Bonded labour and
begar is banned
Traffici- ng n human beings (below 14 years)
,s banned
Right to Freedom ol Religion
I t t l
People have freedom to There is no official India is a
State imposes no No religion instruction Is religion secular state
imparted in institutions · profess, practice and
tax for any religion
run by the government propagate any religion
No one can be denied admission to educational All minorities have the right to
Any section of citizens with a
different language or culture institutions run or aided by government on establish and administer education
have a right to conserve it. grounds of religion or language. institutions of their choice.
Under this, if fundamental rights of any citizen The Supreme Court and High Court
is violated or abridged, he can go to the can issue writs to enforce rights of
supreme court or high court. individuals.
Public Interest Litigation
Right to Safe
Environment •
Right to adequate
Right to ha'4e access to Healll
~"Q,, ,; care sernces. fooc1. ..- ellt.
(c) Right to protect one's culture
(d) Right to privacy
1. Which of the following is not an instance of Ans. (c) Right to protect one· s culture
an exercise of a fundamental right? 4. Name the Fundamental Right under which
(a) Workers from Bihar go to Punjab to each of the following right falls:
(a) \lreedom to propagate one's religion
work on the farms.
(b) Right to life
(b) Christian missions set up a chain of
lf) Abolition of untoucbability
missionary schools. rea:neot employees (d) Ban on bonded labour
Democrati c Rights 327
(b) It inquires into any case of ahetment of 67. Describe any five Freedom granted to the
such violation or negligence in controlling citizens of India under the Right to Freedom.
it by any government officer and takes I C B SF, 20161
other general steps to promote human Or
rights in the country. What is rights to Freedom? Mention different
(c) It presents its findings and rights that come under it. .
recommen dations to the governmen t Ans. Everybody wants to live in freedom which
or intervene in the court on behalf of means absence of constraints . We want to
the victims. live in a society but we want to be free and
do not want to be dictated by anyone. So the
(d) It has wide ranging powers to carry out
constitution of India has given to its citizens
its inquiry. It can summon witnesses,
the following rights:
question any governme nt official,
(a) Right to freedom of speech and
demand any official paper, visit any
prison for inspection or send its own
(b) Right to assemble in a peaceful manner.
team for on-the-spo t inquiry.
(c) Right to form association s and unions.
Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] (d) Rioht
to move freely throughou t the
66. What are fundament al rights? How many
(e) Right to reside in any part of the country.
fundamen tal rights are mentioned in our
(f) Right to practice any profession or ca
constitutio n? Why are they important? out any occupation , trade or busin ss.
Ans . In India, like in other democraci es in the These freedoms are not unlimited licences to
world, some rights are mentioned in the do anything we want. The governmen t has/can
constitutio n. These rights are fundament al to impose certain restriction s on these freedoms
our life and therefore they are given a special of the citizens under certain conditions for
status. They are called fundament al rights. the good of the society.
Six fundament al rights are: 68. What is the role of Internatio nal Covenant
(a) Right to Equality in the expan~ion of rights?
(b) Right to Freedom Ans. Internation al Covenant has also contribute d to
(c) Right to Freedom of Religion the expansion of rights. It binds the signatory
(d) Right against Exploitatio n countries to provide some rights to the citizens.
(e) Right to Constitutio nal Remedies Internation al Covenant on economic, social and
(f) Cultural and Educationa l Rights cultural rights recognises many rights that are
The fundament al rights are important as: not directly a part of the fundamen tal rights
(a) Fundamen tal rights are an important in the India Constituti on. This includes:
basic feature of the Indian constitutio n. (a) Right to work, opportunit y to everyone
(b) The preamble of the constitutio n takes to earn livelihood by working.
about securing for all its citizens equality, (b) Right to safe and healthy working
liberty and justice. Fundamen tal rights condition s with fair wages that can
put these into effect. provide a decent standard of living for
workers and their families.
(c) They provide the security to the
(c) Right to adequate standard of living
minorities in the country.
including adequate food, clothing and
(d) They keep a check on the governmen t.
(any two) (d) Rioht
to social security and insurance.
Q (i) Ri~ht 10 privacy.
(ii) Righi to environment that .
) R ht to health, n,cdlcnl lt,rl' du11n)l 1 111111'111 to Iheir health or well~•
Hne.~ srcd1d l'lll'C flll \\(lllll'II d111,1n~ (iii) f{ igh I ro have access to adc u
cluldcttrc iu\\l pn•,1.•n1u,n ,,1 l'pidl•lllll'1',11
111111sing. q are
(f) R._.iht h' t'\hll't1ll1,n, lh'l' 11nd l.,,,n1nillil " (ii') I{ighl 10 access lo health carc!lc .
pnman t'lhll'lllll'll, l'q1111l Hl\'l'1ili hi~hi•r s11ffide11l food a11d watc~cea, 3 d
t'lhl\.'111 illll. 111cdical 1rec1tmc11l in an emergency"
11mli h1h.'nt.1ti1,n,1l l\\\ l'n,1111s pl,I\' ,1 si~nificnlll (any five)
n,k in l'\p,1ndin1ot till' Sl'llfll' 111' rii,!hlS,
• t1///I' .fi°i't')
•q· •"Pl•i• h11" 1h< '"'P' of ti~hls lul> ,,,11111111"1 ca,c, pascd Questions
,<oad the given passage and answer the
in l'l'\'t'nl lhlll\'-, I IIO'l'S I 70
<i11cstJons that follow:
rh"' Sl'l'fll' ,,r ri~h•:-: 11.,s l•,pa1Hkd in 1hc In India, like mos_t other democracies in
'"'"''"rhl.' "a,:-. judgl·nwnli, haVl' hclp0d in
in,I! \..,,,;,, the world, these rights arc mentioned i
the Constitution. Some rights which ar:
l'\p;rndin!!, 1hl' 1<l'1l!ll' llf righls in 1he
fundamental lO our life are given a special
'"'"''" in!,! w:1~:-.
li) l \•r1;1in righl"S lii-l' r(uhl 10 freedom of status. They are called Fundamental Rights.
p1'l'SS. right 111 infonnalion and right Preamble to our Constitution talks about
Ill 1.'dlll':II i1m an: derived from the securing for all its citizens equality, liberty
fund:1me11tal righls. and justice. Fundamental Rights put this
tii) Th1.' gon·rnmcnt is responsible for promise into effect. They are an important
pnn iding free and compulsory basic feature of India's Constitution.
education to all children up to the (i) The passage given above relates to which
age of 14 years.
(iii) The Supreme Court has expanded of the following?
the meaning of right to life to (a) Directive principles
include the right to food also. (b) Fundamental rights
(b) The Parliament has enacted a law giving (c) Fundamental duties
the right to information to the citizens.
(d) Moral rights
This is under the freedom of thought
(ii) Which of the following is not a Fundamental
and expression.
(c) Constitution provides certain rights which Right?
are not fundamental e.g. right to property. (a) Right to Equality
(d) Right lO vote is a constitutional right. (b) Right to Freedom
(e) Human rights that arc universal moral
(c) Right to Property
claims also help in expansion of rights.
U) International movements also help in (d) Right against exploitation