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Working of Institutions


How Is 8 Major Polley Daol1lon Taken?

AGovernment Order

• Also called Office Memorandum

It is an order issued by the government to e h · •
It is ·ust like an advisory but wi·th d ~c ange information relating to day-to-day functions within its institutions.
1 or ers of its enforcement
. . such order was. issued by the Govern ment f 1nd1a
c1v1I posts and services under the Government of India.
· · ·
in 1990 regarding a major policy decision - 27% reservation•
to SEBC •
in a11

The Decision Makers

President Prime Minister Parliament

Second Backward Classes Commission set up in 1979, headed by BP Mandal.

Review the condition of backward/depressed classes and suggest steps for their advancement.
Commission submitted its report in 1980 with recommendations.
27% reservation in government jobs for SEBC
E Discussion held in Parliament but not implemented.
:E ___. Prime Minister VP Singh proposed its implementation in 1989.
Cl) President of India address Parliament to announce government intention to implement the recommendations of Mandal
0 Commission.
Cl 1990, formal decision for implementation taken by the cabinet.
VP Singh informed both the Houses of Parliament.
iii . Decision sent to concerned department.
Became office Memorandum No. 36012/13/90 on 13th August 1990.

C Hot debates
·;;; Different views and opinions surfaced in newspapers and magazines.
Widespread protests and counter-protests.

,....... . People and associations approach courts against the order.

..c Proceedings held with eleven Supreme Court judges who heard arguments.
«i Declared the order valid in 1992.
Cl) Suggestions by Supreme Court to modify the order by excluding well-to-do people among backward classes from getting
~ benefit of reservation.

supreme I rg1 1.,11v,• ho1ly


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ill pvcr the 1111\1'111111rnt
llhlO(') \\ th !ht' Qt1Vl' Illlllt'lll
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__ _______
Houses of Parliament

lotSabh.l Rajya Sabha

• i...... ... ""'1.)""S::? • Upper House
• =,~ese"'l:a: es ~ :1~!ec ..: ec:1\ tor 5 years • Representatives elected indirectly from state
• lEc--3.:-·e,: :z.xes :.a e.:: : :..,es and UT Legislative Assemblies for two years
• -:~ =,e::i.:>e~s 5.... 5 • Total Members: 245
• Tenure: Permanent
• Tenure: 5 years

Political Executive

President Prime Minister and Council of Ministers

Heads the Political Executive Prime Minister - > important political institution.

Elected by electoral college Council of Minister 60- 80 ministers

} t
;£s ma1or functions include appointment of the Prime Cabinet rank which are head of the department
M liister; Council of Ministers, the Chief Justice etc.

I- II Bills become law once he signs.

Addr(;;sses the session of Parliament.
Working of Institutio11s 299

Ordinary bill has to be passed by both the houses of Parliament

Joint session can be called In case of difference over a bill.
Money bill can be passed only In the Lok Sabha.
Rajya Sabha can delay money bill for not more than 14 days.
Controls Council of Ministers
; No confidence against the Council of Ministers leads them to quit.

Powers and Functions of the President

f l I
Executive Legislative + Emergency Powers
Financial Judicial
'f t t '
• Appointment o1 Prime • No bill can became a + t
• No financial bill can • He can grant pardon or Proclaim
Minister and his Council law without his approval be placed in the emergency in
remissions of punishment.
of Ministers, Chief Justice • Nominates 12 members Parliament before his • He can reduce the sentence consultation with
and Judges of SC and HC, to the Rajya Sabha and recommendations. of punishment. Prime Minister
Chairman and members 2 members to the Lok • He permits to place • Consult Supreme Court on and Council of
of Union Public Service Sabha. the annual budget. constitutional or law-related Ministers.
commission. matters.

• Leader of the Ruling Party

§ G)
• Head of the Government
• Leader of the Cabinet
::,.: • Link between President and the Cabinet
"Cl Cl)
• Leader of the Parliament
:; E Represents country in foreign affairs
en ·~
... a..
- •

Chairman of the Planning Commission (Niti Ayog)
Chairing Cabinet meetings
• Distributing portfolios among ministers
• Making important domestic and foreign policies.

Council of Ministers

Minister of state with Minister of state

Cabinet Ministers
independent charge
i i
• They are in charge of major ministries Assist cabinet ministers
In charge of smaller ministries

• About 20 in number

Permanent Executive

These are the executives appointed on permanent basis

Also called Civil servants. Give advice to the political executive, help in policy formation and policy implementation
300 .,.,..,_. __. Social Science-9

lndependenl lnslllullon

Settles disputes between:
• Citizens of the country
• Citizens and government
• Two or more state governments
• Government at Union and state level

Courts in India

Supreme Court High Courts District Courts

t t
• Consider appeal from lower courts
• Apex court • Dea~s with '?cal cases of Dis .
• Decisions binding on all courts • Deal in cases within state jurisdiction Decides senous criminal l!itl
• Transfer High Court Judges • Supervises and controls lower cases.
• Call a case from lower court to itself courts .
• Transfer case from one High Court to another.

.E"" • Interpretation of Law

i ;:::, • Custodian of Constitution
if -~ • Guardian of Civil Liberties
-g =a - • Le_gislative functionary
"" ..:g • Advisory functions
a. 0
• Administrative functions
1 • Court of record.

Exercises 2. Who among the follow ing is a part of lbe
1. If you are elected as the President of India political executive?
which of the following decision can you take (a ) District Collector .
on your own? (b) Secretary of the Ministry ofHomeAffat
(a) Select the person you like as Prime (c) Home Minister
Minister. (d) Director General of Police
(b) Dismiss a Prime Minister who has a Ans. (c) Horne Minister
t about 1
majority in the Lok Sabha. 3. Which of the following statemen s
(c) Ask for reconsideration of a bill passed j udicia ry is false? tJI
by both the Houses. (a) Every law passed by the Par
(d) Nominate the leaders of your choice to approval of the Supreme ·fiU
the Council of Ministers. (b ) Judiciary can strike down a la~-~tio
Ans. (c) Ask for reconsideration of a bill passed against the spirit of the Coos ~%eeu
by both the Houses. (c) Judiciary is independent of th e
•' I • \.

l.elll .. ., ,. , ,rpe Queatlona (ti ) Some were nf the views tha

(5 M ar kt ) t the existe
What \1"5 tht MandaI ( 'omml ol inequalities am on g pe
sslon'? Why\\ ns lt ople of differ~:
0. n1up?Mentlonltss1u•l'1Rl' ca-.cs in Iml ia nccessi ta led job
t'l'l'OIIU~\l'1Ub~th,~1• reservatio
Th Manllnl c,, nt1 ms sH ,n (1') Ot he rs felt tha t t
Aas.. \\, ~h~ lnd \.\n ll-'''l'llll\ '" '' ,,ppnrnt.ul !1is w_as unfair and~;
would deny equa 11ty o1 op
\l'l\t t'n, tlw lnllnwm~ portunities t
n•as,,ns. those wh'.,.did not be lon g
. to a backwar~
(c) \hl '<. "''l '\\\ l\\ l'll \\'f lnd in commu111l1cs.
thl'Sl'\.'\,nd Had,,\\,11\ll '\n (/) So me fell it wa s an
ssl'Sl ,,,mm:-st,m ob sta cle to national
in I\)~\), h "a s lw ,hk d un ity .
1 (any five)
\ kn "'" '· it is ,,,pular\y rn h\ IHl l\:l:l mh ,1. 7 l. De sc rib e th e po we rs
1 lk d t 1ll' tv am1n1 an d fu nc tio ns of the
(.\ ,m mi ssh ,n. Indian Par1rn . t
men . [CBSE 20
~I•) \'h is '-'\l\\\\\\issi,,n wa Ans. In In di a, a na tio na
s askl.'d In fiHll ou t l as se mb ly of electe161d
;\ '-'l ih· ria h' i\k nti fy rep res en tat ive s is ca lle
lhl ' s,K·ially al\tl d Pa rli am en t. The
'-'d\h:,ni,,na\h \,al'\.-.ward rollowing are the ma jor
da ssl :s in \nt lia po we rs an d functions
an d \\.''-'1,.\m1{\'-'\\l\ sll 'ps o[ Pa rli am en t:
lo bl: l'or
\h\.'ir ad\:\\\l't'l\\l'\\l. (a) Th e Pa rli am en t is
the final authority for
~l-) n,", l'l, mm iss ilm ma kin g laws in an y co un
ga w n rep ort in 1980 try .
\\\ th ma n\' rl'l 'lH nm cn dn (b) It ca n pa ss a no -co
tio ns. nfi de nc e resolution
~d) Ont'.' l,f thl 'Sl ' wa ag ain st the go ve rn me
s th at 27 % of th e nt an d ask it to
gl) \cr nm cn t job s sh ou ld res ign .
be res erv ed for
th( ' sol'ially an d eco no mi (c) It co ntr ols the mo
cal ly ba ck wa rd ne y ma tte rs of the
da ss~ s. na tio n. Go ve rn me nt bu
dg et ha s to be
"10. Wh~ ha d the M an da l ev olv ed an d pa sse d by pa rli am en t.
Co mm iss ion become a
debatable iss ue in India (d) It is the hig he st fo
? ru m of discussion,
Ans. Th e M an da l Co mm iss de ba tes an d
ion ha d be co me a de lib era tio ns on public and
de ba tab le iss ue be ca us na tio na l po lic ies an d iss
e of th e fol low ing ues.
rea so ns . (e) It ca n see k inf orm ati
on or question the
(a) Ne ws pa pe rs an d ma go ve rnm en t on an y ma
ga zin es we re full of tte r which it has
dif fer en t views an d op ini to an sw er.
on s on the issue.
(b) Th is led to wi de (f) It pe rfo rm s the ele
sp rea d pr ot es ts an d cto ral fun cti on of
co un ter -pr ote sts , so me e l ec tin g Pr es id en t, Vi
we re vio len t. ce -P res ide nt,
(c) Th e pe op le rea cte sp ea ke r, de pu ty- sp ea ke
d str on gly be ca us e r.
thi s de cis ion aff ec ted (g) It ha s the po we r to rem
tho us an ds of job ov e the president
op po rtu nit ies . judges of su pre me co urt
an d High Court
72. Di sti ng uis h be tw een th thr ou gh im pe ac hm en t.
e Lo k Sa bh a and the Ra (any five)
jya Sa bh a.
The Lo k Sa bh a
(i) Th e M e mb ers of Lo Th e Rajya Sabha
k Sa bh a are ele cte d
dir ec tly by ad ult cit ize (i) Th e M em be rs of th e
ns. Ra jya Sa bh a are
ele cte d by the ele cte d me
mb ers of the State
(ii) Lo k Sa bh a's ter m is on Le gis lat ive Assemblies.
ly for 5 ye ars . Af ter 5 (ii) Th
ye ars , the ter m of all ele e Ra jya Sa bh a is a pe rm
cte d rep res en tat ive s . ca n an en t house. _It
co me s to an en d. no t be dis so lve d bu t on
e-t hir d of its
(iii) Th e ma xim um str en me mb ers ret ire aft er ev
gth of the ho us e is 543. (iii) It ca ery two years.
(iv) Mo ne y bill ca n only n no t have mo re tha n 250
be pa sse d in Lo k Sa bh a. (iv) Ra jya members.
lt is Lo k Sa bh a wh ich Sa bh a do es no t ex ercise
pro vid es mo ne y for much power
the ad mi nis tra tio n of the ov er the mo ne y bill.
co un try .
(v) Th e Lo k Sa bh a is mo re po we
rful tha n the (v) Th e Ra jya Sa bh a
Ra jya Sa bh a. ha s cu mp ara tiv ely less
13- Whal ls lhe dlffen-nce ht'tll'N' p.,
n lllk-111 Ii "tt'lltl'N •nd '"1NMM
Worldnaol 1
1 hl'~l' l ' 'l'C'U I " l'' ' \1\' l'I t .t t ,., I h, tht: I
h,r ., ~p,·c1f1c 1w1mt1 ,,t t 11\\l· pt op l
{ti ) 1 lll'~l·
1m·huh- ,p 1mw M1111(,tcr c ,hu ·t
l'\.111t1,1,- , , llll. ti ( l' lllh'll 0 I ,," 1m1 , tc,~ (It)
tu) 11"'' I
h ' m11 ,·
l'"""" 111 ll t rn· i· Ill 1 11 1
l) ' ' lt , ctl (tu) I h \' r m ,in in
p lfl'y lh'"
(11 ) nw, .In' ,rn,\\ ,·1,1 bk hl th,. pc, np Icf Pt !heir
(n) I hey ire not
.h.'I h' ll:- .
l') lh-.·, 1,, k.\· .,I_I tlh· fm,11 ik ci,i1,n, ,111d IIH' (1 •) I hey nr Ice; p<1wcrful fhcy do nut tc1ke
n1t1 r..: l''''h' tl ul. dcc 1c;1onc; Jhey uc;,,1c;,t the pultt1c.d executive">
' "_do1y lo dciy udm mt<..:.:t~r•:.:.:'t:.:..,o:..:_1n:.:.:...
. - ~ - -- - - - '

.. .._. "Pnnll.', linistcris the lwadofthc gm l'rnmcnt." (h ) Remov.d of the Judge">

Ju~ti~ tl_,c_s tat ~mcnt. ((.'HSI- 'lllflJ (1) Once a person 1s appomted ac; the
~ns. r'nme ~ lnnstLt 1s tlw h..:.1d or the government. judge of the Supreme Court or the
fh.: stat.:nk·nt .:an be justified in the following High Court, 1t is nearly impo'>sible to
re move him/her from that position.
";\~ s:
It bas difficult as in the case of the
H e kad s t h e majority party in the
Parliament . President of India.
(ii) A judge can only be removed by
(b) H e sum mons a nd presides over the
the impeachment motion passed by
meetings of the cabinet. 2/3rd members of the two houses
(c) A ll th e decisions by his cabinet are of parliament present and voting.
taken under his leadership, consent and
76. How can you say that the judiciary in India
is the most powerful?
(d) He acts as an adviser to the president Ans. In the following manner judiciary in India is
over the appointment of his ministers, considered as the most powerful:
judges of Supreme Court and high courts. (a) The judiciary in India is independent . It
(e) He is free to choose his ministers and means it is not under the control of the
can change their portfolios. legislature or the executive.
75. How are the j udges of Supreme Court and (b) The Supreme Court and the High
High Court a ppointed? How can they be Courts have the power to interpret the
constitution of the country.
(c) They can determine the validity or declare
Ans. (a) Appointment of the judges:
(i) The judges of the Supreme Court invalid any law and action of legislature
and High Court are appointed by the or any of the executive in the country
President on the advice of the Prime when it is challenged before them. This
Minister in consultation with the is called the judicial review.
(d) The Supreme Court of India has also
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
ruled that the core or the basic principles
(ii) In practice, it means the senior
of the Constitution can not be changed
judges the Supreme Court select
the new judges of the Supreme by the Parliament.
(e) The powers and the independence of the
court and high court.
judiciary allows it to act as a guardian
(iii) The seniorrnost judge of the
Supreme Court is usually appointed of the fundamental rights of the citizens.
as the Chief Justice of India. The citizens can approach the Supreme
1 t' on of their
of any vio a t r revent
The courts intervene ;,s ppowers
the misuse of the governme beck the
· · They c
to make_ dec1s10t~s.part of the public
malpractices on e
sed Questions
Read the given passage and answer the
questions that folloW: .
The Government of India had appointed the
Second Backward Classes Commission in 1979.
It was headed by BP Mandal. Hence, jt was
popularly called the Mandal Commission. It
\\'as asked to determine the criteria to identify
the socia]Jy and educationally backward classes
in India and recommend steps .t o be taken
or their advancement. The Commission
ave its Report in 1980 and made many
recommendations. One of these was that
27 per cent of government jobs be reserved
for the socially and educationally hackw5l.rA_
Democratic I
Prison in Guantanamo Bay

I s are snatched by someone, people's life becomes hell.

Ufe without rights cannot be imagined · But w hen these right

Around 600 people were secretly picked up an d Iodged in Guantanamo Bay and their human rights were violated.

. .
Amnesty International ' a hum~n nghts
organisa~ion is looking after their rights.

Citizens Rights in Saudi Arabia Ethnic massacre in Kosovo

t t
• Ruled by a Monarch • Kosovo, a former province of Yugoslavia had majority of AlbaniAns.
• He chooses the legislatives Serbs in majority in the country developed narrow minded approach against
• Citizens are not allowed to form political parties AlbaniAns.
• Media cannot cover the political organisation • Struggle for dominance led to violent conflicts.
• No freedom of religion, non-muslims can follow • Large scale massacre of both ethnic communities.
their religion in private • Democratically elected government lost power for crimes against humanity.
• Women are subject to many public constraints

What is a Right?
Rights are reasonable claims of a person recognised by society and sanctioned by law.

Why do we need rights in a democracy?

Restrict government from
Guarantee individual's

violating citizen's basic rights

Rights in the Indian Constitution

Fundamental Rights
Basic rights of a citizen acquired by birth guaranteed by the constitution

; 1'
.. •
Right to Freedom Cultural and Right to Constitutional
Right to Right against of Religion Educational Rights
Right to
Freedom Exploitation
111 ..... J Sod•' Sde~9
MIii to 1qu1IIIY
+ i
l EqualllY of opportunity UntouchablJlt,
+ Every cltlZOfl hRS 111 appointment or Is a PUnl1"••lbft
No dlSCfimlllltlOn on access to public employment In public lobs offence
lhl 1>1s1s ot caste places
creed and r11101on
Righi to freedom
s11 1undame111al Freedoms
t t ---l
Freedom to form
.. ~ Freedom to Reside Associations and
Freedom to
Assemble in a
+ A'eedom to Mo, e freedom to anywhere In the Unions
Ffeed001of P1 actice any peaceful manner
treety throughout country
Speechand P1olcssion
E\+)res..~ the temtory 01 India
s 3 Evils illegal
Right against Exploitation decIare
~---- ---------1
Child labour is prohibited
Bonded labour and
begar is banned
Traffici- ng n human beings (below 14 years)
,s banned
Right to Freedom ol Religion

I t t l
People have freedom to There is no official India is a
State imposes no No religion instruction Is religion secular state
imparted in institutions · profess, practice and
tax for any religion
run by the government propagate any religion

Cultural and Educational Rights

No one can be denied admission to educational All minorities have the right to
Any section of citizens with a
different language or culture institutions run or aided by government on establish and administer education
have a right to conserve it. grounds of religion or language. institutions of their choice.

How to secure these Rights?

- I
Right to Constitution Remedies

Under this, if fundamental rights of any citizen The Supreme Court and High Court
is violated or abridged, he can go to the can issue writs to enforce rights of
supreme court or high court. individuals.
Public Interest Litigation

. when c1·1·1zen or group of c1t1zens

It 1s .. can approach the Hi'gh ourt or the Supre C
particular law or action of th
c i . .
me ourt for protection of public interests against a
e government.
bpandlng s

recent times have

.. t • cope ot Rlnht

expanding These include r'

Press, Right t~glhtf to Freedom of
norm t· Rights are 8lq)aAd
Right to Ed a ion, and (lhe International .,, - - - - - ·
ucation. Soc·a1 C.... •fa,-~
I nlCIAalllNI)
Rights guaranteed b
,•'••- ~ ~ Y~the constitution
I ~
ot South Atrica


Right to Safe
Environment •
Right to adequate
Right to ha'4e access to Healll
~"Q,, ,; care sernces. fooc1. ..- ellt.

(c) Right to protect one's culture
(d) Right to privacy
1. Which of the following is not an instance of Ans. (c) Right to protect one· s culture
an exercise of a fundamental right? 4. Name the Fundamental Right under which
(a) Workers from Bihar go to Punjab to each of the following right falls:
(a) \lreedom to propagate one's religion
work on the farms.
(b) Right to life
(b) Christian missions set up a chain of
lf) Abolition of untoucbability
missionary schools. rea:neot employees (d) Ban on bonded labour
Democrati c Rights 327

(b) It inquires into any case of ahetment of 67. Describe any five Freedom granted to the
such violation or negligence in controlling citizens of India under the Right to Freedom.
it by any government officer and takes I C B SF, 20161
other general steps to promote human Or
rights in the country. What is rights to Freedom? Mention different
(c) It presents its findings and rights that come under it. .
recommen dations to the governmen t Ans. Everybody wants to live in freedom which
or intervene in the court on behalf of means absence of constraints . We want to
the victims. live in a society but we want to be free and
do not want to be dictated by anyone. So the
(d) It has wide ranging powers to carry out
constitution of India has given to its citizens
its inquiry. It can summon witnesses,
the following rights:
question any governme nt official,
(a) Right to freedom of speech and
demand any official paper, visit any
prison for inspection or send its own
(b) Right to assemble in a peaceful manner.
team for on-the-spo t inquiry.
(c) Right to form association s and unions.
Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] (d) Rioht
to move freely throughou t the
66. What are fundament al rights? How many
(e) Right to reside in any part of the country.
fundamen tal rights are mentioned in our
(f) Right to practice any profession or ca
constitutio n? Why are they important? out any occupation , trade or busin ss.
Ans . In India, like in other democraci es in the These freedoms are not unlimited licences to
world, some rights are mentioned in the do anything we want. The governmen t has/can
constitutio n. These rights are fundament al to impose certain restriction s on these freedoms
our life and therefore they are given a special of the citizens under certain conditions for
status. They are called fundament al rights. the good of the society.
Six fundament al rights are: 68. What is the role of Internatio nal Covenant
(a) Right to Equality in the expan~ion of rights?
(b) Right to Freedom Ans. Internation al Covenant has also contribute d to
(c) Right to Freedom of Religion the expansion of rights. It binds the signatory
(d) Right against Exploitatio n countries to provide some rights to the citizens.
(e) Right to Constitutio nal Remedies Internation al Covenant on economic, social and
(f) Cultural and Educationa l Rights cultural rights recognises many rights that are
The fundament al rights are important as: not directly a part of the fundamen tal rights
(a) Fundamen tal rights are an important in the India Constituti on. This includes:
basic feature of the Indian constitutio n. (a) Right to work, opportunit y to everyone
(b) The preamble of the constitutio n takes to earn livelihood by working.
about securing for all its citizens equality, (b) Right to safe and healthy working
liberty and justice. Fundamen tal rights condition s with fair wages that can
put these into effect. provide a decent standard of living for
workers and their families.
(c) They provide the security to the
(c) Right to adequate standard of living
minorities in the country.
including adequate food, clothing and
(d) They keep a check on the governmen t.
(any two) (d) Rioht
to social security and insurance.
Q (i) Ri~ht 10 privacy.
(ii) Righi to environment that .
) R ht to health, n,cdlcnl lt,rl' du11n)l 1 111111'111 to Iheir health or well~•
Hne.~ srcd1d l'lll'C flll \\(lllll'II d111,1n~ (iii) f{ igh I ro have access to adc u
cluldcttrc iu\\l pn•,1.•n1u,n ,,1 l'pidl•lllll'1',11
111111sing. q are
(f) R._.iht h' t'\hll't1ll1,n, lh'l' 11nd l.,,,n1nillil " (ii') I{ighl 10 access lo health carc!lc .
pnman t'lhll'lllll'll, l'q1111l Hl\'l'1ili hi~hi•r s11ffide11l food a11d watc~cea, 3 d
t'lhl\.'111 illll. 111cdical 1rec1tmc11l in an emergency"
11mli h1h.'nt.1ti1,n,1l l\\\ l'n,1111s pl,I\' ,1 si~nificnlll (any five)
n,k in l'\p,1ndin1ot till' Sl'llfll' 111' rii,!hlS,
• t1///I' .fi°i't')

•q· •"Pl•i• h11" 1h< '"'P' of ti~hls lul> ,,,11111111"1 ca,c, pascd Questions
,<oad the given passage and answer the
in l'l'\'t'nl lhlll\'-, I IIO'l'S I 70
<i11cstJons that follow:
rh"' Sl'l'fll' ,,r ri~h•:-: 11.,s l•,pa1Hkd in 1hc In India, like mos_t other democracies in
'"'"''"rhl.' "a,:-. judgl·nwnli, haVl' hclp0d in
in,I! \..,,,;,, the world, these rights arc mentioned i
the Constitution. Some rights which ar:
l'\p;rndin!!, 1hl' 1<l'1l!ll' llf righls in 1he
fundamental lO our life are given a special
'"'"''" in!,! w:1~:-.
li) l \•r1;1in righl"S lii-l' r(uhl 10 freedom of status. They are called Fundamental Rights.
p1'l'SS. right 111 infonnalion and right Preamble to our Constitution talks about
Ill 1.'dlll':II i1m an: derived from the securing for all its citizens equality, liberty
fund:1me11tal righls. and justice. Fundamental Rights put this
tii) Th1.' gon·rnmcnt is responsible for promise into effect. They are an important
pnn iding free and compulsory basic feature of India's Constitution.
education to all children up to the (i) The passage given above relates to which
age of 14 years.
(iii) The Supreme Court has expanded of the following?
the meaning of right to life to (a) Directive principles
include the right to food also. (b) Fundamental rights
(b) The Parliament has enacted a law giving (c) Fundamental duties
the right to information to the citizens.
(d) Moral rights
This is under the freedom of thought
(ii) Which of the following is not a Fundamental
and expression.
(c) Constitution provides certain rights which Right?
are not fundamental e.g. right to property. (a) Right to Equality
(d) Right lO vote is a constitutional right. (b) Right to Freedom
(e) Human rights that arc universal moral
(c) Right to Property
claims also help in expansion of rights.
U) International movements also help in (d) Right against exploitation

expansion of rights. (iii) Fundamental rights put the promises of

(g) International covenants also contribute - - - - - into effect.
to expansion of rights. (a) Constitution (b) Preamble
(h) Last, but not the least sometimes
(c) Government (d) Ruling party
new rights arc guaranteed under the
(iv) Which part of Indian Constitution
constitution as a result of the struggle
of the people e.g. the constitution of prescribes the Fundamental Rights?
South Africa guaranteed its citizens the (a) Part I (b) Part II
following rights. (c) Part III (d) Part IV

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