Astm-Pintura Industrial

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This standard guide provides information on selecting and using test methods for testing industrial protective coatings. It covers liquid coatings applied by various means to substrates and the types of tests that can be conducted.

This standard guide covers the selection and use of test methods for testing industrial protective coatings applied to substrates on structures and buildings. It provides definitions and does not ensure safety compliance.

This standard guide covers the testing of liquid coatings applied by various means such as brushing, rolling or spraying to substrates. It covers the testing of 'industrial protective coatings' which are paints applied to substrates in industrial, urban or marine environments.

~~l~ Designation: O 6577- OOa

Standard Guide for

Testing Industrial Protective Coatings 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designalion D 6577; l11e number immediately following l11e designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in l11e case of revision, l11e year of last revision. A number in parenll1eses indicates l11e year of last reapp1'Qval. A
s uperscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial e hange since the last revision or reapproval.

l. Scope the Visual Evaluation of Brushouts4

1.1 T his guide covers the selection and use of test methods D 522 Test Methods for Mandrel Bend Test of Attached
and procedures for testing industrial protective coatings. Se- Organic Coatings4
Iection of the standards to be followed must be governed by D 523 Test Method for Specular Gloss4
experience and the require1nents in each individual case, D 562 Test Method for Consistency of Paints Using the
together with agreement between the supplier and the user. Stormer Yisco1neter4
1.2 T his guide covers the testing of Iiquid coatings as D 609 Practice for Preparation of Cold-Rolled Steel Panels
applied on substrate by brushing, rolling, spraying, or other for Testing Paint, Yarnish, Conversion Coatings, and
means appropriate to the coating and circu1nstance. Related Coating Products4
D 610 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on
Non, 1- The tenn "industrial protective coating" as used in th is guide Painted Steel Surfaces7
is described in the scope of Subcon11nittee D01.46 1 as "paints applied to
D 658 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
substrates on-site of structures and buildings, especially where subject to
corrosive enviromnents, as industrial, urban, and n1arine environn1ents." Coatings by lhe Air Blast Abrasive8
NorE 2- Guides for testing other coating types, s uch as Guides D 660 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Checking of
D 4712, D 5146, D 5324 or for surface preparation, coating application, Exterior Paints4
such as Guide D 3276, are avai lable and should be used when it is D 661 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Cracking of
applicable. Exterior Paints4
1.3 This standard does not pu,port to address ali 01· the D 662 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Erosion of
safety concerns, ij. any, associated 1vith its use. It is the Exterior Paints4
responsibility of the user 01· this standard to establish appro- D 714 Test Method for E valuating Degree of Blistering of
priate safety and health praclices and determine the applica- Paints 4
bility of· regulatory li,nilations prior to use. D 772 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Flaking (Scal-
ing) of Exterior Paints 4
2. Referenced Documents D 822 Practice for Conducting Tests on Paint and Related
2.1 ASTJ\1 Standards: Coatings and Materials Using Filtered Open-Fla1ne
B 117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus2 Carbon-Arc Exposure Apparatus4
C 868 Test Method for Che1nical Resistance of Protective D 823 Practices for Producing Filins of Unifonn Thickness
~ .
Linings 3 of Paint, Y,ll'nish, and Related Products on Test Panels
D 16 Tenninology for Paint and Related Coatings, Materi- D 869 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Settling of
als, and Applications4 Paint7
D 56 Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Tester5 D 870 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings
D 93 Test Methods for Flash-Point by Pensky-Martens Using Water l1nmersion4
Closed Cup Tester5 D 968 Test Methods for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
D 185 Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pigments, Coatings by Falling Abrasive4
Pastes, and Paints 6 D 1005 Test Methods for Meas ure1nent of D ry-Film Thick-
D 344 Test Method for Relative Hiding Power of Paints by ness of Organic Coatings Using Micrometers4
D 1014 Practice for Conducting Exterior Exposure Tests of
Paints on Steel 4
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee DO I on Paint and D 1186 ·T est Methods for Nondestructive Measurement of
Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the d irect responsibil ity of
subcommittee D01.46 on Protective Coatings.
Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to
Curren! edition approved Nov. 10, 2000. Published January 2001. Originally a Ferrous Base4
published as D 6577--00. Last previous edition D 6577-00. D 1200 Test Method for Yiscosity by Ford Viscosity Cup4
Ammal Book o/ ASTM Sumdards, Vol 03.02.
An11ual Book o/ AS1M Standards, Vol 04.05.
An11ual Book o/AS1M Standards, Vol 06.01.
5 An11ual Book o/AS1M Standards, Vol 05.01. 7
Annual Book o/ ASTM Srcmdairls, Vol 06.02.
6 8
An11ual Book o/ ASTM Standairls. Vol 06.03. Oiscontinued; see 1995 A11n11al Book o/ ASTM Sra,ulards, Vol 06.01.

Copyright © ASTM. 100 Barr Hatbor Oñve, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Uniled Stales.

4~l~o ss11
D 1210 Test Method for Fineness of Dispersion of Pig1nent- D 2574 Test Method for Resistance of Emulsion Paints in
Vehicle Systems by Hegn1an-Type Gage4 the Container to Attack by Microorganisms4
D 1212 Test Methods for Measuren1ent of Wet Filn1 Thick- D 2616 Test Method for Evaluation of Visual Color Differ-
ness of Organic Coatings 4 ence with a Gray Scale4
D 1296 Test Method for Odor of Volatile Solvenls and D 2621 Tesl Method for Infrared ldentification of Vehicle
Diluents9 Solids from Solvent-Reducible Paints4
D 1308 Test Method for Effect of Household Chemicals on D 2697 Test Method for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in
Clear and Pigmented Organic Finishes7 Clear or Pigmented Coatings 4
D 1400 ·Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of D 2794 Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to
Dry Film Thickness of Nonconductive Coatings Applied to the Etfects of Rapid Deformation (Impact) 4
a Nonferrous Metal Base4 D 2803 Guide for Testing Filiform Corrosion Resistance of
D 1474 Test Methods for Indentation Hardness of Organic Organic Coatings on Metal 4
Coatings4 D 2805 Test Method for Hiding Power of Paints by Reflec-
D 1475 Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, lnks, tometry4
and Related Products4 D 2832 Guide for Determining Yolatile and Nonvolatile
D 1535 Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell Sys- Content of Paint and Related Coatings4
ten14 D 3134 Practice for Establishing Color and Gloss Toler-
D 1640 Test Methods for Drying, Ctu·ing, or Film Fo1ma- ances4
tion of Organic Coatings at Roo1n Ten1perature4 D 3168 Practice for Qualitative ldentification of Polymers
D 1653 Test Methods for Water Vapor Trans1nission of in En1ulsion Paints4
Organic Coating Filn1s4 D 3170 Test Method for Chipping Resistance of Coatings7
D 1654 Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated D 3276 Guide for Painting lnspectors (Metal Substrates)7
Specünens Subjected to Corrosive Environ1nents4 D 3278 Test Methods for Flash Point of Liquids by S1nall-
D 1729 Practice for Visual Appraisal of Colors and Color Scale Closed-Cup Apparatus4
Differences of Dilfusely-llluminated Opaque Materials4 D 3281 Test Method for Fonnability of Attached Organic
D 1730 Practices for Preparation of Aluminum and Coatings with Impact-Wedge Bend Apparatus 11
Aluminum-Alloy Surfaces for Painting'º D 3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape
D 1731 Practices for Preparation of Hot-Dip Aluminum Test4
Surfaces for Painting'º D 3363 Test Method for Filn1 Hardness by Pencil Test4
D 1732 Practices for Preparation of Magnesium Alloy Sur- D 3792 Test Method for Water Content of Water-Reducible
faces for Painting 10 Paints by Direct lnjection into a Gas Chromatograph 4
D 1735 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings D 3793 Test Method for Low-Temperature Coalescence of
Using Water Fog Apparatus4 Latex Paint Fiims7
D 1849 Test Method for Package Stability of Paint7 D 3912 Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Coatings
D 2092 Guide for Treatment of Zinc-Coated (Ga]vanized) Used in Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants7
Steel Surfaces for Painting7 D 3924 Specification for Standard Environ1nent for Condi-
D 2196 Test Methods for Rheological Properties of Non- tioning and Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquers, and Related
Newtonian Materials by Rotational (Brookfield) Yiscom- Materials4
eter4 D 3925 Practice for Sa1npling Liquid Paints and Related
D 2197 Test Methods for Adhesion of Organic Coatings by Pig1nented Coatings4
Scrape Adhesion4 D 3928 Test Method for Evaluation of Gloss or Sheen
D 2201 Practice for Preparation of Zinc-Coated and Zinc- Unifo1mity 7
Alloy-Coated Steel Panels for Testing Paint and Relaled D 3960 Practice for Detern1ining Volatile Organic Co1n-
Coating Products4 pound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related Coatings4
D 2243 Test Method for Freeze-Thaw Resistance ofWater- D 4017 Tesl Method for Water in Paints and Paint Materials
borne Coatings7 by Karl Fischer Method4
D 2244 Test Method for Calculation of Color Differences D 4060 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates4 Coatings by the Taber Abraser4
D 2247 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in D 4062 Test Method for Leveling of Paints by Draw-Down
100 % Relative Humidity 4 Method7
D 2354 Test Method for Mínimum Film Formation Tem- D 4138 Test Methods for Measurement of Dry Film Thick-
perature (MFF'I') of Emulsion Yehicles6 ness of Protective Coating Systems by Destructive Means7
D 2369 Test Method for Yolatile Content of Coatings4 D 4141 Practice for Conducti ng Accelerated Outdoor Expo-
D 2371 Test Method for Pigment Content of Solvent- sure Tests of Coatings4
Reducible Paints4 D 4212 Test Method for Viscosity by Dip-Type Viscosity

Annual Book of ASTM Suuulards. Vol 06.04.
'º A111111al 8ook of ASTM S1a11dards, Vol 02.05. 11
Discontinued; see 1994 Anm,al Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.

4~l~o ss11
D 4214 Test Methods for Evaluating Degree of Chalking of D 6132 Test Method for Nondestructive Measure1nent of
Exterior Paint Films4 Dry Fihn Thickness of Applied Organic Coatings Over
D 4287 Test Method for High-Shear Viseosily Using the ICI Concrete Using an Ultrasonic Gage4
Cone/Plate Viseometer4 E 84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
D 4366 Test Methods for Hardness of Organie Coatings by Building Materials 12
Pendulum Damping Tests 4 F 1249 Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate
D 4400 Test Methods for Sag Resistanee of Paints Using a Through Plastie Film and Sheeling Using a Modulated
Multinotch Applieator7 Infrared Sensor 13
D 4457 Test Method for Determination of Diehloromethane G 7 Praetiee for Atmospherie Environ1nental Exposure
and 1, 1, l -T1iehloroethane in Paints and Coatings by Direet Testing of Nonmetallic Materia!s 14
Injection into a Gas Chro,natograph 4 G 8 Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline
D 4541 Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Coatings7
Using Portable Adhesion Testers7 G 14 Test Method for Jmpaet Resistance of Pipeline Coat-
D 4585 Practice for Testing the Water Resistance of Coat- ings (Falling Weight Test)7
ings Using Controlled Condensation4 G 19 Test Method for Disbonding Charaeteristics of Pipe-
D 4587 Praeliee for Condueting Tests on Paint and Relaled line Coatings by Direet Soil Burial7
Coalings and Materials Using a Fluoreseent UV- G 20 Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Pipeline
Condensation Light- and Water-Exposure Apparatus4 Coatings7
D 4712 Guide for Testing Industrial Water-Reducible Coat- G 23 Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus
ings7 (Carbon-Arc Type) With and Without Water for Expostu-e
D 4752 Test Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of of Non1netallie Materials 14
Ethyl Silicate (lnorganic) Zinc-Rich Pri1ners by Solvent G 26 Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus
Rub7 (Xenon-Are Type) With and Without Water for Exposure
D 4958 Test Method for Co1nparison of the Brush Drag of of Non1netallie Materials 14
Latex Paints 7 G 42 Test Method for Cathodie Disbonding of Pipeline
D 5009 Test Method for Evaluating and Comparing T:rans- Coalings Subjected to Elevated Temperatures7
fer Efficiency Under Laboratory Conditions7 G 50 Praeliee for Condueting Atmospherie Corrosion Tests
on Metals2
D 5031 Practice for Conducting Tests on Paints and Related
G 53 Praetiee for Operating Light-and Water-Exposure Ap-
Coatings and Materials Using Enclosed Carbon-Arc Ex-
paratus (Fluoreseent UV-Condensation Type) for Exposure
postu-e Apparatus4
of Nonmetallie Materia!s 14
D 5064 Praeliee for Conducting a Pateh Test to Assess
G 80 Test Method for Specific Cathodie Disbonding of
Coaling Compatibilily7
Pipeline Coatings7
D 5065 Guide for Assessing the Condition of Aged Coat-
G 85 Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing2
ings on Steel Surfaces7
G 90 Practice for Performing Aeeelerated Outdoor Weath-
D 5146 Guide to Testing Solvent-Borne Architectural Coat-
ering of Nonmetallic Materials Using Coneentrated Natu-
ral Sunlight 14
D 5162 Practice for Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of
G 95 Test Method for Cathodic Disbondment Test of Pipe-
Nonconduetive Proteetive Coatings on Metallic Sub-
line Coatings (Attached Cell Method) 7
G 113 Tenninology Relating to Natural and Artificial
D 5201 Practice for Calculating Formulation Physieal Con- Weathering Tests of Nonmetallic Materials 14
stants of Paints and Coatings4 G 141 Guide for Addressing Variability in Exposure Testing
D 5235 Test Method for Microscopical Measure,nent of on Nonmetallic Materials 14
Dry Fihn Thickness of Coatings on Wood Products 7 G 147 Praetiee for Condilioning and Handling of Non1ne-
D 5286 Test Methods for Detennination of Transfer Effi- tallic Materials for Natural and A1tificial Weathering
eiency Under General Produetion Conditions for Spray Tests 14
Applieation of Paints7 G 151 Praeliee for Exposing Nonmetallie Materials in Ac-
D 5324 Guide for Testing Water-Borne Architectural Coat- eelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light
ings7 Sourees 14
D 5327 Practice for Evaluating and Comparing Transfer G 152 Praetice for Operating Open Flame Carbon Are Light
Efficiency Under General Laboratory Conditions7 Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallie Materials 14
D 5402 Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resistance of G 153 Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Are Light
Organic Coatings Using Solvent R ubs 7 Apparatus for Exposure of Nonrnetallie Materia!s 14
D 5894 Praetiee for Cyelic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of G 154 Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus
Painted Metal, (Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabi- for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materia!s 14
net and a UV/Condensalion Cabinet)4
D 6093 Test Method for Percent Volume Nonvolatile Matter 12
Anmwl Book of A!:/tM Srandards, Vol 04.07.
in Clear or Pigmented Coatings Using a Helium Gas 13
An11ual Book of A!:/tM Srandards, Vol 15.09.
Pycnometer4 14
Annual Book o/ASJM Sta11dards, Vol 14.04.

4~l~o ss11
G 155 Practice for Operating Xenon Are Light Apparatus control coating system of known perfonnance in the service
for Exposure of Nonn1etallic Materials 14 environment should be included in the testing for comparison.
2.2 Federal Standards:
5. Conclitions Affecting Perfor1nance
2.3 U.S. Federal Test Method Standard No. 141C: 15 5.1 Practica! requiren1ents and perforn1ance of industrial
1022 Sampling for lnspection and Testing coatings may vary with the following :
2112 Application by Roller 5.1.1 Substrate Type-Ferrous, nonferrous, previously
213 l Application of Sprayed Films coated surfaces, 1nasonry, and other n1aterials.
2141 Application of Brushed Films 5.1.2 Substrate Conditions and Surface Profile-
2161 Application of Film with Fihn Applicator (Magnetic Cleanliness, porosity, s1noothness, and \veathering of the s ub-
Chuck) strates.
2162 Application of Film with Film Applicator Using Suc- 5.1.3 Substrate Aspects of Structure-Construction defects
tion Panel Holder or defects due to age such that excessive moisture makes its
way tlu·ough a porous substrate or is trapped in components;
301 I Condition in Container
design defects that cause galvanic corrosion; environmental
4061 Drying Tin1e
exposure to deteriorating materials such as deicing salts,
4321 Brushing Properties
irnproperly prepared welds, or other site-specific detrimental
4331 Spraying Properties conditions.
4335 Roller Coating Properties 5.1.4 Type, quality, and suitability of the surface treatment
4401 Odor Test or primer used and time of drying before coating application.
2.4 U.S. Environ,nental Protection Agency Slandard: 16 5.1.5 Application methods and techniques.
EPA Federal Reference Method 24 - Detennination of 5.1.6 Applicaiion and Cure Condilions- Environmental
Volatile Matter Content, Density, Volume Solids, and conditions, such as temperature and relative hunlidity, during
Weight Solids of Surface Coatings application and drying.
2.5 NACE Siandard: 17 5.1.7 Service Conditions- Environmental conditions such
TM-01-74 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Pro- as ten1perature, humidity, and chemical and 111echanical su·ess.
tective Coatings and Lining Mate1ials in Irrunersion Ser-
vice 6. Sampling and Test Conditions
2.6 ANSI Standard: 18 6.1 P1ior to san1pling, the condition of the container should
N512 Protective Coatings (Paints) for the Nuclear Industry be checked since darnage to it may cause evaporation, skin-
ning, or other undesirable effects on the coating.
3. Terminology 6.2 Sample in accordance with Practice D 3925 or Method
3.1 Definitions: 1022 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 141C. Prepare
3.1.1 For definilions of terms used in this guide, refer to coating fihns of unifo1m thickness on test panels in accordance
Terminology D 16. with Practices D 823.
3.1.2 The definitions given in Tenninology G 113 relating to 6.3 Tests and observations shall be at standard laboratory
natural and artificial weathering tests are applicable to this conditions in accordance with Specification D 3924 unless
guide. otherwise specified or agreed upon betwee n the supplier and
the user.
4. Significance and Use
7. Liquid Coatings Properties
4 .1 This guide is intended to provide assistance in selecting
appropriate tests for evaluating the general performance Ievel 7 .1 Condition in Container- Thickening, settling, and sepa-
to be expected of a coating or coating system on a given ration are undesirable and objectionable if a liquid coating
substrate exposed to a given type of environ1nent. cannot be reconditioned and made suitable for application with
4.2 Surface preparation or cleanliness prior to application of a reasonable arnount of stirring. The referenced test method,
the coating can be critica) to the proper perfonnance of the Method 301 l. l covers procedures for determining changes in
coating. properties after storage. Determine the condition in the con-
4.3 Results obtained in the tests cited in this guide 1nay not tainer in accordance with Method 3011. l of U .S. Federal Test
be adequate for predicting coating service life of a specific Method Standard No. 141C.
coating systen1 in a specific environ1nental exposure. A suitable 7.2 Coarse Particles and Foreign Matter- Liquid coatings
1nust be free of coarse particles and foreign matter to be able to
form uniform films of good appearance. A typical 111axin1um
value is 0.5 weight % of the total n1aterial. Detern1ine the
Available from St,mdardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D,
700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS. content of coarse pa1ticles and foreign n1atter in accordance
16 with Test Methods D 185. This referenced method uses mate-
Available from Superimemlem of Documents, U.S. Government Printiní!
Office, Washington. DC 20402. - 1ial retained in a 325-mesh (45-µm) screen as a measure of
Available from t.he National Association of Corrosion Engineers, P.O. Box
coarse particle and foreign ,natter.
218340. Houston, TX 77218.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42 SL, 13'" Floor. 7 .3 Density or ~Veight per Gallon- The density as measured
New York. NY 10036. by weight per gallon is used to help ensure product uniformity

4~l~o ss11
fron1 batch to batch. Test Method D 1475. gives a procedure for D 56, D 93, or D 3278.
measuring the density of the coating at specified temperature. 7.8 Freeze-Thaiv Stability-Waterborne coatings may be
A calibrated weight-per-gallon cup is used. Detern1ine the subjected to freezing conditions during shipping and storage.
density in accordance with Test Method D 1475. Suitably stabilized products can resist severa! cycles of freez-
7.4 Fineness of' Dispersion- Pigmented paints involve the ing and thawing without showing deleterious changes such as
dispersion of colored pigments and filler pigments into the coagulation, graininess (seeding), or excessive viscosity in-
liquid vehicle. Generally, the more finely a pigment is dis- crease. Test Method D 2243 covers the deternlÍnation of the
persed, the more efficiently it is being utilized. The fineness of extent to which waterborne coatings retain their original
dispersion (or fineness of "grind") provides a means to measure consistency and freedom from lumps when subjected to
and report the degree to which pigment agglomerates have freezing and subsequent thawing. Determine freeze-thaw re-
been broken down in the dispersion process. The degree of sistance in accordance with Test Method D 2243.
dispersion can affect paint properties such as color, gloss, and 7.9 Odor- Odor is often associated with the volatile co1n-
pigment settling. Deterrnine fineness of dispersion in accor- ponents: organic solvents or amn1onia in waterborne coatings.
dance with Test Method D 121 O. No specific ASTM test 1nethod is available for evaluating odor.
7.5 Settling-The amount and type of setlling is an indica- Mell1od 440 l of Federal Test Method Standard No. 141 C does
tion of ho\v well the pigments re1nain in suspension and how address" characteristic" or expected odor. Test Method D 1296
easily settled pigment can be remixed. Pig1nents and fillers ,nay also be suitable as the basis for a test even though it is not
dispersed in paints are subject to settling as generally described specifically designed for liquid coatings.
in Stokes Law. Detennine the degree of settling in accordance 7.10 Microorganisnz Resistance-Microorganisms in water-
with Test Method D 869. borne paints can cause gassing, putrefaction, or fermentation
7.6 Viscosily-Viscosity refers to the flo\v resistance of a and their corresponding odors, and loss in viscosity and film
fluid. Viscosity values are often related to application proper- build capability. Determine if the liquid coating contains living
ties such as flow, leveling, and sag resistance and should fall bacteria and if it is resistant to attack by bacteria in accordance
within an agreed-upon range. with Test Method D 2574.
7 .6.1 Viscosity of Ne~vtonian or Near Ne1vtonian Fluids- 7 .11 Package Stability-Since liquid coatings cannot nor-
(constant viscosity regardless of shear rate), may be measured 1nally be used immediately after 1nanufacture, they must
in accordance with Test Methods D 1200 and D 4212. This remain stable in the package for so1ne tüne. Test Method
viscosity measure,nent is used to determine package viscosity D 1849 covers the change in consistency and in certain related
and application viscosity. Viscosity of 11011-Newtonian materi- properties that may take place in packaged coatings when
als should be measured in accordance with Test Methods stored at a temperature above room te1nperature. Detennine
D 2196 since it measures resistance to flow at different shear package stability in accordance with Test Method D 1849.
rates. The ratio of viscosity values at different shear rates is 7 .12 Volatile ConJent of Coatings-Test Method D 2369 is
also a way of measuring thixotropy often related to film build used to determine the weight percent volatile content of
or sag resistance. Determine viscosity in accordance with Test coatings. Test Method D 2369 is also used in the determination
Methods D 1200 or D 2196. of the volatile organic compound (VOC) content of coatings
7.6.2 Consistency (lo~v-Shear Viscosity)- Consistency is (Practice D 3960 and EPA Method 24). Test Method D 2369
used n1ainly to ensure product unifornúty. Consistency is can also be used to set acceptance linúts in qualification testing
defined in Test Method D 562. as the load in grams required to or purchase specifications. Guide D 2832 provides a guideline
produce a specific rate of rotation in a specin1en using the in selecting standards for detern1ining volatile and nonvolatile
Sto,ner viscometer. This is a one-speed test 1nethod. Two paints content of paint.
of the same consistency may have quite dilferent rheological 7 .13 Volume Solids Content- The volume of so lid n1aterials
properties during application. Detern1ine consistency in accor- from a can of paint is related to the spread rate at recomn1ended
dance with Test Method D 562. dry filn1 thlckness and 100 % transfer efficiency. The volume of
7.6.3 High-Shear Viscosity-The viscosity of a paint under solid materials can be used to calculate the number of square
high shear is related to its behavior when brushed, rolled, or feet a gallon of paint will cover at recommended film thickness
sprayed applied. In Test Methods D 4287 and D 4958, the and actual transfer efficiency. The volume solids value then can
shear rate is similar to that occurring during brush application be used to estímate the arnount of paint needed for a job or
so that the measured viscosity is related to brush drag, allow a co1nmon basis for the econornic cornparison of
spreading rate, and film build. High-shear viscosity is more competitive paints "vhose volu1ne solids and reco1nmended
likely used in the develop1nent and quality control of paints fihn thickness 1nay differ. The measured value of volu,ne solids
than a require1nent in a paint specification. Dete1mine high- 1nay not equal volu1ne solids based on calculation (Practice
shear viscosity in accordance with Test Method D 4287. D 5201). Detennine volume solids in accordance with Test
7. 7 Flash Point-Flash point refers to the lowest tempera- Methods D 2697 and D 6093.
ture at which a vapor will ignite if presented with an ignition 7.14 Volatile Organic Compound Content- The U.S. EPA
source such as a flame or spark. The flash point for a paint is Federal Reference Method 24 is the regulatory method ofVOC
needed to conform \vith many government regulations con- content detennination. Practice D 3960 is used to determine the
cerning transportation, labeling, packaging, and storage proce- VOC content of the paint, based on volatile content, Test
dures. Dete1n1ine flash point in accordance with Test Methods Method D 2369, density, Test Method D 1475, water content,

4~l~o ss11
Test Method D 3792 (GC analysis) or Test Method D 4017 solvent loss during the curing process. Determine the wet film
(Karl Fischer titration), and exempt solvent, Test Method thickness in accordance with Test Methods D 1212.
D 4457 (GC analysis for l, 1, 1-trichloroethane). 8.6 Lo111-Teniperature Coales cence of Paints-A test
7. l 5 Chemical Analysis-Chenlical anal ysis deternlines the 1nethod to dete1mine how well the latex particles in coating
presence of specified con1ponents and their quantities. Test will fuse together or coalesce to form a continuous fihn at low
Method D 2621 and Practice D 3168 address the use of temperature is described in Test Method D 3793. A test for the
infrared spectroscopy to identify paint vehicle solids. Test ,ninimum fihn formation temperature is described in Test
Method D 2371 describes the procedure for quantitative sepa- Method D 2354.
ration of the vehicle from the pigment in coatings to determine 8.7 Touch-Up-For many coating systems it is ünportant to
the weight percent pigment in the paint. More complete series be able to repair damage sustained during production, delivery,
of test methods by which paint or its component materials n1ay or after delivery. A coating can be tested by applying it with a
be analyzed, are governed by Subcommittee DOl.21. small nylon bristle brush or air brush to a small section of a
7.16 Transfer Efficiency-The transfer efficiency of paint is panel previously coated with it. When the touch-up area has
defined as the ratio of paint solids deposited to the total paint dried, it is examined to see if its appearance is significantly
solids used during the application process, expressed as a difterent than the appearance of the initial coating. Determine
percent. Transfer efficiency is i,nportant in qualifying applica- the ability to touch up the coating in accordance with Test
tion test ,nethods in certain regulated regions of the country. Method D 3928. Test the adhesion of the original and touch-up
Transfer efficiency is a function of the application test method, areas in accordance ,vith Test Methods D 3359 or other agreed
application equip1nent, and operator ski!!. Detennine transfer upon test n1ethod.
efficiency of a coating application test n1ethod or equipment in 8.8 Sag Resistance-Sagging is driven by gravitational
accordance with Test Methods D 5009 and D 5286 and Prac- shear stress. The sagging shear stJ·ess n1agnitude depends
tice D 5327. entirely on the wet film thickness and density. Test the sag
resistance in accordance with Test Methods D 4400.
8. Application and Film Formation 8.9 Pot Life-Pot life is the length of time in which ú1e
8.1 Panel Preparation- Select a substrate as agreed upon application and perfonnance properties of catalyzed paints will
between the supplier and the user. Prepare panels in accordance not change within an acceptable range. Pot life of the coating
with appropriate Practices D 609, D 1730, D 1731, D 1732, or can be determined by monitoring the change in coating
D 2201 or Guide D 2092. application and performance properties over time using va1;ous
8.2 Application Properties-Determine the ease with ,vhich viscosity, sag resistance, application, and performance tests.
the liquid coating can be applied to various surfaces with
brush, spray, or other application equipment. Application 9. Appearance of Dry Fihn
properties are generally co,npared to a standard, or described 9.1 Color- The color of the coating may be specified
by require1nent.~ in a product specification. Application prop- independently oras the color-difference with respect to another
erties are related to such characteristics as kinetic viscosity, color that is usually the standard. Visual and instJ·u1nental
non-Newtonian rheology, surface tension, shear sensitivity, n1ethods are both applicable. An opaque filn1 may be prepared
micelle stability, electJ;cal resistivity, erosion abrasiveness, by n1aking one or n1ore applications of coating onto a black-
conductivity, heat capacily, and corrosiveness. Deternline the and-white substrate until the substrate is completely obscured.
application properties in accordance with Method 2112, 2131, Each application should be performed in a normal 1nanner with
2141, 2161, 2162, 4321, 4331, or 4335 of Federal Test Method respect to application method, drying, and fihn thickness.
Standard No. 141C. 9.1.1 Color Dijferences by Visual Evaluation- Visual com-
8.3 Drying Properties- The drying time of the coatings is parison of color is fast, and often acceptable, although numeri-
important in dete1mining when the applied coatings can be cal values are not obtained. Practice D 1729 covers the
handled or packed. Also, inadequate drying of the film n1ay spectral, photometric, and geometric characteristics of light
result in poor film and poor appearance and if used on an source, illuminating and vie,ving conditions, size of specimens,
exterior surface, rain, dew, or snow may cause a nonuniform and general procedures to be used in the visual evaluation of
appearance. Determine drying time in accordance with Test color differences of opaque materials. Determine color differ-
Methods D 1640, Method 4061 of the Federal Test Method ence by visual evaluation in accordance with Practice D 1729
Standard No. 141 C, or as agreed upon between the purchaser or Test Method D 2616.
and the seller. 9.1.2 Color Differences of Opaque Material by lnstru,nental
8.4 Leveling Properties-Leveling is an importan! factor Evaluation- lnstruments can measure color difference be-
when uniform surfaces are to be produced, as it affects hiding tween a product and the standard. Generally, the tolerance is
and appe,u-ance. The referenced test ,nethod covers the labo- agreed upon between the supplier and the user and 1nay also be
ratory detennination of the relative leveling characteristics of required if a product specification is involved. Color 111easuring
liquid coatings. Determine the leveling characteristics in ac- inst1·un1ents provide nu1nerical values that can be subsequently
cordance with Test Method D 4062. con1pared to later measure,nents. Test Method D 2244 covers
8.5 Wet Film Thickness-The 111easurement of ,vet filn1 the instrumental detennination of small color differences
thickness provides opportunity to check the coating and its observable under daylight illumination between nonfluores-
application process. It is important that wet film ,neasurements cent, nonmetameric, opaque surfaces such as coated specimen.
are made as soon as the coating is applied to avoid error due to If meta1nerism is suspected, visual evaluation (9.1.1) should be

4~l~o ss11
used to verify the results. Malee instrumental 111easuren1ent of 10.4 Elongation- Elongation is the increase in the length of
color difference in accordance with Test Method D 2244. a dried and cured coating as a result of tensile stress, usually
Tolerances are discussed in Practice D 3134. expressed as a percentage of the original length. Elongation is
9.1.3 Color Description by Visual Evaluation-In sorne a 1neasure of the coating flexibility and its ability to withstand
cases, it is necessary to specify or identify a color instead of a the deformation of supporting surfaces without cracking or
color dilference fTom so,ne standard. Va1ious color atlases are peeling. Detennine elongation in accordance with Test Meth-
available, the most common being the Munsell System. De- ods D 522 or D 3281.
scribe or identify the Munsell color in accordance with Practice 10.5 lnternal Stresses- Inte1nal stresses in coatings arise as
D 1535. a result of their shrinkage, expansion, cross-linking, or differ-
9.1 .4 Color Description by Instrumental Evaluation- ences in thermal expansion coefficients between coating and
Instrun1ental measurements involve the detennination of CIE substrate, which may lead to cracking or loss of adhesion.
tristimulus values, X, Y, and Z, from which other color Interna! stresses may be determined quantitatively by strain
coordinates such as L*, a*, b* or L, a, b values may be gage or the cantilever methods that measure the curvature
calculated or obtained directly with sorne instrurnents. De- (deflection) of one-side coated panels, which will curve or
scribe or identify in accordance with Test Method D 2244. bend due to forces exerted at the substrate-coating interface as
9.2 Gloss- The end use determines whether the gloss a result of interna! stresses. 19•2 º
should be high, semigloss, eggshell, or flat. Determine the 10.6 Hardness- Hardness is a measure of the ability of
gloss in accordance with Test Method D 523 using 20, 60, or dried coating to resist indentation. Detennine hardness in
85 geometry as appropriate. Detennine the gloss tolerances in accordance with Test Methods D 1474, D 3363, and D 4366.
accordance with Practice D 3134. 10.7 Discontinuity (Holiday)- Discontinuities such as
9.3 Hiding Power (Dry Opacity)-Hiding power is the voids, cracks, thin spots, foreign inclusions, or conta1nination
measure of the ability of a paint to hide the substrate. Test in the coating filrn can significantly decrease the perfonnance
Method D 344 is a practica! test in ,vhich paint is applied ,vith of the coating filn1. Discontinuities in a coating are frequently
a brush, film lhickness is approximately ,neasured, and opacity very 1ninute and not readily visible. Practice D 5162 provides
is evaluated visually as co,npared to a standard paint. Results a procedure for electrical detection of minute discontinuilies in
are alfected by flow and leveling application properties of the nonconductive coating systems.
paint. Test Method D 2805 is considered to be a more precise 10.8 Inipact Resistance- Impact resistance is a measure of
and accurate test method that does not need a material paint the ability of a d1ied coating to withstand a striking blo\v or
standard. Paint is applied with an applicator bar to minimize impingement. Determine the impact resistance in accordance
the effects of flow and leveling, film thickness is rigorously \vith Test Methods D 2794, D 3170, or G 14.
measured, and opacity is instrumentally evaluated. Determine 10.9 Buming Characteristics- The rate of response and the
hiding power in accordance with Test Methods D 344 or extent of degradation when organic coatings are exposed to fire
D 2805. depend on coating composition, temperature, and length of
exposure. Detennine surface burning characteristics of coating
10. Properties of Dry Film materials in accordance with Test Method E 84.
10.1 Abrasion Resistance-Abrasion resistance is a mea- 10.1 O Slip Coefficient and Creep Resistance- ln steel con-
sure of the ability of a dried coating to withstand wearing by struction, the coating used on the faying surfaces of slip-
friclional 1novements of another solid, liquid, or gas, or critical, high-strength, bolted connections must 1neet ce1iain
co,nbinalion thereof. Coatings can be da,naged by abrasion requirernents. Specification for structural joints requires a
during manufacturing and service. Detennine abrasion resis- minünum slip coefficient. The testing specification also ensures
tance in accordance with Test Methods D 658, D 968, or that the creep deforn1ation of the coating due to both the
D 4060. clamping force of the bolt and the service load joint shear are
10.2 Adhesion- Adhesion is the property of the coating that such that the coating will provide satisfactory n1echanical
resists removal from the substrate. Test Methods D 2197 pe1fo1n1ance under sustained loading. Deternline slip coeffi-
covers the use of a scrape adhesion tester and a parallel groove cient and creep resistance in accordance with A1nerican Insti-
adhesion tester. In Test Methods D 3359, cuts are made in the tute of Steel Construction specification for structural joints2 1 or
fihn and pressure-sensitive tape applied and rernoved. The equivalent test procedures.
pull-off test, Test Method D 4541, is a measurement of tensile
stress as compared to the shear stress rneasurements applied by 11. Performance of Dry Filn1
other scratch adhesion methods. The pull adhesion testers are 11.1 Moisture Vapor Transnzission Rate- The capability of
portable and capable of applying a concentric load and counter resisting or aiding the passage of water vapor is one of the
load to a single surface. The pull-off strength is computed
based on the maximun1 indicated load, the instrument calibra- 19
Korobov, Y., and Salem, L., "Stress Analysis as a Too) in Coating Research,"
tion data, and the original surface area stressed. Marerials Pe,jónnance, Vol 29, No. 4 , 1990, pp. 30-35.
10.3 D,y Filni Thickness-There are severa! test methods 20
Perera, D. Y., and Yander Eynde, D., "Considerations on a Cantilever (Beam)
cu1Tently being used for detern1ining dry filn1 thickness. tvlethod for tvleasuring the lnte111al Stress in Organic Coatings," Jounwl ofCoa1ings
Tec/1110/ogy, Vol 53, No. 677, J une 198 l.
Depending on the substrates being used, the following test 21
American lnstitute of Steel Construction, "Testing Method to Determine the
melhods should be considered: Test Methods D 1005, D 1186, Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints," E11gineeri11g Journa/, Third
D 1400, D 4138, D 5235, and D 6132. Quar/er, 1985. Appe11dix A.

4~l~o ss11
factors affecting the perforn1ance provided by an organic environ1nent of interest, without the need for any "weathering"
coating. The water vapor trans1nission is not a linear function simulations. An in1portant attribute of this approach is also the
of film thickness, temperature, or relative hurnidity. Values of fact that long-term exposure data can generally be obtained at
water vapor transmission rate (WVT) and water vapor per- relatively low cost. Exterior exposure data also represents a
meance (WVP) can be used in the relative rating of coatings benchn1ark for "calibrating" the perfo1mance of accelerated
only if the coalings are tested under the same closely controlled laboratory tests. Exterior exposure tests have been used for
conditions of ten1perature and relative humidity, and the equal ,nany years. The limitations of exte1ior exposure tests are the
filn1 thickness. Determine water vapor transmission rate in time required to evaluare the resistance of materials to weath-
accordance with Test Methods D 1653 and F 1249. ering and the va1iation of test results with location, season,
11.2 Catlwdic Disbonding-NormaI soil potentials as weil year-to-year differences in radiant exposure, temperature, and
as applied cathodic protection potentials may cause loosening moisture. However, these tests continue to be popular because
of the coating, often beginning at holiday edges. An accelerated no satisfactory accelerated laboratory tests are available at the
test method provides condilions for loosening to occur and present time to completely replace outdoor testing. Over the
therefore gives a n1easure of resistance of coatings to this type years, a number of standard tests and testing procedt1res have
of action. Determine comparative characteristics of insulating evolved for outdoor exposure testing. The following standards
coating systems applied to steel pipe exterior for the purpose of are particularly relevant:
preventing or mitigating corrosion that 1nay occur in under- 11 .5. l Exterior Exposure Tests of Paints on Steel-Practice
ground service in accordance with Test Methods G 8, G 19, D 10 14 covers the detennination of the relative service of
G 42, G 80, or G 95. exterior paints and other 1naterials of si1nilcu- purpose when
applied on steel surfaces exposed outdoors. Experience indi-
11.3 Chemical Resistance- Chemical deterioration or stain-
cates that the steel used as a test surface has a n1arked bearing
ing resistance test methods of coatings are to be representative
on the weathering results. The purpose of Practice D 1014 is to
of actual exposure conditions. Test Method D 1308 describes
n1inin1ize the influence of variation in steel surfaces on any
techniques for exposing the coating surface to a spot of the
series of tests by providing for uniformity in ú1e selection of
reagent on the coating surface. Test Methods C 868, D 1308,
the steel surface, particularly in a cooperative \vork. Practice
D 3912, G 20, ANSI N512 Section 5 and NACE TM0174,
D 1014 also outlines uniform procedures for conducting the
Procedure B, Two-Side Testing, describes techniques for im-
exposure tests and for evaluating and recording results. Prac-
mersion of a coated test panel in the reagent for a specified
tice G 50 defines conditions for exposure of metals and alloys
period with timed check points. The choice of testing reagents
to the weather, setting forth the general procedures that should
should be related to the coatings end use. Test Method D 4752
be follo\ved in conducting any atmospheric test. Practice G 50
and Practice D 5402, MEK resistance by solvent rub, provides
is concemed mainly with panel exposures to obtain data for
a quick relative test without having to wait for exposure results.
cornparison purposes and covers factors such as multiple years
This test has been shown to correlate well with the cure of
of exposures to minirnize influence of seasonal and complex
son1e coatings tested. If the effect of a temperature gradient is
weather effects, and the importance of control specimens.
to be included in the evaluation of a protective lining applied
Practice G 50 also covers test rack design.
to a steel substrate, a test method which closely approximates
the service condilions, including the temperature differential N OTE 3-A nurnber of outdoor test sites exist worldwide for conducting
between the externa! and internal surfaces, should be used. exposure tests. Historically, the test sites have been classified as rural,
Evaluate the chemical resistance of coating system with urban, industrial, marine, and so forth, depending on geographical location
and the type(s) of pollutants/contaminants present. The se verity of a given
temperature gradient in accordance with ·T est Method C 868 or
weathering site is highly dependen! on a nU1nber of co1nplex, and often
an altemative method NACE TM-01 -74-91, Procedure A, interrelated factors such as UV /solar radiation, te1nperature, wind direc-
One-Side Testing. tion, concentrations, and surface deposition of corrosive species, espe-
11.4 Moisture Resistance-For moisture resistance tests, an cially chloride such as frorn airborne salt, tin1e of wetness, frequency and
environment that replicates the wet conditions of the service pH of rainfall , degree of sheltering, and so forth. Tf it is necessary to test
the perfor111ance of a coating to sunlight as well as a specific environn1ent
environment is typically preferred. If the coating is exposed to
of interest such as marine, industrial, urban, or rural, it is important to
sorne type of water spray, Practice D 1735, which uses a water clearly recognize this in the objective(s) of a test progran1 before selecting
fog apparatus should be considered. For coatings in a humid a suitable exterior exposure site. Also, it is essential that historical
environment, Practice D 2247 is preferred. If a coating is severity/corrosion data be available for the proposed exposure s ite to
exposed to outdoor or condensing humidity environ1nents, justify its choice.
Practice D 4585, which cycles between wet and dry environ- 11.5.2 Atmospheric Environmental Exposure Testing of
ments is preferred. Test Method D 870 describes testing water Nonmetallic Materials- Practice G 7 is intended to facilitate
resistance of coatings and using water ilnrnersion. Most of the collection of unifonn results by indicating the variables that
these tests are conducted at the anticipated temperature range should be considered and specified in environn1ental exposure
of the operating environn1ent. When accelerated test conditions testing of nonn1etallic materials. The use of "Han·ison" type
are used, they should be recorded as such. test racks for faciiitating the exposures is illustrated in Practice
11.5 Exterior Exposure Tests- Exterior exposure testing G 7.
represents a prag1natic and cost-effective approach for testing 11.5.3 Accelerated Outdoor Exposure- Practice D 4141
the perfo1mance of mate1ials. Exterior exposure testing pro- covers three accelerated outdoor exposure procedures for
vides the ability for direct exposure to the natural, real-world evaluating the exterior durability of coatings applied to metal

4~l~o ss11
substrates. The procedures described are designed to provide to yield degradation that is different from degradation caused
faster degradation rates for coatings than those provided by by one influence. Practice G 151 describes the performance
fixed outdoor exposure racks that optimize the annuaI solar requirements for any device used to conduct laboratory accel-
radiation. Procedure A in Practice D 4141 is a black box erated weathering tests. Practice G 147 describes procedures
exposure that accelerates degradation for many coatings be- for conditioning and handling of specimens that are being
cause of the higher panel temperatures during irradiation by the tested in laboratory accelerated or outdoor exposures. Guide
sun and longer ti111er of wetness con1pared to open-rack, 5°, G 141 provides information on sources of variability in weath-
equator-facing exposures. Procedure B of Practice D 4141 uses ering tests, and suggests procedures that can be used to cope
a heated black box exposure and is considered most useful for with this variability. lt is i1nportant to docu1nent the conditions
exposures conducted in the fall, winter, and early spring when for a particular test. The most common weathering devices can
it produces significantly higher temperatures than those pro- be characterized by their light source.
duced by the 5°, equator-facing black box. This procedure, Enclosed Carbon-Arc, Practices D 5031, G 23, and
therefore, produces greater rates of degradation compared to G 153- Enclosed carbon are was first used as a solar simulator
Procedure A. Procedure C of Practice D 4141, which uses a back in 1918. The spectral power distribution of light from an
Fresnel-Reflector Rack, provides even faster degradation rates enclosed carbon are is significantly different fro1n the solar
than either Procedure A or B because of the higher sunlight radiation and the energy produced fro111 light sources used in
intensity and higher panel temperature. The degradation rates other accelerated \Veathering devices. The rate and type of
are dependent on the seasons of exposure, geographical loca- degradation produced in exposure to enclosed carbon are can
tion, and type of coating and because the outdoor weather be much different from that produced in exposure to the
conditions vary from year to year. The procedures described in outdoor environments or other types of laboratory light
Practice D 4141 are only meaningful for comparing the relati ve sources.
performance of coatings exposed at the same time and the san1e Filtered Open-Fla,ne CarbonArc, Practices D 822,
location. G 23, and G 152-The filtered open-flame carbon are was an
11.5.4 Accelerated Outdoor Weathering oj'Nonmetallic Ma- improvement over the enclosed carbon are. The spectrum of
terials Using Concentrated Natural Sunlight-Practice G 90 this device compared more favorably to sunlight than the
provides a procedure for performing accelerated outdoor ex- enclosed carbon are. Ho\vever, it emits a significant amount of
posure testing of nonmetallic materials using a Fresnel- energy that is below the solar cutoff and into the UV-C portion
Reflector accelerated outdoor weathering test machine. The of the spectrum. These short wavelengths can cause unrealistic
exposure conditions best suited for the materials ,u-e not degradation when co111pared to natural exposures.
specified. Practice G 90 covers the 111ethod of obtaining, Xenon Are, Practices G 26, and G 155-Xenon are
measuring, and controlling the procedures and ce1tain condi- lan1ps use filters to reduce unwanted radiation. Practice G 155
tions of exposure, including sample preparation, test condi- specifies the spectral power distribution of xenon ares, \vhich
tions, and evaluation of results. The Fresnel-Reflector acceler- gi ves good simulation of the full spectru1n of the solar radialion
ated outdoor exposure test 111achines described in Practice G 90 for weathering. Xenon-arc exposure produces te1nperature
may be suitable for the determination of the relalive durability difference between dark and light color that is similar to those
of materials exposed to sunlight. in outdoor exposure. However, at unrealistically high-
11.5.5 Patch Test- Practice D 5064 covers the procedures irradiance levels, high amounts of near infrared energy can
for testing coating compatibility when maintenance of an cause unrealistic temperature differences in ditferently colored
in-place coating system is being contemplated. Intended for materials. As the lamp and filter age, the spectral power
field use, Practice D 5064 <loes not include assessment of distribution changes, which can be controlled by adjusting the
existing coating integrity to determine if it can be repainted, lamp wattage, or by replacing the filter.
nor whether the maintenance coating system is compatible with Fluorescenl UV, Practices D 4587, G 53, and
the substrate or corrosion products. G 154-Fluorescent UV lamps used as the light sources in this
1l.6 Laborato,y Exposure Tests-The outdoor corrosion of device do not replicate the sunlight spectrum. Ho\vever,
painted metais is influenced by many factors, which include sorne fluorescent UV Iamps replicate solar UV wavelengths
corrosive at111ospheres, rain, condensed dew, UV light, wet/dry that cause most of the damage to durable coatings. Practice
cycling, and temperature cycling. These factors frequently G 154 specifies the spectral distribution for the three different
have a synergistic effect on coating perfonnance. Laboratory fluorescent UY la111ps. The fluorescent UYA-340 lan1ps are
exposure tests were designed to subject coating materials to recom111ended for testing 1naterials intended for outdoor expo-
one or 111ore of such conditions in laboratory environment. sure. Fluorescent UVA -35 l lan1ps are recon1111ended for testing
Cyclic exposure tests are intended to closely silnulate the real 111aterials exposed behind window glass. Practice G 154 also
interaction of these factors and provide a 111ore realistic study specifies ú1e spectral distribution for fluorescenl UVB lan1ps
than is found in traditional tests with continuous exposure to a with peak emission at 313 11111. These lamps emit significant
static test condition. amounts of UVB radiation and produce very fasl, but often
11.6.1 Accelerated Weathering Test Method- It is ilnportant unrealistic degradation reactions. Because fluorescent UV
to note that light, moisture, and elevated temperatures are lamps lack the visible and near infrared radiation present in
responsible for most of the degradation of coating exposed solar radiation, they do not produce the temperature differences
outdoors. These three influence.s can react in a synergistic way between light and dark colors found in outdoor exposure.

4~l~o ss11
11.6.2 Corrosion Resistance Tests- It is reco1nmended for Salt Spray (Fog)- Practice B 117 salt spray, has
corrosion tests to expose specimens to co1Tosive solutions long been used as an accepted n1ethod of corrosion testing.
silnilar to those found in the service environment and in Unfo1tunately, continuous exposure to a static set of corrosive
conditions that simulate the real setting. Annex A5 of Practice conditions often do not give any indication of a material' s
G 85, the dil ute electrolyte cyclic fog/dry test, and Practices expected rank perforn1ance in its service environment. Cyclic
D 5894, cyclic co1Tosion/UV exposure test, are cyclic corro- corrosion tests such as cyclic fog/dry test described in Annex
sion tests with dilute electrolytes. Both are intended to provide AS of Practice G 85 and cyclic con·osion/UV exposure test
a more realistic simulation of the service environn1ent. Prac- described in Practice D 5894 are more suitable tests for
tices G 85 and D 5894 are preferred for laboratory con·osion evaluating coatings' con·osion performance.
study to obtain more realistic results than Practice B 117, the Filif'orrn Corrosion- Filiform corrosion is a special
continuous salt fog test. Other test conditions can be found in type of corrosion that occurs under coatings on metal substrates
Practice G 85. Annex Al of Practice G 85 is the conti nuous that is characterized by a definite threadlike structure and
acetic acid-salt spray test. Annex A2 of Practice G 85 is the directional growth. Determine the resistance to filiform co1To-
cyclic acidified salt spray test. Annex A3 of the Practice G 85 sion in accordance with Guide D 2803.
is the acidified synthetic seawater test. Annex A4 of Practice 11 .7 Reporling Results- Results obtained from exposure
G 85 describes the cyclic S02 salt spray (fog) test. conducted in accordance with the previously mentioned tests
11.6.2. 1 Cyclic Fog/Dry Test- This test consists of cycles can be used to co1npare the relative durability of materials
of d1y-off and fog expose periods. The electrolyte is much su~jected to the specific test used. No artificial exposure test
more dilute than traditional salt fog. The fog is performed at can be characterized as a total stin1ulation of natural or field
roo1n temperature, while the d1y-cycle is at elevated te1npera- exposures. Results from these laboratory accelerated exposures
ture to dry off ali visible moisture fro1n the specin1ens. Annex can be considered as representative of natural or field expo-
AS of Practice G 85 outlines this dilute electrolyte cyclic sures only when the degree of con1parative performance has
fog/dry test. been established for the specific 1naterials being tested. Inspect Cyclic Corrosion/UV Exposure Test-Practice and report the exposure res ults in accordance wilh Test
D 5894 describes the practice for alternating exposures in a Methods D 610, D 660, D 661, D 662, D 714 , D 772, D 1654,
fog/dry cabinet and a UV/condensation cabinet. The test D 4214, and Guide D 5065.
specimens are exposed to alte1nating pe1iods of one week in a
fluorescent UV/condensation chamber and one week in a cyclic 12. Key,vords
wet/dry salt fog chamber. 12. l coatings; industrial; maintenance; protective

TABLE 1 List of Test Methods by Properties

Property or Related Test Section ASTM Standard Federal Test Method

Standard 141 C

Guides 1.2 O 3276, O 4712, O 5146, O 5324
Terminology 3.1.1 0 16
3.1 .2 G 113
Sampling and Test Conditions:
Sampling 6.2 D 823, D 3925 1022
Test conditions 6.3 O 3924
Liquid Coatings Properties :
Condition in container 7.1 3011
Coarse particles and foreign matter 7.2 O 185
Density or weight per gallon 7.3 O 1475
Fineness of dispersion 7.4 O 1210
Settling 7.5 D 869
Viscosity: 7.6
Newtonian fluids 7.6.1 O 1200, O 2196, O 4212
Consistency 7.6.2 O 562
High-shear viscosity 7.6.3 O 4287, O 4958
Flash point 7.7 O 56, O 93, O 3278
Freeze-thaw stability 7.8 O 2243
Odor 7.9 O 1296 4401
Microorganism resistance 7.10 O 2574
Package stabi lity 7.11 O 1849
Volatile content of coatings 7.12 O 2369, O 2832
Volume solids 7.13 O 2697, O 5201 , O 6093
Volatile organic content 7.14 O 1475, O 2369, O 3792, O 3960
O 4017, O 4457
Chemical analysis 7.15 O 237 1, O 262 1, O 3168
Transter efficiency 7.16 O 5009, O 5286, O 5327
Application and Film Formation: 8
Panel preparation 8.1 O 609, O 1730, O 1731
Application properties 8.2 211 2, 213 1, 21 41 , 2161,
2162, 4321, 433 1, 4335
Drying properties 8.3 O 1640 4061

4~l~o ss11
TABLE 1 Continued
Property or Related Test Section ASTM Standard Federal Test Method
Standard 141c

Leveling properties 8.4 04062

Wet film thickness 8.5 O 1212
Low temperature coaleseenee of paints 8.6 O 2354, O 3793
Toueh-up 8.7 O 3359, O 3928
Sag resistanee 8.8 04400
Pot lífe 8 .9
Appearanee of Ory Film: 9
Color: 9.1
Color difference by visual evaluation 9.1.1 O 1729, O 2616
Color differenee by instrumental evaluation 9.1 .2 O 2244, O 3 134
Color deseríption by visual evaluation 9.1 3 O 1535
Color deseríption by instrumental evaluation 9.1.4 O 2244
Gloss 9.2 O 523, O 3134
Hiding power 9.3 O 344, O 2805
Propertíes of Ory Film: 10
Abrasion resistanee 1 0.1 O 658, O 968, O 4060
Adhesion 10.2 O 2197, O 3359, O 4541
Ory film thiekness 10.3 O 1005, O 1186, O 1400, O 4138,
O 5235, O 6132
Elongation 10.4 O 522, O 3281
1nternal stresses 10.5
Hardness 10.6 O 1474, O 3363, O 4366
Oiscontínuity (Holiday) 10.7 O 5162
lmpaet resislanee 10.8 O 2794, O 3 170, G 14
Burníng eharaeleristies 10.9 E 84
Slip eoelfieient and ereep resistance 10.1 0
Performance of Ory Film 11
Moisture vapor transmission rate 11 .1 O 1653, F 1249
Cathodie disbonding 11 .2 G 8, G 19, G 42, G 80, G 85
Chemieal resistanee 11 .3 C 868, O 1308, O 3912, O 4752,
O 5402, G 20
Moisture resistance 11.4 O 870, O 1735, O 2247, O 4585
Exterior exposure: 11 .5
Conducting 11 .5.1 O 1014, G 50
Atmospheric exposure 11 .5.2 G7
Aeeelerated outdoor weathering 11 .5.3 O 4141
Coneentrated sunlight 11 .5.4 G90
Pateh test 11.5 5 O 5064
Laboratory exposure: 11 .6
Aeeelerated weathering 11 .6.1 G 141 , G 147, G 151
Enclosed earbon are 11 .6.1 .1 O 5031 , G 23, G 153
Open llame earbon are 11 .6.1.2 O 822, G 23, G 152
Xenon are 11 .6.1.3 G 26, G 155
Fluorescent UV 11 .6.1.4 O 4587, G 53, G 154
Corrosion resistanee: 11.6.2 B 11 7, O 5894, G 85
Cyelie wet/dry test (Prohesion) G85
Cyelie corrosion/UV 11 .6.2.2 O 5894
Salt for (spray) 11 .6.2.3 B 11 7, G 85
Filiform eorrosion 11 .6.2.4 O 2803
Report results 11 .7 O 610, O 660, O 661, O 662,
O 714, O 772, O 1654, O 4214,
O 5065

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