Lecture 1 Answers

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Q1: Differences between preventive maintenance & corrective maintenance and

give example for each?

Preventive Maintenance:

is "a routine for periodically inspecting" with the goal of "noticing small problems and
fixing them before major ones develop. (Scheduled inspection).

Corrective Maintenance:

is a type of maintenance used for equipment after equipment break down or malfunction is
often most expensive (Replacement – Repair).

Q2: Define the maintenance and its different types?

Maintenance is: Any activity intended to retain or restore a functional unit in or to a

specified state in which the unit can perform its required functions.

Types of Maintenance are:

- Preventive maintenance is "a routine for periodically inspecting" with the

goal of "noticing small problems and fixing them before major ones develop. (Scheduled

- Corrective maintenance is a type of maintenance used for equipment after

equipment break down or malfunction is often most expensive (Replacement – Repair)

- Predictive maintenance is designed to determine the condition of in-service

equipment in order to estimate when maintenance should be performed and prevent
unexpected equipment failures. (Engine Oil Analysis – Turbine Borescope inspection)

Q3: Who have the authority to issues the technical publications of aircraft
maintenance? And give example of technical publication for each one of them.

The Authority that issues are?

1- MFR [Manufacturer]: (Boeing/Airbus/Lockheed Martin)

a. MM: Maintenance Manual

b. IPC: Illustrated Parts Catalogue

c. CR&O: Component Repair and Overhaul

d. SRM: Structure and Repair Manual

e. TB: Technical Bulletin

f. ASB: Alert Service Bulletin

g. MEL: Minimum Equipment List

2- GOV [Government]: (FAA/ECAA)

a. Airworthiness Directives (AD’s)

b. Regulations

c. Documents on Board

d. Blue Book.

3- AMO [Approved Maintenance Organization]: (EgyptAir/PAS)

a. EO: Engineering Order

b. WS: Worksheet

c. SIL: Service Information Letter

d. ATLB: Aircraft Technical Log Book

e. C. Run: Computer Run

Q4: What publication would contain time or cycle limitations for components or
parts of a turbine engine which installed on a specific aircraft?

Engine Maintenance Manual - ATA Chapter 4

Q5: When will an engine AD (Airworthiness directive) be “complied with” after it

becomes Effective?

a) As specified in the AD.

Q6: What is the difference between Scheduled inspection and special inspection?

Scheduled inspection:

It’s made due to a constant schedule (Time table), Ex: PD Check/AD

Check/Weekly/100HR/300HR/Major/Comp. Item

Special inspection:

It’s done after certain maintenance operation

Q7: What are the TSN and TSO and TSI in component life limit?

- TSN: Time Since New.

- TSO: Time Since Overhaul.

- TSI: Time Since Inspection.

Q8: What are the six main reasons to replace a part from Aircraft or Engine?

Reasons Are:

1) Inspection time due

2) Overhaul time due

3) Retirement time due

4) On Condition - Malfunction

5) Staggering for Maintenance Planning

6) Modification or upgrade IAW

Q9: The ATA 100 system (Choose one)?

c. All the above.

Q10: In which MFR ATA chapter can find the instruction of Engine mounts
Removal and installation?

Aircraft Maintenance Manual - ATA Chapter 71

Q11: What are the ATA Chapters for Engine Oil System and Engine Ignition

ATA Chapters for

Engine Oil System: ATA 79 >> Engine Oil System

Engine Ignition System: ATA 74 >> Engine Ignition.

Q12: What are the main damage types with respect to?

a. Damage causes:

- FOD [Foreign Object Debris].

- DOD [Domestic Object Debris].

b. Damage Source:

- Chemical Source.

- Mechanical Source.

c. Corrective action Decision:

- Negligible Damage: can be as it is, or with a little procedure.

- Repairable Damage: used for interval or replaced as the situation is.

- Crash Damage: from a crash and almost changed not repaired.

Q13: Define Corrosion and Erosion?

- Corrosion: [Chemical]

a surface chemical action resulting in surface discoloration, a layer of oxide, or in advanced

stages, the removal of surface metal.

- Erosion: [Mechanical]

is a wear process, in which surface damage is caused by the repeated application of high
localized stresses? Erosion by solid particle impact is a problem of great practical
significance which can result in component failures.
Q14: what is the difference between Crack and Tear?

- Crack:

A fissure or break in material. a crack may not go the way through the parent material.

- Tear:

A sharp linear rupture in sheet material, typically with the sheet bent away from its
original shape.

Q15: what is the difference between Dent and Nick?

- Dent:a smooth, round-button depression

- Nick:a sharp bottomed depression with rough outer edges

Q16: what is the difference between Scratches and Scoring?

- Scratches:

Narrow, shallow marks or lines resulting from movement of a metallic particle across the

- Scoring:

A form of wear characterized by a scratched, scuttled, or dragged appearance with

markings in the direction of sliding.

Q17: What are FOD and DOD and how to distinguish between them?

- FOD: [ Foreign Object Debris]. Ex: Bird Strike.

- DOD: [ Domestic Object Debris]. Ex: Loose Fastener.

Q18: What are the station lines and water lines and in which ATA chapter can
find both?

- Station Lines:

FS lines are vertical reference lines as viewed from the side of the helicopter. FS lines are
used to locate major assembles and parts of the structure by a number indicating the
distance in inches of the origin designated as Fuselage station 0, FS 0.

- Water Lines:

WL are horizontal reference lines viewed from the side or front of helicopter. Water lines
are used to locate major assemblies and parts of the structure by a number indicating the
distance in inches above a line of origin designated as Water Line 0, WL 0, both can be
found at ATA 6 >> Dimensions and Areas.

Q19: What are the different component life units? Give example for each unit
and in which ATA chapter for a certain A/C type component can find component
life limits?

1- Thermal Cycle, Landing

Ex -Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) – Retirement Index Number (RIN) –Rapid Take Off (RTO)
– One Engine Inoperative (OEI)

2- Mechanical Cycle (Flight – Starts)

3- Flight hours

Ex -Time Between Overhaul (TBO) - Time Between Inspection (TBI)

4- Calendar date

Ex - Expiry Date-Shelf Life)

5- On Condition (unscheduled)

Components life limit ATA 4, Airworthiness limitations

Q20: Explain the difference between Inspection phase types?

Inspection phase types:

1- Scheduled inspection

PD Check/AD Check/Weekly/100HR/300HR/Major/Comp. Item

2- Special Inspection

After certain maintenance operation

3- Conditional Inspection

After Sudden Stoppage, Fire, Lightning strike, Hard Landing, … etc.

Q21: what are the main information can get from ATA 70 Engines Standard

The standard practices discuss the standard operations to be made on aircraft or engine
such as the value of torque required to fasten a nut, welding procedure, locking or
unlocking a certain component

, It includes tables of:

- Standard Torques for nuts and bolts

- Consumables Material (Oil – MEK – WD40 –Grease- Anti Seize-Safety Wire-Rags)

Q22: what could be exist in hanger facility and ground equipment for Aircraft
and Engine Maintenance?

(Tool boxes - Store – Work Shops - Hoist – FOD Bin – Stands – Ground Wheels – Light -
Special Tool)

Q23: what are the most consumable material be used in aviation maintenance?

(Oil – MEK – WD40 –Grease- Anti Seize-Safety Wire-Rags)

Q24: Define Maintenance Types and Mention the different Maintenance


Maintenance Types:

- Preventive maintenance is "a routine for periodically inspecting" with the goal of
"noticing small problems and fixing them before major ones develop. (Scheduled

-Corrective maintenance is a type of maintenance used for equipment after equipment

break down or malfunction is often most expensive (Replacement – Repair

-Predictive maintenance is designed to determine the condition of in-service equipment in

order to estimate when maintenance should be performed and prevent unexpected
equipment failures. (Engine Oil Analysis – Turbine Borescope inspection)

Maintenance Activities:

1) Troubleshooting-Adjustment (Rigging)-servicing (Line Maintenance).

2) Inspection (Measuring, Visual insp. and NDT).

3) Replacements, CHG (Removal, Installation).

4) Overhauls and Repair (Disassembly-Assembly) Base-Workshop (S-U).

Q25: what is the difference between Part Number and Serial Number and where
to find Engine mount Part Number? (MFR-Manual type - ATA)?

Two identical parts (twins) have same part number but different serial number

Engine mount P/N can be find in Aircraft IPC Manual ATA 71

Q26: State the possible component life measure for the following items?

– Landing Gear

Mechanical Cycle - Landings

– Engine Fuel nozzles

Flight Hour

– Engine Preservation

Calendar date

Q27: In Which ATA Chapters and MFR Manual can find the following items?

- Engine Fuel Pump removal: ATA73 >> Engine Maintenance Manual

- Engine Mounts installation: ATA71 >> Aircraft Maintenance Manual

- Engine Oil Filter Part Number: ATA79 >> Engine IPC Manual

- Igniter Plug Change: ATA74 >> Engine Maintenance Manual

- Engine Fuel Control Rigging: ATA 76 >> Aircraft Maintenance Manual

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