Flipped Grammar Notes and Practice Topic 1 1

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Topic 1: Commas, Ellipses, and Dashes to Indicate a Pause

Use the Topic 1 Presentation (in your Flipped Grammar folder on Schoology) to learn about how to create
appropriate pauses in your writing. Then, complete the notes and practice that are below.

What three punctuation marks are commonly used to indicate a pause?

What are the four rules that tell us how to use commas to indicate a pause? Summarize each and provide at
least one example.
Comma Rule Example





In what type of writing are ellipses used to show a pause?

What are the two rules that tell us how to use an ellipsis to indicate a pause? Summarize each and provide at
least one example.
Ellipsis Rule Example


What is one reason you could use a dash instead of a comma to indicate a pause?

What are the three rules that tell us how to use a dash to indicate a pause? Summarize each and provide at least
one example.
Dash Rule Example




In general, why do authors include pauses in their writing?

How do each of the punctuation marks (commas, ellipses, and dashes) make a pause seem different?
Topic 1: Commas, Ellipses, and Dashes to Indicate a Pause

Part 1: Place commas where needed in the following sentences.

1. Doodling on her paper Sydney did not hear the teacher ask her a question.

2. It’s too late for us to make the beginning of the movie isn’t it?

3. I didn’t really understand the math lesson today did you?

4. Most people appreciated Milo’s hard work not his bad manners.

5. Kate decorating a birthday cake lost track of time.

6. Silently Kyle crept into the house well after curfew.

7. Elizabeth would you please call the repairman and reschedule the appointment?

Part 2: Rewrite the sentences and add ellipses where needed in the following sentences.

8. “It’s not easy to,” Emily started to say.

9. The woman came over the loudspeaker and yelled, “The winner of the race is Ryan

10. I can’t remember what I was looking for. I think it was a.

Part 3: Place dashes where needed in the following sentences.

​ he cost of the new roof will be Toby, are you listening to me?
11. T

12. I would like to ask or rather insist that you stop feeding wild animals.

13. Melissa’s beloved belongings books, paintings, and pottery were saved for the family.

14. Students all students need to work hard to pass this challenging class.

15. My closest friends Grace, Rose, and Nicole threw a wonderful surprise party for me.

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