Adventure Tourism in Pokhara A Policy Paper
Adventure Tourism in Pokhara A Policy Paper
Adventure Tourism in Pokhara A Policy Paper
A Policy Paper
Pokhora – the red spotted one
Policy on: Adventure tourism
Pokhara is one of the main tourist attractions of Nepal. Its natural beauty, socio-cultural
diversity, and suitable geographical location have fascinated people from all over the world.
Pokhara, a metropolitan city in central Nepal, is cosmically blessed and naturally gifted (Upreti
and et al., 2013). Because of its unique mountain ranges, magnificent lakes, spectacular
landscapes with multi-ethnic composition, Pokhara is famous for different kinds of tourism such
as pleasure tourism, adventure tourism, echo tourism, ethnical tourism, community based
village tourism and MICE tourism. However, adventure tourism has been very popular and the
centre of attraction for many tourists these days. Tourists mainly enjoy sight -seeing,
underperforming its potential because of poor infrastructure, human resource constraints, poor
investment environment, weak government leadership and lack of advertising and marketing
Under this section, I am going to clarify the significance of the focus on adventure
tourism and advertisement as an appropriate way for its growth and development. To put in
other way, I am going to answer why I stick on adventure tourism and its publicity aspect as a
policy option. Indeed, there are a couple of reasons for the policy emphasis on adventure
tourism. First, growing popularity of adventure tourism in recent years have signified that
adventure tourism has become an important part of economic development in the countries
like Nepal. Without proper policy and planning, its potential can be rightly recognized and
realized. Second, of all kinds of tourism, Pokhara is naturally suitable for adventure tourism
because of its unique rivers, falls, caves, lakes and mountains and has high potential of growth,
and as a result it is getting popular. Third, if we focus on the development of adventure tourism,
other forms of tourism which are closely associated with it will also be enhanced. Therefore, I
connected and integrated. It has been a small global village. In this context, for tourism
promotion advertising and marketing has been both increasingly essential and easier than ever
before. We cannot imagine the progress and development of tourism, especially adventure
tourism without an effective publicity; systematic and well- planned marketing strategies play a
adventure tourism. However, it is seen that because of lack of proper policy, plans and
strategies in tourism publicity, Pokhara has failed to embrace as many tourists as it is expected.
In fact, there are very serious and genuine problems related to publicity, information
dissemination and communication. As mentioned above there are other challenges as well that
are posing hindrances in tourism development. But I think publicity is the most important issue
today as everything is significantly influenced by advertising, marketing and media and so does
the tourism industry. As a result, I decided to form a policy for the promotion of adventure
The major focus of this policy is on the use of Information Communication Technology
(ICT) with maximum activation and involvement of youth in adventure tourism marketing. With
the maximum use of ICT and youth, I have planned to promote both adventure tourism and
youth entrepreneurship.
Aiery and others argue that public policy making is a social process that involves
communication between many people in a variety of different organizations (Aiery and et al,
2008). Doweling on the grounded theory (Aiery and et al, 2008) of policy making, the strategies
of this policy implementation stresses mainly on the collaboration approach for the effective
people’s involvement and effort in isolation from both private and public sectors in
advertisement, the outcome is not satisfactory. Realizing this fact, collaboration model is
planned to be adopted. This collaboration model includes collective effort of four different
sectors. They are: public sector, private sector, tourism related organizations/ NGOs and INGOs,
and community involvement. All these four sectors are expected to work emphasizing on four
advertising materials, manpower development, organization of events and campaign, and run
and operate the information centers. As our major focus of this policy is to increase the use the
Information Communication Technology (ICT), these areas are focused ensuring the maximum
use of ICT.
The metropolitan city will coordinate with tourism related business, media houses, local
community, NGOs and other organizations to make the marketing more purposeful and
effective. The metropolitan city, for example, can work to ensure a coverage of adventure
tourism content in media- be it electronic or print and encourage and inspire business
addition, the other aspect of this policy is to maintain good governance. Having understood the
fact that policies are often failed to yield a good result because of poor management, special
attention is paid on activation, monitoring and regulation of each and every aspect associated
Marketing Methods
Given the fact of increasing connectivity at this time of digital globalization, the special
emphasis of this promotion policy is on the effective use of ICT. Other mediums, however, are
also used such as print and electronic media, brochures and posters. The marketing activities
3. Social media
4. Brochure, posters, handbook, videos and audio information
Promotional Activities
Using the above mentioned mediums, the adventures activities that can be done in Pokhara
and around the area will be highlighted to attract the tourists from home and abroad. Realizing
the fact that we live in a marketing and media-driven world, particularly the following activities
1. Promotion of adventure tourism through the maximum use of ICT, internet and website
3. Encourage Involvement of youths (special loan for youths and unemployed graduates to
5. Encourage community and personal level contribution-for example, use of social media
The proposed policy will be implemented in three different phases. The first phase is
pre-implementation phase. In this phase, we discuss with all the related stakeholders about the
possible marketing strategies and try to involve them in promotional activities. We make all the
preparation in this phase. Second phase is the stage of actual implementation of the policy.
After completing all the preparation in the first phase, we run the project smoothly
collaborating with all the sectors. The third stage is the phase of implementation with
continuous improvement. In other words, it is the phase of evaluation. After every six months,
we systematically evaluate our performances and outcome. On the basis of evaluation, we try
to improve and correct the weakness and strengthen the performances. This reflection will help
improve our strategies and as a result there will be a positive influence in expected result. Also,
this will allow the system of punishment and reward considering the objective evaluation.
Expected outcome
After this policy execution, especially we have expected 3E: economic development,
addition, as we encourage youths to start their enterprise that is related to tourism promotion
contribute in tourism promotion. When people experience the direct and indirect benefit of
rapid tourism development, they get inspired to make a necessary contribution. For example,
we make people aware of making environment clean through our special campaigns and
events. If that campaigns help in bringing more tourists, people will be benefited in different
ways and as a result they become more committed to protect the environment. This policy,
Notwithstanding its natural beauty, flora and fauna, socio-cultural abundance and
especially potential of adventures activities from paragliding to horse riding and honey hunting,
Pokhara deliberately fails to develop adventure tourism because of the lack of proper planning
and its effective execution. To be more specific, we could not foster adventure tourism as we
failed to sell/ advertise/publicize our strengths and beauties or make it known to all. As a
Mayor, the head of this policy formation and implementation, I strongly believe that there will
be a significant change and development in adventure tourism of Pokhara after two years. At
the same time, realizing the fact that previous plan and policies did not yield a good result or
were unsuccessful because of poor governance and weak leadership, I am seriously committed
to effective monitoring, regulation, evaluation and correction seeking the consensus of all the
stakeholders. Since the essence of this policy is collaboration, the stress will be on the bottom-
aware of maintaining discipline while embracing the democratic practices. Therefore, I have
planned to implement the reward and punishment system to enhance and strengthen the
Airey, D. and et al. (2008). Tourism policy making: The policy makers’ perspectives. Annals of
Tourism Research, 35. pp 732-750.
Bauer, A. ( ) Marketing adventure tourism-what works and what doesn’t. Germany: Munish
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Iamsoo, M.S and et al. (2013) The role of marketing in tourism industry. Internal Research
Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences. Vol-4 (73-80).
Retrieved from
Upreti, B.R and et al. (2013) Tourism in Pokhara: Issues, trends and future perspectives for
peace and prosperity. Pokhara: Pokhara Tourism Council.
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