Grade 5 Ut4 Answer Key Revision Upload
Grade 5 Ut4 Answer Key Revision Upload
Grade 5 Ut4 Answer Key Revision Upload
7. What happens to the shape of a hot tin can when cold water is poured into it?
A. The pressure inside the tin is less than that outside, so it shrinks.
B. The pressure inside the tin is more than that outside, so it shrinks.
C. The pressure outside the tin is the same as that inside, so the shape remains the same.
D. The pressure inside the can is equal to the atmospheric pressure – the final shape
depends on the atmospheric pressure.
8. The weakened or dead germs causing a specific disease are injected in the human
This is called as A) Vaccination B) Immunization C) none of these.
9. Diseases are broadly grouped into communicable and non-communicable diseases. In the
list given below, identify the infectious diseases.
i. Cancer ii. Influenza iii. Allergy iv. Smallpox
a. i and ii b. ii and iii c. iii and iv d. ii and iv
III) Identify the levers as First class, Second class or Third class levers
2. Oxygen: Oxygen is the active gas of the atmosphere. It is the most important gas as it
supports life. All animals and plants breathe oxygen. It is a combustible gas ( Which
allows burning)
Oxygen helps organisms grow, reproduce, and turn food into energy. Humans get the
oxygen they need by breathing through their nose and mouth into their lungs. Oxygen
gives our cells the ability to break down food in order to get the energy we need to survive
V) Vaccination and immunization are important for protection against harmful diseases.
The following steps are jumbled. Put them in the correct order
1. A person is immunized
2. Small amounts of dead or weakened germs are introduced into the body.
3. Body develops immunity
4. Antibodies are produced by the body
5. This is called a vaccine
6. This is called Immunization.
( Correct Order is 2,4,5,3,1,6)
A. Differentiate between Communicable and non-communicable diseases.
A. Explain the process of separating salt from a salt solution. Draw and label the diagram.
The process of separating soluble impurities like salt from a salt solution is called Evaporation.
In this method
1. The salt solution is taken in a container and heated.
2. The water boils and evaporates.
3. The water vapour can be collected through condensation in a beaker.
4. The salt remains in the evaporating dish.
B. What is distillation of water? What is the function of a condenser? Draw and label the
Distillation produces clean, pure water. It is an effective water treatment method for
removing contaminants like bacteria, heavy metals, and chemicals.
This distilled water has many applications in car batteries, Pharmaceutical
companies, and industries that need pure distilled water.
The condenser is used to cool the water vapour and convert it into water droplets.
1. Water is heated in a conical flask. The water is heated to a rolling boil, which causes
evaporation and steam production.
2. Steam leaves the distillation conical flask. The steam from the boiling water rises
through a vent into a stainless steel condenser.
Any microorganisms, impurities, and contaminants that are unable to convert into gas
particles are left behind in the flask.
3. The steam reaches the condenser which has a circulation of cold water around it
through an inlet pipe.
Viruses are different from bacteria. They do not have cell walls which can be attacked
by antibodies. Thus, antibodies are ineffective against viral disease. Antibiotics tend to
break the bacterial cell wall and block the bacterial pathways. Thus, they are effective
only in bacterial infections.
3 Carrots, Coloured vegetables, and green leafy vegetables must be eaten on a regular
Carrots, coloured vegetables and green leafy vegetables are a rich source of Vitamin A.
This vital vitamin keeps our retina strong and prevents night blindness and
5. The moon appears to change its shape throughout the month. Why?
The Moon doesn't emit (give off) light itself, the 'moonlight' we see is actually the Sun's
light reflected off the lunar surface. So, as the Moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up
different parts of it, making it seem as if the Moon is changing shape.
6. The Sun is the ultimate source of energy but the wind is second-hand to solar energy.
The sun is the ultimate source of energy as it helps in the photosynthesis in green plants
which make our food. All animals directly or indirectly depend on green plants for food.
The Sun runs the water cycle and helps in the movement of water which brings about
rain and water to our planet.
The sun is responsible for the formation of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels have the sun’s energy trapped which is converted to chemical energy.
The sun causes uneven heating of land and water causing wind and other weather
patterns and climate
Thus it is the Ultimate source of energy
The wind is produced only because of the uneven heating of the land and water. If there
was no sun wind would not be produced. This causes weather patterns and climate.Thus
Wind energy is second hand to solar energy
1. A doctor examined a small child of about 6 months who showed the following
Thickening of the ankles, wrists, knees, bowed legs, soft skull bones and rarely bending
of the spine.
What was the diagnosis?
What was advised by the doctor to the parents of the child?
The diagnosis was that the child suffered from Rickets caused due to the deficiency
of Vitamin D.
As most cases of rickets are caused by a vitamin D and calcium deficiency, it's
usually treated by increasing a child's intake of vitamin D and calcium . Vitamin D
and calcium levels can be increased by: eating more foods that are rich in calcium
and vitamin D. taking daily calcium and vitamin D supplements.
2. Draw the waxing and waning phases of the moon.
The ozone layer present in the upper atmosphere of
Earth is beneficial for sustaining life on the Earth.
The ozone layer blocks the harmful ultraviolet rays from
the Sun and thus protects life on the Earth.