The New Language of Business
The New Language of Business
The New Language of Business
The Top 10 Don'ts!
By: Sandy Carter Aug. 2, 2007 03:15 AM Digg This!
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Understanding what not to do is just as important as understanding what to do. Understand the value of SOA. SOA is about flexible business processes. It's not just doing the same thing you've done before in a different way. Although you should absolutely approach SOA incrementally, the benefits you can achieve are dramatic. And unlike other IT approaches, SOA is not just about technology. SOA is really a mindset and a way of approaching business problems. It supports the flex-pon-sive* company by merging technology, business insight, and thought leadership to create an environment in which innovation can thrive. How does your company get started? There's no single answer; it depends on your business priorities. Here you see that a focus on a real business problem, not SOA, is a critical part of success. If possible, start with revenuegenerating applications in small bite-size hunks. Make sure that you focus on skills by building capabilities. And make sure you have that long-term plan in place that gets your business to the flex-pon-sive* state. Taking an approach to SOA that is business-centric ensures that you are keeping your investments focused on areas that will mean the most for your bottom line. Whatever your approach, be sure to think through reuse and best practices. Take a portfolio-management perspective and decide what kind of assets you need to run your business. Then figure out where these assets come from. Newly created and reused services are the building blocks of SOA. Reuse gives users flexibility through reduced cycle time and elimination of duplicate processes. For your first project, have a solid plan with governance at the heart. Governance is critical for success. Use the first project to establish credibility and to validate financial assumptions, to seed your CoE, and to establish architectural guidelines and organizational infrastructure to ensure reuse. The Top 10 Don'ts! A flex-pon-sive* company is one that responds with lightning speed and agility to rapidly changing business needs. I always learn from my mistakes - what to do different and what to do better. As such, I wanted to make sure that I included not only what your company should focus on, but what you should avoid with the top 10 don'ts. I got this idea watching David Letterman while poring over scores of customers that have already started to focus on flexibility. I want to cover the lessons that others have learned in hopes of sharing that knowledge. The top 10 don'ts for your flex-pon-sive* journey are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Don't expect maximum business without SOA. Don't just do technology; it's a transformation of the way you do business. Don't throw everything out. Don't bite off big projects all at once. Don't forget to set expectations. Don't expect to do this without a culture modification through governance. Don't forget the right skills. Don't expect flexibility without open standards. Don't do this alone - leverage partners with experience. Don't do it without a strong plan because the first step is the most important.
Each of these "don'ts" is based on a wealth of SOA engagement experience and a true focus on business models and innovation for flexibility. I share that learning so that you can leverage the experience and leap ahead in your quest for competitiveness. Don't Expect Maximum Business without SOA They say that French is the language of love, and I say that SOA is the language of business flexibility. SOA is an approach that draws IT and business together and drives a discipline toward flexibility. Of course, we've heard this before, but it's truly different. One of IBM's top architects, Rob High, and one of IBM's top SOA consultants, Jason Weisser, summed it up this way: "SOA is the link to the business. It is an approach to architecture that enables the flexibility required for innovation across the board. Why? We discussed in detail the role both XML and Web Services play in SOA. They are the glue like HTTP is the glue for the Internet. Web Services allow companies to have the necessary IT support so the business can be viewed as a set of services."
From a brief technology perspective, the technologies key to SOA, XML, and Web Services had better accommodate change. Said ever more strongly, SOA-based technologies enable you to build for change! For example, it's possible to add or reorder elements in an XML business object without breaking code. The same applies to WSDL, another standard prominent in SOA. From a technology viewpoint, older approaches, such as RPC or CORBA, don't allow this flexibility. Additionally, Web Services offer the flexibility of having learned from the mistakes of previous methods (such as CORBA and RPC). The designers of Web Services learned that it needed the flexibility to support both asynchronous messaging and remote procedure calls. Before, support for one was there and the other was added later. Just as with a house, building additions is never as efficient or as flexible as designing it in the beginning. In addition to this flexibility enablement, another enabler is language independence. XML renders more naturally into multiple languages, such as C, Java, COBOL, and so on. Because SOA is based on these two critical elements, Web Services and XML, it's built for flexibility. It enables businesses to be on-demand and be able to respond to whatever the market throws at them. Flexibility and cost savings continue to be crucial goals. Key to attaining these goals is an SOA strategy because it helps companies save money as they implement on-demand flexibility. Don't Just Do Technology - It's a Transformation of the Way You Do Business Okay, so I just told you not to look at SOA as a technology. IT is an approach. SOA requires business processes that are represented as services. However, the most successful companies don't consider this to be an IT-led journey. In fact, they view it as a partnership between business and IT. For example, consider St. George Bank, Australia's fifth-largest bank. It's one of the top 15 public companies in Australia, employing more than 7,500 people. Its national operations span all aspects of the finance industry, including retail banking, institutional and business banking, and wealth management. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to the bank and it can't afford to have IT challenges distracting it from its customers and business, which is why reusable services make so much sense. The cost of new product development and time-to-market are greatly reduced, enabling the bank to be flexible to business drivers while minimizing the cost to make the necessary changes. At St. George Bank, the enterprise architecture team is co-located with the business. Greg Booker, head of group architecture, explains: "I have two architects working on the same floor as the business leaders in commercial, and I have two architects working with the retail folks, so they're not locked away in an IT center, completely disconnected from the business. They are people that understand the business pressures or business issues from a day-to-day perspective, and the business is also able to reach out and touch those guys and talk to them. "We're able to communicate to the business in terminology they appreciate like "fee to market," "reduced complexity," and "reduced costs," all of which it wants to hear about. It doesn't want to hear about the fact that it's a bunch of reusable components that are linked together with Web Services and all the rest of it. "This level of engagement is critical," concludes Booker.
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Published Aug. 2, 2007 Reads 8,399 Copyright 2007 SYS-CON Media. All Rights Reserved.
About Sandy Carter Sandy Carter, vice president in charge of IBM's SOA and WebSphere strategy is a graduate of Duke University with a B.S. in Computer Science and Math and an M.B.A from Harvard University. Her professional associations include Member and Best Speaker Award, the Marketing Focus Advisory Council; Board Member of the Grace Hopper Industry Advisory Committee; and membership in Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Inner Circle. She recently won an Award from AIT United Nations for helping developing countries, is an active member of the Women in Technology
St. George Bank is well along the path to achieving a flexible business model and what makes a difference to the bank is the true partnership between the business and IT. This is not about the technology, but about the way you do business.
One of my most demanded presentations to CIOs and their teams isn't about SOA, but it is a mini-MBA course. The best-run companies have IT teams that understand the business. Get your business requirements in clear view, and then make sure you have a mechanism to ensure that those are taken from the business down to the technology. The advice around governance is one of the secrets of success that all customers called out. Don't Throw Everything Out! You can go after success in many different ways. But one thing that I've observed is the success of those who don't rip out years of knowledge, best practices, applications, and technology. The common thread is that all of them inventoried what they had and ensured that they selected an approach that let them leverage current resources. For most of the companies that I've worked with, the whole premise going in has been that the cost savings from initial efforts will provide the fuel for future strategic investments. Reuse has been talked about for a long time, but previously technologies have never really been successful in bringing about large-scale reuse. And reuse has only focused on technology, not elements of business process and knowledge. SOA addresses this head on, with a focus on breaking down the roadblocks that have hindered reuse efforts in the past. Reuse involves two areas:
Both are powerful concepts. Let's look first at the concept of technology reuse, which is the most prevalent way that companies today are realizing SOA's value proposition around cost cutting. A service repository is used during development as a catalog of services. It's where integration developers can go to see the services they have available to reuse. A service registry is used during runtime to hold all the "metadata" about a service - information such as the service description, usage, and versioning, for example. The way that we look at technology reuse at IBM is that the breakeven point for reusing a service is 1.6. That means that the first time you reused a service (meaning, used it a second time) you're saving money. Reuse of services reduces costs by helping to eliminate duplicate development and maintenance. The other area of reuse is on the business side. This involves reusing business logic. For example, suppose a company has a variety of customer services running on a federated model where each business unit operates autonomously and is supported by its own IT organization and infrastructure. The result would be that the same business process and supporting applications are implemented in many ways. The challenge of building a unified view of the customer across all the business units brings home the impact of reuse of business logic. Many companies will select the best practice for customer information and standardize that best practice into a single federated view - thus reusing the best practice process. This is one reason why the SOA approach is used when companies have done a lot of mergers or acquisitions. A lot of times mergers and acquisitions bring into play a lot of duplicate processes, thus reuse of the best practice or business model. Reusing services helps companies standardize business processes. So reuse saves money and helps companies run in a more consistent and efficient manner by helping to eliminate overlapping and potentially conflicting services within the organization. Don't Bite Off Too-Big Projects Thinking incrementally about how to get there is critical. It's not just about the dollars that tended to be reinvested but more about proving and showing the value of success to the organization. Have you ever heard about Zeno's Paradox? Zeno of Elea (circa 450 B.C.) is credited with one of the best-known paradoxes about the tortoise and Achilles. (Achilles was the great Greek hero of Homer's Illiad.) It is an interesting paradox and has been around for a long time. The story begins with Achilles and a turtle discussing a race. The turtle challenges Achilles and asks for a head start. In the end, they don't race because the turtle convinces Achilles that because he has a head start, and because Achilles must continually make up that distance, the turtle would always win. His argument was that Achilles would have to cover half the distance then half the remaining distance then half the remaining distance then half the remaining distance...and so on forever. The consequence is that Achilles would never win. Rather than tackle Zeno head-on, let's pause to notice something remarkable. Suppose we take Zeno's Paradox at face value for the moment and agree with him that before I can walk a mile, I must first walk a half-mile. With the number of small distances, adding all those distances should just give me back the finite distance I started with. And poor old Achilles would have won his race. The trick here is to understand where you need to go and then begin with small projects that help you get there. There are several key starting projects. These entry points help businesses pursue flexibility through SOA the right way: by taking a project-based approach and demanding that each project deliver real business value. A recent
study of more than 500 companies, conducted by Mercer Management Consultants, showed that the successful companies surveyed are approaching SOA from entry points of integrating people, processes, information, or a combination of all three. So learn from your initial SOA projects by making sure they are small, well defined, and quick to implement. About the Book This content is excerpted from Chapter 9 of the new book titled, "The New Language of Business: SOA & Web 2.0", authored by Sandy Carter. The book is published by IBM Press, February, 2007. (c)Copyright 2007 by International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved. ISBN 013195654X. For further information, please visit www.ibmpressbooks