Job Shadow Observer Health Requirements
Job Shadow Observer Health Requirements
Job Shadow Observer Health Requirements
Froedtert Health currently requires documented proof of the following health requirements:
Influenza Vaccine:
Documented proof of 1 (one) dose of Influenza vaccine if observation occurs during influenza season
(approximately September 1 through March 30 or based on current CDC recommendations)
If you require immunizations, the resources listed below for TB Skin Tests may also offer immunizations.
The TB skin test, also called the Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) requires two visits with a health care provider.
The TB skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid (called tuberculin) into the skin on the lower part of
the inner arm. The test is placed on the first visit. The healthcare provider “reads” the placement area on a second
visit, 48 to 72 hours after the test is placed, to determine a positive or negative reaction. (Centers for Disease Control,
2016. Retrieved from An IGRA blood test for TB (sometimes referred to
as Quantiferon Gold) is an appropriate substitute for a skin test.
You may contact your primary care provider to complete this test or other options are listed below.
CVS MinuteClinic
Schedule an appointment online
There are also other low cost and free clinics in southeast Wisconsin who may do TB Skin Tests.
Updated 8/10/2021 – MKT- OL Page 2 of 2