Raj Kumar Thesis - Final
Raj Kumar Thesis - Final
Raj Kumar Thesis - Final
– Natural Language Text Processing, Raspberry
Pi, Sentiment Analysis
2020 | 29
The thesis aims to give a conceptual overview and explain the process itself. The
analysis of free text information comments and feedback helps to improve services and
understand people’s attitude towards the service with the help of a small processing unit
such as Raspberry Pi. The device use case is aimed at customer-oriented services and
it aims to collect the necessary feedback and analyze it. The device created is a basic
structure that can be further modified and developed using models such as face
recognition. The thesis explains the whole process of development and presents the
IoT Device, Machine Learning, embedded system, NLTP, text processing, Basic concept of
modern computing
1.1 Research Background 6
1.2 Research Methodology 7
1.3 Research objectives 7
1.4 Thesis statement 8
1.5 Thesis structure 8
2.1 Embedded System 9
2.2 IoT (Internet of things) 10
2.3 Network and Web Hosting 10
2.4 Natural Language Text Processing and Sentiment Analysis 11
2.5 Tools 12
3.1 Problem and Requirement 14
3.2 Environment set up and Installation 15
3.3 Development Methods and process 18
3.4 Database 20
3.5 Apache 24
3.6 Testing 25
AI Artificial Intelligence
SD Secure Digital
Technology today has gone very far, advanced, with ease of access, and solved more
complex challenges with more efficiency, better and faster. With more exploration and
research, the growing sophisticated needs of humanity have driven the technology into
new realms such as AI, Embedded devices, web, and software programs.
Naturally, the development has become overwhelming at times for so many people to
adapt to new technologies and technical terms, features, works, new programming
languages, frameworks, and hardware devices. If we see it in terms of understanding
and using, more specifically adapting along with trends and technologies, such
adaptations have become complicated and confusing to consumers, users, academics,
geeks, students, and people from different areas.
The thesis aims to provide a necessary underlying concept of the IoT device and Natural
Language Text Processing (NLTP) by building a full-fledged example product. The
developed example product is a web server built upon Raspberry Pi and Raspbian Linux
distribution, which provides sentiment analysis of the text, based on NLTP as an
application. The developed product has been termed as SARP (Sentiment Analyzer on
Raspberry Pi) hereafter. The SARP is a byproduct of the process of investigating the
scope of an embedded device to run machine learning applications as web services.
With the advancement in technology, embedded devices are also having different inputs
of signals and data that have growing use by integrating such data with algorithms to
perform complex and distant tasks. The collected text data as inputs from the user or
machine can be helpful with natural language text analysis to create easier updates and
facilitate the organization or owner. A large amount of feedback and/or comments on a
service point and social media cannot be analyzed and calculated manually to take out
the needed output. In this place, the Raspberry Pi device with the NLTP model comes
into action to understand the sentiment pattern, calculate, and count the constant output
from the generated input pattern.
The machines work smarter, faster, and more exact and help to automate the machines.
Text processing works to fulfill the bridge gap between the human processing of the text
to machine processing.
The Raspberry Pi was used because of its low cost, small size, and computing capability.
The software tools are chosen as per the compatibility of the need, task, and the
functionality of the product. The thesis work is primarily developmental research, which
aims to investigate the scope of IoT devices and NLTP for providing text processing
services as a web application. Developmental research is preferred research
methodology when researchers build a thing to address the given research problem
(Regmi, 2019). Therefore, developmental research methodology is used for this thesis
work. This thesis tries to address the research problem of investigating the scope of IoT
devices to implement a machine learning application by developing a prototype device.
This thesis's primary purpose is to provide a basic overview of the NLTP implemented in
an IoT device. Another objective is to help understand the concept, tools, and platforms
needed and used for the product development for the general readers and novice
students in the related field. The IoT device developed in this thesis lay a foundation of
a full-fledged IoT device that can be further developed with more features like image
processing, sound processing, text-processing for various purposes, and IoT related
possible topics. Precisely, the thesis also explains the terms - Embedded System, IoT,
Network and Web hosting, and Natural Language Text Processing.
Chapter 1 introduces the thesis work and explains the key terms in an organized manner
used in the example product. Also, it establishes the connection between the intention
of the thesis writer and actual work. Chapter 2 describes concepts like Embedded
System, IoT, Network, and Case study.
The size, cost, power, consumption, reliability, and performance can be optimized by
engineers while designing.
The network of embedded devices and other microcontrollers, when connected to the
Internet, is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Here the things not only include IoT
devices such as embedded systems but also IoT enabled physical assets such as
vehicles with GPS trackers. (The Internet of Things (IoT) - essential IoT business guide,
IoT refers to the devices connected to the web, but the definition has been changing
over time. Nowadays, IoT refers to the smart devices that communicate with each other,
collecting and sharing data across the Internet. IoT devices provide an additional level
of intelligence to the device handling and processes without human intervention every
time. For Example, A refrigerator can check the stock of the food and order it to the
grocery store. (What is embedded system? - Definition from WhatIs.com, 2020) (Ranger,
Computer networks and the World Wide Web are the central infrastructures of
information and communications technology (ICT). The term 'web hosting' is used to
indicate the process of deploying web content on the Internet. It includes maintaining a
web server to store web content and managing the configuration of the necessary
technology to make the stored content available via the Internet. Some of the necessary
configurations are registering a domain name and associating it with a unique IP address
so that the web content can be accessible in a web address. (What Is Website Hosting?,
Web server stores data in any form and serves data in the form of (HTML) web pages
for client browsers. In this project, we have deployed a website using the localhost
network provided by the local router. Apache webserver hosts the files within the same
network in this project.
NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that studies interactions between computers and
human languages. Among various applications of artificial intelligence, NLP deals with
applications that require computers to process human languages. Such applications
include speech recognition, content summarization, content translation, spam detection.
(Yordanov, 2018)
The smartphone with speech recognition uses NLP to understand what is being said.
Also, many people use laptops whose operating system has built-in speech recognition.
Sentiment analysis, a new field in Natural Language Processing, aims at identifying the
intent of the content, and classifying opinions and sentiments. “Sentiment analysis
studies people's sentiments, opinions, attitudes, evaluations, appraisals, and emotions
towards services, products, individuals, organizations, issues, topics, events, and
attributes. The text is classified on two different bases, such as polarity of the sentiment
and polarity of the outcome."(D'Andrea, Ferri, Grifoni and Guzzo, 2015).
Different classification approaches and tools are used for sentiment analysis implemen-
tation.The Sentiment analysis is a process involving several steps such as Data Collec-
tion, Text preparation, Sentiment detection, Sentiment classification and displaying the
result. Data collection from different user generating points such as content from blogs,
forums, social networks, and customer-oriented service points. This raw data collected
from primary sources are not organized, unstructured or in a complex language like
slangs, streets, communities varying in contextual meaning. The manual analysis of the
data is not a very good idea or is considered a traditional way. So, the raw data is to be
cleaned and prepared so that the machine understands it easily. Therefore, text analytics
and natural language text processing are used to extract and classify. Non-textual, irrel-
evant and stop words are eliminated from the cleaning process. The rest of the data are
examined on a subjective or objective basis. Subjective sentences are classified in pos-
itive, negative, good, bad; likes, dislikes, but classification can be made by using multiple
points. Sentiment analysis turns unstructured text into meaningful information. After the
analysis, the test results are displayed on tables, percentages, wording (Happy, Neutral
and Sad), graphs like a pie chart, bar chart and line graphs. (D'Andrea, Ferri, Grifoni and
Guzzo, 2015).
2.5 Tools
Due to its features and efficiency, the python programming language has been used
extensively in machine learning. Several developers have contributed to its huge support
of libraries and functions. The analyzer that has been used in this project uses python
"VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-
based sentiment analysis tool specifically attuned to sentiments expressed in social
media." (vaderSentiment, 2020). VADER uses a combination of lexical features that
generally analyze the words with their semantic orientation as Happy and sad.
It has produced impressive outputs analyzing texts from reviews, comments, social
media, product reviews, and newspaper editorials. It is available in python language that
is used in this project. Vader can identify the sentiment, describes how polarized the
sentiment is, and provides the score. (Staff, 2020).
PyMySQL Connector
PyMySQL is a library used to interact with the database library. It is a driver required to
connect the python language script to the database.
MYSQL Server
MariaDB is installed for creating, storing, and serving the data from and to the database.
Apache is an open-source and widely used web server software. Apache is fast, reliable,
secure, free, and runs on 67% of all web servers in the world. Extensions and modules
are used to highly customize the program to meet the needs of services running of
different environments. (Pandey, 2018).
HTML and CSS are used to design the Graphical User Interface. HTML creates the page
template design and frame. CSS provides the customized and required styles to the
template page. PHP processes the data and generates HTML pages.
Rufus is a tool that helps to write the memory stick with iso image files of operating
systems. Rufus is used for writing the file system image containing the operating system
and other applications to the SD card in this project.
Software: OS, application to run a web server, application to perform sentiment analysis
of the text.
The necessary hardware such as Raspberry Pi, screen, keyboard, mouse, and HDMI
Cable was collected, to begin with, the setup process. The 16GB memory SD card from
the Raspberry Pi is written with a popular Raspbian operating system using Rufus. Rufus
is a popular memory writing software in a wide variety of memory sticks (MySQL ::
MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 1.3.1 What is MySQL?, 2020).
After the writing process is done, the SD card is inserted into the Raspberry Pi slot. The
Raspberry Pi is connected to the screen via HDMI cable. The keyboard and mouse are
connected to the Raspberry Pi USB slots. The power is connected to monitor and
Raspberry Pi. Then the Raspbian operating system is shown on the monitor. The first
part of the set up ends here.
The Raspbian operating system provides the GUI and command line support to install
software like Apache, MySQL, Python, and other required libraries. We prepare the
development environment after installing the necessary tools mentioned above.
Command to insert:
PyMySql Connector:
MariaDB Server:
After the installation, the development environment is ready to code and develop
The GUI is designed to display the result that is stored in the database. HTML and CSS
are used to design the front end. The GUI has two display labels, each of which displays
the user input and the analyzed result.
The development of SARP consist of python and PHP script, and one style files. All the
program files are stored inside the var/www/HTML folder. The script file “rest.py” does
the task of taking input from the user.
The input is validated to check if it is empty or number. It gives the error message
("Nothing or number has been entered. Please try again").
If the input passes the validation, the input is assigned to variable user_string. The
user_string is then passed as a parameter to analyze the polarity of the value. The Vader
sentiment analyzer checks the polarity and intensity of the user_string and stores the
result in the score variable.
The result is then measured on the 100 scales. The result is identified as Negative, Sad,
and Happy or Positive derived from the resulting scale. The result is then saved to the
3.4 Database
The database called raspberry_pi_data with a table name nltk_resullts is created with
two columns. The User_input and Results are the two columns inside the table.
The prerequisite installation for MySQL is completed in the installation section. The login
process is mandatory to get into the MySQL Command line.
It required a password that we set during the installation. After the password is entered,
the MySQL command line is accessed.
Here, the database is created, accessed, and other operations can be performed.
The basic MySQL command is to show databases to check the existing database. This
command gives the result of the existing databases.
In Figure 10, the result list is missing raspberry_pi_data. In the next line, the database is
created with the following command.
The database needs tables and columns to store different kinds of data the program is
going to need. This project requires a single table with two columns.
Firstly, it is required to select the database and execute the further operation of creating
Figure 11. Select the database and create a table and columns
The id is int type, UserInput and Results are the varchar type. These are the kind of data
types that are used in programming to separate the nature of data.
The result is an empty set because there is nothing in the database. The data comes
after the teaching of the language python and PHP configures with the database.
Database Configuration
The PHP script and python script use the same database raspberry_pi_data and both
languages have their way to connect to the database.
Python uses a pymysql connector to connect with the database. The mariadb.connect
function has the parameter host, user, password, database, and values assign to it. The
same variable is executed with the cursor function. It is the python configuration method.
After the database is connected, several SQL operations such as creating, reading,
putting, updating, and deleting can be performed with the database.
PHP does the same task of configuration with the above code. The database credentials
are assigned to the PHP variable, which then is again passed as a parameter to PDO
Object inside the try-catch function. The connection method in PHP tries to connect and
return Connection failed error in case of a fail database connection.
After the database is connected, the database can be accessed, and operations such as
creating, reading, delete, putting, and updating can be performed from the code.
The PHP code finally fetches the data from the database with the help of the SELECT
statement in Figure 4, from connection and fetch method.
This is a single-page interface with a PHP code that configures the connection between
the database and brings the data to the user in the web interface.
3.5 Apache
Finally, All the files are stored inside the var/www/html directory. The apache is started
with the following command.
After the apache is started, the page is available to be hosted on localhost. In this
project, the localhost address is The index.php is added at the end of
the address to retrieve the file.
3.6 Testing
The testing is done, and the SARP as hardware is fully functional to this task. The
software has been tested with seventy-five number of statements in two datasets. The
seventy-five number of datasets vary in sentiment and randomly chosen. The test results
are shown below in the table.
Number of Datasets 75
Positive 48
Negative 3
Neutral 24
Accuracy 96.5%
From the Result analysis table, the analyzer has proven to be 96.5% accurate to identify
the input within the test data. The critical note to always keep in mind is that the result is
relative to this test data and can be different with different varieties of data.
The result of the product development is the device name "SARP," which takes the
English text as input and displays the sentiment of the input to the user and on the web.
The SARP takes the user input and categorizes the input into three types of sentiment
and output the compound results.
The three types of sentiment are Negative, Neutral, and Positive. These results are
calculated based on the polarity and intensity of each word in the input. The result
produced by the SARP has an accuracy of 96.5% with the testing dataset.
The SARP is a kind of feedback collecting and analyzing device where users can input
text, paragraph, and files of English literature and get the result as Happy, Negative, and
Normal. This device can be used in hospitals to get customer feedback where it does
the task of storing and displaying the results to necessary service owners.
"The World Wide Web is an immense collection of linguistic information that has in the
last decade gathered attention as a valuable resource for tasks such as machine
translation, opinion mining and trend detection, that is, Web as Corpus." (Kilgarriff and
Grefenstette, 2003). It can be used to analyze such data from the web, in Markets, Malls,
Hotels, shops, cafeteria to gather feedbacks for the construction and monitoring of the
service. Moreover, the module is the prepared underlying architecture that can be used
with different other modules. The SARP helps people live and work smarter and get a
better understanding between people, service customers, and create better results. The
SARP provides companies' systems work, delivering insights into everything from
individual performance to users.
In this chapter, we will discuss the conclusion based on our research and development.
The purpose of the thesis was to clarify the concept and development process via
theoretical research and product development. The goal was achieved through different
intermediate processes of research, literature review, tutorials from different sources,
and practical implementation. The final output was the product which can take any
English statement as input text, process it via natural language text processing module,
sends it to the internet, and can be accessed via a web user interface. During the process
of writing and development, the fundamental structure was a full-fledged device. The
Command-line works as the user input interface. When the script rest.py is run, then the
user can input any text or paragraph. After the input is submitted, the script analyzes the
given input sentiment and store the results in the database. The result is displayed on a
This thesis introduced an embedded device module that can analyze the sentiment. It
introduces tools such as Rufus, Raspbian operating system, PHP, Python, MySQL,
Apache web server, and the methods to use them. The SARP successfully demonstrates
that the product can take input and display the result on a web page. The thesis also
provides a theoretical description of the tools and technologies used for product
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