D22mba111831 22odmbt612

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UNNERSTY Discover. Lean. Empower. RESPONSE SHEET
Nane o T m s i u t ighature stamp

D 22 MADDI83
Signature of Candidate

Signature of Invigilator
Date Samp
SubjectNameEihondal Rapeahing4 Subject Code 22 ODMBTGI2
& Anoly

Question No. For Evaluator Onb

Pade No. /9

Finan cial Ltostomg n00 dtha cgdls e all
Th noncial OCtiwtio ohol poliitieny O
busiHoa, Cempony hox onttty Thty
pooha co he Anmbo.ny
FhoYial tottamants ae uallyOudtio
DaLgencio OcAuntont),0uditeAY,atce n a
uthonticity ond O.cuua h dinantiua
Atottomonts. A Cmpany annun ipet Ceht
a l h inontLal AtotemOndta h a t a l LquiLd
8obe Oauo3h ponlenmaJce h e Cempong
ioi Popoing lnonual stotomant
TERS-Cenoputal Damelugdk fnupactime
TO, peuide dinahial irewmotieh abeu tha
hapgiting ety thod u u l o exilt Ound
Detondicg innabes_OMdou &nd etho Chaditeu
3omoking dacien0lodtihg do peiding
OJeLAa o h o endE.

Thesodoiaiens ine dactaighs albeut

buing AoUling heldng equity and dobt
Peniding Ohd Aokling eang ahd thoa fawn

eodsina, aights o vueto en, thouise ingluse

CmanagurmodtJ actieng hot ouec h e

Hence, maieiby his doginitien tolkA ahad he

ueullno inonia todomohtsJo make

2 Supplis Pauatiwo
PannNn. 2 / 9
UD He.D 2 2 M0AEODE3

h hokehe uulneeinondal tatermarnta

diolsatly betuuaan ond& ohd an inesteAs
9Te9 Lets ALppel yU ee uoo Plohhung &b
uho ys eid2plce eh hont d o puuldic listed
Lauidity ituotien ef tho Cempany ohd Calh
Enuing yeu gyeA ont en dM
uShat 4 oRhon.olog payabl diays fetha
Heuseu ho inuotey mood e inJamotSN,OA meho
Teuad ho intont g Qach o ie0-hat-thgLbmpa.ny
L e planhing to okehuy inlghmotLOh_buhd
uoy almel umpeAiblO o uh Lelpgot h the
nlnual n0pstin omoughk

3: Analuyaty 2Tmuotths Peupechu

Finonia Onalut Ondinuate uthe tinanuial dlato
hmnantiaAtOTomhta do analyddthe oJemonta
gacodtain Cempany ond aliemtap>aditih
oeub un0pemouh o OhdAbusth, apadE
e m h Oho asoud to emaluotoha Cempahy
nanial hooh and eaning petontia, inanta
atemohts ou impgitad becaude Hhay peoll ahugt ameunt
inehimactien obfiutA tenpony okahuya, enday peitabili
adbond abilibydo mee t Ahet-ÖVm and Jshg-om eLootioy
To daloumine thu abiity a buuines Qonwate toh.
dlalin A nondial hotiss em Jhe
To dbockand Dguauý ho inuahdtey a CQmpany
OndAo0 Lgho-tho -ho 90ed bd domaho sa4.
meuing, e AOu-MSung
PaanNn.3 g
uDHD 2]2HgADU832

Acceunting stondalo g CAsg) y COhcond uth
phomuA eh h bplis u9hu Ch hu
Socaonhed în the totunt DetOnoJes.
beihos tidty Thi aeuing gtandondi
oly uuuth ho 0conitteh Mango anling
intho Celuh dikay actti he end pi
Such a 0Malue Atom Am Sollo geedj.
Rohdgning e ouicos
we þusinai editty oeuos by thoyouino
intott, AyO dohd diiddkds h tun
HelLOMOAhisacLeuing standod deeMAt doal uith
n u ) houwttungarn:
Cohituudtitn cehb.a.cts
hie Pochalo g ease ogheemohd3
eAmontonanta and thah uch Jubiidies
JMuanoCGnoct h ose e unULon ce Cempani

Rouanu Racsgnibh in Colo e solos e Greeds-Nenal coãe:

Toonuo Peponty by he Aollok do buye i dho baaic
Chitoki a ho
CeoniLeNUn -ho Calo Odadhotuth inupluing
sal 90-d.Neus, hoke con betwo cicumatan.ce
Lundo390hue 6 pMepatyh Cole 908d

Pane N / 9
Tho is COL doalg uith tho
Aepeit h
eho LoholDahile
96-ed and tho alia &dtediuks ahd
etohbAhip hQuddds do he buy etu imutAonoe
mAuch'Cosesh 0anug 20C0Qbiged o hi dima
Jale g8ed. Thiy bocauugbethho oanla
pheAt an 9&ed) a ualO uk ahd
HOtd0o hbuuyal ake ploce adtho Guehouhp
Aamg me.

Th AlCAhd Ca doals uuith ho acumAtonco3

ughe a h e f pepay in 9epa ohd
ao hbuyeh at ha Aume
Thu ih uth oll, 0yanluo iy a Leghijed Ohe dume Lshen
ghiicoht iks ouhd QuohoLhpu 20LaOJ 0Q
Reed o ho buueTho0 A odLe moy ecu
duu t o dolay h acceurd g ethoho buyaMs

Fuodhgknmailhe geed) oAo Oho iik tha poorty sha

hay emmited h o
aullHLG Juh q oudtloads
O e u9hi th mou e t tKCdd ethdbuiu

2-RoMdhuo Ro cegnitsh in (030 Sala Gheedg-Speata Caie:

Tho C0toin induutuas UShoNO Mooemoun ce

heonuacibh 9onooting Ouonud exocfd.

fe eyompl Jamol, hou OLghCuktu 8p3
boletO AAAh hOmh ho mo at. dhomeNe
Aol 90003 J)Auch O Ca3 0luA
undo a euuad Cokda ct
Pane No. S9
uD Mo.
ehmont quaatea
hoeugh aneiangmNoaka fho o8eds tghoo
Cnegliqibloaltk e 48iluO46 0
Thusn JuchcaLoho geeds g0 ualuad a ha
ALChAalus 00 mA dalinod ouonus 0 p N
OCLOuhtting ALandoo
HeUoNO dh meunts O Pepiad.aly3asgniyad

Pane No. 6/9

No 22] H0AIIDE|31

Dalina cePmen_cenmm&h Sige ImcemoStatomo

Hemmen AQincomo Atostomont i pn in c&m statomat

in uohidh eokno itorm ehALd 0J a poacohtog2
h a uollug 90dhuo a . I U ugo
AOAti (oohalys,iughiCh_each h e
t in a dinandta tatomoht iypALArte2d
OO20coOLgo Q bO QOI uthun tho
Ceume Jiag ha.ndal Atotoment help) o
Una OCewpAe Qmpany1y opemOhce
e OOANOa ueou uith aslihaol
OAubiequohty Cermpokooempony
dAuhieqLontly do hegA Cempcdited
dodataminohguse Cempany A payenmuhg
holot sto-tho Ühouuty

Heug Cemmen Sioe ImLeme totemondt ij uld

Gonehaly Accoeted HoCALndig hinipko (GaAAP)
Qoboldh ShALndCundu empai.abulity
inahcaAtodo monbs H Cemmen Anincahe
Kotamont makos eo do A00
d in a Cempany e S ho Camman Aime
2Lenudlgas ol,Ahp koheuS h epchLin
Com UEmpnoN Oets Aho nanuial pasition
the Ce on
a20J203ut hênancialLotpmundt u con
cmeho olily Compdio thahonial AOwmoh

By Oauun9 heug a CEmpanysinondal 20Lulha

h8me Chdhg&eLo duMe, Cemmah A handal
PAna No. /9
uD No D 2]2B D83

toda many holp inuolte Apat bond thata tandao

nah tual iatomont may met UhcouOThoTho Cemme
Cahta.ges holD d hughlioht ony enton
umbes uo img- haifaa -hdia band
poU peUime A Mogadiwl LOg0 Chong ho
OLcohitogg e0uonilo 0 COmpedo ho MaiBus
eApunje Cotogiu 0uoh iuanPiso Luld be
aign ho he busiho hado Jol p0Je nonte
tohulachuwing Cots g0 Changing9.
e Cemmon Aine nOnd tatumurd anaya (an
Oue be appllOOo ho bolaunce Ahoat On tho
tatoman COh eus
eh eyamplo-
Cem.pony A | Tmcem
emmen Siae
In ceme Stotomort
Salo Rovanue
Ceteh Geed Cold S0o
S000D So
Sallag GnaoAodunnubobiec 1O0UD

OPeotun eht yo/o

8,400 8%
Ne-Tmceme 31600 32-/

CemponyA, has anin(gma sbotomovt uudh ho abeuLo

Rouonu 0,and at inCeme.
Net inCOma iColculat Ao by
Ravonu0 -(CoGS+ S2GA+Tay)
Tn0Aonuo ,oqDoDCoGs Sqooo and SRA
OpDD hah Uye pet As t SqUOD, Opaai hg pet
0DOD Ond Net ome y31,600 (taxa at2 )
Page No.

he Cmmen Aipe onsish h i ihCemetatemon

douio eachih iombu AAMenuL,eEL,OZO
Rouanu diide y Ot20D oD°%
ConS diuided by O0poD S o f o
Ooding pel diidud by TloopoD uo
Ne intn idud by rOpmv i 22
Hsu Can A00, 9h mmonqin i So/a, e2eNotinq
3 2% 0 h
o/ ond PAetd mogih
32%9-ho Smmen Aine h m Atatmond

Pana Nn. 9/9

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