Industrial Training Report

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1. Abstract
2. Introduction
2.1. NTPC Limited
2.2. Layout of NTPC
2.3. Principle of Thermal Power Plant
3. Coal Handling Plant (CHP) :-
3.1. Coal source
3.2. Crushing
3.3. Pulverization
3.4. Furnace (burning step)
3.5. Ash handling plant (AHP)
4. Main Plant:-
4.1. Boiler
4.2. Steam Generator
4.3. Turbine

5. Switchyard
6. Safety
7. Advantages & Disadvantages
8. Conclusion
9. References


Industrial training is an important part of studying engineering. It

helps students to improve their practical skills and problem solving
approach on an industrial level and to develop their professional

I have done 4 weeks of industrial training from NATIONAL THERMAL

POWER COMPANY (NTPC), SIPAT. During the period of training, l
have been learned about industrial work. It covered the industry's
working system, power generation, related technologies, new
developments and management practices etc.

This report explains about various plants like boiler, coal handling
plant(CHP), ash handling plant (AHP), electro-static precipitator(ESP),
Generators and High voltage transformers , etc . Which are used in
the process of power generation in a plant


Figure 2.1

NTPC is a Maharatna Company. NTPC Limited, formerly known

as National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, is an Indian public
sector undertaking which is engaged in generation of electricity and
allied activities. The headquarters of the company is situated at New
Delhi. NTPC's core function is the generation and distribution of
electricity to State Electricity Boards in India. The body also
undertakes consultancy and turnkey project contracts that involve
engineering, project management, construction management, and
operation and management of power plants. NTPC is India’s largest

power utility with an installed capacity of 69,134.25  MW (including
JVs), plans to become a 130 GW company by 2032. Established in
1975, NTPC aims to be the world’s largest and best power major.

2.1 NTPC limited

Presently, NTPC generates power from Coal. With an installed

capacity of 26,00 MW, NTPC is the largest power generating major in

the country. It has also diversified into hydro power coal mining,
power equipment manufacturing, oil & gas exploration,
power trading & distribution. With an increasing presence in the
power value chain, NTPC is well on its way to becoming an
“Integrated Power Major
leading the nation’s power generation league, NTPC has remained
committed to the environment. It continues to take various pro-
active measures for  protection of the environment and ecology
around its projects. NTPC was the first among power utilities in India
to start Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies and reinforced
it with Periodic Environmental Audits.

NTPC is the largest thermal power generating company of India .A

Public sector Company wholly owned by government of India.

2.2 Layout of NTPC

Figure 2.2

2.3 Principle of the Steam Power Plant
The working principle of a steam plant is based upon the Rankine
cycle. Generally steam is taken as the working medium due to its
ability to be stable and that it's readily stable. The flow of steam in
the plant can be very easily be understood by the flow diagram of
the plant. A graph plotted between the temperature and the
entropy would indicate the technical details of the working by the
rankine cycle. The entropy of a system can be understood as an
index of degradation of energy.

Figure 2.3


 In NTPC Sipat coal source take by Dipika Mines of South

Eastern Coalfields Limited through trains & by road . And this
coal size is approx 200mm.
 ignite is used in thermal power stations since it is of lower
grade and contains less percentage of carbon.


 RBC originating from Hasdeo Barrage


 Chhattisgarh, M.P, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Daman & Diu,

Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

3.2 Pulverization
 The basic idea of a firing system using pulverised fuel is to use
the whole volume of the furnace for the combustion of solid
 Coal is ground to the size of a fine grain, mixed with air and
burned in the flue gas flow.
 Biomass and other materials can also be added to the mixture.
 Coal contains mineral matter which is converted to ash during
 The ash is removed as bottom ash and fly ash. The bottom ash
is removed at the furnace bottom.
 This type of boiler dominates the electric power industry,
providing steam to drive large turbines.
 Pulverized coal provides the thermal energy which produces
about 50% of the world's electric supply.
 The concept of burning coal that has been pulverized into a
fine powder stems from the belief that if the coal is made fine
enough, it will burn almost as easily and efficiently as a gas.
 The feeding rate of coal according to the boiler demand and
the amount of air available for drying and transporting the
pulverized coal fuel is controlled by computers.

As the coal gets crushed by the rolling action, the hot air dries it and
blows the usable fine coal powder out to be used as fuel.

Figure 3.2

 Controls semiautomatic furnaces and auxiliary equipment to
produce carbon black by partial combustion of crude oil, natural
gas, or mixture of both Notifies UNIT OPERATORS to start or shut
down equipment.

 In units, such as reactors, quenchers, precipitators, cyclones, and

filters to maintain efficient production.

 Monitors pyrometers, recording meters, and other gauges to

verify process conditions as indicated by control panel

 Turns valves and moves switches on central control panel to

regulate temperature, pressure, and flow of fuel and air in
reactors, and to transfer accumulated carbon black through
auxiliary units to produce carbon black of specified type and

 Tours plant area to verify that equipment is operating as indicated

by central control panel.

 Records instrument readings in operating log and reports

abnormal conditions to supervisory personnel.

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 Gives directions to crew during manual operation of equipment to
maintain production or verify accuracy of instrument zed controls.

Figure 3.3

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Figure 3.4

 Ash handling refers to the method of collection, conveying,

interim storage and load out of various types of ash residue left
over from solid fuel combustion processes.

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 The most common types of ash include bottom ash, bed ash, fly
ash and ash clinkers resulting from the combustion of coal, wood
and other solid fuels.
 Ash handling systems may employ pneumatic ash conveying or
mechanical ash conveyors.
 A typical pneumatic ash handling system will employ vacuum
pneumatic ash collection and ash conveying from several ash pick
up stations-with delivery to an ash storage silo for interim holding
prior to load out and transport.
 Pressurized pneumatic ash conveying may also be employed.
Coarse ash material such as bottom ash is most often crushed in
clinker grinders (crushers) prior to being transported in thrash
conveyor system.
 Very finely sized fly ash often accounts for the major portion of
the material conveyed in an ash handling system.
 It is collected from bughouse type dust collectors, electrostatic
precipitators and other apparatus in the flue gas processing
 Ash mixers (conditioners) and dry dustless telescopic devices are
used to prepare ash for transfer from the ash storage.

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4. Main plant

 A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated.
 The fluid does not necessarily boil. (In NTPC, the term "furnace" is
normally used if the purpose is not to actually boil the fluid.)
 The heated or vaporized fluid exits the boiler for use in various
processes or heating applications, including water heating, central
heating, boiler-bas bar power generation, cooking, and sanitation.
 In order to fully understand what a given boiler needs for
treatment, a basic study of its supply water must be done first.
 Three types of impurities exist in all supplies and can cause a wide
range of problems in boilers and kilns.
 These impurities are suspended solids, dissolved solids, and
dissolved gasses.
 Water picks up the impurities from the ground it contacts and the
air through which it falls.
 The type of impurity depends on contact time, and stream
 The amount of rainfall and where the rain occurs on the
watershed can and does result in changes in the character of the
water throughout the year.

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 Water supplies typically come from one of two sources, ground
water or surface water.

Figure 4.1

A boiler or steam generator is a device used to create steam by

applying heat energy to water. Although the definitions are
somewhat flexible, it can be said that older steam generators were
commonly termed boilers and worked at low to medium pressure
(1–300 psi or 6.895–2,068.427 kPa) but, at pressures above this, it is
more usual to speak of a steam generator.

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 Type of steam generator unit used in coal-fired power plants
 The steam generator or boiler is an integral component of
a steam engine when considered as a prime mover.
 However it needs be treated separately, as to some extent a
variety of generator tapes can be combined with a variety of
engine units.
 A boiler incorporates a firebox or furnace in order to burn the fuel
and generate heat.
 The generated heat is transferred to water to make steam, the
process of boiling.
 This produces saturated steam at a rate which can vary according
to the pressure above the boiling water.
 The higher the furnace temperature, the faster the steam
 The saturated steam thus produced can then either be used
immediately to produce power via a turbine and alternator, or
else may be further superheated to a higher temperature.

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Figure 4.2

 A thermal power station is a power plant in which heat energy is
converted to electric power.
 In most of the world the turbine is steam-driven. Water is heated,
turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives
an electrical generator.
 After it passes through the turbine, the steam is condensed in
a condenser and recycled to where it was heated; this is known as
a Ranking cycle.

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 The greatest variation in the design of thermal power stations is
due to the different heat sources, fossil fuel dominates here,
although nuclear heat energy and solar heat energy are also used.
 Some prefer to use the term energy center because such facilities
convert forms of heat energy into electrical energy.
 Certain thermal power plants also are designed to produce heat
energy for industrial purposes of district heating,
or desalination of water, in addition to generating electrical
power. Globally, fossil-fuel power stations produce a large part of
man-made CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and efforts to
reduce these are varied and widespread.
 The condenser condenses the steam from the exhaust of the
turbine into liquid to allow it to be pumped. If the condenser can
be made cooler, the pressure of the exhaust steam is reduced and
efficiency of the cycle increases.
 Diagram of a typical water cooled surface condenser.
 The surface condenser is a shell and tube heat exchanger in which
cooling water is circulated through the tubes. The exhaust steam
from the low pressure turbine enters the shell where it is cooled
and converted to condensate (water) by flowing over the tubes as
shown in the adjacent diagram. Such condensers use steam

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ejectors or rotary motor-driven exhausts for continuous removal
of air and gases from the steam side to maintain vacuum.
 For best efficiency, the temperature in the condenser must be
kept as low as practical to maintain the lowest possible pressure.

Figure 4.3

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As we know that electrical energy can't be stored like cells, so what we

generate should be consumed instantaneously. But as the load is not
constants therefore we generate electricity according to need i.e. the
generation depends upon load. The yard is the places from where the
electricity is send outside. It has both outdoor and indoor equipments.

Switchyard is a switching station which is the main link between the
generating plant and the transmission system. It can be considered as
the heart of the power plant, the generated power will only be worthy
if it can be transmitted and received by the consumers.

Figure 5.1

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 Safe working and operation of any plant, machinery is first priority
and it is a cumulative effort of the manager, safety officer, head of
department of concerned department, supervisors and workers
 This provides a better end result in minimizing the accidents.
 Finding out comparative result and performance of the team past
few year accidents.
 Hence we need some techniques for measuring safety measures
and to provide safety measuring rating.
 Such type of rating and monitoring help to identify the weakness
in implementation of safety program in plant and providing a
more strong safety program.
 The rating and measurement of safety performance is useful to all
people in management to know the progress of safety culture in
their power plant .
 It provides and promotes safety in all incident like road safety,
home safety, industrial safety and safety at the sea and the sky.
 The industries are paying huge amount every year in terms of
Workmen compensation, wage and incentives and other benefits.

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 Many insurance companies also pay the huge amount for accident
injuries, deaths, and property damage.
 In how if they know the real measurement of safety performance
they may try to suggest necessary safety measures to reduce the
premium amount.
 Quantitative monitoring is more powerful tool to identify the
severity of accident.
 This gives a proper value and clear indication about the most and
least unsafe work in terms of safety.
 Along with it also gives information about the money and man -
days lost due to accidents.
 This will help us to concentrate on that area that needs more
attention and to provide remedial action to stop or minimize the
various losses due to accidents.
 In this work we are focusing on the quantitative measures of
various safety performance.

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 The fuel used is quite cheap.
 Less initial cost as compared to other generating plants.
 It can be installed at any place irrespective of the existence of
coal. The coal can be transported to the site of the plant by rail or
 It require less space as compared to Hydro power plants.
 Cost of generation is less than that of diesel power plants.

 It pollutes the atmosphere due to production of large amount of
smoke and fumes.
 It is costlier in running cost as compared to Hydro electric plants.

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Industrial training being an integral part of engineering curriculum
provides not only easier understanding but also helps acquaint an
individual with technologies. It exposes an individual to practical
aspect of all things which differ considerably from theoretical models.
During my training, I gained a lot of practical knowledge which
otherwise could have been exclusive to me,.

The training at NTPC Sipat was altogether an exotic experience ,

since work, cuture and mutual cooperation was excellent here.
Moreover fruitful result of adherence to quality control awareness of
safety and employees were fair which is much evident here.

All the minor and major sections in thermal project had been visited
and also understood to the best of my knowledge . I believe that this
training has made me well versed with the various processes in the
power plant. As far as I think there is a long way to go till we use our
newest of ever improving technologies to increase the efficiency
because the stocks of coal are dwindling and they are not going to last
forever. Its imperative that we start shouldering the burden together to
see a shining and sustainable future INDIA.

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