HRM Cheatsheet
HRM Cheatsheet
HRM Cheatsheet
as job holder in social work environment Planning: process - move from current to desired manpower position -> have right numbe
behavior, attitudes & performance. Provide competitiveness Cost strategies – high concern in quantity, short time - define skills & invest in training 3.4 JOB DESIGN Define how work be performed & tasks be required in a given job. when the right kind of ppl at right places/time.
1. Forecast labour supply/demand
Strategic HRM - 8 parts: 1.Analysis & Design of work; 2. Plan; 3. Recruit; 4. Selection; 5. Differentiation strategies – Skills: cooperate with others, develop new ideas & take a work does not yet exist .Job redesign: Change tasks/way work is performed. Ex: increasing
Train & Develop; 6. Compensation; 7. Performance management; 8. Employee balanced approach to process & results. workloads within an existing work unit Methods: Statitical (stable, large org) /Judmental (unstable industry)
relations 1. Responsibilities Strategic Types - Porter’s Cost & Differentiation: Value: created = reducing costs & A. Mechanistic Approach: Classical industrial engineering roots • Identify simplest way to Determine: Supply =how many - currently in various job categories; Demand:
Provide specific activities: analysis & design of work; recruitment& selection; training& differentiating product/service -> charge premium price relative to competitors. specific job categories or skill areas - relevant - current/future state
structure work - maximizes efficiency & Design jobs around task specification - skill Transitional matrices: proportion of E - different jobs & different times
development; performance management; compensation &benefits; employee Directional Strategies: Concentration; Internal Growth; Mergers & Acquisitions; Downsizings simplification - Repetition
relations; personnel policies (policy creation/commu); employee data (record Concentration Strategies: Increase market share, reduce costs, create & maintain a market 2. Forecast surplus/shortage: 3. Goal setting & Strategic planning:
Scientific Management 1 of earliest & best-known statements; Productivity be Provide benchmark: redress a pending labour shortage or surplus
keeping, workforce analytics), legal compliance ( ensure lawful behaviour; reporting; niche -> maintain current skills & need Skill-based training & fair compensation maximized = take a scientific approach; Monetary incentives; & Workers are trained in "
..); support for business strategy ( planning & forecasting; talent &change Internal Growth Strategies: New market & product development/innovation & joint ventures. Shortage: re-trained transfers (high), turnover reduction (moderate), new external hires,
1 best-way" to do job => Selected on "ability"; Less dependent on indi workers tech innovation (low)
management) • Constantly hire, transfer & promote individuals. •Compensation weighted towards B. Motivational Approach: Roots in org psychology & management literrature
3 product lines: administrative services & transactions(compensation, hire, staff); achievement • Joint ventures require conflict resolution Temporary employees: Frees the firm from administrative tasks & financial burdens,
business partner services (meet goal; attract & develop pp); strategic partner Mergers & Acquisitions: Acquire vendors & suppliers/buy businesses->expand new React to mechanistic approaches; focus on characteristics affect psycho meaning & Hiring & training = agency; Brings objective perspectives -> problems & procedures; Only
(Differentiators: Human capital & HR practices)
CHAP 1 →
markets. Increase Involve: Pp issues cause probs; Different org cultures; Conflict resolution.
motivational potential; View attitudinal variable (satisfaction) as 1st important
outcomes; & increase job meaningfulness.
for supplemented positions; Less committed and engaged; Not reliable work result
Outsource: perform set of services for a long time, operate more efficiently & save
High-Impact HR functions Downsizing: elimination personnel to enhance org' effectiveness. SLOW trend: Not meet fin & Job characteristic model: money. Challenges: quality-control problems, security violations, & poor customer
• more integrated w B; Type of Human capital: Training; Experience; org objectives, (-) Affect E morale & productivity -> must “surgically” reduce only workers - 1)Skill variety. 2) Task identity: What job requires completing a whole piece from service
• more skilled- attract & retain Judgement; Intelligence; Relationships & Insight Overtime: Less cost <hire & train new, suitable for short-term shortage, Cons: stress, less
• adapt quickly to B needs less valuable in their performance. Survivor morale issue beginning-end. 3)Autonomy: allow indi make decisions. 4)Feedback.: performance
productive and more frustration. ( Fast, High - 3c màu đỏ, còn lại SLOW))
• identify & promote talent 2 important challenges: Intended Strategies: Rational decision-making = top managers 2.5 Competitive Advantage effectiveness 5)Task significance. Surplus: demotion (high suffering), transfers, work sharing (fast, moderate suffering),
• identify what motivates Shift focus - current operation -> future strategies Emergent Strategies: Evolve from grassroots of org. = What Org actually do>< what intend Job enlargement: Broaden types of tasks -> less repetitive & more interesting hiring freeze, natural attrition, re-train (slow, low suffering)
• continuously build talent & skill Prepare non-HR m-ers -> develop HR practices to do. Identified by those lower in org hierarchy Job extension: Combine relatively simple jobs-> form a job - wider range of tasks. Downsize (fast, high)(planned elimination - reasons: tech reduce labor needs, merger &
2. Strategic Role: focus: Talent & Performance management; Use data to make ideas Enhance Firm Competitiveness: Develop human capital pool, -> give unique ability to Job rotation: Move employees among some different jobs. acquisition, change location. Negative: talent loss, disrupts social networks, drop
& solutions; Help to create global workforce adapt to ever-changing environment. • Learning organization Job enrichment: Empower workers by adding more decision authority motivation, go of irreplaceable assets ). Pay-reduction (fast, high) (~reduce hours ->
Share service model: Centers: Expertise(staffing & train); Administrative, transactional Self-managing work teams: Design work be done weather a slump in demand, less costly than layoffs, easier to restore the work hours).
tasks. Techhnology: Reduce HR role, provide self-service C3: Analysis and Design of Work Telework: Flexibility in locations Early retirement (Baby Boomers delaying retirement -> encouraged to leave voluntarily
Outsourcing: (Benefits adminis, Relocation, Payroll) - Reasons: Cost savings; Ability to Create a fit btw environment, competitive strategy, philosophy & jobs & org design Flexible work schedules: through incentive programs -> Phased-retirement program: reduce working hours &
recruit & manage talent • Improved HR service quality •Protect from potential C. Bilological Approach - From body movements study (Ergonomics) cost of older workers);
lawsuits competencies for HR: WORK-FLOW ANALYSIS & ORG. STRUCTURE 4. Program implementation & evaluation: held accountable - achieving goals; authority
Examine - interface: indi physiological characteristics & physical work environment ->
1.HR Technical Expertise 2.Relationship Management 3. Consultation: guidance Work-flow Design: how to bundle tasks into discrete jobs. Analyse: 1st- Allocate - Assign redesigning equipment for job -> Minimize physical strain by structuring physical work envi; & resources to accomplish
4.Leadership& Navigation: Direct initiatives & processes 5.Communications • Work-flow analysis: Provide means - Understand tasks required - produce high-quality Redesign the machines and technology to minimize occupational illnesses.
Exchange & create free flow of in4 - inside & outside 6.Global and Cultural products & skills necessary Identify & attract potential employees: build a supply of potential
D. Perceptual-Motor Approach - Human mental abilities & limitations; new hires & encourage qualified people to apply
Effectiveness • Value & consider perspectives. 7.Ethical Practice • Integrate core Work outputs (product/service): Specify quantity/quality standards Goal: ensure E not exceed pp's mental capabilities & limits.
values, integrity & accountability 8.Critical evaluation: Interpretation of in4 -> decisions
9. Business acumen • Understand how in4 used - support strategy.
Work processes: members engage into produce output. Operating procedures,: tasks Focus: improve reliability, safety & user reactions by reducing in4-processing requires.
1.Personnel policies: how it will carry out HRM
1st important factor in predicting job choice
performed by 1 person in unit; Specify how things- done at each stage Limit in4 amount & memorization & use software ; allow Freely manage time; Use Promotion-within: fills upper-level vacancies = who are already working
Strategic Value of HRM: Evidenced-Based HR: positive influence - bottom line Team-based job design: complex work/overloaded workload, none - have all skills software that tracks work progress
(profits and costs)/ key stakeholders; Use: HR/Workforce analytics (Big data) Lead-the-market pay: Create recruiting advantage; Make up for less desirable
Effective team=>Task interdependence levels (cooperate) matches outcome Based on least capable worker. features; Compete on wages and salaries, bonus, incentive, stock options.
3. Challenges : Sustainability ~social responsibility: ability to meet needs without interdependence (team bonus-task accomplishment). Tech changes => in4-processing errors: Absence presence results when interacting Employment-at-will: IF no specific employment contract saying otherwise, the
sacrificing future generation -> boost image, access new market, attract & retain with multiple media; external disruptions; & " Hand-off" of in4 error. employer/employee may end the relationship at any time, regardless of cause
Workforce: New job creation; Aging workforce; Skill demands; Remaining competitive Problem: Too reliable/disrupted mem => Fail to develop own skills/responsibility.
Standardize communication protocols at the hand-off point. Due-process policies: formally lay out steps - employee take to appeal the
-> Enhance = Improve: design of work, use tech, up-skill emp, manage performance & => Avoid production waste & Efficiency experts: unnecessary movement, overburdening employer's decision to terminate that employee.
compensate, raise pay,.. people/machines & inconsistent production=> Create excessive inventory. Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation method
Intangible assets: Customer capital: brands, relationships, loyalty, distribution. Human Lean production: Leverage tech, & small numbers of flexible, well-trained & skilled personnel Social presence & reputation: promote - draw applicants; Image ads
capital -> Emphasize Empowerment, Learning & Maximize E engagement (share - 2. Recruitment source: where to look for applicants
rewards & losses, responsibility& authority..) -> Manage Talent: systematic planned -> more custom-based products => Emphasize manufacturing goods with a minimum Based on the nature of the vacancy & the labour needs
strategic effort: attract, retain, develop & motivate... highly-skilled time, materials, money—& people(key) Internal sources: who currently hold other positions; Through job posting, or
Stakeholders Needs: balanced scorecard - demonstrate performance "Batch work": large group of low-skilled E churn out long runs of identical mass products -> communicate in4 on comp bulletin boards, publications, intranets, etc.
Legal: discrimination & harassment, healthcare, immigration, data security. Ethical: stored in inventories for later sale (eg: ASUS) External sources: suitable: entry-level positions/ specialized upper-levelpositions.
principles: mutual benefits, responsibility, fair treatment, valued purpose & vision Direct applicants: Apply without prompting from org • Referrals: with prompting
Globalisation: market, glob competitiveness, prepare E -> glob assignments Work input: -Raw materials: converted into unit's product (Just-in-time inventory). Public employment agencies: serve blue-collar market; Low/ no cost
Entering: export, build centers, Alliances, E-commerce Equipment: Tech/machinery transform raw materials=>product (Prob: de-skilling work). Private employment agencies: serve white-collar market; Charge for referrals;
Offshore: export JOBS - developed -> to low-cost. RESHORE: return job - developed Invest equip: capital spending per worker. Human skills: Lowest-cost E & be violated when Executive search firm (head-hunters) for managers & professionals vacancy
Technology: social networking, AI, cloud computing, HR dashboards, high- Evaluate source quality: Yield Ratio: percentage of applicants - successfully
performance work systems and virtual teams extremely reducing headcount.
Organization Structure: move from one stage to the next. Cost per Hire: total money spent to fill a
Strategic Management process: (SMP) Different job levels relate; stable & formal network of vertical & horizontal interconnections. vacancy.
Deploy & allocate resources for competitive advantage. Integrally involve HRM Dimensions of structure: Centralization: Decision authority - top of the org chart 3. Traits & Behaviors
functions: 1. Input in strategic plan 2. knowledge of strategic goals 3. Know types of Departmentalization: Work units are grouped based on functional/ workflow similarity/ Recruiter traits: HR specialists < credible & attracted < job experts.
needed skills, behaviors, attitudes 4. Develop programs to ensure HR have such "Warm“: care - applicant & enthusiastic about potential to contribute to org
requirements. Use business model to create customer's value. Structural configurations: a) Functional structure: High centralization levels: Individual Informative“: provides information the applicant is seeking.
Address org’s competitive challenges; = integrating goals, policies & action units - specialized, members - weak conceptualization of overall org mission. Ex: Vinamilk Recruiter Behaviors:
sequences into cohesive whole. Efficient with little redundancy; Inflexible & insensitive to subtle differences across Realism: avoid exaggerating - positive features & downplaying the negative
Strategic HRM: Pattern of planned HR deployments & activities to achieve goals. products, regions/clients. Stable => help compete on cost. Prob: subunit conflicts Realistic job previews: the background in4 - jobs' positive and negative qualities.
2 Components-Strategic Management Process • Strategy Formulation
→ b) Divisional structure: Almost separate, self-sufficient, semi-autonomous org, including:
Planning groups through missions & goals, external (O&T) & internal(S&W) 1) Product; 2) Geographic struc; 3) Client struc
Selection method standard SELECTION
Reliability: free from random error (accurately). • Ex: a reliable test -
• Strategy Implementation Org follows on chosen strategy-that align employee
behavior with org's goals.
Small size subunit: people - make difference and connected to others.(<150).
Large subunit: experience reduced feelings of indi accountability/motivation, hinders
consistent results if same person takes - several times
Validity: performance on a measure (a test score) - related to what the
measure - designed to assess (job performance)(measure sth matters?”
Link btw HRM & SMP: Strategic choice "Competition" (Where-How-With what). performance (>150) • Ex: measure of weight and height - not provide valid selection criteria
Integration btw HRM & SM function- 4 levels Low centralization; More flexible & innovative (proximity: homogeneous consumer Ability to Generalize: Valid in other contexts beyond the context in which
Administrative linkage (lowest level): Day-to-day; unrelated to core B needs. base) => Support to compete on differentiation/innovation the selection method was developed. Ex: different organizations/ time
One-way linkage: cty cannot successfully implement Not efficient: redundancy - each group carrying its own functional specialists, lack of Practical value: Utility: economic value > cost
Two-way linkage: HR issues consideration - 3 steps: a) HRM function b) HR coordination (stand-alone divisions) => Demise company. Ex; Samsung • Ex: fast-food restaurants NOT invest much on selecting employees
implications c) Decision-making & Pass on to HRM excutives. Legal standards: adhere to existing laws & legal precedents
Other structures: geographic/ client structures • Ex: interview questions not interfere with candidate’s privacy
Integrative linkage: Dynamic & multifaceted, continuing base => Choose 1st=>
changes to development & alignment in practices. => Functional Structures: Job - narrow & highly specialized, little authority or responsibilities Selection method
Strategic Formulation 5 components: Divisional Struc: Manager - more experienced or high in cognitive ability
1. Org's mission (Reason for being): Specify customers need & satisfaction/values Problems ~ occur with tall and narrow’s org structure 3.3 JOB ANALYSIS
Job applications forms: Low-cost, offline-online -> identify who meet
minimum requirements for edu & experience
2.Goals (Medium to long-term future): How mission is operationalized. Def: Get detailed job in4->match job requirements & ppl -achieve high-quality performance Résumés: Inexpensive; Provide insights - communicate & present
3.External analysis (Oppor&Threats): Examine org's operating environment. Job Description: Lists of tasks, duties & responsibilities (TDRs: observable actions); Written themselves. • 1st valid - evaluated = job specification
4. Internal analysis (S & Weak): Quantity & quality of resource (fin, capital, tech) broadly. Avoid disagreement & conflict -> Determine how indi meets Job requirement • Drawback: content might be biased & lack of accuracy
5. Strategic choice: Fulfill mission & achieve long-term goals. B. Job Specification : Knowledge (factual/procedural in4), skills (proficiency level), abilities References: only done if determined as finalists for the job
2.4 Strategic implementation: • Drawback: time-consuming, biased/ invalid in4, burden to ppl contacted
(enduring capability to possess), & personal traits (KSAOs) Physical ability test: muscular tension/ power/ endurance, flexibility,...
Structural forms & org' processes choose from implementing a given strategy”
→ 5 variables: 1. org structure 2.HRM tasks :t ask design, 3. Selection, training,
& development 4. Reward systems 5. Types of inf4 & inf4 systems.
2-Dynamic elements
Jobs change & evolve over time: JA process detect changes in job natures
• less important - use of auto & modern tech; essential- to avoid work injury
Cognitive ability tests: verbal, quantitative, reasoning ability
Vertical Alignment: HR practices & processes address strategic business needs. De-jobbing: View org as a field of work be done > discrete jobs held by specific indi Job performance tests & work samples: role-play, interactive videos,
Link btw strategy & HR practices: people, including: 4-Sources of JA information: Subject-matter experts: Deep job knowledge. 2.Job simulations
incumbent: 1st accurate about what is done on job. 3.Supervisors: Check whether what • Effective - specialized tasks; Low: Generalizability; Expensive to develop
done is congruent with what is supposed to be done in job. 4. Social networks Personality inventories: Big 5 Personality & Emotional Intelligence
• Job analysis and design • Selection Strategic HRM • Recruitment 3 Job Analysis methods: 1. Observation; 2. Questionnaires, 3. Interview Extroversion; Adjustment (Emotionally stable, secure); Agreeableness
systems • Performance management • Reward systems JA's Importance: 1. Work design: Detailed in4 about existing jobs be available. (trusting, tolerant, cooperative); Conscientiousness (Dependable, organized,
systems • Labor relations programs • Training & development programs achievement-oriented); Open - Experience (Curious, imaginative, artistically
• Pay structure, Incentives & Benefits: High pay /benefits relate to competitors -> 2) HR planning: Accurate in4 about skill levels required. 3) Selection: Most qualified Self-awareness: strengths & weaknesses; Self-regulation disruptive
attract & retain high-quality E, BUT negatively influences overall labor costs. • applicants. 4)Traning & development: prepare inds to perform effective jobs. emotions in check; Self-motivation persevere - obstacles; Empathy - read
Tying pay to performance ->elicit(gợi ra)specific activities & performance 5) Performance appraisal: How well employee perform to reward. emotions; Social skills: manage other's emotions
levels 6) Career planning: Match indi skills & aspirations with opportunities in org.
Multiple-hurdle model: eliminating some candidates at each stage. 1. Screening
• Labor & E Relations: Decision results in successfully achieve short/long-term Importance to line managers: 1. Understand work-flow process; 2. Understand requirement applications; 2. Test & Review work samples; 3. Interview; 4. Check reference; 5. Selectio
goals/cease to exist. (rights, participation - decision making, comp's -> Intelligent hiring decision; 3. Work done safely, 4. Ensure - perform satisfactorily Compensatory mode: high score on one type of assessment - make up for a low score
Training Continuous learning: Formal training; Informal learning; + Job experiences 6.1. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Direct: base pay, commission, bonus pay
Knowledge management ( design & use tools Stretch assignments ~ positive or negative: mismatch between E skills & skills required Ensure activities and outputs benefits the org goals => gain competitive advantage
Training: facilitate employees’ learning of job-related competencies, knowledge, Employee stretch their skills— FORCED learn & apply new skills, & master new experiences. Indirect: equity package, stock options benefits, non-monetary
skills, and behaviors Formal traning process - 6 steps
Job enlargement adding challenges/new responsibilities. Ex: Special project assignments, + Performance appraisal: gets information on how well employees are doing their job
1.Needs Assessment instructional design process switching roles, research new ways - serve clients Employees evaluate the fairness of situation by comparing their ratio of perceived
+ Performance feedback: provide employees information on their performance outcomes (Op) to input (Ip) with those of other (Oo/Io) => over-reward inequity;
Pressure point to determine if training is necessary (performance prob, new Job rotation- jobs in various functional areas -> gain overall appreciation of comp goals,
tech/legislation, customers' request, job redesign, changes preferences 6.2. PROCESS (6 Step 1: Define important performance outcomes =>Align under-reward inequity; equity (pay seems fair) - respectively >, <, =. => Pressure to
increases understanding of comp functions, network contacts, skills STEPS) goals and behaviours to organization’s strategies and goals explain pay policy clearly 7.1. TYPES OF EMPLOYEE PAY COMPARISON
Org analysis: determine business appropriateness of training. -> satisfaction & motivation. (the consequence of internal equity perception) Step 2: Develop employees' goals, behaviour and actions External equity: focus on what employees in other organizations are paid for the same
Person analysis: determine who needs training, whether readiness Transfers, promotions, and downward moves -provoke anxiety. Identifying measurable goals, behaviours, and activities to help achieve the jobs - Internal equity: employees in the same organizations but different jobs, are paid
Task analysis: identify tasks, knowledge, skills, and behaviors - emphasized • Transfer: assigned a job in a different area. performance results. Include them into employees’ job descriptions 7.2. PAY STRUCTURE DECISION AREA (Administrative tool - Focus of employee
Training Initiative & Implications • Promotions: advancements into positions w greater challenges, responsibility & authority.
Step 3: Provide support & ongoing Step 4: Evaluate performance: Manager pay comparisons - Consequences of equity perceptions)
Improve customer service: Prod& service knowledge; Skills to interact w • Downward: less responsibility and authority discussion: +Focus on accomplishments, also & employee - discuss and compare the • Pay level: average pay of jobs (market pay surveys => external equity => external
customers; Understand roles & decision-making authority Temporary assignments, sabbaticals (nghỉ phép) issues and challenges influencing performance. targeted performance goals & support employees movement: labor cost, attitudes, retention)
Improve employee engagement: (O)Opportunities to develop; Understand • Temporary assignments: job try-outs -determine if interested in working in a new role.+Provide employees with training, necessary behaviours with the actual result • Job structure: relative pay of jobs (job evaluation => internal equity => internal
career/ personal growth O; Address E needs in current job & growth • A sabbatical: a leave of absence for personal reflection, renewal, and skill development.
resources and tools, and frequent feedback employee movement, cooperation among employees, employee attitudes)
2. Ensure employees’ readiness for training + Interpersonal relationships Step 6: Provide consequences Provide 7.3. FACTORS THAT AFFECTS PAY STRUCTURE
Employee characteristics: the desire, focus, and energy to learn. Mentor (protégé) Benefits: Career & Psychosocial support. Step 5: Identify improvement needed consequences for achieving (or failing to Legal requirement: Salary - agreed money paid to employees for work performed
Self-efficacy: belief -learn content of training program (confidence in themself) Reverse mentoring: younger mentor more senior Identify employee's potential to ultilize on
achieve) performance outcomes. by the latter; equals base salary plus allowances and other additional amounts -
Motivation to Learn: desire to learn(benefits, goal orientation, work envi) Coaching: motivate, help develop skills & provide feedback. performance
6.3. strengths & address
PURPOSES-Strategic purpose:weaknesses
Link employee activities with the organization’s goals. discrimination is prohibited.
3. Create a learning environment 3 roles: One-on-one/ Help employees learn for themselves/ Provide resources: Minimum wage (MW): the MW of workers with simplest job, in normal
Define the results, behaviours, & employee characteristics that are necessary for
Need to know should learn - Meaningful training content - O for practice - mentors, courses, job experiences carrying out those strategies. Develop measurement and feedback systems. conditions which help afford baisc living standard and socio-economic
Feedback - Observe, experience & interact with content, learners & instructor - development.
Good program coordination & administration - Commit content to memory 5.4 SPECIAL ISSUES - Cross- Cultural Preparation Administrative Purpose: Assist salary decisions, promotions, retention-termination,
+ Prepare knowledge: cultures, languages, skills & short training in technology layoffs, and recognition of individual performance. However, managers tend to be Overtime pay (OP): the duration of work performed outside official working
4. Ensure transfer of training + Involves educating employees (& families)- given an assignment in a foreign country uncomfortable rating employees. hours (Normal days 150%, weekly days off 200%, public holidays 300%)
On-the-job OTJ use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned + Expatriate: an employee sent to manage operations in a different country: Developmental Purpose Night pay: from 22:00 to 6:00 the following day (overtime at night: overtime
Influenced by the climate for transfer: (below) • Competent in area of expertise • Able to communicate in host country • Culturally sensitive
Define deficiencies and help good performers get training and opportunities pay + 20% more of salary)
Market force + Product markets: sell goods and services at quantity and price
Manager support: emphasize: importance of attending training programs & • Motivated to succeed • Supported by family GPS system - frequent performance conversations to discuss: that bring a sufficient return on investment. Place upper limit for salary. Labour cost
application training content applied to the job. Managing Workforce Diversity and Inclusion: Growth: review achieved goals and possible future growth contribute to price policy.
Peer support: support network among trainees: meet & discuss progress in Create environment - allows all E to understand and respect the differences - contribute to Plan and Support: work on the new items
for goal or objective completion
using learned capabilities on the job + Labour markets: number of available workers vs. jobs. Lack competitiveness =
org goals and experience personal growth. + Diversity: differentiates. + Inclusion: share a
6.4. MEASURE CRITERIA - Strategic congruence: PMS - flexible & guide unable to attract and retain enough quality employees.
Technical support: provide skills training, in4 access & expert advice; electronic sense of belonging, mutual respect & commitment to perform best work employees' contribution to organization’s success
inf4 sources-> refer to apply learned capabilities on the job Employees as a resource or liability - base on cost & returns that employees
+ Problems with diverse forces: conflict => try to provide diversity, including in training generate to define if they are:
Opportunity to use learned capabilities: The extent - provided w newly learned Validity: measure all relevant aspects of performance or job-related aspects (avoid
deficiency & contamination) Resource: maximize salary or Liability: minimize salary
knowledge, skill & behaviors - influenced by work environment & motivation. Onboarding or Socialization -helping new hires adjust to social & performance aspects
Reliability: + Interrater reliability: consistency among personal evaluations of employee’s Efficiency wage theory: employees would retain if they are paid more than they
Self-management skills: Set goals for using skills or behaviors on the job; Identify of new jobs -> avoiding debasing-> establishing relationships, clarifying goal to increase performance +Test-retest reliability: reliable over time. would be paid (NOTE: used when org are dependent on highly skilled employees)
conditions - fail to use; Identify (+) / (-) consequences; Monitor use of skills satisfaction & performance, feedback, coaching -> reduce turnover
Acceptability: whether the measure is accepted by the user, determined by the Market pay surveys - Benchmarking: compare an org's practice against those of
5. Selecting training methods 4 steps of Onboarding of process: perceived fairness: management system’s development, use, and outcomes the competition. The survey focus on which employers and relative jobs to be
Presentation methods: trainees = passive recipients of information Compliance: understand comp policies, rules, regulations Specificity: point out performance problems (developmental) & what to do to achieve included in the survey. If multiple surveys are used, need to weight and combine
+ Instructor-Led Classroom: trainer lecture, suitable w QA period, discussion, Clarification: jobs performance, expectations company's goals (stategic) pay rates - to which extent are labour & product market important in setting pay
case studies-Least expensive & time-consuming: prepare easily & hire an Culture: history, traditions, norms & mission 6.5. APPROACHES (5 METHODS) Developing a job structure
instructor, transfer alternative problem solving Connection: understand & develop working and interpersonal relations Comparative approach: compare an individual’s performance with that of others to + Job evaluation: composed of compensable factors and a weighting scheme for
determine development activities
+Distance learning: teleconferencing, webcasting: for geo dispersed; cost saving, => Help new employees understand about current comp situation, stimulate conversation measuring internal job worth
lack of interaction, tech problems, variety of distraction to get new members into group + Forced distribution: divide percentages of employees into categories based on + Compensable factor: characteristic of job org choose to pay for (Ex: job
+Audio-visual training: overheads, slides, and videos. Cons: not clarify understanding Career planning process performance. Same categories are given same development activities. Có thể bias complexity, working condition, education)
+ Paired-comparision: compare every employee with every other employee, score are + Point_factors systems: apply the weighting scheme to account for the differing
Hands-on methods: require trainee - actively involved in learning. given every time one considered to be better performer - time consuming.
+ On-the-job training: new or inexperienced E = observe peers & imitate + Rank: rank employees' performance from highest to lowest - may lack validity compensable factors (widely used in job evaluation)
+ Apprenticeship: work-study method w OTJ training & classroom training Attribute Approach: define a set of traits that benefits company's success and evaluate Pay structure and actual pay - Compa-ratio (C): correspondence between
+ Internship: OTJ learn sponsored = edu institutions/ part of academic programs. individuals based on them. actual and intended pay = Actual average pay for grade / Pay midpoint
Others: Simulation; Games &case studies; Behavior modelling; E-learning; + Graphic Rating Scales: Evaluate using a 5-point scale, most commonly used. Low C=1 => well-planned pay structure
Blended learning; Learning management systems reliability due to different judgments C>1 => pay more than plan, affecting operating cost
Group/team-building methods: improve group effectiveness. Trainees will: + Mixed-standard scales: giving examples of good, average, and poor performance; C<1 => difficult in attracting talent
+ Share ideas and experiences, build group identity->understand the dynamics score determined by having supervisors compare individuals to the examples. Compensation communication: Large and independent effect on employee's
Note: Easily develop, generalize. Suitable for various jobs and org. Little congruence attitudes and behaviours. Use different comparison standards to set pay rates on
of interpersonal relationships ->get to know their and their co-worker's strengths between techniques & strategies. Raise defensive behaviour.
and weaknesses the same job. Need to explain pay structure.
Behaviour Approach: define behaviour needed to be effective at work
6. Evaluating training programs-Outcomes - categorized 5 ways + Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS): associate behavioural anchors with 7.4. INCENTIVE PAY METHOD
different performance levels. Piecework rate (PR): pay based on employees' output, applied for those with
+ Behavioral Observation Scales BOS: use statements to define and score behaviours above-average production volumes, suitable for standardized jobs with
necessary for effective performance - may cause information overload - focus mainly measurable outputs.
on frequency only. Straight piecework plan: same rate per piece, regardless of output. Ex: 10
+ Competency models: identifies and provides descriptions of competencies that are products/ hour, $8/ hour => $0.8 each prod.
common for an entire occupation, organization, or a specific job - Useful for HR practices. Differential piece rate: greater amount is produced => higher rate
Note: Linked with company’s strategy. Provides guidance and feedback. High Standard hour plan (incentive plan): Pay workers extra for work done less than
acceptability and reliability. Need continuous monitoring. Conservative in methods. the standard time. Ex: mechanic finished a tuned-up in 1-hour => earns 2 hours'
Minimizes contamination and deficiency worth of pay in 1 hour
Results Approach - Use of objectives: Evaluate using top-to-bottom goals, set by every Merit pay: Linking pay increase to rating on performance appraisal: based on
level. Specific, difficult and objectives. Manager gives objective feedback through the individual's performance rating and compa-ratio.
rating period to monitor progress.
Note: Minimises subjectivity. Individual’s results link with organization’s strategies and Performance bonuses: reward individual performance, not roll into base pay,
goals. Possibly contaminated and deficient. Focus on aspects of measured performance. and need to re-earn each performance period. One-time reward, link to objective
Ineffective in changing employees’ behavior. performance and focus on learning, innovation, and other positive behaviour
Quality Approach: Improve customers internal and external satisfaction. Sales commission: Incentive pay calculated as the percentage of sales. Vary
Measure performance by quantity. Employees are held accountable for the results that tremendously among industries and companies. Ex: real estate's average
they contribute but do not completely control. Rewards are not connected to employees' commissions is around 5% to 5.5%
contribution. Reinforcement theory: A rewarded response is more likely to recur in the future
5.3. DEVELOPMENT (voluntary): formal edu, experiences, relationships & 6.6. SOURCES => A monetary reward for high employee performance will make future high
assessment of personality & abilities -prepare for future. Superiors: most frequently used, strongly related to performance and employee performance more likely. Emphasize the importance of a person's actual
Development and Careers perceptions of the accuracy of the appraisal experience of a reward
Protean career- self-direction with goal of psycho success in work (not org)- Peers: have expert knowledge, observation and recognition of colleagues daily Positive reinforcement: positive behaviour => positive consequence.
> indi responsibility for managing their careers. performance, yet are not expected to provide feedback. Ex: managers give a pay rise
Development Approach: + Formal education: • Off/on-site • Lecture, Subordinates: upward feedback with chances to evaluate how manager treats Negative reinforcement: positive behaviour followed by removal of negative
business games and simulations, adventure learning, meeting w customers • employees, yet might lead to emphasis of employee satisfaction over production, which consequence. Ex: stop nagging employees
Custom programs • Tuition reimbursement programs. contradict strategic congruence. Punishment: negative behaviour => negative consequence. Ex: pay reduction
+ Assessment: Melting the Glass Ceiling - barrier to advancement to higher-level jobs affects women and Customers: used when job requires direct service to the customer, help gathering Extinction: negative behavior => removal of positive consequences.
Collects in4 & provide feedback: behavior, communication style, or skills.; minorities - stereotypes, lack of access to training, appropriate developmental job information about products and services customer wants Ex: ignore employees' behavior
Identify managerial potential: Strengths & W; Help understand their experiences & relationships. Expectancy theory: Behaviors (function of ability and motivation) are motivated
tendencies, needs, type of work & work environment they prefer - Self: valuable, yet couldn't be the sole source, have chances of inflated assessments by anticipated results or consequences (Main influence: instrumentality) Ex:
Performance Appraisals and 360-Degree Feedback Systems people work harder if they think the extra effort will be rewarded
Succession Planning: identify & track high-potential employees - move to different
positions -> need systematically review leadership talent; • Ensures that top-level Process: Expectancy - Can I complete the task => Instrumentality -
managerial talent is available. Rewards available? => Valence - Reward desirable? => Motivation
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
9 box regird - compare employees within one department, function, or the entire company Extrinsic motivation: depends on rewards such as pay and benefits,
-> analyse & discuss talent for formulating effective development plans and activities controlled by external factors
+ Star -> rising star -> agile nonperformer -> core employee -> potential maybe Intrinsic motivation depends on rewards that flow naturally from work itself
misplaced. (like performing interesting work)
2. variables: Performance & Potential/Promotability