TsPVI (P-A) Relationship Questions For Upeer
TsPVI (P-A) Relationship Questions For Upeer
TsPVI (P-A) Relationship Questions For Upeer
Relationship Qucstionnairc
Mostly As
a) give in, throw in the towel and go along with You are loyal and supportive. You'll stick with
what he I she wants to do someone through thick and thin. But be careful.
b) try t o see both sides of the argument and Sometimes your good nature lets people think they
come up with a compromise can just walk all over you. Your boyfriend / girlfriend
can wrap you round their little finger and get away
c) stick t o your guns, stand your ground and with murder. Don't let him I her push you around.
never give an inch Sometimes you might need t o stand up for yourself
a bit more. It's time t o stop being a doormat!
Mostly Bs
You're cautious and thoughtful and believe in give
a) tell him I her a white lie and say, and take. You always give your partner the benefit
"It's wonderful -just what I wanted." of the doubt but you won't be pushed around. You
like t o look before you leap and never jump t o
b) come clean and explain why you don't
conclusions. You are cool, calm and collected and
prefer t o think through the issues involved rather
c) hit the roof and throw the present back than just blowing your top and losing your rag.
Once you trust someone you stick with them
through thick and thin. But if someone lets you
down, you won't give them a second chance.
Mostly Cs
You are hot-headed and impulsive and fly off the
handle much too quickly. Calm down. Try not t o
lose your rag so quickly. For you, everything has t o
be cut and dried and there are no grey areas. You
always see things in black and white. You won't
give people a second chance and you always want
t o have things your own way. Just remember, good
relationships are built on give and take. Try t o be
more tolerant and understanding.
Match the definitions with the idioms taken from the analyses:
1 t o lose your temper a) t o stand up for yourself
2 t o consider all the alternatives before making a decision b) grey areas
3 in all situations, good and bad c) t o give someone the benefit of the doubt
4 sharing d) cool, calm and collected
5 t o characterise everyone and everything as either good or e) t o see things in black and white
bad, with nothing in between f) through thick and thin
6 things that are neither completely good nor completely bad g) t o wrap someone round your little finger
7 t o treat someone badly, as if they mean very little t o you h) t o blow your top
8 t o defend your rights as a person i) t o look before you leap
9 t o have a strong influence on someone so that they do j) give and take
whatever you want k) t o walk all over someone
10 t o behave badly but not be blamed I) t o get away with murder
11 controlled, rational and sensible
12 t o assume that someone has the best intentions, even
though you can't be sure that is the case