Mackayetal 2014 Manuscript
Mackayetal 2014 Manuscript
Mackayetal 2014 Manuscript
J.D. Mackay, C.R. Jackson*, L. Wang
British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG,
* Corresponding author: Tel.: +44 1159 363100; fax: +44 1159 363200; Email:
Lumped, conceptual groundwater models can be used to simulate groundwater level time-
series quickly and efficiently without the need for comprehensive modelling expertise. A
new model of this type, AquiMod, is presented for simulating groundwater level time-series
in unconfined aquifers. Its modular design enables users to implement different model
structures to gain understanding about controls on aquifer storage and discharge. Five
model structures are evaluated for four contrasting aquifers in the United Kingdom. The
ability of different model structures and parameterisations to replicate the observed
hydrographs is examined. AquiMod simulates the quasi-sinusoidal hydrographs of the
relatively uniform Chalk and Sandstone aquifers most efficiently. It is least efficient at
capturing the flashy hydrograph of a heterogeneous, fractured Limestone aquifer. The
majority of model parameters demonstrate sensitivity and can be related to available field
data. The model structure experiments demonstrate the need to represent vertical aquifer
heterogeneity to capture the storage-discharge dynamics efficiently.
Groundwater level simulation; Observation borehole hydrograph; Lumped conceptual
modelling; AquiMod
Name of software: AquiMod
Description: A lumped modular conceptual groundwater model for simulating groundwater
level time-series at observation boreholes
Developers: Jonathan Mackay ( and Christopher Jackson (
Program language: C++
Availability: On request under licence.
1. Introduction
Groundwater aquifers are complex, non-linear and heterogeneous systems that respond to
natural and human influences including climate, land use and groundwater abstractions
(Taylor and Alley, 2001). Our capacity to measure these hydrogeological complexities in the
field is limited. Currently, regular and long-term groundwater level measurements taken
from observation boreholes provide the best indication of an aquifer’s flow and storage
behaviour and allow us to differentiate between natural and anthropogenic stresses on
groundwater. Thus extensive, accurate and continuous groundwater level time-series data
are fundamental to understanding and managing our groundwater resources effectively
(Alley et al., 2002).
Continuous groundwater level time-series contain information on the seasonality and trend
in groundwater levels. With sufficient data, they also provide information on the frequency
and magnitude of extreme events which can then be used to infer patterns of groundwater
drought for example (Bloomfield and Marchant, 2013). Access to this information is
essential as rates of groundwater abstraction increase with demand and potential stresses
induced by climate change and urbanisation may take effect (Wada et al., 2010).
Measurements from pumping tests and one-off dip readings comprise the majority of
groundwater level monitoring datasets which typically run for a period of days or weeks and
are unsuitable for investigating extreme events or long-term trends (Taylor and Alley, 2001).
Computational models provide an alternative means of obtaining groundwater level
datasets through simulation rather than observation and can also be used to derive aquifer
hydrogeological properties (Peck, 1988). These tools have been used in the past to
reconstruct and extend groundwater level records (Conrads and Roehl, 2007), forecast
extreme events in the near future (Adams et al., 2008; Daliakopoulos et al., 2005) as well as
aid investigations into long-term water resource sustainability under climate and land use
stresses (Goderniaux et al., 2009; Jackson et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2011).
A diverse range of groundwater modelling approaches have been applied in the past to
simulate groundwater levels. Physically based, process-driven models remain the most
widely used. They are based on simplifications of physical laws of fluid dynamics to simulate
flow through the subsurface. The equations that they employ are often complex, but offer
the advantage that they use parameters that it may be possible to relate to known
hydrogeological properties. The equations are typically approximated numerically across a
multi-dimensional spatial grid and through time using, for example, finite difference
methods. This type of distributed modelling makes it feasible to include complex
heterogeneity and anisotropy. Shepley et al. (2012) describe the benefits of applying
distributed numerical groundwater models for understanding complex groundwater flow
systems and assessing the impact of human and environmental stresses on groundwater
resources. Indeed, distributed models have been applied to some of the world’s major
aquifers for these purposes (Gossel et al., 2004; Scanlon et al., 2003; Smith and Welsh,
who constructed multiple linear regression models for several UK catchments to simulate
annual minimum groundwater level time-series from rainfall datasets from which they could
explain between 50-84% of the variance in historic levels. Other non-parametric methods
have been used, perhaps most extensively, artificial neural networks (ANN), which have
been shown to be very proficient at pattern recognition in time-series datasets. They have
been applied successfully to aquifers in both arid (Coulibaly et al., 2001) and tropical regions
(Ghose et al., 2010), karstic aquifers (Trichakis et al., 2011) and for forecasting groundwater
levels with acceptable predictions up to 18 months ahead (Daliakopoulos et al., 2005;
Sreekanth et al., 2009). Maier and Dandy (2000) and Dawson and Wilby (2001) provide
comprehensive reviews on the use of ANNs for hydrological modelling.
Whilst black-box modelling methodologies can be useful, it is recognised that they generally
provide little insight into the controls on the behaviour of a system (Lees, 2000; Young et al.,
2007). Consequently, Young and Lees (1993) propounded a more structured strategy for the
development and application of environmental simulation models, namely ‘data-based
mechanistic’ (DBM) modelling. In this approach prior assumptions about the form of the
appropriate model to apply are minimised to avoid the incorporation of prejudicial
perceptions about the structure of the model that is required. In fact, the DBM approach
incorporates a number of stages, which are aimed at maximising insight into the behaviour
of the system being studied. Specifically, for example, it seeks to convert deterministic
simulations into stochastic forms, through, for example, the use of Monte Carlo simulations,
and to identify parsimonious models through a process of model simplification. Whilst this is
a much more rigorous approach to model development and simulation it is probably less
widely used because it is generally a more involved and time-consuming process. For
example, it is possible that the simulation of groundwater level time-series at a number of
different sites would require the identification of a number of different models structures
within the DBM process. To the best of our knowledge no examples of the application of the
DBM approach to simulate groundwater levels have been reported in the peer-reviewed
literature. This is probably partly because the DBM approach has been developed within
the hydrological modelling research community but also because of the dominance of the
use of distributed models in hydrogeological studies. An example of the application of the
DBM approach to the simulation of levels rather than flows is provided by Romanowicz et
al. (2006) who simulated in-channel water levels at various locations within the River Severn
catchment in the UK.
drawn from a probability distribution. Flores W et al. (1978) go further and combine their
model with a simple economic model to calculate optimum pumping borehole operating
policies. Barrett and Charbeneau (1997) demonstrated that groundwater level simulations
from lumped conceptual models can be comparable to physical models when they applied
both to the Edwards aquifer, USA. Eberts et al. (2012) compared the results from a 3D
physically-based groundwater particle tracking model (Pollock, 1994) and a number of
lumped parameter models. Specifically, they compared the simulated age distributions of
groundwater at a number of wells in four contrasting aquifers in the US as a means to
quantify contamination vulnerability and found that they gave remarkably similar results.
None of these studies that have used lumped parameter models to simulate groundwater
levels explicitly investigated the appropriateness of the form of the relationship between
groundwater level, storage and discharge adopted within their model structures. Rather,
they each applied a deterministic representation of this relationship justified based on
conceptual understanding. Moore and Bell (2002) briefly discuss what form this function
should take, and present the appropriate type of linear or non-linear store for different
aquifer types, based on a consideration of the Horton-Izzard model (Dooge, 1973) and
standard groundwater theory (Todd, 1959). They incorporate a representation of
groundwater discharge into their PDM rainfall-runoff model, which is then used to simulate
flow in the River Lavant, and the groundwater level in an observation borehole in this Chalk
catchment in south-east England. The suitability of a linear form for homogeneous constant
transmissivity aquifers, and of a quadratic form for homogeneous unconfined aquifers, is
summarised. However, they also state that cubic forms have been found to be useful in
practical applications of the PDM model and then adopt this type of store in the model that
they apply to simulate the groundwater level time-series of their study catchment borehole,
West Dean Nursery. The simulated groundwater hydrograph is reasonable but their model is
poor at reproducing groundwater recession and the observed variability in the annual
minima. This is likely to be because the model cannot capture the heterogeneity in the
hydraulic conductivity and storage structure of the Chalk aquifer. By contrast Keating (1982)
adopted a conceptualisation of the vertical variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth of
the Chalk informed by the hydrogeology of this aquifer system (Allen et al., 1997;
Bloomfield, 1997; Williams et al., 2006). In this model, a classical ‘cocktail glass’
representation of the Chalk depth-hydraulic conductivity profile (Rushton, 2003) was used
to describe the increase in hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer in the zone of water table
In this study, we present a new modular, modelling framework, AquiMod, which has been
developed to simulate groundwater level time-series at observation boreholes in
unconfined aquifers by linking simple conceptual hydrological algorithms that represent soil
drainage, the transfer of water through the unsaturated zone and groundwater flow. These
algorithms are based on established hydrological concepts and employ parameters that can
be assessed against field data. AquiMod represents a significant development over previous
lumped parameter models because it has been designed to include multiple representations
of groundwater flow and also vertically heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity parameters.
In this study, five different model structures are applied to four contrasting aquifers known
to possess complex hydrogeological characteristics. This research aims to determine first, if
AquiMod is able to simulate groundwater levels efficiently in these different settings.
Second, if the optimised model parameters are related to, and thus can be constrained by,
available field data. Finally, by analysing the impact of using gradually simpler
representations of groundwater flow on the model behaviour at each study site, this paper
explores the importance of including vertically heterogeneous aquifer properties and uses
this analysis to gain understanding about storage-discharge controls for each aquifer.
2. Methodology
(CERF) model (Griffiths et al., 2006) and been shown to simulate soil moisture fluctuations
in temperate climates efficiently and comparably to more sophisticated physically-based
land surface models (Sorensen et al., 2014). The method is based on the widely applied soil
water balance method developed by the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (Allen et al.,
1998). This component simulates soil moisture as a function of vegetation and soil
properties. The soil column is conceptualised as a bucket with a maximum volume of water
available to plants after the soil has drained to its field capacity. This is termed the total
available water (TAW) which is calculated as:
where Zr is the estimated maximum root depth [L] of the overlying vegetation, and FC and
WP are the soil field capacity and wilting point respectively.
As the soil moisture content decreases, it becomes more difficult for vegetation to extract
moisture from the soil matrix. The proportion of TAW that can easily be extracted before
this point is reached is conceptualised as readily available water (RAW) which is calculated
The water balance of the soil zone is a function of the rainfall input and evaporative flux
from the soil and can be written as:
where SMD is the soil moisture deficit [L], PPTN is the total precipitation input [L] and AET is
the actual evapotranspiration rate [L] which is calculated as a function of the soil moisture
deficit at the previous time-step, SMD* using the power law developed by Griffiths et al.
When the soil zone becomes saturated, a proportion of the excess water (EXW) drains to
the unsaturated zone:
where SD is the soil drainage and BFI is the baseflow index. The BFI is typically used to
classify low flow characteristics of river catchments (Marsh and Hannaford, 2008) and it
defines the average proportion of stream flow that a river receives from groundwater
discharge. It is important to note that this soil zone representation is most suited to
temperate climates and may not be suitable elsewhere. However, other soil zone
representations could be employed in the AquiMod software such as that devised by
Rushton et al. (2006) who developed an improved version of the method used here which
was shown to work well in a semi-arid setting in Nigeria.
where k > 0 is the shape parameter and λ > 0 is the scale parameter of the distribution. The
λ parameter primarily controls the location of the peak in the probability density function
while k controls the density of the function around the peak (Figure 2). The resulting
distribution is scaled such that the discrete integral of f is equal to unity and consequently
the recharge for each time-step (Rt) is spread over the selected number of time-steps, n:
where α is the scaling parameter. The Weibull function can represent exponentially
increasing, exponentially decreasing, and positively and negatively skewed distributions. It is
used because it allows the exploration of different distributions, whilst being smooth, which
is considered to be more physically justifiable than randomly selected monthly weights. In
conjunction, this method requires only three, rather than the n+1 model parameters of the
Calver (1997) approach.
where R is recharge input [LT-1], Q is the total groundwater discharge [L3T-1], S is the storage
coefficient (dimensionless), dh is the change in groundwater head [L] over time, dt [T].
This rectangular block of aquifer can be split into a number of layers of different thickness
and permeability. Each layer is independent and has its own discharge outlet at the base.
The total groundwater discharge is the sum of discharge from all layers in the saturated
zone, which is calculated using a quadratic equation of the form:
where i is the layer number for m layers and Δhi [L] is the difference between the
groundwater head and the elevation of the layer outlet. Importantly due to the explicit form
of Equation 9 used in AquiMod, the groundwater head at the previous time-step, h* [L] is
When equation 9 is substituted into equation 8, the Δy term is lost. Accordingly, the
saturated zone component is a lateral flow aquifer model that receives recharge from the
unsaturated zone over a specified representative aquifer length (Δx). Here, Δx can be
considered as the distance between a point in the aquifer where AquiMod simulates
groundwater levels (typically where a field observation borehole exists) and the
groundwater discharge point such as a river or a spring. By defining the saturated zone in
this way, and to satisfy equation 8 it is assumed that groundwater abstractions and lateral
inflows have negligible control on groundwater levels at the observation borehole. It is also
important to note that the groundwater level simulations from AquiMod are for a single
point at the observation borehole and are therefore not necessarily indicative of the levels
in the system as a whole.
Equation 11 indicates that the chosen number and positioning of outlets in the saturated
component could drastically change its behaviour. Shallow layers positioned within the zone
of groundwater level fluctuation are likely to activate and deactivate as the water level rises
above and falls below their outlet elevations, while layers that remain fully saturated will
exhibit a more linear discharge response to changes in groundwater storage. The optimal
configuration is likely to reflect the local complexities of the chosen study area such as
vertical heterogeneity in the aquifer and regional discharge features such as rivers and
springs. Accordingly four different saturated zone structures are presented in this study
which contain varying degrees of complexity (Figure 1). The first is a three-layer
representation where the outlet of the deepest layer is positioned at the base of the aquifer
below the zone of water table fluctuation and can be considered to represent groundwater
which flows out of the model domain via perennial flow paths. The two upper outlets are
positioned within the zone of water table fluctuation and are lumped representations of
surface discharge points which flow intermittently. The additionally tested saturated zone
components were gradual simplifications of this model structure starting with a two-layer
representation with one perennial outlet and only one intermittent outlet in the zone of
groundwater level fluctuation. A simpler one-layer component was also used with a single
perennial outlet at the base of the aquifer. Finally, a one-layer aquifer with a fixed
transmissivity was used which represents the simplest saturated zone structure applied.
In total five different model structure configurations were tested including the four different
saturated zone components outlined previously. A fifth test was also conducted using the
most efficient model structure from the prior tests, but with the unsaturated component
switched off, allowing soil drainage to reach the saturated zone instantaneously. From this,
the role and importance of the unsaturated zone component was also investigated.
where hot and hmt are the observed and modelled groundwater heads at time t. A score of
one denotes a perfect match to the observed data, a value of zero indicates that the model
is as efficient as using the mean and a negative score is less efficient than this. This NSE was
used to compare the relative efficiency of the different model structures and parameter sets
in order to determine the optimum model configuration. To complement the NSE, monthly
and overall bias metrics were also calculated and plotted to identify systematic deficiencies
in model predictions which lead to over or underestimation of groundwater levels.
It should be noted that the term ‘optimum’ is used here with the knowledge that there
could be other models which are equally, or even superior predicting tools (Beven and
Freer, 2001). It should also be noted that simple empirical indicators of model fit such as the
NSE have come under criticism in the past for returning high efficiency scores even when
simulations show significant magnitude and timing errors (Legates and McCabe, 1999;
Pappenberger et al., 2004). Furthermore, Beran (1999) revealed that the NSE possesses in-
built biases that can exaggerate model skill. Accordingly, a qualitative comparison of the
simulated and observed hydrographs has also been conducted, as recommend in the review
of characterising model performance by Bennett et al. (2013) to complement the NSE and
bias indicators to provide further insight into the relative strengths and weaknesses of
While no pumping tests have been carried out at these observation boreholes specifically,
some information on regional transmissivity and specific yield values does exist; those
reported below are taken from Allen et al. (1997).
The Chilgrove House observation borehole is located in the River Lavant catchment in south-
east England (Figure 3). The hydrograph has an annual sinusoidal appearance, although
double and higher multiple peaks are relatively frequent, generally due to the uneven
temporal distribution of rainfall. Flow within the saturated zone of the chalk occurs
predominantly in the upper 50 m of the profile through primary and secondary fractures.
Hydraulic conductivity is generally highest in the zone of water table fluctuation and in
valleys where fractures have been developed by dissolution. The median transmissivity for
the chalk in this area is 440 m2 d-1, and the 25th and 75th percentile values are 230 and
1600 m2 d-1 respectively. Specific yield values of the chalk are typically in the range 0.5-2%.
The BFI of the River Lavant at Graylingwell, 9 km south-east of the borehole, is 0.82 (Marsh
and Hannaford, 2008). The mean depth to groundwater level is 28.6 m. It is generally
accepted that fluxes within the unsaturated zone are transmitted through the matrix until
they exceed the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the matrix, at which point fracture flow
becomes dominant (Ireson et al., 2006). Previous studies have shown, however, that the
generation of fracture flow is rare and for the majority of the time fluxes are transmitted by
the matrix (Mathias et al., 2006).
The Hucklow South observation borehole is in the River Wye catchment, which drains the
Carboniferous Limestone in central England. Geological logs of this 123.6 m deep borehole
do not exist but it is considered that it is likely to have been drilled down to the Litton Tuff
and Cressbrook Dale Lava members of the Peak Limestone Group, which form an effective
base to the unconfined aquifer (Downing et al., 1970). Groundwater levels have fluctuated
by approximately 30 m over the period for which observations have been obtained from
1969 to 2005. The minimum groundwater level over this period is approximately 55 m
below ground level, but the rest water level is 16 m below ground level on average. Two or
more peaks are frequently observed in the winter months due to rapid response to rainfall.
The BFI of the River Wye at Ashford, 8 km south of the borehole, is 0.75 (Marsh and
Hannaford, 2008). There is limited information on hydrogeological properties of the Peak
Limestone Group, but from the few tests that have been conducted, specific yields typically
range from 0.5 to 8%. Only six pumping tests have been conducted in this region, yielding
transmissivity values ranging from 0.1 to 770 m2 d-1. All but one of these tests yielded
transmissivity values less than 60 m2 d-1.
The Lower Barn Cottage observation borehole is located in the River Ouse catchment in
south-east England. The borehole has been used to monitor groundwater levels in the
unconfined Lower Greensand, an important aquifer in south-east England, since 1975. At
Lower Barn Cottage the Greensand formation is shallow with a total depth of approximately
9 m, and the annual mean groundwater level resides only 2.6 m below the surface. The
Lower Greensand comprises a complex series of variably cemented clays and sands, the
heterogeneity of which results in a relatively irregular hydrograph. The median value of
Lower Greensand transmissivity estimates is 270 m2 d-1, and the 25th and 75th percentile
values are 140 and 500 m2 d-1 respectively. Specific yield values are typically in the range 10-
20%. The Lower Greensand outcrops over a small proportion of the Ouse catchment and so
a locally-related BFI cannot be identified from a nearby gauging station for the aquifer in
this region. A generally representative, BFI of 0.8 has been estimated for the Lower
Greensand by Bloomfield et al. (2011) using data from the UK Hydrometric Register (Marsh
and Hannaford, 2008).
The Skirwith observation borehole is used to monitor groundwater levels in the St Bees
Sandstone formation located in the River Eden catchment in north-west England. The
aquifer is largely unconfined although the Skirwith borehole log indicates some localised
confinement by glacial boulder clay deposits. Regular groundwater level measurements
have been taken since November 1978 although no records between December 2000 and
March 2002 exist due to site access restrictions as a result of the foot and mouth disease
outbreak in the United Kingdom. Two river flow gauging stations are located within 4 km of
the Skirwith observation borehole on the River Eden at Udford and Temple Sowerby with an
average BFI of 0.43 (Marsh and Hannaford, 2008). Only seven pumping tests have been
conducted in this formation which yielded transmissivity values from tens up to 2000 m2 d-1
with a geometric mean of 100 m2 d-1. No information on typical specific yield properties in
this area exists.
Monthly PET time-series have been extracted from the Meteorological Office Rainfall and
Evaporation Calculation System (MORECS) (Field, 1983). This calculates PET on 40×40 km
grid from synoptic station data using a modified version of the Penman-Monteith equation
(Monteith and Unsworth, 2008). Rainfall data have been extracted from a 1×1 km gridded
dataset (Keller et al., 2006) constructed for the Environment Agency of England and Wales’
CERF model (Griffiths et al., 2006) using data from the UK network of rain gauges.
3. Results
First we present an analysis of the most efficient model structures calibrated for each study
site by comparing the simulated and observed groundwater level time-series. Next, we
describe the sensitivity and identifiability of each calibration parameter for these most
efficient structures. Finally, we show the effect of using progressively simpler
representations of saturated and unsaturated groundwater flow using the five different
model structures outlined.
For the Chalk site, the three-layer aquifer representation returned the highest combined
NSE of 0.91, although the bias was 0.16 m greater than in the two-layer model. However,
this difference in bias constitutes <0.4% of the range of observed levels recorded at this
borehole and therefore the three-layer representation was deemed optimal. The high
efficiency score is reflected in the hydrograph where the model closely matches the levels in
the observation record throughout the simulation period (Figure 5a). There are some
localised sections of the hydrograph when the model is less efficient including the winters of
1974/1975 and 1997/1998 when it underestimates the peak levels by up to 7 m. Even so, a
comparison of the simulated and observed mean monthly groundwater levels (Figure 5b)
shows that on average this model structure can capture the seasonality of the hydrograph
extremely well both in terms of timing and magnitude. The monthly biases are small with
respect to the variability of the hydrograph, with the largest bias of 1.2 m shown in
December and an overall positive annual bias of 0.25 m.
The three-layer groundwater component was also the most efficient structure for the
Limestone aquifer for which it produced the smallest bias. It was considerably less efficient
than the Chalk model with a combined NSE of 0.65, and the NSE decreased significantly (-
0.09) between the calibration and evaluation runs. In particular, the model is unable to
capture the flashy response to recharge when groundwater levels are high, sometimes
adding extra features or missing them entirely. For example, in the winter of 1986/1987
there is only one observed peak, but the model simulates two separate ones (Figure 5c).
Conversely, during the winter of 1990/1991 there are two observed peaks, but the model
only captures one of them. However, a comparison of observed and simulated mean
monthly groundwater levels (Figure 5d) shows that AquiMod is able to capture the
groundwater level seasonality with reasonable accuracy. The largest bias is seen over the
summer months when the model overestimates the low groundwater levels in July by 0.9 m
on average, a defect that is clearly seen in the simulated time-series.
For the Lower Greensand aquifer, the two-layer groundwater component returned a
calibration NSE of 0.73 and a negligible bias. The NSE increased to 0.93 over the evaluation
sequence, although it should be noted that some of the largest errors are also observed
over this period. The greatest discrepancy between the observations and simulations
occurred during the winter of 2000/2001 when the model underestimated the groundwater
level peak by 0.58 m (Figure 5e). Even so, AquiMod is able to capture some of the longer
inter-annual signals that are present over the evaluation period such as the prolonged low
levels between 1990 and 1993 and between 1996 and 1997. It is also able to replicate the
average timing of the hydrograph reasonably well, capturing the September minima,
although predicting the mean groundwater level peak a month later than observed (Figure
5f). The largest monthly biases are seen during the recharge season between September
and December when it underestimates average monthly groundwater levels by as much as -
0.09 m.
Finally, for the Sandstone aquifer, the two-layer saturated zone component was the most
efficient at replicating the hydrograph, achieving a combined NSE of 0.85 and the joint
smallest bias of -0.05 m. As with the calibrated model of the Lower Greensand aquifer, the
evaluation run NSE is higher than that for the calibration run even though the largest errors
are seen over the evaluation sequence. Here, the model underestimates multiple peak
winter levels (Figure 5g), with the largest discrepancy during the 1994/1995 winter (-0.6 m).
Nevertheless, AquiMod is able to capture the seasonality and timing of the hydrograph well
(Figure 5h), reproducing the mean monthly peak groundwater level in March and the lowest
mean level in October with relatively small biases in comparison to the average variability of
the hydrograph.
For the soil zone, the Zr parameter has the most influence on model efficiency, although the
sensitivity of this parameter differs for each study site. The models of the Chalk and
Limestone aquifers both demonstrate a sloped response surface, indicating that Zr is
identifiable. In contrast, the response surface for the Lower Greensand model, with two
separate peaks, and the Sandstone model, which flattens off, do not show a clear unique
optimum. The depletion factor parameter, p which controls the point at which the
evaporation rate falls below the potential rate is relatively insensitive for all sites. For the
models of the Chalk, Limestone and Lower Greensand, there is a gradual upward trend in
the response surface as p decreases which indicates some sensitivity to this parameter,
while for the model of the Sandstone, p is insensitive.
Sensitivity in the unsaturated zone arises almost exclusively from the λ scale parameter
which controls the location of the peak in the Weibull distribution and which represents the
time taken for soil drainage to pass through the unsaturated zone module. For the Chalk,
Limestone and Lower Greensand models, the simulations are most efficient when λ is less
than 1.5. These values produce a Weibull distribution with a peak close to one, causing the
majority of soil drainage to pass through the unsaturated zone during the first time-step
(instantaneously). Figure 7 shows that for these models between 73% (Limestone) and 100%
(Lower Greensand) of soil drainage is allowed to pass through the unsaturated zone
instantaneously. For the Sandstone aquifer there is a clear maximum in the λ response
surface at a value of 2.1. Here, soil drainage is attenuated more, so that the majority (47%)
recharges the groundwater a month later. The model of the Lower Greensand is the only
one that shows any sensitivity to k, which controls the concentration of recharge around the
peak, where higher values (which result in very concentrated recharge over a single time-
step) are optimal. The remaining models are not sensitive to the k parameter.
The calibrated unsaturated zone components indicate that the Sandstone unsaturated zone
has the greatest lagging affect on groundwater recharge. For comparison, a cross
correlation analysis between the rainfall and groundwater level time-series was performed
to estimate the peak response time of groundwater to rainfall at each site. That is, the time
taken for the majority of an instantaneous flux of rainfall to reach the water table and
perturb the groundwater storage. It should be noted that the groundwater level time-series
were de-seasonalised using the Loess method (Cleveland et al., 1990) to remove the signal
induced by seasonal evaporation fluxes. For the Chalk, Limestone and Lower Greensand
study sites, the highest cross-correlation coefficients were obtained for lead-lags between
zero and one month while for the Sandstone site the highest cross-correlation score was
obtained for a higher lead-lag of two months.
The specific yield parameter, S, is identifiable for all of the study sites. Optimum values of
0.6%, 0.7% and 22.3% were obtained for the Chalk, Limestone and Lower Greensand,
respectively, all which conform to values obtained from field pumping tests (Allen et al.,
1997). For the Sandstone model, the optimum S value of 8.3% was obtained although there
are no data available for this aquifer against which to compare this value. The conductivity
parameters all demonstrate sensitivity and all are identifiable. Using these parameters and
the maximum, minimum and mean simulated groundwater levels over the calibration and
evaluation periods, the corresponding maximum, minimum and mean model transmissivity
values were calculated for each study site for comparison to available aquifer data. For the
model of the Chalk, the transmissivity ranges between 24 – 720 m2 d-1 with a mean of 178
m2 d-1. The modelled transmissivity for the Limestone aquifer is less variable, ranging
between 17 – 418 m2 d-1 with a mean of 148 m2 d-1, while the model of the Sandstone
transmissivity values range between 1 – 202 m2 d-1 only with a mean of 94 m2 d-1. The Lower
Greensand site has the lowest transmissivity values, ranging from 7 – 119 m2 d-1 with a
mean of 39 m2 d-1. All of these conform to those values obtained from pumping test data,
although it should be noted that for the Lower Greensand model, the transmissivity values
fall within the lower quartile of available data. The model of the Limestone is the only one
where the calibrated K values do not increase with elevation. Instead, the intermediate
layer returns the highest conductivity, which may indicate a localised zone of high
transmissivity between the middle (254.9 m asl) and upper (262.6 m asl) outlets.
First, the calibration of the models using the four different saturated zone components has
been compared. Figure 8 shows the simulated hydrographs over the evaluation sequence
using these four different structures. It indicates that the difference between using the two
and three-layer aquifer representations for the Chalk, Limestone and Lower Greensand
study sites are subtle. For the Chalk site, both the two and three-layer calibrated models
return very similar combined efficiency scores of 0.90 and 0.91 respectively and almost
identical simulations (Figure 8a). There are slightly more pronounced differences for the
Lower Greensand site where the three-layer groundwater component underestimates
levels more so than the two-layer representation between 1991 and 1994, and in 2001
(Figure 8c). For the Limestone catchment the three-layer component returns only a
marginally higher (+0.03) combined NSE than the two-layer model. However, the simulation
bias improves by an order of magnitude (Table 2). The reason for this can be seen by
comparing the two simulation hydrographs (Figure 8c) where the two-layer aquifer
representation overestimates the peak groundwater levels substantially. This suggests that
the inclusion of the intermediate high conductivity layer benefits the simulation efficiency
by removing this positive bias. For the Sandstone site, the two and three-layer models
achieve similar calibration NSE scores, but the two-layer representation returns a much
higher NSE over the evaluation period (+0.34). Indeed, the efficiency of the three-layer
component deteriorates between 1996 and 2000 where it underestimates the groundwater
levels while the simpler two-layer groundwater component captures the behaviour of this
hydrograph well even over this period.
affect on the simulations. Here, it appears the model is not able to capture any of the
variability in the hydrograph. Actually, the calibration NSE scores which are close to zero for
both the one-layer variable and fixed-transmissivity groundwater components indicate that
the best the model can do is approximately match the mean of the observations.
The fifth calibrated model structure used the optimum groundwater component from the
previous tests but with the unsaturated zone component removed all together. This is likely
to impact the timing and seasonality of the simulated hydrographs as the unsaturated zone
component attenuates and translates soil drainage to the water table. To investigate this,
the simulated annual groundwater level distributions using model structures with and
without the unsaturated zone component were compared (Figure 9). Here, it can be seen
that the average timing of the Chalk, Limestone and Lower Greensand hydrographs do not
change considerably. However it should be noted that for the Limestone study site,
removing the unsaturated zone allows the model to correctly simulate the average peak
groundwater levels in January rather than December. Of course, the role of the unsaturated
zone module for each of these sites has shown to be minimal (Figure 7), but even so,
removing it does have some impact on the monthly errors of these models especially for the
Limestone and Lower Greensand models which show an enhanced positive and negative
bias respectively. The removal of the unsaturated zone component results in a significant
drop in overall efficiency from 0.85 to 0.76 for the Sandstone model. Here, the timing of the
peak and trough of the hydrograph is out by one month (Figure 9d) and there is a consistent
overestimation of levels between October and January, and an underestimation of levels
between February and August.
4. Discussion
Of course, deficiencies in simulations, like those observed for the Limestone model, may
arise from a number of sources including errors in the meteorological data used to drive the
models and the groundwater level observations used to evaluate them. The impact of
running the simulations on a monthly time-step and the resultant smoothing of the driving
rainfall and PET data should also be considered. By doing so, the short, intense rainfall
events that can lead to significant recharge fluxes are not captured by the model which may
result in a significant underestimation of recharge (Howard and Lloyd, 1979). For the
Limestone model, the relatively low efficiency score compared to the other study sites
suggests there are also shortcomings in the model structure that means it is not able to
capture the non-linear storage-discharge relationship of this aquifer adequately. It is
certainly possible to conceive new model structures that may improve upon the simulations
described in the study. Certainly, the object-oriented structure of the AquiMod code allows
for new structure representations to be included easily. One feature that has not been
included in the saturated zone components used here is a variation in storage coefficient
with depth, which has been shown to be important to include in some groundwater
modelling studies of the Chalk and Jurassic Limestone aquifers in the UK (Rushton and
Rathod, 1981; Rushton et al., 1982).
Structural inadequacies aside, another issue made apparent during the initial efficiency
evaluation of AquiMod was its inability to capture new events outside of those observed in
the calibration sequence. Even for the most efficient model of the Chalk aquifer, it was not
able to simulate extreme wet events in the evaluation sequence with a tendency to
underestimate the response to them. A subsequent analysis of the rainfall dataset showed
that these periods were especially wet, and wetter than any of the winters contained in the
calibration dataset. The issue of model robustness over contrasting climatic conditions is
important, as these can lead to significant simulation uncertainties outside of the chosen
calibration period. It is acknowledged that the adopted approach of selecting a single
calibration and evaluation time-series does not account for these uncertainties, and while
beyond the scope of this paper, more rigorous approaches to quantify these uncertainties
do exist such as the generalized split-sample test (GSST) formulated by Coron et al. (2012)
which would be relatively straight forward to use in conjunction with the AquiMod
software. It is also acknowledged, that the choice of objective function used to evaluate the
model efficiency can greatly influence the assessment of the model and subsequently the
selection of suitable structures and parameter sets. For this study, the NSE was chosen to
assess the simulation efficiency, which was deemed adequate for this initial demonstration
of the AquiMod software. However, as discussed previously, the NSE has its shortcomings
(Beran, 1999; Legates and McCabe, 1999; Pappenberger et al., 2004). Certainly, the increase
in simulation efficiency over the evaluation period for the Lower Greensand and Sandstone
models is probably more reflective of the increased variability in the observed hydrograph
rather than a reduction in residuals which were actually larger over the evaluation
sequences. Accordingly, the choice of objective function should reflect the purpose of the
modelling exercise (Bennett et al., 2013).
4.2. Identification of suitable model parameters and structures
The modular structure of the AquiMod software, in addition to its in-built Monte Carlo
parameter sampling functionality, has allowed the sensitivity of the groundwater level
simulations to be assessed in response to changes in the calibration parameters and model
structure. Each of the four modelled sites have shown very different behaviours in response
to these perturbations. Here, we discuss the results from these analyses by considering each
of AquiMod’s three modules in turn and their influence on the behaviour of the models of
each study site.
The soil zone module provides an important role in AquiMod by partitioning rainfall into
runoff, evapotranspiration, soil storage and drainage. Even so, the depletion factor (p)
parameter was remarkably insensitive while the maximum root depth (Zr) parameter was
only identifiable for the Chalk and Limestone models. This finding is surprising given that
these parameters control the evaporation rate from the soil, and thus can dramatically alter
the recharge input to saturated zone module. However, it is conceivable that other model
parameters could interact with p and Zr. For example, if they are configured so that the
overall recharge flux is reduced, this could be compensated for by reducing S in the
saturated zone module to maintain the variability in the hydrograph. A subsequent set of
runs were conducted for the four study sites which showed that if all other parameters are
fixed, the soil parameters do have a significant impact on groundwater level simulations,
indicating that parameter interaction can explain their insensitive behaviour for this study.
These findings suggest that it may in fact be beneficial to fix these using the best available
soil and vegetation information. Certainly, available large-scale soil datasets such as the
Land Information System (LandIS) for England and Wales (Proctor et al., 1998) and the
Harmonised World Soil Database (FAO et al., 2012) can be used to inform the selection of
these parameters.
The Weibull unsaturated zone component influences the behaviour of AquiMod greatly. It is
calibrated using two calibration parameters: λ which approximately controls the lag in the
unsaturated zone; and k which controls the attenuation (spread) of the recharge response
to soil drainage. Both showed varying degrees of sensitivity and optimal values across the
study sites. Of the two, λ was most sensitive as it controls the seasonal signal in the
hydrograph simulation and therefore has a significant impact on the overall efficiency of the
model. The Weibull distributions for the Limestone and Chalk models both resulted in a
rapid flux of soil drainage to the water table, although a small portion (approximately 20%)
of soil drainage was lagged by one month. However, the k parameter was found to be
insensitive for these models, suggesting this spread of recharge after the peak is not
uniquely optimal. Rather the rapid peak response induced by the optimal small λ values was
most crucial to the efficiency of these models. For the Limestone aquifer, the reason for this
rapid response is likely to be percolation through preferential fracture pathways. For the
Chalk this rapid response to rainfall is not uncommon even where the unsaturated zone has
a significant depth (28.6 m on average for the Chilgrove House borehole). This is because of
so-called ‘piston flow’ through the Chalk matrix in the unsaturated zone. Here, groundwater
recharge occurs as a result of a pressure wave traversing through the, generally highly
saturated, matrix which displaces water from bottom of the unsaturated zone rather than
percolating through it (Mathias et al., 2005).
Soil drainage passed instantaneously to the underlying saturated zone module in the most
efficient model of the Lower Greensand aquifer. The sensitivity analysis showed that the
most efficient simulations were produced when λ was small (< 1.5) and k was large (> 4),
resulting in a rapid and sharp recharge response. In fact, at this site the water table lies only
2 m below ground level on average, which explains the instantaneous flux of soil drainage to
the saturated zone. Incidentally, this was the only model that showed any sensitivity to k
suggesting the model fit was very dependent on this sharp spiky recharge response. It
should be noted that for all models, the sensitivity of k is likely to be inhibited by the coarse
monthly time-stepping employed for this study as much of the definition of the Weibull
distribution is lost once it is scaled over a small number of monthly time-steps (clearly seen
in Figure 7). Therefore, k should show more sensitivity if smaller time-steps are used.
Due to the small attenuation affect of the optimized Weibull unsaturated zone components
for the Chalk, Limestone and Lower Greensand models, the impact of removing this module
all together from the AquiMod structure had little effect on the overall simulation efficiency.
However, for the Sandstone model which returned the largest optimum λ value resulting in
the greatest attenuation of recharge, removing the unsaturated zone component had a
significant impact on the efficiency of the model as it could no longer match the timing of
the groundwater level hydrograph. The cross-correlation analysis between rainfall and de-
seasonalised groundwater levels indicated a longer response time for the Sandstone aquifer
and consequently, the importance of including the unsaturated zone module for this site.
Interestingly, the average thickness of the unsaturated zone for the Sandstone site is only 3
m which presumably would have little impact on the soil drainage flux. Actually, while the
Skirwith borehole groundwater catchment is known to be primarily unconfined, the drill log
for this borehole revealed that there is a potentially confining clay layer present up to 3 m
thick. This suggests that the lagged response to rainfall determined from the calibrated
model and from the independent cross-correlation analysis could actually be a result of the
time taken for groundwater levels in the borehole to respond to recharge taking place
further away where the aquifer is unconfined. This implies that it is not possible to say with
certainty that the lag-response induced in AquiMod by the Weibull unsaturated zone
component represents the time delay between water draining from the base of the soil to
the water table exclusively. Rather, this component is a transfer function that introduces a
degree of memory into AquiMod, even though this may derive from a number of sources.
For example, the saturated zone itself will have a certain amount of memory in its response
to recharge related to the flow and storage characteristics of the aquifer in question (Kooi
and Groen, 2003; Neuzil, 1986).
Interpretation of the parameters in AquiMod should always be made with care. AquiMod is
a lumped model and as such the calibrated parameter sets and structures represent
simplified conceptualisations of heterogeneous field conditions. Certainly, questions remain
as to where the lag induced by the unsaturated zone module for the Sandstone model
originates, and whether it is in fact an artefact of a distribution of localised confining layers
overlying the aquifer which cannot be explicitly represented in AquiMod. Some of the
parameters, such as those used in the soil zone component show little or no sensitivity, and
there is evidence of parameter interaction, both of which inhibit the confidence that we can
have in the uniqueness of the model parameters and their relation to field properties. It is
also important to consider the model assumptions. For example, for the saturated zone
component, an aquifer length was defined which assumes a fixed discharge point and
negligible lateral inflows. In highly dynamic catchments where the groundwater divide
moves significantly, these assumptions are likely to break down. Even so, comparison to
available field data has shown that the calibrated specific yield and hydraulic conductivity
parameters of the most efficient model structures were identifiable and were consistent
with available field data for all sites which implies that they have some physical relevance
and that it might be possible to constrain the bounds of the parameter space before
calibration using measurable catchment properties. The calibrated Lower Greensand
transmissivity values fell into the lower quartile of the 40 pumping test estimates, which is
likely to be an artefact of the relatively thin Lower Greensand in this region (9m in
comparison to a maximum thickness of 220m) as transmissivity is the integral of
permeability over depth. The optimum transmissivity obtained for the Chalk aquifer also fell
within the lower quartile of the observed data for this region.
While the calibrated two and three-layer groundwater components for the Chalk, Limestone
and Lower Greensand models produced models that were almost as efficient at simulating
their respective groundwater level hydrographs, the three-layer component for the
Limestone did reveal some interesting features. Here, the three-layer model was
considerably better than the two-layer model over the evaluation sequence. Furthermore, it
was the only model structure to include an intermediate high conductivity zone. This helped
to reduce an overall positive bias in the model by over an order of magnitude compared to
the two-layer component. Physically, the presence of a high conductivity zone is plausible
given the complex fracture flow known to dominate this aquifer as previously discussed, and
as such it may be that the addition of layers to the AquiMod saturated zone module may
help to test concepts of preferential flow pathways.
The model of the Sandstone showed the most significant change in simulation efficiency
when switching between a two and three-layer aquifer representation. Here two layers
were optimal, particularly over the evaluation sequence. Theoretically, a three-layer aquifer
representation should be able to simulate the storage-discharge relationship as efficiently as
a two-layer component: one only needs to understand the mathematical formulation
(Equation 11) to see that this is the case. So the argument that the three-layer
representation is mathematically less suited to the Sandstone aquifer than the two-layer
representation is not adequate. Instead, a more likely reason for this loss in efficiency with
complexity is an issue of parsimony. It appears that the three-layer component was over-
fitted to the calibration sequence and subsequently performed worse than the simpler,
more parsimonious, two-layer structure. In this sense, the comparison between the two
highlights an important consideration when applying these simple models to different
aquifers; the most complex model will not always prevail as the most suitable model
The impact of simplifying the model structure further to single-layer, variable and constant-
transmissivity representations, resulted in a sharp fall in simulation efficiency for all sites
although the impact for each site was contrasting. The most dramatic impact on the
simulations was observed for the Limestone aquifer where the optimization procedure
could only produce a model that approximately matched the mean of the observations. It is
worth noting that theoretically, the amplitude of the hydrograph could have been matched,
but probably not the pattern of fluctuation, by extending the calibration range of the
storage coefficient to much smaller values. However this could not have been justified
physically. Rather, this serves to further highlight the complexity of the discharge response
to changes in aquifer storage at this site. The Chalk showed the highest efficiency scores
using the one-layer aquifer representations, although the suitability of these simple
structures was shown to break down during periods of exceptionally high and low levels. A
similar pattern was observed for the Lower Greensand site with persistent under and
overestimation of levels and most dramatically for the Sandstone site. Indeed, the presence
of at least one high conductivity layer in the zone of fluctuation acts as a sort of discharge
moderator where it drains rapidly when the groundwater levels are high and ceases to flow
when the level falls below it. This combination prevents the model from deviating from the
typical range of levels for the aquifer. More importantly though, the gradual simplification
of the model structure from three layers to a single-layer fixed transmissivity component is a
gradual linearization of the storage-discharge relationship, a relationship that is known to be
non-linear because of vertical heterogeneity in the storage and hydraulic conductivity
properties of the aquifer and other regional characteristics such as the presence of river and
spring discharge points. As such, these one layer representations are unlikely to be useful
for most applications of AquiMod.
The inclusion of extra complexity, be it through the addition of extra layers in the saturated
zone module or other modifications can improve model efficiency and provide further
insight into the controls on groundwater level fluctuations. However, the inclusion of extra
parameters may also introduce more uncertainty into the model and result in an
unparsimonious model structure (Jakeman and Hornberger, 1993). Interestingly, for three
of the study sites, the act of removing the unsaturated zone component, thereby simplifying
the structure of the model, had a small impact on the model efficiencies. It may also be
beneficial to use simpler functions that describe the relationship between groundwater
storage, level and discharge that require fewer parameters such as the cubic function
employed by Moore and Bell (2002), or even simpler approaches such as the semi-analytical
solution presented by (Park and Parker, 2008) who assume recharge is a fixed proportion of
rainfall, and lump the flow, storage and hydraulic gradient variables into a single parameter
assumed constant over space and time. This of course deviates from the layered saturated
zone structure used in AquiMod, and most physically based models, due to the discrete
step-wise layering in flow and storage properties often observed in groundwater aquifers
(Cross et al., 1995; Rushton and Rao, 1988). However, where the variation of aquifer
properties, such as the hydraulic conductivity, are known to vary gradually, it may also be
possible to include statistical distributions of these properties which are characterised by
fewer parameters.
The subject of prediction uncertainty is one that has not been addressed in this paper,
although the issue has arisen on a number of occasions not least because of issues of non-
uniqueness of acceptable model parameter sets and structures. Certainly, future
applications of AquiMod should seek to take advantage of its fast run-time and its ability to
incorporate multiple model structures to rigorously quantify uncertainty. Approaches such
as the previously mentioned GSST scheme and well established multi-model procedures
such as the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method (Beven and
Binley, 1992), which allows the user to quantify model parameter and structural
uncertainty, are increasingly being applied in hydrological modelling applications. The work
of Clark et al. (2008), who devised the Framework for Understanding Structural Errors
(FUSE) in rainfall runoff models, has demonstrated the importance of understanding
structural uncertainty for river flow simulations, and the AquiMod software could provide a
useful platform to extend this type of analysis to groundwater level simulation applications
in the future.
5. Conclusions
AquiMod is a simple, lumped conceptual groundwater level prediction tool that can be run
quickly and efficiently to simulate groundwater levels for contrasting aquifer types. It has
been shown to be very efficient at simulating smooth quasi-sinusoidal groundwater level
hydrographs in the Chalk and Sandstone and the highly irregular hydrograph of a Lower
Greensand observation borehole, but in its current form appears to be less suited to
complex fractured aquifers such as the Carboniferous Limestone where it could not capture
summer low levels and the rapid fluctuations in the winter high levels adequately.
The AquiMod software is simple to use, making it more accessible to hydrogeologists than
more sophisticated, and often complex, distributed physically-based models. It also has the
potential to derive some average aquifer flow and storage properties and could be used as a
preliminary investigative tool before applying a distributed model. The software allows the
user to experiment with different model structures and sample multiple parameter sets,
which is especially useful for simulating groundwater levels at sites with storage-discharge
relationships that cannot necessarily be characterised by a single conceptual model. Indeed,
through using progressively simpler representations of aquifer properties, this work has
highlighted the importance of incorporating vertical heterogeneity of aquifer hydraulic
conductivity in the groundwater model structure to capture aquifer storage-discharge
dynamics efficiently.
Due to its modular structure, new components can be included in AquiMod easily, which
combined with its in-built Monte-Carlo parameter sampling functionality could provide a
platform from which more rigorous data-based mechanistic modelling approaches (Young et
al., 2007) can be implemented in the future. There is also the potential to expand its
application to investigate issues of parameter and structural uncertainty. Here, similar
studies for river flow simulations such as those conducted by Beven and Binley (1992), Clark
et al. (2008) and Coron et al. (2012) should help to guide the focus of these future
6. Acknowledgements
The code was developed using core science funds of the Natural Environment Research
Council (NERC) British Geological Survey’s (BGS) Groundwater Science and Environmental
Modelling Directorates. The groundwater level data for this study were taken from the
NERC BGS National Groundwater Level Archive. The climate data were made available by
the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, and the UK Met-Office. We thank the
anonymous reviewers for their very helpful comments on the paper. The authors publish
with the permission of the Executive Director of the British Geological Survey.
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8. Figures
Figure 1: Schematic of generalised AquiMod model structure (left) and different saturated
zone component structures used in this study (right).
Figure 2: Probability distribution functions using the parametric Weibull distribution with
different scale (λ) and shape (k) parameters.
Figure 3: Location and geological setting of four observation boreholes.
Figure 4: Observed groundwater level time-series in meters above sea level (m asl) at
modelled sites.
Figure 5: Observed groundwater level time-series and those simulated using the most
efficient model structures (left), and mean monthly and annual groundwater levels (right).
Figure 6: Dotty sensitivity plots for the most efficient model structures with parameter value
on the x-axes and NSE on the y-axes. Black dots indicate individual parameters from Monte
Carlo sampling and the white dot indicates the optimum parameter value.
Figure 7: 1 Calibrated Weibull distribution (black line) and corresponding unsaturated zone
function (grey bars) for the most efficient model structures.
Figure 8: Observed and simulated groundwater level hydrographs over the evaluation
sequence using four different groundwater model structures for the (a,b) Chalk, (c,d)
Limestone, (e,f) Lower Greensand and (g,h) Sandstone study sites.
Figure 9: Observed and simulated mean monthly and annual groundwater levels with and
without the unsaturated zone component.
9. Tables
Table 2: Calibration (Cal), evaluation (Evl) and combined (Cmb) NSE and combined bias
scores obtained for each of the five different model structures tested. The most efficient
model structures based on their combined NSE scores are highlighted in grey.
Table 3: Optimum model parameter sets for the most efficient model structures. Calibration
parameters highlighted in white and fixed parameters highlighted in grey. Prior calibration
bands in square brackets.