People Who Influence You

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Reasons why we look

up to some leaders…

1. They organize activities for the welfare of
the youth, parents, senior citizens, and
other members of the community.
2. They exemplify deeds that show
responsibility, strength, and productivity.
3. They do their tasks with commitment.

 They assist us in learning new things by spending
time to prepare lessons for us.
 They create a positive impact in our lives as they
impart new knowledge, enhance our skills, and
instill in us important values to live meaningfully.
 We admire our teachers for being dedicated in their
work and for planting seeds of wisdom in our


 We respect doctors because they help us take care of
our body.
 They prescribe medicines that heal sickness and
make us healthy and strong.
 Doctors who show compassion in treating sick
people are admirable because they genuinely value
the welfare of others.


 They are admirable because they protect us and
keep our neighbourhood safe.
 They implement the rules of the government to
maintain peace and order.
 They put their lives at stake as they do their job.


 We respect these people for being there whenever
there is a disaster.
 They also put their lives at stake to save the victims
of fire or other calamities.
 Firemen, some or whom, are volunteers, respond to
emergency calls readily, and thus, have helped many
people from different places.
 They actively conduct and participate in fire
prevention activities as well.


 We admire the president of our country, student
council or classroom because of their leadership
 We like their confidence in addressing the public.
 We tend to get amazed seeing them lead number of
people who are, without hesitation, follow out of
trust and respect.
 We love it when they are fighting for our welfare
never minding all the consequences.


 We easily admire celebrities because of their looks,
talents and very good personality.
 We usually imitate what they do, their style and
 We idolize them.
 We fantasize their shows and movies.
 We buy or avail what they endorse.
 We follow their social media accounts.


 Our Ate’s and Kuya’s are our models.
 We follow their instructions, requests and
commands as slaves because we don’t want to
displease them.
 We dream to do what they do.
 We aspire to achieve what they have.
 We follow their footsteps because we look up to


 We love our parents for we will not be here without
 They have the greatest influence to our lives since
they are with us since day one.
 We follow them not just because that’s how the norm
plays but because we truly believe that we should.
 We respect them, we love them.
 We lookup to them especially if we see how good
their hearts are.

Hogg and Vaughan, 2011

 The person who influences you has the power to
change you because you tend to imitate some of his
or her personality traits.
 Such power is called:
 Referent power
 Identification with
 Attraction to
 Respect for the source of influence

 A person or thing that influences another.
 Social media personalities who has the ability to
influence the public.

 GOOD influence…

Χ BI or Bad Influence

Carefully choose the people who will
take part in influencing you as a
person. Always choose the good
influencer and get rid of the


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