BigBrightIdeas 5 CB
BigBrightIdeas 5 CB
BigBrightIdeas 5 CB
We can eat and drink different things. Did you know that there
are about 7,500 different
Hi! My name’s Ellie and I’m twelve years old. Watch my video about kinds of apple in the world?
autumn. You can see the red, orange and brown leaves on the trees
That’s a lot!
in the forest near my house. My dad and I pick fruit and vegetables
from our garden in autumn. You’ll see us making apple pie with the
apples we picked from our apple tree. We eat the pie with ice cream.
eight 8
We can go to
the outdoor In spring, we
swimming pool can see lots of
in summer. flowers in the
Why do you
love summer?
I love summer
because it’s warm
and sunny.
The Big Question • Language review 9 nine
1 Think What fun things can people do outside in summer?
Copy the table and write two more things for each heading.
2 Listen and read about Nancy’s summer activities. 014 We can do fun things
Find the five words in bold in the pictures. Do you do any of the outside in summer.
activities which Nancy does?
Nanc y’s blo
I went to an
do a treasure hunt grow a sunflower outdoor cinema. I think that’s true.
I did a
treasure hunt
That sounds fantastic. 1 Who / When did you go to the park with?
What did you see?
2 What / Where did he see?
3 He went / had with Kyle and Karina.
We saw a deer, and we also saw 4 I saw / went to the cinema.
lots of interesting trees and flowers.
5 She played / went mini golf near the beach.
2 Read again and say the missing words. What did you do in I went on
1 Nancy spent her holidays the summer holidays? holiday.
near a … .
2 She thought the campsite was … . Where did you go? I went to
3 Nancy’s … went on holiday with her the seaside.
and her family.
4 Nancy went riding on a … every day. Who did you I went with my
5 Nancy saw some trees and flowers, go with? grandparents.
and a … .
Winter Wonderland
The supersonic
skis won’t move.
2 Read the table. Say something you 4 Collaborate Talk to your class about
will do and something you won’t do their ideas for next weekend. Write
this winter. down their answers.
3 Make sentences.
2 We / / on Saturday. ✘
5 Communicate What did you discover
in activity 4? Talk to your partner.
3 She / / after school today. ✔
Julia thinks she’ll go shopping.
She won’t go to the cinema.
4 I / / tomorrow evening. ✘
Stage 2
Stage 1 Caterpillars hatch from
First, the female the eggs. These
butterfly lays some caterpillars are long
eggs on a leaf. and thin. They eat lots of
They’re very small. leaves and flowers, and
they grow fast.
Stage 4 Stage 3
The chrysalis opens and the butterfly The caterpillar stops eating and growing.
comes out into the world. It can’t It makes a chrysalis. The caterpillar is
fly when it comes out but, soon, its safe inside the chrysalis. It is safe from
wings start to move and it flies away. other insects and bigger animals, as well
The new butterfly looks for its food in as from the rain and wind. Inside the
flowers. Females find males and the chrysalis, the caterpillar starts changing
life cycle starts again. shape. It changes into a butterfly.
2 Think Look at the titles of the two poems, and the pictures.
What is the weather like?
3 Listen and read. 027 Were you right?
Here are two poems. They are both very short poems and
they talk about different aspects of winter. They use different
poetic techniques to create an impression of winter.
The first poem uses an effective The second poem is called a haiku. A haiku
metaphor to talk about snow covering has got 17 syllables divided into three lines.
the ground. A metaphor uses unusual This technique allows the poet to create
words to create a picture of something. a quick impression of a winter scene.
Our Values!
Is writing poems a good way to
4 AFTER YOU READ Complete the activities. AB Page 12
show your feelings? Why (not)?
3 Work with your partner. Talk about the differences between picture A and picture B.
1 Where is the science lesson? A The experiment is about things which float.
2 What day is the science lesson? B The lesson is on Wednesday.
3 What time is the science lesson? C If you add salt to water, things float.
4 What is the experiment about? D The lesson is in room 10A.
5 What can you discover? E The lesson is at 10.30 am.
2 Student A: Look at the questions in activity 1. Ask your partner about a science lesson.
Student B: Look at the information in the table below. Answer your partner’s questions.
Day Thursday
Time 1.30 pm
3 Student B: Look at the questions in activity 1. Ask your partner about a science lesson.
Student A: Look at the information in the table below. Answer your partner’s questions.
Day Tuesday
Time 11.45 am
2 Put the words in the correct order and write the questions. Then ask and answer.
1 your / subject / favourite / what’s / ?
2 subject / your / what’s / best / ?
3 your / of / what’s / form / transport / favourite / ?
4 food / what / you / like / don’t / ?
5 music / kind / of / do / what / like / you / ?
6 do / you / do / what / sports / ?
7 do / what / doing / like / in / you / free / time / your / ?
8 bicycle / got / have / a / you / ?
3 Talk about daily routines, and the places you live and go to school.
Ask and answer. Use the tables.
1 Can you think of any other questions 2 Can you think of any other things to ask
beginning with ‘What time do you …’ ? about beginning with ‘Tell me about …’ ?
3 Read the first part of the story. Then use the pictures to continue the story.
Work with a partner.
Vicky Dad
Vicky and Jack have made
four sandwiches. They’re
putting them in the
picnic box.
Jack Fred
3 Work with your partner. Talk about the differences between picture A and picture B.