BigBrightIdeas 5 CB

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Ellie’s star post Did you know?

We can eat and drink different things. Did you know that there
are about 7,500 different
Hi! My name’s Ellie and I’m twelve years old. Watch my video about kinds of apple in the world?
autumn. You can see the red, orange and brown leaves on the trees
That’s a lot!
in the forest near my house. My dad and I pick fruit and vegetables
from our garden in autumn. You’ll see us making apple pie with the
apples we picked from our apple tree. We eat the pie with ice cream.

Find out what fun activities

Nancy does in summer.
Winter Wonderland

eight 8  

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1 Look, read and answer.

1 What can you see in the pictures?
2 Look at the posts. What do you think
each section is about?
3 Read Ellie’s star post. What does she eat
with apple pie?

Learn about winter 2 Watch the video.    

activities with Oli. What doesn’t Ellie do?
1 She doesn’t pick fruit.
2 She doesn’t make apple pie.
3 She doesn’t pick leaves from the ground.
4 She doesn’t eat apple pie.

3 Think Think about the Big Question

and answer.
What activities do you do in winter?

4 Think, pair, share! What answers can

Learn about the life cycle you think of for the Big Question? List
of butterflies with Celia. your answers on the Big Question poster.

We can go to
the outdoor In spring, we
swimming pool can see lots of
in summer. flowers in the

5 Collaborate Look at the Talking

Point. Then ask and answer with your
Read poems about
winter with Oscar. Why / love / … ?

6 Watch the video again.    

Complete the activities in the
Activity Book.  AB Page 6

Why do you
love summer?

I love summer
because it’s warm
and sunny.
The Big Question • Language review  9 nine

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Lesson 2 Vocabulary

1 Think What fun things can people do outside in summer?
Copy the table and write two more things for each heading.   

Sports Hobbies Other activities

play football collect shells have a picnic

2 Listen and read about Nancy’s summer activities.   014   We can do fun things
Find the five words in bold in the pictures. Do you do any of the outside in summer.
activities which Nancy does?

Nanc y’s blo

In summer, I spend a lot of time with my

grandmother. We often play mini golf because
it’s her favourite activity. We sometimes go hiking,
too. One year, we went to a farm and picked
strawberries. I never go mountain biking in the
summer. I don’t really like bikes. My birthday is in
the summer. All my friends come to my party and,
sometimes, we have a barbecue.

3 Listen to Nancy’s grandmother.  015  

Copy the words and number them in the
order you hear them.   
4 Listen and repeat.  016  
Point to the pictures.

5 Listen and repeat the dialogue.  017

go horse riding learn to windsurf

6 Communicate Make true
and false statements about your
summer holidays.

I went to an
do a treasure hunt grow a sunflower outdoor cinema. I think that’s true.

I did a
treasure hunt

go to an outdoor cinema I don’t believe

you. False!
ten 10   Outdoor summer activities

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Lesson 3 Grammar
3 Think Read the table. Which Wh–
questions with did in the table are in Nancy
1 Listen and read.  018 and Tomas’s chat?

CHAT ROOM Where go?

Hi, Tomas! My summer you
Who go with?
holidays were great! did he
she see?
Hi, Nancy! Really? Where did you go? do?

went to the beach.

I went to a campsite near a lake. I
The campsite was amazing! He saw a train.
played mini golf.
Who did you go with?
We use Where / Who / What + did +
I went with my family and infinitive to ask detailed questions.
my friend, Julia, came, too.
4 Choose the correct word and say
the sentence.
What did you do?

We went horse riding around

the lake every day. It was
really great.  

That sounds fantastic. 1 Who / When did you go to the park with?
What did you see?
2 What / Where did he see?
3 He went / had with Kyle and Karina.
We saw a deer, and we also saw 4 I saw / went to the cinema.
lots of interesting trees and flowers.
5 She played / went mini golf near the beach.

I love the countryside!

5 Communicate Ask your partner about
his / her summer holidays.

2 Read again and say the missing words. What did you do in I went on
1 Nancy spent her holidays the summer holidays? holiday.
near a … .
2 She thought the campsite was … . Where did you go? I went to
3 Nancy’s … went on holiday with her the seaside.
and her family.
4 Nancy went riding on a … every day. Who did you I went with my
5 Nancy saw some trees and flowers, go with? grandparents.
and a … .

Wh- questions with did  11 eleven

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Lesson 4 Vocabulary and story

1 Think What activities can you do We can do a lot of fun

things in winter.
in winter? Make a list.   

2 Listen, repeat and and point.  020

3 Listen and say the winter activities.  021


Winter Wonderland

I don’t think Time

1  go skiing 2  go sledging travel will help us.

I think Night vision

will be useful to
catch a criminal.

3  make a snowman 4  do crafts In Wonderland Park …

What did the criminal do?

5  make soup 6  make a bird feeder
Last night, he destroyed the
children’s snowmen. He always comes
out at night and does bad things.
4 BEFORE YOU READ  This is a story
about a chase. How can people travel
in the snow?
Do you think we can catch him, Oli?
5 Listen, read and check.  022

6 AFTER YOU READ  Watch the story.    

Complete the activities.  AB Page 9

Yes, I do. But I think we’ll

need some skis. Come on!

twelve 12   Winter activities • Story

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How can I help you? Have you got a plan, Nancy?

We’d like two pairs of

supersonic skis, please.
Good choice! They’re the
Yes. Let’s make a snowman …
fastest skis in the world!
then we’ll wait until it gets dark.

Oli! Wake up. There’s the criminal! We won’t catch him.

I think we’ll catch him.

These skis are amazing!

Quick! Activate the Night

vision. We’ll see better.

But that’s impossible. A sledge! Look at that! It will go really fast.

But suddenly …
Oh, no! That man in
the shop was Dr Zeevil!

The supersonic
skis won’t move.

Yes, it will. And look! We’ve

Ha ha ha ha ha! got help. Let’s go sledging.

I think we’ll catch Look! The criminal

him, Nancy! Hold on! is one of Dr Zeevil’s
Z-bots. We caught
him … err … her.

Nooooooooo! Yes, we did. Look!

The ski shop is
closed. Dr Zeevil
escaped …

For now. But I think

we’ll see him again, Oli.
Winter activities • Story  13 thirteen

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Lesson 5 Grammar

1 REMEMBER THE STORY  Match the parts of the sentences.   

1 I think a Time travel will help us.
2 I don’t think b wait until it gets dark.
3 Then we’ll c we’ll catch him.
4 I think Night vision d need some skis.
5 I think we’ll e will be useful.

2 Read the table. Say something you 4 Collaborate Talk to your class about
will do and something you won’t do their ideas for next weekend. Write
this winter. down their answers.

go skiing. I think I’ll go

I ’ll go sledging. shopping.
He make a snowman. I won’t go to I think I’ll play
the cinema. with my friends.
She make soup.
I don’t think I’ll
We won’t make a bird feeder.
watch a DVD.
do crafts.

I think I’ll go skiing

I don’t think we’ll win.

We use will / won’t + infinitive to talk about

future actions. We often use I think and
I don’t think with will.

3 Make sentences.

She’ll go skiing at the weekend.

1 She / / at the weekend. ✔

2 We / / on Saturday. ✘
5 Communicate What did you discover
in activity 4? Talk to your partner.
3 She / / after school today. ✔
Julia thinks she’ll go shopping.
She won’t go to the cinema.
4 I / / tomorrow evening. ✘

fourteen 14   will / won’t

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Lesson 6 Cross-curricular Celia

1 Look at the pictures in activity 2.

Think, pair, share!
Which is the correct order of the stages?
a caterpillar – butterfly – chyrsalis – eggs
b butterfly – chyrsalis – eggs – caterpillars
c eggs – caterpillar – chyrsalis – butterfly
d eggs – butterfly – caterpillar – chyrsalis We can observe
butterflies in spring.
2 Listen and read.  024

Butterflies are amazing!

There are four different stages in a butterfly’s life cycle. At each stage, the butterfly looks different.
This special process is called metamorphosis. Metamorphosis means changing shape.

Stage 2
Stage 1 Caterpillars hatch from
First, the female the eggs. These
butterfly lays some caterpillars are long
eggs on a leaf. and thin. They eat lots of
They’re very small. leaves and flowers, and
they grow fast.

Stage 4 Stage 3
The chrysalis opens and the butterfly The caterpillar stops eating and growing.
comes out into the world. It can’t It makes a chrysalis. The caterpillar is
fly when it comes out but, soon, its safe inside the chrysalis. It is safe from
wings start to move and it flies away. other insects and bigger animals, as well
The new butterfly looks for its food in as from the rain and wind. Inside the
flowers. Females find males and the chrysalis, the caterpillar starts changing
life cycle starts again. shape. It changes into a butterfly.

3 Read and answer. 4 What other animals

Think, pair, share!

1 Where do butterflies lay eggs? have different stages and forms in

2 What do caterpillars eat? their life cycle?
3 Do caterpillars grow slowly?
5 Learn how to compare the life cycles
4 What happens inside the chrysalis?
of two animals.  AB Page 11
5 What is this change called?
6 What do butterflies do when they come
out of the chyrsalis?
Science: learning about life cycles  15 fifteen

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Lesson 7 Literacy: a poem
Winter is a time
1 BEFORE YOU READ  Look at the pictures. to sit by the fire.
What are the two poems about?

2 Think Look at the titles of the two poems, and the pictures.
What is the weather like?
3 Listen and read.  027   Were you right?

Here are two poems. They are both very short poems and
they talk about different aspects of winter. They use different
poetic techniques to create an impression of winter.

The first poem uses an effective The second poem is called a haiku. A haiku
metaphor to talk about snow covering has got 17 syllables divided into three lines.
the ground. A metaphor uses unusual This technique allows the poet to create
words to create a picture of something. a quick impression of a winter scene.

Night falls on the prairie Cold winter landscape

The sun sleeps and the Cold winter landscape,
moon rises high, Tiny footprints in the snow.
A million white feathers A fox looks for food.
fall silently from the sky.
Our Chief smiles, his face
a golden light.
Stories and dreams
around a fire at night.

Our Values!
Is writing poems a good way to
4 AFTER YOU READ  Complete the activities.  AB Page 12
show your feelings? Why (not)?

Lesson 8 Culture: The Navajo Mountain Chant festival  AB Page 13

sixteen 16   Lesson 7 Text type: a poem • Lesson 8: Culture

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Lesson 9 Writing: a poem Fatima

1 Read the four haikus which Fatima has

written. Which season is each one about?

2 Read the haikus again and answer

the questions.
Haiku 1
1 What does ‘brothers’ refer to in haiku 1? A single gold leaf
2 Is the writer inside or outside in haiku 2? falls silently from the tree
3 What does ‘whispers’ mean in haiku 3? to meet its brothers.
4 Where are the people in haiku 4? Haiku 2
Butterflies and birds.
3 Match the features and the colours in Trees show us their new green leaves.
the haikus. A new world wakes up.

1 A line with five syllables Haiku 3

Snow whispers gently,
2 A line with seven syllables turning the whole world to white,
hiding our secrets.
3 A second line with five syllables
Haiku 4
Long days in the sun,
4 Keywords about nature barbecue smells and music,
sand between our toes.
4 Read the Big Write tip.  AB Page 14


1 SONG   Listen and answer.   031 3 Look at the Big

Think, pair, share!
Which food do they mention in the song? Question poster. How do your answers
compare with the unit answers?
2 Watch and answer the questions
on the video.    I like Celia’s answer
about spring. Yes. Butterflies are
beautiful in spring.

And you can see lots

of other insects, too. I know! We’ve
got lots of bees
in our garden!

4 Complete the activities and do the

Adventure camp
self-evaluation.  AB Page 16

Lesson 9 Writing • Lesson 10 Unit review  17 seventeen

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A2 Flyers

1 Read. Say picture A or picture B.

1 There’s a snowman in the garden.

2 They’re having a barbecue.
3 The cat is sleeping.
4 There’s a tree in the garden. Remember to look at all the
details in the pictures before
5 The children are eating.
choosing your answers.
2 Read and look at the pictures again. Say True or False.
1 The cat is small in picture A but it’s bigger in picture B.
2 The children are making a snowman in picture A but they’re skiing in picture B.
3 It’s snowing in picture A but it’s raining in picture B.
4 There are four birds in picture A but there aren’t any birds in picture B.

3 Work with your partner. Talk about the differences between picture A and picture B.

one hundred and two 102   Speaking Part 1

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A2 Flyers

1 Match the questions and answers.   

1 Where is the science lesson? A The experiment is about things which float.
2 What day is the science lesson? B The lesson is on Wednesday.
3 What time is the science lesson? C If you add salt to water, things float.
4 What is the experiment about? D The lesson is in room 10A.
5 What can you discover? E The lesson is at 10.30 am.

2 Student A: Look at the questions in activity 1. Ask your partner about a science lesson.
Student B: Look at the information in the table below. Answer your partner’s questions.

Where Room 20B

Day Thursday

Time 1.30 pm

What / about freezing water

If you cool water to zero degrees

What / discover
Celsius, it freezes.

3 Student B: Look at the questions in activity 1. Ask your partner about a science lesson.
Student A: Look at the information in the table below. Answer your partner’s questions.

Where Room 15C

Day Tuesday

Time 11.45 am

What / about melting snow

If it is above zero degrees Celsius,

What / discover
snow melts.

Speaking Part 2  103 one hundred and three

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A2 Flyers

1 Write the missing questions. Then ask and answer.   

1 … My name’s John. What’s your name?
2 … I’m from Ireland.
3 … I live in Dublin.
4 … Yes. I’ve got one brother and
one sister. My name’s …
5 … Their names are Paul and Jenny.
6 … Yes. The school is on London Street,
next to the park.

2 Put the words in the correct order and write the questions.     Then ask and answer.
1 your / subject / favourite / what’s / ?
2 subject / your / what’s / best / ?
3 your / of / what’s / form / transport / favourite / ?
4 food / what / you / like / don’t / ?
5 music / kind / of / do / what / like / you / ?
6 do / you / do / what / sports / ?
7 do / what / doing / like / in / you / free / time / your / ?
8 bicycle / got / have / a / you / ?

3 Talk about daily routines, and the places you live and go to school.
Ask and answer. Use the tables.

get up in the morning? the village / town / city

have breakfast? where you live.
What time Tell me about the place where you go
start school?
do you to school.
finish school?
go to bed? the places on your street.

1 Can you think of any other questions 2 Can you think of any other things to ask
beginning with ‘What time do you …’ ? about beginning with ‘Tell me about …’ ?

What time do you

have breakfast?

I usually have breakfast

at half past seven.

one hundred and four 104   Speaking Part 4

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A2 Flyers

1 Match the sentences and the pictures.   

1 They have found a box in the cave.

2 Mary and Jim have had a picnic with their mum.
3 They have found some treasure.
4 There’s a photo of Mary and Jim in the newspaper. In activity 2, think about the
5 They have carried the box out of the cave. order of events. Then make
sentences using the words.
2 Use the words to describe picture E in activity 1.

box   ​
open   ​
treasure   ​
bracelet   ​

3 Read the first part of the story. Then use the pictures to continue the story.
Work with a partner.

Vicky Dad
Vicky and Jack have made
four sandwiches. They’re
putting them in the
picnic box.
Jack Fred

Speaking Part 3  105 one hundred and five

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A2 Flyers

1 Listen.  187   Choose picture A or B.

2 Read and look at the pictures again. Say True or False.

1 There are three chairs in picture A but there are two chairs in picture B.
2 The girl is doing her homework in picture A but she’s finished her homework in picture B.
3 The boy is going to water the plants in picture A but he’s going to start the dishwasher in picture B.
4 The man is washing up in picture A but he’s sweeping the floor in picture B.
5 The woman is putting away the shopping in picture A but she’s laying the table in picture B.

3 Work with your partner. Talk about the differences between picture A and picture B.

one hundred and six 106   Speaking Part 1

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