Volume 1 Issue 8

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ISSN NO: 0129-2098 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8 (NOVEMBER 2016)


AR 01
D 2

CONTENTS 28  Editor’s Note
ISSN NO: 0129-2098 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8 (NOVEMBER 2016)


AR 01
D 2


32 Lion

Snippets of SCDF
Events and Activities
Picture (Left to Right): Ms Michelle Lim (Editor) and MAJ Foo Yiing Kai

The journey of putting together the Men’s issue was a lot about a side of our fellow colleagues we never knew.
more challenging than the previous ones. Truth be told, the

34 editorial team had a hard time deciding on who we should

feature as there was a big pool of eligible career officers to
If you always had the impression of our emergency
responders being all brawn, you may have mistaken. When
10  choose from. I first approached LTC Shaiful Herman for an interview,
he chuckled shyly and asked if he met our criteria. It was
In fact, we organised several rounds of photo shoots and not until when I found out more about his achievements
interview sessions to find out more about their achievements that I realised he was just being modest. In fact, LTC
and contributions to the SCDF. Shaiful is also a romantic at heart. Another officer who left
a deep impression in me was MAJ Foo Yiing Kai and his
Eager Beaver Just when we thought that we have nailed the nomination Operation Lionheart experience. If you are into men with

Got Your
list, we were introduced with more new names. charming eyes, he would definitely be your cup of tea.

Game On? Editorial Advisor Credits and Contributions

To be fair to everyone, we were reluctant to put a stop to
the selection process.
As 2016 is almost coming to an end, the editorial committee
has also put together a pull-out 2017 calendar in this issue
LTC Leslie Williams LTC Shaiful Herman
MAJ Foo Yiing Kai for you.

26  Commander
MAJ Neo Jia Qi
Editor CPT Ivan Chung Many ideas sprung up as to how we should feature these
Ms Michelle Lim LTA Chelsea Heng career officers. We attempted several layouts and even had We hope that we have inspired you with the stories of our
LTA Faizal Kamal
Photographers WO Eddie Ho the artwork ready. We were thrilled with the outcome but lifesavers in the last 11 months.
SSG (V) Vincent Lim
SCDF Multimedia Team we did not stop there.
Home Team Volunteer Network
Till we meet again next year!
We continued to explore other possibilities of including all
the career officers whom we have shortlisted but we were
Phone : +65 6848 1519 limited by the space we have in this issue.
Email : Michelle_Lim@scdf.gov.sg Michelle Lim
Rescue 995 is published by the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). All parts Well, even though the best-laid plans may not materialise November 2016
of this publication may not be reproduced without the written consent of the at times, the editorial team still found it an enjoyable Editor, Rescue 995
publisher. Printed for the SCDF by Chung Printing Pte Ltd. While every effort
is made to ensure that the information in this newsletter is accurate and up-to- experience as it presented us with the opportunity to learn Public Affairs Department
date, the editorial committee is not responsible for errors made as a result of the
information received.


2 3
National Day Awar
ds 2016 National Fire and
Civil Emergency
A total of 26 SCDF
officers received Preparedness Coun
the National Day Aw cil Fire Safety Sem
ards this year. inar
Three officers, includ On 16 August 2016 Official Launch of NTU Civil Defence
ing former DC , the National Fire
Jackson Lim, receiv Emergency Prepare and Civil
ed the Public dness Council (NFE Lionhearter Club
Administration (G annual Fire Safety C) held its
OLD) medal. 29 Seminar at the Mari
other SCDF officer Expo and Conventio na Bay Sands
s were awarded n Centre. The event, SCDF, in collaboration with the Nanyang
with the Commenda Mr Amrin Amin, Pa graced by
tion, Efficiency rliamentary Secretar Technological University (NTU), officially
and Long Service M of Home Affairs, wa y, Ministry
edals. s attended by more launched the Civil Defence (CD) Lionhearter
participants includ than 600
ing Fire Safety Man club at NTU on 11 August 2016. The event
Security Personnel. agers and
was graced by Associate Professor Ho Peng
Sentosa Fire Statio
n Kee, Chairman of the Home Team
The theme for this Volunteer Network.
Sentosa Fire Statio year’s seminar was
n, SCDF’s 21st fire Electrical Hazards “Keep
station, was officially at Bay for a Fire Safe
opened by Mr Environment”. NTU is the first university in
Amrin Amin, Parlia
mentary Secretary, ASEAN St Singapore to establish a CD
Ministry of Home rategic Policy Dia
Affairs, on 7 Disaster Managem logue on Lionhearter Club, which
September 2016. Ab ent
out 100 guests, provides an avenue for
including key stake
holders and partners The tertiary students to
were also present to annual ASEAN Str
witness the event. ategic Policy Dialo be engaged in civil
Disaster Managem gue on
ent (SPDDM) was
held on 19 defence, emergency 10
Sentosa Fire Statio August 2016 and gra Ye
n is the first fire ced by Mr K Shanmuga preparedness ars
station in Singapore Minister for Home m, Th
to acquire the Affairs and Ministe
r for Law. Also and overseas e of
Building and Cons in att endance were H.E. an Civ
n CD Pic
truction Authority General of ASEAN
Le Luong Minh, Se
cretary- humanitarian Mi iver il D A Ho ture
Green Mark Platin
um award for the and H.E. Willem Ra nis sary efen U Ne me T (Cred
advanced eco-frien Ch ief/Minister of Natio mpangilei, missions. try o ce tw ea it
dly systems installed Au nal Disaster Manag Th of n 12 Aux
D epu ork) m Vo s to
thority of Indonesia ement e H C t y : (L lu
within the building to CD om Au liar i h n
. The solar panels on by som . The Dialogue was e A gus y U Mr ong H Com eft to teer
the rooftop supplies e 120 participants, attended Em the n AU ffa t ( J a m i H ssio mi R igh
at least 6% of the sta
electricity to meet ASEA
N member states, int
including officials fro
m the Ga erge ation was e irs. 2016 nit (C fo
SC rmer es Ta ung, oner t)
tion’s total energy civil ernational organisa ller ncy ’s s t a . Th D C DF Co n
consumption while society partners, pri tions, y G M civi bli e e U) A D a m
the solar water vate sector and aca
demia. At uid edi l de shed ven , a Eri AU) nd F missi
heaters, 100% LED t h e c a f e t v A c Y , C oun one
lighting, as well as Held Ou e e , an l Se nce n 20 i wa lu o m a p om d r
the ‘cool’ facade pa in conjunction with wit tstan vent d E rvi eff 0 s g nte Sec in (P , and mis er of
int which reduces the World Humanit xp c o 6 r a ced r ar e re a M s i o
the heat transfer int Day and taking pla
ce for the second tim arian h t din , M
he r ert e, Pu rts. T to en by m o
Ho tar rlia
CD me A y, Mi men Amr r
r ne
interior, are some of
o the building the ASEAN SPDD e since 2015, Als CD g Offi Am ise bli
G c od gag M f t A ff a n i tar in
the sustainable M provides an avenu
e to exercise Aff o pr AU cer rin A rou Edu ay, t e th r A he cel U
ebr 10 irs) a stry o y
and environmentally ASEAN’s thought Ou Aw min p. cat he C e co mr SC ati th f
-friendly features leadership in disast
er management. Co airs) sent
a i o m i n DF on. An t the
integrated into the It was jointly organ
ised by the ASEAN mm , C at tst
a rd. als n, DA m Am , c niv
building’s design. n W o C U u in, leb e e r
SCDF and Corporat Secretariat, the issi omm the din
g O O (V resen
p om h nity
mu as 7 an Pa rate
e Citizen Foundatio Mr on issi even rlia d
n. CD am J e r o tw ffi ) Y t e n i v o d m i t
S n c u d t y c a l e s
vol AU es T
CD er e er
Aw nnos 12 C Inv atio low nta 10t
The theme for the
event was “Change F) Eric re M olv ns, vol ry h
Learning from the and Innovation: tha unte ten y an, w an Y
d M ap, oh
r L
ard Bi DA
for Sh U E n e m w hic te u n Sec
Private Sector to En t b ers ear ho e nt, h ers ret
Management in AS
EAN”. One of the
hance Disaster ran an s a set r J Dep Ng his ariff xem E i n t o
event highlights che d y go, up ack ut ai d e , t p n f c l u c
was the “CEOs Ta e
s in s, m it w th s on y Co ng S e d ica e o ry h l a o r d
cem es F ntri o
lk”, where three co to e L t l O b
from the private sec rporate leaders y a C im m ( S i on d i
en refi ute
tor shared their persp 7 d wis s ak DA (fo missi econ
an st C cer
ffi t, H gh
change and innovati ectives on iffe h c in t U rm on d P d s DA Aw eri ting
on vis-à-vis disaster ren am o p wh e r e r e e r v U a r tag ,
management. tv e t l a n e n D C r m i c v d s e
oca rue tin he epu hon ane e . o lun and
tio tod g a was ty g H nt S t e e o
ns. ay see Co r, w e C n
” for d a Com mm oi H ecret as
the nd mis i s s
un ary
g , rec DAU
CD aspi sion ion , M M
e i n
AU ing er Sr rS r Jam istr ed
ha to s C C y

Snippets of SCDF
D DF es o f
s g ee F ) . T H
row it , sai an
(fo ome
n s grow d: “ rm
tea W
dil . We hen er
o o start I for

Events and Activities

ver ed m
25 with ed th
olu 26 e


4 5


– facebook.com/SCDFpage – twitter.com/SCDF

4,717 67 20K Follow

Singapore Civil Defence Force

TheLifeSavingForce @SCDF • September 1

Singapore Civil Defence Force TheLifeSavingForce @SCDF • September 6
14 September at 17:00pm Teachers are our role models and heroes in Rich in history, integral to our heritage. It’s
life. They’re the real MVP. Happy Teachers’ not just another pretty building for photo-
Hope we didn’t go man overboard with the puns yesterday. Most of you guessed Day!
right! This is the new Rapid Response Fire Vessel (RFV), the first purpose-built
vessel designed entirely by the SCDF Marine Command. Singapore Government @govsingapore • September 6

Firefighters are tough, but Singapore’s

Equipped with water jet propulsion, the vessel can reach high speeds of more most iconic fire station is tougher. http://
than 40 knots with high maneuverability. Apart from firefighting capabilities, it
can also perform water rescue operations.

The launching ceremony officiated by Commissioner Eric Yap, Commissioner

of SCDF, on 11 Sep 2016 in Suao Harbour, Yilan County, Taiwan, capped
years of hard work and marked a new chapter for SCDF - the crossing of a new
frontier in enhancing our marine firefighting and rescue capability.

#ANationofLifesavers 592 Likes, 10 Comments, 69 Shares

TheLifeSavingForce @SCDF • August 17

Singapore Civil Defence Force Singapore Civil Defence Force Firefighters

17 August at 21:08pm 17 August at 15:35pm having dinner
TheLifeSavingForce @SCDF • August 17
and resting
[Fire @ No. 39, Tampines St 92] [Fire @ No. 39, Tampines St 92] before being
Our firefighters who were hard at work are having their The raging fire had been encircled by 6 water jets on the Fire at CK Building extinguished around 6 redeployed into
dinner and resting before being redeployed into the building building exterior including the deployment of two aerial am. Damping down operation in progress. the building to
to fight the fire. monitors. The high fire load of the premises includes paper continue the ops.
products, household items and aerosol cans which had
generated intense heat impeding an interior attack.
TheLifeSavingForce @SCDF • August 11

NTU launched
its CD Lion-
hearter Club
today, the first
uni to join the
CD Lionhearter
9,400 Likes, 585 Comments, 2,630 Shares 1,000 Likes, 53 Comments, 687 Shares


6 7



8 9
WO Eddie arrived for our photo shoot with a helmet someone who is trapped during road traffic accidents.
slung over his forearm. Spotting a darker than usual tan

Got Your
on his skin, WO Eddie does not come across as the geek WO Eddie explained that it is important for emergency
that he described himself to be at first glance. responders to keep fit so as to perform their tasks well.
The perfectly chiselled body that comes with the hard

Game On?
“I became a scrabble enthusiast by accident”, said WO work is merely a bonus of this job.
Eddie Ho, a senior instructor at the Civil Defence
Academy’s Marine Firefighting Specialist Branch. When asked if an intensive exercise regime is a necessity
in his daily life, WO Eddie broke out in a shy smile and
In 2012, WO Eddie was approached by a fellow revealed that he is actually a bigger fan of plays and
colleague to represent SCDF in a scrabble competition. books instead.
He candidly agreed to take part in the mind sport but
little did he know that he would be winning a bronze One of his all-time favourite plays is ‘The Pillowman’,
medal. that marries comedy and psychological drama.

That was the first time WO Eddie took scrabble seriously “The Pillowman has definitely left a deep impression in
and he has not looked back since. me. I remember that I was so immersed in the darkly
funny and brutal imaginations of Martin Mcdonagh,
After his maiden competition, WO Eddie went on to the writer of the play, when I was watching it”, said WO
take part in scrabble training sessions and today, Eddie Eddie.
has emerged as the scrabble master of SCDF.
WO Eddie, who is still single and available, certainly has
When asked if his Diploma in Communications and plenty of brains and brawn.
Media Management gave him a head start in scrabble,
WO Eddie clarified that the command of the English Got your game-on?
language has little to do with excelling the game.

Instead, WO Eddie described the game as a mind-

flexing session.
10 words that a
In order to win this mind sport, a player must be well- scrabble-master
must know:
versed with the scrabble’s vocabulary bank, especially
that of the two-letter and three-letter word lists as well
as unusual words such as QAT and EUOI. His winning
strategy is the use of two-letter words as they are not AA
only helpful for getting out of difficult situations but also AERIE
Masculine Insights come with high scores.
Define “Masculinity”. BEZIQUE
Masculinity is the ability to CAZIQUES
be strong both physically and
WO Eddie is not only enthusiastic about scrabble CHUTZPAH
mentally. training but physical training as well. FAQIR
What constitutes ‘brains and When he was a Section Commander at Bishan Fire MUZJIKS
brawn’? Station, he took the initiative to put together a gruelling
I quote Ian Caldwell - “The QANAT
physical training schedule for his fellow firefighters. Now QI
strong take from the weak and
the smart take from the strong.” that he is a senior instructor at the Marine Firefighting
It is never enough to be strong Specialist Branch, he imparts both marine firefighting
or smart. You have to be both skills and knowledge to SCDF emergency responders as
and at the same time, learn well as officers from other agencies.
from those who are different
Think you can beat WO Eddie Ho in scrabble? Contact
from you. This will be the
The chainsaw is WO Eddie’s favourite equipment. As CPT Goh Bing Yu at Goh_Bing_Yu@SCDF.gov.sg or WO
complete package for brains
and brawn. a seasoned fireman, WO Eddie said that while this June Yap at June_Yap@SCDF.gov.sg to join the SCDF
equipment looks dangerous, it has the power to free Scrabble Team.
Picture: WO Eddie Ho


10 11
Picture: SCDF Emergency Responders
January 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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29 30 31

Protect and Save Lives and Property RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8
February 2017 Picture: Emergency Medical Services

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28

With PRIDE and CARE, We Serve RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8

Picture: HazMat Control Vehicle and Mitigation Capabilities

March 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

Courage and Control RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8

Picture: 5th Generation Light Fire Attack Vehicle, also known as Red Rhino

Fast, Nimble and Agile

April 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Picture: Elite DART carrying out a height

rescue operation

May 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

We Fear No Heights RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8

Picture: Fire and Rescue Operations Support Tender, also known as FROST

Innovation at Heart

June 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

Picture: Unmanned Firefighting Machine deployed for a firefighting operation

July 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

Operational Excellence RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8

August 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Picture: SCDF Mobile Column
Display at the National Day
1 2 3 4 5 Parade 2015

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

A Nation’s Civil Defence RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8

Picture: SCDF Parade 2015

September 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A Noble Calling RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8
Picture: Community First Responders

October 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

A Nation of Lifesavers RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8

Picture: Participants of SGFPC 2015 Braveheart Challenge

Singapore-Global Firefighters
and Paramedics Challenge

November 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30
Picture: ORNSmen (in black polo shirts) from the Public Shelter and Resilience Unit

December 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Stay Alert, Stay United 31
and Stay Strong RESCUE 995 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 8
in-charge? MAJ Neo Jia Qi, a Geography and Urban Planning
graduate from the University of California, Los
Angeles (more commonly known as the UCLA), is
currently the Commander of West Coast Marine Fire
difficult situations when executing his work.

At one of the many incidents that he attended to,

a member of the public demanded for MAJ Jia Qi
Station. to move the firefighting vehicle elsewhere as it was
blocking his personal vehicle.
When asked about his choice of study in university,
MAJ Jia Qi revealed that he always had an interest “SCDF was already in the thick of the action with
in this field since his secondary school days at The the firefighting appliance deployed for the operation.
Chinese High School. “To do well, one has to have Shifting the vehicle will take time and compromise
passion in what he does”, said MAJ Jia Qi. the firefighting operation. Sir, I would like to assure
you that your car is in a safe location and out of
For the same reason, MAJ Jia Qi signed up with The harm’s way,” MAJ Jia Qi explained himself politely.
Life Saving Force upon graduating from UCLA.
The man did not accept MAJ Jia Qi’s explanation and
When queried about his choice of career, MAJ Jia Qi retorted, “Who are you? I want to see the Commander
said in an upbeat tone that “Everything we do in the in-charge here!”
SCDF, from training and planning to actual response
and operations, are geared towards saving lives. It MAJ Jia Qi replied calmly, “Sir, I am the in-charge
gives me great satisfaction to know that people put here. I would like to assure you that your car is parked
their trust in us when they are faced with danger.” in a safe spot. Meanwhile, please be patient while the
SCDF emergency responders continue to put out the
Other than being a helping hand to those in need, raging fire.”
MAJ Jia Qi is also thankful that the SCDF has given
him the exposure to an wide array of skills, ranging He then requested for a Police officer onsite to escort
from project management, equipment evaluation, the gentleman to a safe waiting area.
Masculine Insights policy planning, to ground command positions.
Define “Masculinity”. No doubt, sometimes the role of a SCDF officer
Ability to man up and Work life has never been mundane. includes having to deal with members of the public
face all the challenges who can be very demanding and assertive.
in life without running In a typical day at work, MAJ Jia Qi and his team
or shunning away from
of officers run the West Coast Marine fire station so MAJ Jia Qi has big dreams for the SCDF Marine
that the safety and security of our Singapore waters Command. He envisions this vocation to become one
What constitutes ‘brains are well taken care of. He is also involved in the long of the best marine units in the world one day.
and brawn’? term capability development for the SCDF Marine
Brains would be EQ over IQ. Command, drafting plans to expand the infrastructure This bachelor is not to be mistaken for a workaholic.
No matter how intelligent as well as improve the skill levels and readiness of the
one is, it is still important
to consider the feelings of
personnel in the unit. In other words, both brain and To MAJ Jia Qi, family remains top priority. Aside
others in everything that we brawn are essential elements of a SCDF career officer. from work and spending quality time with his
do. As for Brawn, I would loved ones, he is also a fan of sporty cars with good
say a Gold in IPPT! Most importantly, MAJ Jia Qi enjoys the balance acceleration and smooth handling.
between office work and attending to incidents as
he sees it as a form of application of skills to real life And his weak spot?
Furry animals.
Of course, there are days when he had to deal with
Picture: MAJ Neo Jia Qi


26 27
Masculine Insights
Define “Masculinity”. Standing at 1.78m tall, the broad-shouldered LTC for Chemistry through his work in the Hazardous
I think ‘masculinity’ indicates Shaiful Herman has more than just the physical Materials (HazMat) Department. He describes
qualities or traits which are qualities that will make your heart race. HazMat as “a highly specialised field in the SCDF
considered typical of men, where an officer must not only have very good
for example strength and LTC Shaiful, SCDF’s first ever overseas scholar knowledge about HazMat, but must be able to piece
assertiveness. But that’s not
who obtained the Singapore Government together information quickly during an incident so as
to say only men can have this
behaviour. In my career, I’ve Scholarship, is a Chemistry enthusiast. to determine the best way to mitigate it in the shortest
come across a fair share of When asked about his fascination with possible time”.
women in the SCDF and the the subject, LTC Shaiful revealed that he
Home Team who are equally, if has always “been in love with Chemistry” LTC Shaiful was recently awarded the Ministry of
not more, “garang” than their since his secondary school days at Raffles Home Affairs Post Graduate Sponsorship to further
male counterparts. And yes, I
meant that as a compliment!
Institution. Apart from the periodic his studies in Fire Investigation, at the University of
table, LTC Shaiful also has a strong Central Lancashire, United Kingdom.
What constitutes ‘brains and interest in current affairs, economics,
brawn’? business management and organisational On an unrelated note, LTC Shaiful can be rather
Someone who we describe behaviour. It is for this reason that cheeky. When asked about how he proposed to
as having both ‘brains and
he pursued a joint Honours degree in his wife, he covered his face and began to laugh
brawn’ embodies what we think
the perfect “package” should Chemistry and Management during sheepishly. Since his wife is an animal lover, he
be – someone who combines his undergraduate years at the Imperial thought of a brilliant (but exotic) idea to propose
his intellectual capability College London. to her in an aquatic attraction filled with stingrays.
with physical prowess to take When she first entered the tank to feed the stingrays,
on any task. But I feel there’s LTC Shaiful is not just all looks and books. she became slightly petrified by the experience. LTC
another important element,
As an SCDF officer, he has acquired years Shaiful recalled her asking “how long is this gonna
which is “spirit” or what we
call “semangat” in Malay - the of operational experience. There is one take? I am rather scared!”
spirit to succeed and not give incident that he attended to which he still
up when the going gets tough. vividly remembers till today. Halfway through, LTC Shaiful went down on one
Now, that would embody the knee but instead of asking for her hand, he squealed
perfect SCDF officer in my LTC Shaiful was a ROTA Commander at in pain. He exclaimed to her that he had been bitten
view, a person with brains,
brawn and “semangat”.
Alexandra Fire Station when he responded by a stingray and when she saw his ‘wound’, she
to the rescue incident. When he arrived at became extremely panicky and worried for his safety.
the location, he saw that a domestic helper Just as she was caught off-guard, he took her hand and
had fallen off the kitchen parapet and was hanging asked her to marry him.
on the ledge of the eighth storey. As SCDF was
commencing the rescue operation, the weather took He later revealed to her that he was not bitten by
a turn and it started to drizzle. any stingrays and he feigned it using an old wound
that he got during a soccer match. He also planned
The parapet was getting slippery. the proposal with the stingray attraction keepers,
whose play-acting throughout the proposal was just
LTC Shaiful knew that there was a chance that as commendable.
the lady could slip. With teamwork, tenacity and
determination, LTC Shaiful and his rescue team His wife was definitely taken by surprise to which
manually pulled the lady to safety within minutes, to LTC Shaiful exclaimed confidently, “I am that
the applause of onlookers’ on the ground floor. good!”

Today, LTC Shaiful continues to pursue his love

Picture: LTC Shaiful Herman


28 29
While some amusement park-goers would be naturally “When I was a Rota Commander, I was trained to remain
disappointed when amusement rides are temporarily composed during operations. Apart from having to

closed, CPT Ivan said safety is paramount and should physically fight fire or rescue those in need, my team and
never be looked over in the interest of allowing a ride I were also required to think on a strategic level as first
to operate when it has not met the required safety responders. More often than not, we had to think on our
assessment. feet and decide what to do next especially during life and
death situations,” said CPT Ivan.
Before joining the CED as a Staff Officer, CPT Ivan was a

RIDES? Rota Commander at Bukit Batok Fire Station. He stressed

that the operational personnel in the SCDF need both
brawn and brains in order to excel in their line of work.
CPT Ivan added that the job of a SCDF career officer is
also about “keeping it real”. At one of the incidents he
attended to as a Rota Commander, his team went the
extra mile and helped save the pet birds trapped in a
house that caught fire. When they met with the home
owner after the fire was extinguished, he thanked them
profusely and explained how important his pets were to

“Every life matters”, said CPT Ivan.

His wife describes him to be “a serious-looking tough

guy who gyms a lot and enjoys frontline operations. On
the inside, he is a gentle, sensitive, funny and caring

CPT Ivan sure has an affiliation with water. Other than

using it to put out fire, he has also been an avid swimmer
since the age of five.
CPT Ivan Chng would rather meet
with exhilarated amusement park-
goers than those tainted with fear
and anxiety. In some sense, that is
also where he gets his satisfaction
from the hard work that he has put
Masculine Insights
CPT Ivan has an out-of-the-ordinary Define “Masculinity”.
portfolio as an SCDF career officer. I think we have evolved as a society to look
beyond traditional meanings and instead
While most people patronise ascribe more forward-looking definitions
amusement parks with an uplifted to being masculine and strength in
spirit and a ready attitude to hop general. A father who is responsible and
on the steepest rollercoasters, CPT takes care of his family at the expense of
Ivan takes on the persona akin to an his personal enjoyments, a son who shares
auditor instead. As a Team Leader a tear with his mother, or a brother who
in the Certification Branch of the sacrifices time with his friends to tend to
Central Enforcement Department his sibling who requires special attention;
(CED), he plays a crucial role in different perspectives but all displaying
upholding the safety and security traits of masculinity depending on which
standards at amusement parks. angle you view it from.

To CPT Ivan, who has a Bachelor What constitutes ‘brains and brawn’?
of Arts (Sociology) from Nanyang Brains: Having the capacity to think about
Technological University, the others and be emotionally sensitive.
amusement parks are supposed
to be venues that are filled with Brawn: Having both mental and physical
joy and laughter from both the strength is equally important.
young and old. To achieve that, it is Picture: CPT Ivan Chung
important that safety measures are
put in place and that is where SCDF
comes into play.


30 31
A massive earthquake hit Eastern
Sichuan, China on 12 May 2008, leaving
tens of thousands missing and injured.
Many of the victims were also rendered
homeless. Following this 7.8-magnitude

quake, SCDF deployed its overseas
Lionheart Contingent to China on 16 May
2008. Led by COL Francis Ng, then the
Commander of 4th SCDF Division, its
mission was to assist local authorities
in search and rescue efforts at the

quake-hit region.

The SCDF contingent was based in

Hongbai Township in Shifang city. The
Singapore team was one of four foreign
rescue teams deployed to provide relief
efforts. The other foreign teams came
from Japan, Russia and Republic of
lady sat down on an uneven pavement and waited.
MAJ Foo Yiing Kai from SCDF’s Disaster
Assistance and Rescue Team (DART), a
Five hours later, the team located the victim. MAJ
member of the 55-strong contingent,
shares his experience. Yiing Kai knew immediately that she had passed
on but persevered on to extricate her body. It
was about 11pm when they carried the deceased
to her daughter. With the portable lighting unit
deployed by DART, she identified the body and Masculine Insights
broke down in tears. MAJ Yiing Kai revealed that Define “Masculinity”.
the toughest part of the mission was to break the To me, a masculine man
His five senses hit him immediately as he landed sad news to the family members. Each time he had is one who is unafraid of
on site. The pillars that held buildings that once to do so, he felt a lump in his throat. The team danger and adversity. He
stood tall had collapsed. The belongings of the would muster all courage
waited as she grieved over her mother’s death to do what is right.
residents were covered with dust and some, stained before they buried the body at a mass grave.
with blood. As he surveyed the scene for the first
What constitutes ‘brains
time, he heard the abrasion of his boots on the In the five-day Operation Lionheart mission, the and brawn’?
uneven and broken walkways as he moved around contingent conducted search operations at over If we were to view
to assess the area. The presence of other rescuers a dozen sites of collapsed buildings. Five bodies it simply, it refers to
and survivors became oblivious to him as he was someone who is both
were extricated from the collapsed structures and intelligent and physically
greeted by the strong smell of decomposed bodies. rubbles. The rescuers also rendered other forms of attractive. Of course,
assistance to the locals affected by the disastrous it is important to be
MAJ Yiing Kai and his team were briefed that the aftermath of the quake and its many aftershocks. analytical especially
surface casualties were already rescued by local This included the construction of a makeshift link for lifesavers ourselves.
rescue forces. The presence of SCDF’s Heavy This is because every
bridge on 19 May 2008 at an area hit by a massive
Urban Search and Rescue Team was to penetrate operation is unique and
landslide. But as operations in Hongbai town we are required to crack
into the rubbles to render assistance to survivors shifted to the “recovery” phase, arrangements were our brains for a solution
trapped as well as to extricate bodies. As the only made for the contingent’s return to Singapore. all the time. As for the
Chinese-speaking officer and translator of the need for a physically
contingent, MAJ Yiing Kai spoke with a lady in MAJ Yiing Kai, who recently became the attractive body, I am
her forties who had sought help to find her mother. more of a believer of
Commander of Yishun Fire Station, was also training to keep fit and
The lady described how her mother looked like, part of the Home Team Operation Lionheart healthy.
what she was dressed in, and that she wore a gold contingent that was deployed to Nepal in July Picture: MAJ Foo Yiing Kai
chain around her neck daily. It was about 6pm in 2015.
the evening and rescue efforts were ongoing. The


32 33
Picture: SSG (V) Vincent Lim,
Volunteer with the Civil Defence
Auxiliary Unit SSG (V) Vincent Lim is always dressed up to the nines no matter which uniform he dons.
The eager beaver is a career officer with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) by day and a
volunteer with the Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU) by night.

SSG (V) Vincent had his first encounter with the Home Team when serving his National
Service with the SPF as a medical orderly. “Medical orderlies play a very noble and altruistic
role. For this reason, I felt an inner calling in me to sign up with the CDAU as a medical orderly
so as to continue to contribute to society”, said SSG (V) Vincent.

2016 marks his eighth year as a CDAU volunteer.

Last year, SSG (V) Vincent enrolled in the inaugural Volunteer Firefighting Course. For three days a
week, he attended night lessons at the Civil Defence Academy where he learned basic firefighting and
rescue skills.

Before that, SSG (V) Vincent admitted that whenever he meets a SCDF firefighter at an operation, he is
always curious about how it feels like to have a “hot suit” on while carrying other equipment including the
heavy breathing apparatus set. He broke into a smile when describing his maiden experience of donning the
bunker gear (firefighting gear). He explained that while the act of donning on the bunker gear was simple, the
need to be agile and the ability to withstand the heat trapped within the suit are the real challenges to him.

As part of the Volunteer Firefighting Course training, he was tasked to run and climb flights of stairs while dressed
in bunker gear. SSG (V) Vincent revealed that it looks easier than it really is. He finally understood why SCDF
firefighters always look so calm even when battling the heat from a raging fire. The secret is to maintain composure
at all times and breathe as per usual. An alarmed firefighter who panics may end up hyperventilating and this may
quickly deplete the oxygen from the breathing apparatus set.

With the guidance from his instructors and more practice over time, SSG (V) Vincent found himself carrying
additional heavy firefighting equipment such as water hoses while covering greater distances.

Apart from physical fitness, SSG (V) Vincent also stressed that firefighters are not just physically strong. They
are also required to be mentally resilient and capable of thinking on their feet at all times. Even though all
emergency responders are guided by a set of standard operating procedures, reality is such that every incident
is still unique by itself. For this reason, it is important to take on the persona of a thinking SCDF emergency
Masculine Insights responder when being deployed to operations as there will never be a one-size-fits-all solution.
Define “Masculinity”.
Masculinity is all about In his free time, SSG (V) Vincent enjoys good conversations with friends over some beer.
keeping fit!

What constitutes ‘brains and



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