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Consumer Behavior and Technology

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Behavior and
Marketing adalah aktivitas, proses untuk menciptakan,
mengkomunikasikan, dan menyampaikan penawaran yang
memiliki nilai bagi pelanggan, klien, mitra, dan masyarakat.

Studi tentang pilihan konsumen selama mencari, mengevaluasi,
membeli, dan menggunakan produk dan layanan yang mereka
yakini akan memuaskan kebutuhan mereka

Pemasaran terdiri dari memuaskan kebutuhan konsumen,
menciptakan nilai, dan mempertahankan pelanggan, dan bahwa
perusahaan harus memproduksi hanya barang-barang yang telah
mereka tentukan akan memuaskan kebutuhan konsumen dan
memenuhi tujuan organisasi.
The process of dividing a market into subsets of consumers with
common needs or characteristic.
- Demografis: usia, gender, ras, agama, pendidikan, pekerjaan
- Geografis
- Psikografis: lifestyle, hobi
- Perilaku: ketertarikan, tujuan pembelian produk

Targeting is selecting the segments that the company views as
prospective customers and pursuing them with distinct offerings.
Menganalisa segmen pasar apakah sesuai dengan yang ada di

The process by which a company creates a distinct image and identity
for its products, services, and brands in consumers’ minds. Bagaimana
menyajikan produk di target pasar.
Learning Objective: To understand how technology has benefited both marketers
and consumers.

Technology enriches the value exchange

between consumers and marketers

Thus, technologies create a value exchange. Marketers provide value to

consumers by giving them the means to shop more efficiently, become
better informed, buy customized products, and have access to
entertainment and information. But consumers pay for the seemingly
free content by revealing themselves and giving marketers virtually
unlimited information about themselves.

More sophisticated consumers and flexible

buying channels and pricing

Technology created sophisticated and discerning consumers who are hard to

attract, satisfy, and retain. But, it has also enabled forming more refined
targeting: marketers can now customize their offerings and promotional
messages, offer more effective pricing and shorter distribution channels, and
build long-term relationships with customers more easily. They can also
identify opportunities for creating new offerings, improve and extend existing
products, and gather detailed consumer data by online tracking and combining it
with demographic and lifestyle data gathered offline.
- marketers have been offering personalized products
- marketers to gather more precise data about consumers by observing
shoppers rather than relying on their responses to post-purchase surveys.
Customized advertising and targeting

Marketers can optimize their resources by targeting individual

consumers instead of large segments.

Interactive Communications

The company can asses whether the promotional

messages were effective only after the fact, by looking at
sales and post-purchase marketing research studies.
- Klik link tautan, bisa memilih iklan yang mau
- Interactivity also enables promotional messages
designed by the customers themselves.
Cross-screen marketing: A promotional strategy that
consists of tracking and targeting users across their
computers, mobile phones, and tablets, and sending them
personalized ads based on their interests, as observed by
Learning Objective: To understand providing value and satisfaction and how
technology has enhanced customer loyalty and retention.

Customer Value

Customer value is the ratio between customers’ perceived benefits

(economic, functional, and psychological) and the resources (monetary,
time, effort, psychological) they use to obtain those benefits. For
example, diners at an exclusive French restaurant in New York City,
where a meal with beverages may cost up to $300 per person, expect
unique and delicious food, impeccable service, and beautiful decor.
When diners receive what they expected, they leave the restaurant
feeling that the experience was worth the money and other resources
expended (such as a month-long wait for a reservation).

Customer Satisfaction

Customers’ perceptions of the performance of the product or service in

relation to their expectations.

Customer Retention

Turning individual consumer transactions into long-term customer

Customer Engagement
customer satisfaction with online

1. Emotional bonds: represent a customer’s high level of

personal commitment and attachment to the company.
2. Transactional bond: are the mechanics and structures that
facilitate exchanges between consumers and sellers.
In addition to engaging customers with marketers, social media
have transformed market research. Many companies can easily
collect input about customers’ preferences—sometimes without
actively questioning consumers.

customer satisfaction with online websites and merchants:

1. Adaptation: Merchant’s purchase recommendations match

customer’s needs; ability to order products that are tailor-made;
personalized advertisements and promotions; feels like a unique
and valued customer

2. Interactivity: Ability to view merchandise offerings from

different perspectives; search tool that quickly locates products;
tools that make comparisons easy; useful information.

3. Nurturing: Receives reminders about making purchases;

provides relevant information for purchases; acknowledges
appreciation of one’s business; makes an effort to increase
business with the customer; cultivates a relationship with the
customer satisfaction with online websites and merchants:

4. Commitment: Delivers goods on time; responds to problems

encountered; customer-friendly return policies; takes good
care of customers.

5. Network: Customers sharing experiences about their product

purchases on the merchant’s website; useful network for
sharing experiences; shoppers benefit from the community
of prospects and customers sponsored by the merchant

6. Assortment: Merchant provides “one-stop shopping” for

most online purchases; site satisfies shopping needs;
merchant carries wide assortment and selection of products.

7. Transaction ease: Merchant’s website can be navigated

intuitively; a first-time buyer is able to make a purchase
without much help; user-friendly site enables quick

8. Engagement: Attractive site design; enjoyable shopping at

the site; feels that the site is inviting; feels comfortable
shopping at the site.

9. Loyalty: Seldom considers switching to another merchant;

usually clicks on merchant’s site whenever needing to make
a purchase; likes to navigate the site; favorite merchant with
which to do business.
customer satisfaction with online websites and merchants:

10. Inertia: Unless very dissatisfied, changing to a new

merchant would not be worth the bother; finds it difficult to
stop shopping at the site; feels that the cost in time, money,
and effort to change merchants is high.

11. Trust: Counts on the merchant to complete purchase

transactions successfully; trusts the site’s performance;
believes that the merchant is reliable and honest
Satisfaction & Customer Loyalty

Type of customers based on levels of customer satisfaction with

costumer behavior

1. The Loyalists: are completely satisfied customers who keep

purchasing. The apostles are loyal customers whose
experiences with the company exceeded their expectations
and who provide very positive word-of-mouth about the
company to others.

2. The Defectors: feel neutral or merely satisfied with the

company and are likely to switch to another company that
offers them a lower price.

3. The Terrorists: are customers who have had negative

experiences with the company and spread negative word-of-

4. The Hostages: are unhappy customers who stay with the

company because of a monopolistic environment or low
prices; they are difficult and costly to deal with because of
their frequent complaints.

5. The Mercenaries: are very satisfied customers who have no

real loyalty to the company and may defect because of a
lower price elsewhere or on impulse, defying the
satisfaction–loyalty rationale.
Measures of Customer Retention

1. Customer Valuation:
Value customers and categorize them according to their financial
and strategic worth so that the company can decide where to
invest for deeper relationships and determine which relationships
should be served differently or even terminated.

2. Retention Rates:
Calculate the retention rate by examining the percentage of
customers at the beginning of the year who are still customers by
the end of the year. Companies can use this ratio to make
comparisons between products, between market segments, and
over time.

3. Analyzing Defections:
Look for the root causes, not mere symptoms. This involves
probing for details when talking to former customers, an analysis
of customers’ complaints, and benchmarking against
competitors’ defection rates.
They can bundle products by combining several products or services
into one package and offering them at a single price. They can also
cross-sell (e.g., sell related products to current customers); use cross-
promotions (e.g., give discounts or other promotional incentives to
purchasers of related products); provide incentives for frequent
purchases; and impose termination costs (e.g., penalties for paying off
mortgages early).
Learning Objective: To understand marketers’ social and ethical responsibilities.

Societal Marketing Concept

A premise that requires marketers to fulfill the needs of
the target audience in ways that improve, preserve, and
enhance society’s well-being, while also meeting their
business objectives.

The societal marketing concept maintains that companies

would be better off in a stronger, healthier society and
that marketers that incorporate ethical behavior and social
responsibility attract and maintain loyal consumer
support over the long term.
Consumer Decision-Making
Brand Management
Brand management is the process of maintaining, improving, and
upholding a brand so that it is clearly differentiated from other
offerings in the same product category. Brand management stems from
the marketing concepts stating that marketers must satisfy consumer
needs and retaining customers, through the four elements of the
marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion.

Advertising includes writing advertising copy, creating visuals,
ensuring that the right messages reach the right consumers at the right
time, and determining in which media to place ads, including when and
for how long. Studying consumer behavior prepares students for
becoming copy writers, planning and implementing advertising
strategies, measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and, if
necessary, redesign promotional message to make them more

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